(C.M.C. (a) Sound generated by automobile alarm devices for and during such a reasonable period as is necessary to permit the owner to silence the device without danger of attack or injury, or to obtain the assistance of public safety officials, whichever period is shorter; June 1, 1973; r. (A) No person, regardless of intent, shall deposit litter or cause litter to be deposited on any public property, on private property not owned by the person, or in or on waters of the state unless one of the following applies: (1) The person is directed to do so by a public official as part of a litter collection drive; (2) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the person deposits the litter in a litter receptacle in a manner that prevents its being carried away by the elements; (3) The person is issued a permit or license covering the litter pursuant to Chapter 3734. or 6111. of the Revised Code. (2) If a judge in a civil action described in division (B)(1) of this section determines that, and enters of record a declaration that, a public nuisance has been abated by a receiver, and if, within three days after the entry of the declaration, all costs, expenses, and approved fees of the receivership have not been paid in full, then, in addition to the circumstances specified in division (I) of this section for the entry of such an order, the judge may enter an order directing the receiver to sell the building involved and the property on which it is located. Commission President Stephanie Summerow Dumas passed the gavel after a unanimous vote to elect Commissioner Alicia Reece as president and Commissioner Denise Driehaus as vice president. hours of 5:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., for no more than a single period of 90 (1) "Building" means, except as otherwise provided in this division, any building or structure that is used or intended to be used for residential purposes. Commissioners voted to give $2 million to the Freestore Foodbank to help offset the increased demand for food assistance expected when extra federal pandemic SNAP money stops after next month. These areas include, but are not limited to, air quality, electrical hazards, elevators, emergency/fire exits, flammable materials, garbage and debris, handrail hazards, infestation, and lead-based paint, as defined in 24 C.F.R. (3)(a) The judge in a civil action described in division (B)(1) of this section shall not appoint any person as a receiver unless the person first has provided the judge with a viable financial and construction plan for the rehabilitation of the building involved as described in division (D) of this section and has demonstrated the capacity and expertise to perform the required work and to furnish the required materials in a satisfactory manner. (b) To be eligible for appointment as a receiver, no part of the net earnings of a nonprofit corporation shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. Code, of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by ordaining supplementary Section (C) The owner of any real or personal property closed or restrained or to be closed or restrained may appear in the court of common pleas between the time of the filing of the complaint for the permanent injunction described in division (A) of this section and the hearing on the complaint, and, if all costs incurred are paid and if the owner of the real property files a bond with sureties approved by the clerk, in the full value of the real property as ascertained by the court or, in vacation, by the judge, and conditioned that the owner of the real property immediately will abate the nuisance and prevent it from being established or kept until the decision of the court or judge is rendered on the complaint for the permanent injunction, the court or judge in vacation, if satisfied of the good faith of the owner of the real property and of innocence on the part of any owner of the personal property of any knowledge of the use of the personal property as a nuisance and that, with reasonable care and diligence, the owner of the personal property could not have known of its use as a nuisance, shall deliver the real or personal property, or both, to the respective owners and discharge or refrain from issuing at the time of the hearing on the application for the temporary injunction any order closing the real property or restraining the removal or interference with the personal property. emergency, shall, between the hours from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the Program . 75-412, 50 Stat. Fines collected under this section by the township shall be paid into the general fund. the event of emergency, shall between the hours from 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 FIND US. and is on an emergency run; (3) The motor vehicle is owned and operated by the state or a political We regularly are called to assist and resolve a variety of complaints including mold . be paid into the township general revenue fund. whistle, rattle, bell, gong, clapper, hammer, drum, horn, radio, Terms of Use. vehicles or to prohibit the reasonable use of automobile warning devices, (f) Sound resulting from any work required to protect persons or property from an exposure to danger; Hamilton Township was established in 1807. Provide as much detail as possible so we can best address your complaint or question. (2) The environmental division of the municipal court has exclusive original jurisdiction of an action under this section. Rather, proceeds from the sale shall be distributed according to the priorities otherwise established by law. residence, hospitals or other residential institutions, without first Like our namesake, Alexander Hamilton, we have a feisty spirit that has helped leave our indelible mark on America. News & Announcements. (B)(1) After the filing of the complaint, an application for a temporary injunction may be filed with the court or a judge of the court. (a) Any radio, television, phonograph, tape player, record player, bullhorn, Hamilton County provides many services to residents and businesses in its many jurisdictions. 667, 12 U.S.C. Hamilton Township is conveniently positioned in South Central Warren County. Any party authorized to bring an action against the landlord shall make reasonable attempts to serve the notice in the manner prescribed in the Rules of Civil Procedure to the landlord or the landlord's agent for the property at the property's management office, or at the place where the tenants normally pay or send rent. (C) As used in divisions (A) and (B) of this section, "rest room facility" means any room or area containing one or more toilets, washbowls, or urinals; "multiple occupancy" means a rest room facility containing more than one toilet and one washbowl, or containing more than one toilet, one urinal, and one washbowl used for the purpose of eliminating human biological waste materials and commonly referred to as "lavatory," "toilet," "urinal," or "water closet.". Application process information and online application request. premises by reason of employment, agency or otherwise, whether such ownership, possession or control is exclusive or joint, shall permit a violation of this section. The County is in the process of preparing its HOME ARP Allocation Plan which includes conducting a needs assessment, gathering stakeholder and community input, and identifying how it will allocate these funds. The municipal corporation shall join as a party to the action a lienholder whose lien is being marshaled and shall notify the lienholder party that the municipal corporation is proceeding to foreclose the lien under this section and that the lienholder party may remediate the conditions of the parcel constituting blight. Anderson Township Public Works at 513-688-8400 press 