Ecclesiastes 7:13 in all English translations. Likewise, this uprightness is no other than the rectitude of human nature, of all the powers and faculties of the soul of man, as they were when he was created; his understanding clear of all errors and mistakes, either about divine or human things; his affections regular and ordinate, no unruly passion in him, no sinful affection, lust, and desire; he loved God with all his heart and soul, and delighted in him, and communion with him; the bias of his will was to that which is good; the law of God was written on his heart, and he had both power and will to keep it; and, during his state of integrity, was pure and sinless; yet he was not impeccable, as the confirmed angels and glorified saints are; nor immutable, as God only is; but being a creature, and changeable, he was liable to temptation, and subject to fall, as he did. Ecclesiastes 7:8-10. Man Cannot Always Find Out Which Route is the Most Successful for Him to Take Because His Wisdom is Limited (Ecclesiastes 7:1–8:17) 1. If you have friends or colleagues who need similar resources, we encourage you to refer them to the FREE "[2] Some renditions have attempted to duplicate the alliteration found in the Hebrew: "Better is name than nard;"[3] and, "Fair fame is better than fine perfume. "[18] In fact, Proverbs 8:11 declares that wisdom is so valuable that nothing on earth may be compared with it. What are these? What is this? It is true in a number of ways, but not in others. "Solomon himself had experienced much bitterness from the sin and misery into which women can lead their victims. "All this have I seen in my days of vanity; there is a righteous man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his evil doing. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament "Better is a name than precious ointment; and better is the day of death than the day when one is born." So if a person lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember that the days of darkness will be many. It shelters from the storms and scorching heat of trouble. In Biblical times, funeral celebrations lasted several days; and the `house of mourning' here refers to such celebrations. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself overwise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself? B. ; that is, the day of a man's death than the day of his birth. The Targum is, "be not over righteous at a time that a sinner is found guilty of slaughter in thy court of judicature, that thou shouldest spare and not kill him;'. YOUR DEATH DAY IS BETTER THAN YOUR BIRTHDAY (1b) 1. Perhaps they were intended to suggest that the harem was one of man's wicked contrivances. Some understand this of political and punitive justice, exercising it in too strict and rigorous a manner, according to the maxim, "summum jus saepe summa injuria est"F23Terent. As for the reasons why there are exceptions, we discussed this thoroughly in the Book of Job; but the summary of them is: (1) the activity of Satan, (2) freedom of the human will, (3) the primeval curse upon the earth for Adam's sake, (4) the element of `time and chance' happening to all men. "Wisdom is a strength to the wise man more than ten rulers that are in a city. So the Targum here, "it is better to go to a mourning man to comfort him;', for at such times and places the conversation was serious and interesting, and turned upon the subjects of mortality and a future state, and preparation for it; from whence useful and instructive lessons are learned; and so it was much better to be there. . Trying to Find a Better Way. For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth,.... Or "thy conscience", as the Vulgate Latin version, which is as a thousand witnesses; which, if a man attends to, he will be convinced of his own faults, failings, and infirmities, he is frequently in the commission of. Ecclesiastes overview / walkthrough. "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof,, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. All men can read it in Genesis 1:26. (5) the lack of wisdom, sometimes, on the part of the righteous (Luke 16:8). but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it; or, "the excellency of the knowledge of wisdom giveth life"F16ויתרון דעת החכמה תחיה "et praestantia scientiae sapientiae vivificabit", Montanus. The argument of Ecclesiastes does not flow smoothly. Heb. l. 2. c. 6. s. 12. "[28] This is exactly what the servants of Adolph Hitler pleaded as their excuse for operating the death camps for Jews during World War II. Like ראה and ירא, so שׁם and שׁמן stand to each other in the relation … But it is better for you if you go to a funeral.. So the Midrash interprets it of one that goes out of the world with a good name, considering this clause in connection with the preceding, as many do. Riches are here today and gone tomorrow. As a student, graduate or team member of MIUD you have at your disposal a large collection of online Bible study tools and resources. All is imperfection. This is also exactly the same thing that Solomon said in 1 Kings 8:46. "Man has corrupted himself by seeking out evil things and doing them. Wisdom for Life. compare with this Luke 16:9; see Ecclesiastes 7:19. 