When Jinn was twelve years old, he was assigned as a Padawan to Jedi Master Dooku, from whom he learned the ways of the Force. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Born on the planet Serenno, he was the heir to vast wealth and the noble title of Count. Dooku was able to take on Savage Oppress and Asajj Ventress and win which I believe showcases that Dooku was a far better duelist. Before we saw him duel in AOTC, I kinda got the vibe that even with Mace Windu threatening him with a saber, he wasn't too concerned(even if Jango didn't intervene) about his well being. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I don't think we have a clear answer. Well that's all fine and dandy until you actually take a closer look and listen to what he's saying. Watching him in the clone wars, he easily takes on many jedi at a time. In a one-on-one fight, Dooku would destroy Maul. If Palpatine is a gun, Maul was just a bullet. Only Anakin at the height of his pre-Vader powers was capable of defeating Dooku. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Powerful enough that he comes off as a credible threat in Clone Wars despite the plot necessity that, as a recurring villain, he fail repeatedly. He compensated this with the strength he developed as a jedi, which was quite great. Force Lightning is a big advantage. A villain who was more badass than any we had seen in the Star Wars universe. His parents were stern, but proud of his Force abilities, and willingly surrendered him to the Jedi Order as they had another son to continue the Dooku bloodline. Dooku was born on the planet Serenno to the planet's ruler, Count Gora, and his wife, Countess Anya. It's like Ask Science, but for all universes other than our own. Make sure to use this for slowing down those runners in H v Vs. And being more powerful than your plot-necessitated failures is something indeed! I want a worthy apprentice!" Extremely powerful. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Can't remember which book/comic/other media it was but there was a scene where some Jedi are watching a holocron of one of the best swordsman of old and Dooku comments on the "sloppy form" or something to that effect. Though he was bound by the Sith Rule of Two, Dooku trained apprentices of his own, with the intention of one day succeeding his master. When he was at the service of Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus was a threatening, intelligent, powerful, manipulative, arrogant and immoral statesman, but charismatic, whose methods included torture, murder and even genocide. Identified as a Force-sensitive, he was taken for training by the Jedi Order and was assigned to the Heliost Clan where he learnt lightsaber combat from Jedi Master Tera Sinube. Unfortunately for her, she always had a rival competing for Count Dooku’s attention — General Grievous. Obi wan gives control of the fight to his opponent and waits for them to tire out or present a weakness but this plays into dookus style giving him the advantage, But when dookus overwhelmed by a highly aggresive foe he collapses in defeat this is how Anakin beat him in rots, Im not sure maul could win it I'd favor Dooku due to his better force control but i hope this highlight how flawd x beats y so y must beat z mentality. (This as opposed to, say, Grievous, who comes off as pretty danged incompetent over the course of the show.). Pre-ROTS I was always under the impression Dooku was the most powerful Force user known, aside from Yoda and Sidious. I agree but I think your ordering of the Jedi is backwards imo. Dooku was stronger than Maul when the latter fought Obiwan and Quigon in Naboo, but Dooku never really got a huge boost from the dark side, he was still to uptigh and meticulous to really let the anger built inside of him. Today we are discussing just how powerful Count Dooku was. Dooku's activities during the Clone Wars are still being explored by The Clone Wars TV show, so a thread discussing his actions during the War would be incomplete. Dooku was taken by the Jedi Order as a child and apprenticed to Thame Cerulian. There have been some pretty powerful Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars movies, but just who was strongest? Rapidly, the child's Force-sensitivity manifested, scaring his father who hated and feared those he dismissed as \"freaks.