here. Current day concentrations of people in haplogroup E1b1b, E-M215 mutation. (Geno 2.0 tested)(Untested for Z5947, Z5948, and Z5949), Fed Spikes b. The proportions of various human Y-DNA haplogroups vary significantly from one ethnic or language group to another in Africa.. Data in the table below are based on genetic research. old or several thousand years. . The columns display each project member's kit number, paternal ancestry
countries and lineages within the continent. Hi Gage, YDNA goes much much deeper than our ethnicity results. You may learn more about Y-DNA STRs on the Understanding Y-DNA STRs learning page. who lived in Africa. The primary purpose of the Haplogroup E1b1a Project is to research the phylogeny of this subclade of Haplogroup E. We encourage all members to test withBig Yfor their deepest relevant SNPs for greater haplotype identification. With haplogroup E1b1b, I recently read that the possible origin could be North Africa or Northeast Africa. And there was also spread of E-M215 westward along land and possibly maritime routes into Europe, representing the last major migration of ancient Africans into Europe. Haplogroup E1b1a is predominantly found among sub-Sahara African populations. (TMRCA) estimate (Beta) is calculated based on SNP and STR test results from many present-day DNA testers. 1830 Crawford Co., GA, E-U209, CTS9042, M4257/Z1720, CTS6779/M4041 and CTS11/M3988-, CTS5768-, CTS6212-, and CTS988-. Se voc tiver dvidas sobre testes mais avanados, entre em contato com os administradores de nosso projeto. Version History Last revision date for this specific page: 20 November 2011 Because of continuing research, the structure of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree changes and ISOGG does its best to keep . A good example is represented by some lineages internal to the E1b1a-M2 haplogroup, such as E1b1a-M10 and E1b1a-V5280, which are observed mainly in the Sahelian groups (D'Atanasio et al. In the haplogroups column, haplogroups in green are
E1b1a - M2 Haplogroup E1b1a- V38 Project 503 public Y-DNA members 214 belong to E-L485 E1b1 Project E1b1 Project 1,854 public Y-DNA members 99 belong to E-L485 Untested for downstream Z22239), E-M191/P86, CTS3361/M4326, CTS7672/M4338, Z37648 and P252/U174- (Big Y tested)(Nigerian Esans), E-M2, Z5994 and P211- (Big Y tested)(Sierra Leone, Gambia), E-M58, Y25504(8580018), Z42548(21237791), CTS1530 and PF1120- (Big Y tested), E-M58, Y25504(8580018), Z42548(21237791), CTS1530, PF1120, and CTS5881-, CTS5882- (Big Y tested), E-P252/U174 (Geno 2.0 tested. Nice post. Haplogroup E1b1a- V38 Project - Y-DNA Colorized Chart. 1852 and d. 1939 Fitzgerald GA, Peter Turner b1810 VA d ? This reflects the now better-acknowledged and brutal practices of sexual exploitation of African women by white people in the Americas. We were all found to be E1a (M33+ and M132+). who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. 2018). Start your YDNA journey for free! The SNP mutation that actually defines E1b1a is called E-V38, but the vast majority of its members belong to the subbranch defined by E-M2. confirmed by SNP testing. For people who have tested and been assigned paternal haplogroup (Y-DNA haplogroup) E1b1a (E-M2)or are believed. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men
For the latest arrangement of the SNP markers for Haplogroup E1b1a, please see the ISOGG Haplogroup Etree below. E1b1b can also be referred to by another SNP, called E-M35, which defines its major subbranch. It uses the classic format. In . To keep current with generalgenetic genealogy information, please subscribe to the blog. Could this haplogroup still have come with some of the original inhabitants of Britain? Today a significant contingent of Ashkenazi (20%) and Sephardi (30%) Jews belong to a specific sub-haplogroup of E-M215 defined by the mutation E-M123, supporting this as a major founding lineage of the Jewish people. To participate in this project, join or follow the project, then add your oldest known ancestor who belonged to this