You'll have 10 cycles and five water level options at your disposal for tackling tough stains. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: KUPPET Mini Portable Washing Machine. By COMFEE'. 5 CYCLE SELECTIONWash your laundry with this superior BLACK+DECKER best portable washer. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Sampeyan bisa milih saka macem-macem kapasitas kanggo omah, apartemen, asrama, utawa RV. Source: Snrachadh. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Make sure the nozzle is securely in the sink. Nalika aku hubungi wong-wong mau, padha ngandika ana garansi nem sasi, nanging ora ana dokumentasi kanggo ndhukung. Hi Eva, I have the same machine. A portable washing machine is a simple way to use the water from your sink to wash small loads of clothing. Manual Panganggo Mesin Cuci Hisense - Unduh [dioptimalkeun] Manual Pamak Mesin Cuci Hisense - Unduh, Manual pangguna mesin cuci permn - Manual pangguna mesin cuci permn - PDF asli, Email alamat anjeun teu bakal dipedar. I purchased the Model EP22930. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Thank you, I have been meaning to make my own video because I never saw anyone use it either but me being me figured it out there is a little spout to properly rinse your clothes .. Question:How dry does the spin dryer get the clothes? By using our site, you agree to our. Also, right away the disc used in the spinner went too high to the top and got ripped by friction. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. on Giantex EP21684 Portabel Mini Mesin Cuci Manual Instruksi, 17.6 pon = 6.6 lbs spinning + 11 lbs cuci, GIANTEX Dropper Post Cartridge Pamak Manual, GIANTEX HU10166 Pesanggrahan Sofa Buku Panduan,, Giantex EP21684 Portabel Mini Mesin Cuci Manual Instruksi, SelectBlinds Panel Track sareng Manual Instruksi Motorisasi, XBOX MIG-X PRO Smartphone Controller Instruksi Manual, MOULTRIE MFG-15041 Ranch Series Auger Feeder Kit Manual Instruksi, MIFEINFO Tablet Mifepristone (MIF-eh-pris-tone) 200 mg pikeun panggunaan lisan Pituduh Pamak, kbice FDFM1JA01 Timer Dispensing Nugget s Mesin Guide pamak, LUMINAR EVERYDAY 59250 2ft LED Tumbu Tumbu Tumbu Tumbu Tumbu Manual Manual Pamilik, Viatom Blood Pressure Monitor Manual Pamak BP2 & BP2A. Can you tell me what the possible problem or problems might be. Btn aksesuarlar paket daxildir ki, bu da sad montaj tlb edir. Now the tub will not drainThe manufacturer only provides customer help with the regular operational issues of the machine they were absolutely no help at all to me as regards replacement partsor as to machine schematics so I might take the machine apart and see how I can McGyver the machine back together. Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine. im bitdikdn sonra onu qaldrb silklyirm ki, lanqda su qalbm, yoxsa saxlamazdan vvl. This is exactly the same issues Im having.No where on internet can I find where fuse is, how to reset lid switch and it works 1st time but now the dryer wont spin.The washer it now doing nothing, the drains not making any noise whatsoever and my dryer is not doing anything this unit isnt even four months old. BONUS Footage at the end . tips: Mesin cuci tiasa gampang ngocorkeun cai, tapi mut yn Gravitasi Drain mangrupikeun anu paling diandelkeun. Paltarlarnz mann 11 lb. However, this does not work as fast as a regular dryer or portable dryer. The Panda Portable Washing Machine provides the power of other electric washers, but at 1.34 cubic feet, it doesn't take up too much space. Teundeun garments anjeun dina 11 pon ara bak cuci tina mesin. Weight: 28 lbs. I repaired mine by super gluing trimmed drywall retainers into the slots.There are 3 screws in the back & 4 clips in the front of the panel, in order to get to the switches. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. It can save money to air dry your clothes on a clothing line or drying rack. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 86,008 times. I noticed my washer started to smoke and made my clothes smell like burn. I have read some of the troubleshooting and it seems like I have to disassemble the whole unit. I tried to turn it off but couldnt do it. Giantex / Costway portable twin tub washer model # EP21684 . BEST FOR CAMPING: Lavario . I bought the Costway Twin Portable Washer/Spinner. Ngan tetep dina pikiran yn ieu th mesin palastik-dijieun ku mkanisme motor modest. The Giantex Portable Compact washing machine features a twin tub design and an 8lb (3.6kg) capacity. Spin llkindn istifad edrkn yksk srtl silklnmnin v frlanmann qarsn almaq n rtk lvhsi irisindki paltarn zrin qoyulmaldr. You need to plug in the machine for it to work. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid8272274-v4-728px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Giantex Portable Compact 13 Lbs Mini Twin Tub Washing Machine Washer Spin Dryer. The pulsator is uneven and leaving holes in my clothes. Bu manlardan birini alma sesniz, bir az aradrma aparmaq v yuyucudan hddindn artq istifad etmmk ehtiyatl olard. How do I spin the clothes? Anjeun tiasa ngeset timer washer dina mesin cuci ieu ka 15 menit, jeung spin timer ka 5 menit pikeun unggal beban. How To Clean Dishwasher Rinse Aid Dispenser? Any ideas you might have about where I might repair thisor get parts or schematics so I can figure out what to do without making matters worse?? Hello, I have one of this twin tubs. I was given a costway 1lb. Best With Built-in Dryer: ZENY Portable Compact Mini Washing Machine . Hisense Paltaryuyan Man stifadi Tlimat - Ykl [optimalladrlm] Hisense Paltaryuyan Man stifadi Tlimat - Yklyin, irniyyat Paltaryuyan Man stifadi Tlimi - Optimalladrlm PDF irniyyat Paltaryuyan Man stifadi Tlimi - Orijinal PDF, E-pot nvanndan drc olunmayacaq. Kanthi nyetel wektu mesin cuci nganti 15 menit lan wektu muter ora luwih saka 5 menit saben muatan, sampeyan bisa kanthi bebas milih wektu sing paling trep lan nyetel model biasa utawa alus gumantung saka jinis kain sing digunakake kanggo sandhangan sampeyan. All of a sudden it stopped spinning. Even suitable for baby clothes, diapers, and lingerie. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. -Color: White And Blue-Washer Size: Compact-Voltage Frequency: 110V/60Hz Motor RPM: 1300-Rated Washing Capacity: 11 Lbs Rated Spinner Dryer Capacity 6.6 Lbs-Washing Power: 300W Spinner Power 110W-Maximum Water Temperature: 120F-Length Of Inlet Pipe: 43-Length Of Drain Pipe: 26-Overall Size: 24.8 X 14 X 28.35 (L x W x H), Parts for the Giantex or Costway Twin Tub Washing Machine. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Ngungkulan organisasi ieu presents halangan basa, sarta aranjeunna bakal eureun di nanaon ulah ngaganti washer nu! Pikeun cucian anjeun, mesin cuci portabel mangrupikeun pilihan anu sa! If you find a solution, please let me know. Giantex washing machinecan wash your cloth for different needs. . wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Tam yk n yuyulmas txminn 1 saat, qurumas is 1 saat kir. Can I manually fill the machine with water without hooking it up to a sink? I have a Costway twin tub that has stopped draining from the wash compartment. 99. Today, I placed a third small load to wash and neither the agitator or spinner would move. Also, the noise is lower, and the process is fully automatic, which saves a lot of time! Yen sampeyan milih tuku salah siji saka mesin iki, iku bakal wicaksana kanggo nindakake sawetara sinau lan supaya nggunakake washer banget. Currently, Giantex 16lbs portable mini washing machine has a 4.2-star rating out of 5 on Amazon. Lg wm3488hw 24 washer/dryer combo. Giantex full automatic washing machines emancipate your hands! Where do I buy one ? Should I get a longer screw or what do I do? Sign up today and we'll send you a 6% discount code towards your first purchase. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. can someone please tell me how to do this so I can use the machine. ft. washer, which . However, the washer drains just fine. $169.99 $ 169. Separate and count all parts and hardware. myyn edilmi dqiq say n yaxalama dvr, 6.6 funt maksimum yirici qurutma tutumudur (yuyucu tutumun yars, iki df frlaya bilrsiniz). Thank u. Pls help!My machines spinning sound is okay but the pulsator keeps coming loose. It has a wash capacity of 7.9lbs and a dryer capacity of 4.4lbs. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Is there a way to replace it? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine. 8-pound Wash and Dry Capacity. WASHING WITH A DOUBLE-FLOW WATER LEVEL, HELPS GET , Continue reading GIANTEX FP10012US Semi-Automatic Washing Machine User Manual, Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine Instruction Manual, on Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine Instruction Manual, on GIANTEX Dropper Post Cartridge User Manual, GIANTEX 42 Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, on GIANTEX 42 Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, Giantex ZMWV304 42-Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, on Giantex ZMWV304 42-Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, Giantex 19556614 3-Tier Rolling Kitchen Microwave Oven Stand User Manual, on Giantex 19556614 3-Tier Rolling Kitchen Microwave Oven Stand User Manual, GIANTEX FP10012US Semi-Automatic Washing Machine User Manual, on GIANTEX FP10012US Semi-Automatic Washing Machine User