The excruciating pain coming from his ribs, the pool of blood beneath him as he lay on the ground. If this makes you uncomfortable please go find something Hamilton and his close friends (except Jefferson, he is an acquaintance) come to the future to watch Hamilton. Please consider turning it on! Alexander is having his usual day up in heaven when someone mentions someone is writing something about him he thinks its a book but hes very wrong. 18. A loud crack of thunder sounded as Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, the Marquis de Lafayette, Eliza Schuyler, and Angelica Schuyler appeared in what looked to be a living room. left kudos on this work! So sit back, and lets enjoy some reactions. But thats the way it is with fanfiction. They do actually try a relationship, but it doesn't work out. I will obviously tag them, though I want to warn people here. Be warned: some parts of this story will discuss topics like mental illnesses, PTSD, slavery and so on. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is my first Formula One book! But with non of the actual skill yet because they actually haven't trained, they just know it. 49. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story As the first Treasury secretary of the United States, Hamilton lacked all the stature and privilege of his fellow Founding Fathers, many of whom resented him for being a low-class upstart and possibly multiracial. To avoid being captured by the British army your Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen. Suuure. He got shot. When her mother is arrested, Lin and his wife Vanessa take her in. N. 26. Not until 2007 did the Times take its first real stab at critiquing 1776s historicity. Update: A mention of Lin-Manuel Miranda's immigrant status has been updated for clarity. Never mind that Hamilton on the whole hews extremely carefully to the facts; Hamilton's biographer Chernow was the first person to see the musical once it was written, and edited and spot-checked Hamilton for historical accuracy, serving as what we in fandom call a beta reader. Didnt happen. She's had a rough life up until now. This is toooottttallly original and not stolen from like 5 other people (Ok fine I lied. 39. Didnt happen. Finally, it was Washington who spoke in an attempt to get his boy to relax, though he was seething on the inside. There, a young woman tells them about the future and how they made a play about the people. 4. They flock to Hamilton because of everything the Founding Fathers never were. Ten Duel Commandments He's a murderer, a killer. Wanted for Murder and piracy. So basically, comment something you want the Hamilton characters to react to. Stranger by lmmfan882. 16. Racebending most often occurs in fan art, as fandoms most immediately visual medium, but its often found in fanfic too. Work Search: When Naruto woke up on graduation day, he didn't expect things to do wrong. Short and complete at 27,000 words. You are probably very confused as to why you are here, and I am here to tell you that I am the one who brought you to this location. History Has Its Eye On You Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide, Left him with nothin but ruined pride, somethin new inside, A voice saying "(Alex) you gotta fend for yourself", He started retreatin and readin every treatise on the shelf, Started workin, clerkin for his late mothers landlord, Tradin sugar cane and rum and other things he cant afford, (Scammin) for every book he can get his hands on. "W-What in all things holy are you in military a You are a smart, inventive, yet average college student trying to get your master degree, but you have one problem. Narrator: Alexander Hamilton narrates most of the show, and James Madison takes over narrating for a few songs about politics. Wait For It I am not shot by Burr. The Political AU an AU that puts the original characters and/or plots into a different or new political context. Basically, just another Hamilton watches Hamilton fanfiction. CPAC used to be a barometer. They did not travel back in time to save the world from a bleak or miserable fate. The Story of Tonight (Reprise) Killer. 32. Twists and turns will appear out of nowhere, changing perspectives for several of the viewers. Hamilton watches Hamilton in Hamilton, ft a very fed-up sailing class.-----------------------This is a redo of 'To tell a story'. 2. It almost felt like it was swallowing him. And King George will be involved in a romantic relationship with President Washington, Alex here will be a spy for the British, and pigs will fly. The whole room (minus Madison of course) bursted out laughing at the ideas Jefferson had put into their heads, and Alex reached over to give Thomas a high five. 17. "Y/N, come out from the corner." The Schuyler Sisters She spends every evening goi What happens if the hamilsquad appear in your bedroom? 19. 48. After disentangling themselves from one another, the group looked around the room, trying to discover a reason for why they were brought here. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Well, she was suspicious of it at first and she didn't want to somehow accidentally summon a demon but after her friend kept bothering her about it and she eventually bought it. 1.2K Stories. "Wow, she actually quite closely resembles me! Its summer vacation! The main reason why I wanted to write my own version of this, aside from the excuses of I wanted to write one and I wanted to post one that would actually get finished, is that I wanted to add some more historical details, both to educate the characters and to educate the audience. George felt a pang of grief. 26. 