WENDELL: RELATED: Grounded: All Field Station Locations. BURG.L: The SPAC.R has worked it's magic! - Plug data into BURG.L's recipe module. WENDELL: My checklist is complete. I wonder who else has made it this long? Returning a chip to BURG.L expands its raw science inventory, allowing the player to purchase new crafting recipes and upgrades in exchange for Raw Science. Required fields are marked *. What will I be other than a failed inventor and scientist with no discoveries to his name, unable even to teach the basic of physics to a gaggle of hormonal teenagers. As a temporary solution, I've dressed the vessel in some of my old underwear. Yeah, it's Get the quest before picking it up for a free 1000RS. Sprout musculature amplification research is going swimmingly. Did they WENDELL: Expedition Member: D. Spencer My Ominent minders have requested a demonstration of the SPAC.R. It unlocks the following: The Stump BURG.L Chip is found at the end of the Stump Lab Outpost. The darkness is giving you strange notions again. Are we still small? All solved with you Mark IV's. Straight through a rooted room gets you closer to the tomb. Should anything ever happen to your internal memory, you'll need to be aware these chips exist for retrieval, so file that amongst the deep pickle and mustard knowledge or whatever. This lab is more or less a "mini-lab", but it's also the most complicated lab to traverse with its convoluted structure and dilapidated layout. Reply . WENDELL: Not to mention your most excellent moustaches. The key will be on the ground. Visions of crafts and tools drive an urge to create. WENDELL: WENDELL: I will handle the security of the Super Chips. The damned fool she hired traipsed in here with zero regard for my work below the surface. Go inside the cave (beware of spiders) and go all the way to the end, Go to the tube with bubbles rising from it, the Mossy Key will be nearby its green and laying on the ground, Fin Flops Recipe (1500 RS): Swim faster with Fin Flops, Diving Lantern Upgrade (1500 RS): Lantern lasts twice as long, Advanced Production Buildings (2500 RS): Oven, Mushroom Brick, and Mushroom Slurry, Feather Roofs (2500 RS): 8 variations of feathered roofs, Haze Cookbook (3500 RS): Larvagna and Funguspacho, Daydream Sign Set (4000 RS): New ideas to display in Sign Frame. WENDELL: BURG.L: Even my SCA.B can barely fit on my bony wrist. I've dubbed my newest creation ZIP.P Fiber. I shot awake this morning, sweaty with a memory of the frenetic energy of fitness infomercials that popped on before the kids' Saturday morning cartoon shows, and in those early hours being annoyed at the greasy glow of skin stretched tight over bursting muscles screaming about some new trivial invention, veins bulging with hot blood. ", BURG.L: WENDELL: Be careful of the ants wandering there. WENDELL: her dorsal I did slap! No everything appears to be the same. Now, Hualapai Mountain Park protects Hualapai Peak and its natural fauna and flora. Returning chips to it expands its purchasable raw science inventory. You'll want to enter the door on your right. Is this a bug, or is there some way to complete the quest after you've already done it once (like the crafting . WENDELL: WENDELL: WENDELL: I'll either find the answer, or shrivel in the darkness below. Surveyor System Reboot: Test 01 Each chip unlocks new purchasables in BURG.L's Science Shop. [glass shattering followed by an alarm as the recording device falls to the ground]. [inhales deeply] I'll need to find another way to strengthen the zip lines. It will unlock new recipes, tools, and many more items in the crafting menu. Usage: It is inserted into the Mysterious Machine to beat the game. This IGN guide will detail everything you'll need to know about getting all 10 BURGL Chips, with information on where they are and how to get them. Remove the wolves, and elk run wild and strip the land. Legend has it, only ghosts of trail markers left behind by doomed explorers remain. The only way to know for sure is to infuse myself with, uh variable doses. This Thanksgiving, I spend with my new friends. The SCA.B User Manual is unlocked at the start of the game. Her big wiggly mouth, That rules out the kids and Mr. Henderson. Perhaps no. Each member of the Tully family--excepting yours truly--looks at Brussels sprouts, the great cabbage of Belgium, with utter disdain. Like a baby toe after a long bath. Log 88.07.01. Results This time you've gone top far, Wendell Tully. Finding all the BURG.L chips in Grounded is going to take some work. You will come across some water, swim through it. Weatherproofing of the platform components is holding up quite well. Grounded: Location of All 10 BURG.L Chips. WENDELL: Category SPAC.R Safety Test A Wendepunkt! Expedition Member: A. Miller "Rake Rock Point is but one of many lost sites in this land. Moreover, there are 4 areas of the lab to be discovered the fourth and final area is also the main lab. As we sit perched in the cliff face down here, away