According to Marco, Whitebeard's share of treasure always went back to Sphinx island since the people there lived a poor quality of life. It's not a plothole. Whitebeard was seen meeting with Rockstar during the said chapter, which later led to Shanks going to greet him personally. [32] Like Gol D. Roger, Whitebeard believed that a child should not be responsible for their parents' sins. Here is the video "Iron Man: Behind the Scenes" where you can see the actual hole; this is behind the scenes so no CG. He had bandaged scrapes and cuts from his fights. It is highly likely that Roger's bounty was higher because he found the One Piece and learned the true history, while Whitebeard simply wasn't interested in all that. After Akainu killed Ace, Whitebeard brutally injured the Admiral in retaliation, with the latter being practically helpless in response to Whitebeard's power, temporarily defeating him in a relatively short battle with a mere two hits, causing immense destruction all around. Additionally, Whitebeard's speech about One Piece was longer in the anime.[160]. [14], Any crewmember from Whitebeard's crew who killed another crewmember were to be hunted down by the commander of that former crew member's division. Although this was a decent tactic for preserving his strength and energy, he squandered an opportunity to take out some of the navy's finest warriors. In the anime and other related merchandise, it is red. He was a member of the Four Emperors that ruled over the New World, until his death during the Battle of Marineford. Whitebeard was an orphan and spent most of his life in poverty. After his death, the entire world fell into chaos: with total victory declared for the Marines and all of Whitebeard's territories no longer considered dangerous (despite the fact that his crew was still alive). Claiming that Blackbeard alone was the only one whom he refused to consider his son, Whitebeard attempted to take Blackbeard's life prior to his death, calling him an arrogant fool that was never worthy of being a part of his crew. [109][150] Another example was his clash with Shanks which resulted in the heavens being split in two.[151]. Izou stated that he would make Whitebeard pay for putting his master through so much trouble. 40 years ago, Whitebeard was part of the Rocks Pirates along with Kaido and Big Mom. Its a plot hole but it doesnt ruin my interest in One piece. Whitebeard possessed immense mastery in the usage of Haoshoku Haki. This is easy, they showed it on youtube. As a result, he chose to avoid harming what others considered valuable to them. [152] He is capable of using this form of Haki in the video games One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, 3 and 4 as well as One Piece: Burning Blood. [41], This was not blind loyalty, as Whitebeard was willing to go to war with the World Government to save Ace. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? He was a member of the Four Emperors that ruled over the New World until his death during the First Battle of Dressrosa. Unlike other large-sized humans, however, he was well-proportioned. RELATED: One Piece: The 10 Best Episodes Of The Alabasta Arc (According To IMDb). Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? He was eventually promoted to commander of the sixteenth division of the crew, showing that he had earned Whitebeard's respect as a leader and fighter. It is currently unknown if any of her claims concerning her and Weevil's relationship to Whitebeard are true or not. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Some minor debate exists as to whether Whitebeard is the "proper" translation of the epithet Shirohige (, Shirohige? [1] The muscles on his biceps seemed to grow bigger whenever he used his quake-based powers. There is currently no proof on the claim that Edward Weevil is Whitebeard's son. I think Oda forgot that blade. Somehow that wasn't fatal either. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The following is a list of the 3 things. [130], During the Summit War, Whitebeard sustained 267 sword wounds, 152 gunshot wounds, and 46 wounds from cannonballs, and got a portion of his head blasted off, resulting in 465 injuries in total. [24] However, for the entire 72 years that he lived, he had never once received a wound on his back because he never ran away from his battles. In his younger days, he wore an open dark gray vest and a black bandanna, and his trademark mustache was nonexistent. Click the "Allow" button. The time for words was well past. This also marks the first time that Whitebeard called him by his name, Straw Hat Luffy, instead of "brat", proving that Whitebeard came to acknowledge him and his strength through the course of the war. