The "fix" forces the old XDDM driver to be used. XPDM and WDDM display drivers cannot co-reside; all graphics adapters in a system must use the same display driver model. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 4, 2019 at 16:32 Looks like AMD driver does not like the new WDDM remote desktop driver in Windows 10 1903. Reboot your virtual machine. To solve "Your Remote Desktop Service session has ended. Define the number of days after which a catch-up security intelligence update is required, Define the number of days before spyware security intelligence is considered out of date, Define the number of days before virus security intelligence is considered out of date, Define the order of sources for downloading security intelligence updates, Initiate security intelligence update on startup, Specify the day of the week to check for security intelligence updates, Specify the interval to check for security intelligence updates, Specify the time to check for security intelligence updates, Turn on scan after security intelligence update, Specify threat alert levels at which default action should not be taken when detected, Specify threats upon which default action should not be taken when detected, Allow antimalware service to remain running always, Allow antimalware service to startup with normal priority, Configure detection for potentially unwanted applications, Configure local administrator merge behavior for lists, Define proxy auto-config (.pac) for connecting to the network, Define proxy server for connecting to the network, Allow auditing events in Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Allow camera and microphone access in Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Allow data persistence for Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Allow files to download and save to the host operating system from Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Allow hardware-accelerated rendering for Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Allow Microsoft Defender Application Guard to use Root Certificate Authorities from the user's device, Allow users to trust files that open in Windows Defender Application Guard. The problem is that Vic-3D 9 requires OpenGL 2.0 and the normal Remote Desktop graphics adapter supplies 1.1. . Begin your Remote Desktop connection, but before you select connect, select Show Options. But give thanks to Carlieo. Configure Applications preference extension policy processing, Configure Data Sources preference extension policy processing, Configure Devices preference extension policy processing, Configure Direct Access connections as a fast network connection, Configure Drive Maps preference extension policy processing, Configure Environment preference extension policy processing, Configure Files preference extension policy processing, Configure Folder Options preference extension policy processing, Configure folder redirection policy processing, Configure Folders preference extension policy processing, Configure Group Policy slow link detection, Configure Ini Files preference extension policy processing, Configure Internet Explorer Maintenance policy processing, Configure Internet Settings preference extension policy processing, Configure Local Users and Groups preference extension policy processing, Configure Network Options preference extension policy processing, Configure Network Shares preference extension policy processing, Configure Power Options preference extension policy processing, Configure Printers preference extension policy processing, Configure Regional Options preference extension policy processing, Configure Registry preference extension policy processing, Configure Scheduled Tasks preference extension policy processing, Configure Services preference extension policy processing, Configure Shortcuts preference extension policy processing, Configure software Installation policy processing, Configure Start Menu preference extension policy processing, Configure user Group Policy loopback processing mode, Configure web-to-app linking with app URI handlers, Determine if interactive users can generate Resultant Set of Policy data, Enable AD/DFS domain controller synchronization during policy refresh, Remove users' ability to invoke machine policy refresh, Set Group Policy refresh interval for computers, Set Group Policy refresh interval for domain controllers, Specify startup policy processing wait time, Specify workplace connectivity wait time for policy processing, Turn off background refresh of Group Policy, Turn off Group Policy Client Service AOAC optimization, Turn off Local Group Policy Objects processing, Turn off access to all Windows Update features, Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update, Turn off downloading of print drivers over HTTP, Turn off handwriting personalization data sharing, Turn off handwriting recognition error reporting, Turn off Help and Support Center "Did you know?" go to " Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment " set the following parameters to Enabled Use hardware graphics adapters for all Remote Desktop Services sessions Step 6. Do not allow pinning programs to