from the street noise and pervasive fauna, it seems we can do some real long term, undisturbed work. WENDELL: Until then, I'll have BURG.L set up a feed from Pond Outpost Alpha where I'll be conducting some research for a while and lock it with a kill switch for the door I can operate. The Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip aka Outpost Chip is one of the missing BURG.l Chips in the grounded game. The subsequent breaches in the lab structures have invited all manner of arachnid invaders to wander in. Good bye. But that movement and excitement, that's what's missing. Click here to check our reviews and profile. They are likely to come across several Soldier Ants along the way. Oh, Euclidean space, you fickle mistress. Their heavy handed programming leaves a room for improvement in the attitude department, and heaven forbid BURG.L will ever have to interact with it. All I care about is the documentation of whatever this terminated employee has gotten up to, getting back to normal size, and putting this all to rest. "Plank Cliff is but one of many lost sites in this land. Legend has it, only ghosts of trail markers left behind by doomed explorers remain. Anyway, as usual, the odds are stacked against me. Hm hm no no definitely not. This is because you may face some Diving Bell Spiders in this cave. Best. Grass Floor recipe is in the bundle Multi-Story Bases and cost 1.000 Raw Science. This chip is the reward for the BURG.L quest, Chipsleuth, Grave Robbery. Legend has it, only ghosts of trail markers left behind by doomed explorers remain. Stop it, Wendell. Published Oct 4, 2022 This guide contains full details on the Mossy Key in Grounded, an item that can be used to obtain the Sunken Outpost BURG.L Chip. Partial success. Nitration System: Operational We get along just fine. WENDELL: If I ever get my hands on that Schmector, I'll snap him like a dry Billy Hog. WENDELL: I though hiding these lab units in the hedge would provide a bit of protection from my rampaging children WENDELL: If only they could taste the meals BURG.L had prepared these past few weeks. It produces items autonomously over time, similarly to the Cookery, Glue Masher, Oven, and Spinning Wheel. Now that you're in, follow the main path forward, and you'll reach an open room. One of the trickiest Burgl Chips is the Fish Bowl, which is particularly hidden away. You may wish to wash your hands before returning to work. I will see to it myself. "Toad Swamp is but one of many lost sites in this land. WENDELL: Basking in the light of the cruel sun that baked them like red, red raisins. WENDELL: which then winked at me. Grounded: Location of All 10 BURG.L Chips October 6, 2022 Grounded Crafting Guide December 2, 2021 Grounded Quests Guide November 16, 2021 Grounded: Location of All 74 Milk Molars October 29, 2022 Grounded: The Pond Mission Walkthrough December 18, 2020 Categories Age of Wonders: Planetfall (2) American Fugitive (2) Ancestors (2) Away (5) The location players will need to go is just south of the picnic table where the white-water pipe is. In this Quest, you have to analyze the non-analyzed item. Shouldn't you be tending to your tasks instead of eavesdropping through the intercoms? I'm still annoyed by Dr. Klein's attitude at the barbecue when I confided in him about my success. It's worth noting that condensed science, the spongy evolution of this miraculous particle, is very sensitive to heat stimulants. I should gather my thoughts. WENDELL: Cell Volume: 0.000648524 mL He also provides a variety of tasks via using the ASL Terminal, as well as access to the Science Shop. There are three main parameters of BURG.L in the Grounded game. Dr. Tully created it while he was working on designs for an automated burger restaurant. You'll have to unlock the door from the terminal located in the other room across from you to get to it. Your Youtube Subscription will push Spy to the top. WENDELL: This guide will tell you where to find the Jungle Temple and how to get the passwords need to access the BURG.L chip within. BURG.L Transcription Unit 87.11.22. Never in all the years of knowing her has she given me such a cold, immovable ultimatum: my science or my family. Please don't call me, I won't answer. WENDELL: I was being sarcastic! In this guide, we will tell you the location of the Sunken Treasure BURG. Usage: It is used to open the sunken chest located in the Pond Depths that contains the Sunken Outpost Chip. WENDELL: WENDELL: You need to find these chips to get advanced crafting ideas from BURG.L. Side note, I'm worried Ominent's shoddy manufacturing of the lab pieces will cause them to fall apart over time, but they will do for now. Raw Science Power: 90.0 dJ Cordycepin receptors show innate attraction to the vessel's protocereberal mass. Now, to refine it further and find a use for it Just remember to keep an eye on it during production. What are the chances for "less"? Department: External: Special Forces But perhaps his indiscretion