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. By striking at the general area with his quake powers, he could cause large earthquakes and, under the right circumstances, massive tsunamis. Whitebeard's bounty remained unknown for the majority of the One Piece series until Chapter 957, 'ULTIMATE' dropped earlier this year. Teach ultimately became Whitebeard's greatest enemy for killing Thatch and enabling Ace's capture and execution. Although this certainly is the case, Whitebeard was equal to Roger in every way one could imagine. Also, the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu went on longer, with Whitebeard launching more vicious attacks against the Admiral. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. During this occasion, Whitebeard and Roger held a casual conversation with Kozuki Oden joining in, showing both captains were comfortable with each other's presence. The manga didnt say not a single wound on the back. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He had a long face, ploughed because of the advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, and many scars running along his chest, and was very muscular. [79] After showing his fierce tenacity, Luffy had managed to gain Whitebeard's respect. Among Whitebeard's known territories, his own homeland of Sphinx was the most important to him. Right after there is a page of Crocodile shouting that the Whitebeard he fought could never be that weak and Marco comments that he should easily have dodged if so his poor health must have gotten even worse. [69] They all seemed to know Ace, at least, and were willing to help Whitebeard's cause when Ace was about to be executed at Marineford; however, they were not aware that Ace was Roger's son until around the time Ace died. You can see Downey sitting under the prosthetics at 2:13 in the video in the question. [65] This hostility dissipated a bit when Oden was formally inducted into the Whitebeard Pirates, with Izou sticking around for Oden's sake. Despite having been rivals with Gol D. Roger, Whitebeard held great respect for him. [30] Whitebeard also treated all of his "sons" and "daughters" equally and claimed to Squard that Ace was no different than any other, despite being Roger's son. Only thing that makes sense. Kaidou does not think highly of Whitebeard, stating that he was too soft despite being powerful. [59] After Ace was freed from the execution platform, Whitebeard asked him if he had been a good father to him and felt satisfied once Ace stated that he was a good father. Marco the Phoenix is the former 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. To access the website, click "Allow". After the bounties of the current Yonko were disclosed, Oda revealed the bounties of Whitebeard and Roger to the fans as well. During his tenure as a pirate, he was a known member of the legendary Rocks Pirates and later in life became part of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World,[5][4] before his death in the Summit War of Marineford.[13]. Whitebeard parries a two-handed downward swing from giant Vice Admiral John Giant with just one hand. However, that certainly didn't mean that he didn't have a code to adhere to. Just as Roger found his treasure, Whitebeard found his as well. In the beginning of the first movie he is shown in the cave with some wires hanging off his chest attached to a battery of sorts to keep the shrapnel out of his heart. The fact that nobody was as strong as him was acknowledged by everyone, including the likes of Shanks, and even Garp, who called him 'King of the Seas'. [111] During the Summit War of Marineford Newgate's health was declining at a rapid rate due to his refusal to go into battle with life support and medication, despite this he was able to engage in combat with Aokiji,[112] Kizaru,[113] and Akainu[23] on even terms. Then they put in his "heart" so it would look like it's actually a hole in his chest while his actual chest is underneath it. Edward Newgate vs. Sakazuki (after the death of Ace). It also shows his back with no scars. He could use Murakumogiri to fight off countless powerful Marines in Marineford, including Marine Admirals, and during his prime, he also clashed with Kozuki Oden who was one of the strongest samurais of Wano. This one's a plot hole. Due to his age and worsening health, it was not as powerful compared to his prime, but he could still negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. How are bullet impacts in concrete walls created? Not to be confused with Macro or Macro (Automaton). Weevil self-proclaimed himself to be his son and his mother supported this theory by self-proclaiming to be "Newgate's lover". Answer: i think he knew he was going to die but at the same time he thought at least i could save ace and sacrifice myself and on top of that he knew his health was failing but when ace died he gave up so he just diied but he died as a yonko and as a legend he also said that the one piece exis. Being the strongest person in One Piece, it's no surprise that Whitebeard was an extremely powerful Haki user. [146], Whitebeard could use his power to enhance his physical attacks by surrounding his hands and feet with concentrated quake bubbles. It took so much more than that too kill him. In the American Shonen Jump, his laugh is changed to "Gu ha ha ha ha". Whitebeard went ahead to fight BB because BB appeared just at the same time. After Ace's death, Whitebeard tried to stop Akainu but was attacked by Kizaru. rev2023.3.3.43278. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It'd be a shame if you died here, kid. Whitebeard respected both Monkey D. Garp and Sengoku, a respect which was mutual. [102], Under normal circumstances, they did not provoke each other. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, One Piece: 10 Things You Didnt Know About 'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate, One Piece: The 10 Best Episodes Of The Alabasta Arc (According To IMDb), One Piece: The Strongest Pre-Timeskip Characters, Ranked, One Piece: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Will Of D, One Piece: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Will of D, One Piece: 10 Facts You Didnt Know About Haki. He was not ashamed of this wish, which was considered strange and humorous among his pirate peers. Marco the Phoenix is the former 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. [48] Upon learning that Ace was his rival's son, Whitebeard did not see his bloodline as an inconvenience, and even tried to inspire Ace to respect Roger as his father. [36] Whitebeard was naturally protective of his family and did not tolerate the idea of letting a crewmate join someone else's crew, especially a rival one. written on it. In terms of power, Whitebeard was known as the only known man to have ever matched Gol D. Roger in One Piece. you can see in this pic They first created a prosthetic chest over his real chest and spray tanned it to match his original skin tone. 1 Answer. Even in death, his body did not fall. In Iron Man, why is Tony Stark fooled for so long? He could also surround the blade of his polearm with a quake bubble, greatly increasing its destructive power as well. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It's addressed in the literal next page. It was confirmed by Eiichiro Oda that Whitebeard had the skill to use all three Haki types. Was the Iron Man video phone technology ever used in real life? From their first meeting and their brief fight, Whitebeard understood how crazy and strong Oden was. After Whitebeard's death, Blackbeard stole his Devil Fruit powers, conquered his territories, and usurped his post as one of the Four Emperors. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Will of D. The second rule was something that Whitebeard had set for himself. While 4Kids Entertainment never dubbed any of his appearances in the anime proper, some tie-in materials indicate that it planned to rename him Ward Newgate. Checking your browser. [105] Weevil and his mother seek to obtain Whitebeard's fortune due to their belief that they are his rightful heirs, and to this end they have been hunting down Whitebeard's surviving allies and their subordinate crews in order to claim it. He was unable to focus properly and therefore vulnerable. [120][121][122] Whitebeard blocked a two-handed downward swing from the giant Vice Admiral John Giant with only one hand on his naginata,[123] extinguished the flames of one of Akainu's molten rocks with just a single breath,[124] and prevented a massive paddle ship from advancing using only one hand. Whitebeard stops his flagship from charging forward with just one hand. In the past, he was able to defeat Crocodile (though it is unknown if the former Warlord of the Sea had eaten his Devil Fruit by that point). He's sick, man. Marco says that even if WBs guard was down, he should have been able to react that attack. The first one was set by him on his crew and according to this rule, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were forbidden from ever killing another crew member (a rule that Blackbeard broke). How do they film the mirror scenes in movies? Whitebeard was mostly annoyed with Shiki's ramblings at the time, but seemingly knew he had something planned, being familiar with the Golden Lion's penchant for schemes. Jinbe had expressed many times that he owed a great deal of gratitude to the Emperor[75] and refused to participate in the war against Whitebeard, even if it meant losing his Warlord of the Sea title and being imprisoned in Impel Down. As he further bonded with Whitebeard's crewmates, who already treated him as family, Ace eventually grew to respect Whitebeard so much that he viewed him as a proper father figure, due to his hatred of his actual father, Gol D. Roger. A distinguishing feature of Whitebeard's nature was his high moral standards: he never forgave the death of a crewmate by another and believed that a man could not live without some form of honor code. How are the face-in-suit segments of Iron Man filmed? Even after the initial strike proved Whitebeard's quake punch has no effect on Blackbeard, Whitebeard continued to punch several more times before using his naginata. Edward Newgate was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and was known as "The Strongest Man in the World" and "The Man closest to One Piece" after Gol D. Roger's death. The Emperor's tactical prowess was demonstrated when he saw through Sengoku's deliberate leak of information regarding a change of schedule for Ace's execution,[136] and when he foresaw the Pacifista's arrival at Marineford and scattered the pirates so that they would not be routed by the cyborgs.