If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. As for the food thing, you can either make it fill up on its own by buying a 99 cent power up in the store that never let's your people starve, or you can buy it. :). I thought to myself that my two adults would still be able to work and the children gave me 2000 coins. We tried dozens of them, only to be disappointed each and every time. There are no cheats or hacks that work. This cheat is about how to cure all the basic illnesses. Make sure you (important!!!) Just place it in the middle table in the kitchen (The black table) and the family will put away the groceries. To keep them alive when you're not playing, aim to keep fridge stocked to around 1000 units of food.2. Cloths/ looks: easily changeable and not a super important characteristic. I kept him away from his sister's and brothers. Digging a hole to China (leaves a hole in the backyard.) So just buy the 20 coin bag of grains. Enjoy!! Rest them and feed them again.6. Buy fruits and candy from the flea market and give it to your person6. And now after awhile playing i can't find them anywhere. Eventually you come to the realization that you’ve been scammed. Things like tickling, stories and DVDs also help them. Some children don't like there siblings it's just like that.2. Have them play with their siblings train or jumpy. If you play Virtual Families 2, and you see a house expansion you want, and it's $1234, and you only have $32, this is a quick easy way to earn money. kristi and mom watched tv. Here's why. And when the kids do stuff like: Be sure to either drag them back then see what they do again (playing, going outside, etc) then leave them be, or scold them ONCE, otherwise it will go too far. The plants are on the left side of the house. The ALSO from above (candy, fruit, promotions, house upgrades, new furniture and a clean house) helps, and also tickling, stories, and movies help, but the same method as the parent can be used. Go to your Settings > Date & Time. Never scold bad behavior, as it can lead to depression. Granted...kids are kids, they'll still get into trouble...so you'll still have to schools every so often, but not nearly as much. He would read her stories, call her to brush her teeth and play drediel with her. So never, NEVER, buy the paintings.OTHER: Lastly, DON'T KILL THEM!!! Hand sanitizer and energy drinks wouldn't go astray either.3. It's a game, and mistakes happen in life and in gaming. Internet Router is broken = If you look at your router and the light is red instead of green, it is broken. So the trick is, to make them as happy as possible, and you do that by praising them for doing a bunch of stuff, not all the time, cause then you will be spoiling them. ~Throwing clothes on the floor8. Another way is for one partner to have a like and the other a dislike. Good luck and find love! This is what I do to stop it! Baby boosts don't work. If your curing depression, praise them for no reason. Buy the 20 coin grain bag and live life to the fullest.3. You don't actually have to pay 850 coins for a RADIO. Hi! Spend money wisely. It takes a while to adjust and kick in. This is a tribute to every one who like my last hint: 'use the red glove well.' Leave the game until the flea market refreshes (about 1-8 hours, depending on when it last changed). I encourage you stock up your fridge once in a while and not have to worry about it for the next week. Here You Go:If you want to get a lot of cash, pause the game and over night you won't get anything but stock up the fridge and over night you will get $20,000. Okay, this will tell you how to achieve goals easily.Let's start with the goal "art". If their status is playing, drawing, or dancing with said toy, you should try and praise them. Drag them to their parent and they will read a story. I really hope this helps. This is completely wrong, but the effect is very minimal. Thank you to everyone who commented on my input forum!Section 1: How to Get:Well, there are lots of opinions on how to get twins/triplets. That way it can't have changed, so you won't waste 40 or so coins. Then do that same exact thing 10 times. They had just 2 kids, Artolo and Zodiac, and adopted a third, Kristesse. It works every time.Those are all of the things I know so far! Their action will be running away, but that is a good thing! I used this trick and it worked so well! Sometimes when you have a new baby your child gets jealous it's just natural. ~Switching lights on and offThere might be other stuff you guys don't want them to do, you may love it if they do this stuff but guys don't be like "I WANT THEM TO MAKE MEALS!!!" Kids are a bit harder. Instead, create a play room even if you only have a few toys (I recommend placing it on one of the front patio rooms). Don't let the adults work unless it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. You will have to switch back to get your furniture from the old house, but if you have other people of your virtual family in the new house, then