Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Explore this journal > Previous article in issue: Hydroclimate and variability in the Great Lakes region as derived from the North American Regional Reanalysis Blog—In the western Utah desert, the Telescope Array sprawls across an area the size of New York City, waiting for cosmic rays. However, there have been relatively few investigations of how soils will warm in comparison to the atmosphere. Model (CESM) version 1.2 from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Blog—The lightning season in the Southeastern U.S. is almost finished for this year, but the peak season for the most powerful strokes of lightning won’t begin until November, according to a newly published global survey of these rare events. - % Write a Review See All Reviews. Editor Highlight—Ice particles have systematic covariations and temperature dependences that are surprisingly consistent with a simple ice growth theory as revealed by satellites. Research Spotlight—A new study finds that the tropical atmosphere maintains radiative-convective equilibrium as a whole, but not at smaller scales. Ingrid Cnossen and Hua Lu, The vertical connection of the quasi‐biennial oscillation‐modulated 11 year solar cycle signature in geopotential height and planetary waves during Northern Hemisphere early winter, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116, D13, (2011). The assimilation of InSAR water vapor leads to a better spatial distribution of precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres' journal/conference profile on Publons, with 1717 reviews by 520 reviewers - working with reviewers, publishers, institutions, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output. Editors Vox—Three special collections in JGR: Atmospheres present a fast-growing body of literature on atmospheric aerosols and their impact on the regional climate in East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research. Editor Highlight—Black carbon contained in airborne particles is often cited as a major factor warming the climate, but how much can California reduce climate change through reducing airborne particle concentrations? Here S is 37 vertical levels for 12 calendar months, and Y is 38 years. Click here to view the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres RESEARCH ARTICLE 10.1029/2018JD028486 Key Points: † An online convective-permitting WRF-Chem model successfully captured a prolonged convective event and associated haboobs over the Arabian Peninsula † A 25 Tg of dust were emitted during the 10-day period of convective activity, 40% of which was removed by rainfall † When local … The tropics are expanding; climate change is the primary culprit, Carbon weather: regional greenhouse gas inversion systems, A new look at global lightning from the space station, Streamer corona discharges detected in thunderstorms from space, Lightning discharge type linked to terrestrial gamma‐ray flashes, Meiyu: the dragon dictating rainfall variability in East Asia, A new dataset of temperature and precipitation extremes, Southern Ocean clouds, aerosols, precipitation and radiation, A global view of shapes and sizes of ice crystals in cloud tops, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, The paper describes the augmented Noah LSM, The augmented Noah LSM allows multiphysics options (hence Noah‐MP), The Noah‐MP outperforms the original Noah LSM, Complex refractive index data for 11 volcanic ash samples, Explanation of methods used to find complex refractive indices, Verification of methods through measurement of a calibration material, The complex refractive indices of eight samples of volcanic ash aerosol were retrieved from measurements of spectral mass extinction and size and showed considerable variability, Verification retrievals were performed on measurements of high‐purity silica aerosol. PLUS: Download citation style files for your favorite reference manager. VIDOT ET AL. Working off-campus? Research Spotlight —Year-round observations show gravity waves above Antarctica exhibit seasonal patterns that peak in winter, which could help researchers trace the source of this mysterious phenomenon. How Does Climate Respond to Different Forcings? Blog—Researchers at NYU Abu Dhabi have discovered how the Maud-Rise Polynya that was initially spotted in Antarctica in 1974, reappeared in September 2017 at the same location. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2017JD028195 GAO ET AL. Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists. Submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, March 24, 2007 Corresponding author address: Dr. Hugh Morrison National Center for Atmospheric Research P. O. Editor's Vox —Control theory and climate engineering meet in a new special issue of JGR: Atmospheres. