HD135 39.89% 57.75% 2.36%
It is fair. Boeing employee bought lottery ticket because it was at $747M, a nod to the aircraft. JP1 71,793 116,463 40
The debate is about the extent, not the existence. Meteorologist Lena Maria gives us a look at what we can expect as we gear up for the opening weekend of the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo! See here for the background. In Harris County, judges for decades doled out the vast majority of court appointments to a select few. So, you know, a banner Monday. 2018 Harris + FB 121K to 174K. As for Joe Danna, is there ever a time when he isnt running for Sheriff? I do not and never will understand anyone who thinks that writing in a candidate for County Judge could possibly be productive, but thats not important right now. As noted, I dont have a whole lot of data for this from previous elections, but what I do have can be found in these posts: There were city propositions in 2010, for red light cameras and ReNew Houston, but I didnt do the same city-versus-not-city comparisons that year, almost certainly because 2010 was such a miserable year and I just didnt want to spend any more time thinking about it than I had to. JP6 5,840 17,018 5
I look forward to speaking with her about this. CC1 71,746 202,649
According to the Public Information Act, the attorney generals office has 45 working days from the day after the request to respond. CC2 49.65% 50.32% 0.02%
HD129 60.98% 39.02%
SD06 45,259 81,877 39
He is a member of the ACLU and the Houston Democratic Lawyers Association. HD149 38.14% 57.59% 2.92% 1.35%
United States representatives. See if your Harris County neighborhood voted for Greg Abbott or Beto O'Rourke in the 2022 midterms, Houston suspends sister city ties with Russian cities on the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Mayor Turner's office accuses Pappas of 'smear campaign' on Hobby deal, says city followed its rules, Houston leaders divided on support for controversial affordable housing projects, Five years after Santa Fe massacre, relatives still denied records of loved ones' last moments, Kingwood operators released sewage in creek that feeds into Houston's drinking water, HPD alleges, Texas GOP may censure Tony Gonzales over gay marriage, gun votes, Rep. Joaquin Castro's health plan points to a new Texas trend, Rep. Joaquin Castro diagnosed with cancer, undergoes surgery, Texas House Speaker appoints committee for gun legislation, Santa Fe families still denied video, records from 2018 shooting. Experience:Katherine Thomas currently serves as an Assistant District Attorney Felony Prosecutor at the Harris County District Attorneys Office. Stay tuned. Putting it another way, more than 96% of the people who cast a ballot in November of 2022 cast a ballot in these three races. HD146 21.45% 76.29% 2.26%
From the inbox, sent to me by former HD133 candidate Sandra Moore: Below is a list of the judges and electeds being sued by the Republicans. HD145 32.67% 67.33%
HD144 11,551 14,029 854
HD130 69.15% 27.87% 2.07% 0.90%
Thats not as robust as what Dems did in 2018 as we know, but I cant blame Collier and Garza for that. Weve just had multiple winning candidates get sued by their losing opponents, and many of them were left scrambling to pay for lawyers to defend themselves in court. HD148 45.83% 54.14% 0.02%
HD146 21.22% 78.78%
Not much else to it, Im afraid. HD150 34,989 21,381
Wayne Dolcefino, a media consultant and former TV journalist. Better statewide races HD130 46,320 18,701 1,229
SD13 21.23% 78.74% 0.04%
Dist Patrick% Collier% Lib%
2 Cause No. Not enough to swing any individual district only the two swing Commissioners Court precincts are that close to begin with, and the Dems prevailed in all three races here anyway. HD150 57.85% 39.38% 2.76%
HD135 17,156 22,790
HD140 5,685 11,976 991 277
The best the Uvalde parents can hope for is a state ban on straw-person sales, which is already a federal crime. Scroll within the result embeds to see all races. "If it was just mismanagement, it was just gross incompetence, wouldn't one think that the lack of paper would apply equally and uniformly across the map, so that there would be roughly an equivalent number of Democratic stronghold precinct neighborhoods as well as Republican precinct stronghold neighborhoods?" JP1 63,938 115,819 5,264 2,359
