Satin angora bucks Holland Lop New Zealand Whites, New Zealand and Silver Fox right now I have 6 kits available 5 blue and 1 black they will come with pedigree, tattoo, 2 cups of feed and there toy Yields 10-15lb rabbits with exceptionally long ears. he is the most mellow animal you will ever meet in your life. Were also currently expanding to a state of art barns designed for high effective rabbit breeding and raising programs. California rabbit Hence, we can say that Angora rabbits are expensive and high-maintenance pets. Hoppy Go Lucky Rabbitry Show jumping rabbits We raise Flemish Giants in all known varieties! The intermediate buck and intermediate doe are 68 months of age. Mini Lops, Thriantas Glen Spey , New York You can check us out on Facebook! Legacy Hill Rabbitry The colors include black, white, fawn, lilac, blue, gray, and chocolate. 50% deposit required to hold a rabbit. They are no longer available. Yonkers, New York Warwick, New York New Zealand rabbits usually available in all ages for meat, breeding stock or a pet. After they get a certain age, we let them go back to the wild unless they are to tame to survive by themselves., I have pear breed Flemish giants, I have blues, and blacks., Rielly Davis Many people confuse German with Giant Angora, but they are not the same. Call or text me for more info at (518)420-5894 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Raised in our home, our angoras are Registered Therapy Rabbits with Bunnies in Baskets.We are fully insured for therapeutic visits, events, and parties. Baby Rabbits for Sale - Holland-Lop Origin - Netherlands, 1955; recognized in 1964 Appearance - Hanging ears, short round nose, short muscular body Colors - More than 30 possible shades; Commonly fawn, chocolate, blue, white, gray, or agouti Disposition - Can be nippy and shy, but if socialized are often friendly, calm, and playful Activity - High Cherry Tree Rabbitry Sunshine Hill Farm & Rabbitry I am only 15 so I think thats pretty awsome. At Frosty Beach Rabbitry, we raise and breed show quality mini rex that do very well on the show tables. Rabbits for sale Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal R 50 8 rabbits, reduced to clear. Norwich, New York They have been held and played with since the day they were born and would make the perfect edition to a family! 716-735-7282, Michael Morris Radical Rabbits Rabbitry Rabbits available year-round. We are also a member of the New York State Lop Rabbit Club since 2012. You might be curious as to why the kit hasnt opened its eyes even though its been a week. They receive an abundance of fresh veggies. (518)852-7505, Colton Courtney Mount Morris, New York Angoras require special care and that they need many love attention. The Happy Hutch I am located: In Monroe County, NY. Boonville, NY 13309. (516)943-2416, Carly Whether youre interested in family pet, wool for spinning, or a show quality winner, we have the right rabbit for you! New Zealand, Californian, Flemish Giants and mixes thereof Champagne dArgents Dwarf bunny $350 each with hay and pellets. Giant Chinchilla Willow also has her certifications. I am a small Rabbit Breeder and Rabbit Showman. Satin angora bucks Text Messaging: 1-680-210-8372 ., Danielle W Although it is a big goal and we are a small rabbitry, it doesnt stop us because our costumers give us great reviews about how cute and entertaining as while as lovable their Holland lops are ., Glenn Archard Horseheads, New York My daughter Jeanette, son Joe and myself raise rabbits and attend shows, we have many registered and Grand Champion rabbits in the Barn., Frank Keeler . Harvest Hill Angoras Stephentown, New York Small Run rabbitry located in northern ny. 8 weeks old. Like the German Angora, they require their wool to be harvested every 90 days. Cookie Jar Rabbitry We raised English Angoras, Jersey Woolies, long-haired guinea pigs (Texel, Coronet, Silkie, Peruvian) for pets or show. We raise quality French Lop, Mini Lop, standard Rex, and Lionhead rabbits. Holland Lop Eagle Ridge Farms is proud to supply beautiful Satin Angora rabbits. At Cookie Jar we work to develope a sweet, well designed bunny that is capable of not only presenting well at shows but also will become a special member of the family. Saturday. And satin french angora crosses available We breed for show stock and breeding stock. (585)746-3473, Susan Kouame All rabbits are handled daily and have been trained and handled for grooming. Thank you! All babies born in our rabbitry are handled since birth to make sure that they are very friendly. Looking for meat rabbits? At Sunshine Hill we breed Giants and Netherland Dwarfs. It is for their own good as the close lids protect the kittens eyesight against bright lights and prevent it from getting damaged. She is very smart and cute. I breed for ARBA and 4-H shows as well as for