Manual, Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine Instruction Manual, GIANTEX Dropper Post Cartridge User Manual, GIANTEX 42 Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, Giantex ZMWV304 42-Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, Giantex 19556614 3-Tier Rolling Kitchen Microwave Oven Stand User Manual, 19556614 3-Tier Rolling Kitchen Microwave Oven Stand, 3-Tier Rolling Kitchen Microwave Oven Stand, GIANTEX FP10012US Semi-Automatic Washing Machine User Manual, VANGUARD MODELS KR-62142 Jolly Boat User Manual, Schreder AXIA 3 EVO Innovative Lightweight Outdoor Luminaire Instruction Manual, Shark NV680_N Series Rotator Powered Lift-Away Speed User Manual, Honeywell T3 Programmable Thermostat User Guide, kbice FDFM1JA01 Self Dispensing Nugget Ice Machine User Guide, LUMINAR EVERYDAY 59250 2ft LED Linkable Plant Grow Light Owners Manual, Viatom Blood Pressure Monitor BP2 & BP2A User Manual. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. -This is the portable mini compact with twin tub washing machine.-Preferred for doing laundry in a compact environment.-Perfect For dorms, apartments, condos, motor homes, RVs, camping and more.-The total capacity of laundry is washer: 11lbs and spinner 6.6lbs.-The washing timer can be controlledup to 15 minutes.-The spin timer can be controlledup to 5 minutes for each load.-This washing machine has 1300 RPM motor with a voltage frequency of 110V/60HZ.-When you turn on the water you have to stay by the washer to watch it because it does not stop filling with water by itself. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Anjeun tiasa milih tina rupa-rupa kapasitas pikeun bumi anjeun, apartemen, asrama, atanapi RV. Yen lagi reged, luwih becik nggunakake deterjen. We recommend that, where possible, all items are assembled near to the area in which they will be , Continue reading GIANTEX 42 Inch Propane Fire Pit Table User Manual, Giantex ZMWV304 42-Inch Propane Fire Pit Table THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. The selector switch(s) are screwed onto a plastic slot that looks like l+l. The drain hose has lint that collected and wont come off with cleaning anyway. Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. atw4675yq0 user manual automatic washer manuals and guides alliance automaatic . If so how can i find the part. giantex washing machine manual. I just got my new machine a week ago. The compact design is excellent for those who have limited floor space in their garage, laundry room, or RV. The directions say to connect the water inlet hose to the machine. 3. Yes. Most machines have a timer, where you can decide how long you want to wash your clothes. 21. You don't have to worry about machines filling up at laundromats or your apartment's laundry room, and it's cheaper and smaller than a full-sized machine. Sawetara wong menehi komentar manawa kanggo ngangkat mesin, dheweke butuh sawetara jinis platform, nanging aku ora mikir sing penting. My spinner tub is not draining at all and therefore not spinning properly. The smaller size doesn't mean the Panda model lacks features. I would truly appreciate your help, sincerely! Ieu bakal tetep fungsi, enya. Boaltma vaxt atanda, lanq yer atram v minan hamamn iin qoyuram, orada suyun tez axd yerdir. The timer still seems like it works but the in bucket doesnt spin. Sngrlr kveti qoruyur. Find My Store. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Bu paltaryuyan manda yuyucu taymeri hr yk n 15 dqiqy, frlanma taymerini is 5 dqiqy tyin ed bilrsiniz. All you need to do is throw your cloth into the washing machine. It will add a more height and stability to the machine. It can spin up t a total of 11 lbs . komentar * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","adf26155f1a65009297a24b8b032ead5");document.getElementById("afe6277d1c").setAttribute("id","comment"); Simpen jeneng, email, lan websitus ing browser iki kanggo komentar sabanjure. Question:Can you run both, the washer and the dry spin at the same time?Answer:Yes you can use both sides at once. Paltarlarn nvlrin sasn, onlar n vaxt yuyacanza qrar ver bilrsiniz. Avadanlqlar qaldrmadan, cazib qvvsi il ilyir. Portativ paltaryuyan manlarn nfuzlu satcs Giantex-dir. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Sampeyan mung kudu nyambungake menyang stopkontak kanggo miwiti nggunakake. I would also like to know if I use the same hose for draining the water out. Yes, You Can Shrink Polyester, and Heres How, How to Unblock a Clogged Washing Machine Drain. Most of board parts are labeled or stamped on the raw edges. I wanted to take the agitator out but do not want to damage it. Tried tightening the screw, it will spin well for just a moment and the next, the pulsator pushes up again. How can I replace these parts. Here is a guide on specifications, how to use the washer properly, and troubleshooting methods. Follow us @giantexofficial, post some pics on your social account using the hashtag #giantex & tag us to get $20. Yuyucu taymerini 15 dqiqy v frlanma taymerini hr yk gr 5 dqiqdn ox olmayana tyin etmkl siz srbst kild n lverili vaxt se v geyiminiz n istifad olunan para nvndn asl olaraq adi v ya yumaq modeli tyin ed bilrsiniz. Remove clothes and hang them on a rack or shower rod to dry. I was using my washer in the tub and forgot that I left water running. This compact washing machine is both the cheapest and lightest machine on our list. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.

\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/89\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-6-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/89\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\/aid8272274-v4-728px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-6-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Sampeyan bisa milih antarane mesin cuci kanthi otomatis lan semi-otomatis. Manual pangguna sing disederhanakake.ngarepprivasiBali, Home GIANTEX Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Mesin Cuci Manual Instruksi. It is very important to ensure each step followed in correct order, otherwise assembly difficulties may occur. It will help keep the washing machine in place and keep the noise level to a minimum. Washing Power: 300W Spinning Dry Power: 110W Tethachd uisge as irde: 54 C Rated Washing Capacity: 11 puinnd Rated Spinner Dryer Capacity: 6.6 lbs (Half of the washing capacity, you may spin twice) Spinner RPM: 1350 Meud iomlan: 24.8x14x28.5(LxWxH)Washing Power 300W Ro-rdh Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine. You can also be washing another load of laundry in the washer side. Left side is washer and right side is a spin compartment to get most of water out of clothes. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.

\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/0b\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-3-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-3-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0b\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-3-Version-2.jpg\/aid8272274-v4-728px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-3-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. I just got the Costco washer and spinner. Bought a portable twin tub washer on amazon. Iku bakal tetep fungsi, ya. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.

\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/54\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-7-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-7-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/54\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-7-Version-2.jpg\/aid8272274-v4-728px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-7-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. I tried resetting, unplugging, run it empty etcand nothing. my spin cycle not working on my 11lb costway twin washer machine what to do. Allow to spin 1 minute to remove soapy water4. Manual Panganggo Mesin Cuci Hisense - Unduh [dioptimalake] Manual Panganggo Mesin Cuci Hisense - Unduh, Manual pangguna mesin cuci permen - Manual pangguna kanggo mesin cuci permen, PDF asli, Panjenengan alamat email ora bisa diterbitake. Saatos dianggo terus-terusan salami sabulan, mesin kuring masih kuat. You could only use one tub, or you could use both tubs in one washing time. Thanks for the info! Question:Is this on wheels and is the dryer part ventless?Answer:No wheels It is lightweight Not heavy when empty.One of the tubs is for washing the other tub is for spinning the excess water from the clothes. Whirlpool. There is a ticking noise, so the timer is working, but no movement at all. Do not place wet load on the control panel. Hello, Im trying to locate the fuses on the Costwat washing machine model XPB45-EP23103. But suddenly every time I plugged it in the dry spinner is on it doesnt turn off.. 7.7 lbs Compact Laundry Washing Machine with Built-in Barrel Drain Pump. If you find an inaccuracy in our . Plug in the appliance and start the wash. Giantex EP21684 Portable Mini Washing Machine Instruction Manual. OPEN MEHow to setup Giantex Portable Washing Machine in an apartment with long counter tops. Manuals for the category Giantex Washing Machines. Any images or third-party logos belong to their respective copyright holder and used for informational