the Taskbar, Do not allow pinning Store app to the Taskbar, Do not allow taskbars on more than one display, Do not display any custom toolbars in the taskbar, Do not display or track items in Jump Lists from remote locations, Do not keep history of recently opened documents, Do not search programs and Control Panel items, Do not use the search-based method when resolving shell shortcuts, Do not use the tracking-based method when resolving shell shortcuts, Force Start to be either full screen size or menu size, Go to the desktop instead of Start when signing in, Gray unavailable Windows Installer programs Start Menu shortcuts, Prevent changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings, Prevent users from adding or removing toolbars, Prevent users from customizing their Start Screen, Prevent users from moving taskbar to another screen dock location, Prevent users from uninstalling applications from Start, Remove access to the context menus for the taskbar, Remove All Programs list from the Start menu, Remove Clock from the system notification area, Remove common program groups from Start Menu. Step 2: Expand the Display adapters and right-click on the built-in graphics device. Then navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment. Restrict unpacking and installation of gadgets that are not digitally signed. For others and for clarity, it is actually: Edit Group Policy . - Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections Background: PAM was experiencing slowness in opening RDP session for some Windows target device The issue was solved after turn off this group policy for Windows target device side. Way 1. Remove "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive", Remove File Explorer's default context menu, Remove the Search the Internet "Search again" link, Remove UI to change keyboard navigation indicator setting, Remove UI to change menu animation setting, Request credentials for network installations, Turn off common control and window animations, Turn off display of recent search entries in the File Explorer search box, Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs.db files, Turn off the display of snippets in Content view mode. In the window that opens, select Disabled, and hit OK. Update configuration of group policies to apply new settings with the command: gpupdate /force. Configure additional sources for untrusted files in Windows Defender Application Guard. Block launching desktop apps associated with a file. In the Windows search box, type gpedit.msc, and press Enter. Remove Boot / Shutdown / Logon / Logoff status messages, Restrict potentially unsafe HTML Help functions to specified folders, Restrict these programs from being launched from Help, Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair, Specify Windows installation file location, Specify Windows Service Pack installation file location, Turn off Data Execution Prevention for HTML Help Executible, ActiveX installation policy for sites in Trusted zones, Approved Installation Sites for ActiveX Controls, Remove Program Compatibility Property Page, Turn off Application Compatibility Engine, Allow a Windows app to share application data between users, Allow deployment operations in special profiles, Allows development of Windows Store apps and installing them from an integrated development environment (IDE), Disable installing Windows apps on non-system volumes, Prevent non-admin users from installing packaged Windows apps, Prevent users' app data from being stored on non-system volumes, Let Windows apps access account information, Let Windows apps access an eye tracker device, Let Windows apps access diagnostic information about other apps, Let Windows apps access user movements while running in the background, Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked, Let Windows apps communicate with unpaired devices. Change Group Policy processing to run asynchronously when a slow network connection is detected. Find your Citrix Admins group, and click OK. Keep favorites in sync between Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Prevent access to the about:flags page in Microsoft Edge, Prevent bypassing Windows Defender SmartScreen prompts for files, Prevent bypassing Windows Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites, Prevent changes to Favorites on Microsoft Edge, Prevent Microsoft Edge from gathering Live Tile information when pinning a site to Start, Prevent Microsoft Edge from starting and loading the Start and New Tab page at Windows startup and each time Microsoft Edge is closed, Prevent the First Run webpage from opening on Microsoft Edge, Prevent using Localhost IP address for WebRTC, Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer 11, Show message when opening sites in Internet Explorer, Suppress the display of Edge Deprecation Notification, Allow companion device for secondary authentication, Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Designer 2013, Ping the settings storage location before sync, Sync settings over metered connections even when roaming, Use User Experience Virtualization (UE-V), Prevent OneDrive files from syncing over metered