Next year, Overlook Park is slated to be renovated in its entirety using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. Property tax revenues will be augmented by the second phase of the Grove Point Townhouse Development and the Weyman Road Townhouse Project. Learn More What's New Customer Service Call: 1.800.565.7292. Two bulk items are permitted per week. Baldwin Borough has set a sewage rate to cover the costs associated with water treatment and the amount of waste water you are creating. Welcome to WTA's Official Website!! Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority This Authority is organized jointly with the Borough of Coplay to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, operate, own, and lease sewers, sewer systems and sewage treatment works, including works for treating and disposing of industrial wastes. "Providing quality service since 1947." Whitehall Township Authority provides water service for 2,909 connections (serving a population of 13,693) in Whitehall Township and North Whitehall Township. Furniture (includes lamps, etc.) Eberhart Road/Cameron Tract Organic Recycling Center Residential Yard Waste The Complaint Form is then reviewed by the Water/Sewer/Garbage Board and your sewer rate can be adjusted. This requires a number of repairs to our collection of sanitary sewer lines. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. We continue to invest in the neighborhood parks system. Large amounts may be taken to the Cameron Tract (residents only) by appointment Monday through Friday with the Public Works Department by calling 610-437-5524 Ext. Dennis Wehr - Asst. We look forward to welcoming back old friends and new pool patrons this Spring! Cementon/Egypt In 2017, the Borough completed construction of a 1.2 million gallon Equalization Basin at Colewood Park to hold back the sewage that penetrates our stormwater system during wet weather events, contaminating our streams and rivers. Increased Pollutant Loads. We have many waste services in Whitehall Borough and the nearby area. Your patience and cooperation is needed when inclement weather occurs. Therefore, before you dispose of any Freon-containing item, you must purchase a sticker for $25.00 from the Tax Office at the Township Municipal Building or by mail to cover the cost of the Freon removal of each item. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Move right in with the refrigerator (2019), carpeting (2022), gas stove (2018) and HVAC (2022). The Borough finally took possession of the two Public Works dump trucks that were ordered in 2021. There is a designated laundry area and storage space below as well. June 10th and 17th Whitehall Borough Elected Officials & Staff Baldwin Borough has set a sewage rate to cover the costs associated with water treatment and the amount of waste water you are creating. To protect surface water and ground water quality, urban development and household activities must be guided by plans that limit runoff and reduce pollutant loading. New Street Signs will be installed as part of collaboration between the Public Works Department and Police Department. Beginning this month, water mains will be replaced with new ductile iron mains in Baldwin Borough along Elmwood Drive between Prospect Road and Senior Drive. Items such as refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, etc., containing CFC's (Freon) require special handling. Look at obtaining a rain barrel to reuse the downspout water for gardening. Do not place containers together. The first Whitehall Borough Council at the Council Meeting on January 7, 1948. March 3, 2023. Created in 1972 the Clean Water Act followed by the NPDES permit program was authorized to state governments by EPA to perform permitting, administrative, and enforcement aspects of the program. Please contact Courtney M. Wertz at or 412-884-0505 if you are interested in serving. If you witness suspicious dumping or leakage into storm drains, call 911 and take photos, if possible. Check Out Stormwater Snouts Whitehall Township Authority provides water service for 2,909 connections (serving a population of 13,693) in Whitehall Township and North Whitehall Township. Call the Borough if you experience a sewer backup. All commercial plans must be digitally submitted. Sewage is the outflow of water that comes from your house. A playground grant has already been secured for the project and additional grant monies are being pursued. Major Non-Freon Appliances Tuesday Zone Since then, the Borough of Whitehall has made remarkable milestones. ONLY TRASH AND RECYCLING IN TOWNSHIP ISSUED CONTAINERS WILL BE COLLECTED BY OUR HAULER. Bring a valid PA Drivers License which will be scanned by an Attendant. If any of your collections are missed or you have a concern, please call the Township at 610-437-5524, Extension 1139 or 1100. 