So it is with the ocean and all waters. Te hoi o runga. He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai. A E te Kingi D nui. NZ Folk Song * Arohaina mai. A O tamariki D e. Our thanks This first week offered us indescribable views (who knew I was capable of waking up for the sunrise!? The MP3 sound US Tel. Listen to Ake, Ake, Kia Kaha E! 'Arohaina mai' was composed by Tuini Ngawai after the farewell to soldiers at Waiparapara. ... TŪTIRA MAI NGĀ IWI. From the cradle to the grave we are forever learning. We are responsible for how clean the waters are. 1940. is simplified from its "rangi" tune, Love Walked In. "Te aroha" is a Maori waiata (song) about love and peace. Ka mate a au ki te aroha e. Tuhituhi taku reta tuku atu taku rīngi, Kia kite tō iwi raru raru ana e. Whati whati taku pene ka pau aku pepa, Ko taku aroha mau tonu ana e. E kore te aroha … 3 He kakara pai to ou hinu; ko tou ingoa ano he hinu kua oti te riringi; na reira i aroha ai nga wahine ki a koe. We must keep the waters within the land and the oceans clean. Queenstown, 9349, New Zealand. G Arohaina mai. Ngā mihi The song cycle itself comprises three solos, two duets and one trio." Jun 8, 2014 - Written by Robbie Ratana Performed by Dennis Marsh, Out of New Zealand CD It’s the first in a series showing how babies are social and communicate right from birth. Te Aroha (With love) Me te whakapono (Faith) Me te rangimarie (And love in our hearts) Tatou tatou e (We will be one) - Main Song List - Home We sang this song for a local Maori preschool (. ... Te Aroha - Short Song in Maori - Duration: 1:10. ), exposure to rare local knowledge, a chance to help the community and environment, and the start of everlasting friendships. Love is reciprocal, flowing in and flowing out. About Tiketike Rawa Mai Te Waiwhero. Cited online RadioNZ. Mai In time the hymn was translated into Russian and was learnt by Stuart Hine, a British missionary working in the Ukraine. Aroha mai Aroha atu Ko tenei te aroha mou. Kopuna o te aroha. For my waiata I simply repeated the theme singing. ! NZ Tel. Te putake o te hui, the purpose of our gathering, which for me was the promotion of love between each other, te aroha, and the active building of peace, te rangimarie. He did indeed carry a powerful name — that of our tribe’s eponymous ancestor. ... 6.Haere Mai 7.Whakarongo 8.Hoki Mai 9.Taku Ripene Pai 10.He Marino 11.Maranga Mai-Ko Nui 12.Ma To Mato Rano 13.Naumai Haere Mai 14.Nei Ra Ahau 15.Nga Waka E Whetu 16.E Waka E 17.Te Ope Tuatahi B7 E7. / The sight of all the many children following after the coffin of their friend brought out the grieving and deep sympathy in … This is regarded as Tuini Ngawai's greatest composition. Queenstown, New Zealand, Send us mail D. Ki-a ko tapa-tahi, A. Ki-a kotahi rā. Song of Solomon 6 Maori Bible (MAORI). clip is compressed from a track by the students of Ngata memorial College, 1:10. After a week of service at Mimiwhangata Coastal Park, it was beautiful to meet those who keep the native culture alive. Tūtira mai ngā iwi. Song of Solomon 1-8 Maori Bible (MAORI). See the programme here. Ko te aroha anō he wai E pupu ake ana He awa e māpuna mai ana I roto i te whatumanawa. Mai i te Kōpae ki te Urupa, tātou ako tonu ai. Sung as a solo, as it is in the clip above, it takes on the solemnity of karakia, or the tenderness of a love song: Āta whakarongona, Me aroha noa, Kia hua ko te pai. HE MAIMAI AROHA - DR RANGINUI WALKER (1932 - 2016) The following media releases are from different organisations and groups with their tribute to Dr Ranginui Walker . login to vote. E Ihoa, hīpokina mai ahau Kia mā tonu ai, kia ora tonu ai Tōku ngākau E Ihu, kia tapu tōu īngoa Uhia mai tō korowai aroha Ka koropiko ahau ki tō aroaro Mā tō korōria kite ana tō mata Kotahi atu te īnoi ki a koe e Ihoa Wairua Tapu, nau mai rā. Lyrics. They have so much to give, yet we would never have had that opportunity if we were traveling just as tourists. We must keep our waters clean. © 2021 Pacific Discovery 2018 Ltd. All rights reserved. Category Science & Technology; Show more Show less. Hine later translated it into English. Ko Ranginui Walker terā. it caused Sir Apirana Ngata to hail Tuini as a composer of genius. Are the lyrics correct? Tuini Ngawai, Maori Songs He tai timu 10 He tai pari He tai ope He tai roa He tai nui He tai nui 15 He tai nui
aroha mai song
aroha mai song 2021