Several years ago when I worked in Antigo, WI, I read in The Antigo Daily Journal an article from the past regarding giant skeletons that were found on an island in Pelican Lake. One had recently been opened. Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of Goliaths have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Whatever happened to human greatness? On May 4, 1912, the New York Times published a surprising news: Archaeological excavations near Lake Delavan in Wisconsin had found skeletons of extraordinary dimensions. Heads usually found are elongated believed due to longer than normal life span. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. Its truly amazing how some commenters especially one here goes off the deep end on this subject and acting like a legend in his own mind, on a subject he thinks he knows everything there is to know about these giants when actually he he doesnt but the only thing to is to humor him and ones like him eventually they go away still leaving the mystery of those missing giant skeletons that the Smithsonian still refuses to acknowledge that they have them .. and the beat goes on .. . Your notion of understanding something you are just struck with, a sense of understanding, but no ability to explain, or to leverage that understanding for a real purpose I hope Im never afflicted with such a thing. They were enormous. While researching Lizard Mound County Park, he uncovered a report of a giant human skeleton found in one of the burial mounds. So dont come back at me with anymore lying crap like you did previously. Heres one for your Forbidden Archaeology file. Large skull with double layered teeth, six figures, six toes. I recently dug into one of the many mounds on property and found a large stone, 4by2 with carving of face. But since you (like so many others) dogmatically claim that there are giants discovered all over the world, then you must have some real, hard evidence in order to make such a claim. Sounds like the same beast. The Quaran is the holy book of a religion founded by a madman. In the words of Vine Deloria, a Native American author, and professor of law: Modern day archaeology and anthropology have nearly sealed the door on our imaginations, broadly interpreting the North American past as devoid of anything unusual in the way of great cultures characterized by a people of unusual demeanor. Though those bones were of normal size, larger bones were accidentally unearthed by farmers in another nearby mound. But its NOT like the ridiculous images that appear on the internet of people who are 20 -30 (or more) tall. Absolutely untrue! Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. How big were these giants that they could move 900 ton stones so much easier than humans? It was mummified and nude. Where is the evidence for the real ones that have been found? Im waiting too but you seem to be one who doesnt even believe there are giant skeletons or never were then why do you bother watching these shows and commenting on this site ? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Ur ignorant. . All animals were much larger in the past. So these stories are unreliable for that reason and the fact that this was the time period that we were first finding and learning about dinosaur fossils. They were enormous. But Im sure Ill be waiting, and waiting, and waiting (like so many others) for such evidence. That would make them 6 times as tall, 36 times as strong, but 216 times as heavy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Dont claim you know the truth and dismiss science and evolution when you cant even provide evidence that youve done any research beyond the Bible and quoting other Christians. For another, the size is ridiculous. I think that maybe these giant skeletons could be proof that the Nephilim actually existed. Mhc said: Adam was closer to 50-60 foot tall and of complexion of wheat.. This is a splendid story. . Actually yes, Karen, it does. A giant skeleton was unearthed outside of West Bend near Lizard Mound County Park and assembled by local farmers to a height of eight feet. It is unknown why scientists have remained silent about the discovery of 18 giant human skeletons which were found in burial grounds in the state of Wisconsin back in May of 1912. Conspiracy theorists believe that the American Government is hiding something and has no interest whatsoever to talk about a possible race of giants that inhabited the United States centuries ago. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls. James is right. But one thing in common was that everyone had the same dream that the end was coming.. Another thing the names like Mar, Oden, Zeus and many other so called mythical names were pronounced different, and were as real as you and I.. and they were they names of the Nephilem. Have you heard any stories of strange giant skeletons being found in Wisconsin? it all makes sense! No one knows for certain anything about our world and its inhabitants because science and FACTS are constantly changing with new discoveries. Or just go to YouTube, and look up my account (stegokitty) and you can contact me there, and I can show you all of the images you want. Yes, it hurts so much, you big man. The Observations from Skeletons. In the first volume of Washington County, Wisconsin Past and Present (1912), Quickert writes about the extraordinary discovery of enormous human bones near what is now Lizard Mound County Park. When looking for actual scientific knowledge over this subject, there is basically nothing on the subject that is discussed. The people who built these mounds are as mysterious as the mounds themselves. Scientists know this but they are ignorant to know the truth. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. There are some very logical answers to the mystery you set forth in your article. They cover for reasons stop letting them fool youu! These cookies do not store any personal information. WebIn this video we take a look at the giants that were unearthed in Wisconsin in 1912. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Giants in history are typically cannibalistic in nature. All skeletons allegedly disappeared as well. one of the wives of Noahs sons carried the nephilem gene and thus the nephelim started again, but not as big as pre-flood. Luke, perhaps you shouldve read some of the previous comments in this thread before commenting. But anyone picking up the ridiculous book and reading it is brought face-to-face with perhaps the most useless collection of sentences ever created. Bob, go the New York Tines archive and search the early 20th century records and there are several news paper articles confirming the excavations. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. Giant Skeleton Unearthed By Wisconsin Farmers in 1912 November 16, 2014 / in From the Grave / by J Nathan Couch The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. Tell me about it in the comments below. The Observations from Skeletons. From directly over the eye sockets, the article states, the head slopes straight back and the nasal bones protrude far above the cheek bones. The Lake Delavan Giant Skeletons found in 1912 were not the first skeletons to be found in Wisconsin. it makes perfect sense when you just simple believe the Bible. Yes, I along with other Photoshoppers, am laughing at these gullible people. But will you come around and admit your slander? as for post flood, Nimrod was the first Nephilem. Their heads were elongated and larger than normal. Evolution will not have a monkey leg to stand on once all of the evidence is on the table for all to see. How about this one: Its fake. And seeing as it was along time ago, then you should have in your possession, a mountain of evidence, in order to continue in your endeavours for these giants. The answer is no. The dig site at Lake Delavan was overseen by Beloit College and it included more than 200 effigy mounds that proved to be classic examples of 8th century Woodland Culture. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past.. More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend She was wrapped in belts of seashells, some coming from as far away as the Gulf of Mexico. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. geez people, Its time for everyone to read the bible the answer is there genesis 6. . Giants in history are typically cannibalistic in nature. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. Youre absolutely right, and nailed it. I dont let horror movies get to me, but I do keep watch for zombies. Baloney. Look at a basketball hoop and add 5 feet. And youre absolutely right to reject any faith that is not based upon solid evidence even though technically, on another argument, which I wont get into at this time, you do but at least you said what was true here. Look at the fossil record. The skeleton in the image at the top of the post does have a shadow, only its running in the opposite direction of the shadow of the man, and is a blatant testimony of its fakery. But based upon your unfounded comment, I wouldnt expect that of you. There are none as blind that those who dont want to see. That means hed have a hard time carrying his own weight. NAY! There was space then on our planet. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. They were taken from a website call ( the photos showing the giant skeletons were a part of a digital manipulation contest, hosted by the site. In 1891, scientists from the Smithsonian Foundation found a giant skeleton in the excavations of the pyramidal tombs in the Madison area, curiously also in Wisconsin. i am informed, normal fired clay bowls will not do. Washington County Paranormal is currently available from Amazon right here. Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls, PRESUMABLY THOSE OF MEN, ARE MUCH LARGER THAN THE HEADS OF ANY RACE WHICH INHABIT AMERICA TO-DAY..,, Giant Skeletons of Mound Builders in Wisconsin, February 17, 2023 - 9:45 pm by dEBRINA bLACKMOON, pyramid-shaped mounds in nearby Rock Lake, Giant Skeleton Unearthed by Wisconsin Farmers in 1912. It was not even the first set of giant skeletons found in Wisconsin. Again, real giants have existed and do exist. Our family doctor is always confused. Sounds more like a dinosaur than a human, now doesnt it? On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. . Thats proof theyre hiding them! But thanks for posting the other links as well. He had to have it sorted out surgically. they are a hoax national geographic said so back in 2007 all it takes is a bit of searching. The January 13th, 1870 edition of the Wisconsin Decatur Republican reported that two giant, well-preserved skeletons of an unknown race were discovered near Potosi, WI by workers digging the foundation of a saw mill near the bank of the Mississippi river. Im a molecular biologist/geneticist. From now on they will live no longer than 120 years.. +MoeMix: Yes of course we can tell you silly things about quran. In other words, theyd have 1/6 th of our strength to weight ratio, and would have a hard time just getting out of bed. Only pictures, if so many skeletons have been found, where are they???? I see no leprechaun skeletons in museums either. also I have heard of 6 toed bigfoot tracks ,yeah I know but had to go there. Required fields are marked *. Of course not. WISCONSIN MOUND OPENED. Only a few people got to take images of this incredible artifact in 1988. Photoshopped. Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser Saturday 23 January 1869 In Minnesota, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois the discovery of this type of skeletons is well documented. Im thinking Riks example of Adam being described as 90 feet (60 cubits) tall would be sufficient. also the bible, I am impressed with this website , real I am a big fan . Making people feel small for believing in things that are to some, unbelievable, is pointless. Have you ever even read it? There have also been enormous size skeletons and skulls of a race of giants which have been discovered on a very steady basis all over the Midwestern states for over 100 years. Giant skeleton finds have not made the local/national news since the 1950s for the most part. The Lake Delavan find of May 1912 was only one of dozens and dozens of similar finds that were reported in local newspapers from 1851 forward to the present day. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The sad thing is that you think youve actually said something worthwhile, when in fact it was utterly ignorant and contradictory blitherrabble. The answer is no. The story also said the skulls had double rows of teeth, six toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand. In 2002, National Geographic did a report on 12 skeletons that were supposedly discovered in Greece. Very nice post. This is quite evidently how you operate as well, as you didnt even bother to look at my posts, but had no problem in slandering me and suggesting that I not only dont believe in giants, but that I dont look at the evidence. Lets keep on believing that all life on this earth originated from a blob in a pond. In the words of Vine Deloria, a Native American author and professor of law: Modern day archaeology and anthropology have nearly sealed the door on our imaginations, broadly interpreting the North American past as devoid of anything unusual in the way of great cultures characterized by a people of unusual demeanor. I believe the Smithsonian is covering all this up. But the skeletons disappeared . It she since then (meaning 1912) there have been OTHER (meaning different) findings of giant skeletons in which photos have been taken. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Giant Skeleton Unearthed By Wisconsin Farmers in 1912 November 16, 2014 / in From the Grave / by J Nathan Couch The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. Why does the Mans shadow go to the left, and the skeletons shadow to the right? Thats just plain false. Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. Absolutely true. Sorry. We are happy to work with other website publishers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Smithsonian states they do not know anything about them, or any kind of oversized skeletons. It is well documented there were giants on Earth in ancient times. Thats how I see it, there are so many people commenting on the shadow, so if you see it otherwise, let me know. It goes on to say that other remains, presumably of women, were found with smaller heads but similar characteristics. His sperm was of a strong composition to last until the end of the human race. The spectrum of Mound builder history spans a period of more than 5,000 years (from 3400 BCE to the 16th CE), a period greater than the history of Ancient Egypt and all of its dynasties. The direction of shadows is utterly irrelevant to ones perspective. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and theybarechildren to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.-Genesis6:4. These were just some of the many skeletons that were discovered around the globe. It is unknown why scientists have remained silent about the discovery of 18 giant human skeletons which were found in burial grounds in the state of Wisconsin back in May of 1912. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. Remember this is wisdom ( Give the benefit of the doubt before you cast your judgment on what is real or not. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. I know this is very hard to accept, but we are not alone. On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. Austin, Im a Bible-believing Christian. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. The other point mentioned in the comment you replied to alludes to what is known as the square-cube law. The allegedly massive size of the skeletons and lengthened skulls did not fit into any scientific concept that was in textbooks of the day. In other words, Baloney! think it was found in LOVELOCK. There is a prevailing scholarly consensus that we have an adequate historical understanding of the peoples who lived in North America during this period. If these skeletons were in the main stream media, it would prove the Bible correct, but then we cant have that now can we? Greek Mythology talks about war with cyclops learning they had to bring down by taking out their legs rendering them slow and helpless. These skeletons had two rows of teeth. He has nothing and contributes nothing new to the debate at all. More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend Trip by local author and investigator J. Nathan Couch . If anything a de-evolution. The remains were found embedded in charcoal and covered with