The Sea Peoples, from cuneiform tablets to carbon dating. In other words, these mutations are so unique that they could only come from other cells with the same mutations. The SNP L497 encompasses these men, but most G-L497 men belong to its subclade G-Z725, also known as G-DYS388=13. This video explains the migration route of Y-chromosome haplogroup G and the countries where it can be found today. Although compared with G1-M285, the phylogenetic level of P303 (Figure 1) is shallower but its geographic spread zone covers the whole hg G distribution area (Figure 2b). King RJ, DiCristofaro J, Kouvatsi A et al. Haplogroup P (P295) is also klnown as K2b2. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Forensic Sci Int-Gen 2007; 1: 287290. The genetic legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in extant Europeans: a Y chromosome perspective. PAU thanks Professor Carlos D Bustamante. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Nat Commun 2012; 3. de Knijff P, Kayser M, Caglia A et al. The highest frequency values for P303 are detected in populations from Caucasus region, being especially high among South Caucasian Abkhazians (24%) and among Northwest (NW) Caucasian Adyghe and Cherkessians39.7% and 36.5%, respectively. Balanovsky O, Rootsi S, Pshenichnov A et al. Dulik MC, Zhadanov SI, Osipova LP et al. Gurdeep Matharu Lall, Maarten H. D. Larmuseau, Mark A. Jobling, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Ashot Margaryan, Richard Villems, Javier Rodriguez Luis, Leire Palencia-Madrid, Rene J. Herrera, Sandra Oliveira, Alexander Hbner, Jorge Rocha, Alessandra Modi, Desislava Nesheva, David Caramelli, Maxat Zhabagin, Zhaxylyk Sabitov, Elena Balanovska, Veronika Csky, Dniel Gerber, Anna Szcsnyi-Nagy, European Journal of Human Genetics The presence of the SNP P18 mutation characterizes G2a1a's only subclade, G2a1a. Barac L, Pericic M, Klaric IM et al. Eur J Hum Genet 2010; 18: 348353. Moreover, the accuracy and validity of the evolutionary rate has been independently confirmed in several deep-rooted Hutterite pedigrees.34 Furthermore pedigree rate-based estimates cannot be substantiated, as they are often inconsistent with dateable archeological knowledge, for example, as clearly illustrated regarding the peopling of the Americas.35 Coalescent times based on 10 STR loci (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389b, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS439, DYS461-TAGA counts) and the median haplotypes of specific hg G sub-haplogroups are presented in Supplementary Table S4. Mol Biol Evol 2006; 23: 22682270. Interestingly, the L30 SNP, phylogenetically equivalent to M485, M547 and U8, was detected in an approximately 7000-year-old Neolithic specimen from Germany, although this ancient DNA sample was not resolved further to additional sub-clade levels.39. The coalescence age estimate of 9400 years for P16 coincides with the early Holocene (Supplementary Table S4). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 1825518259. These five major sub-clades of the G2 branch show distinct distribution patterns over the whole area of their spread. This group has been linked with the Crypto-Jewish population which fled to the island during the time of the Spanish Inquisition, of which a significant portion are identifiable as G-Z725 (DYS388=13). Specifications for most markers have been previously reported,1, 17, 28 ISOGG 2011 ( OS thanks the Italian Ministry of the University: Progetti Ricerca Interesse Nazionale 2009 and FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca 2008 and Fondazione Alma Mater Ticinensins. [2][37], Ancient DNA identified as G-PF3359 has been found at archaeological sites in: Hungary (the subclade G-F872*), dated at 7,500 years before present (BP); Hungary (subclade G-F1193*) 7,150 BP, and; Spain (G-PF3359*) 4,700 BP.[2]. In Turkey, the South Caucasus and Iran, haplogroup G reaches the highest percentage of national populations. It was found with burial artifacts belonging to the Linearbandkeramische Kultur ("Linear Band Ceramic Culture"; LBK). Google Scholar. A majority of members of G-P303 belong to one of its subclades, rather than to G-P303*, The largest G-P303* subclade based on available samples is one in which almost all persons have the value of 13 at STR marker DYS388. A network analysis of representative hg G-P16 Y-STR haplotypes reveals a diffuse cluster (Supplementary Figure S2). Article Ann Hum Genet 2004; 68: 588599. In Egypt, studies have provided information that pegs the G percentage there to be between 2% and 9%. The hg G individuals in Supplementary Table S1 were either first genotyped for this study or updated to present phylogenetic resolution from earlier studies.2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 All hg G (M201-derived) samples were genotyped in a hierarchical manner for the following binary markers: M285, P20, P287, P15, L91 P16, M286, P303, U1, L497, M406, Page19, M287 and M377. The effective mutation rate at Y chromosome short tandem repeats, with application to human population-divergence time. Achilli A, Olivieri A, Pala M et al. Internet Explorer). No labs have yet assigned them shorthand names. The Etruscans: a population-genetic study. G-P16 is also occasionally present in Northeast Caucasus at lower frequencies (Supplementary Table S1), consistent with a previous report.3 Outside the Caucasus, hg G-P16 occurs at 1% frequency only in Anatolia, Armenia, Russia and Spain, while being essentially absent elsewhere. The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people. G2a was found in medieval remains in a 7th- century CE high-status tomb in Ergolding, Bavaria, Germany, but G2a subclades were not tested.