What happened is: Guards can recognize you even if you're wearing faction armor, so that's why Dawes goes hostile. After the traveling merchant has been revealed, his name will change to bounty hunter. The guns you hear going off all around you are the other Powder Gangers, armed with an assortment of firearms. [1][4], Under the leadership of Samuel Cooke, a small group of inmates gathered weapons and explosives before rebelling against the NCR staffing the facility. Leaders Most people just call it NCRCF. [12] The Vault 19 group plan to join the Great Khans, at the behest of their leader, Samuel Cooke, indicating some level of respect is held for the Khans.[13][14][15]. Valve Corporation. Editor ID In particular, a number of incomplete topics would have allowed the Courier to offer suggestions as to how Eddie could better defend the facility, including posting more guards and placing snipers on the guard towers. Fallout New Vegas has a command console that can be accessed with the backquote/tilde key (the `/~ key), which will trigger a command input menu to appear on your screen. Becuase you're technically stealing from the NCR. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A number of cut and partially completed dialogue options exist which point towards the final portion of the quest having had additional options for helping out. The NCR, battered by the loss of the Dam, were unable to devote any troops to retaking the Correctional Facility from the Powder Gangers. Locations If he becomes hostile when approached after his guards are dead, try running quickly at him and repeatedly trying to talk. The quest log and marker should now update on acquiring the Viper Mine stash. But even if you failed at convincing everyone that you need their help, that's okay. You'll need a Speech or Sneak skill of 25 in order to convince her, or you she simply won't get involved in this battle. They are exceptional enemies to the Courier during the first part of the game, unless the player chooses to . Overview Youll have two encounters with them in Nipton, but youve essentially neutered the faction. 20. Talking to him without being able to pass the speech skill will result in combat. Though Powder Gangers almost all have Evil Karma, the larger Powder Ganger faction is not marked as Evil. Indeed, you'll need at least a 25 Explosives rating to convince him you're worthy of his explosives, so if you don't have that, then don't expect to get the goods. The only way to save Goodsprings and still be able to walk into the NCRCF is to never take part in the fight, let the townsfolk kill all gang members. Included hotfix to prevent crashes in Camp McCarran Concourse under specific circumstances. Citizens of the NCR were favorite targets, and they always suffered the worst fates. While he'll initially pull a gun on you, he'll calm down, and you can eventually offer to help him deal with his problem. Fixed an infinite dialogue exploit with Floyd. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Remember that you can use specified magazines for those two statistics to temporarily raise those stats, if necessary. These are the consequences for doing so. Technically you still can do the vault powder gangers quest. [6] The prisoner population dispersed, with some following Cooke into Vault 19, others staying with Eddie as Powder Gangers and some heading out to cause mayhem along the Interstate 15. Why do I lose Karma by stealing from Powder Gangers? The bounty hunter may attack even after he is convinced to leave, even if one is not dressed as a Powder Ganger. Since you're already in the Prospector Saloon, staying put and speaking with Trudy behind the bar is probably going to be your first order of business. New, unique textures have been added for all unique weapons in the mod! This quest is a reference to the song of the same name by Sonny Curtis & the Crickets, more famously covered by the Bobby Fuller Four in 1965. All rights reserved. Changes the Powder Gangers outfits to look a little bit better. Fixed an issue where Hannigan and Carter could cause game lag. Killing him (and/or the other Powder Gangers with him) will not cause any reputation loss with the Powder Gangers, and his "crew" may not turn hostile if Chavez is killed in front of them. 1K. It won't. If everyones gonna die, theres no reason to talk to anyone. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Karma system is , best to just ignore it because the way it works Robin Hood would be the ultimate badguy and some psycho who murders everyone would have good karma. They've been nothing but trouble for us - why would we want one of them anywhere in an official capacity? Doing so ends the mod questline early and is mostly included for RP purposes. Technical The short answer would be that it won't affect your game much. (6) Defeat the Powder Gangers. If one instead chooses to betray Eddie to the NCR, one can choose the dialogue path with Lt. Hayes to offer assistance in the assault. The safe for Carter's quest is now only enabled upon starting it, preventing softlock. Killing him or his crew after convincing him to move on also does not cause any reputation loss with the Powder Gangers. Eddie Powder Gangers appear in Fallout: New Vegas. I don't have a high Sneak so stealth killing them one by one has never worked for me. Gameplay wise they do very little. Press J to jump to the feed. Vilified by Powder Gangers, is this bad? For the Powder Ganger character, see, Do not kill Eddie and complete the endgame quest. I did the mission in the first town where you kill all the powder gangers, not realizing that it would have repercussions, and now I'm vilified by the gang. Easy Pete, if he's in the area, will get involved in the fight, and obviously the man responsible for all of this, Ringo, will also help out. Killing the prison/wasteland powdergangers didn't make the vault 19 powder gangers attack me on site. So, head back to Poseidon Energy (the gas station), where you'll find Ringo once more. After you speak with Trudy at the Prospector Saloon at the end of the side quest known as By a Campfire on the Trail, you'll learn a bit about a brewing conflict between someone named Ringo, and someone named Joe Cobb. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. That or they were so unmemborable I forgot them. This game was very rushed and karma was just one of the things they didn't get to implement or cut. Commenting on the differences between the Fallout: New Vegas Powder Gangers and the 215 Rail Line Powder Gang, Joshua Sawyer stated that the Van Buren faction had much more developed characters and were to play a larger role, while in Fallout: New Vegas, their focus in the game was greatly diminished.[17]. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Doing so caused me to lose karma. They carry single shotguns, 9mm pistols, varmint rifles and .357 Magnum revolvers. Organizations Having a sprint mod usually helps. Extensive testing was required for this, so let me know if I missed anything. That pressing issue, of course, is taking on Cobb and his friends. Report back to Eddie with information on the NCR's planned attack. (3) (Optional) Speak with Doc Mitchell, Chet, Trudy and Easy Pete about acquiring their help. Close . : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0GamZYQwvACan You Beat Skyrim With Only A Fork? (Optional) Betray Eddie by offering Lieutenant Hayes assistance in retaking the Prison. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HLHqINNuM8Can You Beat Skyrim By Only Using Shouts? So, if this was gonna take a long time, I might as well install a few mods to make it more interesting. The first task is to "take care" of a Powder Ganger named Chavez, who Eddie believes is setting up his own crew without permission. Those traits are from a mod. DETAILS. Faction armour cannot fool everybody. By doing this it is also possible to gain the rewards for helping Eddie (300 XP instead of the normal 200), only become shunned (Powder Ganger camps will not attack the player character) by the Powder Gangers (. Using this technique, one can get rid of every Powder Ganger at the NCR Correctional Facility except for Eddie and Meyers. (1) Talk to Sunny Smiles about fighting the Powder Gangers. Mojave Wasteland:Hunter's farmInterstate 15NCR Correctional FacilityPowder Ganger camp eastPowder Ganger camp northPowder Ganger camp southPowder Ganger camp westPrimmVault 19Whittaker farmstead ], Nipton terminal entries; Mayor Steyn's terminal, Testing, Q&A session with Josh Sawyer during a live charity stream. I am wondering if this is a bug or if its something normal. Hello. Powder Gangers: 00101F42: Vipers: 0015F16E: Primm residents: 000D7F56: The Strip: 00140A88: Tops Casino (Chairmen) 00117508: White Glove Society: 00116F10: Van Graffs . Reduced Powder Ganger NPC count in North Vegas and Westside. But hey, i'm not here to judge. Contents 1 Background 2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 Interactions overview 2.2 Other interactions 3 Combat notes 4 Inventory 5 Notable members 6 Bugs 7 Appearances Background Alternately, one can change into NCR armor before exiting the building, the NCR invaders will be neutral, but the Powder Gangers will be hostile. Powder Gangers in the scattered camps are hostile to the player character until Neutral or Shunned reputation is established, avoid killing them loudly to be able to speak to Eddie initially. If one wants to be certain to complete the quest, (and not intervene), one will have to visit each cell block, otherwise the NCR will just kill the Powder Gangers in the yard, then the Admin building. The reward for Down in the Basement has been scaled down from 1500 caps to a more reasonable 500. i think dressing up as one helps, just avoid the guards. . One will be awarded 300 XP for completing the quest, and gain reputation with the NCR. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. They are introduced in Fallout: New Vegas as a large group of escaped convicts running amok on the I-15 highway area, harassing the small towns of Nipton, Goodsprings, and Primm. Society There are a lot of characters to meet in Fallout New Vegas. Updated several NPC Packages and Scripts to improve performance. Then theres the foolproof approach that I created by myself. V19 guys just wanted me to clear out some geckos in the lower level. New quests and weapons that are accessible even if the vanilla Powder Gangers already hate your guts! This quest is given by Eddie at the NCR Correctional Facility in the administration building. This means the mod will no longer conflict with other mods that edit I Fought The Law. You kids arent gonna know what Im talking about, but I printed out a list of every named NPC in New Vegas onto paper and stapled it into a bundle of paper thatd been stapled together by someone with a stapler. You will need to seek permission from, You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Working on the Chain Gang - A Powder Ganger Quest Mod (CHS). Recently I was purging the correctional facility of the Powder Gangers, and while I was doing that I took supplies from a medical box on the wall. Great for those who prefer to sling their dynamite than getting up close and personal. The Prospector's Den quest marker updates after talking to Ian. He will tell the player character to rendezvous with Sergeant Lee, located just to the south east of the prison (on a hill, approximately in line between Powder Ganger camp south and the prison). It is possible that Hayes and some of the troops under his command were sent to Hope, and that is why some troops at Forlorn Hope say that they got reinforced by troops from Primm. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. there is a mod on nexus that might help you. You also get XP for teaching him recipes now. 3.Only fight deathclaws if you are level 15 or higher 4.if your idolized in freeside your hated A state-of-the-art subreddit from Vault-Tec. Then wear a uniform and start the mission. I took Goodsprings side against the Powder Gangers, and now I want to help the NCR take back the prison but apparently you need to help the Powder Gangers in order to unlock. The powder gangers don't have much reach. All the stages have multiple possible solution methods, depending on how you prefer to handle stuff, and in the final stage of the quest, you can betray the powder gangers to the NCR and help the NCR attack the place. Just had the same issue having _Idolized_ reputation with Powder Gangers. Probably has something to do with the game being shipped after less than 2 years in production lol. However, even in Nipton before the massacre, the group visited opposite the NCR, the troopers at night, and gang members during the day, to avoid conflict. Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas By Killing Everyone?Mitten Squad Discord link: http://www.Mitten.Land/#MittensMojaveMassacreCheck out some of my other videos if you liked this one:Can You Beat Bioshock With Only A Wrench? Talking to him and asking how one can help out is all that is required to start this quest. Thanks for the quick response. Fixes some blood decals, (hopefully) corrects a progression bug regarding Quarry Junction, edits NPC packages in the Westside base, and adds a new unique helmet to the Mad Minotaur. It is possible to talk to Eddie without a Stealth Boy, even if one is vilified by the Powder Gangers. That's why this mods got you covered. When dialogue ends, run out of the room so he cannot see the player character and turn hostile. But there is something weird here. She'll give you three optional tasks to try to get some other people involved. He's a businessman at heart, fair but stern, and getting him to help with his supplies is going to be difficult. All rights reserved. Powder Gangers are members of the Powder Gangers living in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas . Unfortunately, getting her involved in this fray is going to require a bit of convincing, just as Sunny promised it would. There are people who will always recognise you. Once combat is finished and your are [HIDDEN], re equip the PG armor and go back to loot Dawes' corpse for the key. We'll leave the gas station posthaste to do so now, but first, be sure to grab the Boxing Times Magazine from the shelf in the gas station en route. New unique missile launcher: Expedita. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The second person on your list should be Chet at the general store directly next to the Prospector Saloon. Though a few managed to erase their pasts, most never survived the journey. 00101F42 [4][1], The revolt shut down Highway 93 and the NCR's main road to Vegas. The ending slide will act like you never interacted with the Prison at all. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. No reputation with the NCR will be lost for informing on them; however, all the soldiers assaulting the base will be hostile to the player character, which will likely cause NCR reputation loss as a result of fighting back (only if one kills any of the soldiers). Philip LemJoe CobbChavez Have you ever wanted to be a stylish convicted felon in a post apocalyptic wasteland? Just to give some context, this is a spoiler so mute for the next 4 seconds if you care. However, they also have a large arsenal of guns; some stolen, others looted from dead NCRCF guards. They are hated by both the NCR, whom they were former prisoners of, and Caesar's Legion, due to their harassment of Legion raiding parties. H.., Fallout: New Vegas PlayStation 3 If yes then you need help buddy. If Lee dies during the assault, no NCR reputation will be gained. It wont in the long run. The NCR did increase their sentences, and they aren't about to take off time for good behavior. NCR Correctional Facility Eddie's Emissary Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Offers a reason for non-evil characters to begin "I Fought The Law". Incorrect audio line for TNT Timbo fixed. A couple of notes have been added for general lore purposes. Added a missing audio line for Hannigan. Follow Trudy's advice and seek out this Ringo character, who has apparently holed himself up in Goodsprings' dilapidated gas station, due just west of the Prospector Saloon. I know there are missions you can get from them at the NCRCF, but I get shot on site. Does being friends with the powder gangers got anything to do with any thing special or can i just kill em all n wipe them off the face of Vegas as i donot want 2 stuff up my 2nd play-through thanks NCR Correctional Facility Vault 19 Powder GangNCRCF Powder GangJoe Cobb's GangChavez's GangPrimm escaped convicts Speak with her, and you'll be able to engage her in conversation about the plight of Ringo, and taking on Joe Cobb and his gang. You'll need to have a Barter skill of 25 or higher to get him involved in the fight against Cobb and his men. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. In the distant past, the NCR Correctional Facility was the Jean Conservancy, a low-security all-female prison. Upon initiating dialogue with him, he will give the player character a short "briefing," and the assault will begin. Assignment is the defense of New Vegas. They do have an ending slide though, but nothing bad happens if you wipe them out. Powder gangers shoot me at sight in NCR correctional facility. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. I Fought the Law is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. One named Powder Ganger may remain in one of the cell blocks, (a sneak kill if one wants to keep their rep intact). Since you usually don't side with the person you plan on siding against I never considered it, so is there some other way to get the quest or are cheats my only hope at this point? Talking to him and asking how one can help out is all that is required to start this quest.
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