9. Jacob Waltz died in 1891. [The lost mine] is the reason why he went there. I can understand that. Waltz said the Mexicans dug another tunnel from down below the mine trying to come in farther down into the vein because the pit mine was getting too hard to mine. Aired on Feb 08, 2015. "I'm sitting under a tree in a creek with leg broke, I've got to have help quick. (Courtesy: Robert Cooper) Three years ago, a Denver bellhop ventured into Arizona's Superstition Mountains determined to find the Lost Dutchman's Mine, an elusive, vast gold reserve that. is jewelry grade gold. I had been looking for months, I could not find it. True! An autopsy took place on Tuesday, she said, and the results are expected to take weeks. I would only reveal it to someone I could trust and right now that is no one. After the land was ceded to the United States, the Peralta party was trespassing on U.S. soil. Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America . "He is greatly missed by his fellow associates at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel," he said. The whole story was concocted to give cover to Jacob Waltz, Enjoyed your post-Gary. Most of our time on this trip was spent exploring around the mine site. "Legend of the Superstition Mountains" airs on History, Sunday night at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Join Facebook to connect with Wayne Tuttle and others you may know. Not All Clues are about what Jacob Waltz said. Talking to our editor Howard and the publisher they think some time early 2020 is realistic. Its my understanding that the LDM was located a few years back, or I should say rediscovered. I am usually not an emotional person. Everytime I found positive information in the office I always made a trip out to Arizona. He said that he too tried to dig a mine just above them, but as the Mexicans had said, the rock in this section was too hard, so he gave up as well. Yes! The XRF results should be on Unexplained and Unexplored tomorrow night Sunday November 17th on Science channel. Hopefully we have a mild winter. I have researched many aspects of the story in archives, others in the mountains, and some around campfires after a few shots of Tequila or Fireball (you know who you are)! Just because no one has found the lost Dutchman . There are many who believe that after a 135+ years that if it exists, it would have been found by now and that the LDGM is nothing more than a fairy tale or that it already has been found and is near the old Goldfield mine. Burnett said she believes her son was caught too far from camp that first day to make it back by sunset. 3. My family lives in the Carolinas; if you care to send me an email would enjoy just talking to you. I believe her place was either attached to or behind her ice cream parlor, I have read different versions of that. Most people tell us we should mine and keep quite, and protect it from the tourist who are not worthy. 13. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Jeff. I have thoughts on this that I will share later. Our wilderness doesnt appear to have any gold in it, but a lot of people believe there is., Starwood Hotels and Resorts Area Managing Director Tom Curley said in a statement that the company is "relieved for the friends and family of Jesse Capen that his body presumably has been found.". Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of Ame Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. "I'm a little slower now and wish I had the legs I had 20 years ago. 3. Some of our high-tech images are proprietary and cannot be shown at this time, others are exclusive to our book and others, again for security reasons, cannot be shown at this time. His cadaver was never found. Bryan. Hopefully after our fifth trip we will be at liberty to share more of the connected clues that we have. I've found mines that have been worked out and found ore samples that still hold traces of gold in them, The big prize, I think, for everybody, would still be - even not finding the mine - there is a stash of gold somewhere buried in a little pit in the ground near Waltz's camp, and who knows what that could be worth - two, three million dollars just sitting there under our feet. Here is the thing Mike I have seen everything found and presented before, compared to what we have( and we are not done) and it not close. Ill buy your book as Im in Australia and have been following searchers over the net for years so your book will be enough proof for me thanks very interesting read and well explained how you got to where you are now. Around 2002, I reconnected with a number of people and found a couple of guys who I felt comfortable with and trusted to go back into the mountains with. If you climb some distance above my mine you can see to the south a sharp peak (Weavers Needle). Even if it passes all of that, it is not 100% that it is LDM Ore. Not 100%, but it will be enough to be taken more seriously than the multitudes of others that appear online claiming to have found the LDM. Sincerely Jeff. "The Lost Dutchman" Ray Harlan & Sonny, the burro, The grave is located at 1317 W. Jefferson Street in the "Masonic Cemetery" section of Phoenix's historic Pioneer & Military Memorial Park. The Priest carved into the canyon floor in full robes holding a cross in front of a mine entrance, the only other one like it was