to find the killer or team of killers. Unverified. Theres just journalists. Alan, a 50-year-old married father of two children and a CVS technician, was taken into custody Friday and charged with two counts of manslaughter for the mysterious murders in Delphi. He stopped for gas and cigarettes. He detailed other information about the crime scene, and the differences in the girls' apparent injuries. R/LibbyandAbby does allow rumors and speculations, so at least they get some good posts and posters, while the overall mood is still a downer. Allen was taken into custody and booked into the Carroll County Jail in connection with the horrific crime. Hi folks! Miller lived two hours from Delphi at the time of his arrest. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. Garrett said he doesn't understand why it took police so many years to match an unspent round from the crime scene to a gun owned by a man who lives in Delphi. It's a strange case. She feels he is a current POI who is working OT to divert attention away from himself and mislead the public. Video from one of the victim's phones shows a man on the trail wearing dark jacket and jeans. In the case of the search of the Maxwell home, a gun was taken from the home in order to do ballistics tests on it. I guess he cant make up his mind. A book has been published accusing this man of this crime. If it was an adult male, that changes things considerably. If one of the girls was pregnant, was the pregnancy a result of intercourse with Mr X? Theres only one parent. Specific mention is made that the girls were abducted at exactly 2:13 PM. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Posed, which I believe is what this scene is, that is for the offenders gratification.. Not everyone was tied lipped, there were some rumors and messages on sm. There is a rumor that LE has a partial DNA sample from an unknown male from one of the girls. A few people were claiming it was Abby leaned against a tree with her face covered in blood, claw marks on the ground, and a pool of blood a few feet away. They were folded on her chest. Innocent people are hurt and killed in these cases, but theyre not really high profile and we dont have time to mess with this epidemic. The accusation is that she knows something or knows way too much and is covering for someone, presumably the killer. It was all over by 3:30. Then again, what if it wasnt? He saved society a lot of money by eating a bullet, freeing up some fresh air and making the world the tiniest bit of a better place. They all go off and do their own work. 17:50 GMT 31 Oct 2022. I don't see much in these, but there is another one that def looks like a body is posed, but the jury's out. Maybe. Killer May Have 'Moved and Staged' Delphi Murder Victims' Bodies and Done Something to 'Memorialize the Crime Scene': Warrants. Mike Patty: Just stop, ok? But the scanner doesnt say she came to bring the keys. Not sure if thats what this is about, but if so, Im not sold. To say these girls had things shoved in them without proof is horrible for their parents. Thats technically true but in all my years of playing the part of a PIO and putting out press releases, Ive never intentionally told a lie. A blogger/sleuthed named Robert Lindsay supposedly has one on his site, there's a camera flashing on it. Also we have excellent sources inside the police with officers who are very close to the investigation. You cannot keep your own story straight. Notice that BG committed his crime with large knives or hatchets, his preferred weapon. However, the other three have only peripheral involvement and may have committed no crime! Allen, who is also known as Ricky Allen and Rick Allen, is 50 years old and lives in Delphi, about five minutes from the murder scene. The date of the crime and the time of the abduction are both 2-13. After the girls body was found, at the time of her murder, the local police chased other suspects in connection with the case, but nothing stuck. She was found in an ivory/white dress. According to Garrett, it's unlikely Allen would be bloody if a gun was the only murder weapon, unless Allen handled the bodies in some manner. The girls bodies were found near a hiking trail on February 14, 2017 a day after they went missing while on a walk during a day off from school. On the other hand, a sample with only nine markers is absolutely not usable in court. Idle speculation at its finest. Thank you so much for this excellent comment, Jennifer! The shot showed Allen smiling with his wife, while in the background over his shoulder - mere feet away - a police sketch of of the Delphi murder suspect could be seen posted by a notice board on the wall. The judicial system likes to make sure that they get it right, if only to protect the due process rights of the accused. However, shouldnt that same exact principle/logic apply to Mr. X? I have seen very poor crime scene photos. The catfish had been catfishing those girls for four months. But how could they possibly know this? The FBI can also be used to determine whether there was a danger to the community and the impact of it on the community. There would have to be some sort of connection to Mr. X for me to suspect him, and I dont see any as of yet other than odd behavior in searching for the girls. They had no history of behavior indicative of disregarding or