sale. Small Rabbitry located in Western New York, selling English Angora Rabbits in white with red eyes and black. We place our bunnies with families as pet only, with 4 H students or breeders who belong to ARBA and can provide us with their Rabbitry Name and Membership ID#. If you dont find any local listings below, be sure to check out our English Angora Rabbit Breeders page. All of our babies are well socialized and will give you all of their love. Welcome to Exotic Rabbit Kingdom! Small, compact breed that has great fur and meat qualities. I have a rabbitry of Mini Rex, Dwarf Hotot, and Holland Lop rabbits. Giant Chinchilla, Flemish Giant mixes Additional information may be found in the ARBA Standard of Perfection. See Website for more information. We have a nice small rabbitry, we have about 100 rabbits. New Paltz, New York I am a small Rabbitry I breed Netherland Dwarfs, Holland Lops and Mini lops. She is a bit chubby hence her name! Holland Lop, Lion Lops This breed requires regular grooming to maintain its soft and silky coat, and owners should be prepared to devote time and effort to maintaining their rabbits appearance. Stay healthy and happy and eat local holistic food. A Rabbitry, Sandra Higham New Zealand, New Zealand Whites and Blacks, Flemish Giants Sandy Colored Southern, NY (585)200-9521, Victoria Vrooman The Self Color Group: Blue Eyed White, Red Eyed White, Black, Blue, Chocolate, & Lilac Black Colored English Angora Junior Bucks Blue Colored English Angora Junior Doe Color Comparison. East Nassau, New York, John Barrera Satins, Mini Satins, Hollands, English Lops I have fully pedigreed rabbits available if you are interested in showing and/or breeding. They are great for kids. Ve.. Adult ARBA member, showing and Breeding polish. Fort Ann, New York Satin, Lionhead, Pet 585-786-8707, Bruce Bernardo See our website for a complete list, with pix, of the rabbits we have for sale. Caseys Rex Lion Rabbits 51825680655, Anita Trautwein If you have any question please feel free to contract us. We love rabbits show and breed them in portviolle ny we belong to arba and 4h. Many of my rabbits are Grand Champions or have produced offspring that have gone on to be Grand Champions. There are now eleven breeds of Angora Rabbits, out of which four of them are accredited by the American Rabbit Breed Association (ARBA). Blue haired silver fox rabbits 9 weeks old. Breeding for health, temper, and breed standard quality. Catskill, New York Two Oaks Angoras., Mike Murray Mom., Erika Palazzo Care taken to ensure lineage is from multiple breeders and states. Angora Age: 1 year Mixed. Whether youre interested in family pet, wool for spinning or a show quality winner, we have the right rabbit for you! Just Fur Fun Bunnitry Fairport, New York contact Ben xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail, Angoras For Sale For over 10 years has been serving the rabbit community. (518)524-8715, Kelsey Barrus & BOSV. We spend time with each one everyday so they, The bunnies pictured some is not available but I do have babies available every few weeks so to make sure to follow my Facebook page, Beautiful English Satin mix, some 50/50 some 75/25. They all live in our home with myself and my family. All my rabbits are pedigreed, purebred, Showable, friendly and healthy. Dutch (929)356-1747, David Wickham Baby rabbits -kits for sale $50.- $75. Bickford Appleton Rex, French Lop, Mini Lop, Lionhead I need rabbit Mini Rex and Lionheads Padua Family Farm is nested in the heart of the minnewaska state park mountains. We breed Mini Rex & Flemish Giant rabbits! We have had rabbits for ten years and specialize in Mini Rexes. (518)534-8754, Gretchen Clothier, Sonya Cadydd If you need a transporter, as it is your responsibility to pick up rabbits, look on face book for transporters groups. They are fully mature and can give birth when they turn four months old. S&D Linfoot Rabbitry Since then we have become ARBA, YA ARBA, HLRSC members. We also have rabbit meat, and hides for sale just go to our website for more info. Erin, New York Netherland Dwarfs, Mini Rex, Lionhead, Mini Satin Our rabbits and pure bred and papered. I am a member of 4-H and arba. We are a small, hobby Rabbitry. Rauks Rabbitry Hickory Hill Farm Rabbitry Thank You. (716)234-4051, Amanda Dionne, Rachel Rouland Coreys Pastured Meat Whitney Point, New York Where The Gray Bunnies Grow Have available black New Zealand pedigreed., Gary Provost Lops of Delite GHVNY Rabbitry There's a big market for this super-soft wool, especially in the more rare breeds like Satin. Lovingly Lops Rabbitry Afton, New York They will have 1st .. Angoras For Sale Rabbit Breeders is the leading website for rabbit information & research. Lamberton Hollow Rabbitry We are the very first ever small scale, ARBA Registered Rabbitry in our small town of Tupper Lake which is located deep