.td-theme-wrap .td_block_template_15 .td-block-title:before, Lot 15: Dan Wesson .357 Magnum Double Action Revolver Auction Date: July 19, 2018 Jan 12, 2018 - Sorry no one under 18 years old permitted . NSFW . The revolver is also a popular choice for self-defense and target shooting. Dan passed away in April 2011. }; Copyright Complaints: Please direct DMCA Takedown Notices to the registered agent: http://www.danwessonforum.com/dwf-coialNumbers.pdf. The first shot missed, but the second shot managed to stop him. "The 2nd Model may be differentiated by noticing the heavier barrel and Rampant Colt on right side. } I can not figure out how to post pictures from my phone. After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the United States Secret Service in 1995. By continuing to browse our website you agree to our use of cookies. Click the help icon above to learn more. I have the same setup as in your photo there with the blued 6 inch vented standard. MATERIAL: 4140 Chrome Moly Steel ; BLADE TYPE: rounded with two fiber optic dots; NOTCH DIMENSIONS: 0.118" x 0.098" OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 1.582" x 0.728" x 0.315" Gunsmith installation recommended On the latest models we've got the following prefixes: C = Commander. Not only that, but when firing in single action I found that the gun started having 2020 Python syndrome and the cylinder would not turn when I cocked the hammer. And they have a beautiful finish on them. and he says you arent point shooting as there was a ragged hole 3-4 inches in diameter. If you are looking for a firearm for self-defense, then you will want to choose something that is easy to handle and has a high level of accuracy. Im hoping that after following the Average Joe tune up method and rolling some home brew handloads, I can really get this wheel gat performing at the next level on subsequent range trips. Depending on when it was made, it could be factory engraving, or it may have been done outside of DW prior to bluing. Some with a tip-up action, or top break action and others with a swing-out cylinder. 4. My memory isn't what it used to be. Monday-Friday 7am-4pm Eastern (800) 955-4486 Company offers a comprehensive line of handguns for almost every use and will also custom build a handgun to customer specifications. Personally I think the Dans frame size coupled with the standard contoured 6-inch barrel balances terrifically well. When you select your desired Dan Wesson Firearm, you need to be able to buy with confidence. The use of the words Dan Wesson and Wesson Arms is only done to identify which gun our barrel changing tool fits, nothing more and nothing less. Year of Manufacture: Modern. 1 Dan Wesson Valor Commander. They are known for their quality and craftsmanship. I have attached a couple pics he sent me. My only issue with DW pistols is that I wish that I had bought more when they were looked upon with such derision by the old-guard, Your email address will not be published. Here is what is between the cylinger and trigger guard, barrel DanWesson Arms " /> this.found_posts = 0; //from wp Serial # K548721. A great example of this, is the host of trigger and hammer options that were available back when sixguns still filled most of the duty holsters and won most of the matches. Submit the serial number to the S&W service via email to confirm the firearm is indeed the .38 Special CTG. The swappable barrels feature is a little gimmicky and I doubt Ill bankrupt myself buying every barrel length I can find secondhand, but I do find it interesting. this.td_column_number = ''; Set your gap and let em rip. remove: function (resource_id) { Count the number of chambers on the revolver. Step 2. Identical to the Dan Wesson 15-2. Something like .38 Spcl CTG, or similar. Know what your Dan Wesson firearms are worth with this up-to-date 14-page .PDF download from the 19th edition of Standard Catalog of Firearms. Norwich, NY 13815. "itemListElement": [{ .block-title > a, He can't seem to find the model number. Dan Wesson 65 Borden Ave. Norwich, NY 13815. usa. Funny you should ask about the strength & phrase the title to the thread "Dan Wesson .357 magnum ctg". .vc_tta-container .vc_tta-color-grey.vc_tta-tabs-position-top.vc_tta-style-classic .vc_tta-tabs-container .vc_tta-tab.vc_active > a, Serial # is S 124653. Dan Wesson Model 14 or 15 .357 Magnum Side Plate Blued Original W/ Screws. A $ 450 auction price can end up being more than 500. In S&W lingo these are the K & L Frames. How would one identify these guns, and if one was acquired, are remedies available? With a goal of making the world's best revolver, straight out of the box, and a reputation for perfectionism, Wesson developed the Model 12, .357 Magnum. Posts: 215. Company was founded in 1968 by Daniel B. Wesson, great-grandson of D.B. HANDGUNS Availability Price Range Manufacturer Action Barrel Length Caliber Capacity Weight Subcategories Applied Filters Keyword : dan wesson Clear all filters DAN WESSON VIGIL $1,199.99. Hose it down with brake cleaner, use their "six drops of lube", use the $10 unbranded mags they picked up at the gun show, or on eBay. Smith & Wesson introduced the Model 686 in 1981. Since then, Bongino has worked as a commentator and political analyst. var tds_header_style=""; Join Date: January 28, 2012. it is polished blue, full length rib, no full under lug. $4.99 shipping. To each his own preference, but I like the 1911 in 9mm caliber and a smaller sub-compact footprint for concealed carry purposes and The Smith & Wesson Model 66 Combat Magnum is a six-shot double action stainless steel revolver chambered for 357 S&W Magnum, and has been available in numerous variations over the years, with about a ten-year gap in production from 2004-2014. Enjoy! tdLocalCache.remove(resource_id); interchangeable barrels with pork chop shroud, fixed