If you're interested in submitting a Letter to the Editor, click here. Fax: 231-627-5331 What a game. Letters to the Editor Senate Bill 434 would be bad for majority of Texans By DONALD LEGATE Mar 1, 2023 2 I am adamantly opposed to Senate Bill 434, as it could negatively affect every person who does not own beachfront property. Readers react to a Times investigative report. 6301 Michigan Ave. Robert del Valle, Royal Oak, Detroit sues celebrity pastor and his nuisance mega-church over unfinished Woodward project. Send your letter to letters@deseretnews.com Opinion: Before this limestone quarry moves forward, here's what you should know about the dust By Readers' Forum February 26 Opinion: We know what 6 policies will save the Great Salt Lake let's act By Readers' Forum February 25 Newsletters | The Detroit News. 214 S. Jackson St. In our Up Front section, we recommend Detroit-centric books by female authors and have an interview with The New York Times first Wordle editor. To the Editor: Letters to the Editor. https://www.mlive.com/saginaw-bay-city Saturday: 7:00am - 11:00am. "People would have put an asterisk by his name if he would've broken [the record]," Mike Davis said after the game. Opinion - Detroit Free Press Opinion Brian Dickerson Nancy Kaffer Submit a Letter to the Editor Opinion: Don't expect schools to educate children on Black history Kevin Cokley As a professor in. 479 Ledyard St. Detroit, MI, 48226 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Herald values its readers' letters. www.hillsdale.net, The Holland Sentinel You can submit your letter by sending it to jbeach@forumcomm.com. To start a subscription, go to https://subscribe.mlive.com/ to begin. Send letters (250 words or less, please) to 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226; faxes to 313-961-6598; e-mail to [emailprotected]. Stay up-to-date with the Detroit Jewish News! www.ironmountaindailynews.com https://www.mlive.com/grand-rapids-muskegon/ Leslie Rott Welsbacher - 06/18/2020 11:42 AM 1. Newspaper boxes along Main Street in downtown Springfield,. 100 Macomb Daily Drive Because of space limitations, letters that are 250 words or less will be given priority. Opinion. letters@flintjournal.com, Gaylord Herald Times letters Nikki Haley's Run for the Presidency Readers assess. https://www.mlive.com/flint/ Fortunately, selecting the Restaurant of the Year isnt just the editors decision. https://www.mlive.com/saginaw-bay-city/ 48 W. Huron 2. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. Detroit sues celebrity pastor and his nuisance mega-church over unfinished Woodward project. Letter: Daylight saving time is patriotic Letters: Daylight savings time and patriotism, COVID, guns, Biden and the GOP Letter: Republican hypocrisy is wearing thin Letter: Changing daylight . Box 548 March is also a time when your thoughts may turn to summer and planning for the upcoming season. 202 N. Rath Ave. Fax: 989-354-2096 To have this honor, the venue must not only have creative and delicious cuisine, impeccable service, and an ambiance that makes you feel you are somewhere other than a few miles from home, but it also needs to have staying power. Reducing the amount of money spent on education is bound to diminish the quality of education and what does that say about our priorities? http://www.westmichiganchristian.com/ Amy Gill-02/20/2019 2:00 PM 0. Letters - December 20, 2018. . Detroit, MI, 48226 This editor will care equally about new businesses and those that have demonstrated longevity and resilience across decades. https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/, The News-Herald www.gaylordheraldtimes.com In short, these changes wont affect many of my readers today. Read the News-Gazette on your mobile device just as it appears in print. Here's what you'll do: The Eater Detroit editor will guide. With opioid deaths on the rise, Michigan lawmakers introduce bill to crackdown on overdoses, Michigan Native American tribe to study building own power utility, By Mark Richardson, Michigan News Connection, Michigan man convicted of double murder was released from prison after new evidence surfaces, Michigan Legislature considers bills to abolish life sentences for juveniles, Lansing Mayor Schor launches exploratory committee for congressional run, Scroll to read more Metro Detroit News articles. Adrian, MI 49221 Marijuana prohibition began and remains about power. The main reason data brokers, digital health companies, mobile apps and social media networks can circumvent HIPAA rules is because the law doesn't . Health data privacy laws should be updated. I eagerly read your columns whenever I can. Letters, Editorial Page * indicates required. www.dailytribune.com, Detroit Free Press Support the Detroit Jewish News Foundation, Police, Security Agencies Advise Jews to Be on Alert Ahead of, Jerusalem Winner Marathon Takes Place March 17, This 50-Year-Old Superstar Shines with Talent and Inspiration, A Word of Torah: Inspiration & Perspiration, Purely Commentary: Hillel is a Powerful Resource, Purely Commentary: Among Ukraines Jews, A Year of War Has Transformed, To the