\" Gora contacted the Jedi Order on Coruscant and told them to come and claim his son. Instead, I have decided to discuss Dooku's role in the war. It may be confusing to some fans to know that Dooku has two titles: Count Dooku and Darth Tyranus. Have Anakin be less rebellious and annoying in the 2nd movie but still pretty aggressive. Palpatine assures him that he'll always have a place at his side even if he leaves the Order. I just thought of a new change I'd like to have been made to the PT. - Count Dooku Originally I was going to give a historical account of Dooku's actions during the Clone Wars, but I have decided against it. Then in Episode III don't have Dooku ragdoll Obi-Wan but instead Anakin and Obi-Wan defeat him together, but Anakin executes him at Palpatine's request (like in the real movie) to Obi-Wan's horror. I've always felt that Maul has been sold short every time he gets compared to Dooku. We use a [Watsonian point of view](http://fanlore.org/wiki/Watsonian_vs._Doylist), versus Doylist. While Darth Maul is younger and much more aggressive than Dooku - and was pretty much raised in sith teachings rather than converting into them... Dooku is a Jedi Master. This gives a more reasonable basis for the division of Anakin and the Chancellor against the Jedi Council and his best bud OW. At the time, Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus is considered to be one of the best lightsaber duelists in the entire Star Wars Universe. 4 years ago. That's my thinking too. Top 5, if not in the Top 3. At first, Count Dooku seemed like someone just thrown into Maul's spot as a place holder for a better antagonist. So how powerful was he really?. It showcases his abilities against an assortment of situations. Count Dooku served as the face … Very. In the show, Dooku is a 2 dimensional villain who has no motive other than "I am an evil Sith, ooh look at me, I'm Christopher Lee animated. Yoda's style suits his physical nature, and I think he probably just overwhelms most opponents, but I think in a 1 on 1 duel, Mace is the more skilled practitioner. This is due to the fact that he only embraced his hereditary title after the events of Episode I. Dooku was born into a very wealthy and influential family on the planet Serenno in the Outer Rim Territories. It's not even clear to me that Maul is capable of Force-choking an opponent. I would say for this fact alone, Dooku was not a "true Sith Lord" in a sense. Thats not nessicarily true x beats y so they must beat z isnt always true, Kenobis fighting style and mauls fighting style have an effect, For example obi wans a very defensive fighter and this puts him at a advantage against maul a extremely offensive fighter, Dookus style requires him to have absolute contorl over the duel mauls hyper aggresive strategy can take this control away from Dooku, This is why dooku typically beats obi wan. Yoda was stronger in the Force, no doubts there, but Mace was able to beat Sidious in a duel, Yoda couldn't. 26. Hey guys, Star Wars Legends back with a new video. Palpatine even says to General Grievous that he's going to have a stronger apprentice soon. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It's how he was able to fight Yoda to a draw. Count Dooku aka Darth Tyrannus, was once one of the most powerful and respected members of the jedi order, but after growing disillusioned with the order and the Republic, Dooku would turn away from the light side of the force to embrace the ways of the Sith and become apprentice to Darth Sidious. While Lee for years was often associated with this vampiric character, by playing a Sith Lord potentially inspired by that same vampire, it helped Lee create a new cinema legacy in the 21st century. Just looking at the movies (basically the Holy Scripture of canon), he was able to defeat Obi-Wan (who we should remember was not a shabby duelist himself) and an immature Anakin 2v1. I know it's ABC logic, but Dooku has kicked Kenobi's ass multiple times while Kenobi is a peer to Maul. If you'll remember, in the films they state that Dooku is a Jedi turned Sith. Since we hardly ever even hear much about Count Dooku, and considering Sidious always planned to replace him, whereas Maul was a genuine successor, is Maul more dangerous? He'd spent his last night in the you… Count Dooku of Serenno, also known by his Sith title Darth Tyranus, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.He first appeared in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002), portrayed by Christopher Lee, who reprised his role in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005). The names Count Dooku and Count Dracula sound vaguely similar, and with Lee playing both characters, an association between the two can be easily drawn. This allows him to avoid more attacks and outmaneuver his opponents more effectively. Count Dooku led the Confederacy's battle droid army throughout the war, turning star systems against the Republic through political maneuverings and military force. I mean the first saber duel we ever see, he effortlessly cuts down Obi-Wan and Anakin. In Revenge of the Sith Anakin is easily one of the most powerful Jedi and his swordsman skills are on par with others such as Windu. I know Vader is practically infinitely powerful than both of them, and Sidious is way more powerful than Vader, but, what about Dooku and Maul? It also gets rid of the mental gymnastics for how Anakin got beaten by a guy that got ragdolled by a guy he killed solo. Count Dooku was a Jedi Master who fell to the dark side of the Force and became the Dark Lord of the Sith, known as Darth Tyranus. Dooku has inhuman strength: The count twisted the arm with which Vos still clutched his humming lightsaber, squeezing down with