disrespecting their parents/guardians by running off to a friends house just to show up later. Unfortunately, its not free. Clothing soaked in blood, seen and unseen. YesGo to the very first article and I believe there is a Donate button on the page. So he obviously kept a copy of that for himself. [43] Libby's grandmother, Becky, makes a deal with the girls. I appreciate your style about not being afraid to put out things others wouldnt dare & or might even get accosted over doing soThose idiots are WEAK& most of them are hypocritesSome of the new YouTubers even, they first bitch about the same thing, then they start a channel, and the next thing you know, their moderators are hacking/choking& putting that ass in the corner for hours before allowing u to crawl back in, all bruised, & compliantNot for me. Since Allen's arrest, it was also revealed that his home was less than two miles from the Delphi train bridge where Williams and German were last seen alive. They have enough suggestive evidence to make them think he did it, but if you look a the nature of their actual evidence, its awfully thin. The gun is a rare collectors item, possibly a .40mm. Recently moved to a small city nearby, possibly due to the heat of being a suspect in the crime. But we know that binoculars were used in this crime because we have search warrants and binoculars are one of the things that are listed on the search warrants. The guy that is making those videos about Mr X, and the guy by the name of Derek godsey. These are simply unverified rumors. Investigators believe the man is the killer. Get real. But ive also read (this is a rumorif not OK i will delete) that they girls were found apart. Maybe we need to clear him a 243rd time then just to make sure! It was all over by 3:30 PM. I believe that came from the leaked DE texts, and I would really like to know if that has ever been confirmed by anyone in LE. Hi there, have just come across your work and am interested in joining the private group. How did BG get across that knee-high stream in the middle of winter without nearly getting hypothermia and needing a change of clothes? For the first time, the warrant reveals that they were killed by some type of weapon but the word is redacted in the document. Residence at time of crime: Delphi, Indiana since 1984. They had both been murdered. The profile was used from 2016 to 2017 on platforms including Snapchat and Instagram and used photos of a known male model, portraying him as being extremely wealthy and owning numerous sports cars. We also dont know what he was doing searching down there that night. I think what you meant to say is that the Supreme Court ruled that if the police lie to a suspect during an interrogation, his eventual admission of guilt can be considered by the jury. 'I kill 8-year-old April Marie Tinsley. There are many cases of homicides or attempted homicides in the same category. Bottom line is our theories now are dramatically more accurate than the 85% error rate we had earlier. So, yes, although the Evansdale girls were mere skeletons when found, LE believes they were posed. Of course we don't know how the bodies were found and if they were posed or staged, we only know that the crime scene was unbelievable disturbing and horrible. 43 seconds of audio. They showed the boots in an evidence bag to the media later on that night, and they said, Oh, this is nothing. Daniel Nations, a registered Indiana sex-offender, was arrested in Colorado in September 2017 after threatening hikers with a hatchet. We believe that his truck got towed later on when his wife never showed up with the keys, that Mr. X searched Ron Logans land that evening with two other men, and that he left his truck sitting in that same spot for 18 hours until the next day when the bodies were found. A famous one is the Lewiston Killer in Lewiston, Idaho in the late 1970s. They also think you get that way from your upbringing, especially with your father. He has dealt with his grief with silence and hiding himself away. They even try to cure effeminate gay men and let them back in the churches as long as they say theyre cured of homosexuality. Conceivably, perhaps ~10% of men might have those nine markers. Distractify is a registered trademark. I am having trouble reconciling something.. if Mr X is who I think he is, you state that he graduated in 1984 but I am finding by looking at the Delphi yearbooks online, that he graduated in 1986? Interestingly, I had NO idea who you were (sorry). Detectives said that after the photo was taken, a man approached the girls and apparently told them to go down the hill.. Cause of death of one girl was a deep cut to the throat. Because of the number of people saying this rumor is true, it goes into the likely category. According to Leaker, this is correct. If the DA does not think he has enough evidence in a homicide case to win in court, they wont take it to trial. On Feb. 13, 2017, 13-year-old Abigail "Abby" Williams and 14-year-old Liberty "Libby" German went to the Monon High Bridge in their home town of Delphi, Ind., while off from school for an unused snow day. If so, wouldnt the coroner be able to obtain DNA from the fetus? He just wanted dirty pictures. Paul Etter: A 55 year old local man of many interests. If it was Abbys phone this would imply she had a phone, he somehow got her number, he