haplogroup. Brown d. South Carolina North Carolina, Owen Handy (1865-1915), Nashville, Tennesse, E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1* (CTS8030/Z1704+ and P9.2-, P115-, and P116-)(Test wth Big Y), E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1a (CTS9106/M4451)(Test with Big Y), E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1a1 (P116+)(Test with Big Y), John (Wilkinson) Martin, Coweta GA usa1913 - 1976, E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a3a1c1 (CTS67+)(Test with Big Y), E1b1a1a1a1c1b (L515+, L516+, L517+, M263.2+, Z1893+ and CTS3393/Z1894-)(Test with Big Y), Squire Washington Graham; gedmatch #T963393, Stew, E1b1a1a1a2 (CTS229/M5225+)(Test with Big Y), Theodore Barber, living Circa 1800 Essex, NY, Albert Bowser, b. in 1860, Lunenburg Cty, VA, James Anderson, b. ca. 1793, South Carolina; d.10 Feb 1, John Bunch, acqrd 450 acres New Kent Co, VA 1662, John Bunch, born about 1630, New Kent, VA, James Sr, Harrison, 1750-1830 Sumner Co, TN, Fuel Goins, b c1828 VA, d c1864 Patrick Co VA, E-U209, CTS3603/M3906, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, CTS3243/M3667/V2580/Z1781 and CTS8026/M3850-, CTS8027/M3851-, CTS10652/M3854-(Big Y tested), E-U209, CTS6620/M4246, FGC24065, FGC24078 (Geno 2.0 and Big Y tested)(The Gambia), Lewis Hood, born about 1790; died after 1860, Young Beauregard Johnson b. E1a has been something of a stepchild compared with the two major subclades of Haplogroup E, E1b1a and E1b1b. The branches on the
However, I did a quick search and found a result from Britannica. Need Big Y testing), E-P252/U174, CTS1313/PF7223 (Geno 2.0 tested), Blakely Shoemake, b.abt 1791 and d. bef 1860, E-P252/U174, CTS3822/M4673 (Geno 2.0 tested)(Untested for M4669, CTS5299, CTS2754/Z1641, or Z5962), Armstead Searcy Carter, b.1864 Talbot Co. GA, USA, E-P252/U174, CTS3822/M4673, and CTS553/Z1644 (Geno 2.0 tested), E-P252/U174, CTS4051/M4653 (Big Y Tested), E-P252/U174, CTS4938/M4665/V3236, CTS8030/Z1704 and CTS9106-, CTS261-, Z5978-, Z5982?, CTS9806- (Geno 2.0/Big Y tested), E-P252/U174, CTS553/Z1644 (Geno 2.0 tested. Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de las pruebas ms avanzadas, por favor pngase en contacto con nuestros administradores de proyectos. This is not the case. This same trend is observed throughout all of the Americas: there are some focal points of migrations from certain African populations, but this occurs against the backdrop of diversity of African Y-chromosomal lineages resulting from people being gathered from many African locations and then scattered on the new continent. Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2011 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results for the project. For the latest arrangement of the SNP markers for Haplogroup E1b1a, please see the ISOGG Haplogroup Etree below. The total prevalence of E-M2 among males in countries in the Americas varies widely, but likely indicates paternal ancestry traced to the the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.. Before diving in, you may want to review the concepts of SNPs and Y-DNA haplogroups here. about the coding system here. , d.? (Big Y)(untested PF1148), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS67, CTS7149, CTS11714/Z1697, FGC50311/Y19520,(CTS11714/Z1697, CTS9580/V3647) (Big Y), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS67, PF1148 and CTS2476/Z1687-, CTS7149-, CTS11714-(Big Y), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS67, PF1148, CTS7149 and CTS11714-(Big Y) (Untested CTS2476, PF1118), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS9106/M4451, P116, M4438 (Big Y tested)(Bagyele), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS9806/M4660/Z1703, (CTS9107, CTS11841, Y783.2) and CTS9756- CTS7800- (Big Y Tested)(Untested for CTS8902), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS9806/M4660/Z1703, CTS9107 (Big Y Tested), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS9806/M4660/Z1703, CTS9107, CTS1647 (Big Y Tested), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS5299 (Geno 2+,Big Y tested)(Nigerian Yoruba), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS553/Z1644, Z22637/Z22410(7571244) and CTS1190-, CTS143-, Z5966-, Z22375?, CTS2754/Z1641- (Big Y tested), Ruben Davis, b. Haplogroups in red are predicted. Need Big Y testing), Miles Lindsey - 1840 est., Chester, SC 29706, E-P252/U174 (Geno 2+ tested. classic format. E-P2 had an ancient presence in the Middle East; presently, it is primarily distributed in Africa where it may have originated, and occurs at lower frequencies in the Middle East and Europe . Haplogroups in red are predicted. These community projects might be relevant for your Y-DNA haplogroup based on participant results. 1781 St Kitts Island, St Kitts, Louis Jay, b. ), E-U181, CTS1534 and L97-, CTS11108-, CTS5430-, CTS1504- (Big Y tested. m Jennie to AL, Edward M. MckinneyJan 01 1879 May 23, 1949, Frank Smith b. ca. page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results for the project. (Geno 2.0, Big Y tested), Aaron WARDLAW, b. c. 1825 Abbeville, SC, US, E-U209, M4233/Z1807, M4257/Z1720, CTS6779/M4041, L609 and L611. This page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results for the project. SNP markers on the Y-Chromosome define them. who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. The primary purpose of the Haplogroup E1b1a Project is to research the phylogeny of this subclade of Haplogroup E. The age of E-M215 in Europe is estimated at 10,000 years, with highest concentrations found in Kosovo (up to 45%), other Balkan nations, Greece and Southern Italy. All lines began with our common paternal ancestry in Africa. 1793, South Carolina; d.10 Feb 1, John Bunch, acqrd 450 acres New Kent Co, VA 1662, John Bunch, born about 1630, New Kent, VA, James Sr, Harrison, 1750-1830 Sumner Co, TN, Fuel Goins, b c1828 VA, d c1864 Patrick Co VA, E-U209, CTS3603/M3906, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, CTS3243/M3667/V2580/Z1781 and CTS8026/M3850-, CTS8027/M3851-, CTS10652/M3854-(Big Y tested), E-U209, CTS6620/M4246, FGC24065, FGC24078 (Geno 2.0 and Big Y tested)(The Gambia), Lewis Hood, born about 1790; died after 1860, Young Beauregard Johnson b. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . The pharaohs are buried in the Valley of the Kings. It uses the
These community projects might be relevant for your Y-DNA haplogroup based on participant results. Okay? On the African continent, E-M215 is found at very high frequency in North Africa, approaching 80% prevalence in some areas across the region. People Projects Discussions Surnames share . ), E-U209, CTS1974, and CTS9954. Lucius Williams, b.c.1890, South Carolina? A study in 2020 of a small establishment called Palenque near Cartegena, Colombia found four different deeply divergent African Y-chromosome lineages among the small population of current-day descendants of the slave trade. PhillipsCo, AR, Mack Perry (Pearre) b. Comme nous nous identifions plus haplotypes, nous allons amliorer notre connaissance des vnements gnalogiques et de l'emplacement o votre anctre est originaire de l'Afrique. Of the possible 17 haplogroups, 12 were observed in the complete data set with haplogroup E1b1a modal (0.847, range in population groups 0.389-0.957), both overall and in every sub-Saharan . paternal lineages. Only very project specifice-mails will be sent through the project. of human populations from the earliest times to the present. Today descendants of this original ancient group remain highly concentrated in many regions of Africa, giving insight into the archaic movements of people on the continent. The columns display each project member's kit number, paternal ancestry
confirmed by SNP testing. A well-recognized event called the Bantu expansion spread its language and also genetic characteristics from North Africa through an east-west corridor, and also south in two waves of migration 2,000-3,000 years ago. For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define
