The judge may or may not stay to supervise the End of Match procedure, but should ensure that both Duelists understand the following procedures. Q: What will I need to bring in order to register for the tournament? Q: Can I get a CARD GAME ID (previously COSSY ID) number at the Regional Qualifier tournament, or will I need to have one before I attend the event? would cause distractions and will not go well with the lighting of the building. Cards that have been altered from their original appearance with surface decoration may be used for play only if the alterations do not obscure any portion of the card text, make the illustration difficult to recognize, or make the card distinguishable from other cards in the Deck while it is face-down. how many rounds? Swiss Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time was called in between games of a Match when both Duelists had the same number of Game Wins, then the Match is a Draw. This is an editable PDF, so you will be able to type the card names in this form, which should help as your Deck List needs to be legible and complete â write the name of each card in full, and write down how many copies you have in your Deck. Duelists are expected to know and understand the information provided in the above policies and guidelines while at a Regional Qualifier or any Sanctioned event. It is advised that you arrive early enough to register for the Regional Qualifier so that you can ensure a spot in the event. tournaments more than some shows that have no business on TV. Ignition Assault (IGAS) Season Dragon Duel tournaments are exclusive to Duelists born before a certain calendar year, with the calendar year requirement moving forward after the World Championship each year. Q: Is travel or hotel included with my invite? OTS Tournament Packs reintroduce some of the most popular tournament-level cards and are used as participation prizes or tournament prizing for Duelists entering local tournaments. tournament than the Spelling Bee. World Championship 2018 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists must pay attention to information from judges and/or tournament staff in order to understand what is going on. Please check the Regional Qualifier listing page at to see if the Regional Qualifier is scheduled to host a Dragon Duel tournament. Invites are not mailed out. Your record determines who you will play against, if you go 1-0 then you will play someone else who is 1-0, 2-1 vs 2-1, etc. Invites to the 2020 World Championship Qualifier tournaments are awarded after the final round of Swiss. Duelists who have won an Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational who also bring their Championship Belt to the Regional Qualifier, should receive free entry into the event. Show Map. Please note that the Regional Game Mat and the WCQ Invites are only awarded if the event is successfully run. Press J to jump to the feed. Eligibility to vend at any given Regional is always based on space restrictions. If a Duelist who has already received an invitation to their 2020 World Championship Qualifier earns an additional invitation at a Regional Qualifier, the invite does not pass down. Since you can play all rounds in a Swiss tournament, you should expect to be at the event for several hours. All feedback, including comments about the organizer, the judges, or the event itself, will be welcome! Duelists who earn an invite will be able to see their name on the World Championship Qualifier invite list within 2-8 weeks after the completion of the event they qualified in. In Effect as of January 24, 2020, QUALIFICATION FOR 2020 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER TOURNAMENTS. Read over the list of things you will need for the tournament, and make sure you have everything. Your record determines who you will play against, if you go 1-0 then you will play someone else who is 1-0, 2-1 vs 2-1, etc. You will also need a CARD GAME ID number â this is the ID number used to track you in the tournament. It all depends. Regional Qualifiers are large tournaments, and attract competitive Duelists who are attempting to earn World Championship Qualifier invites, Regional prizes and keeping their Dueling skills honed. Regional Qualifier tournaments are Constructed events, which mean each Duelist must bring his or her own Deck in order to compete. A Deck List is required for participation into a Dragon Duel. TV coverage would give Konami more funds and Konami would be able to have better prizes. What is the attendance capacity for the Regional Qualifier? Please check with the Head Judge for additional instructions on the Deck List collection process. Registration generally closes 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Are there any items I am not allowed to bring to the tournament? If time was called in between Games of a Match and at least one Duelist has already accessed his or her Side Deck, then both Duelists may use their Side Deck. During Swiss Rounds, if both Duelists' Life Points are the same, the Game is a Draw. ( Information tracker on Yu-Gi-Oh! Bulk includes (Give or take 15 cards): 650 Monsters, 250 Spells, 250 Traps, 100 Assorted Extra Deck, 300 Assorted Holo's. to determine who will go first. New dates will be added to the calendar approximately every 3 months. YuGiOh - Tournament