Each of these phases consists of an approach to learning, an approach to subjects, and a set of subjects.A Regents education focuses on the core knowledge and basic skills that students need in order to be well prepared for their future academic pursuits by using proven pedagogy that utilizes the best content from Western civilization, which has endured the test of time, and which follows the natural learning abilities of the person.With the completion of the Trivium, students will have mastered the real tools of learningfundamental building blocks, analytical skills, mental discipline, oral presentation, writing skills, and a biblical framework. The mission of Regents School of Charlottesville is to provide a classical and Christian education, founded upon and informed by a biblical worldview, that quips students to know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and excellent, and challenges them to live purposefully and intelligently as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Additionally, Regents is gaining a reputation due to its expanding athletic program, thriving drama and dance programs, mock trial team. Thank you REGENTS! Top notch coaching staff for various sports. 208-882-6101 [emailprotected]. In addition to these forms, a personal interview and academic assessment will be required. Tuition and mandatory fees are the academic costs required of all students for general enrollment. Tuition is for the highest grade offered and may have changed for the current school year. We were impressed in Kindergarten that he was learning First Grade math at Regents because he was ready. She has made great friends. Scripture Memory Great Books Low-Technology Environment Close Community Register now. Regents School of Charlottesville follows the classical Trivium approach to academics, dividing K-12 students into Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric schools. Amy Lindsey is a Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Regents School of Charlottesville based in Charlottesville, Virginia. of students and parents agree that the teachers give engaging lessons. Our parents and families are the backbone of the school. She is so happy to go to school every morning. Main photo & photos left, second left: Sarah Hazelgrove; far right: ScrimmagePlay. The logic teacher uses the students tendency to argue and question as a method to mold and shape their reasoning skills. of UC's California undergrads pay no tuition. We hope that a Regents education cultivates in children the ability to discern what is good, true, and beautiful and to defend it with wisdom and engaging persuasion. Elementary, Secondary Ed (B20) . Regents School of Charlottesville was established in August of 2010 in Charlottesville, Virginia with the hope and expectation that all we do as a school would be Soli Deo Gloria (to God. Charlottesville Waldorf School Photo - Grade School Classrooms. The school bus travels to the Grammar School campus and then to the Logic and Rhetoric School campus. #text-3144758520 { Four powerful questions that require reflection about what really matters - results. 25 Things You Need to Know About Private Schools, Virginia private school average acceptance rate, Charlottesville Catholic School Photo - Charlottesville Catholic School in the Fall. }, Rigorous Academics Grades K-12 Competitive Athletics The grammar phase (K-6) incorporates memorization and learning tools that help encourage exploring, discovering, and reinforcing fundamentals. Our shared vision among parents, families, faculty, and staff allows us to achieve more. The Community:In every interaction, each member of the community attempts to live out our love for Christ by loving one another well. In addition to financially supporting their students' education, they pray for the school, volunteer in classrooms, assist teachers and administrators with special projects, and help with the car pool line every day among other activities. Kayla Carson is a Spanish Teacher at Regents School of Charlottesville based in Charlottesville, Virginia. Founded Date 2010. The best way to find out about Regents School is to experience us in action during the school day by scheduling a tour. Regents School of Charlottesville 5.00 (6 reviews) 200 Bob Finley Way Charlottesville, VA 22903 Tel: (434) 293-0633 regents-school.org Regents School of Charlottesville exists to provide a classical and biblical education which equips our students to live purposefully and intelligently for the glory of God and benefit of man. A significant number of our staff members are also second generation classical students and bring that intuition to their classical classrooms. This is a place where you can be comfortable enough to try something new and supported enough to get better at the things you love. Applications will be considered as spaces remain available. After graduation, 90% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college. You will find curriculum that is a catalyst to wisdom and virtue. Regents School offers morning bus transportation from the parking lot of the Charlottesville at the Wal-Mart on 29. So, I asked ChatGPT to explain itself. Students are invited to visit for a day. As a grandmother of 3 Regents students, I have had the privilege of watching the school and my grandchildren grow for the past 6 years. Every Regents graduate is equipped to discern truth, think logically, and speak winsomely for the glory of God and the good of all people. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? of students and parents agree that students at this school are creative and artsy. The following forms should be printed and distributed to the appropriate people. Renaissance School Photo - Creativity. Students use the facts they have learned and challenged to articulate a position on a given topic. The logic phase (7-8) helps students to engage in conversation, analyze data and arguments, distinguish fact from fallacy, and develop sound rules of logic. Regents School of Charlottesville exists to provide a classical and biblical education which equips our students to live purposefully and intelligently for the glory of God and benefit of man. Based on student and parent reviews of clubs and activities. The application deadline for Regents School of Charlottesville is Feb. 1 / rolling (applications are due on Feb. 1 but additional applications are reviewed year-round as space permits ). The Regents School of Charlottesville admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. You will hear laughter and notice students engaged with each other and their teachers. and who do the programs serve? We are SO THANKFUL for Regents school! #RegentsSchool #RegentsSchoolofCharlottesville #RegentsLions #Charlottesville #classicalchristian #classicaleducation #christianeducation #classicalchristianeducation #privateschool #SoliDeoGloria Regents School of Charlottesville was established in August of 2010 in Charlottesville, Virginia with the hope and expectation that all we do as a school would be Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone be the glory.) 19% of all K-12 students in Charlottesville, VA are educated in private schools (compared to the VA state average of 10%). Moscow, ID 83843 I have been so impressed with the teachers and administration. Keep in mind that your total cost will vary depending on your personal expenses and the campus you attend. That's because UC has one of the strongest financial aid programs in the country. 341 were here. Congratulations to Miss Kara Faraldi who received her certification in the Kodaly method of music instruction at the Chenaniah Summer Music Institute at New St Andrew's College in Moscow Idaho in July! $20,988 (Central's Tuition) + $12,060 (Central's Room & Board) = $33,048 A Comparison of Tuition + Room and Board With Other Iowa Institutions $11,629 The mission of Regents School is to provide a classical and Christian education, founded upon and informed by a Christian worldview, that equips students to know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and beautiful, and challenges them to strive. It has 208 students in grades K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 9 to 1. The Charlottesville area serves as an ideal backdrop for ones educational development and offers a variety of attractions such as Jeffersons Monticello, the University of Virginia, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shenandoah National Park, in addition to many vineyards and orchards. Our faculty develops young scholars who are deeply rooted in the fundamentals of knowledge passed down over generations and who are self-motivated, intellectually curious, and compassionate toward their fellow man. All Four Basketall Teams Earn Trips to the VACA Championship! The focus on Classical Christian education helps our boys thrive. Our mission is to provide a classical and Christian education, founded upon and informed by a biblical worldview, that equips . The teaching of young children. The Charlottesville area serves as an ideal backdrop for ones educational development and offers a variety of attractions such as Jeffersons Monticello, the University of Virginia, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shenandoah National Park, in addition to many vineyards and orchards. to get more GuideStar Nonprofit Profile data today! Because of the magnitude and importance of its task, the Admissions Committees independence and integrity will be guarded. Even if you dont qualify for financial aid, UCs Tuition Stability Plan keeps your tuition the same for up to six years. Shared Vision:Our greatest capabilities are derived from our commitment to honoring Christ through making disciples as we educate students. The 2022-2023school year is our thirteenth year of operation. Education. It is the spirit that envelops Regents School and permeates throughout the campus. When my son first switched here from public school he said "Mom, Regents is so much harder but I like it so much better. From the Great Books to Latin, Scripture memory to logic, Regents School follows a proven, academically rigorous model of education focused on forming the soul. Thanks to our parents, grandparents, and friends of Regents! ROLLING ADMISSIONS AFTER FEBRUARY 1ST | LEARN MORE. Niche ranks nearly 100,000 schools and districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents. Read More we were tired of fluff; we wanted to go all in for what is real, what is true. Faculty and Staff: Our faculty and staff members' commitment to honoring Christ in every area of life allows them to excel in educating our students through a heart-based approach. grant aid and assessment. The following forms should be printed and distributed to the appropriate people. Email contact available with a Pro subscription, Fundraising contact phone: (434) 293-0633, Legal name of organization: Regents School of Charlottesville. This chart estimates the cost of attending UC for one year as a new California resident undergraduate. The Regents School of Charlottesvilles mission is to provide a classical and Christian education that equips our students to know, love and practice that which is true, good and excellent, and challenges them to live purposefully and intelligently as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ for the benefit of man and the glory of God. In Fall 2019,Regents Schoolpurchasedland on Reservoir Road in Charlottesville in order to build one campus for kindergarten through twelfth grades. } If you're not sure whether you're a resident or a nonresident, review the policies: Obtaining California residency for the purposes of tuition and fees is extremely difficult for undergraduates with nonresident parents (this includes transfer students from community colleges and other postsecondary institutions within California). Click here to resend it.). We explore the importance of teaching students how to attribute the work and ideas of others. 317 W. 6th St., STE 211 Regents School of Charlottesville is located in the heart of Thomas Jeffersons birthplace, a place where many residents have an appreciation for a life-long pursuit of excellent academics.
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