Are bills set to rise? "There's no way people would've been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that weren't invented until 2500 years later. [4] He translated most of the glyphs before he died in 2004. [13] All creek and river beds are dry, and we are dismayed. She spoke to us of how hard she was working to save this and other sacred areas of Australias Original peoplefrom destruction, vandalism or sale by the government. The Gosford Hieroglyphs, or "Gosford Glyphs" for short, are a series of strange, deep-cut markings on a rock in Hunter Valley, New South Wales. [11] During his translating, Von Senff used several logical fallacies such as "The fact that it is a Proto-Egyptian scrip, hence pre-dynastic, is fully overlooked by experts. [11] He is never again to stand beside the waters of the Sacred Mer. Gosford Hieroglyphs - Our Mysterious Earth Near Gosford NSW (60km North of Sydney) on the Central Coast of Australia a few kilometers down a dirt bush track can be found the Australian Mystery. It was not long before they were both bustling with enthusiasm over what they were discovering! Donald Trump releases song with Jan 6 defendants as he vows to forge on with 2024 presidential campaign, Protests break out in Iran as more schoolgirls hospitalised after suspected poisoning, With Russian forces closing, Svyat rolled the dice in the last days before Bakhmut fell, China should pursue 'peaceful reunification' to resolve 'Taiwan question', premier tells parliament, Barb has been boating around her outback station for months but she's not complaining, Man discovers two highly venomous species battling in his shed, Tens of thousands of pigs and buffalo pegged for mass culls in Kakadu, in bid to curb feral animals. Distance: Two hours will give you plenty of time for the 3km return trip. Hidden Inca Tours. First sighted in Australia in the 1900s, it is said that the enigmatic set of symbols carved on a massive rock has been present in local folklore more than a century. Kariong was once believed to mean meeting place in the local Aboriginal language, and that is how it is described by the Geographical Names Board.[2]. No-one knows who made them or when, although some suspect it was returned soldiers camping in the bush following World War I. Its more likely they were carved in the 1970s, but their true origin remains a mystery. The Gosford Glyphs, also known as Kariong Hieroglyphs, are a group of approximately 300 Egyptian-style hieroglyphs located in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. In fact, we were grateful to be introduced to many fascinating people that day, all coming together in the interest of protecting this siteand honoring its historical and multi-level significance. Many believe they have Egyptian origins. THE EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHS ON THE WEST WALL: mighty one of Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Adzes. [8] The Sun is pouring down upon our back! [16] Seated all aside, our men watched the funeral, with concern and deep love. We all knew that a much more thorough and in-depth examination would be necessary- but, we went ahead and filmed a short video of their findings to present to our hosts. Situated a considerable distance from the walls, and separated from the claims of what was supposed to be fraudulently concocted solely on those two walls, what was carved here is even more sensational. They are found in an area known for its Aboriginal petroglyphs, just between Gosford and Woy Woy, within the Brisbane Water National Park. Others think they may have been the work of a creative local living in the area, or reflect the Egyptology craze that swept the world following the discovery of Tutankhamuns tomb. Wiza. > Subscribe to our weekly newsletter> About Us> Contact Us> Terms and Conditions> Privacy Policy, > About Us > Contact Us > Terms and Conditions > Privacy Policy. From here it is an easy walk to the glyphs. Australia Hieroglyphics Gosford. The Most Popular Urban Mobility App in Sydney. A visitor information centre for the Central Coast is located just off the Central Coast Highway, near the entry to the Mount Penang Parklands. How Did A Major Cooling Event 8,200 Years Ago Affect Hunter-Gatherers? Copyright Ancient Code. "It wouldn't be at all surprising for someone who'd had this fascination for Egypt to have done the same thing up there.". An Egyptologist from Sydney's Macquarie University has rejected any new claims about one of the most mysterious and controversial sites on the New South Wales Central Coast, known as the 'Gosford Hieroglyphs'. [2], The glyphs were first reported by Alan Dash, a local surveyor in Gosford, in the 1970s. The glyphs site at Kariong features almost 300 engravings on two sandstone walls, which some believe are an example of an early form of Egyptian writing and have drawn widespread interest over the years. "Egyptologist debunks new claims about 'Gosford glyphs', The stories and legends behind the hieroglyphs in Kariong, "Ancient Egyptians lived near Woy Woy: fact or fantasy? Researchers say new discoveries around the mysterious 'Gosford Hieroglyphs' site on