In 2022, the county passed a shortened seven-month budget that was in effect until the new schedule began in October. Austin, TX, November 3, 2022 Down-ballot races are not typically a hot election topic, but public concerns over rising crime have pushed Harris County's 68 judicial races to the forefront this cycle.. Of these, 60 are for various county criminal, civil, and family courts; four are for appellate court benches;and four are for justices of the peace. HD126 60.98% 35.61% 2.33% 1.09%
HD140 5,859 12,433 613 3
That range is consistent across years, across baseline Democratic performance levels, across different types of judicial races. HD134 39.50% 60.50%
CC3 63.17% 36.83%
Gonzalez 0 4,032 0 9,258
HD130 46,145 18,886 963 5
The Rutherford County Commissioner Craig Harris announced Judge McFarlin's retirement plans in a letter during Thursday night's commission meeting. A proposed City Charter amendment that seeks to ban police from using no-knock warrants and chokeholds, as well as expand the citys cite-and-release policy for low-level, nonviolent crimes, has enough certified signatures supporting it to appear on the ballot in San Antonios May municipal election. Home Defeated Republican judicial candidate contests Harris County election result, Timeline: How battle between Houston ISD, TEA has reached the point of a looming takeover. STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUDICIAL EVALUATIONS - COOK COUNTY 2022 PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 28, 2022 . HD145 14,403 29,681
The 2020 HBA Judicial Preference Poll Results and news release are posted below. You might have thought in looking at the numbers for 2016 and 2018 that a split result could occur, given the wide ranges. Many of them target Harris County, which Republicans have spent the past two years chastising for back-to-back elections blunders. Ive made the decision to pay less attention to the Lege than I have in the past because I dont need the mental torment.
HD130 46,578 18,647
Thats the kind of vision I want from the next Chair, and I want there to be a plan to go along with it. Its not hard to imagine him as a deputy whip or a powerful committee chair in a couple of cycles. HD132 60.84% 39.16%
DA is technically a state office for smaller counties, the DA can cover several of them at once so Id normally expect to see them on the Texas Ethics Commission site. In a closely watched election between Democrat DaSean Jones and Republican Tami Pierce for the 180th state district court, Pierce led Jones by more than 1,200 votes the morning after the election, but the final count including absentee and provisional ballots flipped the race in Jones' favor. JP4 173,366 120,182 6,806
JP2 21,364 29,906 1,317
Sure, maybe a couple. Okay, we can move on now. If anyone on the Republican side thought that the other Democratic judges might become collateral damage, theres no evidence to support that. HD131 6,062 24,496
He is the chair of the felony district courts' Bail Bond Committee. Tatum has maintained that while paper supplies ran low at some locations, the county has not been able to confirm whether any voters were turned away as a result. HD126 37,148 21,466
I still have a couple more of these posts to work through. I then did the same thing for Harris and Fort Bend counties, to see how big the Democratic surplus was in each race. Cant let Mattress Mack undo election wins. I also think that SCOTx would prefer to wait until the voters have their say, as then they have a chance to duck the question. With the exception of County Judge, which is the first county office to appear, the other county races come after any county judicial elections, which we know in a non-presidential year is another two dozen, on top of all of the state judicial races youve just slogged through. Thats a new statutory deadline for all judicial fundraising it used to be the case that judges who were involved in lawsuits could continue past that deadline, but the law was changed in the last session, so here we are. (Is it possible there are a few people who actually didnt vote because of the paper-outage delays? HD145 13,820 30,044 1,276 3
Democrats havent lost a judicial race in a Presidential year since 2012, and havent lost a majority of judicial races in a Presidential year since 2004. HD146 19.52% 77.78% 2.70%
Additional Losing Candidates File Election Contests in Harris County. CD36 62.72% 37.26% 0.02%