said to be pointing the way to the Guadeloupe Mines but was destroyed by the Priests themselves. I must say, more people have found his mine over the years than Carter has pills! Yes! Yes! Testing today is much more accurate than the last time the Dutchman gold samples were lab tested. But like Ben Crenshaw said in the 1999 Ryder Cup matches live on TV after Saturdays, matches. After five years of research and four expeditions, Arcana Exploration has not only found the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, but has been able to match the most accepted clues with the physical evidence on the ground. (Courtesy: Robert Cooper), This map shows the area in the southern portion of Arizona's Superstition Mountains where a body believed to be Capen's was found Saturday in a tight spot roughly 35 feet off the ground. His name appears on several California census records. Nevertheless, it is there. So if you have found it share something with me without giving away the location. The lost Breyfogle mine, also one of the most famous lost mines of all, was found and is today known as the Amargosa mine in CA. or redistributed. Episode: File 0011: Baba Yaga's Dutchman House. 8. True! Meanwhile two Canadians, claiming to be blood brothers of Kidd, contested the will. 14. The stone house existsamazing. Where is your book? https://superstitionmountainmuseum.org/exhibits/jacob-waltz-lost-dutchman-exhibit/#:~:text=If%20Waltz%20had%20a%20rich,the%20home%20of%20Julia%20Thomas. When Waltz died, the 29-year-old Thomas sold her bakery, got a group together, and went searching for the mine. Yes! Yes, gold quartz matrix is there, but the Goldfield samples have been tested against known Dutchman samples, and its inorganic (think of it as sort of DNA) metallurgical characteristics or their fingerprints if you will, do not match. (and this is most important! Reality-TV A group of modern day treasure hunters search for the Lost Dutchman mine in the Superstition mountain range of Arizona. With the Knife or Sword beside it. Starring: Wayne Tuttle, Frank Augustine, Woody Wampler, Eric . But in 2010, Burnett told the Denver Post her son had become obsessed with the legend of the Arizona gold mine. This again is correct, but you have to see the place to understand what he meant. As you probably guessed, they were fakes. While the remains have yet to be positively identified, Cooper said hes confident the remains are that of Capen based on where the body was found, clothing found nearby and other identifying characteristics. At the time of his search, Waltz was living in Phoenix, reportedly on land owned by Julia Thomas, a local bakery owner. Waltz and his partner returned, mining gold ore, and Waltz left to get more supplies. After searching for five years and reading most of the published material, the last paragraph in one book keeps haunting me. Then, to recoup the cost of the failed expedition, Thomas started selling maps that she claimed would lead people to the mine. Yes! No one has found, or at least shared, any viable proof that matches the man-made or natural clues. Searchers spotted a boot in steeper terrain above the day pack. I hope to return for a more thorough investigation. I have ran a few buckets of material to confirm if there is a parent gold source up a particular canyon I have explored. Fairly generic directions, but he gave them nonetheless. 7.4K 585K views 1 year ago #LegendoftheSuperstitionMountains Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle,. Best of luck. "Waltz said it was a vein of gold surrounded by hematite in quartz," according to Tuttle. He said you can be twenty feet from my mine and you will not have any idea where it is. It was known by several prospectors along Pinto Creek, in the early days, Beach and Kidd prospected the eastern end of the Superstition Wilderness Area. We know what we have, and it is more that just a piece of ground. One of the forms for this testing is Laser ablation with a mass Spectrometer. Please dont ask my location. I have been able to piece together much of the overreaching story. Jesse had been 6 feet 4 inches tall. He was in a tight spot and thats why it took so long to find this young man.. It was never Peraltas Mining the North Trending Canyon, it has been Jesuit Priests and there is way more Jesuit Treasure than just a few Holy Artifacts. I had to give up reading the replies because they change with every different question to answer. On our next trip in October of 2016 we got one of the drones up the canyon and have some great 4k images, but they are proprietary for now and will be used in our book. Apparently this was not possible at the time. "He has more than 100 books and maps on the legend.". The window to find it is rapidly closing. In the book I am trying to let people who are not LDM junkies like us, or have never heard of the LDM, understand from our point of view, as improbable as it may be, that five regular guys from Ohio, would be doing what we are doing much less finding something. Full episodes of the current season can be viewed here. The Perfill Map is quite real. She speculates that he slipped off a ledge and tumbled to his death. *After our third trip we learned that you can no longer fly drones in the Superstition Mountains; the Tonto National Forest does not allow it.
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