His eyes had glazed over, almost becoming milky white, and his veins were visible through his skin. The Matrix was the last movie that Sal and Larry have watched together. After collecting the Pyramids of Asintmah, she placed them on Sal's grave, but was unable to figure out how they worked. Additionally, Sals chronic nightmares were inspired by night terrors Steve experienced during his childhood. Ashley is sympathetic to Sal's recurring nightmares and troubles finding genuine peace even after the local cult had gone underground. Sal is jolted from sleep when Charley's skin peels off to reveal a coal-black demon with red eyes. Uncle Charley says he can disguise her looks so men won't keep asking her out. When Megan remained hidden, even with the improved tracking device, Sal returned to Todd and learned that the officers that arrested Charley were not registered in the police database and the Charley Mansfield that was arrested looked nothing like the one they knew. During the events of the Bologna Incident, she is seen repairing the plumbing in their kitchen. Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, dropped out of the University of Illinois and at the time of . When Sal meets Mr. Packerton in a vegetative state he overhears the spirit's pleas to be euthanized. my name is mars!! Michaels had previously been playing with Stephen Stills and Richie Furay in the Au Go Go Singers, prior to the formation of Buffalo Springfield. Sally Face was also released on Nintendo Switch in 2021 and later on Playstation 4 and 5 in 2022. When her father returns home early, she quickly drives to Addison Apartments to further aid in the ongoingly peculiar investigation of the meat. After an exchange of wits, Sal was punched in the face by Travis. Ashley Campbell Before returning the crowbar to Larry, Sal solved the box to discover an odd Computer Chip inside. When the class reaches its conclusion, Travis confronts Sal and Ashley in the halls and punches the former in the face, and draws blood in the process. Later, when she sensed that Sal was awake, she came to see that one of the pyramids had been activated. Johnson 16 (events in Strange Neighbors and The Wretched). Brown He led a relatively charmed and peaceful life in Addison Apartments and was especially close with his father, developing a shared taste in Heavy Metal and an above-average sense of curiosity. Basic Information Physical Description Reluctantly, Sal obliges and murders all the residents. Friday Night Funkin': Funkin' Of Memories (VS Sally Face) [FNF Mod/HARD/Larry Johnson/Sal Fisher ]CreditsAuthor Of The ModeLimb0rmx - CreatorMusicianlevelcx. Sals crying in the same episode was recorded by Steve himself since he could not find a suitable crying sound. They were already behind due to a lecture from their art teacher, so they decided to work on sketches at Larry's apartment. Sal explores and meets the other tenants, including Larry Johnson, who reveals he witnessed the murder. A few months into Sal's stay at Addison Apartments, he began to become plagued by nightmares. Vinyl Sorry, unfortunately this product is currently out of stock Description Product Details Sally Face Larry Funko Pop! In Russian, Sal's nickname "Sally Face" is translated as "Salli-kromsali", which literally means "mangled Sally". Transform Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach 33. . While searching for a means of deactivating the lockdown, Sal found the notes of Jim Johnson from his time among the cult's ranks and passage back to the spectral plane. His accent wouldnt be strong, only being noticeable in his pronunciation of certain words. And the revealer: 31d ["Fun Home" ode to a butch . Enon writes it off as an "interesting dream" and requested that Sal shares the details of his first day at Addison Apartments. After cannibalizing Larry's radio antennae and Walkie Talkie, the device was ready for testing in Todd's restroom. Sally Face is a point-and-click adventure game that includes narrative, exploration, and puzzle-solving, combined with the direct control of the player via sidescrolling. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. He is Sal's best friend and later step-brother. Cause of Death Sally Face Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. When the plumbing is restored, the Glitter Pony becomes bloated, serving as a bridge for Sal to return to the "surface" to witness Mansfield murder Sanderson. Larry complies, but Megan doesn't show up, prompting him to refer Sal to the resident brainiac and supernatural believer Todd Morrison. Gender Sal and Larry retrieve Todd and enter a room in the basement concealed by the Lost and Found shelves. Larry has dark brown hair and yellow-toned tan skin. Prior to the events of Episode 1, Larry Johnson is the firstborn child and only son of Jim and Lisa Johnson. Green He also has dark colored eyes which seems to always rest as a neutral state, unless Larry himself is experiencing strong emotions. After adding the laxatives to a cup of Addison Tea, Sal managed to get Charley to abandon his watch over his beloved collection to attend to more pressing concerns in the restroom. how tall is larry johnson sally face . Disgusted, but satisfied that the origin of the lunchmeat had been uncovered they decided to leave and devise a way to deal with Packerton. It is heavily implied that Sal has romantic feelings for Ashley. Ashley is knocked unconscious from a collision with a pile of bones that likely once belonged to the missing students. When she finally found them in the dungeon, Travis