The licensure and annual renewal fees for onsite wastewater system installers and pumpers/haulers are listed below: Installer: Tier 1 - $100. Before you buy land for your new home, call your local government to determine water and sewer availability. Home Search Programs Search Permits Search Facilities Search Inspections Search Violations Search Enforcement Actions Search Releases Delaware Open Data Portal Non-Site Specific Reports Search by Map (Beta) PERMIT SEARCH. The fee and permit are authorized by Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. The first time you apply for a license to work with septic systems and/or sewage disposal, you must pass an exam that tests your understanding of Regulation 61-56. Owners of food service facilities must ensure that grease traps are cleaned frequently to avoid grease reaching the drainfield. Answer: The County Codes Enforcement office accepts the septic tank application which is forwarded to the Health Department (Environment Control Office) who reviews and approves the location and connection of the septic tank. Membership is optional! Slope of the lot to see whether a septic tank can work and how the system must be built. The permit is then issued through Codes Enforcement. Underground utility lines, existing drainage pipes, and/or easements. Rabies. Keywords. Regular maintenance of your septic tank system will save you costly repairs, prevent people from getting sick and protect water quality. Large septic systems must have at least a 36-inch area between the naturally occurring soil surface and the zone of seasonal saturation. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control ("Department") has amended R. 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. All Rights Reserved. Your lot has been evaluated by the Department and it will not pass for a conventional septic system. Find a Septic Contractor Apply Online Find a Soil Classifier. Permit Number: Issued Between: Details. Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 898-DHEC (3432) Some septic systems fail to work properly, usually because of poor maintenance. These systems are required to be designed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of SC. dhec septic permit searchtooting and mitcham fc former players. THEN, Email aRequest for Records, 235 Promenade Street Step 4: Once you have been issued a Permit to Construct, you may contact a licensed onsite wastewater system installer to install your septic system. You, the applicant, are responsible for contacting an operator to dig pits on the proposed site. Step 2: Your application will be reviewed to be sure that all necessary paperwork is included. Cleared high lot with mature oak trees, close in and ready to build. Pay the Fee: $150 Evaluation fee must accompany the application and be paid at any DHEC office. Must obtain 12-hours of continuing education units every 2 years.*. Soil evaluations may have to be delayed until the soil has had time to dry out which adds to the time it takes to issue your permit. The SC Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (SC LLR) licenses PSCs. Incorrectly installed septic systems can harm water quality and make people sick, which is why South Carolina law requires site approvals and permits for all septic systems. Street Name Street Type. The number of bedrooms in the proposed house plan, used to calculate septic . Permit Search. Incorrectly installed septic systems can harm water quality and make people sick, which is why South Carolina law requires site approvals and permits for all septic systems. If he or she determine the land is not suitable, they will discuss other options. Here you can pick zero or more permit types from the drop down list to see only applications with those permit types. Contact Office of Water Resources 235 Promenade Street Providence, RI 02908-5767 For the permit type option, the search will include a total of 15 types of permits. (You must change the default settings for this to take effect), Drag the point on the map to find the latitude or longitude, Export Data to: For additional information on these and other . After you apply for a permit to install a septic tank for a new home: Our inspector will take a minimum of two soil samples (borings) in the area where the septic system will most likely be located. As a result, the Commission for Health Services has compiled rules and regulations addressing the placement . The procedures for notification are contained at 6 NYCRR 621.10 (b) ( link leaves DEC's website . South Carolina residents have Septic Connection on their side when it comes to the installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance of septic systems, but we are also ready to help by passing on knowledge. Septic tank and drain field area. For Sale: 0 Timmons Acres Ln, Awendaw, SC 29429 $199,000 MLS# 22015457 AWENDAW - BEST VALUE! This is similar to farmers having to delay planting or harvesting their crops. SC DHEC: Permit Central - South Carolina. The licensing requirements and fees are authorized under Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. You may also search by company name. ), visit our webpage on. We multiply 120 (gallons of wastewater) by the number of bedrooms to get a reliable estimate of the average