It was a pleasure. Im glad that things have been looking up for you. A: Thank you for giving us this interview, Mr. Lee. Is nice to meet ya an informal reply? This is just mean. I usually respond to such statements with something like that. Id love to hear what. Hello. Looking forward to seeing you again soon! Thank you for meeting me. However, if we are to make it more visible, the preposition with conveys more warmth than the preposition to; this nuance makes speaking with you the default choice. These options allow you not to use meet back. Thank you so much! If youve met someone before, you shouldnt say it was nice to meet you unless you include the word again after it. This is not an answer to this question. Yes, but only if its a very informal conversation. It's important to say one of these phrases before leaving This expression is used as a goodbye message to a person or group of people after spending time with them. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. It shows that you had a great experience meeting someone and talking to them about things. Yes, its a very informal one. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation today. (This one sounds better because 'me too' is not by itself.) It was a privilege to meet with you. I hope all is well with you too, and I look forward to future engagements in the company. These usage differences go to show that using less formal alternatives to It was a pleasure speaking with you is generally harmless and acceptable. Its been a pleasure means that the time you spent together was a pleasure for you and implies that youre looking forward to doing it again. I hope thats the first of many meetings we have together. B: I missed having these conversations with you, too, Farrah. Get the most rated articles on your email! It was great meeting you all. It would be rude not to accept the compliment. WebThe word "meet" can mean two different things - to get together with someone you already know, or to see and speak with someone for the first time. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Can these two sentences be used together? How can I reply to "It was nice to talk to you" properly both formally and casually? ", Using a pleasure here is great in formal situations. It shows that you have had a lot to think about since meeting with someone. "@type": "Answer", Please let Mr. Anderson come too. Is there anything specific youd like me to run you through before our next meeting? Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). Jones: It was nice talking to you. The message itself also signals the idea that the conversation or interaction went well or at least as planned and expected. I look forward to working closely with you in the future. Its been great to talk to you. If we want to convey more warmth to our message receiver, the expression It was lovely seeing you should do the job pretty well. Here are the results found in COCA using two searches [be] nice talking to|with you, and [be] nice to talk to|with you, grouped by the intended time. { 8. (shake hands) We must doing it again soon! It was nice to catch up, as always. Being polite is a good and socially approved way of showing your respect to other people around you. "name": "Can we use “It was a pleasure speaking with you” in an email? John. However, we sometimes feel like saying It was a pleasure speaking with you again and again could be a bit mechanical and dry. Thank you for the invitation. How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? }. You can appreciate them for spending some of their time meeting with you, especially if it benefited you. The pleasure was really mine/us or it was a pleasure too? This is why we recommend you check out a few ways how to respond to nice to meet you best of all. How to notate a grace note at the start of a bar with lilypond? When to use which of your example sentences is all up to what tense the verb is in. Last but not least, Nice catching up with you is something we would tend to limit using among the dearest or closest people around. I learned a lot from your experience. Im trying to make a well-informed decision, and youve helped with that. Thank you. Also is another word we can use to flip the greeting into a reply, should we need to. Of course, it is very nice to say something pleasant and polite that will let your new contact know that you are happy to meet them. I hope all is well is a secondary response you can use. Its up to you to determine whether you want to use it formally or informally. It was nice to talk to you about this. Please see, Well, I'm not a native speaker, but I have this kinda sensor which recalls to my mind that I haven't ever heard a native speaker use "talk, You can use "talk with" in this case: "Come here son, I need to talk with you.". Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. Sometimes, youll sign emails off or start them in this way: I look forward to working with you is a great reply to nice meeting you. It shows that they left a good impression on us and that were more than happy to consider them a work colleague when that time presents itself. Youre a great person to learn from. 4. It was a pleasure talking to you. Here they are with example dialogues for contextualization: If we want to show the person that we are excited to meet him or her, we would most likely use Looking forward to talking to you in speaking or writing. Bill: I don't believe I've had the pleasure. Once you reach an agreement, you could tell the people you negotiated with that it was a pleasure working with them by using the following phrases: "Thank you so Take care! You might see emails signed with this phrase in the following ways: It was great meeting you also is slightly more formal than nice to meet you. If you want to keep a good impression with whoever youre talking to, then this is the best choice for you. Although this one practically conveys the same meaning as It was great seeing you, It was lovely seeing you definitely conveys a cozier feeling than the former. If the verb is in the present tense, it's not going to be used when the event is almost over or after it is finished. "Although I'm leaving, I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was being your colleague." B: Thank you for coming tonight, Jane. Acquaintance is a strong, formal word that people use in emails in this way to show that were happy to have been introduced to someone. Thanks so much to you! Is it appropriate to use "reunion" for meeting only one person after a long time? It was nice to make your acquaintance. Another detail we can include is the time in which the discussion took place. Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. So how should we fix that? ), you will make him or her feel valued and respected. When the situation is even more casual, it also follows that we would want to wrap the conversation out in an informal manner too. a CEO or your boss, if its the first time youve met them). -Hey, it was great to talk with you too! Related: How to Respond to a Mean Text Message? I hope Ive convinced you to change your mind. This will surely help you to establish strong and positive social bonds with them! Note, since this is saying goodbye, or "leave-taking," it's okay to repeat the same words or use similar words (similar to greeting: A: How are you? But it does sound as if you are in a hurry to say good bye. I will let you know if something comes up later in the week! How are you?. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. To many ways to vary it, more results for "is all", or 'it' instead of pleasure, or simply "all mine" in response. Them: It was a pleasure to meet you! Answer. Or, maybe, you feel that answering this way, though still being polite and friendly, sounds and reads a bit old-fashioned because you acknowledge the fact that the meeting is taking place online! Typically, well want to say nice meeting you, too or thank you first, but then we can continue to say I hope all is well to let them know that we wish them all the best. It was nice to talk to you about this shows that you valued someones opinion and learned from them. I had a great time learning today. Thank you for your kind words, and its been a pleasure. 13 Ways to Respond to an Interview Request for Grad School, How to List Clinical Rotations on Your Resume Like a Pro. A catch up is a conversation you can have with someone when youve not had a chance to talk to them for at least a few weeks. But what if its not your case? It was nice to meet you yesterday. -Hey, it was great to talk with you too! Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. ", Which one is correct and natural? Hey there. Im glad to be welcomed onto the team. It shows gratitude with a simple thank you while also expressing that you learned something from meeting someone. Yes, Im pretty sure it can! It was a real pleasure talking to you, sir. (but only if you mean it) B Is this correct and natural? How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. Nice meeting you, too is the best reply you can use when someone emails you saying, nice meeting you. Like many greetings and responses, sometimes the most effective methods involve using too to turn it into a reply. I hope we can. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? Sam: Oh! In touch is a phrase that means establish communication with someone, which is quite literally what youre doing when you email someone. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? WebIt was a pleasure meeting you. Sincerely, Carol The other person may generally respond with The honor is mine to show politeness and gratitude to the speaker. It should be a really interesting one. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? You deserve to be happy with your choices. It only takes a minute to sign up. "acceptedAnswer": { 5 When a guy says the pleasure is all mine? To digress a bit to sentence structure, the difference between Speaking with you and Speaking to you is subtle enough to be neglected. It was nice to talk to you about this. Likewise Glad to meet It was nice meeting you too You too Pleasure And you The answer is: Helpful ( 9) Interesting ( 0) Funny ( 0) Confusing ( 0) Its been a pleasure, and I hope youll consider me for future positions should they ever make themselves available. Having a bunch of alternative greetings at the back of our heads is a handy skill to have because it saves thinking time. You should come for dinner with us this weekend. Frequently Asked Questions. Thanks for your time, Bob. Example: A: It In situations like the one below, it would be inappropriate to use highly formal language because the relationship between the two people is quite close or intimate. This article will explore the twelve best replies to the phrase. There could be many ways and it depends on the speaker. However, I always reply this way Thank you. Same here. Or Thank you. Nice talking to you Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Briefly: Even responding to a question as common as Hows your day? can come off as a little discomforting if we dont have enough responses in our word bank. It turned out to be a lucky day indeed. Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? is more appropriate, and the choice between talking to or talking with was questioned. Yes, it was. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. However, it often happens that a person gets stuck trying to find a proper answer even if he or she meets the most pleasant and loveliest person in the world! It was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope that well have plenty of chances to work together in the near future. or perhaps "Same here!" But in formal contexts, I might say "The pleasure "acceptedAnswer": { If we want to show the person that we are excited to meet him or her, we would most likely use. Learn more about us here. It's been my pleasure, and I wish all of you well in the future." It was a pleasure, as always. We can use this expression, for instance, when dealing with business acquaintances with whom we bump into at random. It's not nice, it's not appropriate, but in my humble opinion, it is the best. Thank you for shedding some light on some of these things. Posted on Published: May 18, 2022- Last updated: May 20, 2022. Would you like to do something again next week to discuss the proceedings? When to respond to a message from another person? Having said that, It was a pleasure talking to you today, It was a pleasure talking to you this morning, It was a pleasure talking to you this afternoon, and It was a pleasure talking to you this evening are all possible alternatives to use. What is the best time / are the best times for a meeting? We can shorten thank you to thanks in informal situations. Want to improve this question? Its Been Great to Talk to You. Im glad we could have this discussion is a great phrase in many situations. Is it grammatically correct to say "It was nice, +1 Definitely good for informal or casual, in my opinion. If youve had a good experience with your first meeting, this phrase should work really well to show them that youve enjoyed everything that youve spoken about. @Ollie: Well, I'd expect virtually every native speaker to be familiar with this "stock response" - I only included a link to show just, Responding to "It was nice to talk to you",, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Differences between "How are you? We could use this phrase as follows in our emails: I am delighted to make your acquaintance is a brilliant choice if you want to keep the formality high. It feels like its been way too long since weve been able to get anything like this done. Its a pleasure meeting you too. B: It was great to be here, too, Val. In email writing, it is very important to provide as much information as possible because we dont get to see the other persons gestures and facial reactions. See you again soon! you can also say same meaning as above. We dont actually shake hands with that person, nor do we make eye contact. responses. I know it wasnt easy, but Im glad you talked me through these things. Some acceptable responses to this statement would be The pleasure is mine, It was nice to meet you as well, Nice to meet you too, Likewise, or It was a pleasure to meet you as well Ensure this value has at least 60 characters and not more than 4500 characters. Are you a native speaker? If its in a work context, you may prefer I look forward to working with you. (shake hands) Them: Nice to talk to you! I hope we can arrange something like this again soon. likewise: similarly so with me [answered likewise to Pleased to meet you]. Hope to catch up again soon! It was a great pleasure meeting you! At the same time, with a bad reply, our impression can be badly tarnished! I started playing the guitar recently for my pastime. I'm pleased to meet you, Sally. I will let you know if something comes up that we can work on together. Same here. It was lovely to meet you. I wonder if you ran into your ex-teacher and had a pleasant conversation with him or her, and before leaving your teacher said, "It was nice talking to you," would you reply your teacher with "Thank you. When compared to It was a pleasure speaking with you, this expression is inarguably more casual because of the usage of the idiomatic verb phrase to catch up.. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Im glad we could have this discussion. Welcome to Grammarhow!We are on a mission to help you become better at English. There's a whole range of possible answers, ranging from "Thank you" to "The pleasure was mine", with some neutral and perhaps even derogatory replies possible (try to avoid the derogatory ones :) ). With each of them, you will leave the most positive impression of yourself and make your new friend want to meet you again. I did, too. I am delighted to make your acquaintance, and I would like to offer my services for whatever you may need. [I hope we can do it again some time {polite}. (I would probably not actually say this one, but 'me too' seems to be used more and more these days as a generic response, even if the logic doesn't work: A: It was good to see you again. Like this, you will show that you do care for them, and besides, everyone loves to be recognized and to be some kind of famous! Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? Im glad we could have this discussion. 11+ Ideas How to Respond to a Cancellation Request? I hope we can do this again soon. I hope I get to see you around here sometime again. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. In this view, It was nice talking to you should be more suitable. this morning. How to respond to a person saying pleasure ? But if you are a businessman or a business lady, you know that time values greatly, and so you would rather spend it on making business rather than on empty and useless talks. It was a privilege to meet you, sir. Im sure there will be plenty of opportunities in the future that will allow us to work through more issues. The expression It was a pleasure speaking with you generally has a formal connotation. Well, of course, there are alternative greeting phrases. The phrase it was a pleasure speaking with you already works well, so a minor tweak like this is also suitable. You always know what to say to help me understand things. and hear some great insights, Dr. Patterson. Nice meeting you works well in business contexts when signing off from an email. Yes, if you know that your interlocutor is ok with that. B: Pleasure having you in town again, Mrs. Murphy. Also, instead of using today, other adverbials can obviously be used such as earlier as in It was a pleasure talking to you earlier on the phone., 14. It was lovely to meet you. Hi! We could meet for coffee tomorrow if youre free. Let me know if theres anything else youd like to discuss before we continue. Nice talking to you as well. Why does Mister Mxyzptlk need to have a weakness in the comics. You can use speaking and talking synonymously, and this phrase works well when you want to show that youve had an enjoyable time with someone in a formal situation. WebIf youre only meeting someone via email communication, then its nice to make your acquaintance is a perfect phrase to use. 1 How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? 1) I started playing the violin recently. Like It was an honor to speak with you, It was a privilege to meet you also bears a very respectful, cautious tone. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? It may sound weird to some of you, but there are quite many people out there who become clueless and even puzzled when they have to answer to such a common greeting phrase as nice to meet you! We could see this work in the following ways: Another option is to make sure theyre comfortable and doing well. These acts make a lot of sense because we need them to maintain both professional and intimate relationships with everyone around us. It was a pleasure talking to you. Im glad we could meet. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? again after a while, Reese. In a similar vein, we would also hear the relevant phrase It has been a pleasure working with you when one wants to express gratitude in work-related contexts. @syntaxerror where do you live? dude, the Trump troll was funny. I feel like Ive cleared a lot of the problems that I was having because of you. So, here is how to respond to a nice to meet you email! Is the God of a monotheism necessarily omnipotent? It couldnt have been easy, but I do appreciate your time. WebRead the note from your friend John. With their help, you will be able to reply to a common introduction in a more original and definitely less awkward way! B: Me too.) It was lovely to meet you yesterday. Im intrigued to learn more about you. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It was lovely to meet you. I really enjoyed our last meeting, and I think it would be beneficial for both of us. Similarly to the above section, it was nice to make your acquaintance is another variation. This time, you can use nice as the adjective rather than saying a pleasure. It shows that youve had a good time getting to know someone or talking to them in a professional capacity. This phrase works best when youve learned a lot from your conversation with someone. I'll talk with you later. Yes, but only if its a very informal conversation. So is it correct to use this nice to meet you phrase? I understand what to expect from the situation now. Related: 11+ Ideas How to Respond to a Cancellation Request? Pleasure to meet you. At the end of this article, I will point out a couple of expressions that are mainly found in email correspondence. "name": "How can we thank someone for speaking with us over the phone? Im glad we could spend this time getting to know each other before we started on the same project. { Hey fellow Linguaholics! And if you explain why exactly you feel so excited (you have heard of this persons achievements and you want to work with such a great professional, etc. From the data, we can draw a few conclusions: All possible choices (of to talk or talking, and of talk to or talk with) are acceptable (or at least can be said "in use"). When talking in present tense, to talk to is the favored one. These acts make a lot of sense because we need them to maintain both professional and intimate relationships with everyone around us. How to Write a Great Follow-up Email after a Career Fair, The 23 Best Ways to Respond to Whats good, Linguaholic 2023 |Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Careers. This reply actually works two ways. “Was” is one of the simple past forms of “be.”" Nice isnt as powerful as delighted, but sometimes the context or tone will require a less powerful word, making nice a better fit. Hello. (polite) 4 What can I say instead of it was a pleasure? Would you like to bring a friend? It was nice meeting you, too. How do you calculate calories in home cooked food? }, If you don't reply for the next three hours. My pleasure is an idiomatic response to What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant?
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