inhuman strength on the webbing between thumb and forefinger. Make it hit home more that he and Obi-Wan are like brothers and Palpatine is like a father to him. Once Dooku turned to the dark side, he could not turn back and quickly gained power both in authority and knowledge of the dark side of the Force. Actually a powerful Sith lord, Dooku works behind the scenes to bring down the Jedi and destroy the Republic once and for all. He also received direct training by the two greatest Force users of his time: Yoda and Palpatine. Dooku was born on the planet Serenno into a noble, wealthy family. A villain who was cut down and not used nearly enough to satisfy fans. Maul and Dooku meet each other in the Son of Dathomir comic series, but they never fight one on one. Moreover, he was mostly dissatisfied with the jedi order, he didn't entirely hate them, as much as the rest of the sith did. Dooku in the Clone Wars has true mastery of the Force, in ways that we never really see from Maul -- who is far more of a physical fighter. One of the best lightsaber wielders no doubt, as he took on a ton of Jedi during the clone wars. It may have been from legends, but I remember reading that he was as powerful if not more powerful than Mace who was second only to Yoda, so pretty darn powerful. Reddit user Arc_the_Lad recently posted a lengthy theory about Count Dooku's plan was, ... Well, Obi-Wan was powerful, any glance at the events of the first two prequels will tell you that. Darth Maul! His lightsaber attacks can be made even deadlier with his D… I recon it would've went about as well as when Anakin tried to jump him in Episode II. Dooku has better feats in general as well, like beating an invisible Ventress and 2 Nightsisters while blind and poisoned. Yes. That being said I think any duel between Yoda/Mace and Palpatine/Dooku could go either way depending on the circumstances. He was then able to hold his own against Yoda for an extended period of time. I imagine that takes an impressive understanding of the force, let alone the dark side. Qui-Gon Jinn was a male human born on the galactic capital of Coruscant circa 80 BBY. When introduced in Attack of the Clones, Count Dooku was seen as a fill in for a much more complex villain. Seeing as how he was in the Jedi Order at the same time as Windu it's safe to say that they were at least equals although I would personally give the edge to Dooku. Dooku would probably take Maul on fairly easily, I'd point to the fact that he had to struggle and nearly died fighting Pre Vizsla, a non-jedi without any apparent training in swordsmanship. But alas, at that point he was only seeking for someone who would give him peace. Even in ROTS, he held his own against a much more powerful Anakin & Obi-Wan, until Anakin had to physically overpowered him. He was one of the best lightsaber duelists in the Jedi Order, second only to Yoda and possibly Mace Windu. 1 Publisher's Description 2 Included Components 2.1 Miniatures 2.2 Unit Cards 2.3 Upgrades 2.4 Command Cards 2.5 Tokens While much of the galaxy knows him as the Separatist Alliance's Head of State, Count Dooku serves a more sinister purpose in the Clone Wars. He doesn’t wear a hooded cloak like a Sith, but a grand cape with a clasp. As … Darth Maul is one of the most popular and underrated characters in Star Wars. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Once one of the most respected members of the Jedi Order, the death of his former Padawan, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, as well as the corruption he saw in the Republic left him disillusioned with the Order, resulting in his de… Quick note: Forgot to mention that Exposed Weakness also slows and highlights the enemy. He was a Jedi Master and already had great power, wisdom and skill before he began to practice the Sith arts. He doesn't have Force Lightning, but he has comparable feats of sheer force strength, and he fought Darth freaking Sidious and didn't die instantly -unlike those three Jedi "Masters" in RotS. During that time, he was unconventional in his thoughts and methods, often at odd… He is mainly a close-ranged hero. Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus or Lord Tyranus, was a Human Jedi Master and the former Padawan of Jedi Grand Master Yoda as well as the official head of state of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dookus probably better with the force not by a massive gab but a fairly decent lead force lightning is particularly good for this enough lightning can and will bring down maul, Dookus lightsaber style is weak to mauls hyper aggressive full throttle style so it could go either way, If maul can overwhelm Dooku with his lightsaber onslaught i think he wins if he cant dooku wins using his suprior force powers. Go read Dark Disciple (one of the new canon books). Dooku left the Jedi Order after witnessing corruption in the Galactic Senate an… Iirc, he was the best swordsman in the Jedi Order while he was there and one the best of all time. I think a match between Dooku and Maul would be a relatively short one, and would not test Dooku much at all. Count Dooku’s appearance, like his comportment, is incredibly refined. In addition, he was a master at Form II, the dueling form of lightsaber combat. This drives the first wedge between OW and Anakin and OW has to report him to the cancel who then rebuke Anakin and say that he's far from reaching Jedi Master. Unlike most younglings, he was aware of his origins and felt driven to prove himself worthy of them.By far the swiftest learner in his year, Dooku was particularly apt at telekinesis and combat games such as push-feather. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda vs. Count Dooku. Count Dooku can also dodge more frequently than other heroes, possessing three dodges instead of two. Have Anakin be less rebellious and annoying in the 2nd movie but still pretty aggressive. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskScienceFiction community. The villain? Dooku also posesses an elegant pistol-grip lightsaber which he salutes his enemies with before combat. Moreover, he was mostly dissatisfied with the jedi order, he didn't entirely hate them, as much as the rest of the sith did. With power of the Dark Side removing his inhibitions, I'm fairly certain he'll be able to defeat Darth Maul in one on one fight. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, New Vegas Voyager, Historian of the 86 Tribes. However, instead of waiting for the seekers to arrive, Gora abandoned the infant outside his palace on the edges of the fore… Also clearly powerful with the force taking on Yoda. He was also the leader of the Separatists, which gave him tremendous political power. However, before turning to the dark side, he was a respected and admired Jedi, being trained by Yoda and having trained Qui-Gon. He even became wiser out of self introspection and experience, and at the end of his life, he might have been stronger than Dooku. Maul, on the other side, didn't had Dooku's refinement, but he had a great anger towards the jedi, and this only grew after his first defeat and all he went through in the clone wars and the rise of the empire. Press J to jump to the feed. Later, he defeated Obi-Wan again before eventually falling to Anakin. I just thought of a new change I'd like to have been made to the PT. His self control allowed him to be more deadly, attacking with precision and style, but lack the brutal force of other sith. Hell yes he was! he was actually defeating mature anakin too, until he opened his mouth and got anakin angry. Count Dooku is a formidable and elegant duelist. How they treat Count Dooku. A recently-discovered accolade about Count Dooku's and Yoda's fight on Geonosis on Attack of the Clones has sparked a lot of debate about where he ran Even if Maul having more experience in the dark side gives him an advantage, Dooku is smarter and more generally experienced than Maul. It was said that only Mace Windu, Count Dooku and Palpatine were able to fight with him on equal terms. I'd say yes. I'm pretty sure Dooku was very strong in both the Force and in saber combat. Hope you enjoy! He was pretty damn powerful. Dooku became one of the "Lost Twenty", twenty Jedi who voluntarily left the order. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. He treats his enemies with respect and courtesy, even when they're his prisoners. He can swing and block longer than most other lightsaber wielders, possessing a high amount of stamina. Maul is kind of just the personification of dark side rage, until he's defeated by Obi Wan Kenobi and begins thinking and learning. Darth Jadus . It describes that Dooku feels compassion for Kenobi, seeing him as a grandson (Obi-Wan was trained by Qui-Gon who was in turn trained by Dooku,) and can even be seen pleading with Sidious to allow him to try to convert Kenobi to the Dark Side. Another thing I've seen no one mention is that he's the only person we see in the movies and TCW that can use Sith Lightning other than palpatine. Press J to jump to the feed. Dooku was stronger than Maul when the latter fought Obiwan and Quigon in Naboo, but Dooku never really got a huge boost from the dark side, he was still to uptigh and meticulous to really let the anger built inside of him. Planet 's ruler, Count Dooku: //fanlore.org/wiki/Watsonian_vs._Doylist ), versus Doylist Jedi... Best lightsaber duelists in the Star Wars movies, but for all decided to discuss Dooku role... Was seen as a place holder for a better antagonist deadly, attacking with precision style! A match between Dooku and Maul would be a relatively short one, and would not test much. One, and his wife, Countess how powerful was count dooku reddit impression Dooku was a far duelist. Well as when Anakin tried to jump him in the entire Star Wars Universe II. Title of Count of situations duelists in the Star Wars has better feats in General as well as when tried! From Yoda and possibly Mace Windu, Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus is considered be. 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