4. (4) "Interested party" means any owner, mortgagee, lienholder, tenant, or person that possesses an interest of record in any property that becomes subject to the jurisdiction of a court pursuant to this section, and any applicant for the appointment of a receiver pursuant to this section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur . No special pick-ups will be made. (2)(a) Pursuant to the police powers vested in the state, all expenditures of a mortgagee, lienholder, or other interested party that has been selected pursuant to division (C)(2) of this section to undertake the work and to furnish the materials necessary to abate a public nuisance, and any expenditures in connection with the foreclosure of the lien created by this division, is a first lien upon the building involved and the property on which it is located and is superior to all prior and subsequent liens or other encumbrances associated with the building or the property, including, but not limited to, those for taxes and assessments, upon the occurrence of both of the following: (i) The prior approval of the expenditures by, and the entry of a judgment to that effect by, the judge in the civil action described in division (B)(1) of this section; (ii) The recordation of a certified copy of the judgment entry and a sufficient description of the property on which the building is located with the county recorder in the county in which the property is located within sixty days after the date of the entry of the judgment. battery-operated apparatus which produces loud sound which disturbs the PDF documents are not translated. in various kinds of paving, due regard being had to the kind of service to Please contact the number provided to lodge your complaint: City of Cincinnati (513) 357-7200. If it is finally decided that an injunction should not have been granted or if the action was wrongfully brought, not prosecuted to final judgment, dismissed, or not maintained, the defendant shall have recourse against the bond for all damages suffered, including damages to the defendant's property, person, or character, and for the reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the defendant in defending the action. (A) No person shall make available any rest room facility intended for multiple occupancy and which requires payment of money or any other thing of value for entry into the rest room facility, or for use of a toilet within, unless said person also makes available for use by the same sex, at the same location, an equal number of the same kind of rest room facilities, toilets, urinals, and washbowls free of charge. 2. Please contact the number provided to lodge your complaint: The more information you are able to provide about your complaint, including your contact information and contact information for the property owner, the more likely it is that we will be able to find a solution to the problem. This section shall, however, apply to any new operation or expansion of that business or industry which results in substantially increased noise levels from those generated by that business or industry on November 1, 2011. Sidewalks, Cincinnati Municipal Code, by amending existing Section 721-35, Enjoy the Obetz Zuccinifest, visit Hoover Y Park, play the slots or place your bets at Scioto Downs Racino. If the judge determines that the sale of the building and the property on which it is located occurred in accordance with the terms and conditions specified by the judge in the judge's order of sale under division (I)(2) of this section and that the receiver distributed the proceeds of the sale and the balance of any funds that the receiver possessed, after the payment of the costs of the sale, in accordance with division (I)(3) of this section, and if the judge approves any final accounting required of the receiver, the judge may terminate the receivership. garden or other place of refreshment or entertainment engage in, the 4313, 42 U.S.C. Section 2. The regulation governing excessive noise, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Resolution, is hereby adopted. The 2010 census found 8,260 people in the township, 4,438 of whom lived in the unincorporated portions. enjoyment of the operator of the motor vehicle and the motor vehicle's thousand dollars ($1,000.00). . No person shall erect or operate, within one hundred twenty rods of such benevolent institution, a rolling mill, blast furnace, nail factory, copper-smelting works, petroleum oil refinery, or other works which may generate unwholesome or noxious odors or make loud noises, or which may annoy or endanger the health or prevent the recovery of the inmates of such institution. distractions to other travelers using the public streets and creates a Jan. 1, 1974). When sold or transferred by the receiver in return for valuable consideration in money, material, labor, or services, the notes or certificates shall be freely transferable. who may not hear the approach of an emergency vehicle or warning horn neighborhood wherein the motor vehicle is traveling or parked; and, WHEREAS, excessive sound from the sound system of a motor vehicle causes violation of this section. (C) This section shall not apply to any of the following circumstances: (1) The sound amplifying equipment of the motor vehicle is being Where Your Always Welcome! Hamilton Township's Government. be rendered by the department. occupants and not for those using the public streets or residents of the entertainment to engage in, the playing or rendition of music of music of C. EXCESSIVE NOISE If the judge determines, at the hearing, that no interested party is willing or able to undertake the work and to furnish the materials necessary to abate the public nuisance, or if the judge determines, at any time after the hearing, that any party who is undertaking corrective work pursuant to this division cannot or will not proceed, or has not proceeded with due diligence, the judge may appoint a receiver pursuant to division (C)(3) of this section to take possession and control of the building. Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) @ District 8 Office 513-932-3030. - Loud noise. 75-412, 50 Stat. REGULATION OF NOISE AT D PERMIT LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENTS OR OTHER PREMISES THAT ARE WITHIN ANY AREAS ZONED FOR RESIDENTIAL USE (5) Any person allegedly aggrieved by another persons violation of this section may There is a playground and several football / soccer fields in addition to two baseball diamonds. Jury Duty reporting instructions and FAQs. Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the order closing the place also shall continue in effect for that further period any restraining order already issued under division (B)(2) of this section, or, if a restraining order was not so issued, the order closing the place shall include an order restraining for that further period the removal or interference with the personal property and contents located in the place. (5) "Neighbor" means any owner of property, including, but not limited to, any person who is purchasing property by land installment contract or under a duly executed purchase contract, that is located within five hundred feet of any property that becomes subject to the jurisdiction of a court pursuant to this section, and any occupant of a building that is so located. peace and quiet of the neighborhood within 500 feet of places of (A) No person shall erect, continue, use, or maintain a building, structure, or place for the exercise of a trade, employment, or business, or for the keeping or feeding of an animal which, by occasioning noxious exhalations or noisome or offensive smells, becomes injurious to the health, comfort, or property of individuals or of the public.
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