connections, Prevent OneDrive from generating network traffic until the user signs in to OneDrive, Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage, Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage on Windows 8.1, Don't launch privacy settings experience on user logon, Make Parental Controls control panel visible on a Domain, Allow hibernate (S4) when starting from a Windows To Go workspace, Disallow standby sleep states (S1-S3) when starting from a Windows to Go workspace, Allow RDP redirection of other supported RemoteFX USB devices from this computer, Allow .rdp files from valid publishers and user's default .rdp settings, Configure server authentication for client, Do not allow hardware accelerated decoding, Prompt for credentials on the client computer, Specify SHA1 thumbprints of certificates representing trusted .rdp publishers, Do not use Remote Desktop Session Host server IP address when virtual IP address is not available, Select the network adapter to be used for Remote Desktop IP Virtualization, Turn off Windows Installer RDS Compatibility, Allow users to connect remotely by using Remote Desktop Services, Deny logoff of an administrator logged in to the console session, Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop Services session, Set rules for remote control of Remote Desktop Services user sessions, Suspend user sign-in to complete app registration, Allow audio and video playback redirection, Do not allow smart card device redirection, Do not allow supported Plug and Play device redirection, Hide notifications about RD Licensing problems that affect the RD Session Host server, Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers, Do not set default client printer to be default printer in a session, Specify RD Session Host server fallback printer driver behavior, Use Remote Desktop Easy Print printer driver first, Limit the size of the entire roaming user profile cache, Set path for Remote Desktop Services Roaming User Profile, Set Remote Desktop Services User Home Directory, Use mandatory profiles on the RD Session Host server, Configure RD Connection Broker server name, Optimize visual experience for Remote Desktop Service Sessions, Optimize visual experience when using RemoteFX, Allow desktop composition for remote desktop sessions, Configure H.264/AVC hardware encoding for Remote Desktop Connections, Configure image quality for RemoteFX Adaptive Graphics, Enable RemoteFX encoding for RemoteFX clients designed for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Enforce Removal of Remote Desktop Wallpaper, Prioritize H.264/AVC 444 graphics mode for Remote Desktop Connections, Remove "Disconnect" option from Shut Down dialog, Remove Windows Security item from Start menu, Use advanced RemoteFX graphics for RemoteApp, Use hardware graphics adapters for all Remote Desktop Services sessions, Use the hardware default graphics adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions, Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections, Always prompt for password upon connection, Do not allow local administrators to customize permissions, Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections, Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication, Server authentication certificate template, Set time limit for active but idle Remote Desktop Services sessions, Set time limit for active Remote Desktop Services sessions, Set time limit for logoff of RemoteApp sessions, Prevent automatic discovery of feeds and Web Slices, Prevent subscribing to or deleting a feed or a Web Slice, Turn off background synchronization for feeds and Web Slices, Turn on Basic feed authentication over HTTP, Force TIFF IFilter to perform OCR for every page in a TIFF document, Allow Cortana Page in OOBE on an AAD account, Always use automatic language detection when indexing content and properties, Don't search the web or display web results in Search, Don't search the web or display web results in Search over metered connections, Do not allow locations on removable drives to be added to libraries, Enable indexing of online delegate mailboxes, Enable indexing uncached Exchange folders, Enable throttling for online mail indexing, Prevent adding UNC locations to index from Control Panel, Prevent adding user-specified locations to the All Locations menu, Prevent automatically adding shared folders to the Windows Search index, Prevent clients from querying the index remotely, Prevent customization of indexed locations in Control Panel, Prevent indexing files in offline files cache, Prevent indexing Microsoft Office Outlook, Prevent indexing when running on battery power to conserve energy, Prevent the display of advanced indexing options for Windows Search in the Control Panel, Prevent unwanted iFilters and protocol handlers, Set large or small icon view in desktop search results, Stop indexing in the event of limited hard drive space, Turn on Security Center (Domain PCs only), Timeout for hung logon sessions during shutdown, Turn off legacy remote shutdown interface, Allow certificates with no extended key usage certificate attribute, Allow ECC certificates to be used for logon and