the New South Wales Central Coast, have re-ignited debate over whether the region was once visited by ancient Egyptians. Some archaeologists have proposed that they may be from Australian soldiers who had been in the area based on other occurrences of "Egyptian" writing and culture being created by Australian soldiers in the area. Kariong is considered the entry point to the Central Coast as it borders the Pacific Motorway M1. For decades now, locals of the New South Wales Central Coast have debated the authenticity of a series of hieroglyphs carved into a hidden rockface in the Brisbane Water National Park. Steven Strong says the indigenous oral tradition, which is passed down from generation to generation, does accept there was an ancient Egyptian presence on this land. "If by any chance they had reached Australia, you'd expect them to land on the west coast rather than over on the east coast," he said. blessed by the falling nights, when I hidemyself. (2012, December 14). The engraving is ancient, carved by an artist aware of an African animal and Egyptian deity supposedly unknown until the British invasion. Theres no way people wouldve been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that werent invented until 2500 years later. They are encased in a natural paradise, known to be a sacred area, as a meeting place (in separate locations) for both men and women. [23] Oh God, reach down your hands, and make the Land green. Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article, These engineers break their silenceafterdecade of criticism over2011 Queensland flood handling, Police shoot man dead after being called to reported domestic violence incident in Sydney's south west, Anna called police to report an assault, but it backfired and she lost her home. Last February, Beatrice Awyan and I embarked on a journey of discovery to both New Zealand and Australia as I was invited to present a series of lectures in Auckland, NZ and Melbourne, AU. [1] They glyphs were "discovered" in the mid to late 20th century. Most Egyptologists who have professional experience or formal education in translating Egyptian glyphs have said that the glyphs have quite a few inconsistencies and they have yet to verify or provide a translation, so Johnson likely had to make a few assumptions in order to translate the glyphs.[4]. [4] Up until their discovery, the site of the glyphs was engulfed with sand and rocks, and had overgrown vegetation. Furthermore, The National Parks and Wildlife Service maintains the engravings are not authentic and a professor from Macquarie Universitys Ancient History Department, Boyo Ockinga shares the same views. Pasco, L. (2011, May 17). The glyphs have since been dismissed as a hoax by authorities and academics after their . All rights reserved. ", He suggested that the glyphs might have been made in the 1920s by Australian soldiers when there was general interest in ancient Egypt after the uncovering of the Tomb of Tutankhamun at that time. "There's a second shaft that runs down and the third one is a gallery that is big enough to park a car in." "I listen to the original people for my history," he said. They were first reported in 1975 by Alan Dash, a local surveyor who had been visiting the area for seven years. Our Harts are overturned, but not broken. Translated: This is what the 5,000-year-old ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia say. "These are things that don't relate to the walls but it's all around the walls." We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy writing it. The site includes an engraved Ankh, an essential accompaniment to Thoth, placed alongside an Ibis footprint (Thoth's recent animal counterpart) and the 'River of Life'. Click here to subscribe to Playing in Puddles newsletter and this awesome feature will be emailed straight to you. The closest to the glyphs, almost directly above, is a cluster of 14 stars which was charted and analysed through astro-cartography software at Sydney University and returned a date of 4,500 years. In 1983, David Lamber, then a rock art conservator for the National Parks and Wildlife Service, found some clean-cut hieroglyphs which he estimated to be less than twelve months old. 82 Outdoor Activities on the Central Coast, Kids Birthday Parties on the Central Coast, The Best Things for Toddlers + Preschoolers. Is this our lot from the highest God of the Sacred Mer? They glyphs were "discovered" in the mid to late 20th century. Evidently the interest in Egyptian culture was enough to know correct glyphs but not enough to know the chronology of those glyphs. [4] Other theories for their creation include high school students who copied them from their textbooks in the 1970s and a Yugoslavian immigrant with an interest in Egyptology who etched them in the early 1980s. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service [Scan of a Letter]. [18] We walled in the side entrance to the chamber. The glyphs are carved into two parallel sandstone walls about 15 m (49 ft) long. Then prince Nefer-Djesed and the ship's crew mummified and buried Nefer-Ti-Ru in between the walls that the glyphs are carved on. The carvings were first formally reported in 1975 by Alan Dash, a local surveyor working for Gosford Council who had been visiting the area for seven years without seeing the glyphs. [4], Von Senff is one of the biggest supporters of the Gosford Glyphs being legitimate Egyptian carvings. The consensus amongst Egyptologists who have visited and studied the glyphs is that they are a hoax, and one filled with several inconsistencies and errors. Since their discovery in the 1970s, they have long been dismissed as fakes by authorities and most experts but there are still ongoing attempts to prove the theory they were carved by . There was an increase in interest over Egyptian culture after the discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, so it's very plausible that some of the soldiers at the time knew about ancient Egyptian culture and hieroglyphs. 1. But a group of researchers led by historian Steven Strong has recently discovered a new smaller set of hieroglyphs nearby, and is also investigating a complex, labyrinth of angular tunnels cut deep into the rock beneath the original set of engravings. On this large platform, Strong and his team saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols. The Macquarie University Professor, along with many others, has his own explanation for the mysterious inscriptions. Our Harts are overturned, but not broken. Two geoglyphs that are truly unique to North America. Boyo Ockinga. Please see our full disclosure for further information. 5. Over the past year we have discovered or have been shown seven pieces of evidence/archaeology that is strongly suggestive of ancient Egyptian involvement. After we announced our journey, we were delighted to receive invitations from Sonya van Gelder and Steve & Evan Strong, to visit the Gosford Glyph site with them to view what many believe to be very ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs carved on 2 very large sandstone rocks in a remote area in the forest. [14] We gave egg-yolk from the medicine-chest. Close to the site is a never before seen by non-Aboriginals until discovered very recently, rock platform covered with a set of sacred engravings of considerable significance. Heres How To Get Started! According to numerous pieces of evidence, the ancient Egyptian civilization was extremely well-developed, which allowed them to construct powerful trans-oceanic ships, which according to numerous authors, may have taken them not only to the American continent but Australia as well. The site is in the west Gosford suburb of Kariong off Woy Woy Road in the Brisbane Waters National Park approx 100 kms north of Sydney just off the F1 Freeway. Thinking About Homeschooling Your Kids? "For example, there's a sphynx and pyramids that have been carved out of the sandstone and we know that was done by an Australian soldier who was in a hospital in the vicinity," he said. 3. "That's a chronological discrepancy," he said. No purchase necessary. Read Article. Carefully find your way through the path in the scrub, then clamber up through the rocks to discover the glyphs on sandstone walls. Written byEllen Lloyd -, Copyright All rights reserved. [8] Von Senff also referred to the late Ray Johnson as "Australia's foremost Egyptologist" in the dedication of his book on the Kariong Glyphs, so is is clear he holds a lot of respect for his predecessor. The next most common countries of birth were England 5.0% and New Zealand 2.3%. According to "Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums", "Dr. Hans Dieter Von Senff has a degree in Multicultural Studies from Newcastle University. [15] It was a hard time for all of us, weeping over the dead body, and keeping to the protocol. The Gosford Glyphs are a set of nearly 300 engravings in Brisbane Water National Park in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. [24] A necklace was placed by his side, A Royal token, signifying: Heavens Gift, as from thou! It is not magnetic nor made of iron ore or lead, and took Aunty Minnie half an hour to clean off the dirt, and may well be an ancient Egyptian relic, perhaps one of Nefer-Ti-Rus personal effects. The Gosford Glyphs are a set of nearly 300 engravings in Brisbane Water National Park in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. Late Period of Egypt. The Gosford Glyphs Wall of Kariong and Gosford, Australia have been enigma for some years, because of the kind of Egyptian Hieroglyph writings or the peculiar usages and patterns of symbols not common in Old or Middle Kingdom Period in Egypt but that of a later period i.e. In his view, this information, alongside the story deciphered in the Gosford Glyphs - about two high ranking Egyptians who were shipwrecked in this area over 4,500 years ago - points to a . In the first documented report of the glyphs "[Alan] Dash investigated the site and noticed some hieroglyphs carved along the western wall of sandstone, although at the time nothing was carved into the eastern wall." The message is simple: it confirms not only the death of Nefer-Ti-Ru but the exact place of his internment.
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