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2018JD029262 WOLF ET AL. Press Release —Cooling in the wake of aircraft wings and propellers freezes water droplets in supercooled clouds to tiny ice particles. Loss of Arctic sea ice stokes summer heat waves in southern U.S. Polar Vortex Deformations Change Tidal Weather in the Mesosphere, New Studies Increase Confidence in NASA’s Measure of Earth’s Temperature, Low-angle Normal Fault in Papua New Guinea is Rolling Along. Blog—Continued ice loss may mean more heat waves. SW2 interactions with slow westward PWs may excite semidiurnal‐tide‐like waves with near 12‐hour period, extracted for the first time in a model. Press Release—Earth’s tropics are expanding poleward and that expansion is driven by human-caused changes to the ocean, according to new research. The interpolation allows for infilling during the data-poor early years (pre-1960), but makes it more complex to determine how stations contribute to grid box values. Thick anvil clouds contain more ice and have a larger optical depth in a warmer climate, while thin anvil clouds do not change substantially. Did a Volcanic Eruption in 1783 Change the Climate in Europe? Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, Journal of Advances Composition and Structure, Atmospheric Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) publishes original scientific research on the physical, chemical, and biological processes that contribute to the understanding of the Earth, Sun, and solar system and all of their environments and components. and Paleomagnetism, History of Editor Highlight—Changes in oceanic turbulence act to regulate the sea surface temperature during the evolution of the El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle. Atmos. Research Article. How Brown Carbon and Coatings on Black Carbon Affect Absorption, Passing Aircraft Wring Extra Snow and Rain out of Clouds, Observations Show Gravity Waves Above Antarctica Dance in Winter, Managing Uncertainties in Climate Engineering, Improving Retrievals for Partially Cloudy Pixels, Extreme Heat Increasing in Both Summer and Winter. Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists, 2019 5336. et al., 2013; Tobin, Revercomb, Knuteson, Best, et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2012). We … Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics). Journal of Geophysical Research. Föhn occurrence, or the number of hours föhn melt occurs, drives annual föhn‐induced melt variability and evolution. Editor's Highlight —A new measurement capability can detect the polarization of the radio frequency wave of lightning sources, which reveals different forms of lightning breakdown processes. Editor Highlight—Atmospheric rivers that make landfall in the western United States have significant impacts on the surface water balance, sharpening the seasonality of water resources in coastal watersheds. JGR: Atmospheres publishes original research articles that advance and improve the understanding of atmospheric properties and processes, including the interaction of the atmosphere with other components of the Earth system, as well as their roles in climate variability and change. Journal of neurological surgery reports; Health education bulletin; Cornea; Alcohol and alcoholism ; General Information Programme, Unisist newsletter; Journal of motor behavior; Journal of functional biomaterials; Journal of occupational medicine. and Petrology, Exploration Editor's Highlight —Radar data show an afternoon precipitation maximum in the equatorial Indian Ocean in addition to the nocturnal maximum; this occurs under light surface winds and suppressed large-scale convection. Blog—Some coal-fired power plants in the United States emit gases that may have significant effects on the atmosphere and can produce harmful compounds in drinking water, according to new research. weresampledfrom JulytoOctober 2013. Physics, Solar Press Release—Warmer summer temperatures in the Alaska Range are melting 60 times more snow today than melted during the summer before the start of the industrial period 150 years ago, according to new research. Editor Highlight—Intense boreal forest fires in August 2017 caused smoke plumes that reached record levels in the stratosphere; satellite measurements show that the effects rivaled a moderate volcanic eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres RESEARCH ARTICLE 10.1029/2018JD028480 Key Points: † The glyoxal to formaldehyde ratio (R GF) suggesting changes in … Small Bodies, Solar Systems Processes in Geophysics, Atmospheric Three dimensional air parcel trajectories reveal anvil cloud lifetime of 15 hours in both present and future warmer climate. Emissions from 17 wildfires in the western continental U.S. and over 24 agricultural burns in the southeasternU.S. and Chemical Oceanography, Physical WESTERN U.S. 2. system composed of a three-dimensional sonic anemometer (model CSAT3, Campbell Scientific, Inc.) and an open path gas analyzer (modelLI-7500,LI-COR,Inc. Editor's Highlight —Two lightning flashes were observed in the same location: One produced a bright gamma-ray flash with about 1000 counts per millisecond, but the other did not. Editors' Highlights—Volcanoes can warm as much as they cool. New satellite diagnostics describe mesospheric polar vortices