purposes. ft. 6-Cycle Portable Top Load Electric Washing Machine in white When it comes to washing machines, this outstanding When it comes to washing machines, this outstanding BLACK+DECKER portable washer (20.3" x 20.7" x 36.6") is your ultimate solution to immaculately clean clothing for household use. It weighs just 24lbs (10.9kg) and has a 23"x14" (58.435.6cm) footprint, so it is small enough for use in space-limited locations. Took it out to use it again, and only the timer is operational. It provides you two different washing functions. If you have any questions about your twin tub washer, please leave a question below and we will be happy to assist. liang solokan washer urang lokasina misah. Liquid detergent tends to work best with portable washing machines. How do I replace it? This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. When you load your clothes and fill the machine, make sure you choose an area with an outlet nearby. One of the most appealing aspects about this washing machine is its portability. It weighs 22 pounds yet has a nine-pound load capacity, making it one of the best portable mini washing machines. Explore our wholesale pricing program. Yen wis rampung, aku ngangkat lan goyangake kanggo ndeleng yen isih ana banyu ing selang sadurunge disimpen. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.

\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/a\/a7\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-4-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-4-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/a7\/Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-4-Version-2.jpg\/aid8272274-v4-728px-Use-a-Portable-Washing-Machine-Step-4-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Samsung Refrigerator Water Dispenser Has Low Pressure How To Fix It? Hm yirm qabiliyyti (6.6 funt), hm d yuma qabiliyyti (11 funt) eyni vaxtda istifad edil bilr. I have the fully automatic portable Giantex washer and it was a dream for the last 5 months. Baqa he n lazm deyil. daur bilas pikeun jumlah nu tangtu menit, 6.6 pon nyaeta kapasitas dryer spinner maksimum (satengah tina kapasitas cuci, anjeun bisa spin dua kali). Yen wis wayahe kanggo saluran, aku mung nyelehake selang lan nyelehake tambang ing bak mandi, ing endi banyune cepet-cepet. However, recently it has stopped spinning. Like the other machines in this review, it has a spin function. See More Details about "Giantex EP22761 Portable Compact Full-Automatic 8 lbs ." Return to top. If you',re really pressed for space to set a washing machine, the wm3488hw 24 washer/dryer combo from lg can . It compares favorably to other machines in its price range, and it has some features that are not found on other machines. Make sure you only add the amount of water recommended on the box, since adding too much can cause the machine to overflow. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Kiik yuyucu v quruducu dsti 1350v gcnd 120rpm-d ilyir. I am in the same situation. Give it a quick inspection just before you affix it to the faucet for a new cycle. UPDATE ON MACHINE BELOW. My washing machine was working fine. Learn more A portable washing machine can be a big convenience. At just 28 pounds, this twin tub portable washing machine is easy to move around or take with . Using a portable washer is fairly simple. Mesin cuci iki duwe bak kembar sing siji wis dikumbah lan sing liyane kanggo pengeringan. Kapasitas puteran (6.6 lbs) lan kapasitas ngumbah (11 lbs) bisa digunakake bebarengan. How Does The Giantex Portable Washing Machine Compare To Other Portable Washing Machines? Do not add water above this line as this can interfere with how the machine works and damage your clothing. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. BEST UPGRADE PICK: Panda Compact Washer 1.60cu.ft. Kanggo umbah-umbah, mesin cuci portabel minangka pilihan sing apik! This article has been viewed 86,008 times. This thing is amazing until it isn't. Customer service is not helpful, there are no manuals to repair, and have no idea where to get replacement parts. Your email address will not be published. Get in touch with one of our marketing specialists today for more information. User Manuals, Instructions and Guides for GIANTEX products. STAINLESS STEEL TUB This 0.9 cu. 9.92 lbs Capacity. % of people told us that this article helped them. spesifikasiya. The spinner motor is sounding rough and not spinning as fast as it used to spin. Washing Clothes & Overview of this Fashion Blue Top Loading 40 lb Fully Automatic Washing Machine with Spin Dry Cycle from Giantex.

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giantex portable washer user manual 2023