With so many people frantically coming in and out of the house, any one of them could have easily kicked that glass from one spot to another without even realizing it. Take a harrowing yet healing look back at. At the time, Darlie had two different private investigators working on the case and feeding her (sometimes conflicting) information. The defense wanted to put Mr. Harrell on the stand to bring this discrepancy to the attention of the jury. James Cron testified that there was no intruder since the mulch beneath the window was undisturbed. Darin and Darlie purchased the house toward the end of 1992 and moved in at the beginning of 1993. However, detectives found this series of events very difficult to believe, especially as the evidence suggested that the crime scene had been staged. Now, one might ask why Waddell would lie; what does he gain? Their mother, Darlie Routier, has been fighting to get off of death row for over 25 years. Another huge issue for me is the 911 call. Its results, though, are currently pending, from what we can tell. Updates include: Hulu pulls the plug on "The Path"; Peter Tolan to spearhead Sony's "Mad About You" revival; and Aidy Bryant attached to star in Hulu's "Shrill." [04/24/18 - 02:04 PM] convicted of the brutal murders of her. So they were never questioned or looked into at all? It proves nothing. The dog was sound asleep, snoring away and dreaming of milk bones. In yet another account, she was awoken by the sound of breaking glass. Ha-ha! Do you know who was involved in the insurance fraud Darin/Jag/ 1993? Q. Within minutes, police arrived at the house in Dallas, Texas and found the boys suffering from multiple stab wounds - they were soon pronounced dead. She told the dispatcher that she and her two sons had been stabbed. I can picture Marybeth Tinning holding a pillow over her infant's faces again and again and again. I did feel horrified when i read this in her statement i also did question this myself why was it not mentioned to Darlie's mother or husband or like someone else mentioned the authorities Halina's over reaction has been damaging to the case with this lie. The Beatles: Eight Days a Week takes a never-before-seen look into the worlds most beloved band during the height of their career. The guilters will tell you that there isn't any one thing that convinces them of Darlie's guilt; they say it's the "whole picture." Have you ever read "The Disputed Conviction of Darlie Routier" by S Clemmons? It's simply the brain's powerful way of attempting to align known facts with what you believe must have happened. In my opinion, it is neither. If hes upstairs sleeping with the new baby and its 2:30 in the morning, why did he put his pants on? Once Pardo announced that his investigation led him to suspect Darin was deeply involved in the crime, the family dismissed him and his services. Because they were more than likely caused by two different people, with two different knives. In a unique approach to true-crime, Read allIn the summer of 1996, Darlie Routier fell under the shadow of suspicion in the murder of her young sons. ABC Docu-series "The Last Defense" episodes 1-4. ], Tom Bevel, the state's blood spatter "expert," has come under fire in recent years, and his inaccurate testimonies have been linked to several other controversial, potentially wrongful convictions (Jason Payne, Warren Horinek, David Camm, Tim Masters, and Julie Rea-Harper, to name a few.). They don't see the kids sleeping on the floor at first; what they do see is an attractive young blonde asleep on the couch. A total of twelve days later, though, four days after what would have been Devons seventh birthday, Darlie was charged and arrested on two counts of capital murder. I believe Darin was strapped for cash (perhaps even owing a large sum to his dealer) and wanted people to come in and clean out all of the valuables in the house while the Routiers were in Pennsylvania, so he could file an insurance claim and split the benefits with his accomplices. There was no valid reason for this; these nurses did not attend to Damon or Devon and would not be testifying about their injuries or autopsies. Did Darlie do it? Because they thought the house was empty, and were taken by surprise. The fact that Darlie's story did change somewhat is a powerful indicator that she is actually telling the truth, or as much of it as she can remember. She's lucky she didn't kill herself. She has also been charged with capital murder in. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. , has been a taboo word in American culture for decades. Gorsuch also testified that when he saw Darin and Waddell together, no other police or paramedics had arrived at the scene yet. Even if you add a couple of minutes to Parchman's opinion that he only lived eight or nine minutes, that still does not give Darlie enough time to accomplish everything the prosecution claims she did. Darlie in hospital. The purpose of this database is to link crimes to other crimes and offenders. Those who do not. When someone comes up with a cover story, they've usually got their details in order before they start talking. I also think she resented the fact that in Poland, she was a Registered Nurse, while in America, she was reduced to folding someone else's laundry for $50. JustinCase976 (author) on February 26, 2020: I do not have actual links to the photos I have seen. Kurtis Productions, Ltd. Kurtis Productions, Ltd. TWELVE DAYS! JezMyOpinion from The South on May 08, 2020: Darlie is guilty. What kind of mother has bleached blonde hair and $5,000 breast implants? I don't believe that the dog heard a damn thing. How thorough can a murder investigation be in less than two weeks time? Darin had contracted herpes, she did not have herpes. The circle indicates this is Devon's blood on the back of Darlie's night shirt. They were old mug shots that were shared with me privately by an attorney, and I don't believe they can be found on any website. This resulted in both men invoking their 5th amendment right against self-incrimination; it also effectively robbed Darlie of her own 6th amendment right to cross-examine her accuser, since Patterson was the one who drafted her arrest warrant and filed charges of capital murder. It makes absolutely no sense that she would clean up a few little areas and then stop, especially while she's actively bleeding. A. I believe the first thing I asked her was, who had done this. Darlie is where she belongs. The whole attack happened in a matter of minutes, and wasn't necessarily as noisy as some may assume. It is very possible when Darlie was wetting the towels if they were big towels and they drapped down infront of the sink cupboards then could have rubbed against the front of the kitchen sink cupboards and this is why it looked like an attempted clean up. How did that come to be? Aside from the supposed cleanup at the sink, there were other details that caused investigators to suspect the crime scene had been staged. I do need to do some fact checking, but if everything checks out, I will indeed update the article to include what you shared with me. I believe you're right on the money as far as why it looked like there was "clean up" in the sink area. Th See production, box office & company info. To hear them tell it, Darlie was unemotional with a flat, disinterested affect. On the night of the murders ( 6/6/96 ), Darlie and Darin had a very serious fight. Officer Waddell was not actually dispatched to Eagle Drive; he just happened to be nearby when the call came in over the radio. Drake's father, Darin Routier, didn't take custody of him right away after the murders, because he wanted to get his finances in order, Liz Stevens reported. Darlie's appellate team may very well be working on these arguments right now; we'll just have to stay tuned. Did Sergeant Walling ever tell her to administer first aid? Even a moron can conclude that Darlie was simply repeating information that was being fed to her. It was the same with the blonde hair and Daisy Duke outfits and flashy jewelry. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: https://bit.ly/309EnBPThe Routiers seemed to be a perfect family, until murder of two boysDarlie and Darin Routier seemed to have a perfect life with their three boys - until one night when Darlie said she and two of her sons were attacked by a man with a knife.SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/Watch More on http://abcnews.go.com/LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/abcnewsFOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER:https://twitter.com/abcGOOD MORNING AMERICA'S HOMEPAGE:https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/#ABCNews #2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #DarlieRoutier #LastDefense Do you think her live-in bf had nothing to do with it as well? is the horrifying story of Harvey Weinsteins abuse of power, told by the women who suffered physical and mental abuse caused at his hand. There's always a part of you that's on alert, waiting for a whimper or cry that signals it's time to warm up a bottle or grab a fresh diaper. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Another drop from Damon, mixed with Darlie's. When ordered to produce those tapes and turn them in, Sandra complied, but there were still a couple of tapes missing. After 22 years, Darlie Routier remains on death row for son's murder: Part 11 Defense investigators are still working to prove she was not involved in her sons' deaths. Feet US Of Clay Poster (1924) US Insert Movie Clay Poster ! I beg to differ. of the pandemica testament to the power of bravery and human connection. No more so than the idea of Darlie as the killer, in my opinion. Devon and Damon were not Davis's children or anyone else's. There is nothing to indicate she had any thoughts about hurting the children; she was asking their forgiveness for an act she was contemplating while reassuring them of her love for them. He may have been an experienced police officer, but he was still a parent, and I believe the man just plain froze. Now, was this during the time that you said that you wanted Mrs. Routier to administer first aid. Who is Teresa Powers, and what is in that affidavit that Davis so desperately wanted to keep out? tells the true story of vigilante Faye Yagera woman who spearheaded an underground network to hide hundreds of mothers and their