As you build your resistance meter in the Whitetail Mountains, you will encounter Jacob Seed. Across the lake, there an opening to an underground bunker, there you will find the second collectable. Youraim is to activate the dredge so that you can swim in through the hole. There, you will find Prepper's Note that will inform you about the treasure. Now theyre all spread across Hope County, and finding each one will give you a little backstory on the person who owned it, and how they stood up to the Edens Gate cult. The first one to destroy is on the right as you come out. Smiley's Lighter . How to find every Mars, Vietnam and Zombie Comic Book in Far Cry 5. After these encounters, you will be able to complete the final mission for the area. Jump and quickly use a parachute. I was in charge of looking after a bunch of 12 year-olds, take them hiking, canoeing, and generally try to keep them alive. Head inside to find the loot. Either keep your eyes open in the main building during that mission, or return later to pick up the lighter its next to some grenades on a shelf. Rather than spend the $1,200 it will cost you to buy the Far Cry 5 map of lighter locations, you can simply follow this guide. From the door go outside, and take down the peggie. It is based in its namesake; the Whitetail Mountains, fighting Jacob Seeds forces. Use the ladder ahead of you to get to the control room. Dan has been playing games since the 1980s, and doesn't plan on stopping any time soon. Location: Just south east of your 16th perk magazine is your 17th perk magazine, down the cliff on a tree lookout using your grapple rope to get to it. This region is mainly used for training of the cult army and hunters. Northwest of Widow's . It is at a lookout point on a tree use a grapple rope to get there. You don't have to find all these things on your first visit in this area. Shipwreck. Center. The lockbox is on the backside of the crashed car below. There are grapple points also, using them you have to swing on the edges of mountains. Once you liberate the camp and rescue all hostages, head ahead to a new location marked as a waypoint. Shoot the lock to get inside. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . The key can be found at the bottom of the lake, near a plane's wreckage (see the picture above). going through this route will bring you to the bottom of the stairs of Visitors Center. Shoot the lock to get inside. As you reach up, more cultists are waiting for you so be careful. The lighter is waiting for you inside. Read more about our cookie policy. Rifle ammunition 4 skids, 12 boxes each skids. Inside the hangar you can find a unique plane, Pack Hunter which will be added to your collection of vehicles. a lot of money, ammo and 4 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point). Youll find the lighter on the floor. And also you will need to find the key first. Check the shelf where you can see a yellow medkit and grab the collectible. Find McCallough's Garage in the southeast section of the Henbane River region, a short northeast drive up . You'll find it southwest of. I'll be out there, fishing in the peace, until I can't no more. This will start a mission where you have to locate the bear. This section will contain the story missions available in the Whitetail Mountains. After reaching the highest one you have to face the hangar. Allies It is important to follow these steps when checking if an animal is good for conversion. You will be playing a similar shooting sequence where you have around 15 seconds only. There are two guards on the top. The third Holland Valley lighter can be found at the Miller Residence, inside yet another bunker. Center. He will ask you to rescue one of the whitetails that Jacob has captured. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. On the second floor, look for 2 statues of a bear and a wolf. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Jefferson Lookout Tower. After clearing this area, find cheeseburger down the yard towards the water. Active (Far Cry 5) If you are visiting this area for the first time you will have to take down all the enemies in this area. 2) Age Select only fully grown wolves (2 years or older). Pay him a visit and trigger the quest. Location: On the west of Moccasin River theres a small lake with a small island. Look for a table with an electric stove on it. To use this website you must enable JavaScript. Bring these back and I'll craft something special for you. Follow the waypoint on the map. However, their war against Eden's Gate has dwindled their numbers due to the Project's overwhelming force. Moving forward, you will get the option to pick up a rifle. Whitetail Mountains are a sprawling wilderness with no real towns but still plenty of landmarks. Pay attention to the following descriptions of the stash finding missions, because reaching many of them will allow you to get rich quickly. The keycard is near the body. He was an orphan, his mother shot by poachers and left for dead. This is just behind the journal entry note you found on the outer table. Head around the back of the house where you'll find a bunker with the lighter you're looking for. In Fort Drubman talk to Hurk Sr. he will ask you to go with his son and kill some peggies that didnt vote for him. Look for a white table. Background The Whitetails were once a small group of militiamen dedicated to protecting the Whitetail Mountains against any form of tyranny. After killing Chosen, you have to head towards the next waypoint to plant bombs. Each one of these mission will add up your resistance point that you will need to reach Jacob Seed. You will have to locate a house on top of the mountain, the stash is inside but the door is locked. Far Cry 5 Maps. Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. Don't make this into some Fox and the Hound bullsh*t. If I see you wearing their colors I WILL shoot. Once you got the key return to the house. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in MCA Mobile Lab. Eliminate all cultists to complete the mission. Once you are done, talk to Wade who will tell you about a bear called Cheeseburger. A marker will indicate the one that has stolen the supplies. There are mounted guns as well that you can use to attack. Mobile versions of this guide will be available for download as soon as WWW version is ready. Look for a crashed car and near the dead body, you will get the note. Move ahead and once again jump into the water, and swim through the cave. When you have gained enough resistance points, Jacob will send his hunters to get you. You can contact him., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Open the house door for the stash. Wasn't Eden's Gate material. Now turn right at the Train graffiti and then keep moving towards the T Junction. I can't believe it! Once again you need to head down into the bunker to grab the lighter off the shelf. This is one of the prepper stashes available in Whitetail Mountains. Location: West of F.A.N.G center across the moccasin river on a wooden bridge you will find your 12th magazine. What is it that anchors you, that prevents you from giving yourself freely to the Father? Whitetail Mountains are ruled by Jacob Seed, who is the brother of Joseph Seed. He went out for some samples and never came back, and now there's some strange howling from deep in the forest. Its the only island in the Lake, once you get there go to the old wooden house, inside on the shelf you will find the fourth magazine. After you have slid down the tunnel, take the new gun on the table and kill the person heading towards you from the doorway. It is time we cut the chaff from the wheat, to cull the herd, once and for all. Look for the control room, where you will talk to Eli for the first time and the note is found near a map attached to wall close to one of the doors. This is one of the prepper stashes available in Whitetail Mountains. Use the progress tracker to get 100%! Is it your husband, your wife, your child? Find a Prepper's Note box from which you can get the information about treasure' location. At the Wolfs Den go and talk to Eli. Mars. You must reach a plane's wreckage that was shot down by cultists. You can now open the green crate on the crashed van's back. As you've seen things have been getting pretty nasty out there. Kill them and find the second corpse on the stone ledge. We can't stay anymore, it's too dangerous with all these cult patrols around. Center. Lewdle word of the day: Daily clues and answer (March 5, 2023), Floral Pursuit Day 3 Guide (Observant Wind) Genshin Impact, Bungie warns that hasty Guardians can accidentally skip the Defiant Battleground: EDZ cinematic. With the right data, I can make a difference all these deaths won't be for nothing. There will be three of them around. A box with Prepper's Note lies next to the closed hangar. Go inside and find the lighter on the bed. Instead, he has become one of the most beloved residents of the Center. You have to look for Dansky who went searching for the titular Sasquatch. Go to the opposite end of the first floor of the house. Far Cry 5 - All Whitetail Mountains Prepper Stash Locations IGN Guides 343K subscribers Subscribe 90K views 4 years ago IGN shows you where to find all of the prepper stashes in the. The first Chosen will be on the porch on the east of the building, and second will be inside armed with a bow. Jump into Silver Lake, swim to the place pointed by the game and dive. Take out the enemies without alerting anyone else and rescue the hostages. You have to enter the hangar. For this mission, start by going towards MCA Mobile Lab. But I'm hoping you'll wise up before then. Location: The sixth magazine is on the east of Cedar Lake, on top of a hill, inside a cave where you will find a couple dancing. Check out the shed, and enter another bunker through the hatch to find the lighter. Far Cry Primal. And like you. Pick up his magnetic card (the picture 2), go back to the cabin and open it. This is where those hunting locations come in handy. There will be two more enemies at the side behind the fence. Talk to Hurk who will ask for your help to retrieve his campaign vehicle that the cultists have taken. As you land near the gate you will face heavy attack from the cultist. The note is found on the table on the middle of the room. With the increased Cult presence