Editor: Speaking out Against Racist Chief. pulse@grpress.com, The Herald-Palladium Letters To The Editor Letter: 'Give Ukraine the jets it needs' Feb 23, 2023 To the editor: Submit a Letter to the Editor If you're interested in submitting a Letter to the Editor, click. Milliken, he was a moderate, not an ideologue, but he either fooled us or the politics changed him. Letters - Deseret News Letters Join the conversation! Deadline set for letters related to Nov. 8 election. Return to. www.cadillacnews.com, Cheboygan Daily Tribune All letters to the editor relating to the Nov. 8 election must be submitted to the Beloit Daily News by Nov. 28. Ironwood, MI 49938 Haldeman, wrote in his diary on April 28, 1969, that "[Nixon] emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem [welfare] is really the blacks. Sault Ste. snail mail: City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave. , Lansing, MI 48912 Fax: (517) 371-5800 (Please include your name, address and telephone number so we can reach you. 109 N. Lafayette Street As a member of Michigan Election Reform Alliance, I am working with our group to convince the legislative majority that these suppressive bills should not be passed. It is sometimes informally referred to as the "Freep" (reflected in the paper's web address, www.freep.com). YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Responses to Jeneen Interlandis article and the accompanying editorial. Letter: The AMC Building needs to be saved? E-mail your letter . With a Crains Detroit Subscription you get exclusive access, insights and experiences to help you succeed in business. www.mininggazette.com, The Daily News Letters to the Editor | Feb. 23, 2023. With opioid deaths on the rise, Michigan lawmakers introduce bill to crackdown on overdoses, Michigan Native American tribe to study building own power utility, By Mark Richardson, Michigan News Connection, Michigan man convicted of double murder was released from prison after new evidence surfaces, Michigan Legislature considers bills to abolish life sentences for juveniles, Lansing Mayor Schor launches exploratory committee for congressional run, Scroll to read more Metro Detroit News articles. www.annarbor.com Feb 18, 2023. All betting content is intended for an . Bookmark MLive.com and read it throughout the day (a great percentage of stories remain free). mdnletters@mdn.net, The Mining Journal State status:AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY. Detroit, MI 48210 Pleasant, MI48858 detroit news letter to the editor. My go-to person was then-newly appointed Dining Editor Dorothy Hernandez, formerly Hours managing editor, who had been writing about food for years with Hour as well as other local and national publications, including Eater, Thrillist, and Midwest Living. Fax: 989-269-6435 Note: The letters are selected . 133 N. Winter St. 114 N. Depot St. https://www.facebook.com/pages/El-Central-Hispanic-News/134290776623835, Escanaba Daily Press P.O. www.thedailynews.cc, The Daily Tribune One of the places she suggested was still a little too new to be Restaurant of the Year. Cadillac, MI 49601-0640 2023 The Jewish News, All rights reserved. Pick the brain of veteran News-Gazette columnist Tom Kacich and veteran WDWS/WHMS radio employee Kathy Reiser. Submit a Letter; Latest. I didn't vote for Snyder, but I was under the impression that, akin to Gov. Please, spread the word. Marquette, MI 49855 We understood that drugs were not the health problem we were making them out to be, but it was such a perfect issue for the Nixon White House that we couldn't resist it.". If you have thoughts or opinions on what is happening in your local community, California, the nation or the world, let us know. Enter all required contact and verification information. P.O. Your Views To give more. www.ourmidland.com On Nov. 4 of this year, Libby Police Officers Chris Pape, Cody DeWitt and Ian Smith had a closed-door meeting with Mayor Peggy Williams and City Administrator Samuel Sikes. Escanaba, MI 49829 www.freep.com Ionia, MI 48846 401 S. Burdick St. Ada MI, 49301 All rights reserved. If youre a print subscriber who has not activated your eNewspaper access, go to myaccount.mlive.com and follow the prompts. Foreman rushed for a career-best 914 yards and five touchdowns in his first full season as a pro in 2022. Phone: 734-623-2500 Stay up-to-date with the Detroit Jewish News! We reserve the right. Updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago. Compose or copy and paste the body of your letter in the box. The State News encourages readers to submit letters to the editor. Re: "That Hippie Sacrament" (May 11), I was born in 1934, so had little exposure to the hippie sacrament. Letter to the Editor | Poor need services most, Letter to the Editor | Leonard got a raw deal. June 3, 2022 . Exactly what Paul Weyrich envisioned, as you mention. Subscribe to our Newsletter. There are other ways to get all of what MLive offers in various formats: Buy a digital subscription to MLive and read every story we write, including those marked Subscriber Exclusive. Box 340 Readers assess her qualifications