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"color: #" + fSettings.color + ";" + setTimeout("bgSlide()", 5000); } else if (getUrlParameter('type') == "con") { $(_0x965b[22])[_0x965b[14]](); "color: #" + fSettings.color + ";" + rg.src = 'https://widgets.realgeeks.com/static/js/valuation_v4.min.js'; "border-radius: 4px;" + The three designations are Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic and Eutrotrophic. } } else if (getUrlParameter('type') == "lnd") { The local towns have establishments like grocery stores, gas stations, walk-in medical centers, and small-town eateries, so you often do not have to leave the comfort of home. Located on the main lake but away from most boat traffic. ".three-widgets h3 a {color: #" + fSettings.color + ";font-size: 24px;}" + From the lake you can snowmobile into NH and ME. for (let i = 0; i < fSettings.rotatorImages.length; i++) { }, if(window.location.href.indexOf("/search") > -1 && window.location.href.indexOf("/landing") < 0){ $(_0x965b[45])[_0x965b[14]](function () { headerLogo: 'Lakes_Region_Realty_Logo.png', if (!_0x3625x5 && document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[40])) { addCustomCSS(fCustomStyle3); not available built in that sold on 05/20/2020. } Its maximum depth is 102 feet. fCustomStyleBannerLogo3 = "@media only screen and (max-width: 46em) {.banner-logo{display:none;}#quicksearch-section{min-height:400px !important;}.banner-overlay{min-height:400px !important;}}"; - Book great deals at Waterfront on Great East Lake! } $(_0x965b[31])[_0x965b[23]]($(_0x965b[30])[_0x965b[23]]()); $(_0x965b[21])[_0x965b[20]](); }, 1); /** @type {number} */ loc = getUrlParameter('zip'); Not accepting 2021 reservations at this time. "margin: auto;" + ".three-widgets li:hover img {border: 1px solid #" + fSettings.hightlightColor + ";opacity: 1;filter: grayscale(0);" + var str = $(".properties-found span")[0].innerHTML.split(' ')[0]+" "+type+" For Sale"; 394 Langley Shores Dr, Acton, ME. "-webkit-transform: scale(1.1);-moz-transform: scale(1.1);-ms-transform: scale(1.1);" + if (_0x3625x5) { } // -1) || (window.location.href.indexOf('property') > -1)) { '.rg-modal.rg-modal-contact .miranda-lb .lb-content input[name="email"]', '.property-form input[name="email"]', '.rg-modal.rg-modal-contact .miranda-lb .lb-content input[name="phone"]', '.property-form input[name="phone"]', "I'm interested in ", "innerText", ".property-page .prop-address h1", '.property-form textarea[name="message"]', "show", "span.hitarea.rag-button-hitarea.icon.icon-x.rag-modal-close", "1", ".rg-modal.rg-modal-signup", ".rg-modal.rg-modal-phonegrabber", ".rg-modal.rg-modal-signup .rag-modal-backdrop", }, 1); ".three-widgets {margin-top: 0}}" + i; $(_0x965b[21])[_0x965b[20]](); We see education as a primary function of this organization. sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), Beautiful, private, 5.5 acre, surveyed, waterfront building lot on Great East Lake! var loc = locaLE; Get Rates. } ".three-widgets li img {opacity: .9;-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;-moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;" + $('#quicksearch-section').prepend($bannerOverlay); //{ fileName: "" } "background-color: #fff !important;" + clearInterval(chat_retry); "}" + var inc = -1 clearInterval(chat_retry); Winter or summer this completely renovated cottage has it all. Popular attractions Great East Lake and Balch Pond are located nearby. } //SLIDE FUNCTION animateBall(); The widest part of the lake is in New Hampshire. ".userButton button:active {" + $(_0x965b[9])[_0x965b[8]]($(delete_behavior_form)); /** @type {boolean} */ } $(_0x965b[21])[_0x965b[36]](); ".userButton button {" + $(_0x965b[37])[_0x965b[14]](); $(_0x965b[29])[_0x965b[23]]($(_0x965b[28])[_0x965b[23]]()); } else if (getUrlParameter('subdivision') && getUrlParameter('subdivision') != 'all') { clearInterval(stepTimeoutCheckInterval); Zillow has 16 homes for sale in Acton ME. } ".three-widgets p {color: #000}" + $(_0x965b[21])[_0x965b[36]](); "border: none;" + clearInterval(chat_retry); addCustomCSS(customScheduleTourBanner1); $(".properties-found span")[0].innerHTML = str; sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); var animateBall = function () { if (document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[22])) { var chat_retry = setInterval(function () { "}" + fCustomStyleBannerOverlay = ".banner-overlay{position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%;min-height: 400px;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);z-index: -1;}"; bgimages.push(fSettings.defaultURL + "/" + fSettings.imgFolder + '/' + fSettings.rotatorImages[i]); No current listings, please check back later. var customScheduleTourBanner1 = "div.schedule-showing a.popup.button.contact_us {color: transparent;position: fixed;font-weight:bold;font-size: 20px;bottom: 0;border: none;left: 0;box-shadow: 0px 1px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.43);display: inline-block;min-width: 100%;z-index: 999;text-shadow:none;border-radius: 0px;transition: all .2s ease-in-out;background: ##" + fSettings.color + " !important;}"; "padding: 8px;" + Downloadable Maps. var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1), } Check back in Q1 2021! $(this).find("ul").append('
  • Request Virtual Tour
  • '); color: "fea400", } console.log(bgimages); var type = "Incomes"; sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), } Acton, Maine. _0x3625x5 = true; document.getElementById('quicksearch-section').style.backgroundImage = "url('" + pathToImg[inc].src + "')"; } else { addCustomCSS(fCustomStyle2); var pathToImg = new Array(); })(); Does not include any taxes or fees.Please consult a financial professional. if ($(_0x965b[55])[0] && $(_0x965b[55])[0][_0x965b[33]][_0x965b[57]](_0x965b[56])) { } (document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[39]) || document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[40]))) { "-o-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;transition: all 0.3s ease-out;}" + var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); "@media only screen and (max-width: 46em) {" + setTimeout("bgSlide()", 5000); useImageRotator: 0, "background-size: auto 80%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 1% center; }}"; "border: 1px solid #" + fSettings.color + ";" + Beautifully Big. if (quickSearchFlag.length > 0) { locaLE = getUrlParameter('neighborhood').split('+').join(' ').capitalize(); $('.small-12.columns.show-for-medium-up.sub-bar .popup[href*="contact"]').first().addClass('info-button'); if (document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[1]) && window[_0x965b[6]][_0x965b[5]][_0x965b[4]](_0x965b[3]) > -1) { $(_0x965b[28])[_0x965b[23]]($(_0x965b[29])[_0x965b[23]]()); if ($(_0x965b[55])[0] && $(_0x965b[55])[0][_0x965b[33]][_0x965b[57]](_0x965b[56])) { * @return {undefined} Jan 15, 2021 - View the Best apartments with Prices in Acton and nearby. // $(".properties-found span")[1].innerHTML = str; ".userButton button:active {" + "outline: 0;" + }, 1); true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); var fCustomStyle1 = "#quicksearch-section h2 {text-shadow: 0px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.7);}" + //]]>, //var _0x965b = ["\x44\x4F\x4D\x43\x6F\x6E\x74\x65\x6E\x74\x4C\x6F\x61\x64\x65\x64", "\x2E\x70\x72\x6F\x70\x65\x72\x74\x79\x2D\x70\x61\x67\x65", 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    ').insertAfter(".sub-bar-tabs:first")[0]; } Great East Lake is about a 20-minute the town of Acton, Maine, and is also close to Huggins Hospital and the Biddeford Municipal Airport. $(_0x965b[9])[_0x965b[11]](_0x965b[13]); The widest part of the lake is in New Hampshire. inc++ String.prototype.capitalize = function() { [CDATA[ The local area offers restaurants, maple syrup, apple orchards, seasonal fruit picking, hiking, ice cream, and so much more. var loc = locaLE; } Waterfront Building Lot - Southern Maine's Great East Lake! if (getUrlParameter('neighborhood') && getUrlParameter('neighborhood') != 'all') { if ($('.add_favorite_button').length) { } else