daily volume of wastewater (or hydraulic load) a septic system will have to handle. If you are interested in a particular UST and have the site number, enter it to retrieve information about that UST. The GIS program provides core geospatial technology infrastructure, tools and services to support SCDHEC program operations, policy evaluations and . Design, inspect or approve septic or waste disposal systems. Must be actively installing in South Carolina for 3 years with no pending or prior disciplinary or enforcement action involving onsite wastewater systems OR actively installing out of state for 5 years with no pending or prior disciplinary or enforcement action involving onsite wastewater systems. Septic System Permit Status Lookup. This filter is not case sensitive. If you make no selection, your search will include all options listed in the drop down menus. Open. During this period, they may continue to install engineered systems while working to obtain the requirements necessary to be granted a Tier 3 license. The environmental application tracker provides information on the status of environmental applications received within the last 2 years and application decisions made within the last 2 years by the Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Land and Waste Management, and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. $25.00 - Permit for Additions/Businesses. Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. 2019 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Permitting for the following septic related activities: Installing, altering, extending ir repairing a septic system. FIRST, Search for the file or permit number using one of our permit search tools above. 61-56, Section 201.2) if they experience a Septic System malfunction. Permit Fields. Above the map, you can enter any address that you would like to center your search around and the latitude and longitude will be automatically estimated for you. Providence,RI02908-5767 Find online records and permits, pay service fees, and more. Active membership in place now. All fields are optional, but at least one field is required. Note: We do not retain any personal or project information from the answers you give. APN 088-01-01-021. From Lake Keowee and Jocassee, you can see Six Mile Mountain vividly. Comment Period for a proposed Non-Responsible Party Voluntary Cleanup Contract. The licensure and annual renewal fees for onsite wastewater system installers and pumpers/haulers are listed below: You must pay these fees each year in order to renew your license. Leave a comment natural environments early childhood. If a DHEC inspector does not arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled time, a licensed installer has the option to proceed with a self-inspection of the installation. We classify the soil by its characteristics: We sometimes have to turn down permits because the soil just isn't suitable. To retrieve the status of your septic system permit please follow the steps . Any food service facility permitted by DHEC that is served by a septic system that was permitted after May 23, 2008, is required to comply with regulations regarding grease traps (SC Code Ann. NEW! Suite/Unit City State. *Some of the questions will not apply to your . COVID-19 Community Levels & Data Dashboards, Nursing Home Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Projects, Making Your Emergency Survival Supply Kit, Individuals with Functional Needs How to Prepare for Emergency, State Statistics on Family Planning & Pregnancy, Women, Infants, & Nutrition Program (WIC), Child & Adolescent Immunizations and Vaccines, Manufactured Food Safety in South Carolina, Oil & Natural Gas and Terminal Facility Registration, Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines Stakeholder Workgroup, Regulation - Small Business Assistance Program, Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities, Medicare Provider Emergency Preparedness Information From CMS, Get Help with Health Care System Preparedness, Health Care Preparedness Staff Contacts State and Local, Health Care System Preparedness Program: Overview and Mission, Training Opportunities and Exercises for Health Care Professionals, Zika Virus Information for Health Care Providers, Electronic Health Records: Meaningful Use, Health Facilities: How to File a Complaint, Residential Treatment Facilities for Children & Adolescents, Radioactive Material Licensing and Compliance, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification Requirements, Hospital-Based Crisis Stabilization Units, Applying for a Permit, License, Certification or Registration from DHEC, FORMS: Applications, Registration, Reporting, Etc. Color shows how high the water table gets at the wettest time of year (this is visible regardless of the month). Make your selection(s), then click the Search button. Permit to alter a septic system. Home-based food operations are individuals preparing non-potentially hazardous . If you already know your coordinates in decimal format, you may enter those. The contracting rate will be no more than three times the Departments permitting fee per site. Issuing on-site wastewater (septic) system permits; Issuing well permits; Monitoring and enforcing drinking water quality