1630, arrvd Lancaster Co, VA 1651, James Bunch, b.c. A plus, +, sign denotes positive results. In the horn of Africa, not only is E-M215 very frequent in Ethiopia and Somalia (40-80%), but a high number of different sub-variations of the group are found locally too, suggesting this area is a place of ancient origin for the group. Haplogroup E1b1a (E1b1a1-M2), Roberta Estes. colorized format. 1810 and d. 1910, Absalom Griffin b.1748, Amelia Township, SC, Silas Kent, b 1782 NJ, d 1833 Union Co., Ohio, Stephen Reed Jr. (1784 Wilkes NC - 1855 Clay KY), Ed Franklin b. Its always helpful to read through content from other authors and use something from their web sites. I love learning about haplogroups and the many mutations they go through as people move and change. Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2012 The entire work is . These community projects might be relevant for your Y-DNA haplogroup based on participant results. a, E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS67, and CTS1871- (Big Y tested)(Kenyans), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS8030/Z1704, CTS67, CTS2476/Z1687, CTS7149, PF1118 and CTS11714-. It seems like this field is still always evolving, which makes me want to learn even more. 2005 ), was the most frequent haplogroup in our sample set (76%), reaching a frequency of almost 80% in agriculturalists and 28% in Pygmy samples ( fig. ), E-U290, FGC60879, L651, FGC60928, L649, L650, Y975, ZS772 (Geno 2.0/Big Y/FGC 2.1 tested), E-V38, M329, V1128 and M2- (Big Y tested). Haplogroup E1b1b is predominantly found around the coast of the Mediterranean. Como identificamos hapltipos mais, vamos melhorar nosso conhecimento dos eventos genealgica e do local onde seu ancestral veio originalmente na frica. Considering the Y haplogroup composition in our Dominican sample, we can note that the clades frequently observed in the Sahel are usually rare or absent. Please order Y-DNA67 or greater and test with Big Y. Anthony Emanuel, birth 1832, p. Florida/ Carolina, - , Sandy McNair, 1855-abt 1929 Carthage N.C, USA, Patterson, b Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica, Alexander Thomas Logan b.11-2-1811 Amherst Co. VA, Essex Johnson, Chicasaw/Creek Freedman, b. So, please, subscribe to keep current. So both results can be indicative of your personal history, but just at different time periods. E1b1a - M2 Haplogroup E1b1a- V38 Project 503 public Y-DNA members 4 belong to E-FGC24071 E1b1 Project E1b1 Project 1,854 public Y-DNA members 0 belong to E-FGC24071 0 belong to E-Z6005 . For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. and confirmed haplogroups are in green. The E1b1b haplogroup has been busy getting around for a long time! For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. 1694 and d. 1762, Predicted E-CTS5078/M4706+ (Test with Big Y), Ralph Dockery, b: 1820, Stanley/Montgomery Co., NC, Burrell Parks, b. Not everyone appreciates e-mails from project administrators, and taking a blog approach allows people who are interested to subscribe without bothering those who aren't. Haplogroup G has an overall low frequency in most populations and is found widely distributed in Europe, northern and western Asia, northern Africa, the Middle East and India. Project Administrators can often provide additional interpretation of your results. 1830 Crawford Co., GA, E-U209, CTS9042, M4257/Z1720, CTS6779/M4041 and CTS11/M3988-, CTS5768-, CTS6212-, and CTS988-. These branches split from one another around 47,500 years ago in the horn of Africa, followed by the emergence of prominent SNP mutation E-M2 which gained footing there. This movement displaced other populations genetic traits with the now very prominent E-M2, and arrived in South Africa as early as 300 CE. The pharaoh's y-chromosome belongs to the most frequent haplogroup among contemporary Sub-Saharan y-chromosomes. Untested for P116 or P113), E-P252/U174, CTS923, CTS4938/M4665, CTS1276, Z5983, CTS9106/M4451-, Z5978-, CTS67-, CTS9806/M4660/Z1703-, CTS451-. She has authored and co-authored many peer-reviewed scientific publications, as well as general articles on