44. Weve also updated the piece to remove a reference to a specific fanfic trope and to note that Hamilton itself is RPF. 25. Wut u gonna do about it?) A school c Meet Dawn Hamilton. The room was very large, and the walls were covered with light blue wallpaper that was illuminated by the sunlight streaming in from the window. That Would Be Enough Time loops are my favourite and though just Naruto time travels to earlier that day, it's still graduation day and it focuses on team 7., Sakura thought she was a capable kunoichi until she died in the Chuunin Exam. What was going on? Can Hadrian stop a war brewing by destroying Horcruxes and raise himself? Surprise, it's your general Hamilton Watches Hamilton fanfic! -Challenges (SAFE challenges. Humour/Parody. Multiple couches surrounded a big black screen? Charlotte Andriette Vaillant, or Charlie for short, found a book online on a website one of her friends found that had a page on how to revive dead people. I DO NOT OWN HAMILTON- I ONLY OWN AL AND RYVER. The criticism of being historically inaccurate is one the New York Times has never thought it necessary to apply throughout the many decades in which it has reviewed and analyzed Hamiltons revolutionary musical forefather, the typically all-white legacy musical 1776. I hope you enjoy this! The Historical, Undercover Representatives of Revolution, Independence, the Constitution, Allegiance, Nationality, and Election (or H.U.R.R.I.C.A.N.E. 5. Why don't historians? Analyzing the Founders Chic trend in 2003, the Atlantic wrote critically of it: "In revering the Founders we undervalue ourselves and sabotage our own efforts to make improvements necessary improvements in the republican experiment they began. 48. He's perfect Y/N is a Schuyler. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A Winter's Ball Who knew these two would be friends? what happens when you take them to see hamilton? In 1982, the Times saw 1776 as "a stage crowded with living men concerned with freedom." You suck at history, American to be exact. Wait for It ", That same year, in a critique of how 1776s historical characters and their reputations have withstood historical "battering" and "revisionism," the Times managed to blame Thomas Jeffersons critics for sullying him with since-proven accusations of keeping an enslaved mistress. as well as Famously known as The Hitman Hamilton. 29. She's also the girl who proved that women deserved more credit than what they were given. The first thing Alexander Hamilton noticed when he regained consciousness was the plush seat he was sitting in. We Meet Again (Or, Washington Might Punch Burr) I dont want they to ended up together just friendship with you have something like that and that is complete please let me know and why I am talking about snape going to the next gen era, Scan this QR code to download the app now. (Y/n) goes shopping one day and meets the hamilsquad in all their glory. Thomas shook his head fondly. 9. So, I intend to write a fic that is not insufferable, with actual emotions, character arcs, relationships, and overall just do the best I can to subvert this terribly executed trope. This will include LGBTQ relationships and topics, so if that bothers you simply don't read. Take a Break REMINDER: I don't hold any ideals that the characters hold, as they are as historically accurate as I can make. Helpless It seems we cant find what youre looking for. A young woman has finally hacked the afterlife and has taken (read: stolen) a couple souls from the afterlife and brought them to a private screening theater. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I hope this letter finds you in good health. This is like any other next generation time travel story. junio 12, 2022. jonah bobo . Blow Us All Away My Shot hamilton goes to the future fanfictionbrandy slush recipe wisconsin. His eyebrows scrunched up as the last thing he remembered made its way to the front of his brain. Keep in mind that the way I write the Hamilton squad might not be strictly In Character. 8. Too bad that I didn't think about it, and now I'm stuck in a foreign time with some orphan child What happens when you an actress for Hamilton suddenly find yourself in your apartment with seven of the founding fathers. Because it can barely be discussed without spoiling chapters 727 of it feels more like a memory, every page about it leaves spoilers up to chapter 27 of it feels more like a memory unspoilered, so it's recommended you read up to those chapters before browsing this fic's trope pages. American Revolution Harry Potter | Fantasy Historical Time Magic Hamilton Crossover Time Travel Charlotte is a brilliant Ravenclaw attending Hogwarts. Just your run-of-the-mill the-musical-based-people-watch-the-play story. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Mirandas musical is fanfiction that is, its literally a creative text written by a fan that reinterprets or expands on a previously existing source material, or canon. 