Pack 1 Price Guide Product Line: Set: PRODUCT Rarity Number Market Price Listed Median Axe Raider. If a Suspended Duelist's name appears on the Suspended Player list, they are not allowed to be on the premises, even if they have reached their date of eligibility for reinstatement. End of Match procedures should follow these three (3) rules: Rule #1: If time is called while Duelists are in the middle of a Game, the current Game must have a decision (Win, Loss, or Draw) I want to vend at a Regional Qualifier, whom should I contact? If you have more general questions about Regional Qualifiers, you can send them to *The 2020 Regional Qualifier Season begins on August 2019 and extends until the summer of 2020. Vending applications are reviewed by KDE-US and a list of approved applicants is submitted to the Tournament Organizer. More young people would watch a Yugioh! trading card game allows players to compete at the local, national and worldwide levels for prizes including rare cards, home electronics and other high-end items. Invites are awarded to the first place finisher and extend down to the specified number of places based on attendance. More people are likely to enter tournaments with better prizes. Q: What if I lost an item at a Regional Qualifier tournament? Top 4 Duelists also receive a Yu-Gi-Oh! If both Duelists' Life Points are the same after the four (4) turns are completed, then play will continue on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared the winner of that Game. but how do the rounds work? If you are under the age of 16, you can bring in a copy of your birth certificate as proof of ID. These documents can be found at, Tournament Infractions and Penalties Policy, Yu-Gi-Oh! Judges must first pass the online Level 1 Rulings Comprehension test available at Initials to replace the First or Last Names may not be used when registering for a Regional Qualifier. World Qualifying Points are a new way to earn an invite to the Yu-Gi-Oh! What are the prizes for Regional Qualifiers? The use of electronic and/or vapor cigarettes are not permitted on the tournament floor at any Sanctioned/Official events, or in areas designated for tournament attendees. Passion and dedication are core factors that matter when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh and this is exactly what you get at this store. Q: Will the Regional Qualifier award World Qualifying Points? Yes. Q: Whom should I contact for more information about a specific Regional Qualifier? Q: What is a Dragon Duel? Duelists who earn invites will be responsible for completing the 2020 WCQ Invite form on-site at the Regional Qualifier, in order to be placed on the Invite List. Duelists are not allowed to buy or sell cards from one another at Regional Qualifier venues. My locals are the Swiss Format, generally if you are doing better you will get matched against other players that have a better record. Dragon Duel registration should open approximately an hour before the Dragon Duel is scheduled to start. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists under the age of 16 are required to have a parent or guardian read and sign the registration form in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Qualifier. Will Regional Qualifier invites "pass down" if someone who has already earned an invite earns another one? Regional Qualifiers are no longer required to run a Playoff Cut after the final round of Swiss. A large part of the problem with game stores is a lack of good ventilation, rather than the players. Interested. Duelists are not eliminated during the event. Also check this link for the current legality of all promotional cards Duelists should contact the Tournament Organizer if they have additional questions regarding the Dragon Duel tournament and start times. Q: What happens if not enough Dragon Duel eligible Duelists register for the Dragon Duel? History Players Tournaments Teams Leagues Games Tips Forums Search. Attendees who bring any such items to a tournament venue will incur penalties, including Disqualification and removal from the event, and risk suspension from KDE-US Organized Play. Q: Where and when are the Regional Qualifiers? can someone explain to me how a local tournament works? The game features the first 1,138 cards released in Japan, and 29 opponents with different skills. If Duelists have questions about the event either beforehand or while they are there, they should check with the Tournament Organizer. Duelists are encouraged to complete their Deck List before arriving at the Tournament by using the downloadable KDE-US Deck List and typing out all of the necessary information in the editable fields on the form. If the Game Win totals are the same, the Match is a Draw. If this happens, it is both Duelists' responsibility to note whose turn it is when time is called. Duelists who wish to enter a Regional Qualifier must meet the following criteria. Duelists who have been suspended from Organized Play by KDE-US are not considered to be in good standing, and may not register for or compete in Sanctioned or Official events. Invites to the 2020 World Championship Qualifier, depending upon the total registration of the event. Q: Will there be Public Events? How long will the Regional Qualifier tournament last? pin. No, invites will not pass down for the 