Pachycephalosaurus - This plant-eater gave new meaning to the word "blockhead.". Spinosaurus - This dinosaur was distinguished by the sail-like structure on its back. Deinonychus - One of the most fearsome raptors of the Cretaceous period. Olorotitan - One of the most complete dinosaur fossils ever found in Russia. Some of the other interesting dinosaurs in this list include the tiny Pravicursor, the four-winged Microraptor, and the Parasaurolophus which is thought to be the loudest of all dinosaurs. Gobivenator - This feathered dinosaur gave Velociraptor a run for its money. Epidendrosaurus - Did this tiny dino-bird spend its life up a tree? Diabloceratops - it looked like a cross between a Triceratops and a Centrosaurus. Gideonmantellia - Guess what naturalist this dinosaur was named after. Aralosaurus - Not much is known about this central Asian duck-billed dinosaur. Ojoceratops - A very close relative of Triceratops. There are also interesting dinosaurs like the Argentinosaurus which is thought to have been the largest dinosaur ever to live and the Dromiceiomimus, which may have been the fastest. Bistahieversor - This tyrannosaur had more teeth than T. Rex. Look for the Scipionyx, which is one of the best-preserved fossils discovered to date. Savannasaurus - This titanosaur was recently discovered in Australia. Yueosaurus - This basal ornithopod was discovered by construction workers. Juratyrant - This early tyrannosaur was discovered in England. Australovenator - A recently discovered carnivore from Australia. Nemegtomaia - This dinosaur had a bizarrely shaped skull. Lanzhousaurus - This herbivore's teeth were half a foot long. Neuquenraptor - It may actually be a species (or specimen) of Unenlagia. Here is a compilation of what I have found regarding the Dinosaurs in the Monster Manual (MM), Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGtM) and Tomb of Annihilation (ToA). They first appeared during the Triassic period, between 243 and 233.23 million years ago, although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is the subject of active research. Parksosaurus - It was once classified as a species of Thescelosaurus. Tangvayosaurus - This Laotian titanosaur was closely related to Phuwiangosaurus. Siamodon - This ornithopod was recently discovered in Thailand. Claosaurus - This "broken lizard" was a primitive hadrosaur. However, their trademark large sickle-shaped claws on their second toes and swift agile hunting still made them formidable predators. Gastonia - This ankylosaur was probably on Utahraptor's lunch menu. Edmontonia - This armored dinosaur never actually lived in Edmonton. Eodromaeus - Yet another ancient theropod from South America. Smart cookie preferences. Mirischia - Its name means "wonderful pelvis.". Concavenator - This large theropod had a bizarre hump on its back. Koreaceratops - There's evidence that this ceratopsian liked to go swimming. Gryponyx - This "hooked claw" was a distant sauropod ancestor. Torosaurus - Was it really an elderly specimen of Triceratops? Rahiolisaurus - This Indian dinosaur is represented by seven tangled individuals. Triassic Dinosaurs List with Pictures & Facts: Discover the Dinosaurs of the Triassic Period! Pinacosaurus - Did this ankylosaur roam central Asia in herds? The fossil record demonstrates that birds are modern feathered dinosaurs Medusaceratops - This frilled dinosaur was a close relative of Centrosaurus. Gobiceratops - This ceratopsian's tiny skull was found in the Gobi Desert. There is no official, canonical list of all non-avian dinosaur genera. References. Stygimoloch - Its name means "demon from the river of death." Return of the Dinosaurs . Bell, P.R., Brougham, T., Herne, M.C., Frauenfelder, T., & Smith, E.T. Metriacanthosaurus - Yet another dinosaur that was once mistaken for Megalosaurus. Dromaeosaurus - This "running lizard" was probably covered with feathers. Rapator - No, this mysterious Australian theropod wasn't a raptor. Huaxiaosaurus - Might it be an unusually large specimen of Shantungosaurus? Xenotarsosaurus - A poorly understood abelisaur from South America. Acrotholus - North America's earliest bone-headed dinosaur. Fukuiraptor - One of the few carnivorous dinosaurs ever to be dug up in Japan. Alvarezsaurus - A bird-like dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous. "A Complete A to Z List of Dinosaurs." Ornithopod Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, Prosauropod Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, The 19 Smallest Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals, Titanosaur Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, Meet 80 Meat-Eating Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era, The 10 Most Important Dinosaurs of South America, 10 Important Dinosaurs That Roamed Across Australia and Antarctica, 10 of the World's Most Important Dinosaurs Might Not Be What You Think, The Evolution and Behavior of Ornithopod Dinosaurs, Duck-Billed Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles. Sinusonasus - It sounds like a disease, but it was actually a feathered dinosaur. Anatosaurus - This dinosaur is now known as either Anatotitan or Edmontosaurus. Micropachycephalosaurus - The current record-holder for longest dinosaur name. Datousaurus; Jurassic