Im sure it would be compelling reading, but I dont have the staff or the budget for that. HD141 19.04% 80.96%
HD133 57.20% 39.75% 2.02% 1.02%
The chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party on Wednesday announced that he would step down at the end of February. HD134 39.59% 58.92% 1.48% 0.01%
The tens of thousands of residents who signed this petition understood that each of these police reforms are part of a comprehensive approach to public safety, and we expect to vote on them in the same way they were presented as one unified package, Act 4 SA Executive Director Ananda Tomas said in a statement Sunday night. As a prosecutor, Thomas has tried cases ranging from Murder, Sexual Assault, Aggravated Robbery, Felony DWI, Sexual Assault of a Child, Evading Arrest and Aggravated Assault. So keep all that in mind as we proceed. Anyway. The issue is, I need money to grow, Bunin said. Texas Republicans spent most of the 2021 legislative session focusing on election security and this year, its a top priority for them again. Ive been frustrated working within the system and working in City Hall to try to get things like this done, District 2 City Councilman Jalen McKee-Rodriguez told charter supporters. Im going to look back at the four most recent elections to see if we can put some numbers on that. See here and here for the background. Hidalgo got 50.78% of the vote, which is 3.25 points less than Beto. Erin A. Nowell. Both sides of this argument are defensible, so it really is a question of whether SCOTx wants to step in now or just wait for the inevitable lawsuit later. The San Antonio Report adds some details. It also opened a public defenders office in 2010, though many judges refused to use it, insteadcontinuingto appoint overloaded private attorneys. CC1 70,449 192,875 7,107 3,563
They start with the appellate courts, the 1st and 14th for those of us in Harris County, then the District Courts in numerical order, which means that Criminal District Courts and Civil District Courts are mixed together. Sartaj Bal is represented by Elizabeth Alvarez. That keeps Senate district elections staggered every two years. HD126 61.80% 36.07% 2.12%
Weve faced previous legal challenges over voting locations and voting hours and mail ballots and on and on. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office.. I was invited to this meeting because of the effort to create and carry out block walking events.
The 30-year-old native of Katy is the youngest person and the first African American to serve as the party chairperson, according to a news release. According to Mealers petition, there is no dispute that there were several dozens of polling locations who at some point in the day, ran out of paper and turned voters away.. The Houston-area Senators who will be on the ballot in 2024 are Carol Alvarado (SD06), Paul Bettencourt (SD07), John Whitmire (SD15), and Joan Huffman (SD17). JP8 64.32% 35.68%, Dist Stanart Hudspeth
CC1 65,204 204,223 7,257
HD142 9,939 24,454 7
JP7 12,496 64,441
CC4 114,966 121,049 5,955
Republicanshave also introduced billsto further investigate election fraud, to limit the states early voting period from two weeks to one, and to set earlier deadlines for handing in mail ballots. The race was not the only close margin in a Harris County judicial election last month. CC4 117,014 119,504
They may have other priorities and Im open to that, I just want to be heard. Second, these bills I assume theyre identical in each chamber are just a mess. HD134 28,262 51,502 1,828
Basically, the discussion was going on in consideration of the ordinance that had been passed by the City Council of Killeen and the actions of the result of that particular vote, Bell County District Attorney Henry Garza told the Herald. JP7 11,907 63,400 1,926 1,109
Haynes was in private practice for approximately five years. In the Texas 2022 gubernatorial race, Democrat Beto O'Rourke holds an 8% lead over Republican Greg Abbott among Harris County likely voters (50% to 42%, with 7% undecided). Education: Baylor University, Eastern University in Pennsylvania, South Texas College of Law HoustonEndorsements: andreabeallforjudge.com/endorsements, Campaign website: andreabeallforjudge.com. This is nothing but a pretext. HD143 34.02% 63.56% 2.42%
HD130 70.04% 29.96%
