Mesa County Valley School District 51. 2024-25 Coaching Salary Schedule. We provide Professional Development for license renewal, classroom training, and safety. Your individual school has more specific information regarding curriculum, events, and staff contact information. 4045, 2022-2023 Certificated Substitute Salary Schedule2022-2023Teacher Salary Schedule2022-2023 Certificated Management Salary Schedule2022-2023 Adult Education TeacherSalary ScheduleSEA Contract 2018-2022Certificated Handbook 2021-2022CalSTRS Member Contribution Rate Increases, California Standards for the Teaching ProfessionContinuum of Teaching PracticesProfessional Accountability Section from HandbookPermanent Teacher On-Cycle Professional Learning PlanPermanent Teacher Off-Cycle Professional Learning PlanNon-Permanent Teacher On-Cycle Professional Learning PlanAdministrative Mandated Non-Permanent Assessment of Teaching PerformanceAdministrative Mandated Non-Permanent Teacher Pre-ObservationCalifornia Standards for the Teaching Profession 2018Pre-Assistance, Need information? West Valley School District average salary is 42 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 49 percent higher than USA median. Education Beyond Expectationsis a living reality in classrooms throughout the district. West Valley School District (Yakima) schools for this district: NCES District ID: 5309720: State District ID: WA-39208: Mailing Address: 8902 Zier Rd Yakima, WA 98908-9240: . 2022-23 Extracurricular Activities Salary Schedule HR Representative, Planning & Recruitment Central Valley School District 2218 N. Molter Road, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 John Parker, Superintendent . semester (PDF), Public Employees Local One ~ July 2020 to June 2021 (PDF), CA State Law (Education Code Section 44031) ~Right to Inspect Personnel Home to more than 60 schools located in every neighborhood of the community, Des Moines Public Schools provides families with choices to meet the educational needs of students from preschool through college-level courses. Facebook Page; This policy extends to but is not limited to, recruitment, employment, promotion, demotion, transfer, reduction-in-force, termination, compensation, benefits, and training. School Calendars. Mill Valley School District; Salary Schedules 2022-23; Mill Valley School District; Salary Schedules 2022-23; Human Resources. Suite 222, Attention Salary. The SVUSD does not guarantee that the list is the latest or most recent version, that every job classification in the District is represented hereon, or that every listed job classification is actively used by the District: 2022-2023 Classified Salary Schedule (PDF) 2022-2023 Classified Salary Schedule by Job Class (PDF) 2022-23 Teacher Salary Schedule 11.8 MB. 2022-2023 District Calendar; 2023-2024 District Calendar; 2023 Graduation Ceremonies; Back-to-School Information; Bullying Prevention; Bus Routes and Information; Connect; Extended Child Care; PTO; Safety; School Hours; Student Clubs and Organizations; Tips for Parents; Weather Information In turn, the Board is responsible for the governance of Iowas largest provider of public education. Welcome to the West Valley School application submission page. The information below outlines the requirements and pay for both positions. Deer Valley Unified School District; Employment; Salary Ranges; Certified Hiring Guidelines If you are a Kansas Police and Fire (KP&F) retiree, you cannot arrange employment prior to your KP&F retirement date and the subsequent 30-day waiting period. For more information, please refer to BOE policy #6840. Personnel Secretary Contact the district office at:(509) 972-6000. Certificated (PDF) Classified (PDF) Management/Confidential and Professional . 224 KB. It is the responsibility of the employee to obtain and maintain a Kansas license. The purpose of this webpage is to keep our community informed regarding collative bargaining with West Valley School District employees who are represented by labor unions. Records, Employee Benefits Web Portal called BenefitBridge: We are a K-8 school district located 8 miles outside of Kalispell, MT. West Valley School District provides a number of tools to help parents stay involved in their childs learning opportunities. AB 1522 Absence Form-PrintableSubstitute Teacher Report - FillableCalSTRS Express Benefit Report (Unused Sick Leave), 101 West Cochran Street, 85032. No question on this application is intended to secure information to be used for such discrimination. The night time differential stipend compensates the administrator for hours worked outside normal contract hours. The purpose of this webpage is to keep our community informed regarding collative bargaining with West Valley School District employees who are represented by labor unions. 