If 1600 CFM is too high of an airflow volume and only 1200 CFM is needed because the system is a 36,000 BTU/HR air conditioner, we can swap the yellow with the black wire on the motor module. Another key difference is that the circulate . The house has a 3 ton trane xl20i and an xv80 (4 ton max). This will increase the number. Thus, my blower can't be using that much electricity on high. Thoroughly rinse the filter. On this control board, there are multiple adjustments for the airflow speeds. A MERV 16 filters particles at a level near that or a HEPA. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Fortunately, theres a simple fix if you look at your furnaces Integrated Furnace Control (IFC) board. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. These three are connected to the "Cool", "Heat", and "Fan" terminals on the control board. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. My first thought was that the unit was oversized, but I figured out how to check the DIP switch settings. The real fix is to add insulation and install a second system on the second floor of most recently constructed homes with an adequate number of true ducted returns as opposed to the leaking stud-space returns contractors are so fond of. the module must be a trane furnace model specific programmed and is available separate from the motor. Remove battery from the thermostat (or disconnect thermostat altogether). He built every permanent building on his current homestead and did all the plumbing and electrical work. Heres What It Means, Why You Should Monitor the Humidity Levels In Your Home. lower efficiency furnace) it is drafting exhaust up the flue which can't be good. Options are, for example, 4 minutes at 80%, or 30 seconds at 50%. Air filters should be changed every 90 days unless otherwise indicated on the packaging or by the manufacturer. Each is associated with a different blower speed. They have a built in or attached capacitor that will allow the motor to turn on, turn off and run at a constant speed when running. Locate the wire for the new speed setting ("medium" or "low"), remove the wire nut from its end and use wire strippers to strip 1/2-inch of insulation from the end of the wire. A slim, removable cover will reveal the filter location. This covers speed adjustment on a PSC motor. This X-13 model shown above designates the speeds taps as numbers, not as colors, to denote each speed. Select Climate from the blue menu on the left side of the page. The manual document include instructions and informations on how to troubleshoot the system. The control board has relays that regulate the voltage to each component in the furnace. Ilook forward to responding to many more! Your AC or furnace is designed for a specific type of filter. The boiler is feeding a DHW sidearm and furnace plenum HX. This is an old thread but I am going to post my experience: I have an oil furnace, at some point someone (a furnace tech) adjusted the blower to run slower thinking it would provide more hot air by slowing the air to heat up more before supplying the house. No need for direct trane replacment motor. During "Fan On", the fan runs at 50% of whatever the maximum speed of the fan is. AC Service Tech HVAC Training is made possible by continued support from our visitors, customers, and support from these Sponsors! By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Can you increase the speed of an ECM AC blower? I know I need to replace a dying blower motor in a 1992 Trane XL80 gas furnace. To adjust the dip switches, turn the power off and take a flat head screw driver to lightly push the dip switches to the on/off desired position for each numbered switch. Employment/Education Highlights Where To Find R-22 & R410A Leaks on AC Units! If the blower motor is burned out, replace it. This video is to show how you can figure out the blower speed setup in your HVAC system, and what you can do do adjust said speeds. Only 3 of the 5 colored wires may be used at a time. Its not advisable to slow your furnace blower speed. Recently I did a blower speed adjustment on the 2nd floor air handler and thought to show how it can be done. By clicking '. It was working a week ago but just recently when it runs it blows out cold air. In order to measure air flow you could use a flow capture hood, a rotating vane anemometer, or a hot wire anemometer. Running your furnace fan all the time isn't exactly a bad thing. I'd go with logging temperature differential (inside temp - outside temp) vs. energy consumption every day for a month with the blower on high and then for a month with the blower on low. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? The noise is there in heat or AC. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. What actually happened was that it caused the furnace to short cycle, running for about 4.5 minutes then shutting off and immediately turning on again over and over until it reached the set point. Western VA. Nov 28, 2009. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. rev2023.3.3.43278. This BTU/HR capacity should be used to set the CFM for the indoor blower motor. H.R. Air filters are measured by Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV). I want to do what is best. These adjustments can be made by pulling the single wire connector and moving it to another single tab positioned horizontally in each row. Dealers can answer questions, help you find the right products for your home, and repair your system. These blower motor versions can be found in furnaces, air handlers, and packaged units. A MERV rating speaks to the filters ability to capture large particles. Connect the black wire to the manometer. Variable Speed Blower Motor (Genteq ECM 3.0, 4 pin connector). I understand that the higher speed is probably for cooling (for which we have a separate duct system and handler), but is it the case that the speed can be switched to a higher fan speed? In support of this: I found the mfr owner's manual for my furnace and in it, it states, "if you have an air-conditioning coil installed, you should switch the furnace blower speed to high to accommodate the decreased air-flow caused by the cooling coil in the plenum.". Trane is a top rated US company of HVAC systems that offer quality and reliability. I suppose I probably won't do so it, but out of curiosity what kind of downside might one run into? If the control board is at fault, replace it. To recap: The service technician might be able to increase (or decrease) the blower speed, but that would probably lower the AC's cooling efficiency. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. Most of these are on the bottom left of the control board. Filters help protect the many parts of your heating and cooling unit from debris and buildup that can shorten the working life of the system. Privacy Policy. Craig is a licensed Teacher of HVACR, Sheet Metal, and Building Maintenance in the State of New Jersey of the USA. The fan speed is controlled on the control board for the furnace. Black: High; Yellow: Medium-high ; Blue or brown: Medium-low; Red: Low; Test your knowledge with our 1,000 question workbook along with the answer key! - Answered by a verified HVAC Technician . Of course all that heat was lost because of the ridiculous number of vents in our foundation. Copyright Proper returns are rarely a thought. Check out www.acservicetech.com/store. The arrow should face the direction the air is flowing. Typical setups include these wire colors with associated blower speeds. In other units, it may be 2, 3, and 4 that are programmed. Dave. It wasn't the noise that was bothering me, it was the desert-like sensation of swirling dry air. In order for the filter to work properly, the right size is crucial. The system might not work properly. Why is my furnace blower running at low speed? But the 'real' one will be the one connected with a twist on cap to the fan motor. Most homes have a standard split-system air conditioning unit with two main fans. and as I recall, you have the HW VP IAQ stat. The only alternative is to raise the discharge temperature. In terms of heat pumps, running the external blower faster may reduce i2r copper losses and hysteresis iron eddy current losses. By regularly changing your filter, you can improve your indoor air quality and extend the life of your heating and cooling system. How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? We recommend our users to update the browser. For example, on a package unit, only taps 3, 4 and 5 may be programmed. When the R-G circuit is made, the blower motor operates on heating speed. No: you will not save on gas/oil costs by running your blower on low. I've gone through the process of adjusting the manual zone louvres on the main ducts (and on registers) and checked them with my camera for blockages. The BTU/HR capacity or tonnage of the air conditioning system should be included within the model number of the outdoor unit. Since I first posted this thread, my installer called Trane to get an answer to my original question. R and BK are tied together. To switch the jumper, you will need to hold onto it gently as you pull it out of its current setting. A second filter location for most HVAC systems and furnaces is the air handler portion of the system. No problem with the boiler. A continuous green light means the IFC circuit board needs replacing. The induction motor begins running. The house cools off quick - too quick - and feels humid (not sure of the rh%). Example: 1200 CFM is needed for a 3 ton 36,000 BTU/HR system. *Based on third party testing of particle removal efficiency down to 0.3 microns (2005). If power is getting to the blower motor, but the motor does not run, the motor may be burned out. Remove both of these wires and wire nut them together. Example: Rated Btu Input = 60,000 / 10,000 = 6 x 150 = 900 cfm of required furnace airflow. I'm also a little concerned that this furnace might be a little undersized for our house (if I understand correctly, its a 100 BTU unit). I'm not in enhanced mode. Thanks for all your continued support! If you want to solve the air noise problem, move the return air filters out of their hallway locations back to the upstream side of the return air duct at the furnace. In the pictured example above, if the #5 speed tap is programmed for 1600 CFM and #4 is programmed for 1200 CFM and #5 is presently connected to the "Cool" terminal on the control board via the black wire, we know that the unit is running at around 1600 CFM as long as the TESP across the unit is not too high. Make sure power is off when doing any adjustment. I do know that my entire furnace runs safely on a 15amp breaker with the blower on high, the burner running, the humidifier running, and the water pump to empty the humidifier running. -The BTU/HR size is selectable between 48,000 42,000 36,000 or 30,000 BTU/HR. The factory may only set two or three of these colors as actual speeds. Published: 05/19/2021 Author: Craig Migliaccio, About the Author: Craig is the owner of AC Service Tech LLC and the Author of