and coupling to lower altitudes. Articles from Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres featured in Research Spotlights, Editor's Highlights, Press Releases, Blogs, and Editor's Vox. Journal of Geophysical Research [Archive: 1896-1977] Earth and Space Science – Open Access : Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres : Earth's Future – Open Access : Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences [JGR: Biogeosciences Data Sharing Guidance] Stephanie E. Zick. JGR: Atmospheres publishes original research articles that advance and improve the understanding of atmospheric properties and processes, including the interaction of the atmosphere with other components of the Earth system, as well as their roles in climate variability and change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres JGR: Atmospheres publishes original research articles that advance and improve the understanding of atmospheric properties and processes, including the interaction of the atmosphere with other components of the Earth system, as well as their roles in climate variability and change. Editor's Highlight —Unique measurements of air motion within deep convective clouds offer new insights in our understanding of these storms and provide constraints for weather and climate prediction. 2 pollen through the air (Latorre, 1999), and in at least some cases that these relationships are generalizable First observation of a negative halo/sprite event with the signature of sprite current in the concurrent very‐low‐frequency sferic waveform; This unusual negative sprite is produced by an impulse charge moment change (approximately ‐520 C km) barely enough for producing a sprite; The occurrence of this event is likely caused by an extraordinarily long duration of charge transfer to ground following the return stroke. SST reconstructions show an unprecedented trend in Δconv in the 1980s‐1990s not seen in coupled atmosphere‐ocean GCMs. New high-resolution simulations are resolving complex wave behaviors with unprecedented detail. The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES is “J. Press Release—Two new studies looking at the brightest lightning events on Earth have investigated how these rare superbolts originate and find they are distinct from normal lightning flashes. Stepped leader spectra contain singly ionized Nitrogen emissions which indicate currents and temperatures comparable to peak return stroke. Geology and Geophysics, Physical Atmospheres; Biogeosciences; Earth Surface; Oceans; Planets; Solid Earth; Space Physics; Journal of Geophysical Research (1896-1977) Partnered Journals. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2018JD028628 LAN ET AL. Research Spotlight —Researchers zero in on the large-scale meteorological processes driving extreme precipitation events in the hot, arid desert region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Supporting Information for Cloud-Resolving Model Intercomparison of a MC3E Squall Line: Part I – Convective Updrafts Jiwen Fan1,*, Bin Han1,2, Adam Varble3, Hugh Morrison4, Kirk North5, Pavlos Kollias5,6, Baojun Chen2, Xiquan Dong7, Scott E. Giangrande8, Alexander Khain9, Yun Lin10, Ted Mansell11, Jason Milbrandt12, Ronald Stenz13, … 2 Abstract. Referencing books, youtube videos, websites, articles, journals, podcasts, images, videos, or music in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. What Drives Surface Winds in a Deep Valley? Blog—Researchers have identified a weather event that caused an unusually extreme cold wave to hit Europe and Asia during the winter of 2018, which could help atmospheric scientists better predict similar events in the future, according to a new study. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80309 Email: . To avoid the transition period between daytime and nighttime, only nighttime data during the period from 1900 to 0600 from October 3 to November 11 in 2013 after passing quality check were used. Research Spotlight—New high-resolution imaging and modeling reveal the first evidence of enhanced turbulence due to gravity wave modulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. 1National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 2School of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 3University of Illinois, Urbana, IL Submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, March 24, 2007 Corresponding author address: Dr. Hugh Morrison National Center for Atmospheric Research Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1002/2016JD026315 LIU ET AL. Yuhji Kuroda and Makoto Deushi, Influence of the solar cycle on the Polar‐night Jet Oscillation in the Southern Hemisphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121, … What Causes Flash Floods in the Middle East. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (2000-2018) Earth Interactions; Earth and Planetary Physics; Geophysics ; International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy; Interpretation; Nonlinear … This is a short guide how to format citations and the bibliography in a manuscript for Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.For a complete guide how to prepare your manuscript refer to the journal's instructions to authors.. … Editor's Vox —A set of four papers published in JGR: Atmospheres present results from a project investigating why models predict warmer surface temperatures than are observed in the central United States. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2017JD027771 BOWERS ET AL. )measuringlongitudinal,lateral,andverti-cal wind velocity components (u, v, and w), T, and water vapor con- centration, respectively. The acceptance rate of JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES is still under calculation. Geophysics, Biological Editor Highlight—The microphysics of the frequent, and frequently positive, lightning of Hokuriku winter clouds was investigated by systematic, in situ observation of individual precipitation particle type and charge. 2006, also occurred during months with monsoonal westerlies, but unlike in June 2013, the fires in these months did not lead to severe haze in the Malay Peninsula. Editor Highlight—Analyses of high-resolution radiosonde balloon measurements have provided a novel climatology of atmospheric turbulence parameters in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. It is the flagship journal of the American Geophysical Union. Lightning mapping array data indicates this is a bolt from the blue event. Journal of Geophysical Research. Properties of Rocks, Computational Blog—Anybody who has ever tried to photograph lightning knows that it takes patience and special camera equipment. Clear‐sky aerosol direct radiative effects were estimated based on multi‐year ground‐based observations at the ARM SGP and TWP sites, Modeled clear‐sky surface downwelling shortwave fluxes using observed inputs agreed well with surface radiometer observations, The annual mean clear‐sky aerosol direct radiative effects at the top of the atmosphere are ‐3.00 W m−2 at SGP and ‐2.82 W m−2 at TWP. Blog—A new assessment of NASA’s record of global temperatures revealed that the agency’s estimate of Earth’s long-term temperature rise in recent decades is accurate to within less than a tenth of a degree Fahrenheit, providing evidence that past and future research is correctly capturing rising surface temperatures. How to format your references using the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres citation style. Research Spotlight—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s newest High Resolution Atmospheric Model captures the influence of intraseasonal oscillations on tropical cyclone activity. 2. Corresponding Author. publishes original research articles that advance and improve the understanding of atmospheric properties and processes, including the interaction of the atmosphere with other components of the Earth system, as well as their roles in climate variability and change. Modeled migrating semidiurnal tide (SW2) mimicks radar observations, albeit wind biases may weaken SW2 peak in wintertime. Press Release—Telecommunications lines designed for carrying internet and phone service can pick up the rumble of thunder underground, potentially providing scientists with a new way of detecting environmental hazards and imaging deep inside the Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2018JD029321 LIM ET AL. WILDFIRE EMISSIONS 6109. aircraft was equipped with a suite of instruments for measuring aerosol, trace gases, and atmospheric state parameters. and Petrology, Exploration Research Spotlight—Direct observations from flights over coastal California reveal more about aerosol plumes released by burning biomass. Blog—There may be a way to make airplanes less prone to lightning strikes, according to new research exploring the role of the aircraft in the electrical events. Newly Identified Instabilities Enhance Atmospheric Turbulence, An Extraordinary Winter in the Polar North, Gravity Waves Leave Ripples Across a Glowing Night Sky, New studies shine light on bright lightning superbolts, Comparing Impacts of CO2 and Particle Emission Reductions, The tropics are expanding, and climate change is the primary culprit, Meiyu: The Dragon Dictating Rainfall Variability in East Asia, A Global View of Shapes and Sizes of Ice Crystals in Cloud Tops, Bridging the Gap Between Weather and Climate Predictions, Intensified Investigations of East Asian Aerosols and Climate, The Overlooked Role of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Volcanoes, Novel Simulations of Upper Atmosphere Gravity Wave Dynamics. What Makes a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash in Thunderclouds? Föhn‐induced melt trends mirror surface temperature trends with increased melt from 1979‐1998 and stable/decreased melt from 1999‐2018. Res. The Journal of Geophysical Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Oceanography, Interplanetary )measuringlongitudinal,lateral,andverti- Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres | Read 1100 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. 