children from the men who abuse them. Darlie Routier is a American woman from Texas. Even if he heard something, the dog would not have realized there were strangers in the house; he wasn't close enough to smell them. If she was laying on the couch, and a man with a knife mounted her, the first thing anyone would do would be to raise their arms up defensively, thus accounting for the black-and-blue bruising up and down her arms. The transcripts had to be recreated from the original erroneous transcript and an incomplete set of audio tapes by people who were not even in the courtroom during the original trial. All you need is love and a music documentary. In 2015, parents in Naples, Flordia, started hysteria when they hired Wrinkles the Clown to scare their children straight. Mr. Harrell was never on any witness list and did not plan on testifying at all. Here's the problem with that theory: The process of taking photographs and collecting evidence didn't begin until later that morning. So please forgive me for not taking those transcripts as the holy grail of this case. Take a deep dive into the chaotic rise and fall of Adam Naumanns company, WeWork a series of co-working spaces he believed would change the world. Okay. May 11, 2019 24 Months That Changed the World Share a story idea with ABC News Live When Darlie's court-appointed attorneys referenced this affidavit in a pretrial hearing, Greg Davis immediately objected on the grounds of hearsay and was (as usual) sustained by Judge Mark Tolle. He fled as soon as she tried to approach him and dropped the knife in the process. Consider this: If Waddell truly did see a man come out of the front door and into the yard when he first arrived and lost sight of that man while getting out of the car and walking up to the house, then it is a reasonable assumption that the person Waddell saw was one of the intruders/killers. If the cop saw the killer come out of the house and let him get away where was the killer at while they were calling 911 and doing CPR? It is a minute, pinprick DOT. Devon kicks out at the man and catches him squarely in the balls, and the man begins viciously stabbing Devon in a violent rage. As a private citizen, why cant Teresa Power be heard? Legally, I believe this fell under the "Hearsay Exception" and Harrell should have been able to take the stand. Kriti Mehrotra. If that is the case, I urge you to contact the authorities with everything you know. The spectators got a good chuckle at her expense when Shook replied scathingly that it was not. Baby Drake had fallen asleep about 10 . The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. C'mon Justin, you really asking me how I know about the frog planter? And if this is where Darlie cut her throat and stabbed herself in the arm, where is all the castoff blood? He knew only what the police had told him. Fingerprint expert Jim Cron stated on the witness stand that "it could be a print from a juvenile." Yeah .why wouldnt he inquire the same peeps to help again only 3 years later. They had the nurses pass around various photos of Darlie's injuries and the crime scene, but they also slipped Devon's and Damon's autopsy photos in with them. , this documentary tells the story of the networks humble beginnings as a small local TV channel and how it evolved into a cultural phenomenon that shaped an entire generation. Check out these must-watch true crime documentaries streaming now on Hulu. The Murders At around 2:30 in the morning of June 6, 1996, Rowlett, Texas homemaker Darlie Routier awoke on her family room couch to see the silhouette of a man walking away from her in the dark. Untouchable is the horrifying story of Harvey Weinsteins abuse of power, told by the women who suffered physical and mental abuse caused at his hand. is a Hulu Original documentary uncovering the hidden dark side of VSs light pink illusion that led to the retail giants downfall. Dark Side of the 90s is a 10-part docuseries that digs deep into some of the darker trends and pop-culture moments of the decade. It was also so popular that if you listened to any pop stations at all, you were bound to hear it no less than 12 times per day. The photos were shown for the sole purpose of eviscerating an emotional response. Why even cut yourself at the sink at all? Darlie's eldest son, Devon, had already died from four . The police and lead prosecutors Greg Davis and Toby Shook claimed that the crime scene was staged and that Darlie inflicted her injuries upon herself. Darlie's DNA trail is shown in green, Devon's in yellow, and Damon's in red. It's not like she was just standing there, chit-chatting with her girlfriends on the phone. When you have a baby under a year old that sleeps in the same room with you, you never quite slip into that deep, restful sleep. documentary that follows three young men who bond over skateboarding to escape their turbulent home lives in the Rust Belt of America. It may go a long way with regard to getting her a new trial, but even that is not a given. Personally, I would lean more toward there being a middle man from Rowlett or nearby that set this whole thing up. All right. Thank's Adele. Two things to keep in mind: 1) The Innocence