Her telephone number was listed as +35-68 32 6548. the Jennifer Fairgate Case. Episode, Tiffany Valiante On 'Unsolved Mysteries': Everything We Know About "The Mystery at Mile Marker 45", Stream It Or Skip It: Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix, Volume 3 Of The Legacy Titles Return To The True Crime Scene, How to Watch Donald Trump's 2023 CPAC Speech: Live Stream Information, Kids' Choice Awards 2023 Live Stream: Time, How To Watch Live on Nickelodeon, 11 Best New Movies on Netflix: March 2023's Freshest Films to Watch, Will There Be A 'Sex/Life' Season 3 on Netflix? Just seconds later, he heard a gunshot come from the room. We may earn a commission through links on our site. Primero, los policas coincidieron en que se trataba de un suicidio, pues la mujer estaba sola en la habitacin y la puerta estaba . Kaldager noted that intelligence operatives could easily break in and make the door look as though it was locked from the inside. On June 3, 1995, Jennifer Fairgate (sometimes spelled "Fergate") was found dead in room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel, a famous luxury hotel in Norway. Fortunately, police were able to get a full DNA profile from her remains. If she was an intelligence agent and she was killed in that way, both sides would be very quiet, he said. Wegner traveled to Verlaine, Belgium - the village listed on the registration card - in hopes of finding some trace of Jennifer there. However, it was discovered that he left before her body was found. Reddit users have pointed out that an article about the crime published in Norwegian outlet VG says Mr. F claimed he heard nothing the evening of Fairgates death. And the gun's magazine had seven more bullets in it. One expert claims that the gun was not an authentic Browning pistol, but was instead a Hungarian copy from the 1960s or 1970s that was made of parts from several weapons. Details: At 10:44pm on the evening of Wednesday, May 31, 1995, a young woman, stylishly dressed in black, checked in at the Plaza Hotel in Oslo, Norway. An unidentified fingerprint was on it. Lagast showed the sketch to several others in the town; a few people recognized her as a resident's sister-in-law. She placed it in the closet. Kaldager said the latter was consistent with movements of an intelligence operative. Three days later, she was found dead in her hotel room. Is 'Daisy Jones & The Six' Based on a True Story? There was no evidence that anyone else had been in the room. One reddit user questioned why she would have been at the hotel in Oslo in 1995, wondering, Was she a prostitute that did work at the hotel? And asking, Why did this woman come to Oslo? Another witness, Kristin Andersen, worked in room service at the hotel. There were no signs of a struggle or forced entry. One of the few documents police and reporters were able to use was a registration the woman signed while checking in. Her place of employment is listed as "Cerbis." But the Jennifer Fairgate case in Unsolved Mysteries Season 2 has even more twists and turns than most cases in the series. They based it on the following: the double-locked door with both key cards inside the room; the silence noticed by Espen right after the shot; the lack of any sign of struggle in the room; and the lack of other injury to her. Wegner thinks that the story of Jennifers death is very weird. After the Israel-Palestinian peace talks, Norway was involved in many peacekeeping negotiations. Its possible, experts noted in the docuseries, that someone could have knelt over her and fired the gun at point blank while she was unconscious. At 8:06pm on Friday, Jennifer ordered a Hotbite of bratwurst and potato salad. She did not have to pay in advance. This story starts with a question, but ends with more. It was the first time he had ever seen that in a suicide. There are similarities between this case and the ones of the. On the night of June 3, a security guard went up to 20th floor to check on the guest after it was discovered that she had not provided payment info for the room. Police also destroyed all of the evidence in the case because they had ruled it a suicide. He said that he remembered being asked by one of the hotel desk operators about her death. They then went back to their original theory, that it was a suicide. When the police attempted to identify the woman, they discovered she checked into the hotel three days earlier with a fake name. No family members ever came asking for her. He is not certain exactly what happened to her, but he has a feeling that she was executed by an assassin. Who Was Mallory Beach in 'Murdaugh Murders'? Jennifer Fairgate" (also as "Fergate") was the alias used by a woman who was found dead of a gunshot in Oslo Plaza Hotel in Norway in 1995. . He does not understand how she was able to hold onto such a powerful weapon with such a strange grip. Wegner says that according to the toxicology report, police only tested her for alcohol. According to Audun Kristiansen, prosecuting authority for the Oslo Police Department, they approached the womans room very carefully. Location: Oslo, Norway In 1996, they closed the case and decided that they had to bury her. Could the person have left through the window? He says that blood would have also been found on her chest and on her clothes if nothing was blocking it. Her handwriting suggests that she was from there. Wegner and Lagast concluded that Jennifer was not from Verlaine. When a person fires the gun, the recoil pushes it back. Her autopsy indicated that she was 5'2". The best series on Netflix The best movies on Netflix New on Netflix: What to watch this week 4 The maid also noticed that one of the sets of sheets for the beds was unused. Why did the security guard leave after he heard gunshots, allowing a 15-minute window for someone to leave the room? On May 31, 1995, a woman who went by the name Jennifer Fairgate checked into Room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel in Norway. An ironing board and iron were also found in the room. Jennifer Fairgate is the name the victim used when checking in at Oslos Plaza Hotel. My Hero Academia S6 episode 22 release time, date, and trailer for Friend, {{#media.media_details}} {{#media.focal_point}}. Kaldager thinks that Jennifer's death was a professional operation because all of the evidence was removed. At around 8:50pm, police arrived at the hotel. The hotel was favored by country leaders and influential people. The labels on her clothes were removed. Also, why had she brought 25 additional rounds if she had checked into the hotel planning only to kill herself? About ten million people read it daily. Unfortunately, the police have not been able to identify her through DNA because no matching profiles were found. Although the woman's real identity is unknown, she is referred to as "Jennifer" throughout most of this write-up. The 'Jennifer Fairgate' Episode of 'Unsolved Mysteries' Will Send You Down a Rabbit Hole In its most open-ended episode yet, Netflix's true crime reboot doubles-down on speculation about an . Three empty soda bottles and an opened bag of chips were found on a counter. In other news, My Hero Academia S6 episode 22 release time, date, and trailer for Friend, Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix, /static/uploads/2020/10/656802_t_1602230917.jpg. Height: 5'2" - 5'3" Known only by the alias "Jennifer Fairgate," the mysterious woman covered in the second episode of Netflix's "Unsolved Mysteries Vol. Date of Birth: 1960 - 1974 (approx.) That would mean that no one was in the room from Thursday morning until 8:50am on Friday, when she used her key card to enter. Redditors are on the case. They sent the DNA for analysis. Audun Kristiansen of the Oslo Police department told Netflix they had found no traces of other persons in the room. ", A third added: "Why didn't they found out who's the receptionist who got Jennifer Fairgate's info when she checked in? They had been taken from the room's mini-bar on Friday and Saturday. Police still need help Finding her family. UNSOLVED Mysteries fans are convinced Jennifer Fairgate was an undercover spy - and her death was a murder, not suicide. It was found embedded in the floor, only a few centimeters away from the one that killed her. He left the hallway, returning fifteen minutes later with other security. It was a "real-life mystery" that people would be interested in. The long-unsolved case of Patricia Kalitzke and Duane Bogle is believed to be the oldest cold case in the country solved through the breakthrough technology. As a result, they did not take the bed's sheets or pillows. He thinks that she deserves to have a headstone with her name on it. Sketches have been made of her. Officer Kristiansen says that they tried with Belgium and Interpol but got no more information about "Lois." And when investigators looked through her hotel room, they found a collection of clothes with the labels removed, and no bottoms, only tops. At 8:06 p.m., she had ordered room service. Some witnesses believed they saw a guest with the unknown woman, but he disappeared soon after. The chief used his security key card to open the door. "Unsolved Mysteries" Volume 2 includes the story of "Jennifer Fairgate," and Netflix has released a batch of information onto Reddit hoping she will be identified. By the time of Wegner's investigation, the hotel no longer had its registration from 1995. Its possible families were notified and paid never to come forward. It appeared that the label was impossible to remove without destroying the blazer's lining. Police have noted that gunshot residue is not always found on the hands of suicide victims; in this case, the way Jennifer held the gun may have prevented any residue from coming onto her hands. He was described as 6'1" and between thirty-five and forty (in 1995). It had been sold in Germany. She is believed to have been the last person to see Jennifer alive. According to her, Jennifer was "not interested in small talk." No identification was found of the woman. Three days later, she was found dead in her hotel room. While immediate . A burn mark on it showed that she had flipped it over after she fired the shot. Endless questions still remain about Jennifer. Props to the man searching for answers years later. Wegner hoped that something would be found that would help lead to her identity. She also gave a fake address, age, and misspelled her name twice. Professionals, such as intelligence agents, would know how deep to go to remove it. It wasnt uncommon for powerful people to stay there. Wegner has several theories as to why Jennifer was in Oslo: she may have been involved in drug smuggling; she may have been a flight attendant (she matched the general description of the ones that stayed at the hotel); she may have been a "top-class" prostitute; she may have been a secret agent for another country's intelligence service; or she may have been an assassin. He believes that there is a reason that she chose the village to write down. She possessed no ID. Nationally renowned cold case expert Ken Mains gives his opinion on the Netflix, episode 2 of Unsolved Mysteries. Wegner wondered if they could determine her age more precisely. Three days later, she was found dead in her hotel room. . Others were not convinced. 2,341, This story has been shared 2,085 times. The woman was dressed in a black thigh-length cotton jacket, black silk pajama shorts, stockings, and black pumps. Wasn't they supposed to have scheduled for the shift? Investigators believe it was most likely sold to her at a discount store or shopping center. So what happened to this mysterious woman? Volume 2 of Unsolved Mysteries arrived on Netflix on October 19th, 2020. He had lived in the area all of his life. So, what happened to "Jennifer Fairgate"? Dr. Torleiv Ole Rognum, Chief Pathologist at Oslo University Hospital, says that Jennifers death could have been a suicide, except for the fact that there were no blood spots on her hand. What actually happened there is very hard to say, but I have a feeling that she was executed., Kaldager pointed out that the registration number was removed from the gun in a professional way. Removing clothing tags, he noted, was also common for agents in the field. Oslo police informed Belgian police about Jennifers death. If Lois Fairgate did indeed visit the woman at the hotel, he wasnt there as a friend. What was found in the room indicated that she was the only one living there. 'Yellowstone' Return Date Info, Savannah Guthrie Rushed Out Of 'Today' After Testing Positive For COVID-19 During Live Broadcast, Where Is Hoda Kotb? They next tried to find the address listed on the registration card. If you have information about this woman, alias "Jennifer Fairgate," visit unsolved.com. Unsolved Mysteries fans have spotted a major oversight in the death of Jennifer Fairgate Credit: Handout Jennifer was found in room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel with a bullet wound to the. Could a person have left the room between the time the guard left after he heard the gunshot and when someone came back to the room?. Her telephone number was listed as +35-68 32 6548. When her body was discovered, the meal she ordered was found in the room, half-eaten. However, it appears that no one from her family has ever reported her missing. He believes that the gun was produced by the Hungarian factory "FEG" and was used as a military weapon. 2,922, This story has been shared 2,437 times. Authorities thought there was a very high chance that it was a suicide. The numbers were identical, except for one digit; it was determined that neither of them existed.