The people of Jemez abandoned the craft of pottery making sometime in the early 18th century and relied instead on purchasing wares from other Pueblos, mostly Zia. Though much Navajo pottery still does not include painted designs, many artists now use appliqu, incised patterns or colored slips to add complexity and decorative elements to their work. Learn more in our Privacy Policy, Help Centre, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. 144812161636 Inspired by the Paquime, Casas Grandes ceramics, the potters of Mata Ortiz create contemporary works of . window.mc4wp.listeners.push( SKU: 5001-16. (20% off), Sale Price 121.47 Indian Pueblo StoreShumakolowa Gallery 2401 12th Street NW Albuquerque,NM87104(505) 724-3506, Carol Lucero Gachupin Male Storyteller with 5 Children, Clifford K Fragua Male Two Children Storyteller Figurine, Bonnie Fragua Johnson Jemez Six Children Stroyteller, Adrian Wall "Stairway to the Universe" Sculpture, Juanita Fragua Pueblo Pottery Ceramic Travel Mug, Natalie Sandia Pueblo Pottery Ceramic Travel Mug, George Toya "Sun with 4Dragonflys" Framed Painting, George Toya Orange Pueblo Prayer Gift Set, Natalie Sandia "Pueblo Morning for One" Gift Set, Juanita C. Fragua "Pueblo Morning for One" Gift Set, Contemporary 8-Piece Nativity Set by Clifford K. Fragua, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. In the 1970s, Laguna artists re-established the traditional craft of pottery-making with the help of a federally-funded program. Today, Pueblo pottery is an exciting and dynamic form, with many artists pairing traditional techniques with innovative and stylized designs. Traditional Navajo pots are smoothed and scraped with corncobs and fired in an open pit using juniper wood as fuel. Pueblo Pottery Artist Signature Identification. Concha, Alma Loretto (Jemez/Taos) Komalestewa, Alton (Hopi/Tewa/Santa Clara) Garcia, Alvina (Kewa) Yepa, Alvina (Jemez) Baca, Alvin (Santa . March 3, 2023 John Aguilar and Mary Aguilar Contemporary Santo Domingo Earrings and Money Clip Collection. } The Jemez people are the ancestors of the great Anasazi of the four corners area. This seller consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped on time, and replied quickly to any messages they received. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevance, and the amount sellers pay per click. Explore More From Picuris Pueblo >, Today it is extremely difficult to find handcrafted pottery from Pojoaque Pueblo as there are only three or four active potters. The bean pot is one of their well known forms and is an excellent baking and stovetop cooking piece. See Artwork with the Avanyu Design >, Cochiti Pueblo has been making sophisticated clay pottery and figurines for hundreds of years. 1940) Pottery Creatures lot of 3, depictions of a badger, owl and bear largest height 6 1/2 inches. We take intellectual property concerns very seriously, but many of these problems can be resolved directly by the parties involved. Original Price 156.02 Our online selection is a small sample of what we carry in our store. Learn more. } The Pueblos signature design is the Zia bird, depicted with a single large eye and forked tail feathers. Today, pottery remains a vital art in Zia Pueblo with many artists still creating beautiful handcrafted pots with natural clay, carrying on a celebrated legacy of pottery-making. jemez pottery signatures Add to Favorites Native American Jemez Handmade Melon Pottery By Award Winning Alvina Yepa . Artist auction records. listeners: [], See . Explore More From Zuni Pueblo>, Indian Pueblo StoreShumakolowa Gallery 2401 12th Street NW Albuquerque,NM87104(505) 724-3506, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. 6872 E. Sunrise Drive. This type of low relief carving, called sgraffito, was a major shift in style that had a lasting effect on modern Pueblo pottery. June 7, 2022; certified financial therapist . This seller usually responds within a few hours. Very little is known about the history of pottery production in Isleta Pueblo. } Vintage JEMEZ Pottery Native American Pot Vase Artist Signed ATT, Old Southwest Desert Art Jemez Pueblo NM, 5" W x 2-1/2" H Rust Black White CedarClosetCache Following Follow. ); Jemez pottery is characterized by variety; storytellers, finely incised ware (some with blue slip), intricately painted geometrics and floral . About The Shangri La West Gallery: Your gateway to the Jemez, Chaco and Navajo Country! Request more information Additional Details. Red or black designs are painted onto the body, usually bold geometric shapes. HOPI SEED POT Native American Pottery by Carol Namoki - $237.40. Original Price 204.19 The most celebrated and recognized art form of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, Pueblo pottery is known around the world for its remarkable beauty and craftsmanship. Explore More From IsletaPueblo >, Jemez Pueblo potters are known for their artistry and innovation, with many artists producing premium handcrafted vessels in traditional and contemporary