authentication, Allow Integrated Unblock screen to be displayed at the time of logon, Display string when smart card is blocked, Force the reading of all certificates from the smart card, Notify user of successful smart card driver installation, Prevent plaintext PINs from being returned by Credential Manager, Reverse the subject name stored in a certificate when displaying, Turn on certificate propagation from smart card, Turn on root certificate propagation from smart card, Control Device Reactivation for Retail devices, Turn off KMS Client Online AVS Validation, Only display the private store within the Microsoft Store, Turn off Automatic Download and Install of updates, Turn off Automatic Download of updates on Win8 machines, Turn off the offer to update to the latest version of Windows, Do not allow printing to Journal Note Writer, For tablet pen input, don't show the Input Panel icon, For touch input, don't show the Input Panel icon, Include rarely used Chinese, Kanji, or Hanja characters, Turn off AutoComplete integration with Input Panel, Turn off password security in Input Panel, Turn off tolerant and Z-shaped scratch-out gestures, Hide Advanced Properties Checkbox in Add Scheduled Task Wizard, Allow uninstallation of language features when a language is uninstalled, Prohibit installing or uninstalling color profiles, Allow Corporate redirection of Customer Experience Improvement uploads, Tag Windows Customer Experience Improvement data with Study Identifier, Configure Corporate Windows Error Reporting, List of applications to always report errors for, List of applications to never report errors for, Automatically send memory dumps for OS-generated error reports, Prevent display of the user interface for critical errors, Send additional data when on battery power, Send data when on connected to a restricted/costed network, Enables or disables Windows Game Recording and Broadcasting, Allow enumeration of emulated smart card for all users, Use certificate for on-premises authentication, Use cloud trust for on-premises authentication, Use Windows Hello for Business certificates as smart card certificates, Allow suggested apps in Windows Ink Workspace, Allow users to browse for source while elevated, Allow users to use media source while elevated, Control maximum size of baseline file cache, Prevent Internet Explorer security prompt for Windows Installer scripts, Prevent users from using Windows Installer to install updates and upgrades, Prohibit non-administrators from applying vendor signed updates, Save copies of transform files in a secure location on workstation, Specify the types of events Windows Installer records in its transaction log, Turn off creation of System Restore checkpoints, Configure the mode of automatically signing in and locking last interactive user after a restart or cold boot, Disable or enable software Secure Attention Sequence, Display information about previous logons during user logon, Report when logon server was not available during user logon, Sign-in and lock last interactive user automatically after a restart, Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access, Prevent Quick Launch Toolbar Shortcut Creation, Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially, Set the default source path for Update-Help, Allow remote server management through WinRM, Disallow WinRM from storing RunAs credentials, Specify channel binding token hardening level, Specify maximum amount of memory in MB per Shell, Specify maximum number of processes per Shell, Specify maximum number of remote shells per user, Hide the Device performance and health area, Hide the Security processor (TPM) troubleshooter page. Use GPO to force use of XDDM rather than WDDM. start Hyper-V manager go to Hyper-V Settings > Physical GPUs select your GPU check the box Use this GPU with RemoteFX click OK select your virtual machine click Settings click Add Hardware > RemoteFX 3D Video Adapter click Add update RemoteFX settings for your needs click OK That is. Enable the WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections Restart the VM The first step in this process is to deploy a high GPU VM Windows 10 Multi-session instance with the correct graphics cards selected (instance selected). Register domain joined computers as devices, Configure the server address, refresh interval, and issuer certificate authority of a target Subscription Manager, Control Event Log behavior when the log file reaches its maximum size, Events.asp program command line parameters, Hide previous versions list for local files, Hide previous versions list for remote files, Hide previous versions of files on backup location, Prevent restoring local previous versions, Prevent restoring previous versions from backups, Prevent restoring remote previous versions, Allow the use of remote paths in file shortcut icons. Spice (1) flag Report. Prevent users from sharing files within their profile. Turn off the display of thumbnails and only display icons. This policy setting lets you enable WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections. Step 1: Select an appropriate GPU optimized Azure virtual machine size In the Add Group or User