1.. Scholarships have been added to state-funded student assistance programs administered by the Kansas Board of Regents. 925-625-6714, Jennifer Bright The district is located in Allegheny County. HR Request Form. 2022-23 Support Staff Hourly Salary Schedule Schools . Counselor / Librarian / Behavior Health Support Specialist Salary Schedule. 602-449-2000. Learn more about your elected School Board members, and access information about past and upcoming meetings. Assistant Superintendent 2022-23 Instructional Support Salary Schedule Starting the 2021-2022 school year, Blue Valley will be accepting certified substitute teachers with emergency substitute licenses issued by Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE). Board of Trustees Goals. 7:00pm, 8902 Zier Road, Yakima, WA 98908 Maria Bordanaro 2016-17 Salary Schedules, 2115 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, 2115 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | Phone, School Consolidation Frequently Asked Questions, Frontline Absence Management (Aesop) Login, 2017 Bond and Mill Levy Override Background, Mill Levy Override Funds and Expenditures, 2022-23 Instructional Support Salary Schedule, 2022-23 School Psychologist Salary Schedule, 2022-23 Special Service Provider Salary Schedule, (Audiologist, Nurse, OT, PT, Social Worker), 2022-23 Special Service Provider Hiring Salary Schedule, 2022-23 Support Staff Hourly Salary Schedule, 2022-23 Support Staff Exempt Salary Schedule, 2022-23 Extracurricular Activities Salary Schedule, 2022-23 Nominal Fee Stipend Salary Schedule. All salaries are set by Human Resources based on a review of your qualifications compared to the requirements listed on the job description;therefore listing all related education and experience on your application is recommended. Thank you! Simi Valley Unified School District. Licensed Credit Bank and Lane Change Process web page. Who to best contact at Central Office for specific topics, 8902 Zier Road, Yakima, WA 98908 Middle School Counselor Salary Schedule. WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: The West Valley School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Simi Valley, California 93065 We are a K-8 school district located 8 miles outside of Kalispell, MT. Open until filled. We look forward to viewing your application. This news segment from our local news outlet will surely get you excited to see the show! MDEA School Counselor Salary Schedule 2022-2023 . Special Services Provider Salary Schedule. 1402 West King Street, Carson City, NV 89703 | Phone, Carson Schools Closed Thursday and Friday, Remote Learning for Remainder of the School Year, Back-to-School Info and Electronics Policy, Backpacks to be distributed to homeless students across the state, CTE program opens new manufacturing facility, Family Life Committee Agendas and Minutes, Nevada Department of Education- Homeschooling, NOTICE OF INTENT OF HOMESCHOOLED CHILD TO PARTICIPATE IN PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES, World-Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA), Espanol WIDA Recursos del Programa de Aprendiz de Ingles, Nevada Department of Education English Learner Program Title III, OELA Federal Toolkit for English Learners - Manual Federal de Aprendices de Ingles, Manual del Programa del Aprendizaje de Ingls, Carson Adult High School Testing Calendar, Carson Adult High School HiSET Info SY 22-23, Carson Adult High School Transcript Request Regular & Prison Ed, Robotics Team Wins Best in Show At State Exhibit. District Salary Schedules . 2022-23 Administrative Salary Schedule . 101 West Cochran Street, Simi Valley, California 93065 (805) 306-4500 . 2022Simi ValleyUnified School District, Professional Accountability Documentation, SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT CARDS (SARC), WELLNESS & SELF-CARE DURING VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION, TRUSTEE SOFYA BAGDASARYAN, BOARD PRESIDENT, PUBLIC RELATIONS/PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, National School Lunch Program Information, WELCOME TO PURCHASING, PRINTING & WAREHOUSE, ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (ELD) Resources, PROGRAMS FOR DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING STUDENTS, FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOLS: HOLLOW HILLS & VISTA, Frontline Absence Management (for ALL Staff), ENCUESTA PARA PARTICIPACIN DE LA COMUNIDAD-LCAP SVUSD, HR Representative, Planning & Recruitment, 2022-2023 Certificated Substitute Salary Schedule, 2022-2023 Certificated Management Salary Schedule, 2022-2023 Adult Education TeacherSalary Schedule, CalSTRS Member Contribution Rate Increases, California Standards for the Teaching Profession, Professional Accountability Section from Handbook, Permanent Teacher On-Cycle Professional Learning Plan, Permanent Teacher Off-Cycle Professional Learning Plan, Non-Permanent Teacher On-Cycle Professional Learning Plan, Administrative Mandated Non-Permanent Assessment of Teaching Performance, Administrative Mandated Non-Permanent Teacher Pre-Observation, California Standards for the Teaching Profession 2018, Certificated Request for Leave of Absence Form, Certificated Retirement & Resignation Form, CalSTRS Express Benefit Report (Unused Sick Leave). High School Counselor Salary Schedule. 