has worked in my favor in this instance, and I will have the last laugh. Every super chip stored important data about the machine. I have no idea what the point of the intern is. This new body will allow me to continue my research. Castle Moldorc? Web production is plentiful and all extruded samples measure tensile strength levels far superior to that of any natural arachnid. Most of the missing BURG. The Mossy Key is under the pipe, pick it up and get out of the cave. If I showed that it worked, surely they could not argue with results WENDELL: BURG.L: asked with my heart big n' true, I need you to monitor these readings BURG.L. Goodbye flora turns into goodbye fauna. How do you like that, Director Schmector? You'll find the Chip behind them, both resting against the wall. Eventually, you'll reach a room with Slime Mold Stalk growing from the roof and a hole right underneath it. WENDELL: You can access the shop by talking to BURG.L and selecting the option to trade Raw Science. "Complete marker at: Stepping Stone Summit". Could it have been BURG.L? WENDELL: What a pathetic state of affairs overrun by an enraged ant colony, and here I stand naked--naked!--to the unblinking eyes spying upon my every move. Every week there are new videos on Grounded, Grounded: Location of All 52 SCA.B Schemes, Grounded: Location of All 45 Mega Milk Molars, Grounded 1.0, Tips and Tricks For New Players. WENDELL: And yet WENDELL: Notes: BURG.L: The project was shut down and I was shown the door. I knew it might be too great a risk to liberate that equipment from them. I have isolated the source of the particle irregularities. The body knows when it's lacking something. One of these days, I'm going to reprogram TAYZ.Ts for maintenance work. It's made the Roby's way. Results Robot, I need you to monitor these power fluctuations and inform me if they exceed acceptable limits. You'll need to enter through that hole. WENDELL: The machine itself continues to operate as expected. Audio file downloaded: Dr. Wendell Tully. I saw the antenna poking out of the hedges at the side of the dwelling, and today I'll climb up and over the exterior power outlet and into the branches to document it up close. Well, I'll stay out here, roasting in the sands, observing the great plodding fool, Dr. Wendell Tully, coming and going as he pleases as he becomes no more than beef jerky haunting his back yard. This anthill is full of soldier ants, so you can either run past them or wear ant armor to stop them from attacking you. It can only be accessed after defeating the boss and unlocking the door. WENDELL: Ugh, the tapes "Minor transcription errors," Tully, you massive dunce. But why? And now, wrinkled, withered, a nugget. Follows the list of quests and chips that you will find. We could harness this cycle and put it to use. So too, an interest in Magic: The Gathering has persisted since Williams youth, and he can frequently be found watching Magic streams on Twitch and reading over the latest set spoilers. WENDELL: I've begun drawing up schematics for a kind of turduckened aquaponics-inspired lab setup on the deep pond substrate where we can just tap into the natural systems already at play, with a few enhancements of course. Today, Trudy asked, or rather, insisted I take a break from my work for a family day. Moreover, this list will also entail further details such as upgrades each chip unlocks, a map, and various tips. There are four Super BURG.l Chips in the Grounded game. WENDELL: A mystery box with no lid. I mean a vector! But the lab is locked and only can be unlocked using Assistant Manager Keycard. When you will reach Oaktree, you will find BURG.L in the lab. Couple that with the strange radio signals I've been receiving and I no longer think this facility is safe. WENDELL: To reach it, they will need to go into the anthill and travel straight through the tunnel. I should confront him, big or small. WENDELL: Everyone, please stay in your seats! What could it be An ant! WENDELL: Appending "monitor power fluctuations" to my prime directive list. Traversing this broken lab the entire yard for that matter, has become untenable. Therefore, I'll be molding the shape of these implants at low power. One success after another! I miss my family. When you reach the last point of the cave, youll find a pipe there and you can also get oxygen from this pipe. How to Find the Jungle Temple Burg.L Chip Location WENDELL: Alternatively, players may encounter the Mossy Key before they have an understanding of where it is to be used. WENDELL: Box obliterated. First of all, let us tell you who is BURG.L in the Grounded game. Go there and mark it according to the objective. Surely not - surely not. Use the lever to open the door which will let you find BURG.L. WENDELL: Upon embiggening, subjects will be inspected and tested to ensure proper functionality. Come play sometime! Where to Find the Cold Blood Chip in Grounded To find the Cold Blood chip in Grounded, you have to do is go to the southernmost area of the map. Forgive me Dr. T-T-Tully, did you say you wanted mushrooms on that? Grounded | S1EP3 | Sunken Treasure BurgL Chip | Swim Fins, Gill Tube and Diving Bell Helmet - YouTube If you want to hang out and chat here is a link. In order to control this vessel, I've rigged a neural relay to the antennal lobes. Two of the world's leading chip manufacturersIntel and TSMCare increasing their US-based manufacturing presence by building new plants in Arizona. 