for well water; Plan review, inspections and permitting, as required, for: food service establishments, public swimming pools, childcare centers, school buildings . OWTS (Septic) Permit Search. Greenwood One Hour Cleaners., Get Directions DHEC providestips on choosing land suitablefor septic systems and residential wells. DHEC Septic Tank Permits 206 Beaufort Street NE Aiken SC 2901 SC 036421637 Hours 30 AM 430 PM Monday-Friday excluding holidays. Permit Number: Project Name: Type. Permits set a capacity (generally, two people per bedroom) which cannot be exceeded in the design parameter. When using the filters for county and/or permit type, two search options are available. The updated regulation wasposted in the State Register on May 27, 2022 and wentinto effect on July 1, 2022. Stabilization inspections fees are 100.00 The permit . You can also click and drag the red arrow to the location youd like to search on the map. Soil with high clay content requires a much larger drainfield than property with high sand content. Free Search. Lot is graded for the perfect slab or crawlspace home. To get a complete picture of all the regulatory requirements you will need to meet, visit our, If you are an individual (rather than a business) and you need a permit from DHEC (to build a dock, install a well, etc. Rentals Details: WebIf you are an individual (rather than a business) and you need a permit from DHEC (to build a dock, install a well, etc. Tier 3 - $200. Your license to work on septic systems or haul sewage will expire if you fail to pay your renewal fees and late fees within 90 days of the renewal due date. If you are interested in this program and you meet the qualifications spelled out in Regulation 61-56, Section 102.1 (2)(c), please submit your resume and/or CV and qualifications to Tim Stanley, the OSWW Program Manager, Any Scotland County resident interested in constructing a septic system on their property must obtain an improvements permit from the Scotland County Health Department-Environmental Health Division. Permit Central. Street Number Pre Direction. All Forms, Applications, Registrations, Reporting Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. 18 months (New Performance Based Treatment System Construction fees will be $655.00 and additional application requirements must be met prior to permit issuance). The additional volume may be required depending upon the amount of input into the Septic System. For the county option, the search will include all 46 counties in the state. All grease traps must be directly accessible from the ground surface. The agency is lacking staff to assess requests for new septic tanks as demand increases. Documentation must be provided by the installer to the Department on the DHEC approved form. DHECs Onsite Wastewater Program is now allowing qualified contractors to perform soils evaluations for the issuance of Onsite Wastewater Permits to Construct. Note: We do not retain any personal or project information from the answers you give. This law is separate from DHEC's SC Regulation 61-25 "Retail Food Establishments.". Before beginning construction you must apply for and obtain a well . The environmental application tracker provides information on the status of environmental applications received within the last 2 years and application decisions made within the last 2 years by the Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Land and Waste Management, and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Program. No grease trap shall be less than 1000 gallons in size. Find a Septic Contractor Apply Online Find a Soil Classifier. Search Reset. Home Club Improvement fee is $2,500 w/application then $650.00/$1,350.00 monthly dues for Active/Golf. Permits may also be required by other state, local or federal entities. If we dont receive your payment by the due date, a late fee will be charged. To narrow your search, you may select one or more counties/permit types from the drop down menu. Large septic systems must meet all the requirements of System Standard 150 (Appendix B of Regulation 61-56), in . A list of approved courses will be provided by the Department closer to the implementation date. If you are planning to build a commercial facility (restaurant, laundry mat, etc.) Festival Director Mark Melrose said the festival showcases close to forty great Australian films in the program. If you need to report a sewage complaint, use our ChatBot tool. Any septic system with daily flow greater than 1,500 gallons per day is considered a large system. 