layers of baked clay to shed water from the sepulchre. Giant Human Skeletons Discovered in Wisconsin? These thing.probably existed way before religion even existed. Seeking truth will eventually push the lies back into the darkness they came from. Specifically, the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of making a deliberate effort to hide the telling of the bones and to keep the giant skeletons locked away. But the enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls found in May 1912 did not fit very neatly into anyones concept of a textbook standard. It seems that the majority of people just do not believe in this type of thing, because it sounds like complete nonsense. Im new to the blog world but Im trying to get started and set up my own. detector re-calibrated. Ohalong those same lines Israel, Egype has hundreds of scrolls found near Iran, Israel, and Egype that have been translated but Israel will not publish em.most expose the zionist movement since before the days of dawn..ask Mel Gibson is Im right about these zionist controlling maggots of planet earththe cause of all that is bad..they did (after all) have their money tables turned over as HIS first least if you study their filthy talmud you will see that they are true maggots of planet a history book onlythe entire Bible is (i think) about them (evil) vsChrist (Good). I was fascinated by Lizard Mound County Park, just outside of West Bend, WI, ever since my first visit when I was very young. WebThe real giant skeletons of lake Delevan Wisconsin. It always amazes me to see just what sidestep maneuver that these folks come up with when they discover items that interrupt their evolutionary timeline, and there are MANY at this point. The reason why I am bringing up giants will all tie into politics, and word happenings. It's also very weird that scientists are keeping quiet about their discoveries. If you look closely at the angle of the shadows of both man and skeleton in relation to the angle at which the picture is taken and then consider the angles of Geometry you would realize that the shadows are all congruent or EXTREMELY close. So lets take it easy on the hyperbole, and do present some proof of the (already absurd) 20-50 foot giants. Even though Im in agreement with you about the greenhouse affect, its conclusion arrived at from the Scriptures, NOT something that the Scriptures actually say. Youre placing a modern-thinking filter over a presentation, or a representation rather, of a mindset from thousands of years ago. Correct me if Im wrong Im going to guess about 9-10 feet tall (?). On 10 August 1891, the New York Times reported that scientists from the Smithsonian Institution had discovered several large pyramidal monuments on Lake Mills, near Madison, Wisconsin. Nor has evidence been found that the bibles account of giants is anything but fiction. Really Carl? The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. The remains of this finger are impressive; it is a huge mummified humanoid finger that has38 centimeters in length. On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. Lorelei, world record shows less than 9 foot. There are rumors of a giant skeleton unearthed in the area, but I havent found any reports to corroborate it. Thanks. Though not a giant, the Aztalan Princess is unique amongst Wisconsin mound burials. The spectrum of Mound builder history spans a period of more than 5,000 years (from 3400 BCE to the 16th CE), a period greater than the history of Ancient Egypt and all of its dynasties. What is your source from making such a claim? All kinds of stories of giants. Ooh, is that a muscle in there? She claims a 2002 national geographic article discussing dozens of giant skeletons found in Greese. The book of Enoch the prophet. Where are they? The shadows dont match. WebThe mystery behind the 18 Giant skeletons found in Wisconsin Subscribe Now: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers The Bible talks about giants. Um, thats not how it works Carl. Quran says that mountains came from the sky, the seed of the man comes from the spine, it teaches to kill all non muslims, tells them to lie. Notice the shadows under the bones are congruent to the trajectory of the mans shadow in relation to the angle of the camera. That nobody appears able to produce evidence, renders these claims to the realm of fake news. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The truth is coming out. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past.. I seriously doubt it. The biggest skeletons ever observed is said to be at around 36 feet! legends of the anunnaki people fit this perfectly. On this basis he concluded that the earths magnetic field was less than 10,000 years old, and so the earth must likewise be that young. According to several reports, over one hundred years ago, researchers discovered the burial mounds of what some are calling a lost race of giants near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin. Andrea Rinaldo, Egyptian carvings do not represent physically giant human beings. It was there for 2 weeks and then left. The article states the skeleton measure over nine feet from head to foot and the skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Tempered copper rods and other relics were found with the bones. And the saying like ants is called hyperbole. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The May 4th, 1912 edition of the New York Times reported what might be one of the strangest giant skeleton discoveries of all.
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