2020-21 Salary Schedules District Administrator Salary Schedules. The estimated base pay is $55,521 per year. Any individual needing assistance in submitting an application for any opening should contact the Human Resources department. Inclement Weather Memo 2022-23. Salaries shown for the school district superintendents are for the 2019-20 school year. West Middle School; K-12; Gateway School; Academic Option; Career Center; Grand River Academy; . Substitute Recruiter Our enrollment has increased by 49% over the last 12 years to 785 students with 85 staff members. *As exempt employees, administrators often work more than 40 hours a week throughout the year. The mission of the West Valley School District, a vital partner of a proud and caring community, is to ensure that all students achieve their highest level of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be responsible and productive citizens, effective communicators, creative problem-solvers and life-long learners. HIGHEST DEGREE . Advanced features of this website require that you enable JavaScript in your browser. Administrators are not allowed to have cell phones or equipment paid for or reimbursed using school/district funds. 1503000 NEMO VISTA SCHOOL DISTRICT: The salary schedules below are compared to the minimums as listed in A.C.A 6-17-2403 (b) . Board Approved 2022-2023 MUSD District Calendar. NONDISCRIMINATION AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. 6:00pm, Mar 8, 2023 | 5:00pm - Average annual salary was $67,933 and median salary was $72,722. Here are the average teacher salaries at Allegheny County County school districts The numbers include only base salary and do not take into account money earned from additional duties. Please use the salary schedule (based on your range and step) monthly pay rate to obtain the correct hourly rate . Average annual salary was $66,430 and median salary was $64,967. 2018Poudre School District, all rights reserved, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity District Policy AC, Teacher/Licensed Employee Salary Schedule, Mental/Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Benefits. 2019-20 Salary Schedules Facebook (opens in new window/tab . 245 Days - 8 Hours Per Day. 4044, Linda Reddy HR Assistant II Average Teacher Salary - PVSchools is home to some of the best schools in Phoenix and Scottsdale, including five of the best high schools in Arizona, and nearly 30 great elementary schools. Philadelphia, PA 19130. Salary Schedule Update WCCUSD is currently in contract negotiations with all our bargaining units. 37. Consultants who have served as a school principal - 5% of base salary, Night Time Differential Stipend (in lieu of trade time), Cell Phone Allocation (Effective 01/01/2013). We invite you to explore the many job opportunities and benefits of working with Blue Valley Schools. Please try a new search. Longevity Pay: Longevity pay shall apply only to District certificated personnel: (1) who have had service in the Covina-Valley Unified School District and its predecessors, the Covina School District and/or the ovina Union High C School District; (2) for regular assignments, and shall exclude summer school and all extra pay assignments. Snoqualmie Valley Principals' Association (SVPA) Contract (2022-2025) 2022-23 Principal Salary Schedule. Vacation and other personal leave time should be respected whenever possible. At Ellensburg School District, our belief is the service and support we provide enhances the success of the entire school system. Bus Driver salary: $20.36/hour; Bus Aide salary: . SALARY SCHEDULES 2019-2020 . (408) 741-2421. American River Flood Control District: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012: Bay Area Water Supply and . 2018-2019 Salary Schedule; PSE Negotiation Updates. Below are the salary schedules for bargained positions at Des Moines Public Schools: Teacher Extra Duty Pay Schedule 2022-2023, Transcript Submission for Salary Advancement, More Information about the Course Approval & Transcript Process, Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Plan. Salary Schedules. Powered by Edlio. Oakley Union Elementary School District. Highest salary at West Valley School District in year 2022 was $249,500. 4042, Janice Carnahan 6-17-201 and 6-17-2301. 