322 Kingsbarn Ln #LOT 41, Northampton Borough, PA 18067 | 1 photo | MLS #711757 - Movoto Real Estate PA Northampton Northampton Borough 18067 322 Kingsbarn Ln #LOT 41 Virtual Tour 322 Kingsbarn Ln #LOT 41 Northampton Borough, PA 18067 Added 27 Hours Ago For Sale $492,405 4 Bd 3 Ba 2,209 Sqft ($223/Sqft) Property Details Home Value ($/Sqft) Residential plans must be digitally submitted or submitted as 8.5" x 11" or 11" x 17" in person or by mail. Many Best Management Practices (BMPs) like infiltration or detention basins are already in place to keep our waters clean from pollutants. Urbanization also increases the variety and amount of pollutants transported to receiving waters. Storm water runoff occurs when precipitation from rain or a snow melt that flows over the ground, impervious surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and streets, prevents it from naturally soaking into the ground. For safety reasons, please be sure to remove all doors from any appliance that may cause entrapment of a child. Phone: 610-437-4461 Crews assisted with clean-up and scene lighting. Do the Right Thing, a cooperative effort between the school district, Whitehall Police Department, Baldwin Whitehall PTA, PTO, and local businesses that recognizes students for "Doing the Right Thing.". Updated 1 hour ago Next open house: Sunday 3/5 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Get directions 51 Photos Map & Location Street View Each map below is updated quarterly. Joseph Bonshak - Treasurer(Whitehall) How to Pay your Sewage Bill Wastewater is conveyed to the Allentown treatment facility where harmful components are removed prior to discharging Into the Lehigh River. Leaves will be picked up starting October 2nd, 2023 until the last full week in November. LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A JUNIOR FIREFIGHTER, On Sept. 11, 2021, four members of the Whitehall Fire Company completed a strenuous stair climb with full turnout gear and SCBA to honor the fallen 343 firefighters and other first responders. Paul Boyle - Vice Chairman (Coplay) You may have a leak. At approximately 2:00 a.m. the Whitehall Fire Company was activated to assist Baldwin Independent, Station 105 for a two vehicle accident at Glass Run Road and Joseph Street. This service is for residential owner occupied units only. . For the 19th consecutive year, there will be no increase in the Real Estate Tax rate. Example:one sofa and one mattress. Get involved and join Whitehall's Environmental Advisory Council. Republic Services is experienced in meeting sustainability requirements and committed to providing environmentally responsible solutions to meet current and future market recycling and solid waste needs. If there is a leak, have it fixed and then fill out a Town Complaint Formand turn it into our office or drop box. Below you will find links to websites accessible to locations outside of the United States. Please note: The plant was upgraded again in 1993 with the addition of aerobic digestion. Address: 3213 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. and Pennsylvania Stormwater website Our website access is limited to locations within the United States. In 2023 the limit per residential unit of refuse is one Township issued 95 gallon maroon colored refuse cart. Through our collection companies, transfer stations, recycling centers and landfills, we focus on providing effective and reliable environmental services and solutions to make proper recycling and waste disposal effortless for our 14 million customers. Freon Appliances (White Goods) 1139 to schedule an appointment. The written exam will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, April 15, 2023 at Harrison Middle School, 129 Windvale Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236. There is no collection on Thanksgiving Day. * April through October is based on average. NO COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS ALLOWED. Cannot be mixed with garbage. in Whitehall Township and North Whitehall Township. Each member of the Authority's board serves a five-year term and is asked to commit to a minimum of monthly attendance at regularly scheduled public meetings, plus additional periodic meetings with local governing bodies and PMAA representatives at regional and state levels at various times of the year. Saturday's that are open, hours are 7AM to 11AM and noon to 3PM The Borough is looking to fill one vacancy on the Multi-Municipal Shade Tree Commission. Whitehall, Ohio 43213 Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone Mayor's Office: 614-338-3106 Clerk of Courts: 614-338-3109 Service . The Borough is looking to fill one vacancy on the Multi-Municipal Shade Tree Commission. Whitehall Council candidates say they want to keep the municipality operating in a fiscally responsible manner while focusing on improvements to the sanitary and storm sewer systems and. Get Borough news delivered right to your inbox! Borough Council continues to provide significant financial suppo1i to the Whitehall Public Library and Whitehall Fire Company -around $400,000 each respectively. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR OUR WATER SERVICE CUSTOMERS: ATTENTION: We are nearing the completion of our water meter replacement program. If you witness suspicious dumping or leakage into storm drains, call 911 and take photos, if possible. Please check our recycling tab for more information. Whitehall Borough 's council members and engineer received an earful on Wednesday night from numerous Whitehall residents whose homes and property were damaged by flooding this past week. honolulu police department records; spiritual meaning of the name ashley; mississippi election results 2021; charlie spring and nick nelson We are committed to the preservation of a Blue Planet a cleaner, safer and healthier world where people thrive not just for today, but for generations to come. West Catasauqua/North Fullerton North of Grape Street As the Borough conveys flow to both the Pleasant Hills Authority as well as ALCOSAN, each sewer shed has a separate COA that must be adhered to. Eberhart Road/Cameron Tract Organic Recycling Center Residential Yard Waste, West Catasauqua/North Fullerton North of Grape Street, Peachtree/Presidential/Walnut Gardens/Mickley Gardens. Staff will continue to monitor rates and maximize the Boroughs returns as part of our fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers. Never use the street for storage of construction materials for landscaping or building. Hokendauqua/Stiles Example: Nearly 18 months later, on January 5, 1948, Whitehall Borough would become an operational municipality after Judge Soffel granted the petition of Whitehall to become a Borough in 1947. Full Property Details for 233 Virginia Ave General Price: $230,000 Taxes: $2,625 Status: Active Type: Single Family MLS ID: 711596 Updated: 3/4/2023 First full two weeks in January. Leaves must be placed in open rigid containers. Check Out Penn Dot's 2017 Build a Better Mousetrap Winners Beginning the first full week of March and ending the last full week of November - No plastic bags, not store bought paper bags must be in open solid will rigid containers or bundled in 4FT max with string that one Picker can carry. Read on. Please see the Whitehall Borough Pool Concessions RFP document for details. A Story Map of Whitehall Township Authority, USDA National FFA Source Water Protection Curriculum. This is a federal requirement from the United States Environmental Protection Agency that is administered by the PA DEP. Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Telephone: (610) 262-6711 The Northampton Borough Municipal Authority(NBMA) is dedicated to providing its customers with safe, dependable drinking water at a reasonable cost. It currently services over 13,500 customers with approximately 120 miles of pipe. For meeting schedule please view our calendar. It is picked up Monday's on the North side and Wednesday's on the South side of Town. The sewage bill is dependent on your water usage. If your bill seems high, give the Clerk's a call- (406)287-3972. 3213 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA. 18052 610-437-4461 Current Rates View our current rental rates and tapping fees Make a Payment We offer several payment options including in-person, mail, and online Inspections Discover more about our sewer inspections Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority James Hahn - Chairman (Coplay) Cut Green Grass We are nearing the completion of our water meter replacement program. Increased Runoff. Alcosan Clean Water Assistance Fund Credit, Winter Weather Operations & Tips for Residents. The Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority operates the sewage service to the entire areas of Coplay and Whitehall , as mandated by the Commissioners and Councils of both municipalities. September 9th, 16th 23rd and 30th March 3, 2023. South Whitehall Township, through the wide expanse of storm sewer inlets and underground pipes, has managed to control storm water runoff and keep damage to a minimum within the township. The Wastewater Treatment Plant went on line in 1963 as a primary treatment plant. One sofa and one mattress. Close to all major arteries to get you everywhere in the Lehigh Valley within minutes. Paul Geissinger - Secretary (Whitehall) Borough Councils have funded numerous capital improvements over the decades, maintained sanitary & storm sewer infrastructure, completed a Neighborhood Parks Master Plan and are excited to complete the Boroughs largest project to date the opening of the new Whitehall Borough Swimming Pool this Spring! Additionally, some of the current street signs will be donated to the Whitehall Borough Historical Society for a fundraiser they have planned. 