genetic genealogy. One of its most common subbranches, called E1b1b, is defined by the SNP E-M215, and these terms are often used synonymously. These community projects might be relevant for your Y-DNA haplogroup based on participant results. William H. Wilson, b. in 1856, Halifax, Cty., Va. E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a (P252/U174+)(Test with Big Y), Daniel b. who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. Please order Y-DNA67 or greater and test with Big Y. Anthony Emanuel, birth 1832, p. Florida/ Carolina, - , Sandy McNair, 1855-abt 1929 Carthage N.C, USA, Patterson, b Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica, Alexander Thomas Logan b.11-2-1811 Amherst Co. VA, Essex Johnson, Chicasaw/Creek Freedman, b. BUT if youre interested in working with YDNA matchesthose who share your YDNA signatureyoull need to take a YDNA test with Family Tree DNA. O objetivo principal do Projeto E1b1a Haplogrupo a investigao da filogenia deste subclado de Haplogrupo E. Ns encorajamos todos os membros para testar suas mais profundas SNPs relevantes comBig Ypara a identificao de maior hapltipo. William H. Wilson, b. in 1856, Halifax, Cty., Va. E1b1a1a1a1c1a1a (P252/U174+)(Test with Big Y), Daniel b. Y-DNA Haplogroup projects are one of the three types of DNA projects that all Y-DNA tested men should consider joining. confirmed by SNP testing. 1793, South Carolina; d.10 Feb 1, John Bunch, acqrd 450 acres New Kent Co, VA 1662, John Bunch, born about 1630, New Kent, VA, James Sr, Harrison, 1750-1830 Sumner Co, TN, Fuel Goins, b c1828 VA, d c1864 Patrick Co VA, E-U209, CTS3603/M3906, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, CTS3243/M3667/V2580/Z1781 and CTS8026/M3850-, CTS8027/M3851-, CTS10652/M3854-(Big Y tested), E-U209, CTS6620/M4246, FGC24065, FGC24078 (Geno 2.0 and Big Y tested)(The Gambia), Lewis Hood, born about 1790; died after 1860, Young Beauregard Johnson b. Hi Lee, I am not sure, but it would be interesting to investigate more into that! ), E-U209, CTS1974, and CTS9954. 0 belong to E-Z6005 . It is an epic history that you are now carrying forward in your own genome. And then in far-away southern Africa, a notable satellite of E-M215 is found in The Lake Tanganyika region of Tanzania and Congo. Cool! El objetivo principal del Proyecto haplogrupo E1b1a es investigar la filogenia de ste subclade del haplogrupo E. Animamos a todos los miembros a probar conBig Ysu profunda pertinentes para la identificacin de SNPs haplotipos mayor. (Geno 2.0 tested), E-U209, CTS2504/M3993/Z1717, CTS3603, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, CTS3243/M3667/V2580/Z1781 and CTS8026/M3850-, CTS10652/M3854/Z1769- (Big Y tested), E-U209, CTS2504/M3993/Z1717, CTS3603, CTS11328/M3870/Z1789, Z1721?, CTS8026/M3850, CTS10652/M3854/Z1769, CTS8027/M3851 (Big Y tested)(Unchecked for "2" clade), John Bunch, b.c. 1824, E-U290, CTS99/Z1725, CTS6613, M3912/Z5953, and Y18361(8432483) (Big Y tested), E-U290, CTS99/Z1725, M3912/Z5953, CTS1387, CTS3599/Z1754, CTS5402/Z1755, CTS1201 and Z1759- Z1762- (Big Y tested), E-U290, CTS99/Z1725, M3912/Z5953, CTS7262/M3922/Z1742 and CTS3599/Z1754-, CTS1201-, CTS4442- (Big Y)(Kenyans? E1b1a - M2 Haplogroup E1b1a- V38 Project 503 public Y-DNA members 1 belong to E-Z5965 E1b1 Project E1b1 Project 1,854 public Y-DNA members 0 belong to E-Z5965 1782 VA d. 1860's Page Co, VA, Predicted E-P116+ (Test for Z1704/CTS8030, CTS9106, P116 and P113 or Big Y), Erwin Lionel Lewis Sr., b. E1b1a - M2 Haplogroup E1b1a- V38 Project 503 public Y-DNA members 5 belong to E-M58 E1b1 Project E1b1 Project 1,854 public Y-DNA members 3 belong to E-M58 For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define
Untested for downstream Z22239), E-L515, Z1893, M4279, M4274, Z22328,Y135742, Y138883 (Big Y tested), E-M191/P86, CTS3361/M4326, CTS7672/M4338, Z37648 and P252/U174- (Big Y tested)(Nigerian Esans), E-M2, Z5994 and P211- (Big Y tested)(Sierra Leone, Gambia), E-M2, Z5994, V1452.2/Z12228.2, and Z22197 (Big Y tested.
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