BibleSpeak offers the most comprehensive resource on the web for Bible name pronunciation. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); SIS-trums] * [ Siva*] * [ (also Shiva) - - sh 97 - SIH-vuh, SHIH-vuh, SEE-vuh, SHEE-vuh] * [ skepticism* - - w95 4/15 5 - SKEP-tuh-sih'zuhm] * [ sledge - sledge - Isaiah 41:15 (h4173) - SLEJ] * [ Smerdis* - - w86 1/15 7 - SMUHR-dis, SMAIR-dis] * [ Smyrna] * [ (aka Izmir) - Smyr'na - Revelation 1:11 (g4667) - SMUHR-nuh, SMUHR-nah] * [ Socinian* - - g88 11/22 20 - suh-SIN-ee-uhn, soh-] * [ Sodi - So'di - Numbers 13:10 (h5476) - SOH-di] * [ Sodom - Sod'om - Genesis 13:10 (h5467) - SOD-uhm] * [ sojourn - ("to reside" and "alien residents" in NW) - Genesis 12:10 AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (h1481); Acts 7:6 AS, KJ (g3941) - SOH-juhrn, soh-JUHRN] * [ Sol* - - w90 1/15 7 - SAHL] * [ soldering - soldering - Isaiah 41:7 (h1694) - SAH-d(uh-)ring, SAW-; Brit. You decide which sounds to work on first when working on how to say things. Shaddai'; "God Almighty" in NW) - Genesis 35:11 By, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI , also SHAD-i] * [ Shadrach - Sha'drach - Daniel 1:7 (h7714) - SHAD-rak, SHAY-drak, not SHAD-rak in NW] * [ Shakti* - - sh 121 - SHAHK-tee] * [ Shallum - Shal'lum - 2 Kings 15:10 (h7967) - SHAL-uhm] * [ Shalmaneser - Shalmane'ser - 2 Kings 17:3 (h8022) - shal'muh-NEE-zuhr, shal'muhn-EE-zuhr] * [ shalom] * [ (also shalohm') - ("peace" in NW) - Genesis 15:15 HNV (h7965); Matthew 10:13 HNV (g1515) - shah-LOHM (listen)] * [ Shalom aleichem* - - w84 8/15 19 - shaw'luhm uh-LAY-khuhm (listen), -kuhm, shah-LOHM ah-lay-KHEM, Seph. Rahab = RAY-hab Ramah = RAY-mah Rephidim = REF-ih-dim Saba = SAY-ba Sadducees = SAD-yoo-seez Salome = sah-LOH-mee Sahnedrin = san-HEE-drin Sardis = SAR-dis Sepulchre = SEH-pull-ker . AHS-truh-kuh] * [ ostrich] * [ (owl[s] in some Bibles) - ostrich - Job 30:29 (h3284) - AHS-trich, AWS-, also -trij] * [ Othniel - Oth'niel - Judges 3:9 (h6274) - OTH-nee-uhl, OTH-nee-el] * [ Oxyrhynchus* - - w92 2/15 26-28 - ok'sih-RING-kuhs, ahk'-] * [ Ozem - O'zem - 1 Chronicles 2:15 (h684) - OH-zuhm, OH-zihm] * [ Ozni - Oz'ni - Numbers 26:16 (h244) - OZ-ni] *. We make the sound of consonants by using our lips or tongues to stop Vowel --The letters a, e, I, o, u, and sometimes y and w. We make Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. by Joanne Kenworthy, (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers), Longman Publishing, 1987. This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. Are you using WordPress? A Reminder" in NW) - Psalm 80 superscription or 80:1 Da, KJ (h7802) - shoh-shan'im-EE-duhth] * [ Shuhite - Shu'hite - Job 2:11 (h7747) - SHOO-hi t] * [ Shulammite - Shu'lammite - The Song of Solomon 6:13 (h7759) - SHOO-luh-mi t, SHOO-lah-mi t] * [ Shunem - Shu'nem - 2 Kings 4:8 (h7766) - SHOO-nuhm] * [ Shur - Shur - Genesis 16:7 (h7793) - SHOOR, SHUHR] * [ Shushan - Shu'shan - Esther 1:2 (h7800) - SHOO-shan] * [ Shushan-eduth] * [ (Lily of the Covenant / Promise, Concerning / On the Lily of Testimony in some Bibles) - ("The Lily of Reminder" in NW - Psalm 60 superscription KJ (h7802) - shoo'shan-EE-duhth] * [ Sibboleth] * [ (compare Shibboleth) - Sib'boleth - Judges 12:6 (h5451) - SIB-uh-lith, -leth', SIB-oh-leth] * [ Sibylline* - - g80 7/22 17 - SIB-uh-leen] * [ Sicarii or sicarii] * [ (armed terrorists, Assassins, cut-throats, murderers, terrorists, thugs in some Bibles) - ("dagger men" in NW) - Acts 21:38 Sd (g4607) - sih-KAHR-ee-i] * [ Siddhartha Gautama* - - g00 7/8 15 - sih-DAHR-tuh GAU-tuh-muh] * [ siege] * [ (attack, besiege, blockade in some Bibles) - siege - Ezekiel 4:2 (h4692) - SEEJ, also SEEZH] * [ Sikh* - - g87 12/22 19 - SEEK] * [ Sikhism* - - sh 120 - SEE-kih'zuhm] * [ Siloam - Silo'am - Luke 13:4 (g4611) - si -LOH-uhm, suh-LOH-uhm] * [ Silvanus - Silva'nus - 1 Thessalonians 1:1 (g2331) - sil-VAY-nuhs] * [ Simeon - Sim'eon - Genesis 29:33 (h8095) - SIM-ee-uhn] * [ similar] * [ (likeness, looked like, similitude in some Bibles) - similar - Daniel 10:16 (h1823) - SIM-uh-luhr, SIM-luhr, not SIM-yoo-luhr] * [ simile] * [ (compare metaphor) - ("proverbial saying" in NW) - Psalm 44:14 Yg (h4912) - SIM-uh-lee] * [ similitude - ("likeness" in NW) - Daniel 10:16 KJ (h1823); James 3:9 KJ (g3669) (other places h8403, h8544, g3665, g3667 in KJ) - suh-MIL-uh-tood, -tyood] * [ Simon - Simon, it Si'mon - Matthew 4:18 (g4613) - SI -muhn] * [ sin] * [ (Hebrew letter, see also shin) - Sin - Psalm 119:161 (verse heading) - SIN, SEEN] * [ Sinai] * [ (aka Horeb) - Si'nai - Exodus 19:1 (h5514) - SI -ni (also -nee-i ')] * [ Sinaitic* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-ik, not -AT-ik] * [ Sinaiticus* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-uh-kuhs, not -AT-uh-kuhs] * [ sinew - sinew - Isaiah 48:4 (h1517) - SIN-yoo('), also SIH-noo(')] * [ Sirach* - - it "Apocrapha" - SI -ruhk, -rak, also suh-RAHK] * [ Sisera - Sis'era - Judges 4:2 (h5516) - SIS-uh-ruh] * [ sistrum] * [ (castanets, cornets, rattles, sistra in some Bibles) - sistrums - 2 Samuel 6:5 (h4517) - SIS-truhm, -troom, pl. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_6685", {soundFile: "", titles: "How to Pronounce THE_TITLE", autostart: "no", loop: "no", animation: "yes", remaining: "yes", noinfo: "no", initialvolume: "70", buffer: "5", encode: "no", checkpolicy: "no", rtl: "no", width: "100%", transparentpagebg: "no", bg: "E5E5E5", leftbg: "CCCCCC", lefticon: "333333", voltrack: "F2F2F2", volslider: "666666", rightbg: "B4B4B4", rightbghover: "999999", righticon: "333333", righticonhover: "FFFFFF", loader: "009900", track: "FFFFFF", tracker: "DDDDDD", border: "CCCCCC", skip: "666666", text: "333333"}); (1.) sphinxes or sphinges) - - it "Memphis" - SFING(K)S (listen), pl. - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. ak'uh-MEN-idz] * [ Achaia] * [ (also Achaea) - Acha'ia - Acts 19:21 (g882) - uh-KAY-uh, uh-KAY-yuh (also uh-KEE-uh)] * [ Achaian*] * [ (also Achaean) - - it "Greece, Greeks" - uh-KAY-uhn] * [ Achaicus - Acha'icus - 1 Corinthians 16:17 (g883) - uh-KAY-uh-kuhs] * [ Achan - A'chan - Joshua 7:20 (h5912) - AY-kan] * [ Achilles* - - dp 154; w99 4/15 18 - uh-KIL-eez, not AK-uhl-eez] * [ Achish - A'chish - 