9 q Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. "[22] However, he overlooked the fact that this very passage confirms the general law, while citing exceptions to it. Grow At Gbc Through Fellowship (2019 V.) Series Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 2, 2019 | 4,772 views. If it is to be understood of a mere man, I should think the sense was this; of all the men that have been ensnared and taken by an adulterous woman, but one of a thousand have I observed, and perhaps Solomon has respect to himself, that was ever recovered out of her hands; but a woman among all those have I not found; that is, among all the harlots and adulterous women I ever knew or heard of, I never knew nor heard of one that was ever reclaimed from her evil ways, and reformed or became a chaste and virtuous woman: he may have respect to the thousand women that were either his wives and concubines, and, among all these, he found not one that deserved the above character; for this is not to be understood of women in general, for Solomon must have known that there have been good women in all ages, and perhaps more than men; and that there were many in his days, though those with whom his more intimate acquaintance was were not such, which was his unhappiness; and his criminal conversation with them is what he lamented and repented of. "[11] "In the East, charcoal is commonly used for fires, but thorns (nettles) or stubble might be burned by the hasty, but the result was noise not heat. Oppression is an attack on the wise from the outside. bring diseases on thy body by a wicked course of living, which will issue in death; or fall into the hands of the civil magistrate, for capital offences, for which sentence of death must pass and be executed, before a man comes to the common term of human life; see Psalm 55:23; or, as Mr. Broughton renders it, "before thy ordinary time"; not before the appointed timeF2"Ante diem", Virgil. Be ready for death. and compares it with Isaiah 66:24; It may be observed, that there is a set time for each of these, prosperity and adversity; and that the time is short, and therefore called a day; and the one is good, and the other is evil; which characters they have according to the outward appearance, and according to the judgment and esteem of men; otherwise, prosperity is oftentimes hurtful, and destroys fools, and adversity is useful to the souls of good men; God also hath set the one over against the other; they are both by his appointment, and are set in their proper place, and come in their proper time; succeed each other, and answer to one another, as day and night, summer and winter, and work, together for the good of men; to the end that man should find nothing after him; should not be able to know what will be hereafter; what his case and circumstances will be, whether prosperous or adverse; since things are so uncertain, and so subject to change, and nothing permanent; and therefore can find nothing to trust in and depend upon, nothing that he can be sure of: and things are so wisely managed and disposed, that a man can find no fault with them, nor just reason to complain of them; so the Vulgate Latin version, "not find just complaints against him"; and to the same purpose the Syriac version, "that he may complain of him"; the Targum is. So the Arabic version, "show not too much wisdom"; do not affect, as not to be more righteous than others, so not more wise, by finding fault with present times, or with the dispensations of Providence, or with the manners and conduct of men; setting up for a critic and a censurer of men and things; or do not pry into things, and seek after a knowledge of them, which are out of your reach, and beyond your capacity; why shouldest thou destroy thyself? "He found out here that wisdom (derived from earthly experience) cannot answer the ultimate questions. 2. neither make thyself over wise; above what is written, or pretend to be wiser than others. "[33], "My heart was set to search out ... and to know (find out) that wickedness is folly, etc." Choose a verse from 'Ecclesiastes 7' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on 5 n Guard your steps when you go to o the house of God. COUNSEL FOR BETTER LIVING (7:1-14) A. 2:1-3 How to Deal with Emotional Burn-Out On justice and wickedness (Ecclesiastes 7:15–24) 3. 4 The Targum, Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, restrain it to words spoken by wicked men, whose tongues are their own, and will say what they please; among these may be ranked, more especially, detractors, whisperers, backbiters, and talebearers, who should not be listened unto and encouraged; though there is no necessity of thus limiting the sense, which is more general, and may include what is said by any man, even good men, since they have their infirmities; it seems chiefly to have respect to defamatory words, by what follows; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee; speak slightly, scoffingly, and reproachfully of thee, as Shimei of David; which must be very disagreeable and vexatious to hear from one so mean and abject, and who is dependent on him, earns his bread of him, and gets his livelihood in his service; and to whom, perhaps, he has been kind, and so is guilty of base ingratitude, which aggravates the more; or, if not, if what he says is just, to hear it must give great uneasiness. In this connection, it is good to remember that: "We should not take Solomon's words either literally or absolutely. Barthii ad Claudian. Here again we have a disputed verse. What is this? Better than precious ointment (representative of luxury) B. pattern in the first half of this chapter is exactly the same as that followed by Solomon in his Proverbs (Proverbs 15:16; 8:11; and 3:14). Again, the evil of bribes here reflects the teaching in one of Solomon's proverbs (Proverbs 15:27). "Crackling of thorns under a pot" (Ecclesiastes 7:6). Welcome to Master's Online Digital Library developed and hosted by View more titles. It can be an attack from Satan, or from some person under the influence of Satan. 