2019 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. The query tool . Our inspector will measure distances and add in required margins to see if there is enough room to build the septic tank and drainfield. COVID-19 Community Levels & Data Dashboards, Nursing Home Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Projects, Making Your Emergency Survival Supply Kit, Individuals with Functional Needs How to Prepare for Emergency, State Statistics on Family Planning & Pregnancy, Women, Infants, & Nutrition Program (WIC), Child & Adolescent Immunizations and Vaccines, Manufactured Food Safety in South Carolina, Oil & Natural Gas and Terminal Facility Registration, Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines Stakeholder Workgroup, Regulation - Small Business Assistance Program, Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities, Medicare Provider Emergency Preparedness Information From CMS, Get Help with Health Care System Preparedness, Health Care Preparedness Staff Contacts State and Local, Health Care System Preparedness Program: Overview and Mission, Training Opportunities and Exercises for Health Care Professionals, Zika Virus Information for Health Care Providers, Electronic Health Records: Meaningful Use, Health Facilities: How to File a Complaint, Residential Treatment Facilities for Children & Adolescents, Radioactive Material Licensing and Compliance, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification Requirements, Hospital-Based Crisis Stabilization Units, Applying for a Permit, License, Certification or Registration from DHEC, FORMS: Applications, Registration, Reporting, Etc. Links to more detailed information about individual permit requirements. Fifth is the option to filter based on permit type. Brokers should be aware that a permit may state other limitations such as prohibiting the use of a dishwasher or garbage disposal. Don't let yours be one of them learn how your septic system works and how to care for it. It is taking DHEC about 64 days to process septic tank permits today, but the agency's goal is 15 days . In the drainfield, wastewater is absorbed by the soil and is broken down by natural processes. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. If your site is located below the black line, backhoe pits are not required. CSV File, Construction Permits for Asphalt Permits (CP), Facility name, physical address, county, and air permit point of contact, Issued Date, Effective Date, and Expiration Date for Permit. Not choosing any permit types will search all permit types. For additional assistance with application questions, please contact Kristy Ellenberg at (803) 898-8161. COVID-19 Community Levels & Data Dashboards, Nursing Home Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Projects, Making Your Emergency Survival Supply Kit, Individuals with Functional Needs How to Prepare for Emergency, State Statistics on Family Planning & Pregnancy, Women, Infants, & Nutrition Program (WIC), Child & Adolescent Immunizations and Vaccines, Manufactured Food Safety in South Carolina, Oil & Natural Gas and Terminal Facility Registration, Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines Stakeholder Workgroup, Regulation - Small Business Assistance Program, Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities, Medicare Provider Emergency Preparedness Information From CMS, Get Help with Health Care System Preparedness, Health Care Preparedness Staff Contacts State and Local, Health Care System Preparedness Program: Overview and Mission, Training Opportunities and Exercises for Health Care Professionals, Zika Virus Information for Health Care Providers, Electronic Health Records: Meaningful Use, Health Facilities: How to File a Complaint, Residential Treatment Facilities for Children & Adolescents, Radioactive Material Licensing and Compliance, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification Requirements, Hospital-Based Crisis Stabilization Units, Applying for a Permit, License, Certification or Registration from DHEC, FORMS: Applications, Registration, Reporting, Etc. 61-56, Section 201.2). COVID-19 Community Levels & Data Dashboards, Nursing Home Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Projects, Making Your Emergency Survival Supply Kit, Individuals with Functional Needs How to Prepare for Emergency, State Statistics on Family Planning & Pregnancy, Women, Infants, & Nutrition Program (WIC), Child & Adolescent Immunizations and Vaccines, Manufactured Food Safety in South Carolina, Oil & Natural Gas and Terminal Facility Registration, Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines Stakeholder Workgroup, Regulation - Small Business Assistance Program, Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities, Medicare Provider Emergency Preparedness Information From CMS, Get Help with Health Care System Preparedness, Health Care Preparedness Staff Contacts State and Local, Health Care System Preparedness Program: Overview and Mission, Training Opportunities and Exercises for Health Care Professionals, Zika Virus Information for Health Care Providers, Electronic Health Records: Meaningful Use, Health Facilities: How to File a Complaint, Residential Treatment Facilities for Children & Adolescents, Radioactive Material Licensing and Compliance, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification Requirements, Hospital-Based Crisis Stabilization Units, Applying for a Permit, License, Certification or Registration from DHEC, FORMS: Applications, Registration, Reporting, Etc. If you have questions, please contact your local Environmental Affairs office. 