1 Samuel 21:10 (h397) - AY-kish] * [ Achor - A'chor - Joshua 7:24 (h5911) - AY-kohr] * [ Achsah - Ach'sah - Joshua 15:16 (h5915) - AK-suh, AK-sah] * [ Achzib - Ach'zib - Micah 1:14 (h392) - AK-zib] * [ Acre*] * [ (aka Acco) - - it "Acco" - AH-kruh (listen), AH-kuhr] * [ Acrocorinthus* - - it "Corinth" - ak'roh-kuh-RIN-thuhs] * [ acropolis* - - it "Areopagus" - uh-KROP-uh-lis] * [ acrostic* - - Lamentations 1:1 ftn. Learn how to say Philippi with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of Gods word. DEB-ree] * [ decalogue*] * [ (when capitalized, aka Ten Commandments) - - Deuteronomy 4:13 ftn. Naaman NAY-uh-muhn , Naboth NAY-buhth , Nahor NAY-kawr , Nahshon NAY-shuhn , Nahum NAY-huhm , Naim NAY-ihm , Naomi NAY-o-mai , Naphtali NAF-tuh-lai , Nathan NAY-thuhn , Nathanael nuh-THAN-ay-ehl , Nazareth NAZ-uh-rehth , Nazorean naz-aw-REE-uhn , Neapolis nee-AP-o-lihs , Nebat NEE-bat , Nebo NEE-bo , Nebuchadnezzar neh-byoo-kuhd-NEHZ-er , Nebuzaradan neh-byoo-zahr-AY-dan , Negeb NEH-gehb , Nehemiah nee-hee-MAI-uh , Nehushta nee-HUHSH-tuh , Ner ner , Nereus NEE-roos , Neri NEE-rai , Nether NETH-er , Nicanor nai-KAY-nawr , Nicodemus nih-ko-DEE-muhs , Nicolaus nih-ko-LAY-us , Niger NAI-dzher , Nimshi NIHM-shai , Nineveh NIHN-eh-veh , Ninevites NIHN-eh-vaits , Nisan NAI-san , Noah NO-uh , Nun NAI-san. correct intonation to communicate their intended meaning. If youre a Bible teacher, Pastor or Christian who wants to know how to pronounce those difficult Bible names correctly, look no further! (g5507, g2094) - KIH-lee-asts', -uhsts] * [ Chilion - Chil'ion - Ruth 1:2 (h3630) - KIL-ee-uhn] * [ Ching* - - g87 0/22 23 - JING, CHING] * [ Chinnereth - Chin'nereth - Numbers 34:11 (h3672) - KIN-uh-reth(')] * [ Chios - Chi'os - Acts 20:15 (g5508) - KI -os, KEE-os] * [ Chi-Rho* - - sh 273 - KI -ROH, KEE-ROH] * [ Chislev] * [ (Casleu, Chaseleu, Chisleu, Kislev in some Bibles) - Chis'lev - Nehemiah 1:1 (h3691) - KIZ-lev] * [ Chittim - ("Kittim" in NW) - Daniel 11:30 Da, KJ, Yg (h3794) - KIT-im] * [ Chloe - Chlo'e - 1 Corinthians 1:11 (g5514) - KLOH-ee] * [ Chorazin - Chora'zin - Matthew 11:21 (g5523) - koh-RAY-zin, kuh-RAY-zin] * [ Chou* - - sh 161 - JOH] * [ Christ - Christ - Matthew 1:1 (g5547) - KRI ST] * [ Christendom* - - w88 4/1 24 - KRIS-uhn-duhm (listen)] * [ Christian - Christian - Acts 26:28 (g5546) - KRIS-chuhn (listen)] * [ Christological* - - w78 5/1 12 - krist'uh-LOJ-ih-kuhl] * [ Christology* - - w92 4/1 25 - kris-TOL-uh-jee] * [ Chronicles - Chronicles (Bible books) - 1 Chronicles 1:1 - KRON-ih-kuhlz] * [ chrysolite] * [ ( beryl in some Bibles) - chrys'olite - Ezekiel 1:16 (h8658) - KRIH-suh-li t', KRIS-uh-li t] * [ chrysoprase - chrys'oprase - Revelation 21:20 (g5556) - KRIS-uh-prayz] * [ Chrysostom* - - w01 4/15 19 - KRIS-uhs-tuhm, kri-SOS-tuhm] * [ chugh (Hebrew word) - - ip-1 412; Isaiah 40:22 "circle" (h2329) - KHOOG (listen), not CHUHG] * [ churl - ("unprincipled man" in NW) - Isaiah 32:7 AS, KJ (h3596) - CHUHR(-uh)L] * [ Chuza - Chu'za - Luke 8:3 (g5529) - KYOO-zuh, KOO-zuh] * [ Cicero* - - g01 7/8 14 - SIS-uh-roh] * [ Cilicia - Cili'cia - Acts 6:9 (g2791) - suh-LI -shee-uh in NW (most sources suh-LISH-(ee-)uh)] * [ Claromontanus* - - si 314 - klair'uh-mon-TAN-uhs] * [ Claudia - Clau'dia - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g2903) - KLAW-dee-uh] * [ Claudius - Claudius, it Clau'dius - Acts 11:28 (g2804) - KLAW-dee-uhs] * [ Clement - Clement - Philippians 4:3 (g2815) - KLEM-uhnt] * [ Cleopatra* - - dp 232 - klee'uh-PAT-ruh] * [ Cleopas - Cle'opas - Luke 24:18 (g2810) - KLEE-oh-puhs, KLEE-ah-puhs] * [ Clopas] * [ (Cleopas, Cleophas in some Bibles) - Clo'pas - John 19:25 (g2832) - KLOH-puhs] * [ Cnidus - Cni'dus - Acts 27:7 (g2834) - NI -duhs, kuh-NI -duhs] * [ Cnossos* (see Knossos) - - - ] * [ coccus (coccus scarlet) - coccus - Exodus 26:1 (h8144) - KAH-kuhs] * [ cockatrice] * [ (adder, basilisk, poison-snake, serpent, viper in some Bibles) - ("poisonous snake" in NW) - Isaiah 11:8 KJ, Yg (h6848) - KAH-kuh-truhs, -tri s'] * [ codex*] * [ (pl. When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered. (h6953) - koh-HEL-ith] * [ qohph, also qoph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Qohph - Psalm 119:145 (verse heading) - KOHF, KAWF (listen)] * [ quadruped] * [ (animal, animals, beast in most Bibles) - ("beast" in NW) - Deutoronomy 14:6 By (h929) - KWAH-druh-ped'] * [ Quartus - Quar'tus - Romans 16:23 (g2890) - KWOR-tuhs] * [ quaternion - ("four soldiers" in NW) - Acts 12:4 KJ (g5069) - kwah-TUHR-nee-uhn, kwuh-] * [ quench - quench - Psalm 104:11 (h7665); Ephesians 6:16 (g4570) - KWENCH, not KWENZ] * [ Quetzalcoatl* - - g99 5/8 18 - kwet'suhl-kuh-WAH-tuhl, ket'-, -suhl-KWAH-] * [ Quintus* - - g99 11/8 21 - KWIN-tuhs] * [ Quirinius] * [ (Cyrenius in some Bibles) - Quirin'ius - Luke 2:2 (g2958) - kwih-RIN-ee-uhs, kwuhr-RIN-ee-uhs] * [ Qumran* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - KOOM-rahn] * [ Qur'an*] * [ (also Quran, Koran) - - sh 290 - kuh-RAN, ku-RAHN] *. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. aggadot) - - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-duh, Seph. 3 ratings. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Bible readers must learn to recognize the Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Macedonia . Here is Philippi in the Bible. stelai or steles) - - it "Canaan (picture, page 403)" - STEE-lee, STEEL (listen); pl. Bad Biblical pronunciation of words may confuse people even if you have advanced Bible understanding. (h6210) - sahr-KAH-fuh-guhs, -KOF-uh- pl. Two major organizing structures are rhythm and intonation. puh-PI -ree, -ri] * [ Papyrus Bodmer* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Papyrus manuscripts)" - puh-PI -ruhs BOD-muhr] * [ parable] * [ (allegory, figurative language, story, saying simile, illustration in some Bibles) - ("illustration" in NW) - Matthew 13:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, We (and others) (g3850) - PAR-uh-buhl] * [ Paraclete] * [ (Advocate, Comforter, Counselor, Friend, Helper, helper in some Bibles) - ("helper" in NW) - John 14:16 DRB (g3875) - PAIR-uh-kleet, PAR-uh-kleet'] * [ paradisaic* - - ip-1 378 - par'uh-di ' SAY-ik, -ZAY-] * [ paradise; Paradise - paradise; Paradise - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h6508); Luke 23:43 (g3857) - PAIR-uh-di s] * [ parakletos*] * [ (See Paraclete) - ("para'kletos" in NW John 14:26 ftn. document.write('
