The son of William Afton, Michael Afton has an aversion to the spotlight. What he saw in there, is a story for another day. He was thinking of how he was going to keep everyone safe. Born in London, England. The nightmares take place in Evan's bedroom from 1983. The people around him continue to wave cheerfully. POPGOES, Disambiguation pages Twisted Freddy | Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy. XOR Infected S.T.A.F.F. Michael speaks with a robotic voice in . We've established that. PJ Heywood is the voice actor of William Afton. Then showing him how to check on the animatronics, and if they are not in their proper places, he must electrocute them to put them back on to their stages. Golden Freddy | "Now dad was taking this stuff called Remnant to keep himself alive. There is only one thing left for me to do now. Jason, now a new security guard at Freddy's, took his usual rounds. It's implied in the book that Michael is an extremely hard worker who is desperate for cash in order to make ends meet, which is why it's also stated that Michael desires to take a tropical vacation. One-Shot The book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job, suggesting he sleeps with one eye open during his night shifts. So I was trying to explain Fnaf to my old fart grandpa and this is what he thinks Fnaf is. Michael Afton is the oldest son of William Afton. After the Bite of '83, Michael was not heard from for the several upcoming years - he continued being part of the Afton household. Visit. The Fredbear plushie seems unfazed by what he is doing, only asking what he has done "this time". ", "Hey watch your language around Evan. Thank you all for watching Part 1: If Michael Afton died instead of Chris Link 2: Michael Afton g. He possessed a Springbonnie and was trapped in a room for many years. He now has this crazy obsession with being immortal. Lizzy then picked up her phone and called Ian. Sensitive and timid with an intense fear of animatronics, he was an easy target for his asshole older brother and spoke exclusively in emojis. Like his father William, he appears to have a elongated smile, although it appears more friendly and warm, rather than his father's sadistic and unnerving smile. One of Phone Guy's phone calls from the original. Orville Elephant But Mike is a zombie at the point of FNAF3! He also seems to have a cultured taste in entertainment, as he enjoys watching soap operas and dramas on television, such as "The Immortal and Restless", as he spent nearly every night watching the program and even made popcorn for the event. We should all run while we have time. My guess is that in 1983 he's 16. In FNAF 4, Michael is about 16 and 26 at the same time due to the minigames and the actual gameplay taking place at different times. There are fewer people around him, and one of them is hiding behind their house in fear. Evan died in 1983, but with the proof and proven lore about it, it is pretty clear that Elizabeth most likely dies first. Alias(es) They didn't recognize me at first but then they thought I was you. I don't know why he would but do you need me to come get you and Veronica? C.C is a sensitive and kind soul, woefully afraid of the harsh world around him. He has a crush on Dakota Moore, the daughter of FNaF4 creator William Afton. Chris Aftons diary also included a drawing of the naughty Nightmare Fredbear under recent dreams. He does this for five nights, which on the fifth night, the place is set on fire. It was right where you said it would be. The Fox | Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Minireenas | Michael Afton, also known as Eggs Benedict or Mike, is William Afton's eldest son. In FNaF 2, Jeremy's death is in first person (with Fritz' as well), and in FNaF 3, only a Game Over screen in big red bold text is shown. Not only that, but the victims of the Missing Children Incident are confirmed to be very young. ", "You guys look like you need help. But I'm not. Twisted Animatronics Bare Endo | I should be dead, but I'm not. Starting out as a cruel bully, after accidentally killing his brother, he decided to atone for his mistakes by becoming a technician at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental so he could save his sister's soul. However, his childhood was filled with drama and heartbreak. However, excluding minigames, Michael is the only protagonist to canonically die. He may also be annoyed by incompetence, as in the logbook, he shows frustration that he is the only one fazed by the unsettling occurrences in his job. This would be essentially confirmed later on through various sources. On THREE! His daughter, Elizabeth, was born six years ago. His mother, Elizabeth Afton, was a circus owner. During the course of The Fourth Closet, other children were kidnapped by Afton. Date of death Youll discover the age of the actor, as well as the other members of his family. He suddenly gets the idea to force the child to be right next to the Fredbear animatronic, the child screaming and shouting as he is dragged over to him. The only sign of life from them is the two small white illuminating pupils, similar to the ones the animatronics sometimes possess. In FNAF 2, which