window, change the Permissions to Edit settings, and click OK. The WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connection which is enabled by default in Windows 10 v2004 and above needs to be disabled as it is not supported by the Citrix VDA. Step 4: Launch the program or game. Remove Default Programs link from the Start menu. In this case, the Remote Desktop Connections will use XDDM graphics display driver. Workaround: Set "Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections" to Disabled in group policy. To create these display drivers, perform the following steps: Step 1: Learn about Windows architecture and drivers. Click OK and reboot your PC and see RDP not working after Windows 10 upgrade/update has been resolved. We can disable WDDM graphics on Remote Desktop connection by modifying group policy on the host PC. On the affected machine, in Group Policy Editor, under Remote Desktop Session Host -> Remote Session Environment . Configure telemetry opt-in setting user interface. On Windows 10 Start the Group Policy Editor by clicking the Windows button and typing gpedit.msc then under Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Remote Session Environment : 1. Worked for me on three machines. Block launching desktop apps associated with a URI scheme. blank windows. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Configure Microsoft Defender Application Guard clipboard settings, Configure Microsoft Defender Application Guard print settings, Prevent enterprise websites from loading non-enterprise content in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, Turn on Microsoft Defender Application Guard in Managed Mode, Use a common set of exploit protection settings, Allow Address bar drop-down list suggestions, Allow configuration updates for the Books Library, Allow extended telemetry for the Books tab, Allow Microsoft Edge to pre-launch at Windows startup, when the system is idle, and each time Microsoft Edge is closed, Allow Microsoft Edge to start and load the Start and New Tab page at Windows startup and each time Microsoft Edge is closed, Always show the Books Library in Microsoft Edge, Configure search suggestions in Address bar, Configure the Adobe Flash Click-to-Run setting. Allow or Disallow use of encryption to protect the RPC protocol messages between File Share Shadow Copy Provider running on application server and File Share Shadow Copy Agent running on the file servers. Set the policy named Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections to Enabled. The Windows Vista* operating system supports two driver models: WDDM: Drivers based on WDDM provide the 3D graphical Windows Aero* user interface experience. In the main window, double-click Use WDDM graphics display driver for remote Desktop Connections. set the policy "Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections" to DISABLED. On the VM RDP connections are going to: Local Group Policy Editor (Phys svr is not part of a domain) ->Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> All Settings -> Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections -> Disabled Reboot VM Send all sites not included in the Enterprise Mode Site List to Microsoft Edge. In Windows 10 v1903 and later, there is a bug in the WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model) that prevents remote desktop sessions from connecting multiple times. This is a known Vista/Windows 7 limitation. Do not reinitialize a pre-existing roamed user profile when it is loaded on a machine for the first time, Do not show the 'new application installed' notification. Configure telemetry opt-in change notifications. Therefore, you won't see the GPU installed on your host PC in Device Manager or utilitize its performance. Click on the "Display" tab and look to the right under " Driver Model" under the Driver group box. Do not turn off system power after a Windows system shutdown has occurred. . Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections to DISABLED This forces RDP to use the old (and now deprecated XDDM drivers) After rebooting, behaviour returns to normal and after disconnecting from an RDP session the RDP host (target machine) no longer shows DWM.EXE consuming CPU. No side affects that I see. - Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections Background: PAM was experiencing slowness in opening RDP session for some Windows target device The issue was solved after turn off this group policy for Windows target device side. Right-click on the adapter and select " Update Driver ". You are right - when I set the GPO "Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections -> Disable" it does fix the CPU issue and the freezing issue. Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections -> Disable; Use hardware graphics adapters for all Remote Desktop Services sessions -> Disable; All reactions. By typing gpedit.msc in the Start menu or Run box (Win+R) Browse to: Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Remote Session Environment Find the item "Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections" and disable it. Press the ' Apply . (I don't remember the exact error message.) Disable showing balloon notifications as toasts. Use DNS name resolution when a single-label domain name is used, by appending different registered DNS suffixes, if the AllowSingleLabelDnsDomain setting is not enabled. Use DNS name resolution with a single-label domain name instead of NetBIOS name resolution to locate the DC, Allow cryptography algorithms compatible with Windows NT 4.0, Specify negative DC Discovery cache setting, Specify positive periodic DC Cache refresh for non-background callers, Use final DC discovery retry setting for background callers, Use initial DC discovery retry setting for background callers, Use maximum DC discovery retry interval setting for background callers, Use positive periodic DC cache refresh for background callers, Use urgent mode when pinging domain controllers, Allow Clipboard synchronization across devices, Select the lid switch action (on battery), Select the lid switch action (plugged in), Select the Power button action (on battery), Select the Power button action (plugged in), Select the Sleep button action (on battery), Select the Sleep button action (plugged in), Select the Start menu Power button action (on battery), Select the Start menu Power button action (plugged in), Energy Saver Battery Threshold (on battery), Energy Saver Battery Threshold (plugged in), Allow applications to prevent automatic sleep (on battery), Allow applications to prevent automatic sleep (plugged in), Allow automatic sleep with Open Network Files (on battery), Allow automatic sleep with Open Network Files (plugged in), Allow network connectivity during connected-standby (on battery), Allow network connectivity during connected-standby (plugged in), Allow standby states (S1-S3) when sleeping (on battery), Allow standby states (S1-S3) when sleeping (plugged in), Require a password when a computer wakes (on battery), Require a password when a computer wakes (plugged in), Specify the system hibernate timeout (on battery), Specify the system hibernate timeout (plugged in), Specify the system sleep timeout (on battery), Specify the system sleep timeout (plugged in), Specify the unattended sleep timeout (on battery), Specify the unattended sleep timeout (plugged in), Turn on the ability for applications to prevent sleep transitions (on battery), Turn on the ability for applications to prevent sleep transitions (plugged in), Specify the display dim brightness (on battery), Specify the display dim brightness (plugged in), Turn off adaptive display timeout (on battery), Turn off adaptive display timeout (plugged in), Turn on desktop background slideshow (on battery), Turn on desktop background slideshow (plugged in), Minimum Idle Connection Timeout for RPC/HTTP connections, Propagation of extended error information, Restrictions for Unauthenticated RPC clients, RPC Endpoint Mapper Client Authentication, All Removable Storage: Allow direct access in remote sessions, All Removable Storage classes: Deny all access, Allow logon scripts when NetBIOS or WINS is disabled, Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts, Run Windows PowerShell scripts first at computer startup, shutdown, Run Windows PowerShell scripts first at user logon, logoff, Configure the refresh interval for Server Manager, Do not display Initial Configuration Tasks window automatically at logon, Do not display Server Manager automatically at logon, Turn off automatic termination of applications that block or cancel shutdown, Allow downloading updates to the Disk Failure Prediction Model, Allow Storage Sense Temporary Files cleanup, Configure Storage Sense Cloud Content dehydration threshold, Configure Storage Sense Recycle Bin cleanup threshold, Configure Storage Storage Downloads cleanup threshold, Detect application failures caused by deprecated COM objects, Detect application failures caused by deprecated Windows DLLs, Detect application installers that need to be run as administrator, Detect applications unable to launch installers under UAC, Detect compatibility issues for applications and drivers, Configure Corrupted File Recovery Behavior, Disk Diagnostic: Configure custom alert text, Disk Diagnostic: Configure execution level, Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Configure execution level, Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Restrict tool download, Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Turn on MSDT interactive communication with support provider, Troubleshooting: Allow users to access recommended troubleshooting for known problems, Configure MSI Corrupted File Recovery Behavior, Configure Security Policy for Scripted Diagnostics, Troubleshooting: Allow users to access and run Troubleshooting Wizards, Troubleshooting: Allow users to access online troubleshooting content on Microsoft servers from the Troubleshooting Control Panel (via the Windows Online Troubleshooting Service - WOTS), Diagnostics: Configure scenario execution level, Diagnostics: Configure scenario retention, Configure the level of TPM owner authorization information available to the operating system, Configure the list of blocked TPM commands.
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