3. the choices of averaging time (not shown). Other—Simulations show how wildfire smoke increases atmospheric stability inside some valleys, creating a feedback loop that prevents its dispersion. Planets, Magnetospheric Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1002/2015JD023462. Geology and Geophysics, Physical Editors Vox—A special collection on subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction presents the latest progress in filling the gap between short-term weather prediction and longer-term climate prediction. Blog—The Tibetan Plateau, also known as the “roof of the world,” is getting hotter. Learn about our remote access options. The Journal Impact 2019-2020 of JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES is still under caculation. Prior simulations have neglected the important warming effects of sulfur dioxide emissions, making some results colder than they should be. This is the Citationsy guide to Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres citations, reference lists, in-text citations, and bibliographies. Journal Title: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH (According to the latest JCR data, this journal is not indexed in the JCR.) E3SM is able to reproduce many features of the observed albedo‐OLR histogram representing anvil cloud decay. The Journal Impact Quartile of JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES is still under caculation.The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric Metric that reflects the yearly average number of citations that recent articles published in a given journal received. Geophys. Res. Atmos.”.ISO 4 (Information and documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications) is an international standard, defining a uniform system for the abbreviation of serial publication titles. 7841. the choices of averaging time (not shown). Geophysics, Geomagnetism ©2014 American Geophysical Union. Editor's Highlight —Geologic and geomorphic observations of an active low-angle normal fault reveal a rolling-hinge mechanism accommodating the exhumation of a metamorphic core complex in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2017JD027849 GONG ET AL. Correspondence to: S. E. Zick, E-mail address: … 2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2018JD028533 KOPLITZ ET AL. The complete, comprehensive guide shows you how easy citing any source can be. Planets, Magnetospheric ». Most recently, from late 2011 to 2017, California experienced years of lower-than-normal rainfall. latest issue in progress, FEATURED ARTICLEThe tropics are expanding; climate change is the primary culprit, CALL FOR PAPERSCarbon weather: regional greenhouse gas inversion systems, FEATURED ARTICLEA new look at global lightning from the space station, FEATURED ARTICLEStreamer corona discharges detected in thunderstorms from space, FEATURED ARTICLEWhen chemistry lends a hand to dynamics, FEATURED ARTICLELightning discharge type linked to terrestrial gamma‐ray flashes, FEATURED ARTICLEMeiyu: the dragon dictating rainfall variability in East Asia, FEATURED ARTICLEA new dataset of temperature and precipitation extremes, CALL FOR PAPERSSouthern Ocean clouds, aerosols, precipitation and radiation, FEATURED ARTICLEA global view of shapes and sizes of ice crystals in cloud tops, Wet soil can lead to better organized convection than dry, constituting a positive rainfall feedback, despite earlier triggering over dry, Cold pools diminish or contribute to feedback; their effects vary with convective lifecycle stage and are not captured in parameterizations, Enhanced surface latent heat flux along gust fronts provides additional positive feedback that may help convection persist after sunset, We describe the fifth major update of a data set of global land air temperature, CRUTEM5, CRUTEM5 is based on an expanded network of 7,983 stations (up from 4,842) and improved identification of outlier values, The estimated increase in global land air temperature from 1861–1900 to 2015–2019 is 1.6°C (or 1.7°C with an alternative gridding method), Retrievals of column bromine monoxide (BrO) suggest upper limits for stratospheric injection of bromine from very short‐lived species are 4–8 ppt, Satellite retrievals are consistent with injection of 5 ppt if tropospheric BrO is 1.5 × 1013 cm−2 over Fairbanks, Alaska in spring 2011, Ground‐based vertical column BrO is 20% lower than satellite data and suggests tropospheric BrO is less than 1 × 1013 cm−2 over Fairbanks, The rationalities of two kinds of definitions of precipitation recycle ratio are assessed, and one bulk model method is recommended in the research of water cycle over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), The interannual variability of the precipitation recycle ratio over the TP in summer is negatively related with the El Niño events in the preceding winter, which is related to the anomalous Bengal Bay anticyclone, The change in the TP precipitation recycle ratio induced by the preceding El Niño events explains 60% of its interannual variability.