the book Refrigerant Charging and Service Procedures for Air Conditioning. I have posted an inquiry under the Air Conditioning forum. For business related inquires email us at. Measured the temperature of the air before the coil and after the coil and used DeltaT (change in temperature) to determine the blower setting. Yes, there is a way to bring up the speed on the air handler.. Tools that we use: www.amazon.com/shop/acservicetech. Recently I did a blower speed adjustment on the 2nd floor air. I'm getting a new s9v2. Here are some of them: Better circulation of heated and cooled air. These are not switched off but are live all the time. Available from Trane Dealers in select locations. I am currently heavily invested in studying and learning the subject as I commit myself to reducing my winter energy costs this year. New XV80 Trane furnace makes noise when blower runs at low speed. Second-stage auxiliary heating for heat pumps and multi-stage furnaces. Does Nest utilize all the benefits of a communicating furnace, Low speed furnace fan blower motor will not shut off, How to calculate efficiency of old Westinghouse furnace VS new variable speed Furnace. Changing your HVAC and furnace air filter is a vital part of home maintenance. If the Delta T continues to rise, this is due to low indoor airflow. The blower speed for a gas heater is selected so that it is comfortable for the building occupant but also so that the Delta T (Temp Rise) does not continue to rise. Roughly 400 CFM is needed for every 1 ton (12,000 BTU/HR) of Heat Removal Capacity in Air Conditioning Systems. Here are how my dip switches are set: Did the installer tie in a humidistat there on that V/S blower . Has anyone done this and can anyone give me a reason why I shouldn't do this? After a bit of research, (translated: "mad google skills") I found an article claiming that lowering the blower speed may increase efficiency. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? How to change blower speed on furnace - Trane XB 2018 Ryan W 794 subscribers Subscribe 185 44K views 4 years ago A quick description on how to change the blower speed on your furnace. If the blower motor hums, check the blower fan to ensure that it spins freely. When the humidity is high for what its set at. I have another question about my new Trane XV95 Furnace. XB Trane Furnace: Is there a fan speed control on the unit. If your home has multiple HVAC systems, there will likely be at least one air filter for each unit. If the instructions are not with the furnace, you can look up the model number of the unit and search for the installation manual via a google search. Trane s9v2 should thermostat control blower speed? Continue reading to learn how to lower the fan speed. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. He also builds custom tools for metal working. If a clear distinction between the blower speeds isn't obvious in the data, then you're probably not going to save much money either way, so go with what's most comfortable for you. I can unsubscribe and opt-out from future communications at any time. According to the manufacturer's documentation, your furnace should have a 3 or 4 speed blower motor. How do I check if this furnace switch the blower to second speed. Also, if you are looking for a video to better help understand this topic, check out our "Adjusting HVAC Blower Speed CFM on Furnace & AC Units!" HVAC system for small church has twin Trane XR90 units installed in 2009 to replace a unit with a much larger single blower. Based on some randomly googled comments here: http://www.inspectorsjournal.com/Forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8998& seems to agree it decreases efficiency but may increase comfort [ex: cold spots or noise level] :). Turn off power at the main electric panel. Access the control board. bean. Move the high-speed wire to low. The A/C will run according to the thermostat settings. Now that would turn the blower speed down on you. The constant air turn over at a lower set point keeps the house comfortable. The ohm meter should read very close to zero. Sometimes less cmf will give the air more time in the heat exchanger thus letting it get hotter. So clearly, running your furnace blower on low is only more efficient IF-and-ONLY-IF the cost of the heating fuel is much much less then the cost of the electricity to run the blower that little bit faster. Your new AC unit is not collecting water (yet) because the anticondensation coating hasn't been compromised (yet); and that's a good thing. Mine. If you have a plug instead (ECM Broad Ocean) you can only make the adjustment at the control board or at the plug terminals at the end of the wiring. It provides quieter and more even and comfortable heat than a conventional furnace and doesnt consume electricity unnecessarily. I miscalculated. Yes--the efficiency of the heat exchanger will decrease. Here's hoping for some good answers. The MERV rating is typically printed on the filter packaging, but not necessarily on the filter itself. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? There is another way to wire this, but I can not find it back.. I understand the reason for slowing the air to remove humidity. The manometer tells you the CFM number. . Air Filter - Be sure to check the air filter and replace if necessary. The MERV scale rates filters from 1 to 16. If you have suggestions or comments they are welcome. Before you begin this process it is a good idea to make sure that no power is going to the fan. Electric Furnace Sequencer Replacement Instructions for Home Repair Blower fan will not run: A failing sequencer may have a burnt contact and is unable to switch the fan and heating coils ON. Standard blower motors operate at a single speed and cost around $450 to replace, including parts and labor, while variable-speed motors cost $600 and up. The blower motor also begins running, but at low rpm. The higher the MERV rating, the better the filter is at capturing specific pollutants from the air. Well, it does make sense that lowering the blower speed would reduce its electrical consumption. I just had a Trane system installed last week and I've been very happy with it! At night with an even lower set point I switch the fan speed to automatic. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect the common wire to the neutral terminal of the furnace's control board. For instance, here's the procedure to change a furnace's fan speed with a PSC blower motor: Use a multimeter to measure the resistances of each speed wire. I found one glued to the back of my furnace door, one in the manual, and maybe one on-line too. Only swap these two wires. This will increase the number of air changes per hour (ACH) in the house and also help compensate for a more restrictive whole home air filter like a MERV 16 being installed. If the furnace manufacturer supplies different burners for that unit you may be risking premature failure. home improvement and repair website. Connect Y2 on thermostat to BK on furnace, and Y2 on the Condensing unit Cut R-BK jumper at Furnace Install R - O jumper at Furnace Connect W2 on thermostat to W2 on furnace (or alternatively, jumper W1 to W2 at furnace and confirm that dip switches are set correctly for Stage Delay if furnace is desired to automatically control heating stages) I could imagine possibly fewer "warm up cycles" (which also include having to power on the fan) might save something (as well as lower fan speed=less electricity)but as others have noted, while its running (esp. This will help prevent injury and. In this HVAC training article, we will be discussing how to adjust the fan speeds on an indoor ECM variable speed blower motor and an ECM constant torque/multi-speed blower motor. (Variable & Multi-Speed Types) In this HVAC training article, we will be discussing how to adjust the fan speeds on an indoor ECM variable speed blower motor and an ECM constant torque/multi-speed blower motor. Here's what to record, in order of importance: The last two (5 and 6) aren't as important, but more data is always better. On the furnace / air handler board you should have two wires on the "Y2" connection, assuming a two-stage cooling system. The remaining colored wires will be default speeds. Connect with our Customer Care team about your products, warranties, and dealer concerns. The wires that are used will determine the speed settings that the motor will run at. I.e., maybe more heat is now escaping through the exhaust. I was reading the Trane XL824 thermostat installation and setup manual. -The "AC/HP CFM Adjust" is the airflow volume to be set for system, efficiency, comfort. I simply am unable to put my hands on the schematic. enjoys making jams and jellies during fruit season along with cooking meals. This is done so that the maximum amount of heat is gained in the building from the refrigerant. The company offers a variety of furnaces to suits the needs of every home. Slowing the blower speed reduced the noise but I take it you would still like it to be more silent. . It offers three settings: 525 RPM for saving energy, 900 RPM for heating, or 1100 RPM for air conditioning. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes a day to record the data anyway. Switched it to heat (in which case the furnace board is in control of the fan, not the stat) - got fire, no fan. I'm not completely convinced on this, since the claim is made by a company that sells variable speed blowers for retrofitting HVAC systems. However, during the time period while the compressor is not engaged I need to circulate more air on the second floor or it becomes stale. The control board is communicating with the blower module in order to determine the airflow volume needed. How does a furnace work? Id check that out first. The automatic feature rarely kicks in once at set point. The same is true when changing the air duct filter. I know that it has been done. In my searching I have found out that there is a stupid little thermistor that burns out on the motor circuit board (it's a variable speed blower), and replacing it is a permanent fix.. Various advertisements for variable speed high efficiency furnaces call them "more energy efficiency" (note also the difference between a variable speed blower and a high efficiency furnace, they're separate, for instance you can have a variable speed blower on a low efficiency furnace). @Dave: Those were my thoughts as well. (Trust me, the worst thing that happens to me on the job is having inconclusive results due to insufficient data collection during an expensive and time-intensive study.) allows the furnace's circulator blower to operate at a slightly lower speed (85% of desired speed) during a combined thermostat call for cooling and dehumidistat call for dehumidification. Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be How to change the fan motor speed on a gas furnace grayfurnaceman 148K subscribers Subscribe 190K views 10 years ago Furnace blowers A description of how to change motor speeds with a.
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