styles. * (Excludes kachinas, alabaster and select items). (50% off), Sale Price 425.13 Fragua, Glendora Dark Brown Water Jar with Dragonflies and Flowers, Fragua, Glendora Tan Long Neck Jar with Bears and Flowers, Fragua, Glendora Tan Tall Jar with Yei and Sun Figures and Coral Insets, Fragua, Glendora Tan Tall Jar with Sun Designs, Kiva Step Opening and Coral, Fragua, Juanita 16 Rib Tan Melon Jar with Square Neck, Fragua, Juanita 10 Wide Polychrome Bowl with Cloud and Rain Designs, Fragua-Tsosie, Emily Koshari Storyteller (1980s), Toya, Maxine Pueblo Singer Trios (1990s), Small, Mary Polychrome Bowl with Carved Cloud Rim (1980s), Small, Mary Polychrome Long Neck Jar with Kiva Opening (1980s), Toya, Dominique Micaceous Eight Sharp Rib Swirl Melon Seedpot, Gachupin, Laura Singing Mother Storyteller (1984), Cajero, Gabriel P. Storyteller Figure in Wrapped Shawl, Fragua, Cindy Jar with Corn Designs, Square Sides and Square Opening, Fragua, Chris Koshari Clown Storyteller with Chicken, Eteeyan, Mary Louise Bowl with Butterfly Lid and Plant Designs, Toya, Dominique Frost Gray and Mica Swirl Seedpot, Toya, Dominique Micaceous 12 Sharp Rib Bowl with Triangle Opening, Tosa, Persingula Storyteller with 19 Kids (1960s), Tafoya, Vangie Large Polychrome Bowl with Hummingbirds, Melon Ribs, and Ribbon (2001), Tafoya, Vangie Large Polychrome Bowl with Avanyu & Melon Ribs, Yepa, Marcella Black Polished and Micaceous Jar with Cloud Swirls, Toya, Dominique Frost Gray and Black Mica Swirl Seedpot, Toya, Dominique Frost Gray and Mica Melon Rib Swirl Seedpot, Yepa, Marcella Red Jar with Painted Cloud Designs, Fragua, Glendora Tan Seedpot with Turtle and Coral, Baca, Neya Small Jar with Incised Rain and Rainbows, Toya, Dominique Black Melon Rib Swirl Seedpot, Toya, Dominique Black Bowl with Carved River Design, Toya, Maxine & Dominique Polychrome Jar with Dragonflies, Birds & Flowers, Yepa, Elston Bowl with Four Realistic Feathers, Toya, Dominique Micaceous Eight Rib Swirl Melon Seedpot, Fragua, BJ Red Water Jar with Polychrome Ribbon Pattern, Toya, Dominique Red and Black Mica Wide Carved Swirl Bowl, Vigil, Felix Into the Heart of the Sun Mixed Media on Board, Vigil, Felix Rain Makers Mixed Media on Board, Vigil, Phillip Blue River Original Acrylic on Canvas, Vigil, Phillip Untitled No. Authors Channel Summit. listeners: [], Christmas Day: Closed, Copyright 2023 Cameron Trading Post. Lightning, clouds, rainbow bands and other elements of weather and nature are also popular designs. Original Price 103.66 With so few Santa Ana artists creating pottery using natural clay and traditional methods, any piece is a rare and valuable work of art. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. Add to cart. Today, it is most known for a matte polychrome style of pottery featuring orange and black designs on a white background or black fine-line designs on a white background. The idea of decorating glassware came about two years ago. A handful of potters in the Shonto and Cow Springs region of Arizona continued to make traditional pottery, and in the 1950s the form underwent a revival led by Navajo potter Rose Williams and her daughter Alice Cling. 11 1/2" h x 7"deep. } Polychrome decorated red clay bowl. Original Price 26.18 Visiting Artist shows run for two weeks and provide a good opportunity for local artists to show and sell their work. Explore More From Nambe Pueblo >, The Navajo are most known for their artistic traditions of weaving, basketry and jewelry, but they have also been making fine pottery for hundreds of years for ceremonial and utilitarian purposes. VISIT MY SHOP AT items: Given the nature of the item being sold, I am unable to accept returns on antique/vintage/used items. Original Price 785.34 Mida Tafoya Red Ware Pottery. . 2020. } Artisans who did create pottery in Santa Ana often emulated Zias style. 800-777-2489. In the 20th century, San Ildefonso potters became known for their originality, innovating new designs and shapes. For hundreds of years, the Nambe people made cooking pots from micaceous clay as well as plain blackware for utilitarian purposes, but traditional pottery-making declined in the 20th century. Depicted as a horned serpent with lightning emerging from its mouth, the avanyu is believed to live in the Rio Grande and its tributaries. These potters developed a distinctive style of black-on-red and black or red-on-tan, while dramatically improving their technical mastery of the form. In addition to blackware, contemporary San Ildefonso artists also create beautiful redware and polychrome style pottery. When the Native arts market boomed in the 1970s, a handful of artists began producing micaceous clay and polychrome pottery again, as well as polished blackware influenced by Santo Clara styles. It also tells the color of the clay and how it was fired. forms: { Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Though Isabel's grandmother was Cipriana Pena who is also the great grandmother of Maria Martinez, both were foster relationships, hence