Park Adventures. Lythronax - This tyrannosaur lived on the island of Laramidia. Atlasaurus - This sauropod had unusually long legs. Utahceratops - Guess what state this dinosaur was discovered in. Hypsilophodon - This man-sized herbivore liked to eat and run. Shamosaurus - This Mongolian ankylosaur was a close relative of Gobisaurus. Besides Dinosaurs, there is a variety of other animals in the game. Elmisaurus - This "foot lizard" was a close relative of Oviraptor. Barsboldia - This hadrosaur was named after Rinchen Barsbold. Most famous example(s): tyrannosaurus, giganotosaurus. List of Dinosaurs: Dinosaur Names with Pictures. Because the novel and films abide by separate continuities, the list also differs between mediums. A Complete A to Z List of Dinosaurs. Eustreptospondylus - A close cousin of Megalosaurus. Camelotia - An early member of the line that evolved into sauropods. Rajasaurus - This "prince lizard" lived in what is now modern-day India. Velafrons - A new addition to the duck-billed dinosaur family. Bambiraptor - Yes, this tiny raptor was named after you-know-who. Also, you'll find the Muttaburrasaurus interesting because it's fossil is the most intact found to date. Piveteausaurus - No one is quite sure what to make of this theropod dinosaur. Lamplughsaura - This early sauropod was discovered in India. Leinkupal - The latest surviving diplodocid sauropod. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. Agilisaurus - This "agile lizard" was one of the earliest ornithopods. Prenocephale - This "bonehead" had a round, thick skull. Lusotitan - This sauropod was once classified as a species of Brachiosaurus. Linhenykus - This tiny dinosaur had single-clawed hands. The prehistoric reptiles known as dinosaurs arose during the Middle to Late Triassic Period of the Mesozoic Era, some 230 million years ago. Hypacrosaurus - We know a lot about this dinosaur's family life. Giganotosaurus - Not quite a "Gigantosaurus," but close enough. Shantungosaurus - The biggest of all the duck-billed dinosaurs. Janenschia - The earliest titanosaur in the fossil record. Erliansaurus - A basal therizinosaur from central Asia. Xuwulong - This iguanodontid ornithopod was recently discovered in China. Paluxysaurus - The official Texas state dinosaur. Aragosaurus - Named after the Aragon region of Spain. Tapuiasaurus - A recently discovered titanosaur from South America. Secernosaurus - The first hadrosaur to be discovered in South America. Abelisaurus - "Abel's lizard" has been reconstructed from a single skull. Lexovisaurus - One of the oldest European stegosaurs. Kentrosaurus - A smaller, African cousin of Stegosaurus. The list is grouped into three parts, Ornithicihia, Saurichia and Undetermined. You made it this far and you'll be rewarded with some great dinosaurs. Fruitadens - One of the tiniest dinosaurs ever to live in North America. Nanotyrannus - Could this have been a juvenile T. Rex? Sinornithomimus - This ornithomimid is known from over a dozen skeletons. Aublysodon - This tyrannosaur was named after a single tooth. They first appeared during the Triassic period, between 243 and 233.23 million years ago, although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is the subject of active research. Minmi - An early (and very dumb) ankylosaur from Australia. Smart cookie preferences. Echinodon - One of the few ornithopods to sport a set of canines. Mahakala - This dino-bird was named after a Buddhist deity. Nebulasaurus - This "nebula lizard" was recently discovered in China. Cetiosaurus - This "whale lizard" was once mistaken for the Loch Ness Monster. Planicoxa - A medium-sized iguanodont of early Cretaceous North America. Tianyuraptor - A small, long-legged raptor from eastern Asia. Paranthodon - This stegosaur was discovered over 150 years ago. Looking for a list of names of dinosaurs, and what they mean? Sinornithoides - A small, feathered dinosaur closely related to Troodon. D&D Beyond Article The Dinosaurs on Display Plan your visit to see the Museum's dinosaurs, part of the largest fossil collection in the world. Wuerhosaurus - Could this have been the last of the stegosaurs? Orthomerus - One of the few dinosaurs to be discovered in Holland. Brachyceratops - A little-known ceratopsian from North America. Regnosaurus - This stegosaur lived in what is now modern-day England. Dalianraptor is listed by Olshevsky, but omitted from this list, since it has not been described as a non-avian dinosaur in a published source. Afrovenator - One of the few carnivores ever to be dug up in northern Africa. Dinosaurs once ruled Earth and we're continually learning more about them. Albertadromeus - This petite ornithopod was recently discovered in Canada. Heyuannia - Yet another close relative of Oviraptor. This list of dinosaurs is a complete listing of all dinosaurs genera that have ever been included in the super order Dinosaurian, not including class Aves (birds, both living and those known only from fossils) and merely vernacular terms. Udanoceratops - The largest ceratopsian to run on two legs. Opens in a new window. Primitive proto-theropods and most theropods existed during the Triassic period in the current day Southern Africa, South America, and North America. Raptorex - A pint-sized precursor of T. Rex. Agustinia - A large, spiny-backed sauropod. Huanghetitan - Yet another contender for the biggest dinosaur that ever lived. Yandusaurus - A small ornithopod of middle Jurassic China. Jurassic dinosaurs list with pictures and facts. Titanosaurus - This sauropod may—or may not—have been a unique member of its genus. One of the longer sections of our dinosaur collection, you'll discover a number of interesting finds here. Santanaraptor - Named after Brazil's Santana formation. Erlikosaurus - This late therizinosaur roamed the Mongolian forests. Mercuriceratops - This ceratopsian was discovered on the U.S./Canada border. The name 'dinosaur' itself means 'terrible lizard'. We’ve put together a list of 10 of the most powerful dinosaurs (including a couple of ancient beasts that aren't strictly dinosaurs but have certainly made their presence felt over the course of the series) from the franchise and ranked them from least powerful to most powerful. Impressed yet? Albertonykus - A tiny, birdlike North American dinosaur. Gobisaurus - An unusually large ankylosaur of central Asia. For instance, the Kryptops had a face mask, the Lanzhousaurus had teeth that were half a foot long, and the Limusaurus was completely toothless. Saurornithoides - A Troodon-like predator from central Asia. Corythosaurus - This "Corinthian-helmeted" dino had a distinctive mating call. Nomingia - This small dinosaur had a peacock-like tail. Neovenator - One of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs of western Europe. Albertaceratops - The most basal "centrosaurine" yet identified. Parvicursor - One of the smallest dinosaurs yet identified. Plus, we can't forget about the Epidendrosaurus who may have been a tree dweller or the Gilmoreosaurus, one of the few dinosaurs known to have cancer. Carnivore Aggressive No Yes Yes 32 Small Deinonychus_Character_BP_C Dilophosaur Carnivore Aggressive Yes No Yes Unknown Small Dilo_Character_BP_C Diplodocus Herbivore Naive Yes Yes Yes 32 Large … Once dinosaurs went extinct, they were forgotten for a long period of time. Archaeopteryx - This ancient dino-bird was about the size of a modern pigeon. Sinoceratops - A rare ceratopsian from late Cretaceous China. Daspletosaurus - This "frightful lizard" was a close cousin of T. Rex. Pamparaptor - This raptor was discovered in the Argentinian Pampas. Tianzhenosaurus - This ankylosaur's skull has been spectacularly preserved. Riojasaurus - One of the few prosauropods known to have lived in South America. Zhejiangosaurus - The first identified nodosaur from Asia. Nothronychus - The first therizonosaur to be found outside Asia. For hundreds and thousands of years, humans roamed the Earth without even realizing that the same lands had witnessed the rise and fall of creatures as majestic as the dinosaurs. Sinotyrannus - This "Chinese tyrant" was an ancient ancestor of tyrannosaurs. Unenlagia - This bird-like raptor was native to South America. Achelousaurus - Might this have been a growth stage of Pachyrhinosaurus? Jingshanosaurus - A close relative of Yunnanosaurus. The prehistoric reptiles known as dinosaurs arose during the Middle to Late Triassic Period of the Mesozoic Era, some 230 million years ago. Jinzhousaurus - This Asian dinosaur was one of the first hadrosaurs. Seitaad - This small dinosaur may have been buried in an avalanche. Richardoestesia - Named after the paleontologist Richard Estes. You can also get a hint at how paleontologists have fun when naming dinosaurs. Jurassic World | Dinosaurs, Characters & Movie Intel The official website for JURASSIC WORLD with news, videos, events, and more. Bonapartenykus - This feathered dinosaur was found in close proximity to its eggs. Chungkingosaurus - This early stegosaur had some primitive characteristics. Buitreraptor - The oldest raptor ever discovered in South America. Iguanacolossus - A brand-new ornithopod from North America. Latirhinus - This duck-billed dinosaur had an enormous nose. Tenontosaurus - This long-tailed herbivore was hunted by Deinonychus. Ilokelesia - A primitive abelisaur from South America. Zanabazar - Named after a Buddhist spiritual leader. Mussaurus - This "mouse lizard" lived in Triassic South America. We use them to help improve our content, personalise it for … Carnotaurus - The shortest arms of any meat-eating dinosaur with horns to match. Stenopelix - Experts aren't sure how to classify this dinosaur. Texacephale - This Texan pachycephalosaur was named in 2010. North America has a rich dinosaur fossil record with great diversity of dinosaurs. Talenkauen A rare ornithopod from South America. Skorpiovenator - This "scorpion hunter" really ate meat. Qantassaurus - Named after the national airline of Australia. Also, it's thought that the Guanlong may have been the first among the tyrannosaurs. Wannanosaurus - Probably the smallest of all the bone-headed dinosaurs. Looking for a list of names of dinosaurs, and what they mean? By construction workers hard-to-place lizard. `` of Archaeopteryx really the `` most elaborate head display '' competition Argentinosaurus size! Robber '' Probably preyed on small lizards instead but have you heard of most. Wikipedia This full list is grouped into three parts, Ornithicihia, Saurichia Undetermined! 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