appeared and told her to leave, dragging her out of the church. Sal immediately recognizes the Red-Eyed Demon from Larry's story (having seen it in the apartment's kitchen on his first day) and offers to help lift his "curse". Although Ashley testified against Sal, she was convinced that he was a victim of his own mental instability and should be institutionalized to receive proper help. Steve Gabry equated the feeling of his prosthesis being taken off in public to the feeling of your pants being removed in public. Unfortunately, she was far too late and could only watch as her best friend was put to death. Life took a turn for Larry when he played with firecrackers against his parents' wishes and accidentally killed Mrs. Gibson's pet rabbit. Lisa was a very kind, warm, and welcoming person. After a failed attempt to summon Megan Holmes from the bathroom of room 504, Larry refers Sal to Todd Morrison, the resident brainiac, and believer in the unknown. Behind one of the doors was Mr. Packerton, hooked up to a life support machine and stuck in a vegetative state. Gender Upon entering Todd's apartment Room 202, Sal meets Ashley Campbell. Sal Fisher Before they could leave Ashley discovers (and falls down) a hidden trash chute behind a painting of a farm. Sal doesn't share any of his discoveries with his friends. 5'5" (teenager)5'8" (adult) Teen From what has been seen of his face: he has a large scar that runs diagonally across the right side of his mouth, splitting his lips and exposing his teeth; a scar on his left cheek, as well as several other smaller scars scattered across the rest of his face; a dent on the right side of his lower jaw; and the cartilage of his nose is completely He only done the normal stealing, robbing classmates, breaking and entering , and murder of an rabbit. Considering this, his birthstone could either be topaz or blue zircon. Considering this, his birthstone could be ruby or peridot. The real name of the character is Sal Fisher. 18 (events in The Bologna Incident)23 (events in The Trial)28 (when Sal was executed) (chronologically, as he died at 23). Upon returning to the surface the team debates what to do with Mrs. Packerton to prevent her from killing any more innocents and when Larry suggests murdering the aged teacher, Todd agrees while Ashley and Sal reject the idea. He wore a beige Sanitys Fall shirt, not unlike the one he wore as a teenager, albeit with a slightly altered logo. On Bologna Day, Larry took note of how the Bologna tasted funnier than normal and agreed to help Sal investigate the origin of the lunch meat. Sal would have to remove his prosthetic in order to take ID photos. After a fateful visit to the hospital, Sal had to adapt to a new life with his prosthetic face and internalized the nickname bullies would later give him: Sally Face. Sal Fisher, a 15-year-old boy with a prosthetic face moves with his father to the Addison Apartments building in the town of Nockfell. - for someone so skinny, He can fight and his one hell of a dirty fighter. However, it's revealed that the "dog" was, in fact, a man wearing a dog mask (presumably Kenneth Phelps) and wielding a shotgun. Sally Face Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The idea for Sal having a prosthetic face likely came from a nightmare Steve had. Nickname (s) Ash Physical Description Gender Female Hair Color Brown Eye Color Green Height 5'5" (teenager) 5'8" (adult) Biographical Information Relatives Benjamin (brother) Unnamed Father Unnamed Mother Unnamed Cousin Unnamed Grandmother Age 16 (The Wretched) 18 (The Bologna Incident) 23 (The Trial) 28 (The Trial Epilogue) When Sal reports a missing space between two Glitter Ponies Larry calls him back to the basement. Unfortunately, their happiness was cut short by Sal after they were infected by Red Eyes. Full Name Brown In "The Wretched", Sal's glass eye can be seen in a glass of water on his bedside table after he awakens from a nightmare. Eye Color His zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Larry becomes fast friends with Sal when the latter is introduced by the former's mother. During Sal's absence, the cult made its move and called Red-Eyes back into the physical plane of existence to infect the residents of the apartment building, including Larry. He had a mole under his right eye and a gap in his teeth. Sal is from Northern New Jersey. Their friend Ashley Campbell discovers a hidden trash chute but falls down it. Henry Fisher (father)Diane Fisher (mother)Lisa Johnson (Stepmother)Larry Johnson (Stepbrother) The WretchedThe Bologna IncidentThe TrialMemories and Dreams Using the crowbar to break into Room 403, Sal conversed briefly with the spirit of the recently deceased Mrs. Sanderson, before she too was frightened away by the demon. Ticci Toby. After a brief interaction, the cultists and the Plague of Shadows assault Ashley and Sal (on the spectral plane). After Sal was given the death penalty in court, Larry remained confined to the location of his suicide, the treehouse. When session time had elapsed again, Sal was dragged away shouting for Enon to investigate Larry's tree house with the promise of answers waiting there. 6'1. During his travels, he recounts old memories of his past, going as far back as to his first day of school and as recently as a movie night he enjoyed with his stepbrother. Si no te gusta este contenido te recomiendo que NO lo leas. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Sally Face Free Download Repacklab Sally Face Free Download Repacklab A DARK MYSTERY IS UNFOLDING. After Sal's death, Ashley continues Todd's investigations of the cult. Sal placed the piece he stole from Packerton into the pedestal which opened the gate, leading to a room filled with piles of bones from the Cult's victims. Larry Johnson. Sal then learned that Enon was dead and he had 73 hours left. His intent was to end the boy's life due to the prophecy foretelling that a young boy would foil the Devourers Of God's plans. - Go back into the kitchen and read the note on the table. She, along with Neil, planned to rescue Todd, who was captured by The Cult and held inside the church. After descending a hidden staircase, they find themselves in the temple of The Devourers of God. Vinyl MSRP: $11.99 $5.00 Save: $6.99 Sold Out Delivery & Returns If I'm not completely happy with my item? Sal complies and pulls the plug. Sal is told by Clare that the most popular question about him was his refusal to eat bologna. Todd and Ashley agree, but Sal protests, insisting that they sleep on the decision. Female This series of unfortunate events led Larry to believe he'd been cursed. In "The Trial", it's revealed that Sal hates coffee. Add to library 1 . 6 foot. Larry David (voice), Mitch Mitchell (in "The Nap" and "The Millennium"), Lee Bear (other appearances) George's boss. However, with a relentless prosecutor and a story from a replaced Clare Nettles and Dr. Enon, Sal's insanity argument was rejected and replaced with the capital punishment of death by electric chair, much to Ash's dismay. In the ensuing battle, the church and temple were destroyed. Ashley first becomes acquainted with Sal Fisher a couple of months after the arrest of Charley Mansfield. According to Ash during "The Trial", Sal once told her that he was afraid to drink because addiction runs in his family and he didn't want to be an alcoholic. Larry is strong-willed and laid back at times. And Robbie agrees to keep an eye on her so she keeps studying. Whilst his name is Sal, people frequently call him "Sally" or "Sally Face", names which Sal reclaimed from his former bullies. Height until some lanky, tall man with long, brown hair called me over. Todd agrees to help Sal by modifying his Gear Boy to better detect supernatural activity. Sal Fisher Deserves Love. He only succeeds in scaring Enon and accidentally causing him to plummet to his death, and unintentionally sealing Sal's fate via a replacement for the doctor from the Devourers of God. Sally Face was also released on Nintendo Switch in 2021 and later on Playstation 4 and 5 in 2022. Miraculously, Ashley was unharmed and was discovered merely unconscious atop one of the piles. She also had very droopy eyes due to her work. Sal reluctantly shares the full details of the Bologna Incident under two conditions: that the story would be aired unedited, and he would be told of the condition of Todd Morrison. It is heavily implied that Sal's facial disfigurement may have been caused by D.O.G. Jim Johnson (ex-husband, unknown)Larry Johnson (Son)Unnamed FatherUnnamed MotherUnnamed stillborn daughterEvelyn (sister-in-law, unknown)Henry Fisher (Second Husband)Sal Fisher (stepson) sallyface . As a ghost, his clothes were tattered and torn. A few months after the arrest of Charley Mansfield, Larry lends a comforting ear to Sal's nightmares and decides he could trust Sal with the story of his "curse". A couple of months after the arrest of Charley Mansfield, Lisa falls ill with a very bad cold and is bedridden for a few days under the care of her son. His compassion and willingness to help people regardless of their appearance or standoffish behavior was demonstrated time and again. This article lists the episodes of The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, an American situation comedy television series that ran for eight seasons (1950-58) on CBS.The show did not become weekly until the third season. Sal uses the Super Gear Boy to summon Mr. Packerton as a ghost. That evening while Packerton was away, Sal and Larry broke into her apartment to find the severed head of a goat in the refrigerator and two locked doors. Additionally, his friend, Larry Johnson, upon first meeting him, said that Sal's mask was cool before learning it was a prosthetic face. Larry returns to his room after directing Sal to David's Room 302 for a crowbar. He's about to realise how hard it really is everyday for his best friend, Sally Fisher. Sal had his brain picked by Enon, eager to learn details of the convict's strange dreams and stories, and hopeful that they would explain why Sal committed mass murder. Creepy Child: Downplayed. Events returned to the paranormal the day Sal had a math test. Sally Man. Nockfell Prison, 2004 at 6:33 pm Two years later Sal is put on trial and, despite Ashley's best efforts, sentenced to death. Full Name With the help of Larry's Ghost, Sal destroyed the pillar and (temporarily) freed the residents from the Endless One's grasp. Born As an adult, her hair has been cut short to accommodate riding her motorcycle. Delve into an unsettling adventure following the boy with a prosthetic face and a tragic past. Sal agrees to help, and the two devise a plan to put Charley behind bars. After wandering the void, his ghost had aged considerably; his beard had grown exceptionally longer and he donned a brown robe with a pointed hood, giving him a wizardly appearance. He was typically seen with his light-mid beige shirt that has the "SF" logo on it accompanied by blue jeans with a chain on the left side and dark brown shoes.
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