Isabel Pena and Maria Martinez are not related by blood. CedarClosetCache. After the 1920s, traditional pottery-making declined as Zuni artists focused more on jewelry, which was far more popularity with tourists. Pottery-making was revived in the early 20th century and today Jemez bowls, seed pots, wedding vases, figurines, ornaments and storytellers are collected around the world. Excellent con. } Entdecke Vintage Native American Jemez Keramik Kanu Vogel in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! $350.00 PF62 Jemez Tsosie pottery male storyteller with drum. Shangri La West Gallery showcases the work of many local Native American artists. Today a very small group of artist including Myron Sarracino continues to create fine traditional work, but pottery from Laguna Pueblo remains rare and valuable. The Jemez are a Towa-speaking people whose modern Pueblo village, known as Walatowa, is located 55 miles northwest of Albuquerque. Not a lot is known about her. This page is currently a work in progress. } Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Micaceous clay wares were the traditional style created in the 17th and 18th centuries was but today no one is creating work in this style. 150.09, 187.61 Organized alphabetically based on the signature. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Santa Ana potters are known for creating sturdy vessels with red clay collected from the banks of the Jemez River. . If you are interested, please call or come by the gallery. They typically do not feature painted designs, a practice discouraged by elders to maintain cultural and religious privacy. $350.00 PG26 Jemez pottery Mary Small male storyteller. Jemez Pottery. did delicate arch collapse 2021. rite of spring clarinet excerpts; steinway piano for sale toronto; where does mytheresa ship from; ulrich schiller priest Traditional designs include birds, animals, rain, clouds, flowers, lightning and other motifs drawn from nature. 28.77, 57.54 Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery Inc. All rights reserved. Traditional Jemez Pueblo Black-on-White and other styles died out in the 1700s when hundreds of vessels were destroyed to keep them from the Spanish conquistadors. Jemez Pueblo pottery is often uses a red slip on tan, but artists have begun using a broader color palette that includes light blues and greens. The creatures body typically looks like a rippling stream, and the lightning coming from its mouth signifies thunderstorms that bring rain. Order. 1951) & Joseph (b. or Best Offer. (20% off), Sale Price 28.77 Many create pottery in more contemporary styles, incorporating stylized lizards, frogs, dragonflies, feathers and hatched lines that represent rain. See artwork with the Rain Parrot Design >, San Ildefonso Pueblo is best known for its black-on-black style of pottery made famous by legendary potter Maria Martinez. Today, Cochiti potters make traditional Storytellers as well as more contemporary figurines that depict non-traditional subjects such as animals and are often whimsical or humorous in style. Black-on-red and black or brown on a white background are popular colors, though contemporary Zuni potters are creating fine art pottery in a range of beautiful colors. Along with her husband Julian, Maria pioneered this style that combines matte and polished black surfaces around 1920, drawing upon pottery artifacts being excavated at the time from ancient Pueblo sites. Sale Price 108.06 Historically, Santa Ana did not have a strong pottery tradition like nearby Zia Pueblo, and people of Santa Ana Pueblo often traded crops and other goods for Zia wares. Do not wander around the village. 392.67, 785.34 Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Polychrome decorated red clay bowl. Artist artworks for sale and wanted Today, Native artists across the Southwest create Storytellers, sometimes depicting the elder and children as clowns, drummers, acrobats, cowboys or animals, and handcrafted figurative pottery continues to be one of the most exciting, colorful and successful pottery forms. More Items From eBay. Juanita Fragua is known for her melon styles pots, but she creates other styles, as well. The three (or four)-step cut-out represents the stages of life: birth, life and death (afterlife). This color comes from a gray clay that turns light yellow-gold when fired. Read our Cookie Policy. jemez pottery signatures. Restaurant Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m (MST) December 17 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Some handmade pottery by modern Jemez artists has a glossy appearance to it from their traditional stone polishing technique. The pottery produced there is known for its distinctive earth-tone colors blending stone polished and matte finishes with painted and etched designs. event : evt, Early Navajo pottery from the 17th and 18th centuries resembled Pueblo pottery forms, though Navajo vessels often had thicker walls and an incised decorative band around the