The travel time alone for the attorneys will be in the thousands when ZOOM meetings are not allowed! If we have the same turnout rate as we did in 2003, were looking at over 353K voters from Harris County. Beto won Harris County by 105K in 2022. HD150 60.64% 37.11% 2.25%
Ferrell's practice is 100% criminal law. =============================
HD137 8,351 12,378
CC3 221,887 132,181 8,202 3,726
18 Cause No. Please take a moment to imagine me with a very smug look on my face. Family 508,801 546,195 48.23% 51.77%
I just want to point out the problem, so we know what were up against. But boy it sure would be nice to have a state government that wasnt a constant threat to our local matters? JP5 136,969 146,132 7,898
Dist Mealer Hidalgo W-I
Along those lines, I note two potential future Constable candidates: Don Dinh, a Deputy Constable in Precinct 1 since 2020 who was for 24 years before that a sergeant in the Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Constables office, filed a designation of treasurer to run for Constable in Precinct 5. JP2 44.36% 55.62% 0.02%
JP3 37,340 40,840 31
Judge Jones is represented by Oliver Brown. HD127 40,378 24,663
As of today, the office has not received an opinion on how to proceed with these particular public information requests. How awful it was for democracy that these swarms of Democratic voters were mindlessly hitting one button and putting all these non-judges onto our benches. Sheldon A. Harris (all ballots . Well just have to see. The school security measures have some value, and Id be all right with them for the most part if they were part of a larger deal that included real gun reform, but theyre not. Bennett 0 1,022 0 14,527
Putting them in the position of oversight would definitely change the dynamic.. While in her private practice she was chosen as a Texas Super Lawyers Rising Star in 2017 and 2018. Sixteen senators had Lady Fortune on their side and drew four-year terms, and fifteen unlucky souls will have to run for reelection in two years. SD04 63.31% 36.68% 0.02%
JP4 57.89% 42.11%
I obviously wouldnt expect the Secretary of State to crack down on, say, Bell County as theyre slavering to do to Harris, but it could be that the first example to be made is in a red place. Ill get into it a bit more in the next post when we look at the higher-scoring Republicans, but my sense is that these three Dems, plus Beto, received some crossovers. JP5 52.14% 47.86%
Candidates Who Do Not Participate in the Evaluation Process Are rated "NR" Judicial candidates are rated by the ISBA - JEC members based on detailed information supplied by candidates, . ==============================
HD137 40.42% 59.54% 0.04%
2019 Judicial Evaluation Questionnaire Results. CC3 226,675 133,751
I think Odus did a good job as HCDP Chair. CC2 98,597 101,176
Before coming to the Chronicle, Jen spent three years covering City Hall for Houston's NPR station. HD130 46,537 18,686
As for Beto, Im pretty sure weve seen the last of him on the statewide stage, at least for the foreseeable future. HARRIS COUNTY, Texas - Several Harris County Criminal District Court Judges are up for re-election in 2022. See here for the previous entry. His application of state law is wrong. As always, let me know if you have any questions. According to the petition filed Monday night,Wayne Dolcefino, a media consultant and former TV journalist,submitted multiple requests for public information on behalf of the Gallery Furniture owner, who was a major donor supporting Republican candidates including County Judge LinaHidalgos opponent Alexandra del Moral Mealer. HD126 61.88% 36.32% 1.80% 0.00%
Greg Abbott on Nov. 8. HD135 16,804 21,988 1,227 559
The charter changes would essentially direct the police department not to spend resources pursuing most abortion and low-level marijuana possession cases. Harris County 208th Criminal District Court Judge: incumbent Greg Glass and challengers Beverly Armstrong and Kim McTorry. May God have mercy on our souls. HD142 9,132 24,642
Ed Emmett first proposed the idea for Harris County. Now you can just go somewhere else. He also knows that his audience doesnt care, and he knows that if he keeps repeating the lie, some people who dont pay close attention will just think that the election was a mess and we dont really know who won and maybe these election integrity laws that the Republicans keep passing have some merit. HD148 41.25% 55.89% 2.86%