1 A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. Commentary on Ecclesiastes 7:11-22 (Read Ecclesiastes 7:11-22) Wisdom is as good as an inheritance, yea better. "Be not righteous overmuch ... be not overmuch wicked" (Ecclesiastes 7:16,17). Such a good name is better than precious ointment for the value of it, being better than all riches, for which this may be put; see Isaiah 39:2; and for the fragrancy of it, emitting a greater; and for the continuance of it, being more lasting, Psalm 112:6. Here are denounced songs of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5), the laughter of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:6) and the behavior of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:7). ESV Study Bible, Hardcover. Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. It would be sinful to quote what Solomon said here as God's assessment of women. Barton, in these verses, credited the author of having actually found out that, "Wickedness is folly, and that folly is madness";[34] but that information came from God, not from Solomon's experience. Prudence and the fear of God necessary in this world, Ecclesiastes 7:15-18. Our Price: $27.99 Save: $22.00 (44%) Buy Now. Ecclesiastes 7. He cannot find out by wisdom that which is far off and exceeding deep. Ecclesiastes 7:2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. View more titles. In the day of prosperity be joyful,.... Or, "in a good day"F17ביום טובה "in die bono", Pagninus, Montanus, Mercerus, Gejerus. Commentary on Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 The first clause here probably refers to the hypocritical `righteousness' like that of the Pharisees who were so severely condemned by Jesus. The current wisdom interprets this as meaning that, "He that feareth God will set himself free of all, the extremes just mentioned, and will acquit himself of one as well as the other. "[26] No! Why should this be called 'better' than going to the house of feasting? Our Price: $29.99 Save: $40.00 (57%) Buy Now. Ecclesiastes 2:25. or, "why shouldest thou be desolate"F26"Ne quid desolaberis?" To draw near to listen is better than to p offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil. Jarchi's paraphrase is, "who can make straight after death what he has made crooked in life?'. Solomon is still contrasting the house of mourning with the house of joy; but this does not mean that Christians should not attend such things as wedding feasts and other joyful celebrations. Earthly pursuits are no doubt lawful in their proper time and order (Ecc. These verses are an appeal to man's conscience. 2 It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart. The wise man partakes of both. ', "a good name is better than the greatness of a king, though anointed with oil;'. Ecclesiastes 7 1 A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. THE DAY OF DEATH BETTER THAN THE DAY OF ONE'S BIRTH. Jarchi's note is, "when evil comes upon the wicked, be among those that see, and not among those that are seen;'. This advice, as the Arabic version, in the several branches of it; neither to be over much righteous or wicked, and over much wise or foolish; to avoid the one and the other, to keep clear of extremes, and pursue the path that is safest; such advice as this it is right to lay hold on, embrace, and hold fast; yea, also from this withdraw not thine hand; from what follows concerning the fear of God; or "this and this" may be rendered "this and that"F3So Broughton, Rambachius, and others. and (6) the impartiality of natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, etc. It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this; yea, also from that withdraw not thy hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth from them all.". A statement that `overmuch wickedness' leads to an untimely death cannot be intelligently understood as any kind of an endorsement of a so-called moderate wickedness. 7. But the wise man makes a wise confession: “I said I will be wise; but it was far from me.” He owns his ignorance. r Walk in the ways of your heart and s the sight of your eyes. Sorrow is better than laughter; for by the sadness of the countenance, the heart is made glad. Everything to come is meaningless. Where was he king? For wisdom is a defense, even as money is a defense; but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom preserveth the life of him that hath it.". Fab. Ecclesiastes 5:14 "But those riches perish by evil travail: and he begetteth a son, and [there is] nothing in his hand." When some promising young person is the victim of some terrible accident and is thus cut down in the prime of life, the day of such a death is not better than the day of his birth. This simply means, "Honor is better than vanity. 