neck. Engraved signature on base: 'Buzzini '92' and '21/40' It may be best known as the birthplace of the Storyteller figure, one of the most widely collected and recognized Pueblo art forms. callback: cb By sequencing 727 ancient individuals from the Southern Arc (Anatolia and its neighbors in Southeastern Europe and West Asia) over 10,000 years, we contextualize its Chalcolithic period and Bronze Age (about 5000 to 1000 BCE), when extensive gene The Jemez Pueblo is located in Central-Northern New Mexico. Etsy offsets carbon emissions from shipping and packaging on this purchase. Traditional pottery-making nearly died out in the 20th century but was revitalized in the 1980s by Stella Teller and her family, known for their exquisite handmade figurines and storytellers. The Fragua and Gachupin familes are among the most well-known for fine pottery. ExploreMore From Ohkay OwingehPueblo >, Taos and Picuris Pueblos produce a type of traditional pottery that is very distinct from other Pueblo pottery styles. Original Price 62.83 Wall, whose mother is Jemez and father Chippewa, inherited pottery making from her mother and aunts . Adobe Gallery 221 Canyon Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Phone (505) 955-0550 Fax (866) 919-9506 I am offering a HOPI SEED POT, made and signed by CAROL 185785391810 The village is, therefore, open to the public only on Feast Days. Jemez Pueblo pottery has gone through a unique evolution, one that has resulted in modern handmade pottery that speaks of a marriage of cultures. Today, the beautiful burnished vases and pots created by Navajo potters are admired as fine art and add much to the vibrant Native American pottery traditions of the Southwest. Original Price 195.46 In Pueblo culture, stories are passed down orally from generation to generation, and the Storyteller figure represents the importance of the storytelling tradition. chaelisa fanfic rated 'm. Authors Channel Summit. 173.82, 217.28 King Galleries Monthly Enews | Sign-up Today! Create an account for exclusive deals, order details, and to expedite the checkout process. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centres that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. Thank you for looking! 62.80, 125.60 Tribe: Jemez Birthdate: 10-10-1962 Parents: Manual and Juanita Fragua Taught By: Mother, Juanita We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Tourists also preferred Pueblo to Navajo pottery, and Navajo artisans found greater success weaving rugs and making jewelry. The Pueblo is one of the most conservative, and painting realistic animals, human figures or other sacred symbols on pottery is discouraged. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. 138.92, 173.65 Free shipping for many products! (20% off), Sale Price 138.92 Star Seller. The production of Navajo pottery decreased dramatically in the 19th century with the arrival of railroads in the Southwest. Their creation was discouraged by Christian missionaries and the form was not widely practiced in the 16th-19th centuries. Rain parrots are generally represented as a triangular beak with swirling tail feathers, though stylized and contemporary versions are also common. Today, San Ildefonso black-on-black vessels are extremely valuable and one of the most recognized forms of Pueblo pottery in the world. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. 1931), Tafoya, Kelli Little Katchina (1967-2014), Talachy, Joe (b. The people of Jemez abandoned the craft of pottery making sometime in the early 18th century and relied instea 1940) Pottery Creatures. In the 1930s, a group of potters led by Regina Cata revived an historic style of pottery from the 15th century based on artifacts uncovered at a nearby ancestral site called Potsuwii. Palms Trading Company carries a fine selection of both traditional and contemporary Jemez Pueblo pottery. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. These little plates are in very good condition!I can not make out the signature on the Jemez plate! $95.00. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Jemez & Cochiti Pottery. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Native American Jemez Pueblo Pottery Jar Polychrome Fluted Signed Romero Vintage at the best online prices at eBay! No portion of this online catalog may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written or email permission from J. Identifying American Pottery with No Markings. Jewelry became a staple of the Zuni economy as the distinctive Zuni style of petit point cluster jewelry and channel inlay grew in popularity. Gachupin is a Pueblo potter and uses clay and white sand to create her pottery pieces. Their work truly elevated the form, bringing Navajo pottery to the attention of collectors around the world. Description: Janeth Fragua Jemez Pottery Friendship Bowl. Glenda Naranjo Wedding Vase. 51.83, 103.66 However, I do my best to note any imperfections beyond normal wear in the description and photos. (20% off). cscl star vessel