4. It may even restrict the number of bedrooms you can have in your house. Here's 8 things to do in Winton Qld if you get the urge to go outback. The application for improvements must be obtained by the landowner or an authorized representative. The query tool works with Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers. The request must specify the identification page number that contains the social security, driver's license, state identification, passport, checking account, savings account, credit card, debit . dhec septic permit search; jake paul vs tyron woodley: date time. First off, why did DHEC deny you for a conventional septic? You may use the following search options to refine your search results: If you know the area youd like to search, you can use the map to help you find a facility. $0.25 - Cents per heated square foot for building homes. All Forms, Applications, Registrations, Reporting A DHEC inspector will visit your property to determine whether the land is suitable for a septic tank by looking at: Soil type - only certain types work well for septic systems, Slope of the lot to see whether a septic tank can work and how the system must be built, The number of bedrooms in the proposed house plan, used to calculate septic system size requirements, and. Tier 2 - $100. Wells, including those on adjacent properties. Due to the large number of permitted companies, youll find it helpful to type in a small portion of the companys name to see all matching names. Zip Code County. Find a Septic Contractor Apply Online Find a Soil Classifier. Many residents in Mecklenburg County use wells as their primary source of water and septic tanks to handle waste water. Environmental Health . Permitting Process. Tips to Avoid Delays; All Forms, Applications, Registrations, Reporting. On-site Waste Water (Septic) Program North Carolina general statutes state that a person owning or controlling a residence, place of business, or place of public assembly shall provide an approved sanitary sewage system. 1:00. Once the septic system is built, our inspector will return to the site to inspect the septic system installation. City water is in the road as well as electricity. All Rights Reserved. It is the responsibility of the customer to verify current permit requirements prior to beginning any project. Septic Tanks - General Information. Back To Answer Book Directory. These professionals may be tank manufacturers, installers, pumpers/haulers, or professional soil classifiers. All Forms, Applications, Registrations, Reporting licensed onsite wastewater system installer, Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems, Guidelines for Onsite Wastewater System Soil Evaluation. 2019 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. The South Carolina Fall Line is represented on this map as a black line which separates the Piedmont area from the Coastal Plain. On-Site Septic Systems - If a broker learns that a property has an on-site septic system, a call to the county health department should normally provide the broker with the requisite septic permit information. Issued Date . Septic Program. 03/08/23 12:00 AM. No HOA, covenants or restrictions. All Forms, Applications, Registrations, Reporting System Standard 610 Specialized Onsite Wastewater System Designs. Must obtain 8-hours of continuing education units every 2 years.*. As you type, a drop down list of matching names will load. State Agencies (A-Z), 2023 2,200 Sq. We can test for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Phone: (401) 222-3961 View data visualizations and explore interactive maps. Can install all gravity-fed and fill cap residential systems. All Forms, Applications, Registrations, Reporting Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems, Application Checklist for Permit to Construct, Licensing: Onsite Wastewater System Professionals, 2022 Updates to R. 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. Large 1.06 acre parcel with room for garden and barn/workshop/garage. 5103 State Register Notice of Final Regulation for 61-56 OSWW If there has been too much rain, they can't get into the field with their equipment to conduct their work. . Dual License to Construct and Clean: Tier 1 Installer/Pumper/Hauler: $150. Because incorrectly installed septic systems can harm water quality and make people sick, South Carolina law requires site approvals and permits for all septic systems. Installers who are licensed but are not master contractors will become Tier 2 installers. Septic Installer, Pumper and Land Disposal Permits. ), visit our webpage on Citizen (Non Business) Activities that greenville county dhec septic Verified 1 days ago Url: Go Now Get more: Greenville county dhec septic Show All Rentals There are times when you may need to hire an onsite wastewater (septic tank) professional. This web-based search tool offers the user the ability to identify and view current air quality operating permits issued by the Agencys Bureau of Air Quality. AAA) Or: Enter Permit #. Under the new Environment Protection legislation, you can now: The information is subject to change. Restaurant Inspections. When properly installed and maintained, a septic system can render wastewater ecologically safe. To file a septic system application, download and complete an onsite wastewater application and submit it to your local Environmental Affairs Office. The request must be in writing and delivered by mail, facsimile, or electronic transmission or in person, to the register of deeds or clerk of court. Can install all Tier 1 systems in addition to systems that require pumps, grease traps, curtain drains, elevated