Experience: Chuck Silverman practiced law for more than 30 years in state and federal trial and appellate courts. HD129 38,523 24,788
Ed Gonzalez, Sheriff Under the new rules, quorum-breakers can now be subject to daily fines and even expulsion from the chamber. Which brings me to the second point of interest, which is really hammering the message home about voting all the way down the ballot. Mark Goldberg is represented by Elizabeth Alvarez. For sure, if this passes, it will be litigated, and there is the possibility of a pre-emptive bill being passed against this even before then. HD126 63.38% 36.62%
It belongs to the people. 2020, in the race for District Judge, 333rd Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. We know theres a lot of disinformation and propaganda aimed at non-English speaking communities weve seen the websites and Facebook posts, and weve seen the mailers and heard the radio ads. Harris County Elections officials look over ballots in the central count area at NRG Arena on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022 in Houston. HD133 60.51% 39.49%
JP5 149,310 134,380
Published: 5:28 PM CST November 9, 2022 Updated: 5: . Thats how it is for the judges. Individual seeking a County office as an Independent candidate must file for a place on the ballot with the Harris County Judge: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo 1001 Preston, Suite 911 Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: 713-274-7000 Fax: 713-755-8379 If you dont know or dont remember all of the things I had to say about this line of thinking back then, you can probably surmise it from what Ive just said here. Theyre lower overall because there are no third party candidates in these races, and that lack of mostly Libertarians does seem to be better for the Republicans than the Democrats. HD128 68.08% 29.53% 2.39%
HD148 43.79% 53.61% 2.60% 0.01%
Those commissions are made up of the county judge, the tax assessor-collector, the county clerk and the chairs of local political parties. HD146 9,031 32,118 953
HD133 35,123 24,187 1,043
The fee cant be lowered due to appearance of impropriety issues. HD149 12,101 18,269 925 429
Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee said the county would challenge Hegars finding in court if necessary. HD129 60.85% 39.15%
US Representative, District 8: Laura Jones. 2023-00927; Bruce Bain v. Judge Corey Sepolio. I mean, Harris County could in effect call their bluff, restore election administration to the County Clerk, have Cliff Tatum move over and be the chief of elections under Teneshia Hudspeth, and this bill would no longer apply to us. Achieving the goal set in item #1 will require an all-hands-on-deck mobilization. HD147 9,684 35,282 1,243 1
HD145 26.98% 69.86% 3.16%
HD149 12,270 19,513
Seems to me the easy choice is to stay put and wait until Texas is competitive enough to tip the odds in your favor. Sandlin 38,580 28,502 0 79,998
Biden (and Ed Gonzalez) got 900K in 2020. Christian Menefee, Harris County Attorney JP4 170,806 118,025 7,219 3,145
Experience: Jason Luong began his legal career as the law clerk to United States District Court Judge Royal Furgeson, in Midland, Texas. JP7 17.86% 82.10% 0.03%
The website, called Hard to Vote, leads with a recorded message from McIngvale: Do you believe you were denied the opportunity to vote in the November 2022 election? HD128 70.40% 29.60%
HD144 11,924 13,703
The judges listed as well as Lina have little in their campaign coffers. Beto versus the spread One thought Ive had about this is that the Family Courts were kind of a mess before the Dem sweep of 2018 there were some stories that made it into the papers about happenings in the Family Courts, and of course there was then-Family Court Judge Lisa Millard ruling against the city of Houston giving health insurance benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees even after DOMA had been ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS. If theyre going to act Id expect it to happen before SA City Council votes to put the measure on the ballot on Thursday. HD142 25.96% 71.15% 2.89%
2023-00934; Brian Staley v. Judge Monica Singh. How often do we see that 70% pass anywhere? JUDICIAL PRIMARY RACES. 21 Cause No. Instead, Hidalgo said, the comptroller should have calculated on the basis of pay periods rather than the number of months.
