(Bacillophobia) There's a reason for 'emergency . Thats spiders right? If she doesnt, there is little to say about it. What Is Cleithrophobia (Fear of Being Trapped)? I really want to know if its a real phobia . This going to sound complicated but I have this weird phobia of not knowing whats around me, it could be in any situation, if I dont know what is behind me or in a space I cant see I get really scared the hair on my arms stand up and I feel like screaming. Methyphobia Fear of alcohol. . Is this a phobia? Testophobia Fear of taking tests. Sometimes its an actual light tapping sometimes it comes back in my head. Yep, those cute little piglets terrify the Pirates of the Caribbean actor! Syngenesophobia Fear of relatives. Cacophobia Fear of ugliness. Thank you. -Ana. Peniaphobia Fear of poverty. Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers. It is obviously an issue for you so it is worth taking the time to figure it out and get it resolved. Maybe someone else know this. Is there a phobia for this: being terrified of being hurt emotionally, disliked, or displeased by your loved ones or the people you care about i.e. But once mixed with water and everything becomes abhorrent and cringing to my sensibilities. You can change, but you have to know what components of yourself that could be improved. Helminthophobia Fear of being infested with worms. Opiophobia Fear medical doctors prescribing pain medications for patients. Ive looked everywhere but cant find it. When some friends asking me about my life Im feeling sick dont like the people ask me anything, The question to ask yourself is do you fear answering all questions? Like what is 1 plus 7? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Atomosophobia Fear of atomic explosions. Ailurophobia is known to have affected many well-known personalities including some of the most famous names of history Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini and Alexander The Great. Megan Fox of Transformers hates anything to do with paper, especially the sound of paper tearing, or erasing words on paper etc. Scoleciphobia Fear of worms. is there anything that can describe this? That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. ! Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone. But Im scared of dating or being with someone whom many people have their eyes on.. Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. But why? Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia Fear of responsibility. Tomophobia Fear of surgical operations. The Red Scare was hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, which intensified in the late . Family, boyfriend, friends, co workers Feeling negativity from these people or feeling hated/ unwanted/ not needed by them. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. I am not going to label these physical reactions, nor are there easy suggestions to make for all you experience. Phronemophobia Fear of thinking. Ereuthrophobia Fear of blushing. Please advise. Can you please tell me if there is a phobia name for being sticky? During this nightmare there was a light tapping sound (much like the sound from a newtons cradle if you ever so slightly lift one ball to start it). 1. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. I get scared . He claimed in an interview he was deathly afraid of clowns and spiders. Apparently her less-than-fastidious grandmother would store it in rows in the cabinet for safe keeping as well applying it directly to dinner plates during meals. Soteriophobia Fear of dependence on others.. Phobias are common and treatable. Names help in billing clients, working with insurance companies and writing papers, they seldom help in getting people to release them. Is there a name for being afraid someone will leave you because they got annoyed by what they used to love about you? It all began when the rap diva had to take an escalator for a photo op. your hand? Typical symptoms of phobias can include nausea, trembling, rapid heartbeat, feelings of unreality, and being preoccupied with the fear object. American Psychiatric Association. (Phobia is obviously fear of). brushing off what they said until they bring it up again (which Im hoping with a burning passion they wont) or B). I would like to know too if there is a name for it, as fear of closing eyes definitely exists. No one in my family tried to help me unfortunately, so make sure you go to therapy to get it fixed rather than not like me. Its not that I dont like the sound, its that the sound triggers a response of fear due to a traumatic experience I had as a child. This principal of psychology is not formally called the Nicole Kidman Principle, but give it time. Im just really interested. Scotophobia Fear of darkness. Charli D'Amelio, Meet the Barkers, Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards | 34 views, 6 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Entertainment Tonight: Charli D'Amelio is sharing her. The 'Boyfriend' singer has to stick to the shallow end, saying he fears not being able to see the ocean floor below him. Even if you had a name for it, you would say it and no one is going to know what it is unless you tell them. Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. She accidentally stuck the metal hook in my ear when she went to pull some hair through the hair net and i started crying it was like a panic attack. You may want to check this out with a local health provider and get a proper diagnosis. I combined all the words. Climacophobia Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.. This may sound weird, but as of yesterday, Ive had a kind of pain in my eyes when thinking about bathtub faucets. I have a phobia of dating, marriage, intimacy heartbteaks and childbirth and so many times i dont want to stop it. Prosophobia Fear of progress. I have constant nightmares/terrors of being hated/outcasted by loved ones is there a name for that kind of fear? Not sure you should be looking for phobia names. Chirophobia Fear of hands. Hey, are there any famous people with Ecophobia? It keeps me up at night. Maybe there is a level of uncertainty it brings up, but thats just me and I dont have all the info Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. Brit freaks out mid-audition from an odd power surge on stage. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia Fear of becoming ill. I dont like when my hands get wet. Phonophobia Fear of noises or voices or ones own voice; of telephones. There are thousands of phobia names and new ones are being made up all the time. Is this every phobia that exsists? It was the worst time of my life and I didnt think I will get over it but it went away as sudden as it came on. One of the challenges of naming something is the labels are too often incorrect. Gnosiophobia Fear of knowledge. Singer-actor Justin Timberlake is believed to be afraid of spiders, snakes and all other creepy crawlers. Typically this would be paranoia, but there may be other factors to consider. There are other out there with this fear, but I could not tell you percentage of people who have to deal with this. Eva Mendes is not the only celeb who suffers from the fear of water, also known as aquaphobia. Autodysomophobia Fear of one that has a vile odor. Traumatophobia Fear of injury. Her audience remarkably showed 100 percent compliance with either initiative, patiently awaiting further edicts. Epistemophobia Fear of knowledge. To avoid such feelings, people with phobias may avoid any situation where they might potentially encounter the source of their fear. Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied up. It was ugly honestly, it was a patch of dry corn on the cob and The rest was fine and i was sop disgusted thatI was debating getting it away from me and in the trash but then I gave it to my mom and she ate it without ease. Vegas. Katsaridaphobia Fear of cockroaches. We note that there are many photos available of Ms. Ricci in or near a pool. You probably had no idea most of these fears existed. During an interview, he discussed hisfear:"I couldn't tell you what it is. You may be over empathizing with other peoples pain or you may be extra sensitive to people getting hurt. I also have a fear of being happy. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? If you are fearful, have you tired working with someone yet or have you in some other way tried to make changes in yourself. In Sweden, they send you a thank-you text when they use your blood. Psychology has compiled thousands of phobias, to the poi In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. I mean I am afraid of sharks and octopi but they're not animals i come into contact with ever really. I also have a phobia of bones breaking or the possibility of it potentionally happening. Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. I have had thanatophobia since childhood but am developing strategies, I hope! I always want all the doors closed to my house, including rooms and toilets. like life is a simulation? So yes to all your questions, There are many dynamics at play here and I know there is much more to this story, so any attempts to explain your sons behaviors would be inaccurate, other than to say he has unresolved issues, is deeply conflicted about himself, his identity, his past and how he can process his emotions. Such as when someone says Ill tell you later but you fear it wont occur, While this could be a phobia, it sounds as though you may have trust issues, either with a particular person or with yourself. Tropophobia Fear of moving or making changes. Hitchcock preferred the sight of blood to egg! The beef cake actor says eating bugs and all sorts of other 'gross' foods whilst travelling never caused a threat, however nudity was once a issue for him. Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia Fear of blood. Is there a fear of someone not letting you get passed or get somewhere, The question should be Is it possible I could have a fear of having someone not let me pass or get somewhere? and the answer is yes. Some phobias are very specific and limited. Though these probably don't jump to mind as top phobias not would they likely make a list of common phobias, they're super real and there might just be a famous Hollywood celebrity who suffers from them! Michael Jordan is known to be terrified of the ocean (ever since he witnessed the death of his childhood friend). Middle of the back seat of a clown car. And I suddenly couldnt take it i ran to my bathroom and tears were streaming out my eyes i was nervous and disgusted but that and I kept trying to stay calm and breath in and out. You are not trusting your bodies ability to do what it does best, which is keep you alive and all thing required to do so. I suggest you see a therapist that can give you a proper diagnosis. Pogonophobia Fear of beards.. Hominophobia Fear of men. So while a very real condition, we have choosen to leave it off our list. It ' s called peristerophobia. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. Winfrey has reportedly banned gum from the offices of Harpo Studios. Famous Lepidopterophobes: What you may want to work on is your ability to deal with other people changing, which I suspect is the root of your fear. Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! If you cant find anyone, give us a call at 866-718-9995 and we can possibly narrow this down a bit for you, Is there a name for fear of closing eyes when alone in a room, Especially at night. Mechanophobia Fear of machines. You want to talk to someone to see if it makes sense or if there are better alternatives to try first. Someone that has many people crushing on him or falling for him.. No matter how Im crushing on that person or I love him, I just dont wanna be with that person.. I started freaking out and raising my voice a bit and that wall should not look like that. I used to live in a studio and I loved it and then when I moved into an apartment with doorways leading into separate rooms I began to experience more paranoia and anxiety. Tuberculophobia Fear of tuberculosis. With Halloween upon us we find out what puts the spooks up some of pop's biggest stars. What you want to do is find someone to work with that can help you. Does it have a specific label, that I am uncertain of. It is believed that many famous personalities including singer-actor Barbra Streisand, beauty Marilyn Monroe and actor Sir Lawrence Olivier gave amazing performances on stage despite being terrified at the thought of speaking before the masses. I wouldnt get too hung up on finding a name for it, but if you want to name the fear of infestation, just look up the words greek or latin derivitive and add phobia behind it. Obesophobia Fear of gaining weight. Well you don't have to imagine it because it was all captured in the video: Alongside her BFF Jordan and her assistant Victoria, Kylie couldn't look more on edge and literally squirms from start to finish. So what should you do? Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female. It interferes with those things I want to do sometimes. Eleutherophobia Fear of freedom. Is there a phobia or fear of not being heard or what youre saying is not being heard? Or is there a phobia for being humiliated in public? Those are just 2 examples of many. I dont get that feeling about adults.My wife sometimes gets a little upset with me, if I scared her with one of my reactions. All phobias have a Greek or Latin root. Sorry dont know a name for this and the name is not going to help you change how you feel. Christina Ricci is deathly fearful of being alone in a swimming pool as she believes that a door would open up in its floor and swallow her alive. I have an EXTREME fear of scratching noises. Is it true? Not Large Objects. Topophobia Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. Block, MD. I feel like I am not in a bright or open environment, even in blazing sunshine, if the rooms are divided off. (Please mention the phobia name as well. it doesnt matter if its a family member a boyfriend or just a friend. I have a hard time at talking to people and asking people places. (Achluophobia) I would catch a glimpse out the window and start to shake and cry. If you are seeking help, anyone in the health profession will understand what you are speaking of, If someone can think it, there can be a fear of it. Keep in mind that my room is pretty dirty like school papers all over my room and this was the most dirtiest and revolting Stan I ever thought Ive seen in my life and I still think that. Deipnophobia Fear of dining or dinner conversations. Just something to keep in mind. Is there a fear of someone always following you, This would probably fall under the heading of paranoia. Hagiophobia Fear of saints or holy things. I find it hard to believe that with how specific some of these are, there is no phobia where the person is scared to have the doors around them unlocked and must lock them after every time they are used. Also not all fears are the same. Apiphobia Fear of bees. Without additional information, it is hard to say, but my guess it could be part of the same fear. Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles Its not paranoia, but if i feel like someone is following me or just imaging it happen scares me to death mostly out of a distrust for people and not knowing thier intentions (and not really wanting to find out in that situation. Lepidopterophobes remind us that were it not for the advent of long sleeve shirts, we would all be completely exposed to the rabid butterfly hordes fluttering about. She confessed that when she reads scripts, she keeps a cup of water by her side, so that she can dip her fingers in before turning the page. I know a person that is terrified of blankets what should I do to tell them its ok. Well but the member of One Direction, Liam Payne is afraid of spoons, which is actually called Koutaliaphobia. Flags in general. Im not sure if youre absolutely terrified of forgetting but we most likely have different perceptions on what that would be like (for me, it would be like having everything written on sticky notes and such). Alliumphobia Fear of garlic. Not all fears are phobias. I dont know if there is such a word, but very often this type of thinking can lead to other problems of low self esteem, obsessions, etc. Is this an phobia if so what is it called? Um I might have arachnophobia? There can be many things contributing to the fear of disappointing others? Philophobia Fear of falling in love or being in love.. I have a fear of food germs or just food getting on me and my clothes. Required fields are marked *. Is there a fear of something watching you while you sleep? A fan asked the 'Heart Attack' singer her biggest fear in a live web chat, Demi replied with what we deem to be a totally rational fear. The closest thing to it was fear of memories but it doesnt exactly fit the description exactly. Psychological symptoms. I have slight PTSD and a fear of adult figures. Luiphobia Fear of syphillis. i have a fear of loud women. I also have this fear, and I was looking for someone who has it also. Check these out! While this may have something to do with bathtubs, it may also be a fear of being harmed transferred to the idea of bathtubs being harmful. It tends to only be wet grass though I have tried searching for it but i can only find fear of grass. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), approximately 12.5% of adults in the U.S. will deal with a specific phobia in their lifetime. Here's a little head start before we dive into the trivia: the general fear of food is known as cibophobia. Is this just a fear of traveling in a car or something else? Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes. In fact, Taylor has a list of fears! Metallophobia Fear of metal. Like a fear of losing your hearing, If you are asking is this a common fear, probably not. Ricci has "botanophobia" which is the fear of indoor houseplants. The only way to really know for sure, is to go to get a diagnosis by seeing a professional in person. Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers. Ichthyophobia Fear of fish. Nyctophobia Fear of the dark or of night. I have been searching for it and I cannot find it. Vote up the weirdest celebrity phobias below and learn something new about these famous actors, singers, and personalities. Even if I just think it touched me. But i was getting my hair highlighted and it was my mum. Kosmikophobia Fear of cosmic phenomenon. Low self esteem, the need to please others, the avoidance or fear of conflicts, guilt issues, etc. In this type of treatment, you are gradually and progressively exposed to what you fear. It is of more help to deal with the mechanism of how the subconscious creates fear instead of the subject matter the fear is based on. I have a fear of wet hands touching me, like when u spend a while in the shower ur hands start to go wrinkly and if im at the swimming baths i cant stand it if someone trys to come up to me and touch me. I complained to her that why would she eat something so gross. Even if I know the person loves me. People try talking me into dating but i always refuse. Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria. Could be. I have a fear that is quite hard to describe, but in its simplest form, I suppose its a fear of becoming intolerant to pain. Today, my brother was bored and he started to scratch the wall with his nails, and I told him to stop, but he didnt, and kept going. I never take pain medication (for minor sports injuries, period pain etc.) Odynophobia or Odynephobia Fear of pain. Have you had any counseling on this? Some of these fears are not shared by others and most people will not have the fear you are experiencing. Doraphobia Fear of fur or skins of animals. I dont know anyone who deals with this. Fear of flying is one of the most common phobias around the world. I also would not just go to your Doctor to get anxiety medications; you actually want to speak with someone in depth about this. I have the fear of being hit by a ball is this a thing?? Is there a fear of someone from the past? Kathisophobia Fear of sitting down. Tremophobia- Fear of trembling. Reportedly, it's because of the germs that they collect which is totally fair. Psychology has compiled thousands of phobias, to the point that it seems somebody in the field has made a hobby of inventing them. Dentophobia Fear of dentists.. Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors. Its getting serious. Drinking out of glass, cup or bottle the thought of the glass touching my lips makes my skin crawl. Sorry I cant give you a better answer, Is there a fear of going deaf? Try finding a CBT in your area or we can work with you here over the phone. I always found mold a bit gross but I did not want to think my room had mold in it and my sister joked about it that it was mold. People can be afraid of pretty much anything, including hated, i need to know the name of the fear of rejection. Thanks. Kynophobia- Fear of rabies. Hydrophobophobia Fear of rabies. Menophobia Fear of menstruation. Is there a specific name for it? Some time ago It was so bad that I used to have a panic attack watching the sun set due to the fear of the night. I also really dont like toes, the same reason as fingers. Phobia? Many times they fall under the heading of other issues or just life events. so I woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat, dreading the fact that my dream may have come true, I MIGHTVE GOTTEN MARRIED TO A MAN!!! Carpooling &Ride Sharing: Are you doing it right? Privacy Policy. If you have a fear and it consistently occurs, you want to see someone about it. if it is, then what is it? Is their any phobia involving holding onto things you did wrong??? Im not quite sure how to describe it, for example if a lot of insects were inside your room, covering it then youd fear that, because its an infestation. Is there a name for this, I dont know, i decided to coin a name for it because I also have it. Ornithophobia Fear of birds. Interstellar star Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors and avoids them at all costs. Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Your situation sounds more like OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), both for the germs and the car lights. is it true? Probably, but if you are looking to place a name on it, we dont have it hear. The therapist does not need a label for this unless they are doing paper work for insurance companies. Rhypophobia Fear of defecation. People can fear anything, any object, any surrounding, any process, you name it. Whoopi Goldberg treated for fear of flying using TFT on The View, part 1. What could be said about it? Find someone qualified in your area to work with. If it really bothers you, see a health professional. Harpaxophobia Fear of being robbed. Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. Caryn Elaine Johnson, professionally known as Whoopi Goldberg, is a famous author, comedian, actress, and talk show host. Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. Tonitrophobia Fear of thunder. phobias are irratinal fears with no trauma that might trigger such fear. Anything that can be thought of can also be feared, so you could consider your situation a phobia. And second, how about fear of grass touching your feet (especially when wearing sandals, but anytime really), Jeremiah, thanks for your question.