15. Legend has it, only ghosts of trail markers left behind by doomed explorers remain. Just think of the practical application! Ominent may not believe in it, but I know its potential. :DFeel free to join my Discord and get up to date information when I go live on Twitch! Nearly seven months now. Reply . "H" for safety. BURG.L, I'd like to summarize the results of today's MIX.R trials. In the fascinating backyard in Grounded, theres an ample variety of items, perks, and other equipment scattered across every region in the game. Nonetheless, this is a complete exoneration! Below these wastelands lies a mighty fortress guarded by soldiers clad in armor dark as night. Camille Holder is a creative-oriented content writer, storyteller, artist, and digital marketer. "Great Oak Beacon is but one of many lost sites in this land. BURG.L: WENDELL: The Hedge in the bottom-right corner of the map is the region thats reminiscent of a sideways L shape. Hopefully, I can conclude these experiments before I run out of tighty whities. I have become old well before my years. Time: 2:10 AM It is a machine that has the power to shrink any object times over, unleashing the power of the miniature world! In most cases, these items will be pieces of Armour that the players has already crafted, meaning that a player may want to disassemble any of the items that BURG.L has them craft to conserve resources. When you get to the second fan, swim to the bottom, and you'll see a chest you'll need to open with the key you just got. Mushrooms? This area of the grasslands is ridden towering wood and tons of bracket fungi. Each chip you find and bring back to BURG.L will allow him to sell you more schematics and crafting recipes. "Hello and welcome to Roby's Classic Automated Burger Shop, my name is BURG.L, and I will be taking your order today. I'm nearly out of time. I will never forget this moment. Reaching the depths will change your current task to " Explore the Depths ". Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science. Thats all! If you pick it up and dont redeem any blueprint, are you ever able to redeem anything? He thought I could not hear him WENDELL: WENDELL: Wrote code to alter surveyor frequency every five seconds keeping it hidden from this mysterious static. It unlocks the following: The Picnic BURG.L Chip is located in a chest on top of the Picnic Table in a chest located in the Minotaur Maze's End. Who can blame Trudy? I can see it in their eyes. Shut down the facility! As you know, BURG.L always tries to keep you busy in the game by providing some daily quests and tasks. One by one we will make the best gaming community of all time. Phase Two will entail Raw Science infusion in the attempt to strengthen web production, much like my earlier ZIP.P tests. Generation 4 being taught the rhythm of the flesh in a way the fungal networks could transmit was certainly key; Each node is performing in tandem at peak efficiency. To unlock this chest, you need to find the Minotaur key first. Click here for the full Grounded Quest and Collectible Guide. BURG.L: This is Dr. Wendell Tully, signing off. Roblox Wacky Wizards All Pets | How-To Get Them? Turn it off! Perhaps in solitude, free from my family, from BURG.L, from Ominent Perhaps I can finally find a cure to this damnable raisining. The Woodpile chip was introduced in the , This chip can be found at the secret Hedge lab on the Southeast side of the map. Your task will be to stash the rest. Trudy and the kids will come back. The Chip will be in the first room to your left as soon as that happens. I'm going to make my way west, around the BBQ. Below is a picture of where the lab entrance is located. When you reach there, use the Mossy key to unlock this chest and open it. It was the zip-line that captured my imagination. As you enter the anthill, stick to the left-hand side, being sure to always take the left-hand path. WENDELL: Success. WENDELL: As you know, BURG.L always tries to keep you busy in the game by providing some daily quests and tasks. The smell is almost unbearable. An insect with a human mind. I have noted in some of our interactions that he has been taking liberties with my instructions besides his usual displays of incompetence. Eh, the joys of getting older. Things were going well until Sarah threw yet another toy into the hedge! The chip is in the middle room of the cave, go there and take the chip to BURG.L. All Password Scribbles are found in the Hedge Lab. Grow Nodes: Operational