sights, blue, interchangeable grips, external, exposed barrel nut. The side plate screws are this more user friendly hex head as opposed to the standard flathead seen on most revolvers. A Smith 686 i fired was buttery light in comparison. Any idea what this is? ins.dataset.adClient = pid; The barrel says Dan Wesson arms 357 magnum CTG and the frame Dan Wesson arms monsoon mass USA and the serial number 151827. In 1995, the company declared bankruptcy. Dan Wesson seems to have recoil management down to a science. . this.id = ''; Best to start by admitting my first ever gun was the S & W 586 6 Blue circa 1983, so Im biased out of the gate, as I absolutely love that K-Frame pistol. After soaking in some penetrant, it came loose with a lot of muscle (and two broken barrel nut tools). } The fourth step is to identify the production run. Ruger brought out their first Bisley Models in the mid-1980s chambered in .357 Magnum, .41 Magnum, .44 Magnum and .45 Colt. var alS = 2002 % 1000; If this is the case contact us and we will need a little more info on your revolver. .td-weather-information:before, Obtain a copy of the 3rd Edition of "The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson," which lists all of the different gun models and the corresponding years of their serial numbers. set: function (resource_id, cachedData) { JCPD is probably a police contract pistol, made for a town named "J_____ City.". I'm looking for old reviews, diagrams, production dates and serial numbers, etc. I have a friend, wanting to trade me his Dan Wesson 357. Also bought mine used around 15 years ago or so. } The new Dan Wesson .357 Model 12 was a radical design in more ways than one. In addition, each Dan Wesson revolver has a unique serial number located on the bottom of the grip frame. stamped on the side is dan wesson arms, monson, mass. While it might leave the history buff snorting in contempt, the alternate-history approach is clever and makes for an excellent pistol that most traditionalists should enjoy. }, 4 screws on the side (one normally under the grips) is the original way to hold the side plate on. Everything I find tells me where it should be but isn't. This list was provided to me on the condition that it not be published or shared, but includes name and address of the original purchaser, and the date of the initial delivery/transfer. Specifically, these ratings reflect actual corporate behaviors rather than policies or affirmations of intent to adhere to best ESG practices. Part of your answer follows: n. NThere is a lot of general information available about S&W, but I do not have access to any serial lists to identify exact dates of manufacture. I don't see a reference to this version in my books or online. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Feature Stories and News for Modern Firearms by NRA American Rifleman Magazine. The most desirable of the 15-2s were made at the Monson, Massachusetts factory between the companies starting in 1968 to Wessons death in 1978. I swear the DW 44 is almost as heavy and sturdy as my S & W 500 8 3/8. Better than a Colt Python or a Smith & Wesson, both garbage compared to the Dan Wesson I bought, with an 8 inch heavy barrel. @media (max-width: 767px) Ive harped on the double action pull a lot but single action is excellent. This new revolver featured interchangeable barrels, interchangeable grips, and even interchangeable front sights. // td_js_generator - mini detector .td-theme-wrap .td_block_template_11 .td-block-title::before, I would agree, in my opinion if it is in excellent mechanical and visual condition then $400 would be a ballpark figure for it, give or take a little either way. Winchester 1890, 1906, 62 action slide handle screw #32-23A (will need shortening for some models) $4.00 583.1 = 12 Gauge, 1st year 583.2 = 16 Gauge, 1st year 583.3 = 20 Gauge, 1st year 583.4 = 12 Gauge, 2nd year 583.5 = 16 Gauge, 2nd year and so on. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. This company was Dan Wesson and the Model 15 was that design. Great score. Shot smiths and colts and rugers and think its their easily their equal. Earlier models have them here: S&W revolver names before World War II. At 25 yds. Congratulations on a fine purchase. var tdThemeName="Newspaper"; (function(){ */, Copyright 2020 Anton Media Group All Rights Reserved , F30 M Sport Steering Wheel With Paddle Shifters, Drive-In Movies Return To Town of Oyster Bay For First Time In 22 Years, Long Island Closer To Reopening After State Loosens Guidelines, Crafting And How The Sweater Finally Got Made. Each Dan Wesson firearm has a unique serial number that is located on the bottom of the grip frame. They are fantastic guns. Still in use on the CBOB. .td-header-menu-wrap.td-affix{top: 28px !important;} var td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError="The image #%curr% could not be loaded. I said I never had much use for one. Need to order gun parts? ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; Due to the number of sight styles and handgun models, some styles will not be available for all the different handguns. You can extrapolate and not be very far off. } .widgettitle, In 1967 when the R-108 series began the snub-nose models were given different model numbers, the blued one being Model #9344 and the nickeled one being Model #9345. I didn't know if they would had made custom serial number just for that and when. I'll send you the photos. Chasf said The model name is usually stamped on the left side of the barrel, near the frame. } Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1080 Ti 11gb, Dan Wesson makes a variety of different revolver models. -Their pistols are known for their outstanding accuracy, making them a great choice for self-defense or target shooting.
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