NFL. I would prefer to have an aisle seat for the room but they were great seats. Yes, you can bring binoculars into Busch Stadium. The Cardinals Nation Restaurant offers three patio decks, four full-service bars, and more than 50 flat-screen HD televisions. If you are driving, there areplenty of parking options around downtown and in the immediate vicinity of Busch Stadium, mostly in independently owned lots on the other side of I-64. Facebook Coffee is available at Busch Stadium in the following sections: Click here to view a seating map if you need help figuring out where you are in the stadium in relation to these coffee spots. Major League Baseball games consist of nine total innings, with the exception of double header games which are only 7 total innings in length. Can You Watch Batting Practice at Busch Stadium? I received these tickets free to this play off game against the LA Dodgers, couldn't have been a better game. There are two types of covered seats at Busch Stadium. The Powerade Bridge is an all-inclusive group seating option located above sections 107, 109, and 111 in right center field. The rooftop Bud Deck, located on the third floor of Budweiser Brew House, offers an unparalleled view of Busch Stadium and is the "hidden gem" of Ballpark Village. The chairs (light metal) and rail look similar to these in Leftfield Landing. The terrace level seats at Busch Stadium consist of sections 431 through 454. It will need to meet the 3 requirements listed above for water bottles. It is in front of sections 107 and 109. Lettered rows will always sit closer to the field than numbered rows in sequence. Though there are plenty of hotels downtown and within walking distance of Busch Stadium, you can expect the rates there to be significantly higher than lodging options outside the central city area, and even more so during Cardinals homestands. Continuing the trend of having entertainment districts for fans to mingle prior to sporting events, Busch Stadiums version contains no less than 12 places where you can stop and eat or drink, ranging from stands to sit-down joints. Most sections in this location are segmented into three distinct smaller sections. St. Louis Cardinals Parking and Gate Information. Busch Stadium is ideally located in downtown St. Louis, with Interstate 64 running right by it, two other interstates close by and the glorious Gateway Arch within shouting distance. Left field, in particular, is close to a high concentration of adult beverages and is one of the best places to sit and enjoy a cold one at a Cardinals game. Available on non-game days, year-round. Any information is provided as is with no guarantee of completeness, meaning much of this information is subject to change, and although we do our best to keep these guides updated, we cant guarantee accuracy at all times. The Budweiser Brew House Deck will provide baseball fans with access to Busch Stadium but they must check in there first. The new "field drink rail" seats are most often priced from $90 to $125 per game, although. One of the best aspects of Busch Stadium is the shape of the field on the 100 level. As far as the fans are concerned, Busch Stadium is one of the most unfriendly ballparks for catching a home run. In short, if you see the Arch and you're on an interstate, you shouldn't have much problem finding the ballpark. With 24 rows of seating in these left field sections, fans that prefer to be in the shade will need to be in the last few rows to get any benefit from the small overhanging roof just above the last row. Yes, Busch Stadium has coffee (source). cassandra jones artist. Our guide to Busch Stadium includes information on events, tickets, parking, public transportation, nearby hotels and restaurants, seating, food and more. Many stadiums recommend fans to pre-purchase parking passes if needed to help avoid the hassle and wait times associated with buying passes at the stadium. Set your maximum price per ticket using the slider below, 1/4 - 360 Photo From Left Field Porch 1/Left Field Porch 2, 2/4 - Seat View From Left Field Porch 1, Row 10, 3/4 - Seat View From Left Field Porch 1, Row 10, 4/4 - Approximate View From Left Field Porch 1, Recommended seating for partying and socializing, Rows in Left Field Porch 1 are labeled 1-12, An entrance to this section is located at Row 12. Many baseball fans will associate Branch Rickey with Jackie Robinson and the Brooklyn Dodgers. In some of these larger sections, there are walkways that break up the seating. There is also covered seating in the lower sections, which are shielded by the overhang of the upper decks. In general, Busch Stadium gates open 1.5 hours before game time Monday Thursday and 2 hours before game time Friday Sunday (times are subject to change). This fully-covered and shaded area offers kids a chance to take batting practice, test the speed of their pitch and enjoy healthy kid-friendly snacks. Loaded hot dogs, build-your-own nachos, smoked chicken legs, specialty burgers the selection is quite wide. This website also participates in affiliate programs with Fanatics, NHL Shop, MLB Shop, NBA Store, NFL Shop, and Vivid Seats. Let's address the obvious firstGateway Arch isn't your typical national park. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. MLB.TV. The Budweiser Terrace replaces sections 328-330 and 428-430. Image Credit: Samir Luther (CC BY-SA 2.0). Yes, you can bring water into Busch Stadium as long as it meets stadium requirements (source). The rows for the Commissioners Box seats are lettered A through E. The perks for the Commissioners Box seats at Busch Stadium include the following. Cardinals Dugout - The Cardinals players sit in front of Section 142, Section 143 and Section 144, Visitor Dugout - The visiting team sits in front of Section 156, Section 157 and Section 158. For a Tuesday night game, gates will open 90 minutes before first pitch. St. Louis Metrolink light rail system consists of two lines that converge and run along the same tracks going through downtown. These are the best seats in the Redbird Club. Sections 127-140 are located on the first base side, with the higher numbered sections being closer to the Cardinals dugout. Yes, you can bring a blanket into Busch Stadium. by Loews hotel, which offers more options in the way of food, drink and nightlife next to Busch Stadium. Unlike the 200 and 300 levels where you walk down from the concourse towards Row 1 - the first row in the 400 level is at the section entrance. Because of this, you can watch more of batting practice Friday through Sunday than during the week. Not only do these seats give fans first-rate views of the field, they come with such conveniences as in-seat wait service and all-inclusive pricing; not to mention your chances of being on TV are very good. The St Louis Cardinals have an exclusive partnership with Lyft. dominique moore instagram But loyal is the word that most easily comes to mind. The time it opens depends on the day. Yes, you can buy Cardinals tickets at Busch Stadium as long as supplies last. Right behind the dugout. The large bullpens in left and right field swallow up a number of would-be souvenirs. The Infield Redbird club seats are located in sections 241-246 and 254-257, and the Home Redbird seats are in sections 247-253. The Branch Rickey Room is a party suite located on the 2nd floor of the Cardinals Nation Restaurant outside of Busch Stadium. Some lower level sections at the Cardinals' Busch Stadium contain as many as 40 rows of seating. On the left field side are sections 160-172, with the lower numbered sections being closer to the visitor's dugout and the infield. Fans seated near home plate on any level of the ballpark are treated to outstanding vistas of the arch and downtown St. Louis. For more on visiting St. Louis, check out our St. Louis sports travel guide. Lyft has exclusive pick up and drop off locations in front of Ballpark Village and Busch Stadium. drink rail seats at busch stadium. Life is hard, it's harder if you're stupid The Busch Stadium is known for hosting the St. Louis Cardinals but other events have taken place here as well. Busch Stadium also offers a number of standing-room only spots around the seating bowl, and other than having to look over the row of fans in front of you, visibility is generally not an issue. For those of you wanting to use Uber, you can still get to and from the stadium using Uber. The Dugout Box seats are located in the lettered seating rows (closest to the field) of Sections 132, 135-139, and 161-166. Just curious - thanks! Busch Stadium Left Field Porch 1 View 360 Photo From Left Field Porch 1/Left Field Porch 2 Left Field Porch 1 Seating Notes Recommended seating for partying and socializing Rows 1 and above are under cover See all shaded and covered seating Full Busch Stadium Seating Guide Row Numbers Rows in Left Field Porch 1 are labeled 1-12 The Cardinals themselves capitalized on this several years back by constructing the Ballpark Village across Clark Avenue from Busch Stadium. Busch Stadium, also referred to informally as "New Busch Stadium" or "Busch Stadium III", is a baseball park located in St. Louis, Missouri, and the home of the St. Louis Cardinals, the city's Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise. With St. Louis being the home of Anheuser-Busch, it's not surprising that Busch Stadium has a number of areas that cater to beer-drinking baseball fans. If you are at a Cardinals game, you might be wondering if any of the concession stands or restaurants serve coffee. The obvious choice is always the front row, but also considering the drink rail. What to Bring to a St. Louis Cardinals Game? Busch can is $5. If you are heading to LoanDepot Park in Miami, this LoanDepot Park Parking Guide will instruct you how is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The perks for the Coca-Cola Scoreboard Patio at Busch Stadium include the following. Electronic cigarettes are subject to the same restrictions as tobacco use (see above). Busch Stadium allows you to bring in your own food and drink, but you have to follow the rules! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Unlike other impressive areas; however, the Commissioner's Box is just a single section with ticket inventory extremely limited. These sections are close to the Busch Stadium Build-a-Bear where your young one can build a Fredbird and take it home as a memory to cherish. Although they're technically not within Busch Stadium, these are ticketed seating locations with views of the game and additional amenities. If you plan on arriving early for batting practice, do know that it is uncommon for teams to BP before early afternoon games. Busch Stadium offers some of the finest non-baseball views of any ballpark. Plus it goes over the water! We believe that if you look closely enough at a team, its fan base, and, yes, its stadium, you can really get a feel for a regions tastes, its styles, its beliefs, and quite simply, its personalities. Gashouse Grill Section 132, 146, 150, 154, 233, 450. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Among seats you want to explicitly avoid are those in RF and down the RF line on all levels. Obviously, the length of any one individual Cardinals game may vary greatly from the next due to several different factors. How Long Do St. Louis Cardinals Games Last? Closest to the field on this side will be the Dugout Box seats, followed by the 3rd Base Field Box or the Left Field Box depending on how close you are to third base. Just try walking a few blocks in any direction to see a number of nearby restaurants. St. Louis is known for having some of the most knowledgeable and friendly fans in all of baseball. 10-06-22 . During the off-season, ticket office hours are 10 am 4 pm Monday through Friday (closed weekends). Generally speaking, fans will find the most comfortable seats to be in the 100 level where many of the chairs are padded and a number of walkways create breaks in the seating. Apps. I would say that it is about 1.5 feet in width. St. Louis Cardinals vs. Toronto Blue Jays The Cardinals Club seats at Busch Stadium (also called the green seats) consist of sections CC1 through CC8 behind home plate. Turns out "Saint" Augustine of Hippo was anything but a saint. As many fans will attest to, Busch Stadium is known to be one of the best places to catch live entertainment around town. There are many bar rail seats throughout Busch Stadium. Hey! These seats give Cardinals fans the closest views of their favorite players, outstanding service and complimentary food and drink. One of the lesser-known all-inclusive areas at Busch Stadium is the Champions Club down the LF line. But is it allowed? Just above are the Left Field Porch sections which offer some of the best shade at Busch Stadium in the hot summer months. Where is Cardinals Bullpen at Busch Stadium? Busch Stadium has been home to the St. Louis Cardinals since 2006, and will grow into one of Major League Baseball's most historic stadiums as time moves forward. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. No, Busch Stadium does not have a roof that covers the entire stadium. Drinks until 2.5 hours after the game. Can You Bring a Backpack Into Busch Stadium? Covered by deck in case of rain and shady", "Nice view but a bit overpriced for the game", "Los Angeles Dodgers at St. Louis Cardinals - Apr 8, 2019", "Atlanta Braves at St. Louis Cardinals - May 25, 2019", "Cincinnati Reds at St. Louis Cardinals - Apr 26, 2019", "Houston Astros at St. Louis Cardinals - Jul 26, 2019", "San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals - Sep 3, 2019", "NLCS: Washington Nationals at St. Louis Cardinals - Oct 11, 2019", "Milwaukee Brewers at St. Louis Cardinals - Aug 19, 2021". St. Louis Cardinals vs. Atlanta Braves This was the best game that I have ever attended and the best seats that I have ever sat in. You will need to prepare to face the sun and elements when attending games at Busch Stadium. Sports Fan Focus is owned by VFK Digital LLC, a limited liability company located in Kansas, USA. One of the lesser-known all-inclusive areas at Busch Stadium is the Champions Club down the LF line. The visiting teams dugout is located in front of sections 156 and 157. Many types of foods are allowed into Busch Stadium as long as they cant be easily thrown as a projectile onto the field. There are designated areas at the top of most non-premium seating sections where standing room only ticket holders can stand and watch the game. Ballpark Village, the mixed-use development outside of Busch Stadium, has made Busch Stadium a year around destination for St. Louis sports fans and other tourists. 187. Fans seated in rows 20 and above will feel like they're in a separate seating section as these rows are elevated above lower rows and are accessible only by a small set of stairs. The perks for the UMB Champions Club at Busch Stadium include the following. For fans looking to drink within the gates of Busch Stadium, there are no shortages of options. On days that it is very hot or cold, it offers a way for you to get out of the elements and watch the game in the climate controlled area. These windows are also open for all home games from 10:00 am until 90 minutes after scheduled game time. It replaced Busch Memorial Stadium (aka Busch Stadium II) and . Will call at Busch Stadium is located in conjunction with the Ticket Windows. Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark 0.2 miles away As we just discussed above, Busch Stadium does not have a dome roof. Unfortunately food is not included with the price of a ticket in these areas. Are there any covered seats at Busch Stadium? ", "Great view-close to restrooms-alround excellent! It seems a lot of new-era ballparks were built with cozy seating bowls, but with Busch Stadium this is not the case, and thats quite all right. There are a few good unique-to-St. Louis and unique-to-ballpark food items at Busch Stadium, too, if you look hard enough. Has anyone ever sat in these seats? Buying from Vivid Seats allows you to avoid ticket lines at the stadium and Vivid Seats shows you your view from the seats prior to purchase. Because the area attracts so many fans to the game so early, the Cardinals are known for having one of the earliest-arriving crowds in all of baseball. Lettered rows will always sit closer to the field than numbered rows in sequence. Other seats with a great view include seats behind home plate at the top of the 100 level or those at the front of the 300 level. Drink rail instantly elevates the fan experience at any stadium, arena, or ballpark. Where are the best seats for a pregnant woman at Busch Stadium? ". Busch Stadium faces northeast. Busch Stadium is ideally located in downtown St. Louis, with Interstate 64 running right by it, two other interstates close by and the glorious Gateway Arch within shouting distance. link to How to Buy a Citizens Bank Park Parking Pass [Philadelphia Phillies], link to How to Buy a LoanDepot Park Parking Pass [Miami Marlins]. The left field porch seats at Busch Stadium consist of sections LP1, LP2, and LP3 in left field. This website ( has no affiliation with Busch Stadium, the St. Louis Cardinals, MLB, or any of the events hosted at this facility. During the season, the 8th Street ticket windows are open from 10:00 am 5:00 pm Monday through Friday on non-game days (source). The Budweiser Terrace is open to all fans with tickets for the game and provides guests with the following. Therefore, while the food and beverages are not all-inclusive, you do have access to high-quality food and beverage options. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. NCAA Basketball. ", "Great place to relax and watch with friends", "Better than most upper decks, but not great", "Shade entire time, good view, nice breeze on a hot day", "Close to food, but slightly obstructed view", "Steps Away From Restrooms and Concessions", "Excellent Alternative to the Club Level", "Great view of the field and visitors bullpen!! Home Teams Nearly every lower level section is close to some combination of frozen drinks, premium liquor and, of course, Bud products. The Cardinals Nation Rooftop provides the best views of the playing field out of all of the Ballpark Village seating areas. This will be excellent in August. Search for more St. Louis restaurants on Tripadvisor. . There are two distinct seating areas that comprise the Redbird Club and they are as follows. Can You Bring Sunscreen Into Busch Stadium? In short, if you see the Arch and youre on an interstate, you shouldnt have much problem finding the ballpark. ***Bag policies may be amended by MLB at any time checking with MLB before attending is advised. The perks for the National Car Rentals Club at Busch Stadium include the following. Contact information is below: Joshua is lead content creator for basketball and golf at Sports Fan Focus. With the astounding stadium views, The Bud Deck is the perfect place to catch a Cardinals game or to enjoy a drink on the weekends. The area has couches, tables, and TVs for you to use. ", "Great view and amenities, but LOUD (bring ear plugs)", "Excellent seats for visiting teams! How to Buy a Citizens Bank Park Parking Pass [Philadelphia Phillies]. Busch Stadiums luxury suites can be leased for a full season or half season. The Westin St. Louis 0.1 miles away To search tickets in these seating areas, select an event and apply the corresponding filter. Generally speaking, fans at Busch Stadium are well-behaved and create a family friendly atmosphere. ", "First row in the outfield! Considering we are large people, my husband is 6' 7" tall. What is the Redbird Club at Busch Stadium? St. Louis Cardinals vs. Atlanta Braves Shopping The park contains 12 stores, each selling distinct souvenirs, apparel and collectibles. T!ckets App - by RateYourSeats.comSports and Concert Tickets. The Cardinals Hall of Fame Museum is located within the Ballpark Village its part of Cardinals Nation, which features a two-story restaurant, a pro shop and a rooftop deck where fans can buy tickets to a seating area and watch the game without entering Busch Stadium, similar to the rooftop bleachers at Chicagos Wrigley Field. Most lower level sections can be categorized as no walkway, single-walkway and double-walkway. Many fans like to bring a binoculars to help see the action, especially if they dont have field level seats. drink rail seats at busch stadium; drink rail seats at busch stadium. Sitting in rows 20 and above will provide more shade, while sitting in rows 15-19 will give you near instant access to the concourse tunnel. Our staff wanted to provide a thorough breakdown of the Busch Stadium seating chart to help baseball fans decide where to sit before purchasing their St. Louis Cardinals tickets. Theyre scattered around the ballpark, so if you feel like stretching your legs, you dont have to feel like youre going to miss significant chunks of the game. The loge level seats at Busch Stadium consist of sections 228 through 272. My biggest thrill is combining the two. How many rows are there in Section 132 at Busch Stadium? 