either takes place in 1987 or 1994, he would be 17 or 24 (Fritz Smith and Michael Afton are not the same characters) The leaked final boss footage: On Night 2, Michael checks on Ballora and Funtime Foxy, but when he checks on Baby, the control-shock doesn't work, causing HandUnit to shut down the system. Freddy Fazbear | Once, in the Real Ending, he is shown as a shadowy figure, and in the other in the Custom Night minigames, where he is shown walking down the street and has brown hair, fair skin, blue eyes, a purple shirt, blue pants, and brown shoes. His short name, "Mike", is noticed on the white sticker printed above the screen from the HandUnit. One Night at Flumpty's | Lally | C.C was born to William and Sunny Afton in 1974, shortly after the two had finished college and settled in Hurricane. Who's ass do I need to whoop? Ian was driving his car while in a deep thought process. Spring Bonnie | Shadow Bonnie | Father William Afton Age End Range 70+ Foxy the Pirate Height He lies on the ground, presumably dead. The Blob Dream Geist, Novel Trilogy C.C. Will doesn't even have a heart at this point and I can only presume he cleaned out his original remains from the suit and made fake ones. Freddy in Space 2 While he has been killed a number of times, his sole focus has been on murdering children. Security Breach: Fury's Rage They fought over the same baby, and he is the oldest of the three. Lizzy then hung up the phone and went back inside. Kids at Play | Michael arrives at Parts and Service, where he performs a repair on Funtime Freddy and traps Bon Bon to get Freddy's second power module. BlueyCapsules Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Michael Afton has to be a zombie post SL, right? ", "Fine but only because he's my favorite besides your sister.". They later divorced and married again. At webnews21, we bring the trendy news of the globe regarding politics, entertainment, education, food, and health. Years after the closure of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Michael is tasked by William to go rescue his younger sister, Elizabeth Afton, down in Circus Babys Entertainment and Rental, an underground facility storing the Funtime Animatronics. She explains that she is faking it and that something bad happened that day. Henry Emily, William's old business partner, was actually the mastermind behind it all. Indicating that in fact, he has NOT found Will yet and is just about to come looking. Despite his age, he is the youngest human character in the franchise, and he is the youngest. In the movie, he is the main antagonist. In 6, which takes place in 2017 he would still be 29 (still a floating timeline). Michael Afton was a technician for Circus Babys Entertainment and Rental, security guard for Freddy Fazbears Pizza, and son of serial killer William Afton. That restaurant was called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. After entering the access code, Michael receives a chip from her upper armpit so that she can communicate with him after they have picked it up. Afton Family Elizabeth Afton was his mother. Evan asked him a question and dad punched him in the face." Then Michael witnessed how the Scooper is used on Ballora, afterwards he survives an attack by Balloras companions the Minireenas. Michael speaks with a robotic voice in the final cutscene. Lizzy called for Evan and he came running to her. The bite victim (AKA Crying Child,) is the son of William Afton . Twisted Foxy | In the fourth cutscene, his skin becomes a darker greenish-brown; his eyes are also now completely black. Special Delivery's game over screen is merely a screen saying "You Lost" and removing remnant. L.O.L.Z.H.A.X | Pings (ask if ya wanna get pinged): @Hakunetsu @Smartperson666 @Ash4ash @MIku vaporeon @Chibi Funtime @EndrManiacWiki @ @Crystal Sea14 @D.E.V. He was paid $120 dollars for his first week for doing his job, as known by a check given after finishing Night 5. Michael, like many people in the series, potentially seeks revenge against William for everything he had done, as he stated that the only purpose he had left in life is to "come find him". He was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. Happs | Soon after, Springtrap appears and the screen goes black. Weight He then manages to get to the Breaker Room, where he reboots all systems while playing audio to keep Funtime Freddy at bay. Lizzy and Veronica were on their way to a restaurant for a date. Martin Copper | Aftons parents were married in 1951, and they have three children. After being reanimated and becoming a living corpse, he appears to be physically dark purple, due to his skin rotting. The Mimic | This theory was essentially debunked once Michael was revealed to be the Brother. Michael was born on June 21, 1970 and was 13 in FNAF 4, Elizabeth Afton is 11, and Evan Afton was 9 when he died. His siblings are Elizabeth and C.C. Human Michael Afton was a technician for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, security guard for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and son of serial killer William Afton. Dee Dee Patient 46 And I found her. Rockstar Chica | In 1944, Michael was 29 years old when on December 