') (2.) The image of success and plenty that so often characterizes Guyanas agricultural sector conceals the hard work, sacrifice and frequently the frustration which, more often than we imagine,.. Fransina Sauls has been living and working on the Bock family farm in the Philippi Horticultural Area in Cape Town for nearly a decade. "); There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Caesarea Philippi . Topography. RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] in NW) - John 12:13 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g5614) - hoh-ZAN-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Hosea - Hose'a (Bible book) - Hosea 1:1 (h1954); w62 12/15 767 - hoh-SEE-uh in NW, hoh-ZEE-uh, not hoh-ZAY-uh, HOH-zay] * [ Hoshea - Hoshe'a - 2 Kings 17:1 (h1954) - hoh-SHEE-uh] * [ hough] * [ (hamstring, hock in some Bibles) - ("hamstring" in NW) - Joshua 11:6 Da, KJ, Yg (h6131) - HOK, HOKH] * [ Huguenot* - - w98 8/15 26 - HYOO-guh-naht'] * [ Huldah - Hul'dah - 2 Kings 22:14 (h2468) - HUHL-duh, HUL-] * [ humble - humble - Proverbs 29:23 (h8217) - HUHM-buhl, HUM-, also chiefly Southern US UHM-] * [ humility - humility - Proverbs 18:12 (h6038) - hyoo-MIL-uh-tee, -ih-, often yoo-] * [ Hur - Hur - Exodus 17:10 (h2354) - HUHR] * [ Huram - ("Hiram" in 2 Chronicles 2:3 in NW) - 1 Chronicles 8:5 (h2361); 2 Chronicles 2:3 AS, Da, KJ, JPS (h2361) - HYOOR-uhm, HYOO-ruhm] * [ hurly-burly] * [ (iniquity, overturn, overturned, ruin, ruins in some Bibles) - ("ruin" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:27 By (h5754) - huhr'lee-BUHR-lee] * [ Hurrian* - - w85 3/1 31 - HOOR-ee-uhn] * [ Hushai - Hu'shai - 2 Samuel 15:32 (h2365) - HYOO-shi, HOOSH-i] * [ hyacinth] * [ (jacinth, turquoise in some Bibles) - hyacinth, it hy'acinth - Revelation 21:20 (g5192) - HI -uh-sinth (listen)] * [ Hyades] * [ (Pleiades, Kimah in most Bibles) - - Job 9:9 in DRB - HI -uh-deez'] * [ Hydaspes*] * [ (River) - - - hi -DAS-peez] * [ Hyksos* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian ('Hyksos Period')" - HIK-sohs (listen), -sos] * [ Hymen* - - it "Hymenaeus" - HI -muhn] * [ Hymenaeus - Hymenae'us - 1 Timothy 1:20 (g5211) - hi 'muh-NEE-uhs, not hi -MIN-ee-uhs] * [ hymn] * [ (song of praise, the Hallel in a few Bibles) - ("praises" in NW) - Matthew 26:30 KJ (g5214) - HIM] * [ Hypnos* - - sh 43 - HIP-nuhs, HIP-nohs'] * [ hypocrisy - hypocrisy - Matthew 23:28 (g5272) - hih-PAH-kruh-see, hi -] * [ hypocrite - hypocrite - Luke 6:42 (g5273) - HIP-uh-krit'] * [ hyrax] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JB (h8227) - HI -raks] * [ Hyrcania* - - w96 1/15 27 - huhr-KAY-nee-uh] * [ Hyrcanus* - - w02 1/1 11 - hihr-KAY-nuhs] * [ hyssop - hyssop - Exodus 12:22 (h231) - HIS-uhp] * [ Hystaspes*] * [ (also Hystaspis) - - it "Darius" - his-TAS-peez] * [ Hystaspis*] * [ (Darius I; also Hystaspes) - - Esther 1:1 ftn.
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