Project normally does not become involved with any defendant that already has counsel in place, so that right there ought to tell you something; 2) They also don't accept cases where there is no exculpatory DNA evidence. I think it's just plain silly and not worth even considering. If you're a member of the media, and don't have access, please contact media@hulu.com to request a login. Ted Bundy exhibited an intense amount of rage when he broke into that sorority house and brutally bashed and strangled those women, but he didn't know a single one of them personally. If anyone ever looks at it all they'll see is "did you really think I'd be dumb enough to write anything personal? Q. CODIS, or Combined DNA Index System, is a little more complex. Initially, I did question whether Arkansas's hanging was a suicide or not. I don't believe the bloody jeans were ever analyzed or taken into evidence. That was their habit for the four years that they had Domain, and there is no reason to believe that they deviated from that habit on the night in question. Glass remained in the wine rack, proving that this glass was not broken by being thrown to the floor. If you had, you would know that the motion light was located by the spa, at the BACK of the yard. Dont think we forgot about you, true crime junkies. After putting Darlie in jail with bail set at $1 million, the state of Texas placed baby Drake in a foster home in 1996. Let's think about this claim for a minute. I predict that the first one to talk will get immunity. There were two strange men standing on her front porch. Arkansas suicide with hands in front? When you wake up, you may know intellectually what happened, but have no memory of the crash itself. The kids woke up, and all hell broke loose.". In this documentary, Carvey reflects on his short-lived project, The Dana Carvey Show. The first guy had already made his exit at that point. 1) Zero evidence of an intruder? ! 50% 20% . INFAMOUS: Darlie Routier (Part 1) Episode Summary In 1996, a small Texas community was rocked by the tragic slaying of two young boys. Darlie Routier's murder conviction has been debated in depth since the day she was found guilty 25 years ago. "; Darlie: "They killed our babies!") He didn't bark because he was never aware those people were in the house. Is it in transcripts? Where to Watch Every Christmas Movie and Special. His testimony states: "I thought if she was worried about fingerprints on a knife, she could certainly take care of her kids." The media circled her like sharks, and, eventually, she was sentenced to death-row. takes viewers back in time and provides a brief snapshot of the time, including the deadliest murders of our time that you may have forgotten about. But you don't remember that part; is that right? And, is that when you looked at the clock? My biggest concern is the outright lies told by Officer David Waddell, the first law enforcement officer on the scene. I did point this out in a comment, but the author chose not to publish the comment. Yet I am supposed to believe that this so-called materialistic woman, who took pride in her home and her belongings and was by all accounts a fastidious housekeeper, willingly chose to spill blood all over that beautiful white carpet? Okay. Arkansas had a serious drug problem, a vicious temper, and little to no impulse control. When you think of the creator of Batman, you probably think of Bob Kane. She was nervous, intimidated, and probably terrified, but she came off as cold and arrogant. JustinCase976 (author) on December 11, 2019: You know what, Melia? Everyone seems to have a theory as to how it got there. As a rule, most claims made by inmates are taken well-salted. I read the transcripts. If he could, 85-J would have been uploaded into AFIS years ago. Cron certainly had an impressive resume and over 30 years of experience, but sometimes this can work against a person. I think if Darlie and Rebecca chuckled at her when she leaped to "save the baby" it was due to the melodramatic manner she displayed. Find a record of young children that were stabbed during a home invasion that took place within a 50-mile radius of Dallas during that time frame, and then maybe I'll budge on my stance that Darlie is innocent. His little demonstration showing how castoff blood from the knife supposedly dropped onto Darlie's night shirt by stabbing motions was completely over-exaggerated. Can a murder committed while sleepwalking be criminally charged? Darlie has been paying for that womans sins for 23 years now. it was mentioned Darlie had a psychic visit the home i have not managed to research this what is your view? WeWork: Or The Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn is an original Hulu documentary available to stream now. There was blood on the drawers beside the sink and on the cabinet doors underneath, which is consistent with Darlie's assertion that she was pulling out kitchen rags and towels for Darin to use on the boys. Ah that makes a comment I saw on Facebook make sense now. CODIS differs from AFIS with regard to privacy: there are no personal identifiers, no names attached to these profiles. Yeah nice fantasy theory but it'll never hold up in