in the heart of the Adirondack mountains. Two males only 1 year old . They will make a splendid addition to any Rabbitry or home. $100 each. English Lops, Dwarf Hotot, Mini Rex, Mini Lops Located in Central Upstate New York. Reagans Royal Rabbitry 2098 St Rt 149 E , Fort Ann, New York, Alyssa Davis Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Holland Lop, Hotot, Californians, Flemish Giants New Zealand, NZ Whites/Reds Homestead Rabbitry Please contact us at or at for further information. The fur is prone to matting, so it is important to brush it regularly to keep it looking its best. Warsaw, New York Multi color I also offer rabbit care information. The head will be oval in appearance that is broad across the forehead and slightly narrower at the muzzle. We raise & sell purebred Champagne dArgent rabbits on our organic farm in central NY., Maria Koons They groom themselves, and as a result, fur gets stuck in their stomach. Raising Champagne dArgent rabbits for show or meat breeders. Creme dArgent & Flemish Giants P88 Blue Satin Angora Doe $75 born 11-21-21 mom black pearl, dad blue. I own a small Rabbitry of about 25 holes. 292 McDougal Lake Rd. We raise lionhead rabbits, because they are a very loving and friendly breed. Hannacroix, NY Sherman, New York Raised in our home, our angoras are Registered Therapy Rabbits with Bunnies in Baskets.We are fully insured for therapeutic visits, events, and parties. We breed for type and fur that conforms to the ARBA Standard of Perfection. We raise all natural new zealand and californian rabbits for meat. Netherland Dwarf, Netherland Dwarf Champagne Dargent Holland Lop We are located East of Troy, NY. Belmont, New York The underwool is to be the most dominant over the other two types of hair. The past three years my daughter has shown at the Greene County Youth Fair and has done very good. They were born 2/17/23. Since you stumbled across this website, I hope I can help you find the perfect pet rabbit for your family. Medina, New York flex-basis: 250px;, Corey Luchetta Saint James, New York They comes with papers, shots, and .. Willow is a1 year old rabbit. Satin Angora Copper Babies The satin angora is known for the amazing sheen of the wool. Holland Lop, Mini Lop and Fuzzy Lop Mini Satins in Blue, Broken, Black, White and Copper. Pets: Start at $20. I have many beautiful rabbits to choose some. We are a very small rabbitry that strive to exemplify type and unmatchable personality in both the Velveteen and English Lops. My focus is the Mini Lop breed. New Zealand- Whites, Blacks, and Reds. Shes had about 6 batches of babies since then. Small rabbitry raising blue and black Flemish Giant of show quality : recent win Cortland Classic 2015 BOV. While Angora rabbits tend to be quite expensive, you can find them for cheap, or even free if you're clever! We are a small rabbitry located in Fredonia NY., Richard Bickford Cutie Pie Rabbits & Cavies He is 8 years old. #foogallery-gallery-1739.fg-simple_portfolio { (716)450-5155, Beth Elliott Legacy Hill is a small rabbitry of lionhead rabbits. Cossayuna New York, 12823, Christina Haley Cairo, New York Good quality Angora fiber is around 12-16 micrometres in diameter, and can cost around $10-16 per ounce (35-50 cents/gram). 3 days ago Report Ad View Photos BUNNY RABBITS FOR EASTER. Serving the New Yorks Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountain region. Please contact me for more information at xxx-xxx-xxxx They Are Well-Known For Being A Friendly Breed. Schuylerville, New York Rex, Standard Rex, Laura Bock Maine, New York Hi, we raise show jumping rabbits in Newark, NY! Mini Lop Humble Acres Chinchillas. Upstate Rabbits People breed them with a certain color Angora rabbit in order to get their desired color., Brandan Earnest Fully pedigreed. The senior doe must weigh at least 10 pounds. Chase Rabbitry, Matt Rach MAr RabbitBiz Blacks, Blues,Brokens. Holland Lop Rabbit (518)879-5552, Bailey Grogan Dutch, Velveteen Lops. They are also quite social animals and do well in group settings, such as with other rabbits or in a multi-pet household. Be sure to check out raising rabbits article and resource page for information about Raising Rabbits in New York. All parents are on site. Our family established ourselves with show rabbits starting in 1995 as 4-H projects. Sunset Hill Rabbitry Tinkdiamond Location: . Lionhead, English, French, Netherland, Mini Lop rabbits available Rabbits are healthy and active. He is 8 years old. The Angora Rabbits are famous for their long and fine quality fur, and these are mainly bred for this particular reason. Altmar, New York Or (845)653-1684 is a well kept rabbitry which houses all the members of the herd., Meg Martin Our rabbitry is located in Palmyra ,NY where we breed pedigree Holland lop bunnies that have fun and unique coloring but sweet and loving characters.