[137]. Whitebeard is widely regarded as the "strongest man" in the world. However, Kaidou saw an opportunity to eliminate his adversary prior to the impending Summit War of Marineford and did not hesitate to attempt to do so. How to match a specific column position till the end of line? Over the years, Jinbe's respect for Whitebeard had grown to the point where he was ready to declare himself as an adversary to anyone or anything with ill intent upon the Emperor's life, which is why he immediately engaged in battle against Ace on their first encounter, since Ace was out to assassinate Whitebeard at that time. And he was still a monster. And despite all this, his proud back, over the course of his entire life as a pirate, never received a single scar from running away! I don't like being a nitpicker but at the end of his life, there's a speech about how there's not a single injury on his back because he never turned away in a fight. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Will Of D. As seen in One Piece Chapter 965, Whitebeard's sole reason for recruiting Teach on his crew was because he was an orphan and had nowhere to go. In One Piece Chapter 966, Whitebeard displayed the ability to use high-level advanced Armament and Conqueror's Haki when he was seen clashing against Roger in the Grand Line. At the time of the war, he was in bad health. Weevil also wishes to avenge Whitebeard's death by killing the Emperor Marshall D. Teach, indicating that, at the very least, he truly believes himself to be Whitebeard's son. Which means he never got wounds from retreating, not that he has never suffered damage on his back. He also had extraordinary stamina and vitality despite his great age. How did Whitebeard get a hole in his chest? He was suffering from heart attacks because he took off his life-support system prematurely. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? In the manga, Whitebeard has no hair showing, but in the anime, he initially had some brown hair; his hair was later retconned to follow the manga. In fact, the notion of separating himself from just one of them and for a short time infuriated him. [23][21] Whitebeard also received a brutal assault from the Blackbeard Pirates. A close rival of Gol D. Roger, he was powerful enough to contend with the forces of Marineford by himself, staving off the three admirals even despite the early betrayal he suffered from Squard. He had a long face, ploughed because of the advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, and many scars running along his chest, and was very muscular. 0"). Whitebeard's favorite foods are alcoholic beverages and cheap food. Whitebeard took off his life support system a day before Marineford. Since his old captain had spent much of his fortune aiding his struggling homeland, Marco found himself with the duty of protecting the one thing that still remained from Whitebeard's past, becoming a local doctor who took care of the health of the locals. However, Whitebeard did not like Roger's attempt to "borrow" Oden as a crewmate for the Roger Pirates and was further angered when Oden did show interest in switching crews. He was sick and we saw he couldn't use CoC later makes sense he won't use CoO unless he was fighting someone like Garp and Mihawk. Squardo got a hit in because of Whitebeard's condition and age, then Akainu got that chest hit in because of the same thing also. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Like other characters in One Piece, he had a unique laugh, which was "Gu ra ra ra ra". [19], As a child, he wore a light-colored sleeveless shirt with the word "Power" (, Chikara?) A pirate with a similar crescent-shaped mustache, Oda explained in an extra pamphlet (that came with initial copies of. [66], Izou eventually grew fond of his new group and became a full-fledged member, preferring to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates when Oden decided to join the Roger Pirates. Having the ability to see a few seconds into the future but still getting stabbed by some random guy, is a plot hole. [89], Whitebeard made many enemies over the years besides the other Emperors and the World Government. She claims and/or believes herself to have been Whitebeard's lover, and that he is the father of her son, which she believes makes her and Weevil the rightful heirs to Whitebeard's fortune. [1] However, Marco noted that Whitebeard's health had gotten worse, and he no longer possessed the reflexes to avoid Squard's surprise attack, which was, in the past, something easy for him to achieve. Whitebeard's color scheme in the manga at age 48. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? Even Teach was shocked by Whitebeard's tenacity. He let Oden go without saying goodbye, but still ordered his crew to leave some supplies for him and his family. [85] At least one other Emperor, Big Mom, placed Fish-Man Island under her protection[86] while Foodvalten fell to Brownbeard. He was always seen bare-chested, and wore light, loose pants tucked inside his large black boots, and a dark pirate sash around his waist. Blowing off half of Whitebeard's face and opening a huge hole in his chest, Akainu dealt the most damaging blows to him. He is the author of some of the articles here that you liked, and others that you didn't. However, even after taking so much damage in his already weakened state, he died standing, an impressive feat when compared to other characters. Edward Newgate, before he became known as "Whitebeard". That's how weak he was before he even stepped foot on the battlefield. [14], His reign on the sea, reputation, and foreboding power made him seemingly overconfident and fearless. When he isn't writing, he is often reading all sorts of manga. [72], After losing his entire crew to Roger, Squard was taken in by Whitebeard, who treated him like a son and saved him from the loneliness of losing all of his comrades. And don't tell me he "let his guard down". He was shot by 152 bullets and was hit by 46 cannonballs. He could even "grab" the surrounding area itself and tilt it, described as making the entire sea tilt. Not long before his death, Roger met with Whitebeard on an island to have what seemed to be an entirely cordial drinking session, with Roger even offering to give the location of Laugh Tale to Whitebeard, and when Whitebeard asked Roger about the Will of D., Roger willingly told him about it. [53] However, Whitebeard did not force commanders to hunt down wayward crew members if he had an uneasy feeling about the situation; in the case of Blackbeard, Whitebeard tried to make an exception and stop Ace from hunting him down, but Ace did so anyway for the sake of Whitebeard's honor. Squard, in return, thought of Whitebeard as a father figure, but felt betrayed when he thought that Whitebeard was planning to sacrifice all of his subordinate crews to save Ace, leading him to stab the Emperor in a surprise attack. Whitebeard with brown hair in his anime debut. After Whitebeard's death, when the narrator lists all the injuries Whitebeard suffered, swords that have pierced his front and through his body could be seen with the tips protruding from his back. Why is this continuously a question? In Episode 484, instead of burning off a portion of Whitebeard's head, Akainu only managed to remove part of Whitebeard's mustache. You have people like Katakuri who can see what people will say before they think it, and then you have a yonko (the strongest of the yonko at that) who gets stabbed so easily in the middle of a fight where the entire marine force is after him and admirals try to get a shot at him left and right. Home; Uncategorized; how did whitebeard get a hole in his chest He didn't need time to do jack shit, he was put out of action, screaming, bleeding and coughing up blood. [1] In his prime, he was second only to Roger. Because of this, he was not afraid of sacrificing himself for the safety of those he considered his children. As MichaelItzoe wrote - after the cut to the view from far you can see the real legs of Downey below the chair. [145] His quakes would cause serious damage and alterations to the surrounding landscape, destroying buildings, creating large crevices in the ground, and pushing up fragments of the ground into new rock formations. A flying slash brought Kizaru to sudden halt as blood burst out of his chest, staining his bright yellow suit. Whitebeard was an immensely skilled user of Busoshoku Haki, which he could imbue his weapon Murakumogiri with. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? how did whitebeard get a hole in his chest. His place of origin is listed as Sphinx island in the One Piece Vivre Card databook, and it was revealed canonically in the story when Nekomamushi went to seek Marco for the war of Wano Country. Going against all odds but staying alive, because the story would end abruptly if he died since he's the main character. During the initial stages of the Marineford War, Marco stood right by Whitebeard's side, informing him of battlefield intel, protecting him from long-range assaults, listening to his comments and orders, and was also the only one to rush to Whitebeard's aid after the latter got stabbed by Squard, showing little tolerance to the perpetrator for harming his captain. It is a well-known fact that Whitebeard was renowned across the oceans as the Strongest Man in the World. I don't know this for certain, but the way he's slouched in the chair and the way the skin sits, I always assumed that he had a sort of prosthetic chest and he was actually deeper in the chair than he appears to be.