court. If you're going to plant evidence to throw police off your trail, why not leave it in the yard or somewhere closer to the house where it is more likely to be found? Darlie, who doesn't know what to do, is simply doing as she has been instructed. She blew a fuse and turned down his money, his help, his world wide attention. From what Karen remembers hearing from Dwayne upon their return, the men had broken into a house that was supposed to be empty and "f***ed some people up. The band you know, and the story you dont. The majority of the public felt that Susan Smith should have gotten the death penalty and were outraged when she did not. Did Darlie do it? No, she most certainly didn't. Adding: "What mother, whose children are dead or dying, would even be thinking about fingerprints on a weapon if she's innocent?". Through open records, Quinncy was able to obtain police reports and information on Arkansas's known associates. Phil Ray. Ambitious journalist Audrey Harper heads to Hope Cove to write an . However, if there is one thing I would personally love to ask Darlene Potter, it would be this: How is it that, more than six years later, she can be absolutely sure that the date she saw these men was indeed June 6, 1996? What started as a viral YouTube video quickly turned an entire community inside out. The bloody sock in the alleyway had not even been discovered at this point. that she had fallen asleep on the living room couch. She actually named a couple of different suspects in her letters. She is not concerned about her own prints being on that knife; it's her knife, from her own kitchen. What about road rage incidents? I don't believe that Darin actually communicated with any of the intruders directly; I think there was a middle man who set this all up and somewhere along the line there was a miscommunication with regard to the dates the house would be empty. The "guilters" would chuckle at the insinuation of a "conspiracy" but is it really such a far reach? She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. The court reporter, Sandra Halsey, pled the 5th Amendment when questioned in court regarding her substandard work. How do you handle your children when theyre misbehaving? Soleil Moon Frye is a former child star, best known for her role as. She was never charged with the murder of her other son, six-year-old Devon. Directed by Bing Liu, Minding the Gap is an Oscar-nominated documentary that follows three young men who bond over skateboarding to escape their turbulent home lives in the Rust Belt of America. Her sons, Devon and Damon, wanted to stay up and watch a movie, and she slept downstairs with them because their newborn, Drake, often woke her at night when he stirred in his . I've heard that before, and I know it is inherently false. Even if they were, I'm sure the defense team would not want these people's names released at this point in time, as that would be counterproductive to any investigation that may be ongoing. There were also cleaning supplies kept under the sink. Now, you and Officeryou were there first, Officer Walling arrived in about three or four minutes; is that correct? figueroa street shooting; jeffrey friedman chiropractor; gifted child humming; how to adjust sim max driver; darlie routier documentary hulu. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Aftershock shows the real-life heartbreak of these two families as they use their pain to fight the healthcare disparities in the black community. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier is an American-born woman originally from Rowlett, Texas. Aside from his weight, the attack on Devon was brutal and swift. 16/06/2022 . That's actually in Kathy Cruz's book. Did you look at the clock when you woke up? Let's be real about this: Darlie did not "sleep" through Devon and Damon being stabbed and her own assault. ", At the time, Karl had been in jail for months and knew nothing of the Rowlett murders. The CPR is taking place in the Roman room (family room, den, whatever you want to call it), which is toward the back of the house, past the kitchen area. is an ABC News documentary about the dark truth surrounding four fallen American soldiers and the Pentagons attempt to cover up what really happened. It fell off when bandage removed. They did not return. Mayne is the winner, and he was not the victim of a traumatic attack that resulted in the murder of his children. Darlie Routier: The Unknown Intruder Theory In an earlier post to this sub, I asked those who believe that Darlie Routier is innocent to provide an alternative theory of the crime. Paperback. Darin was too busy trying to resuscitate Devon, so he's not the one who got them out. Anywhere. In this six-part Hulu Original docuseries, music fans go on a deep dive of 50+ years of music through the eyes of Paul McCartney and Rick Rubin. Theres plenty more where that came from. Love true crime? is a TV docuseries about two former Mormon wives who found the courage to leave the church and their husbands so they can live a life true to themselves. Shared access to the Press Site is prohibited; each individual must sign up for an account.
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