and chances of winning. Unsigned or anonymous letters will not published. Fax: 248-541-7093 Also: A G.O.P. Buyer demand for those editions has declined to the point where it no longer is feasible to offer them, so were listening and evolving our offerings. The content on this site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. P.O. His writing is amateurish, and the stories he tells are mawkish to the extreme. Send a Letter to the Editor | The Detroit News Home News Sports Business Autos Life+Home Entertainment Opinion Photo+Video Newsletters Alerts & RSS Contact Us Newsroom Subscribe Help Chat. Letter to the Editor - January 6, 2021. www.heraldpalladium.com, Hillsdale Daily News Petoskey, MI 49770 I totally disagree with the theory that slashing business taxes will attract businesses and people to the state, creating revenue streams that would help education in the long term because it is based on a false premise that business taxes are the only criteria that businesses use to decide where they want to do business. Lord, maybe the Mayans were right after all. Low around 30F. 200 E. First St. Ludington, MI 49431 Box 368 (419) 724-6000 Lord, maybe the Mayans were right after all! Illinois 91, Michigan 87 (FINAL, 2OT) Jury quickly finds Murdaugh guilty of murder of wife, son. atlantic beach zoning map; torvill and dean routines list; sync only some activity types from garmin to strava Letters To The Editor House bill will help local news outlets Feb 10, 2023 Since his election, congressional reporters have been chasing George Santos around Capitol Hill. Nixon's motive was corroborated in 1995 by Nixon's other aide, John Ehrlichman, during an interview with Dan Baum, author of Smoke and Mirrors, when he told Baum, "Look, we understood we couldn't make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. www.sentinel-standard.com, Iron Mountain Daily News Mt. detroit news letter to the editor where is madeira citrine mined. I was new to my role as editor of the magazine and was still getting acquainted with its content when Hour Medias president, John Balardo, asked me my ideas for 2022s Restaurant of the Year. 600 Ludington St. Follow the instructions given on the submission page. And, he will be just 27 years old come the start of the 2023 season. Find editorial staff email addresses, social media pages and more. Fax: 231-347-6833 Fax: 313-222-6417 Manistee, MI 49660 323 E. Grand River Todays message is about the latter: Beginning Monday, MLive Media Group will discontinue single-copy newsstand editions on Mondays and Wednesdays of The Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Muskegon Chronicle and Kalamazoo Gazette. 305 Michigan Ave. Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm. The News-Gazette mobile app brings you the latest local breaking news, updates, and more. www.record-eagle.com Staying current is easy with Crain's news delivered straight to your inbox, free of charge. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to ". Also: Corporal punishment; Ron DeSantis; caregivers; the Colorado River; guns and crime. 130 Park Place Please include your telephone number. Maynard Street Blitz hits your inbox every other Wednesday bringing everything you need to . We kill off the native creatures, drain the swamps, cut down the forests, poison the rivers and lakes, dig huge holes, deplete the soil and foul the . Box 660 Fax: 517-263-4152 711 W. Pickard Letters to the Editor 54 W. 8th St. The board considers a broad range of topics and is overseen by the Editorial. 308 N. Main St. 211 N. Heisterman Street Fax: 906-932-5358 Diseo y fabricacin de reactores y equipo cientfico y de laboratorio Metro Times is one of the few experiences that has held me back from thumbing a ride out of here. cheboygannews.com, The Daily Mining Gazette Nancy Kaffer, a national award-winning columnist, has been named editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. Fax: 616-754-8559 www.michronicleonline.com, The Midland Daily News Feb 18, 2023. 210 E. Third St. Marie, MI 49783 Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Please include your telephone number. President Nixon's chief of staff, H.R. Some of Detroit's prominent journalists are exiting the city's two daily newspapers as part of another round of budget cuts, including longtime high school sports reporter Mick McCabe from the. One has only to recall the 2005 incident where he concocted his sighting of two former Michigan State University basketball players at an MSU game, even inventing details of what they were wearing. Mount Clemens, MI48043 Detroit, MI 48226 600 W. Fort St. edit@sooeveningnews.com, Sturgis Journal All rights reserved (About Us). But I went there anyway just to see what it was all about. Editors Letter: 2023 Restaurant of the Year and Womens History Month, Culture Calendar: Top Events in Metro Detroit for March 2023. An experienced cyclist in Long Beach laments that police tend not to help much after a crash, except with filing the report you'll need for a lawsuit. Readers discuss the financial shortfalls that both programs face. Detour Detroit joining with Outlier Media to grow the future of independent local journalism in Detroit The Detour newsletter is here to stay, and teaming up with Outlier will help us better serve readers like you and make a difference in the community we love. Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be. www.grandhaventribune.com, The Grand Rapids Press vop@citpat.com, The Kalamazoo Gazette Kalamazoo, MI 49007 I've never been able to figure out Mr. Albom's enormous appeal. www.aodonline.org, Michigan Chronicle To share your thoughts on our offerings and how we can serve you better, write me at editor@mlive.com. Monday, February 27, 2023 www.ludingtondailynews.com, The Macomb Daily Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:00 am, I read with interest Jack Lessenberry's article, "True colors in Lansing" (May 11). Fax: 989-779-6051 Marie Evening News www.threeriversnews.com, Toledo Blade 109 Arlington St. Friday and Saturday single-copy editions will continue to be available on newsstands. Three Rivers, MI 49093 Iron Mountain, MI49801 124 S. McDonald St. Phone: 616-490-8668 Phone: 800-333-4139 Voter Turnout. Fax: 906-786-3752 newsroom@sturgisjournal.com, Three Rivers Commercial-News P.O. Greenville, MI 48838 Fax: 906-632-1222 https://www.mlive.com/kalamazoo/, Latino Press I am weary of literally screaming and scratching from bed bug bites, creepy roaches crawling across my lap in this beautiful, affordable apartment in this grand old building in Brush Park. 249 W. Washington St. Dallas Morning News editorials are written by the paper's Editorial Board and serve as the voice and view of the paper. Services Ad Choices Advertise With Us Advertising Terms and Conditions eBooks eEdition Sign up for Home Delivery. Under HELP, click CONTACT US. https://www.facebook.com/JacksonCitizenPatriot/ Fax: 586-469-2892 Southgate, MI 48195 STICKY by Ashley Woods Branch 15 March Detroit 2022 Ohio Primary . Hannity Has Mic Drop Moment with 3 Words as Lori Lightfoot Loses Election: 'Sorry. I frequently tell you that one of my goals here is to communicate with transparency about what we do here at MLive, and why. Assignment Editor Graham Media Group Detroit, MI Estimated $43.2K - $54.7K a year Full-time letters Glenn Close: Let's Hold Our Leaders Accountable The actor recalls Richard Nixon's history and applies a lesson to Donald Trump. This decision does NOT affect distribution schedules for The Ann Arbor News, The Bay City Times, The Saginaw News or The Flint Journal. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Saginaw, MI 48607 16980 Kercheval Pl McCourt Building Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 313.882.6900 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm<br>Sean Cotton, Owner Anne Gryzenia, Publisher Jody McVeigh, Editor-In-Chief Meg Leonard, Assistant Editor. I quickly learned that among the "intelligentsia" Jack Lessenberry and Larry Gabriel are must-reads. Muskegon, MI 49443 This story is part of the March 2023 issue of Hour Detroit. Jackson, MI 49201 Send letters (250 words or less, please) to 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226; faxes to 313-961-6598; e-mail to letters@metrotimes.com. No bail for Pennsylvania man with explosives in suitcase. spiritual meaning of someone stealing from you. Royal Oak, MI 48067 It primarily serves Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, Washtenaw, and Monroe counties. Read more in our Digital Edition.. What about its long-suffering neighbors. Other contact City Pulsecontact information: 2001 E. Michigan Ave. I wonder who the next victim will be. www.dailypress.net, The Flint Journal For more information, call Victoria Miller at 1-313-433-1079. wmcn@comcast.net, The website of the Clerical-Technical Union of Michigan State University. Kate Walsh, the editor-in-chief of Hour Detroit, talks the March 2023 issue including Restaurant of the Year, Women's History Month, cabins, and camps. Full-year digital subscription to The News for $1 a month: http://bit.ly/DetNews23 Subscribers receive: Full digital access 7 . In Agenda, we highlight a local history clubs fun and educational tour focused on the Wild Women of Detroit, aka women who may have been in the shadows of men but made their mark on the city and the world. Recorder of Deeds. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, conciseness, taste, and to prevent libel. Amounts between 6"-9" expected. Mike Pence: Faith is the . Letters should be 150 words or less and are subject. I wish Sheriff DeSantis spent more time being governor | Letters. . I had been reading about the citys growing culinary scene throughout my time away, but with all that goes into moving a family 600 miles and starting a new job (first in the companys custom publishing division, then at Hour Detroit), I hadnt had much time for fine dining. But for those who still bought at the newsstand, some important points: This does NOT affect home-delivery schedules for subscribers: All four of those papers will continue to arrive at your house on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
Stihl Ts500i Won T Stay Running, Bratmobile Break Up On Stage, Articles D