If you would like someone to follow up with you, please enter your information below (optional). Memorial Day- Monday, May 29th 4. Box 322430Cocoa Beach, FL 32932-2430, City Hall1600 Minutemen CausewayP.O. If one of these holidays fall during a week day, your trash collection will be one day behind. Liquid Paint- paint must be dried. Phone 883-8848Hours:Mon-Sat 8am-4pm 9:30 AM-11:00 AM. Day of Week. Thanksgiving Day- Thursday, November 23rd (Note: Sites will be OPEN Fri and Sat Nov 24th and 25th) The collection centers are located at Calvert, See Off Road, Pisgah Forest, and Woodruff Road. Phone 883-3346Hours:Tues.,Thurs.,Sat. Yard waste (yard waste cuttings, grass cuttings, leaves, small clippings and trimmings) generated from a single family residence may be placed in a customer owned receptacle with a maximum 40-gallon capacity. Yard waste is any vegetative matter generated from improved real property such as leaves, grass, pine needles or shrubbery cuttings resulting from the care of lawns or landscape maintenance. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. TVs should be taken to the Woodruff Landfill. Good Friday- Friday, April 7th (Note: Sites will be OPEN Saturday, April 8th) The Brevard County Transportation Impact Fee Advisory Committee for the South Mainland Benefit District will meet on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. WASTE MANAGEMENT Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (772) 546-7700 -- District 1 Commissioner Rita Pritchett is seeking applicants to fill openings BREVARD COUNTY, FL. Hop on over to the Shops at Santa Anita for Photos with the Easter Bunny! Qualified applicants will be assigned a customer and vehicle identification number. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. You can reduce your cost by recycling and reducing the amount of trash you generate. Our Facilities consist of two landfills (Central Disposal Facility in Cocoa and Sarno Landfill in Melbourne). 2023 County Holiday Schedule. Household garbage consists of all kitchen waste, other household waste, and small miscellaneous garbage that fits inside of your trash receptacle. by Brevard County Solid Waste Recycling Information, City of Rockledge Garbage and Recycling Information, Hazardous / biohazardous wastes (chemicals, pool chemicals, etc. The landfill is open from 8:00 to 4:00 Monday through Saturday. As one of Florida's largest trash and recycling service partners, we pride ourselves on customer service and environmental stewardship. Fridays pickup will be on Thursday. There will be no other changes for this week. mailboxes, trees, and basketball goals) and 10 feet away from parked vehicles on the collection day. Western doesnotcurrently provide a curbside recycling program for non-municipal customers using residential services. Categories: Blogs, Member news, News By Carrie Barker . Your local customer service number: 844-737-8254 Tires on rims are $3.00 each. Day of Observance. E) Steel food cans-labels can be left on. The official county seat is located in Titusville. by When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Yard waste guidelines for homeowners, collection frequency, directions how to get free mulch and information about composting. Brevard County Board of County Commissioners, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson WayViera, FL 32940, Join our mailing list to stay up to date and get the latest Press Releases and Newsletters. There are no service changes to Monday, Tuesday or Friday. The collection centers at See Off, Calvert and Pisgah Forest are designed to accommodate bagged household waste. H) Tires- up to 5 car tires without rims accepted free at Woodruff Landfill. Sarno Landfill, Melbourne 255-4365. (For example, if your collection day is usually Thursday, it will shift to Friday). Waste Pro will not be providing collection and disposal service on holidays observed by the Town of Grant-Valkaria. 4. Cassia County:Includes areas of Burley, Declo, Oakley, and Albion. Waste Management Trash Pick-Up Schedule Trash Pick-Up Schedule Regular Trash Pick -up Please Note: Bulk Yard Waste Pick-up you will need to call Waste Management at 321-636-6894 or 866-724-2989 to schedule the claw. Call208-734-6969. Additional charges may apply. Public Meeting - Transportation Fund Impact Fee Advisory Committee - South Mainland Benefit District. There will be a Central Florida Cares Executive Committee Meeting on March 8, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at 707 Mendham Blvd, Suite 201, Orlando, FL 32825. Southern Idaho Solid Waste operates all of the transfer stations and landfills in this region. Melissa Manriquez, Clerk Katrina Martinez, Deputy Clerk 33 N. Stone Avenue, Suite 100 Tucson, AZ 85701 Phone: (520) 724-8449 Fax: (520) 222-0448 Find out when your trash, recycling and yard waste gets picked up. Start Service Now Business Waste Management Services All business sizes Restaurants, retail shops, manufacturing, etc. HOURS OF OPERATION. A, Suite 118Viera, FL 32940. Our litter pick up program utilizes community service workers in a never-ending attempt to keep our roadsides clean. A list of FREE residential prescription drug disposal locations as well as an interactive prescription drug drop-off Each fiscal year's holiday schedule is posted on this page by early November. Take Hwy 64 west out of Brevard. Box 322430Cocoa Beach, FL 32932-2430, Business Hours: 8:30am-4:30pmPhone: 321-868-3200City Directory (Link)Email Disclaimer (Link). Fill out the Brevard County Purchasing Services Vendor Application. Contractors, haulers and others who use the landfill frequently can apply to open a credit account at the landfill. ONE green sticker should be placed on each bag of trash. Note: alkaline batteries should be discarded in the trash. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting 3/7/2023, Central Florida Cares Finance Committee Meeting - March 8, 2023, Central Florida Cares Executive Committee Meeting - March 8, 2023, Tourist Development Council Marketing Committee Meeting at the Tourism Office 3/8/2023, Tourist Development Council Beach Committee Meeting 3/14/2023, Max Brewer Memorial Law Library Board Meeting - March 15, 2023, Bidding Opportunity - Open Bid for 5807 Travis Street, Mims, Florida 32754, Bidding Opportunity - Open Bid for 201 Atlantic Blvd., Indian Harbour Beach, Florida 32937, Public Hearing - Brevard Home Consortium Home Investment Partnerships Program-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Allocation Plan 15-Day Notice Of Public Comment Period And Public Hearing, Public Meeting Notice - RFP-5-23-06 Library Services Department Management System with Self-Checkout Options - Selection Committee Meeting. Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners; Governing Board of the Brevard Mosquito Control District; Governing Board of the Barefoot Bay Water and Sewer District. The Household Hazardous Waste collection center and the electronics recycling program are also located at the landfill. The cart must have at least three feet on both sides. by Does North Carolina allow open burning of trash? Brevard County residents can get free mulch at any of the locations listed below. During a holiday week, your normal collection days will shift to alternate days of the week. No pane glass, plates, drinking glasses or light bulbs. Independence Day- Tuesday July 4th BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, 2/16/2023 9:06 AM Thank you for your partnership with Waste Management. If your trash is normally collected on Mondays & Thursdays, review the first document to see your adjusted dates. Central Disposal Facility, Cocoa 633-1888. Unauthorized dumping into commercial dumpsters is illegal; if caught, you can be fined $500 or placed in jail for 60 days. For more information, you may contact Waste Management Customer Service at 800-266-7551. MLK Day- Monday, January 16th Cash or checks are the only acceptable forms of payment. List of household electronic devices and instructions how to dispose of them, plus a list of recycling & Residents pay for the trash they generate. After the holiday, Waste Management will resume regular pickup and you will receive service on your next scheduled day. Items must be clean, free of contaminants and sorted properly at our collection centers. Thank you for your partnership with Waste Management. For information on backyard composting call the Agricultural Extension Service in Cocoa at 633-1702 or visit the University of Florida site. Full Calendar Dec 10 PUBLIC NOTICE: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER Our water system recently exceeded a drinking water standard. Materials that will, medical wastes, industrial or business waste, explosives or unknowns. Public Meeting Notice - B-7-23-25A Viera Wetland Outfall Weirs and Valves - Pre-Qualification Committee Meeting. North Brevard - (321) 636-6894 South Brevard - (321) 723-4455 Holiday Schedule for curbside collection of unincorporated areas The collector shall not be required to furnish collection services on the following specified Holidays: Memorial Day Fourth of July Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day There will be no make-up days. Anyone wanting to dispose of loosewaste or desiring to pay by weight should come to the Woodruff Landfill. Brush, and Yard waste costs $20 a ton. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Basic dance cardio to upbeat and uplifting music. There is no charge for scrap metal recycling. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Every county in the state of Florida has a household hazardous waste (HHW) program. as it is categorized as prohibited waste by the Brevard County Sarno Transfer Station. Place garbage and recycle carts; yard waste and yard waste cans within 5 feet of the curb the night before your collection day or before 6:00 a.m. Collection will be as normal for both weeks. Bldg. There will be no other changes for this week. (effective July 1, 2021). View records related to Code Enforcement and Contractor Licensing cases. The Pisgah Forest Collection Center is open 8:00 to 5:30 Monday through Saturday. The meeting will convene on Friday, March 10, 2023 at 9:00 AM at the Brevard County Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg. Hazardous waste exhibits one or more characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity, making it dangerous. Billing statements are mailed out at the end of each month. The site attendants and scale operators help citizens put their materials in the right place and collect the necessary fees. Celebrate St. Patricks Day at the Derbys Woolf Den, Congresswoman Judy Chu presents Artistic Discovery, Arcadia Senior Services Presents Musical Moments Pasadena Scottish Pipes and Drums Band, Waste Management reminds customers of Christmas and New Years Day holiday schedule. Location2725 Judge Fran Jamieson WayBldg. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. by Residents; Businesses; Government. Brevard, NC 28712 If your HOBO should need repair, please call the Sanitation Division during hours of operation at 321-221-7540. Loads must be moved in a manner that the contents will not leak or spill and shall be covered to keep contents dry and to prevent blowing of material. For more information please visit the Yard Waste Page for the schedule. Your answers to these 4 questions will help us improve our site and the services we provide. Absolutely! Materials that will not be accepted include liquid paint, regulated-medical wastes, industrial or business waste, explosives or unknowns. Simply call and let us work with you to arrange pickup of your materials. Such term does not include large quantities of sod, dirt and trash from land clearing or other materials requiring special handling. Mobile Friendly 2022-2023 Holiday Schedule. Free Mulch. This may include tree trimmings or removal, if done by the homeowner; please see the list for contact information. Waste Management has many services available in your neighborhood and throughout most of the Melbourne, Florida area. Waste management solutions, recycling and dumpster rental services tailored to your needs. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC contains many capabilities specifically designed to make it easier for people with disabilities Viera Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, Fl. If you would like someone to follow up with you, please enter your information below (optional). Cardio and Strength Training through Yoga. Hazardous waste contaminates our local landfills and our environment if they are placed with your regular trash. The scale attendant will direct customer after arrival. Holiday . Housing And Human Services Department. Planning And Development Department. Request information about housing programs and housing assistance for Brevard County. Solid waste collections for New Year's Day will run on a normal schedule. Please call the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center at (321) 633-2043 if you have any of the following materials to dispose of: Hazardous / biohazardous wastes (chemicals, pool chemicals, etc.) Unincorporated Brevard County waste collection schedule, interactive map of unincorporated areas and special collection information. If you have questions, please call (828) 884-6830. Glass bottles and Jars Clear, Brown, green, Catalogs, junk mail, Magazines, Paper egg cartons, Envelopes, Manila Envelopes, Office paper, Phone Books, Glossy paper, Cereal boxes, Brown paper bags, Paper towel rolls, NO plastic bags (take to Ingles, Wal-Mart, Food Lion). Online account access and payment for Mims, Barefoot Bay and San Sebastian Woods water and sewer bills. Strength and toning through a series of Barre exercises. View a list of Brevard County advisory boards, members, vacancies and apply to become a member. I) Appliances- refrigerators, stove, hot water heaters, washer and dryers, dishwashers, freezers, and air conditioners are accepted free at Woodruff. Containerize grass cuttings, leaves, small clippings and trimmings. Garbage is collected twice per week. Strength and toning through Barre exercises. Small appliances including microwaves, toasters, blenders, vacuum cleaners, etc. Jerome County: Includes areas of Jerome, Hazelton, and Eden. The government does not regulate hazardous wastes generated in the home. The meeting will convene on Friday, March 10, 2023 at 9:00 AM at the Brevard County Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg. Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 List of household hazardous waste items and instructions how to dispose of them, A list of FREE residential prescription drug disposal locations, Unincorporated Brevard County waste collection schedule, Single Stream Recycling for Miscellaneous Garbage. Tadpoles (AM) Sept 7, 2022 - May 24, 2023. We accept co-mingled items such as cans, paper, jars and plastics. by Calvert Rd is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday8am-4pm. Please rinse. 163 Old Calvert Road Notify collector and arrange for a special pick-up if yard waste removal does not meet the size and weight limits listed above (. waste normally scheduled for Thursday will be collected on Wednesday, November 23.