46. It has Hinata in it as well. Alexander Hamilton I am basing the characters on the LMM version of Hamilton and others instead of real life. Who knew Thomas would have a sense of humor?, The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father, Got a lot farther by working a lot harder, By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter, Thomas, is that you? asked Alexander, and Jefferson nodded, smiling at his former nemesis. ", Its not until the Times sets out to explicitly compare Hamilton and 1776, in 2016, that the phrase "historical inaccuracies" is associated with 1776 perhaps, primarily, so that it can be associated with Hamilton. Hamilton and the important people in his life wake up in a room with some couches and a big screen. Alexander winced at the reminder of the hurricane, and George squeezed his shoulder. What Comes Next Cookie Notice Our love for the Founders leads us to abandon, and even to betray, the very principles they fought for. Both men fired. Farmer Refuted Have in mind that this is my first long fanfiction ever and that English is not my native language. As Eliza's actress, whom according to the Playbill was named Phillipa Soo, started singing, Eliza grinned. Looking for a fanfic where the entirety of team 7 are teleported back to the day they graduated the academy, with all the memories on what will happen and what they can do in the future as well as how to do it. reapers hockey logo; malta to heathrow flight tracker; who has the biggest support celtic or rangers; Along the way falling in love with Severus of this time. It is a visual retelling of Hamiltons past, as well as one of the many future timelines that is luckily not possible due to the good Secretary accepting President Washingtons request to stay at Mount Vernon for a week. They are there to explain and guide the viewing. Magic. 7. There's two original characters, one there to explain the History side of things, and the other there to make the technical side of things make sense such as time travel. 6. 38. 34. In-Universe, Hamilton is a hit musical. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, You already know what this isThe clich Hamilton watches Hamilton with some twists. For more information, please see our Y/n found it rather easy to get to quite high status within the army, being the general's son and all. Your Obedient Servant Gives you gifts. Not one of my favourites, but it fits what you asked for better than most of my other suggestions ;), look up blackkat on ao3 (i think that's how you spell their name). storage wars auctioneer dies; biff loman characteristics. He stalks me, and claims me as his own. He was in New Jersey. Fangirl007, NoyuPJOHP, orbiqu, Insomniaismyjam, something_I_guess, Brightshade122, SimulationSolleknys, fisherkings, Spacy_Tracy, ThineOffspring, TrueChas, ScarlettEnvy26, Jessica143, WOWOHZEUS, Star5699, Moonichrome, WoolDolphin, Jaysay, MarvelBacon, A_lynx_to_the_past, lemon_flavored_stars, raeraelion, Doitfor, DuckLee216, whispering_willowing_wisps, Moonimator, sapphic_fairie, autie_the_simp, Random_Username_Insert_Here, Yuki_Kiryu, archie3040, EllaGrace, wouldyouSTFUpls, AlwaysandForever1, twforaghost, strawberrybiscuit, vahn456, RosettaRoseburn, 21happyrainbow, JustFeatherPen, TasteTheFanfics71, Tobbu_Nukes, captain_dakkar, crying_at_ikea, Lightseed, Kath_Slytherin, Bumblebee9, fudgej, BookWorm0109, VexCast28, and 810 more users It had a note attached to it. Room Where it Happens Warnings: This has some strong language and some minor *cough*EXCESSIVE*coughcough* Lams. My Shot Hurricane Numerous other biographies of the Founding Fathers soon followed, as did a 2008 biopic based on McCulloughs Adams biography. Fleur Emma Ros - The franais/espaol girl who worked in an ordinary church and wrote the newspapers. For example, Hamilton is probably going to be more subdued than other presentations. Each week, we explore unique solutions to some of the world's biggest problems. 13. The kids might 100% original "Historical cast of Hamilton and some other ppl watch Hamilton", Love Affair! I really like the movie so i decided to do a story on it. Hamilton the musical has as much to do with Hamilton the dead white Founding Father as Hamilton the dead white Founding Father has to do with Eminem and Sweeney Todd the two characters on which Miranda explicitly bases his version of Hamilton. This work shares a name with the real-life hit 2015 musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda over at Hamilton. But Mirandas blatant overidentification with his subject he also stars in the title role seems to have pushed many of them over the edge, leading to questions of whether Mirandas celebration of Hamilton may be misleading students of history. Millions turn to Vox to educate themselves, their family, and their friends about whats happening in the world around them, and to learn about things that spark their curiosity. Its modern Au. The World Turns Upside Down. What happens when she tells them they're going to react to Hamilton? The chief issue here that Peter Stone, who wrote 1776s book, compresses time and characters is exactly the same technique that Miranda uses to accomplish similar aims in his musical. 27. Putting himself and people like him at the center of musical theater has long been one of Miranda's central concerns. THE REST BELONGS TO LIN MANUEL MIRANDA. He takes on the name Hadrian, rescues himself, determind to change everything. Fans of Hamilton dont flock to the musical because of the way it transforms the Founding Fathers. 30. Brightshade122, DrummerGirl123, animecausekirisgay, flower_doggo, Okamin, FoggyFeather, Yuki_Kiryu, writing_keeps_me_alive, ilazywolf, A_lynx_to_the_past, snowyocean, sapphic_fairie, TheCatDragon, Bella_Anne, Brookiedreemurr, Jazzysmith12, VexCast28, Fanficton_weeb, claynet, NeskyTheHomosexual, greyisgrey, Izzybuggs_art, maximoon, That_weird_thing, Cissy_Pissy, JaeJae_Live, JustFeatherPen, helpimamess, Smack_me, kiyori_00, Misternogood, gizkaspice, your_boi_leon, The_only_lamp, TheUnluckyWriterTheSadArtist, SoutaEake, Koolkid123678, BEEPISLOST, Sopsalot354, MennaAfton, Daisyanna_the_Goddess, AnAstridianLibrarian, Soulless_Angel25, Monrika, Giulyanne, Sociopathic_Ally_is_a_Space_Orc, Danidoll19, LemonyCharlie, MyGenderIsFluid, fishchipmatcha, and 1027 more users
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