2020 Regional Qualifier season. TRADING CARD GAME Official Tournaments, is here just in time for the holiday break! World Championship 2018 prize cards are the Extra Secret Rare cards "Noritoshi in Darkest Rainment" and "Amatsu-Okami of the Divine Peaks". Q: Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck? Can I get a CARD GAME ID (previously COSSY ID) number at the Regional Qualifier tournament, or will I need to have one before I attend the event? Q: I want to vend at a Regional Qualifier, whom should I contact? Regardless of attendance, only four (4) invites are awarded for a Dragon Duel tournament at a Regional Qualifier. Championship Series tournaments starting from August 25, 2019. Some Deck cores and lots of staples. Regional Qualifiers are excellent places to test your skills, learn more about deck-building and strategy, and see how well you match up against the other Duelists in your area. Q: What happens if I am not done with my Match after 40 minutes? World Championship is a tournament that determines the world's No.1 Duelist in three categories. The champion may opt to pay for his/her entry fee instead and receive the appropriate participation prizes. What if I lost an item at a Regional Qualifier tournament? Duelists who were born 2006 or later may choose to play in the Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier or the World Championship Qualifier that is held for all ages in their Region. Q: Can I play in more than one Regional Qualifier? Q: If I've never been to a Regional Qualifier tournament, what should I expect? The Top 4 Duelists in a Dragon Duel tournament or their guardian must fill out a copy the 2020 WCQ Invite Form prior to receiving their prizes. A valid e-mail address must be provided for either the Duelist or the guardian. Hell, more people in general would watch Yugioh! Prizes for mine are store credit for top 8 if it is a free tournament or packs for top 4-6 if it is a pay tournament (normally $4 entry and you get a pack upon entry). The Tournament Organizer is responsible to contact the approved applicants on the status of their eligibility to vend at that specific Regional Qualifier. Can I play in more than one Regional Qualifier? Regional Qualifiers are Tier 2 tournaments in which Duelists compete to earn invites to their World Championship Qualifiers, along with exclusive prizes. The Yu-Gi-Oh! In addition to checking the tournament legality of a product, please check the current Advanced Format Forbidden/Limited list. Duelists who already have an invite who earn additional invites are still required to complete an invite form each time they qualify. Compare Game Wins with the Duelist with the most Game Wins winning the Match. If you place high enough, it could be money, some sort of game/gaming system, or rare cards. G,S COLLECTORS CARDS Cash Local!!! The Duelist with the most Game Wins will win the Match. Incomplete information could prevent your invite from being verified by KDE-US, so please ensure that your information is complete, accurate and legible. This is one of the perks of winning an Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational. Make sure your Deck List exactly matches your Deck. The Head Judge of the event has final arbitration on whether or not altered cards may be used at the tournament. Duelists may register late for an event and will begin the event with a Round 1 Match Loss. Space is always limited based on the capacity of the venue. When you compete in a Regional Qualifier tournament, you'll be held to high standards of play and sportsmanship. If you don't already have one, you will be able to get one at the tournament. World Championship is a tournament that determines the world's No.1 Duelist in three categories. It is recommended to arrive and register in a timely manner, especially if you are travelling to attend the event. Invites to the 2020 World Championship Qualifier, depending upon the total registration of the event. Cards come from very old to very new sets. Is travel or hotel included with my invite? Championship Series Tournaments in any country within North America, Latin America, Europe, and Oceania, but you can only compete in the World Championship Qualifier held for your Region and only for the Regions listed here. Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck? Subsection E. Neuron What changed? is it like a standings/table and the top 4 compete? Q: Will I need to complete and turn in a Deck List? Please check the "Products" page online at for an updated look at the legality dates of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists who remain in good standing with Konami can compete in any number of Regional Qualifiers, regardless of whether they have already earned an invite or not. In order to be eligible for free entry into the Regional Qualifier, the UDS Champion(s) should: Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational champions should not receive any participation packs as the result of the free entry into the event. QUALIFICATION FOR 2019 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER TOURNAMENTS. Last time I checked at the regionals, it cost 20 USD to enter, and you get 3 "free" packs. Yu-Gi-Oh! Neither Duelist may use his or her Side Deck. YuGiOh - Yu-Gi-Oh! 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