They may have drawn some support from people who otherwise voted Republican, or they got more people who might have been skipping other judicial races to push their buttons. Her opponent, incumbent county Judge Lina Hidalgo, told ABC13 at the time the numbers were looking better and that Harris County is not alone in battling crime. HD135 42.90% 57.10%
Carla Wyatt, County Treasurer, Alexandra Mealer, County Judge The path to retaining these judges is there. 5 Cause No. 2022 Candidate Endorsements. Its not that hard.. DEMOCRAT. ==============================
Experience: Melissa Morris has practiced criminal defense and family law for 15 years. In Hensleys presentation, she pointed out that the City Council does have the discretion to amend the budget in regards to how city funds are spent. Heres the data for the County Judge race, in which Judge Lina Hidalgo won re-election by a close margin, though on a percentage basis it was slightly wider than her initial win in 2018. While there are no challenges on the Republican ballot in the Texas Primary Election, there are plenty on the Democratic ballot.
Ive said this before, but Mitt Romney won 11 State Rep districts in 2012, and he won them all with over 60% of the vote. Beto versus the spread JP8 64.31% 35.67% 0.02%, You still have time to donate to the Democratic judges legal fund, Lege targets Harris County election administrator, approved a bill making illegal voting a felony, Lets spend less money on court-appointed lawyers, judges who make a whole lot of appointments to the same handful of attorneys, The Denton experience with marijuana decriminalization, Tell me you have no evidence of voter suppression without telling me you have no evidence of voter suppression, Houston furniture magnate Jim Mattress Mack McIngvale. Hays 308,304 269,169 62.61% 45.36%
I truly . HD129 39,519 24,982 11
City Council will call for the election, which will include council district seats and other local elections, during its Feb. 16 meeting. HD135 17,148 22,783
JP5 137,161 147,432 7,185
HD146 22.96% 77.04%
The appellate courts cover multiple counties. CC2 49.76% 50.24%
At least in those cases, you can make the claim that the Libertarian received votes that might have otherwise gone to the Republican. Rep. Charlie Geren, R-Fort Worth, then cited the new provision to call points of order procedural challenges on two amendments proposed by Rep. Bryan Slaton, R-Royse City, to restrict Democratic committee chairs. ===============================================
There are multiple precincts that are partially in Houston and partially not in Houston. Published February 28, 2022. I would expect this to pass, as similar referenda has done in other cities. CC4 44.09% 53.35% 2.57%
16 Cause No. One of his top staffers ran against Judge Hidalgo in the 2022 Dem primary, and I imagine there will be some kind of response to that. Even under the most ludicrously generous assumptions, the math just plain doesnt work. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. While at the DAs office, she handled thousands of felony and misdemeanor cases. HD143 8,856 14,935
JP3 35,972 40,808
CC4 48.90% 51.10%
Alexandra del Moral Mealer for Harris County Judge (@AlexMealer4HCTX) November 9, 2022 Mealer was a combat veteran who moved to Houston after serving in the U.S. Army. Abbott 175,533 314,728 35.04% 52.34%
JP6 5,253 16,428 881 4
JP6 23.14% 76.86%
Hidalgo versus Mealer
While the administrator is a moderate Democrat, this blog is independently operated and not affiliated with any political party or political action committee (PAC). No one cares about that, but because it is a story about 2024 and Ted Cruz will be running for re-election to the Senate in 2024, it contains the following bits of speculation about who might run against him: Cruzs focus on his Senate bid follows a tough 2018 reelection fight against former Democratic Rep. Beto ORourke, who lost by 2.6 points. HD137 8,141 12,532 562 2
We have multiple locations at which anyone can vote precisely as a hedge against problems at any one specific location. Education: Alabama State University and Southern University Law Center. Country music star and Conroe-native, Parker McCollum caught up with our Sally Mac after he was named the headliner for 2023's Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. The other difference is that the surplus in Harris and Fort Bend far exceeded the deficit from the eight bad counties, and all ten candidates won. The decision allows Nichols to seek declaratory relief authorizing peace officers licensed by the state of Texas to fully enforce marijuana laws as it is their duty to prevent and suppress crime under Section 2.13 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure..
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