1 Samuel 2:7 "The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up." Some understand this of Christ, the Wisdom of God, without … A bribe destroyeth the understanding (Ecclesiastes 7:7b). de 4. - Truly the light is sweet.The verse begins with the copula ray, "and," which here notes merely transition, as Ecclesiastes 3:16; Ecclesiastes 12:9.Do not be perplexed, or despondent, or paralyzed in your … 1. v. 14-21. makes mention of the nets of harlots: the same holds true of error and heresy, and of idolatry, which is spiritual adultery; the words used being in the plural number, shows the many ways the adulterous woman has to ensnare men, and the multitudes that are taken by her; see Revelation 13:3; whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her: or, "who is good before God", or "in his sight"F13טוב לפני האלהים "bonus coram Deo", Pagninus, Mercerus, Drusius, Amama, Rambachius; "qui bonus videtur coram Deo ipso", Junius & Tremellius. , &c. not of natural wisdom, or the knowledge of natural and civil things, the vanity of this is exposed, before by the wise man; but the knowledge of God in Christ; the knowledge of Christ, who is the Wisdom of God; and of the Gospel, and of all divine and spiritual things: this is a superior excellency to riches, which often expose a man's life to danger, cannot preserve him from a corporeal death, much less from an eternal one. The Targum is, "there is another thing which yet my soul seeketh, and I have not found; a man perfect and innocent, without corruption, from the days of Adam, till Abraham the righteous was born; who was found faithful and just among the thousand kings who were gathered together to build the tower of Babel; and a woman among all the wives of those kings, as Sarah, I found not. If the family of a deceased person follows behind the hearse on the way to the cemetery, then they most certainly follow after it. He was searching for it by 'experience,' rather than trusting God for the truth. In other places in Ecclesiastes, wisdom is thought of as a blessing – as it is; even wisdom that excludes eternity (Ecclesiastes 7:11-12, 7:19). When things go well in the commonwealth, in a man's family, and with himself, health, peace, and plenty, are enjoyed, a man's circumstances are thriving and flourishing; it becomes him to be thankful to God, freely and cheerfully to enjoy what is bestowed on him, and do good with it: or, "be in good"F18היה בטוב "esto in bono", Pagninus, Montanus, Mercerus, Cocceius, Gejerus, Rambachius. That God has set the days of prosperity and adversity side by side so that man cannot predict the future; but, of course, HE CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE. Surely extortion maketh the wise man foolish, and a bribe destroyeth the understanding.". In spite of these scriptures, we find it very hard to believe that Solomon had anything like that in mind. "The author (Solomon) here has not given up belief in God, although he is a pessimist. ; took a circuit, a tour throughout the whole compass of things; looked into every corner, and went through the circle of knowledge, in order to search and find out what true wisdom is; which is no other than Christ, and a spiritual knowledge of him; a variety of words is used to express his eager desire after wisdom, and the diligent search he made, from which he was not discouraged by the difficulties he met with; see Ecclesiastes 1:13; and the reason of things; either in nature or providence: or the estimationF9חשבון "estimationem rerum", Mercerus. see Galatians 6:10; Jarchi's paraphrase is, "when it is in thine hand to do good, be among those that do good;'. For there is not a just man upon earth,.... Or "although", or "notwithstanding"F4כי "quamvis", Junius & Tremelllus, Amama, so Broughton; "attamen", Grotius. He saw that, in the final analysis, there was no profit (lasting value) from all of man’s work (vs. 3). (Ecclesiastes 7:2). He should conform when circumstances make conformity the only safe (for him) and wise course. The end of a wicked ruler's reign is, of course, better than the beginning of it. Many of the assertions in this chapter reveal that Solomon himself, in spite of all his vaunted research, experience, and searching had by no means solved the problem with any degree of completeness. Ecclesiastes 7:1-4. Auson. Ecclesiastes 2 2:1-3 Are You Fuel for Burn-out?2:1-3 Are You Fuel for Burn-out? This is a common opinion, that in all ages prevails among men, that former times were better than present ones; that trade flourished more, and men got more wealth and riches, and lived in greater ease and plenty; and complain that their lot is cast in such hard times, and are ready to lay the blame upon the providence of God, and murmur at it, which they should not do; for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this: this is owing to ignorance of former times; which, if rightly inquired into, or the true knowledge of them could be come at, it would appear that they were no better than the present; and that there were always bad men, and bad things done; frauds, oppressions, and violence, and everything that can be complained of now: or if things are worse than they were, this should be imputed to the badness of men; and the inquirer should look to himself, and his own ways, and see if there is not a cause there, and study to redeem the time, because the days are evil; and not arraign the providence of God, and murmur at that, and quarrel with it; as if the distributions of it were unequal, and justice not done in one age as in another. 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