24 - Mercury 2006 Premier 169,839 Miles Leather Seats,Sunroof,Heated Seats, Newer Tires and Breaks, Has Been Undercoated,Power Seats Consignor drove this vehicle about 15 miles to our location. [Bowden] On Cardinals right now: "They are actively pursuing trades and keeping tabs on the free-agent market. Sections that have bar rail seats include: Many of these sections are all-inclusive seating arrangements. The number of rows for the 100 level sections will greatly vary. The Busch Stadium bleachers arent quiet as iconic as the bleachers in other Major League ballparks like, Access to a furnished and climate-controlled club equipped with dining areas, private bars, and flat-screen HD televisions, All-inclusive food, alcohol, and soft drinks (buffet), Outdoor reserved seating on level 2 (in the shade), Outdoor seating in sections 258 and 259; indoor seating in sections 260, Can accommodate up to 30 guests (sold in increments of 2), Access to the UMB Champions Club (see above), In-seat waiter service (menu includes ballpark fare, alcohol, and soft drinks), Access to a furnished and climate-controlled social area equipped with flat-screen HD televisions, All-inclusive food, beer, and soda (buffet), All-inclusive food, beer, and soft drinks (buffet), Area equipped with flat-screen HD televisions, Free admission to the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame and Museum, Access to a climate-controlled social area equipped with flat-screen HD televisions, full-service bars, and dining areas, Stadiums daily promotional item provided to each guest, Tickets for up to 12 guests (sold in groups of four), Access to a climate-controlled and furnished suite equipped with flat-screen HD televisions, Parking passes provided for guests (VIP Lot C), Retractable window panels to create open-air environment, Various catered food and beverage packages available, Additional standing room only tickets available, To learn more about leasing a luxury suite at Busch Stadium, please visit, Access to a furnished and climate-controlled suite equipped with flat-screen HD televisions, All-inclusive food and soft drinks (ballpark fare), Access to a climate-controlled social area, To learn more about leasing a Party Suite at Busch Stadium, please visit, All-inclusive food, alcohol, and soft drinks (ballpark fare), Access to an outdoor patio with a view of the field, The Budweiser Ballpark Pass provides baseball fans with a standing room only ticket to every St. Louis Cardinals home game for only $30 per month. If your seats are in rows 7-11, you can expect a good amount of shade from the sun during day games. One thing that did make it better since we had seats in the middle of the row, some seats were open so we could spread out and that gave us more room. Pavilion Outfield seating is located on the highest tier of Busch Stadium running from the corner bases and wrapping around to the behind the outfield walls. All paid and complimentary tickets can be picked up at the 8th Street ticket windows as well as at all Cardinals Ticket Kiosks located around the perimeter of Busch Stadium (see sections above for locations). Our seats were unbelievable! In fact, its signature feature is . Ive been blogging about sports travel for more than a decade, and traveling for sports for twice as long. The first seats that come to mind when Cardinals fans think about an impressive experience are the Green Seats located directly behind home plate. 18 FT DRAG FROM RAIL ROAD IRON Other Items Online Auctions at It is a smoke-free stadium. Branch Rickey is the face of St. Louis baseball. Main Menu Keep in mind that the view of field isnt perfect from the Budweiser Brew House Deck; fans will only be able to see maybe 65% of the field. Paid ticket orders (that have not been previously printed) can be picked up at the Clark Street ticket windows (youll need valid ID that matches the Will Call name). As we discussed earlier, Busch Stadium gates open 1.5 hours before game time Monday Thursday and 2 hours before game time Friday Sunday (times are subject to change). While this is not a rule, most open-air stadiums are built this way. CAL RIPKEN JR Collectibles Auction Results. This is also the area where Rooftop and Deck seating has been added. The food selection is one of the areas in which Busch Stadium really shines. Leftfield Landing is an all-inclusive group seating option located behind section 169. Live! Yes, you can bring peanuts into Busch Stadium for individual consumption.
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