Oh and how they delight violating my workspace. Find all the BURG.L chips to unlock new recipes to purchase in Grounded. To my lab underneath the shed. BURG.L chips are little research cards hidden in various locations in Grounded. WENDELL: I am here in the backyard. [clear throat] However as BURG.L indicates, there is some minor, insignificant Raw Science leakage. It will take several more tests before my human brain can acclimate to such an oddly wonderful view of the world. Finally, my genius is recognized! When you get there, jump into the water and swim past the buildings in the picture below. Remember to Like, Subscribe and hit that notification bell for more videos! The primary goal is to open the door labeled "Sector A". Department: Ant King It cannot be something else. This chip unlocks the following: Auxiliary BURG.L Chips are not needed for story progression, but do supply useful recipes. This is the first BURG.L Chip that becomes accessible in the game, right in Oak Lab. Of our future. Date: 09.20.89 SCA.B Scanner: SCA.Bs (2000 RS): An upgrade for the SCA.B Scanner module that allows it to detect other nearby SCA.Bs that are not currently attached to a human host. Why just the other day, I heard him humming a tune about grilling. You can also upgrade tools with the help of BURG.L in exchange for some Raw Science. WENDELL: WENDELL: WENDELL: So find the super tech chips and return them to the BURG.L and then he will tell you how to repair the SPAC.R machine. I am so sure of it. Once you go into the lab, the room will be sideways. WENDELL: And yet mealtime after mealtime it is recklessly cast aside! "Fallen Oak Branch is but one of many lost sites in this land. It will also help you in gaining some Raw Science. Date: Nov 25 1989. Prepared by BURG.L. I cannot bear to look upon myself any longer. In this post, we'll talk about the "How To Find the Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip" aka Outpost Chip in the grounded game. Dialing back to generation 9's parameter set to find a path forward. Failure. WENDELL: I believe them to be far superior to the Mark IIIs. WENDELL: As you know, BURG.L always tries to keep you busy in the game by providing some daily quests and tasks. Past a tunnel of red rests a soul that is dead. That menu is being printed now and should be ready for review in approximately 12 weeks. No change from last week, but I feel we're on the cusp of something here, and I've got an idea. It had research chips within its CPU, until they were lost around the backyard. WENDELL: I do not know how this is possible. WENDELL: The BURG.L Chips that require quest or area completion are listed with a video guide. WENDELL: One simple change can disrupt the entire ecosystem. There is another BURG.L chip on this location named grave robbery BURG.L chip. Consciousness transfer procedures will now begin. You can enter by either jumping into the hole or building to it. A room in which life peers in, but dares not swim., Deep in the dark of the murkiness dwells a treasure that sleeps in a counterfeit shell. Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully. I've thought around this in circles for days now, and I've come to a decision. Quite. No baseballs, no Flingman disks no more throwing! WENDELL: You can find this chip in the anthill at the west. :DI am now on PC under the handle Dinodut91! WENDELL: Yes. Most of the journey will require players to walk across many branches falling anywhere throughout the process will require players to start over. after another argument, of course. Compiling flavor profile compatibility Generation 7 fitness stable. It is guarded by the Termite King and many other Termite Workers. Location: Undershed Lab Funny that it doesn't tell the mind why, though. At the time of writing this we've already removed the cumbersome stem from the growth process, rendering these axillary buds longing for a new system to be a part of. Snubbed. It's a shame that cellular maturity is required for the sprouts to become viable as a product, but something about reaching advanced biological age is incompatible with the expanding process. When you enter the hill, follow the path down. WENDELL: I feel the senility at the edges of my thoughts. The Mossy Key is in the depths of the pond, and its recommended players equip their best diving gear and a reliable light source. Do we still abide by the way? Neither Ominent, nor insect, nor robot will have access to my research now. Chip as well as the Mossy key, which unlocks the treasure chest. WENDELL: Surveyor system reboot complete. BURG.L, please bring up all lab data about the unknown particles. The blundering scientist flees across the desert, and the raisined engineer follows! Some interest, but not enough to lure her from her lair. A little insurance that my progress on Raw Science enrichment doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Just like my legacy. I had felt so sure of it! However, the lab is locked unless you find