[34]. Haplogroup K2a (M2308) and its primary subclade K-M2313 were separated from Haplogroup NO (F549) in 2016. (This followed the publication of: Haplogroup K2b (M1221/P331/PF5911) is also known as Haplogroup MPS. In order to determine if one of these alternative SNPs represents a subclade of M201, the alternative SNPs must be tested in G persons who are negative for the known subclades of G. There are only a tiny number of persons in such a category, and only a tiny number of persons have been tested for G equivalent SNPs other than M201. In the Americas, the percentage of haplogroup G corresponds to the numbers of persons from Old World countries who emigrated. In addition, K-Y28299, which appears to be a primary branch of K-M2313, has been found in three living individuals from India. This skeleton could not be dated by radiocarbon dating, but other skeletons there were dated to between 5,100 and 6,100 years old. The most detailed SNP mutation identified was S126 (L30), which defines G2a3.[11]. First, we calculated haplogroup diversity using data in Supplementary Table S1 for the 52 instances when total population sample size exceeded 50 individuals and 5hg G chromosomes were observed. Spatial frequency maps for hg G sub-clades that attained 10% frequency in at least one population were obtained by applying the haplogroup frequencies from Supplementary Table S1. Reduced genetic structure of the Iberian peninsula revealed by Y-chromosome analysis: implications for population demography. The highest frequencies of haplogroup G appear in the Caucasus region; however it also shows significant frequencies in the Mediterranean areas and the Middle East [69,70]. Kaniewski D, Van Campo E, Van Lerberghe K et al. Samples have been identified in England, Germany, Montenegro (Bosniak), Spain, Cyprus (Greek), Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Lebanon, Syria and Kuwait. [43] L240 was identified in 2009. Ancient DNA from European early neolithic farmers reveals their near eastern affinities. Taken as a collective group, P303-derived chromosomes are the most widespread of all hg G lineages (Supplementary Table S1 and Figure 2b) and clearly display differential geographic partitioning between L497 (Figure 2c) and U1 (xM527) (Figure 2d). The G-P303 phylogenetic network was constructed using 248 G2a3b-P303-derived 19-locus haplotypes from populations representing Europe, Middle/Near East, South/Central Asia and the Caucasus and belonging to five sub-clades P303*, U1, M527, M426 and L497. A separate study on the Argyns found that 71% of males belong to G1. G-L91 would seem to encompass a significant proportion of men belonging to G. L91 is found so far in scattered parts of Europe and North Africa and in Armenia. CAS Network of 248 samples P303 derived from Supplementary Table S3. Yunusbayev B, Metspalu M, Jrve M et al. An assessment of the Y-chromosome phylogeography-based proposal that the spread of G2a-L497 chromosomes originated from Central Europe could be achieved by typing this SNP in the Holocene period human remains from Germany31 as well as those from France and Spain.45, 46 Certainly, Y chromosome represents only a small part of human genome and any population-level interpretation of gene flow in this region would have to be supported by genome-wide evidence. G-M201 has also been found in Neolithic Anatolian sites such as Boncuklu dating back to 8300-7600 BCE, and Barcin dating back to 6419-6238 BCE. It is one of two branches of the parent haplogroup GHIJK, the other being HIJK . Categories have alternating letters and numbers. Thus inferences regarding migratory histories must be viewed cautiously, as diversities may have changed over the time spans discussed. Hum Hered 2006; 61: 132143. Mol Biol Evol 2011; 28: 29052920. Eur J Hum Genet 20, 12751282 (2012). A clade of closely related Ashkenazi Jews represent virtually all G2b persons, with just three other G2b haplotypes having been reported so far: one Turk from Kars in northeast Turkey near Armenia, one Pashtun, and one Burusho in Pakistan. L1771.1/ L177_1, L1771.2/L177_2, L177.3/L177_3) was withdrawn as an identifier by ISOGG in 2013, after it was "found to be an unreliable palindromic snp". Various estimated dates and locations have been proposed for the origin of G-M201, most of them in Western Asia. The highest reported concentration of G1 and its subclades in a single country is in Iran, with next most frequent concentrations in neighboring countries to the west. [41] These classifications are based on shared SNP mutations. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 5061. contracts here. Sengupta S, Zhivotovsky LA, King R et al. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. G2a1a persons also typically have higher values for DYS385b, such as 16, 17 or 18, than seen in most G persons. K-M2313*, which as yet has no phylogenetic name, has been documented in two living individuals, who have ethnic ties to India and South East Asia. Haplogroup G is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. [23] About 6% of the samples from Sri Lanka and Malaysia were reported as haplogroup G, but none were found in the other coastal lands of the Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean in Asia. Its members include "tzi",[citation needed] the so-called Iceman, who died at least 5,000 years BP in the European Alps. The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the western Mediterranean. G2a was found also in 20 out of 22 samples of ancient Y-DNA from Treilles, the type-site of a Late Neolithic group of farmers in the South of France, dated to about 5000 years ago. Eur J Hum Genet 2010; 18: 463470. Sims LM, Garvey D, Ballantyne J : Improved resolution haplogroup G phylogeny in the Y chromosome, revealed by a set of newly characterized SNPs. Members of this group have been found in Europe and the Middle East.[3]. [10], A skeleton found at the Neolithic cemetery known as Derenburg Meerenstieg II, in Saxony-Anhalt Germany, apparently belonged to G2a3 (G-S126) or a subclade. Ann Hum Genet 2005; 69: 443454. ), Haplogroup M, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1b. Int J Legal Med 1997; 110: 134149. Moreover, these general frequencies mostly consist of two notable lineages. G1 is possibly believed to have originated in Iran. The phylogeny obtained for haplogroup Q-M378 comprising 5.2% of the Ashkenazi paternal variation 24, shows a similar pattern to that observed for haplogroup G-M377 (Supplemental Figure S5). BMC Evol Biol 2011; 11: 69. The mutations involved may be complicated and difficult to interpret. Kharkov VN, Stepanov VA, Borinskaya SA et al. Haplogroup A0-T is also known as A-L1085 (and previously as A0'1'2'3'4). Although not exceeding 3% frequency overall, haplogroup G1-M285 reflects a branching event that is phylogenetically equivalent to the more widespread companion G2-P287 branch in the sense that both branches coalesce directly to the root of G-M201. The L91 mutation is found at 21327383 and rs35474563 on the Y-chromosome. The presence of hg G was first reported in Europe and Georgia5 and later described in additional populations of the Caucasus.6 Subsequently, several data sets containing hg G-related lineages have been presented in studies of different European populations7, 8, 9, 10 and so on, as well as studies involving several Middle Eastern and South Asian populations.4, 11, 12, 13, Hg G, together with J2 clades, has been associated with the spread of agriculture,5 especially in the European context. The formula for the coalescence calculations is as follows: Age=25/1000 ASD0/0.00069. Bosch E, Calafell F, Comas D, Oefner PJ, Underhill PA, Bertranpetit J : High-resolution analysis of human Y-chromosome variation shows a sharp discontinuity and limited gene flow between northwestern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. The frequency data were converted into isofrequency maps using the Surfer software (version 8, Golden Software, Inc., Golden, CO, USA), following the kriging algorithm using advanced options to use bodies of waters as breaklines. In addition, there are multiple other SNPs thought to have the same coverage as M201. Semino et al. Correspondence to We emphasize that our assessments are based solely on contemporary DNA distributions rather than actual prehistoric patterns. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Int J Legal Med 1997; 110: 141149. MH and MHS are thankful to the National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran, and the National Research Institute for Science policy, Tehran, Iran, for providing the samples. Haplogroup G2a1 (also known as G-FGC753 and previously as G-L293) and its subclades represent the majority of haplogroup G samples in some parts of the Caucasus Mountains area. [4], Two scholarly papers have also suggested an origin in the Middle East, while differing on the date. [25], In the Middle East, haplogroup G accounts for about 3% of the population in almost all areas. Elizabeth T Wood, Daryn A Stover, Christopher Ehret, L177, later discarded in favour of PF3359 and equivalent SNPs, was first identified at. G-PF3147 (previously G-L223 and G-PF3146) is characterized by having the L223 mutation. Two additional markers, DYS38829, 30 and DYS46131 were typed separately. But a high percentage of U1 men belong to its two subclades, G-L13/S13 and Z1266 (G2a3b1a1b). No clinal patterns were detected suggesting that the distributions are rather indicative of isolation by distance and demographic complexities. Men who belong to this group but are negative for all its subclades represent a small number today. [12] The fourth site also from the same period is the tztal of the Italian Alps where the