I don't know if we'd make it. You have to go to Landsdowne Airstrip, on the left corner you will get the note on a trolley. Your objective is to find Frank. There is a radio tower on the opposite side of the hangar, climb on that and you can glide towards the roof, use a parachute to land. While the Canis Lupis seems to be the best candidate for augmentation, I suggest testing our formula on other species to see if we can't get a similar result. You have to ambush the truck, for this either you can plant explosives in the path of the truck or you can use guns for hire to destroy the vehicles. Go outside. . Return to his home, unlock the door to the shack outside and stock up! Eli, one of those Whitetail Militia, came by last night. I miss being a SAR as much as you do but Joseph is the wrong person to take orders from. N. Khavari - Completed the second trial but executed trying to escape the compound. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Grand View Hotel. One of the easiest lighters to find is at Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm, as you'll probably head here early in the game. Eli will send you to Grand View Hotel that is located in the north of the area. Go out. Once again you have to fight with a few cultists in the area. In the room you will find two more enemies, kill them and keep moving forward. After the fight, whitetails will show up to rescue Briggs and the mission will end. Reach the lower ledge with Dansky's corpse. Little Witch Nobeta (Nintendo Switch / PS4), Fatal Frame: Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X/S), The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR (PSVR 2), EA Sports PGA Tour (PC / PS5 / Xbox Series S/X), MLB The Show 23 (Nintendo Switch / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X/S). The bunker door requires a key. The note is found inside the cabin, in one of the counters. Eli will let you know of a drainage tunnel nearby that will take you closer to the hostages. Interact with the control lever to turn on the dredge. Look for the control room, where you will talk to Eli for the first time and the note is found near one of the security TVs. This guide follows after our Henbane River walkthrough, liberating the region and defeating Faith. Also, get off his lawn. I've got a feeling that today is going to be the day that I come face to face with the squatch itself! a lot of money, materials and 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point). He lives south east of Falls End. You can obtain various perk points in Far Cry 5 by collecting collectibles. B. Bauer - Showed promise, but ended up failing the second trial. For your next lighter, head down a way . Get to the area where they are looking at and the note is found on one of the wooden shelves to the right. You find a backpack, use the grapple to go up. Jump over the gap between broken staircases, where there will be another enemy on top. Reach Frank's Cabin located in the south-west corner of Whitetail Mountains. This requires you to track down 12 lighters for Wendell Redler, given to his platoon in Vietnam. Found during the mission "Casualties of War". Find the box with a Prepper's Note. Go inside the trailer. Prepper Stash note for Gone Squatchin' mission. From the balcony, you can take down any enemy that is approaching towards the cabin n the first wave of attack. Only stuff they didn't get was what I stashed in the cave across the river. Go inside, down the stairs. Eli will next tell you to go to Hawkeye Tunnel to rescue more hostages. You can command Hurk Jr. to take the helicopters down while you clear the area below. The note is found at the very end of the ledge. Hedonism at its best. You now have to climb even higher. The bite must've nicked an artery or something she lost so much blood. Before you go, gather some salmon by going to a fishing spot marked on the map. Before entering there are a cultist and an animal on the back. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Due to this setback, the Whitetail Militia has resorted to training any volunteers willing to take up arms against the Project. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). There's a group up north, supposed to be real skilled. Lastly, look for Jess and talk to her to complete the mission. Executed. Once again, having added up enough resistance points, Jacob will radio call and have you hunted again. Head to the Harris Residence, which can be found Southwest of Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm. Reach Rattlesnake Trail Bridge located in the north-west part of the region. We have polluted our minds by letting the pathetic sycophants that run our government support those that can't help themselves. This completes the mission and you will be back at Wolfs Den. Check out the shed and head through the first room to find the lighter on the shelf. There will be a helicopter also, after dealing with the enemies you will find Ted. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. For the final lighter, youre going almost back to where you started. 2006-2023 PlayStation Universe, All Rights Reserved.
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