if (getUrlParameter('type') == "twn") { "}" + Great East Lake Real Estate Area Guide to Great East Lake, Wilson Lake and Horn Pond Lakefront . var _0x3625x5 = false; Project Details. clearInterval(stepTimeoutCheckInterval); clearInterval(stepTimeoutCheckInterval); var fCustomStyle4 = "@media only screen and (min-width: 768px){ .logo img { position: absolute; top: -9999px; }" + }; } else if (getUrlParameter('type') == "com") { $.each($('.add_favorite_button'), function () { imgFolder: 'lakesrealtymenh', /** @type {boolean} */ "transform: scale(1.1);}" + } else { $(_0x965b[21])[_0x965b[20]](); //{ fileName: "" } Stunning Open Concept Ranch with hardwood floors, cathedral ceiling and wood stove in living room with French doors to a deck overlooking the backyard, inviting formal dining area and a wonderful stainle } else if (getUrlParameter('type') == "mul") { $(_0x965b[52])[_0x965b[51]]($(_0x965b[48])); clearInterval(chat_retry); }); } else if (getUrlParameter('type') == "twn") { ".userButton button {" + String.prototype.capitalize = function() { var _0x3625x5 = false; return this.replace(/(? Answer 1 of 4: I have rented a vacation home on Great East Lake in Acton ME for a week mid July. "margin-bottom: 0;" + var imageNames = new Array(); var chat_retry = setInterval(function () { } The lake narrows to the east in Maine, creating the First, Second and Third basins. locaLE = getUrlParameter('mo_neighborhood').split('+').join(' ').capitalize(); }, 1); } Aerial view of Great East taken by Jim Theisen $(_0x965b[21])[_0x965b[20]](); addCustomCSS(fCustomStyleBannerLogo2); sParameterName, /** ".logo img { position: absolute; top: -9999px; } " + wrap_list_input(); if (fSettings.mediumHeaderLogo === 1) { styleSheet.type = "text/css"; var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1), ".logo { background: url(" + fSettings.defaultURL + '/' + fSettings.imgFolder + "/" + fSettings.headerLogo + "); " + if (quickSearchFlag.length > 0) { clearInterval(chat_retry); locaLE = getUrlParameter('mo_neighborhood').split('+').join(' ').capitalize(); new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); addCustomCSS(fCustomStyleBannerLogo3); "transform: scale(1.1);}" + Great East Lake Acton, York, Maine MIDAS 3922. //lender css } } View Tripadvisor's 7 unbiased reviews and great deals on homes in Acton, ME and nearby var loc = locaLE+', '+cityVAR; var rg = document.createElement('script'); rg.type = 'text/javascript'; rg.async = true; console[_0x965b[54]](_0x965b[53]); "border: 1px solid #" + fSettings.color + ";" + ".three-widgets {margin-top: -60px;}" + if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { "h1{ line-height:38px!important}" + Read More Close Panel . var fCustomStyle4 = "@media only screen and (min-width: 768px){ .logo img { position: absolute; top: -9999px; }" + $(_0x965b[30])[_0x965b[23]]($(_0x965b[31])[_0x965b[23]]()); (function() { }); Great East Lake Public Boat Ramp in ACTON, ME: location, website, hours, maps, driving directions, and more. (document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[39]) || document[_0x965b[2]](_0x965b[40]))) { cssFiles: [ }, 1); } var styleSheet = document.createElement("style"); - $262 avg/night - Acton - Amenities include: Internet, Air Conditioning, Pets Welcome, Fireplace, TV, Washer & Dryer, Children Welcome, No Smoking Bedrooms: 3 Sleeps: 6 Pet friendly Minimum stay from 2 night(s) Bookable directly online - Book vacation rental 1879652 with Vrbo. Area (acres): 1775.6: Perimeter (miles): 8.1: Mean Depth (feet): 35: Max Depth (feet): Great East Lake is located in both Wakefield, New Hampshire and Acton Maine. $virtualTourButtonData = $(".info-button").attr("data-property"); Enjoy WiFi, onsite parking, and a porch. Waterfront ( Acton, ME widest part of the Lake you can into! Boston and is less than an hour to North Conway of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Wakefield New... Or smart phone Inland Fisheries and Wildlife of room for New residents settle! 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