mummified remains of tzi the Iceman were discovered. You belong to a subgroup of haplogroup G (G-M201), The Caucasus Mountaineers, and your oldest. Phylogenetic relationships of studied binary markers within haplogroup G in wider context of M89-defined clade. More distantly, G2a3a-M406 occurs in Italy (3%) with a Td of 8100 years ago, consistent with the model of maritime Neolithic colonization of the Italian peninsula from coastal Anatolia and/or the Levant. Almost all haplogroup G1 persons have the value of 12 at short tandem repeat (STR) marker DYS392 and all will have the M285 or M342 SNP mutation which characterizes this group. In the case of the general frequency pattern of hg G, panel (a) was obtained by applying the frequencies from Supplementary Table S1 together with data taken from the literature, concerning 569 individuals representing 7 populations comprising Algerians,47 Oromo and Amhara Ethiopians,48 and Berbers, Arabs and Saharawis from Morocco.49 Dots on the map (a) indicate the approximate locations of the sampled populations. Zhivotovsky LA, Underhill PA, Cinnioglu C et al. Men with the haplogroup G marker moved into Europe in Neolithic times. The expansion time of G-M406 in Anatolia is 12800 years ago, which corresponds to climatic improvement at the beginning of the Holocene and the commencement of sedentary hunter-forager settlements at locations, such as Gobekli Tepi in Southeast Anatolia, thought to be critical for the domestication of crops (wheat and barley) that propelled the development of the Neolithic. The Genetic Legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in Extant Europeans: A Y Chromosome Perspective. Nature 2010; 466: 238242. The frequency pattern and the microsatellite network of E-M2(xM191) indicate a West African origin followed by expansion, a result that is in agreement with the findings of Cruciani et al. It is a branch of Haplogroup F (M89), and is theorized to have originated, according to the latest thinking, in the Near East or Southern Asia, likely in the region that is now northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Name: G-L14 Age: 7800 ybp 1700 CI 95% Expansion: 5200 ybp 1900 CI 95% Parent: G-L1 Note: This information does not imply an endorcement of YFull or their methods. Am J Hum Genet 2012; 90: 573. Am J Hum Genet 2008; 82: 236250. For the human mtDNA haplogroup, see. Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. The identities of the specific 19 loci that define the STR haplotypes are reported in Supplementary Table S3 and Figure 4 legend. The Caucasus as an asymmetric semipermeable barrier to ancient human migrations. Haplogroup G (M201) is a human Y-chromosome haplogroup. It encompasses a small group of Hispanic men who also so far all have the odd value of 13,21 at the YCA marker. So far all G2a1 persons have a value of 10 at STR marker DYS392. Population codes: Baltics (Blt), Belarusians (Blr), Poles (Pol), Ukrainians (Ukr), northern Russians (NRu), southern and central Russians (SRu), Circum-Uralic (CUr), Germans (Ger), Central Europeans (CE), Iberians (Ibr), French (Fra), Sardinians (Srd), Corsica (Cor), Sicilians (Sic), Italians (Ita), Switzerlands (Swi), Western Balkans (WB), Romanians (Rmn), Bulgarians (Bul), Crete (Crt), Greeks (Grc), Anatolian Greeks (AG), Egyptians (Egy), Near/Middle Easterners (ME), Ashkenazi Jews (AJ), Sephardic Jews (SJ), Arabian Peninsula (AP), Palestinians (Pal), Druze (Drz), Western Turks (WTu), Central Turks (CTu), Eastern Turks (ETu), Iranians (Irn), Abkhazians (Abh), Armenians (Arm), Georgians (Grg), South Ossetians (SOs), Iranian Azeris (Azr), Abazins (Aba), Adyghes (Ady), Balkars (Blk), Cherkessians (Crk), Kabardins (Kab), Karachays (Kar), Kuban Nogays (Nog), North Ossetians (NOs), Chamalals (Cha), Ingushes (Ing), Kumyks (Kum), Central Asians (CA), Pakistani (Pak). M286 was first identified at Stanford University at chromosome position 21151187, and is a mutation from G to A. The origin of haplogroup G is controversial. Cadenas AM, Zhivotovsky LA, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Underhill PA, Herrera RJ : Y-chromosome diversity characterizes the Gulf of Oman. International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG; 2015), "Punctuated bursts in human male demography inferred from 1,244 worldwide Y-chromosome sequences",, Articles with dead external links from January 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from April 2022, Articles with spreadsheet file bare URLs for citations, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with self-published sources from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2017, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from February 2021, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, M201, PF2957, L116, L154, L204, L240, L269, L402, L520, L521, L522, L523, L605, L769, L770, L836, L837, M201, P257/U6, Page94/U17, U2, U3, U7, U12, U20, U21, U23, U33, Other males purported to be members of Haplogroup G include: German-American pioneer and soldier, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 20:17.
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