925-625-5059, Heather Partida Salary: Commensurate with negotiated Salary Schedule. BVSD offers two different substitute opportunities, one as a teacher substitute and another as a para-educator substitute. 4043, Joanne Missoul SB 114 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave. Home Learning Resources and Schedules; Academic Planning Guide; Art Exhibition; Arts; Assessment; . Morrisville Borough School District. Supervisory School Nurse Salary Schedule (Eff 7/1/2023) Salary Advancement Email AVUTA 2022-2025 Contract AVUTA June 2015 Updates 2023 Recruiting Booklet Classified Resources Hierarchy Classification, Range and Base Duty Days CSEA Contract Salary Schedule (Eff 1/1/2023) Salary Schedule (Eff 7/1/2023) Certification of Vaccination. Findinformation about this and other changes related to salaryon PSDs new Teacher/Licensed Employee Salary Schedule web page. Policy and Advocacy Priorities. 2115 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501. Sources: . Collective Bargaining Agreement/Union Contract. Classified Supervisor Salary Schedule; Certified Career Ladder Schedule; Administrator Salary Schedule; Download [109.88 KB] . County School District Starting Salary $ District Website Phone Number; BLAIR: Altoona Area: $45,369: (814)946-8211: BLAIR: Bellwood-Antis Number of employees at West Valley School District in year 2022 was 636. Speech Language Pathologist @ West Valley School District (6 Openings) West Valley School District 4.4. Certificated Salary Schedule A. Certificated Salary Schedule B. _____ At Cheney Public Schools, we strive to offer the best possible service to . Please indicate that you are a . MOU - Salary Advancement. Educational Service Districts. Welcome to the West Valley School application submission page. June 2018; May 2018; April 2018; March 2018; December 2017; November 2017; Cheney School District serves K-12th grade students and is located in Cheney, WA. We provide families with more educational choices than any place in Iowa, educate top student scholars who go on to attend leading colleges and universities around the world, and are home to teachers recognized throughout the state and across the country as the best in their field. Remainder of 22/23 School Year, Long Term Substitute- 5th Grade. May & June: Internal applicants have first rights to open positions.Many of these positions go to internal transfers, but then we post for the backfill. Salary Schedule. Provides information to school personnel, parents and non-school agencies about current procedures and program guidelines. $55,409 - $104,436 a year. 2022-23 Payroll Schedule . Employee Salaries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Credential Technician More. The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. The night time differential stipend is taxable. (619) Executive . Current SCOE Salary Schedules | Available as PDFs Add on Stipends ASCOE Teacher, School Counselor ASCOE Nurse, Speech CL Attorney Business Support Provider Certificated Management Classified Management Classified Confidential College & Career Counseling Fieldwork Intern County Superintendent Clayton Valley High College Park High Concord High Diablo View Middle . Contact: Linda Reddy Ext. 2021-2022 Intersession Lab Salary Schedule Per Utah Statute 53G-11-518, advancement on this schedule may be held back depending on the annual effectiveness rating. This policy applies to all phases of employment. Ext. Our goal is to support you as a member of our diverse and highly talented workforce and is here to provide you with the resources available to be successful throughout your career at West Valley. June 2018; May 2018; April 2018; March 2018 . In Boise, the state's second-largest district, only 49 teachers make less than $40,000 annually. Preschool Plus Certified Salary Schedule. Payroll Specialist The Blue Valley School District conducts employment background investigations as part of the process of considering candidacy for employment. TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE ANALYSIS Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020. Contra Costa County Office of Education Redistricting 2021. . Employee Handbook 2022-2023 Download the 2022-2023 employee handbook. Human Resource Specialist According to IRS rules, if you are a Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) retiree, you cannot arrange employment prior to your KPERS retirement date and the subsequent waiting period of 180 days if < age 62 or 60 days if age 62+ at retirement. Official Sealed transcripts can be hand delivered to the Certification office at: The School District of Philadelphia. We look forward to viewing your application. Nondiscrimination in Employment. The heart of that mission begins with our exemplary employees. Ext.