the, For this chip, complete the Pond lab quest first. I can't spare to lose an important research station to Ominent's shoddy manufacturing practices. When you enter this cave, equip the underwater Lantern and a weapon. WENDELL: Order Number 20. I'll need to find a way to ramp up unit production for the yields necessary to pursue my raisinification therapy experiments. The safest way to acquire this chip is to clear all the enemies surrounding the area in the woodpile. For a list of all collectible BURG.L Tech Chips, see BURG.L, For a list of all landmarks, see Landmarks, For a list of all creature cards, see Creature Cards. To do this, visit BURG.L in the oak lab and choose the option, I found a BURG.L chip. He will snatch it out of your hand and put it in his noggin. BURG.L chips locations BURG.L is a valuable little robot in Grounded. Prices on steel cable are ridiculous, so I have been forced to proceed with my original idea: spider thread. Some interest, but not enough to lure out into the open. But perhaps I can convince him that they were miniature dice. [Imitating Thor] It's so rad Dad. WENDELL: When you get in the Pipes, you'll need to make a right and see a hole you can swim further down into. That will advance your building experience in the game. I have told him again and again to eliminate that unnecessary function from his programming, and yet still I know he harbors secret thoughts of grilling WENDELL: What do we look like, now? I'll need to review my security protocols to make sure no further contamination occurs. The important thing is that I have done it! Complete failure. BURG.L Transcription Unit 89.03.23. I have diverted my remaining strength into finding a cure for this malady this raisinification, if you will. Strange noises, stranger occurrences. Source Buried Treasure Sunken Bone (Node) Location Pond Depths Pond Lab Turbine Outpost Analysis Unlocks Bone Dagger Bone Trident Bubble Helmet Initial diagnostics indicate that everything is in working order and ready to begin the brussels sprouts live testing phase using the automated hydroponic, aquaculture microphonics system, erHAMS, I suppose, going forward. WENDELL: WENDELL: After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. The big brains over at Mouthtown came back with nothing but the grand idea to grind them up into crunchy gristle for the breakfast table. Already? Players that want to collect everything in the game, as well as unlock new recipes, will need to hunt these down. TRIAL 14: Bee, berry Follows the list of quests and chips that you will find. Interference uses a broad, roving spectrum of frequencies. May this new lab be a shining beacon in the desert. Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. BURG.L also gives optional quests to help you find the Chips. To reach that location, you need to go near the juice box near the Oak tree and then jump into the water. Perhaps if combined with ladybug meat? Like the grey wolves of Yellowstone, these apex predators are an essential cog in a well-oiled machine. Our wilted petits choux need to get pumped up! WENDELL: If you pick it up and dont redeem any blueprint, are you ever able to redeem anything? Why just the other day, Trudy said that the stress is putting wrinkles on my face. WENDELL: Please be careful not to get carried away. I've been observing from a distance, but I saw the intern the other day he doesn't seem well. Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully. I digress. This is a momentous occasion. There'll be a key touching some roots that you'll need to pick up. An upgrade to the fin flops that allow the wearer to swim even faster. I specialize in cooking, flipping, and grilling. Harvesting is typically 90 days out, but initial tests show small sprouts are ready within the span of a week. WENDELL: Each spot marked should be suitable for defense in the event the local creatures are just as huffy as our friends bearing down on the blast doors. To makes matters worse, my laboratory has continued to be the focus of black ants! WENDELL: WENDELL: Upon entering the pipe, turn to the right until youve reached the end. The daily ducking and dodging of whatever the yard has in store as my mind and body withers and fades. BURG.L is a friendly robot with a male voice found in the Oak Lab. Canteen Upgrade (5000 RS): Upgrades the canteen recipe so it can hold more liquid. If anyone can find a way out of a rats nest, it's gonna be a lawyer! Hm? The Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip aka Outpost Chip is one of the missing BURG.l Chips in the grounded game. You will find this chip inside the cave in the western Anthill. Date: 09.22.89 Though noxious, the broodmother could not resist the bait. Below are all the hunter quests in Grounded. For full clarity, the position of the chest has been marked on the following map, and there is a reward for survival game fans to claim inside the container.
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