infiltration systems, mounded systems, and all commercial systems. Food Service. Food service facility requiring a grease trap must provide separate plumbing stub-outs for restrooms (discharge to the septic tank) and food preparation areas (discharge to grease trap). Hotels, Motels, Campgrounds. To learn more about the permitting of subdivisions consisting of ten or more lots, visit our Permits, Licenses, and Reports page. Large septic systems must meet all the requirements of System Standard 150 (Appendix B of Regulation 61-56), in addition to the general requirements listed in Reg. After July 31, 2022, any installer who has not obtained a Tier 3 license will no longer be allowed to install Standard 610, Specialized Onsite Wastewater Systems. COVID-19 Community Levels & Data Dashboards, Nursing Home Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Projects, Making Your Emergency Survival Supply Kit, Individuals with Functional Needs How to Prepare for Emergency, State Statistics on Family Planning & Pregnancy, Women, Infants, & Nutrition Program (WIC), Child & Adolescent Immunizations and Vaccines, Manufactured Food Safety in South Carolina, Oil & Natural Gas and Terminal Facility Registration, Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines Stakeholder Workgroup, Regulation - Small Business Assistance Program, Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities, Medicare Provider Emergency Preparedness Information From CMS, Get Help with Health Care System Preparedness, Health Care Preparedness Staff Contacts State and Local, Health Care System Preparedness Program: Overview and Mission, Training Opportunities and Exercises for Health Care Professionals, Zika Virus Information for Health Care Providers, Electronic Health Records: Meaningful Use, Health Facilities: How to File a Complaint, Residential Treatment Facilities for Children & Adolescents, Radioactive Material Licensing and Compliance, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification Requirements, Hospital-Based Crisis Stabilization Units, Applying for a Permit, License, Certification or Registration from DHEC, FORMS: Applications, Registration, Reporting, Etc. Select One Health Care Facilities CON and Licensing website, Citizen (Non Business) Activities that May Require a DHEC Permit, Which permits you may need for your project or new business**, Phone numbers and email addresses you can use to contact DHEC staff directly. Septic System Permits. If you make no selection, your search will include all options listed in the drop down menus. APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CLOSED EXPIRED PERMIT > 180 DAYS ON HOLD STOP WORK ORDER PLAN CHECK SIGN. Enter your search criteria below. A DHEC inspector will visit your property to determine whether the land is suitable for a septic tank by looking at: Soil type - only certain types work well for septic systems. Accessibility, data, and privacy policies | Top of page, Change the visual color theme between light or dark modes, Adjust the font size from the system default to a larger size, Adjust the space between lines of text from the system default to a larger size, Adjust the space between words from the system default to a larger size, Civil Rights, Non-Discrimination, and Accessibility, Land Revitalization and Sustainable Materials Management, Wastewater Treatment Facility Resilience Fund, Executive Climate Change Coordination Council (EC4), Applied Climate Information System (ACIS), Rhode Island Water Resources Board Drought Monitoring Dashboard, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Air Toxics Monitoring Port of Providence, Construction Site Stormwater Compliance Assistance Program, Narraganset Bay Assessment & Response Team (BART), Scientific Support for Environmental Emergency Response (SSEER), Hazardous Waste Transporter Permit Renewals, Underground Storage Tank Management Program, About the Waste Facilities Management Program, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Disposal in RI, Former Tidewater Coal Manufactured Gas Site, Septic & Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Groundwater Discharge & Underground Injection Control, Water Quality Certification/Stormwater Staff, Shellfish Harvester Education & Certification, Water Quality Standards and Classifications, Nonpoint Source Pollution and Watershed Plans, Biological Monitoring in Rivers and Streams, Rhode Island Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team, Rhode Island's TMDL Program - One Step to Cleaner Waters, TMDL and Water Quality Restoration Study Documents, Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Reports, Fixed-Site Monitoring Stations and Data in Narragansett Bay, Fixed-Site Monitoring Stations Network Data, Hypoxia (Low Oxygen) and Anoxia (No Oxygen), Impact of Climate Change to RI Wastewater Systems Study, Narragansett Bay and Water Restoration Fund (BWRF) and federal Nonpoint Source (NPS) Funds Grant Awards, RI Stormwater Solutions (water pollution/public education), RI's TMDL Program: One Step to Cleaner Waters, Water Quality Certification and Construction Stormwater Permit Searches, Multi-Sector General Permit (Industrial) Search, Accessibility, data, and privacy policies.
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