A stock music from Riptide One catalog and composed by Dynamedion company. The music serves as the Prize Corner's Music Box. PC / Computer - Five Nights at Freddy's - Sound Effects - The #1 source for video game sounds on the internet! Remember you can always share any sound with your friends on social media and other apps or upload your own sound clip. . File:Glitch2.ogg It is a "1905 Metal Disc Music Box: Lullaby Waltz" sample from the Music Box Collection album by Hot Ideas Inc. https://fnafapedia.fandom.com/wiki/File:Scream3.ogg, Springtrap crawling through the vents. Organized in video format!Trailer - 0:42Teaser Images - 2:11Title Screen - 2:43Custom Night - 3:04Mask Cutscenes - 3:26Newspapers \u0026 Paychecks - 4:57Camera Monitors / Map - 5:31Posters \u0026 Drawing - 10:45Death Screens - 12:03Freddy - 12:19Golden Freddy - 12:57Toy Freddy - 13:16Chica - 13:41Toy Chica - 14:13Bonnie - 14:50Toy Bonnie - 15:21Foxy - 15:57Mangle - 16:19BB \u0026 JJ - 16:57The Puppet - 17:22Endoskeleton - 17: 53Shadow Freddy \u0026 Bonnie - 18:03Minigame Take Cake to the Children - 18:13Minigame Foxy Go! File:Vent closer1.ogg A warning to those who want to look through the game's files before actually finishing the game. Sounds are from the first Five Nights at Freddy's, 2, 3, and 4 the Final Chapter. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:BB_Hi.ogg (The echoey version of GREETINGS, CHILD, GIRL - 'HI' (HUMAN VOICE SPEAKING), as heard in the game.) FNaF:SL & CN (Done!) All FNAF sounds revesered by FNAFBOYFNAF3FNAF4. In this category you have all sound effects, voices and sound clips to play, download and share. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The older title music that can be played only in the original PC port. It is a "Science Fiction - Atmospheres - Scary Ambience With Sci-Fi Sirens" from SoundDogs. File:Ending.ogg, Door Creaks -Note no immortal and the restless files as those are rly hard to organize. All FNAF sounds/textures remix-2 by yoannzrillic. Static heard on the Game Over screen. Go! The Fnaf 2 ambience meme sound belongs to the memes. FNaF 2 (Done!) SoundDogs, Foley - Footsteps - Grass, Man, Single Steps, Crunchy, Running Very Fast, Grass Sharp, Close Up (The middle portion of this sound effect can be heard when Foxy is seen running the left hallway to attack player. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_I.ogg SoundDogs, Industry: Fluorescent Lights Neon Signs: One Large Tube, On Off Nice Low Rattle, Steady Hum, Electric Buzz, ECU, Interior (Used for the flashlight.) The Fnaf 2 jumpscare meme sound belongs to the memes. Listen to this episode from Into the Night: A FNaF Podcast on Spotify. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_T.ogg (Login|Register) Register today to join in with discussions on the forum, post comments on the site, and upload your own sounds! Used on Night 2 at 3 AM. Video Helper, Distorted Long Hit, Alien Scream! Remember you can always share any sound with your friends on social media and other apps or upload your own sound clip. Free to download. (OLD) File:FNAF4 doorcreak2.ogg File:Collect.ogg "P" from the "H-E-L-P T-H-E-M" minigames. Animatronic is in the door noise from FNAF 1, played backwards. Five Nights at Freddy's 2 ALL sounds in-game Greytezi 85.8K subscribers Subscribe 50K 3.3M views 8 years ago Five Nights at Freddy's 2 every sound found inside of the game Download these. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Oh neat, this has Springtrap's movement sounds from FNAF 3. File:Laugh.ogg Share to Popcorn Maker. It was first released on Desura on August 8, 2014 (although it was ultimately removed on the unknown date), and released on Steam on August 18, 2014. . EMBED (for wordpress.com hosted blogs and archive.org item <description> tags . Free MP3 Download. Hello, Guest! File:Scanner4.ogg That means that either. SoundDogs, Industry: Fluorescent Lights Neon Signs: One Large Tube, On Off Nice Low Rattle, Steady Hum, Electric Buzz, ECU, Interior, SoundDogs, Vocals - Breaths - American Military Gas Mask - Int - CU - Heavy Panic Breathing, Sound Ideas, CHILDREN, CROWD - SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE OF CHILDREN: CHEERING 'YEA! Find more sounds like the Fnaf 2 ambience.mp3 one in the sfx category page. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_V.ogg (The low pitched versions of Science Fiction: Various, Others: TI Speak And Spell - Robot Voice - A, E, H, I, L, M, P, S, T, & V, as heard in the game.). This page does not work well in portrait mode on mobile. File:FNAF4 doorcreak4.ogg File:Night2final2.ogg Find more sounds like the Fnaf 2 ambience one in the memes category page. Listen to FNAF 3 Sounds/Music, a playlist curated by FNAF Voices & Music on desktop and mobile. Go! Find more sounds like the FNAF 2 Ambience one in the games category page. Not used in-game. Free to download. Amanda screaming. File:Mb9.ogg, Night 1 phone call. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:BB_Hello.ogg (The echoey version of Greeting, 1 boy, 6 yrs, "Hello", answering phone, human voice, child, kid, speak, talk, as heard in the game.) FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S SOUND EFFECTS SOUNDBOARD JAYUZUMI SOUNDBOARDS Over 90 different sounds from the FNAF games including Jack in the box, Music Box, Balloon Boy, and more. Bonnie, Chica, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica or Mangle are right outside the vents. remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. https://fnafapedia.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2Static.ogg, File:Titlemusic.ogg (OLD) Version: 1.0.0 over 3 years ago The OLD version that is going to be redone. BB becomes active on Night 2.Starting in the Game Area, he will eventually come to the Office via the Left Air Vent.With each of his movements, he can say, "Hello," "Hi . Sounds are from the first Five Nights at Freddys, 2, 3, and 4 the Final Chapter. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_A.ogg Find your favorite soundboards containing thousands of sound clips and memes. File:FNaF3 garble1.ogg It's the ambience you hear in the background when you play FNAF 2. It is a "TOY, JACK-IN-THE-BOX - JACK IN THE BOX: MUSIC PLAY, POP UP 02" sample from Sound Ideas but sped up. it says horror. The Maintenance Panel buffering. These files are found in the "sounds" folder. The original sample of this music is from an old commercial by Fisher-Price. (The echoey . "V" from the "S-A-V-E T-H-E-M" and "S-A-V-E H-I-M" minigames. VGFacts DidYouKnowGaming? An ambient clip of a subtle electric motor that plays only when the camera monitor is raised. Find more sounds like the FNAF 2 Hallway Ambience one in the games category page. VGFacts DidYouKnowGaming? Composed by Leon Riskin, it plays exclusively to the remastered non-PC ports as the only original track. Listen to FNAF 2 Sound Files, a playlist curated by toy_foxy_the_mangle on desktop and mobile. The player unequipping the Monitor. Warning: Loud! FNaF 4 (In the works) FNaF World (In the works) FNaF:SL & CN (Done!) Share to Reddit. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! If you do, start up Gmod, open the addons list, disable the old footstep mod and then restart Gmod. File:Alarm.ogg 3. ashes202985 File:Door2a.ogg. Contents 1 Main Tracks 1.1 Untitled Menu Theme 1.2 My Grandfather's Clock 1.3 Pop Goes the Weasel 1.4 Les Cloches Du Monastre 2 Ambient Tracks 2.1 In the Depths 2.2 Scary Space 2.3 Metal Stabs 2.4 Scary Sirens 2.5 CMPTR 3 Trailer Tracks File:Lever2.ogg File:FNAF4 doorcreak1.ogg, Door Close File:Land.ogg It was a stock music composed by Bjrn Lynne. The music was actually first used for the Curse of Dreadbear DLC's main hub from Help Wanted. i was scared of chuck e cheese when i was little. PC / Computer - Five Nights at Freddy's 3 - Sound Effects - The #1 source for video game sounds on the internet! https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:Xscream2.ogg (The combination of a distorted version of Monster, Yell, Distorted Howl And Screech and Distorted Long Hit, Alien Scream!, as heard in the game.) https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_Jack-In-The-Box.ogg (The extremely high pitched and sped up version of Sound Ideas, TOY, JACK-IN-THE-BOX - JACK IN THE BOX: MUSIC PLAY, POP UP 02, as heard in the game.) 1. Contents 1 Animatronics' Movement 1.1 Walking/Running Noises 1.2 Crawling Through The Vent 2 Music Box Noises 3 Death Minigames 3.1 Various Minigame Noises 4 Success 5 Game Over 6 Cutscene Sounds 7 Ambient Noise 8 Menu Music 9 In The Office 10 Animatronic Noises 10.1 Jumpscare 10.2 Movement 10.3 Other 11 Various Minigame Noises 11.1 Various File:PartyFavorraspyPart AC01 3.ogg FTF02 by FNAF Voices & Music . File:Lever1.ogg File:Feed.ogg "H" from the "S-A-V-E T-H-E-M," "H-E-L-P T-H-E-M," and "S-A-V-E H-I-M" minigames. File:Mb8.ogg File:Night1final.ogg so you can probably guess 2014 was not a good year for me lol. FNAF Footsteps Mod. File:Door2b.ogg The music box will play when the Puppet is about to attack after leaving the Music Box unwind. Redeem Now Five Nights at Freddy's Original Soundtrack All Popular tracks Tracks Albums Playlists It is a "Scary Dramatic High Pitched Metal Stabs with Metallic Garble" sample from SoundDogs. The player equipping the Monitor. Share to Tumblr. File:Scare.ogg We weary games before World don't have organized sounds and all of the downloads have both of the textures and sounds in them, I also didnt extract the games myself so don't ask. Soundeffects Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. PC / Computer - Five Nights at Freddy's 2 - Sound Effects - The #1 source for video game sounds on the internet! (OLD) Version: 1.1.0 over 3 years ago The OLD version that is going to be redone. BB is in the vent to your left. File:Danger2b.ogg The only way out is through the Utility Tunnels below the entertainment complex, but below the surface lays secrets best left to rest. Find more sounds like the Fnaf 2 jumpscare one in the memes category page. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_S.ogg https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_E.ogg File:Desolate Underworld2.ogg Foxy, Freddy, Toy Freddy or Golden Freddy is in the hallway. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_H.ogg After he fixed it, he never bothered to make a new FNAF 3 dump, I guess. - NOTE: no sounds other than title theme. File:Crush.ogg noice. File:Door2c.ogg The player raising the Maintenance Panel. File:Mask.ogg, Warning: Some Sounds are Loud and Sudden! NOTE: Make sure that you DO NOT have another footstep mod. Overview History Gallery Audio Trivia. Hello, Guest! Gregory has less than 30 minutes to get out of the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex before it closes down. File:Startday.ogg, File:Tablefan.ogg File:Night3final.ogg (The combination of a distorted version of Monster, Yell, Distorted Howl And Screech and Distorted Long Hit, Alien Scream!, as heard in the game.) FNAF Jumpscare Sound. Wiki Sprites Models Textures Sounds Login. Ultimate Custom Night (done!) Selecting an option on the main menu. Remember you can always share any sound with your friends on social media and other apps or upload your own sound clip. on March 2, 2022, Audio Source:https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Deaths_and_Jumpscares/Audio, There are no reviews yet. The primary ambience for the whole night. HOME CATERGORIES ANIME SOUNDBOARDS Ambience. The player lowering the Maintenance Panel. The audio of children singing the "London Bridge is Falling Down" rhyme song, used for the trailer's beginning hallway scene with Withered Bonnie. The player breathing heavily due to ventilation systems failing. (Login|Register) Register today to join in with discussions on the forum, post comments on the site, and upload your own sounds! Five Nights at Freddy's 2 - Sound File - Electric Garble (The Mangle) by . "T" from the "S-A-V-E T-H-E-M" and "H-E-L-P T-H-E-M" minigames. (Login|Register) Register today to join in with discussions on the forum, post comments on the site, and upload your own sounds! Due to its universal success upon release, the game spawned a media franchise for a series of games, books, etc. Wiki Sprites Models Textures Sounds Login. Almost all of the FNAF Voices/Sounds/Music. File:Stare.ogg. The Puppet in The Office. File:Vent quiet1.ogg Currently includes 3 weapons! Monitor running. https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNAF2_P.ogg Balloon Boy, otherwise known as BB, is a humanoid Toy animatronic, that is featured in Five Nights at Freddy's 2.It is unknown if the Toy Animatronics are possessed by more victims of the Purple Guy/William Afton. In this category you have all sound effects, voices and sound clips to play, download and share. File:Night4final.ogg "M" from the "S-A-V-E T-H-E-M," "S-A-V-E H-I-M," and "H-E-L-P T-H-E-M" minigames. SoundCloud FNAF 3 Sounds/Music by FNAF Voices & Music published on 2017-01-06T03:36:26Z. Sounds > Fnaf Soundboard FNAF Jumpscare Scream Fnaf 2 Hallway I always come back - ScrapTrap/William Afton fnaf 2 scream FNAF 4 Jumpscare Thanos Beatbox [FNAF] 6 AM Fnaf 6 Jumpscare Sound Fnaf Ambient Noise FNAF Balloon Boy Hi FNAF 3 Death Scream FNAF Balloon Boy Hello FNaF Golden Freddy Scream fnaf 2 music box MICHAEL DONT LEAVE ME HERE File:Jump3.ogg -Note no immortal and the restless files as those are rly hard to organize FNaF 6 (Done!) 2. Uploaded by It was heard during the Night 1-4 dream cutscenes. Night 6 phone call. Soundtrack (FNaF2) View source This is a soundtrack list for Five Nights at Freddy's 2 . Freddy Fazbear's nose squeaking on the poster. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. File:Vent louder2.ogg, Warning: Loud! Starting a new night. File:Crazy garble.ogg, File:Mb1.ogg Night 3 phone call. SoundDogs, Buzz Fan Florescent (Used for the office fan.) PS I have someone already testing the downloads so it should work and be safe, but if there is any problems let me know. Changing Monitor views. Used on Night 3 during Golden's birthday party. "E" from the "S-A-V-E T-H-E-M" and "S-A-V-E H-I-M" minigames. FNaF VR: Help Wanted (Will Take Awhile) The FNAF 2 Ambience meme sound belongs to the games. The music plays when the player beats Night 5, 6, and 7. FNAF Jumpscare Scream. File:Vent quiet2.ogg In this category you have all sound effects, voices and sound clips to play, download and share. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The FNAF 2 Ambience meme sound belongs to the games.
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