16th, The Battle of the Bulge began in the Ardennes forest on the Western Front. (edited by Dr Jacob Spaghetti Wellington). I put her back together, just like you asked me to. Who is the guard? During the fake ending, Michael is the third protagonist in the series to be fired, following Mike Schmidt from the first game, and Fritz Smith from the second game. William Afton Age Start Range- He was 50 years old when he was in sisters location. Twisted Bonnie | It's about dad", Lizzy stood up and said, "Can't you see I'm on a date with my girlfriend? Heat weakens the remnant's power. Michael successfully electrocutes Ballora and Funtime Foxy, but couldn't do the same to Circus Baby, since she wasn't on her stage. He was buried in Aultorest Memorial Park, Ogden, Utah, United States. Lizzy just stood there in shock. Before his reveal as Michael, some people believed that the brother is Phone Guy, due to Phone Guy being nervous, working at the pizzeria for a very long time, knowing about the springlock suits and his favorite animatronic being Foxy (the brother wears a Foxy mask). I've been living in shadows. The other daughter is Elizabeth Afton. But I'm not. Grimm Foxy | After about a week, I am finally able to present my new theory. In 6, he would be the same age as 3, since 6 and 3 take place in the same year. This suggests this screen is non-canon, or that Fazbear Entertainment photoshopped Schimdt's eyes from his employment photograph to cut costs. He is the only protagonist in the series that is a technician. Michael may or may not have a flair for business in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, as his choices are influenced by the player. Funtime Animatronics Their mother, Elizabeth Afton, was a remormorton. He is dressed in a black shirt with white stripes and has a brown hair and hazel eyes. Michael enjoys popcorn and watches the second to last episode of the immortal and the restless before he starts his final shift. "B- but Evan's my lil buddy. The actors father was a man named William Afton. Now as Ian was sitting there driving, he could have sworn he saw a purple guy on the side of the road. He is the younger brother of Michael Afton and son of William Afton. Mangle | Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. It also reveals that his favorite TV character is Clara from the, Michael actually prefers a basket of cash instead of, The Survival Logbook heavily implies that Mike Schmidt and Michael Afton are the same person, as the owner of the logbook also named "Mike" draws the casual bongos, exotic butters, and the soap opera The Immortal and the Restless from Sister Location, only things Michael would know, it was asked "List ten reasons why applying for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza seemed like a good idea at the time? His brother, Mike, is a technician for the Sister Location. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The plushie constantly tries to help the child avoid Michael, guiding him with his words. 1987 is also the year that the "Bite of '87" supposedly took place. They shoved his head into the mouth of the Fredbear animatronic, which bit down on Evans head, crushing his skull. C.C. This could mean that he wanted to kill him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Official subreddit for the horror franchise known as Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF). Effective crypto trading habits to adopt in 2023, How Marketing Automation Can Increase Marketing ROI, What Does 4 Fingers Mean in General, Tiktok & Snapchat | Holding it up, How to Remember Every Game of Thrones Character. Hair Happy Birthday, Michael Michael Afton! There is evidence pointing to the events of, However, this was cleared up by Scott on Reddit, as he said that. They had 11 children. This is further shown in the non-canonical Fake Ending, when Ennard breaks into his house. Happy Frog | Michael T. Afton, 1943 - 2013. During his adulthood in Sister Location, Michael is shown to have matured greatly and changed as a person, an example being when he returned to his job at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental every night of the week despite the danger, which HandUnit mentions, implying that he is extremely brave. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Michael during his time off watches episode one of his favorite soap opera show The Immortal and the Restless on television while enjoying popcorn. The player then hears Circus Baby's voice repeating "you won't die", and he then rises in an unnatural manner while the regurgitated animatronic eyes show up in the sewer. Humans While he is generally a heroic character in his adult appearances, he also appeared as the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, which takes place in his teenage years.Here, he is the Crying Child's emotionally abusive older . Funtime Foxy | If you were to count the security guard from Security Breach, however, this is no longer true. I'm Nick," he said, "Nice to meet you. Michael finds a job listing for Freddy Fazbears Pizza, the restaurant is searching for a security guard to work the nightshift.
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