flag autism and narcissism differences. Since the 1980s the popularity of handcrafted Jemez pottery has soared. jemez pottery signatures Explore More From Santa Clara Pueblo >, Santo Domingo is most known for its beautiful heishi necklaces handcrafted from shell and gemstones but the Pueblo also has a long and distinguished tradition of beautiful handmade pottery. Etsy Purchase Protection: This early Jemez culture was known for its pottery but the decorative forms died out in the mid-18th century. Jemez Pueblo pottery has gone through a unique evolution, one that has resulted in modern handmade pottery that speaks of a marriage of cultures. (50% off), Sale Price 163.35 Pueblo potters do not use a wheel but construct pots using the traditional horizontal coil method or freely forming the shape. 50.26, 62.83 The traditional Zia style features a slipped white or buff background with a red base and designs painted onto the central area in black, brown or red. Shop Storytellers Now > Shop Figurines Now >, Zia Pueblo has a centuries-old tradition of making fine pottery. We buy pieces directly from the artists, so we guarantee they are authentic, Native American pottery. JANETH FRAGUA JEMEZ POTTERY FRIENDSHIP BOWL View catalog Sold: $100.00 April 24, 2021 9:00 AM MST Sun City, AZ, US. Navajo potters developed their own distinctive style by applying a glaze of hot pion pitch to the surface of their pots after firing, giving vessels their characteristic brown-red color and beautiful gloss. Keywords: Native American, Indian; Ref: BD1371 . Mary Small (JEMEZ, B. 53.61, 67.02 To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. Most pottery used in Jemez Pueblo after that came from nearby Zia Pueblo. { Contemporary and traditional Native American and Southwestern pottery. Today, many artists create pots in the signature Jemez red style, but there are potters working in a range of colors and forms. Isabel was a part of the pottery boom in the early 1900s. Ad vertisement from shop CedarClosetCache. Finally, the pot is fired in an outdoor fire or kiln using manure or wood as fuel. why is there a plague in thebes oedipus. Please try again. Loretto, CPOTKAR23-02, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Pot by N. Sandia, CPOTKAR23-02, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo by L.Loretto, CPOTKAR23-01, Pottery - Jemez Laguna Pueblo Lizard by F.S.Yepa, CPOTKAR23-05, Pottery - Jemez Wedding Vase by Felicia Fragua, POTFEC22-09, Pottery - Jemez Melon Pot by Juanita Fragua, CPOTSAC22-01, Pottery - Jemez Corn Maiden by Benina Foley, CPOTJOB16-17, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Polychrome by Vangie Tafoya, CPOTMEC22-16, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Swirled Melon by Emma Yepa, CPOTMEC22-17, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Melon Swirl by Marcella Yepa, CPOTMEC22-19, Pottery - Jemez Lidded Pot with Two Tones by Maxine Andrews, CPOTMEO22-02, Pottery - Miniature Jemez Bear from Sallie Wagner Collection, CPOTFCW22-10, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Felicia Fragua, POTFEC22-03, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Felicia Fragua, POTFEC22-02, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Bear Storyteller by Ardina Fragua, POTFEC22-01, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Bear Storyteller by Ardina Fragua, POTFEC22-05, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Mudhead & Pottery by Bonnie Fragua, POTFEC22-07B, Pottery - Miniature Mudhead & Pot by Bonnie Fragua, POTFEC22-07A, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Eagle Nativity by Loren Wallowingbull, POTLWB22-01, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Koshare by Janet Hevey, CPOTPAZ22-14, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Butterfly by Georgia Vigil, CPOTDOB22-02, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Vera Fragua, POTCF19-06C, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Vera Fragua, POTCF19-06B, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Vera Fragua, POTCF19-06, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Mudhead Storyteller by Chris Fragua, POTCF19-02, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Bonnie Fragua, POTBF21-07, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Chris Fragua, POTCF19-02, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Set by Vera Fragua, POTCF19-08B, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Set by Vera Fragua, POTCF19-08A, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Eagle Storyteller by Loren Wallowing Bull, POTLWB21-01, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Bear & Turquoise by Mary Small, CPOTPAZ22-37, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Storyteller by Felicia C. Fragua, POTFEC20-07, Pottery - Jemez Corn Maiden by Felicia C. Fragua, POTFEC20-03, Pottery - Jemez Lidded Pot by Felicia Fragua, POTFEC20-04, Pottery - Jemez Pot by Felicia Fragua, POTFEC20-05, Pottery - Jemez Pueblo Village by Bonnie Fragua, POTBF21-02.