2020 Sewage Rate $12.52 per every 1,000 gallons used with a monthly surcharge of $14.75 Sewage Plant Please contact Legal Tax Services at 412-464-9555 for questions about your bill. Whitehall Township is required to reduce its sediment discharges into local waters by 10% in the next 5 years beginning in 2018. Best Overall The Palmers Best Traditional Lights The Vanwerts Best Colored Lights The Maders Best White Lights The Collins Best Retro Lights The Fishers Best Character The Fishers Best Manger The Iaquintas Honorable Mentions - The Aston-Reeses & The Whitehall Borough 2022 Fall/Winter Report. What is Storm Water and Why Is It So Important? For emergencies: We're available 24/7. The PA Small Water and Sewer program provides grants to assist with the construction, improvement, expansion, rehabilitation, or repair of water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems . Report Storm water Pollution by calling the Township at 610-437-5524, extension 1139. The Whitehall Borough Building and Whitehall Public Library were dedicated in 1963. CWSA owns and operates a collection and conveyance sewage system that consists of manholes, mains, interceptors, pump stations, metering devices and sanitary service laterals originating at the main and terminating at the street curb line or edge of easement whichever is applicable. WHITEHALL FIRE COMPANY - Whitehall Fire Company - Station 301 An all-volunteer fire company serving Whitehall Borough, Pennsylvania since 1946 EMERGENCIES - CALL 911 Follow us on Facebook Allegheny County Station 301 Number of Fire Calls in 2022 New Record - 508 Calls December '20: 55 January '21: 47 February: 33 March: 36 April: 48 May: 48 Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Christmas House Decorating Contest! Members include: ACH (Auto Pay) NOW AVAILABLE!! Any routine system repairs, improvements, etc., are resolved at these meetings. Report Storm water Pollution by calling the Township at 610-437-5524, extension 1139. Find information on trash and recycling schedules, special collection/disposal events, bulk and electronic waste items, and sewage. Available April 12. Each year, we produce a Water Quality Report to let customers know how our water quality stacks up against established federal and state drinking water standards. Weekdays 10AM or 1PM by appointment call 610-437-5524 Ext. Tour it in person or via video chat before it's gone! Baldwin-Whitehall, PA crime, fire and public safety news and events, police & fire department updates . As the Borough conveys flow to both the Pleasant Hills Authority as well as ALCOSAN, each sewer shed has a separate COA that must be adhered to. The NPDES permit program addresses water pollution by regulating nonpoint/point source discharges that contribute pollutants to the waters of the United States and the Commonwealth. Do not place the next day pickup yardwaste, grass or leaf containers at the curb until refuse and recyclables have been pickup or by 6:00 PM containers cannot weigh more than 50 LBS. If it is overfull so that the lid cannot close, or there is garbage on the ground there will be an extra charge. *Garbage is $18.00 a month. Please contact Courtney M. Wertz at or 412-884-0505 if you are interested in serving. More information is available at Naturalization of Stormwater Basins SHUT-OFF VALVE WITHIN YOUR HOME IS OPERATIONAL AS THIS AUTHORITY IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WATER METER. Adding a Second Cart: Second garbage / recycling carts come with a one-time $75 fee, paid to the City of Whitehall, and a $2 / month increase in collection fees, paid to Local Waste Services. For all your water usage, you are charged the same amount for sewer. Increased interest rates have seen the Boroughs investments grow exponentially more than originally budgeted for in 2022. In anticipation of the Whitehall Swimming Pool Grand Reopening in the Spring, Recreation Director Hannah Bower has been promoted to a full-time staff member to assist in oversight of the new facility, as well as continuing to expand upon existing events and activities. Residents will see a reduction in the Boroughs Sanitary Sewer Rate as Borough Council is cognizant of the rate increases that ALCOSAN continues to impose on customers. This water remains above the surface, accumulates, and then runs off in large amounts. View Payment History! Impacts associated with water pollution and poor runoff management: For more information on understanding storm water, visit Contact Us. Sediment from development and new construction such as oil, grease; toxic chemicals from automobiles; nutrients and pesticides from turf management and gardening; viruses and bacteria from failing septic systems; road salts; and heavy metals are all examples of pollutants generated in urban areas. Picker must be able to lift container or it will be left at the curb if overweight. After a few years hiatus, we are pleased to bring back the end of year State of the Borough report to highlight some accomplishments of 2022 and look forward to celebrating the Boroughs 75th Anniversary in 2023.
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