connected to a cell tower to send media, and then he took the phone. I could know that some guy was a serial killer with 10 victims, and I dont have to go to the police. But they used experts to clean it up with fancy software and groups of experts got together to try to figure out what was being said. FSG is at the trails every day. I love true crime and listen to a bunch of podcasts and books. I am running into one issue with Mr. X. I was wondering if there might be a different thought on this. In the Delphi case, a signature could be very evident if both victims . Hence, following Occams, our theory is the best explanation of the facts. Pretty soon these fucking machines that are dumber than rocks are going to be making all sorts of unappealable decisions about our lives because the capitalists are too greedy to hire a real human to do the job, so they buy a machine instead. You dont need a degree, credential, and a license to do this job, you know. For information on these documents, see the special section below where their nature and provenance is explained. Empiricism is a thing. Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said the information in the probable cause affidavit is "self-explanatory" and declined to comment further. Im not sure I understand what covered means. James Chadwell, 43, was added as a suspect in 2021 after he was arrested and convicted for luring a nine-year-old girl to his home where he sexually assaulted and strangled her in his basement,20 miles from where Abby and Libby were murdered. "I didn't waaaaaant to, but I didn't want to be called a liiiiiiiiar". So, to end my novel, I agree with you. I dont know if they were part of the search parties. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. Kline is being held in jail after being arrested on separate child porn charges in 2020. And sickeningly, the murderer 'staged' the girls' bodies in a particular way after killing them, although it remains unclear exactly how he did this. There are 3 most common reasons; to thwart the investigation, for the shock effect on the finder and the investigators of the crime scene, or for perverted pleasure of the perpetrator. Its not free though. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Many people from the Delphi area have gone over to went over to Evansdale to work on plants over there. There appears to be no mention of the Delphi murders or any information linking Kline to the case. Derrick German: Libbys father, meth dealer, convict who served time in prison and supposedly ratted people out to get a lower sentence. The problem with this is that a searcher claims he searched the area where the girls were found the night of 2-13 and not only were the girls not there but none of the props were there either. Not sure why that is. And if Mr. X was being tried today and I was on the jury, I would certainly vote to acquit. One seems to be PNB and the other is RRB. Wife left him. This March marks the 30 th anniversary of the murder of 21 year-old Penn State student, Dana Bailey. Its at his home on a shelf! White scarf covering the lower half of his face. An image taken from the video was released years ago as police asked for information to help them find the unknown suspect. Particularly this statement. I didnt remove it. For one, its a gross violation of journalistic ethics, and I was trained to be a journalist I have a BA in Journalism and worked as an editor of a large magazine, among other things. Following the identification of a suspect in the Delphi murder, extensive discussion about the case and purportedly leaked texts from that terrible night erupted online. Neither one can possibly be BG. Delphi Murders if bodies were staged or posed what does that say about the killer Found an interesting article regarding the act of stating and posing bodies. Long, 22 pages. They have most recently stated that they want to avoid double jeopardy. He is one of the first and only witnesses in this case!!. See below for which rumors we believe are proven and which are unverified. Mr. X needed the lost his keys excuse to explain how he stayed in that spot for 18 hours. Victim was an 8-12 year old female. A timeline establishing publicly known. It was also reported that a cyclist was murdered on the same trail around the same time Nations was threatening the hikers. Allen's wife confirmed to police that he owns a blue Carhartt jacket, the document said. Hes laughing b/c theyve been focused upon a completely wrong direction. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. We dont just look at the Delphi case here. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. FSG, or DMC: Probably shouldnt use his real name, but hes on everybodys suspect list. The exact content of the messages can be viewed in the video below. These people are from all over the country and have expertise in all sorts of different areas. Garrett Kirts: Local man, all around run of the mill bad person. Allen "has been consistent" in police interviews over the years, former FBI agent and ABC News contributor Brad Garrett said. Education history: Primary and junior high unknown. Best friends Libby German, 14, and Abby Williams, 13, lost a lot of blood during their murders with an unspecified weapon and were not killed in the same location where their bodies were discovered close to a trail where they had set off on a fun day out together just hours earlier. Those aspects of the crime are the following: We feel that these facts are validated because in 1-3, they were seen by us in the crime scene photos and also by a female search party member at the scene, in 4, they were seen by two separate female search party members who had never talked to each other, and in 5, it was verified by a conversation with the girls guardian herself backed up by a postmortem photo. This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. Important facts released by family. I ask this because another theory says they could have gone up the creek to a barn and then they should have dry clothes. I just got banned from Twitter again for no real good reason, so Im not feeling that great. Apparently there is a human need to wonder, guess, and posit. This proves more of Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said BG sent photos or video to one of the girls phones after the crime. It could explain why there was such a drastic image change of BG from first sketch to second one. However, he was one of the searchers who found the bodies, and he was also known to have searched the area in the dark the previous evening. It was all over by 3:30 sure takes a lot of the heat off of LE for calling off that search, amirite? Specifically, we are getting much of the the following information straight from the cops themselves. Because it doesnt matter whether I think hes guilty or not. Turned out he was just some troll who wanted people to think he committed these murders instead of being the person who actually did them. Mr. X was a senior in high school at the time. 2-13 again. Similar murder conditions. Indiana State Police's analysis of Allen's gun "determined the unspent round located within two feet" of one of the victims "had been cycled through Richard M. Allen's Sig Sauer Model P226," the probable cause affidavit said. Mr. X is a very close friend of Mr. M. Mr. M was a 20 year old man who impregnated one of the girls. 4) He was married many years prior. As you can see, the numbers are the same. This man deserves to be caught and get death penalty. Its more secure. Chemicals used in an attempt to hide fingerprints. They seriously posted photos just so they could retain cool points. Ron Logan, who died in 2020, had long been put forward as a prime suspect. If so, why? In a press conference on Monday, the state police took the first step towards providing justice to the brutally killed juveniles. The version of the suspect sketch in the image was not released until April 2019, so the photo would have been taken at least two years after the murders. Police say they ruled Eldridge out as a suspect, and that he did not match an updated sketch of the suspect. The others are guardians. If you want to get to the real meat of the post, scroll down to Facts of the Main Suspect in the Case Mr. X. Over the summer, the details of a search warrant revealed that Libby and Abigail were found covered in blood, and that their killer appeared to have taken a souvenir of some sort from the murder site. Find these clothes, they will be what solves this! The judge would say you dont even have enough evidence against this man to take this case to court and throw it out of court. However, Mindtruth has done a number of episodes on our information and I thank Bruce for that very much. The stories vary from one of the girls still alive crying for help while the other lays dead next to her, the killer moving the bodies into disturbing poses or the killer violating one of the girls who was still alive and the body of the first girl that was killed. Not even Becky Patty and she was probably more devastated than anyone and probably still is. DAs require a very high standard of evidence to bring a homicide charge against someone. However, an interesting theory is that BG may have attempted to frame Ron Logan with this crime for obscure reasons. It was dusty and disheveled. This source close to the retired detective will be referred to as an LE source close to the investigation. Isnt that logical. Im the one who did it. We also do not know why out of all of the places to search, he happened to pick the exact location where the girls were killed. The killer contacted Libby on social media using the "catfish" of a young man aged 19. See the photo Weve got a secret? We think the secret is that one girl is pregnant. "No, that's not her nor Libby," he wrote in his text response. All of the speculation about their final moments is unconfirmed. That is because we got these statements either directly from LE, official case documents, or the same conclusions reached independently by two different sources (for this to be false, both sources would have had to make up the exact same lie), or from direct statements from one of the girls guardians. Abby Williams and Libby German were found dead on Feb. 14, 2017. "In a small town, in a place where there's a small amount of traffic on this abandoned railroad bridge your suspect pool is fairly small," Garrett said, so police likely concentrated their investigation on Delphi and the surrounding communities. RL couldnt have done it because he was violating the terms of his probation and was caught on camera drinking in a pizza parlor.
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