buy a random event, you will automatically go to the new house. Don't bother too much with the furniture in your first generation. Akhi was now 16 but he loved Krissy. I did this every night for a week and got $18,000,000!! Selling collectibles REALLY helps. As adults they are making 10 two $20 more than her other siblings and they were on career level one. Many people probably know that regular groceries are less expensive, but aren't as healthy as the organics. This goes for name too because they all have weird names. His food and energy levels are normal, but his health is very low. The owners do not have children so they do not start a new generation. Mimi :), So when the two adults are trying to make a baby it may not always work, however to check, just praise them, if they don't jump and wave and there isn't a rainbow over their head then they're going to have a baby! If they are sick medicate them, if they feel un fresh, put them in the shower, if they are happy GREAT! Now that we’ve established that it’s impossible to cheat or hack in the game you’re probably wondering what other options you have. If you drag two people on top of each other at the same time, (it can be difficult) then both of them will have the item and you can get double the money! On the third time their action should be "Running away." I have no clue what way I should decorate my house, any ideas? Both of the parents are 49 and already have 2 girls, one who's in college and the other who's 17. Drag them back to the workplace and repeat until desired happiness level. But it no longer says they're a kid! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Children will be children. Nov 23, 2019 - Virtual Families 2 Cheats. Likes and dislikes: as long as they do not connect to your person's likes and dislikes, they don't matter. The whole process of accessing the Virtual Families 2 Cheat is very simple. I know that sounds boring, but the first generation is when you should save up for your second. Never scold bad behavior, as it can lead to depression. Do not get regular meat and fruits and veggies, and buy organics for the amount of food. I've done this before and my whole house is rebuilt, I didn't buy any rooms!Also My Favorite Tip Giver On Here: Awesome Sauce!! This makes it easier to have children, in which your allowed 6 per generation. put them on the job, give them the green glove twice and wait till their done half way (it may not seem it but its quicker) then remove them from the job. If you chose someone who made 15$ then if you train them up to master, they make 690 dollars every day! Now you should soon have a baby. If you have 400, it's alright, but one meal uses 300 food, leaving to have to get more. Cause go ahead, make them make meals. How to put out oven on fire? Don't make them learn all the time, make sure to give them breaks. If all else fails, and my guide is a piece of garbage (which I hope it's not :) then doctor consultations are always available at all generations at the bottom of the food and medicine catagory for 475. They would never even think of doing those things. Dad started building, pets ate, Amanda and Jeb played (hooray!) Then, plug them on as fast as you can. Make sure the kid is doing something good, like playing quietly or reading a book, and not something like digging a hole to China and other bad stuff.How to fight Sleepiness, FASTThere are two easy methods for this:Method No.11. When your child turns 14, they will start doing things like projects for school and homework. The developers made sure that it’s impossible to hack the game. just incase u want it earlier.How to dig for bones? If two people share a bed (usually adults) this is even better. Its actually cinnamon. Hey guys its corgi luver again and I apologize for the long title! When your two adults die and you go to pick a child for your new generation it will show that he/she (usually a he) is a builder and you will get free rooms. To praise or scold just drag the hand in the bar on the screen and drag it on a person. Hi I'm back! They do not make your people healthier or better. I've found a great new way to increase your family! Simple as that. Anyway, my point is, stock up your fridge once in a while when you need more food. Thanks! I haven't made a meal since they were all starving after I went to camp for a week without my iPod, and that was on my 5th generation (I'm on 16th). Here is what to do, and what not to do.What TO DO:1. I recommend just dragging the husband away if he is very far behind his wife. Drag them to their parent and they will read a story. At first I was frustrated with my maid and debated firing her. It says for the goal description,"you bought a painting for your house". I come backs and play every hour and there is usually more than 2000 coins!! She is now 61, and married Mago, who is now 60. Just make sure when you feed them food from the fm, its 1. Virtual Families was made in "Virtual Life" genre. drag an adult to it and they would do the rest. Change your time to 5 hours. Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House: Last Day of Work loves virtual sims. You will see sparkles and not a rainbow. Click yes.Q:My maid is taking so long to clean! They're also just like grownups, but they still can't get married, have babies, work, or use the cocktail stand. Give it to the dad.What NOT TO DO:1. Instead of scolding, redirect the child to a toy. I buy organics though, not because they're healthier, but because they have 150 more food than regular. I'm not on my 28th generation and she keeps my house in perfect condition. Another thing, SENDING THE KIDS TO BOARDING SCHOOL REALLY ISN'T WORTH IT!!! Then either praise the person or pick them up. You search for cheats and you find a website that looks promising. Parents usually die in the 50's range or until the oldest child is in 20's range, -After the parents die the oldest child starts a new generation and all the other kids. HOPE THIS HELPEDThis is rare but does happen sometimes. Go to date and time and set to 5 hours ahead or 1 day ahead5. Drag your person to their work area (kitchen, office, or workshop). When you have one person living by themselves, they will receive match making emails on their computer. Back to the behavior program thing, how should you approach that? You are who you are. Green gloves praise behaviour and the red scolds them and tell them off. You can change generation when one parent dies.5. Repeatedly make them relax in it.4. I sent my twins off to private school. You might have noticed that they ask you to complete a survey or human verification before you’re supposed to get the resources. I tapped description and it said that they were all sisters. More Virtual Families 2 Cheats Here! If you don't believe me, look at the bank before and after.4. If you do not want to keep the pool then put it outside your front gate and sell it. And, well, their product line, which includes the massively popular Virtual Villagers series. Phone, Android, Mac & PC Game Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House. When he left for college a year later when Krissy turned 7 her father died. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but maybe if you wait until your people are a little older, maybe they might have a better chance at having multiples.Listen up! Happy fixing! Ignoring the child. Always look at the status plate that says their name and know each child's personality. Praise them 3 times for this. This is exspecially helpfull when you have no money to buy a cure! I know we don't do it on purpose but sometimes we can forget about other children. It is helpful if your person and their spouse work in the same room because they can share recourses. Not only that, you can achieve a goal if you put one up. They can be any age. It is titled "staying cool in the pool". Can I get free money in Virtual Families 2 without changing the date? Use money to buy food and housing renovations. A fridge full of food is a happy family. Drag the one who was making the bed onto the other one. Here's what I would suggest: 1. The happier the better.8. Buy them TONS of fruit and multivitamins from the flea markets. So this book is for ppl who want some help or just want some extra tips I hope this helpsJobsThe jobs are going to help you if you want coins so you can keep ur little fellas alive some jobs like the builder or carpenter when they are at master they can fix the house up for free but they are very so they chances of getting one first shot are really unlikely so if you get it on ur first gen think ur self lucky other jobs that have a start of 105 may seem like a good bet but really DO NOT CHOOSE THEM because chances are they will end at something like 200 but getting someone who starts off with 15 choose them because they are very likely gonna stop at about 700 which is good so try to get those kind of peepsSicknessYour little ppl are very likely to get sick once in a while so these are the cures for each one: If your family member has an infection or a serious illness, (usually seen by the person getting weaker for unknown reasons or constantly having random minor sicknesses listed above) the Doctor's Consultation will tell you what medication (Penicillin or Vancomycin) to give them. In order to make it easier for you and to save you a lot of time we’ve created a way that will teach you step-by-step how you can obtain free money in the game without having to use cheats or hacks. They only had 3 kids, Skye, Yotta, and Malibu, but their family seemed just as big (Yotta was a troublemaker). That is the extinguisher. Otherwise the message won't sink in. Stop falling for Virtual Families 2 Cheats and Hacks and instead take advantage of our free guide. When ever you put the two adults together and they start arguing or shaking their heads use the red glove twice on each person and try again. The one and only reason people create these websites is because they’re after advertising revenue. Mind, you won't get to see them grow up :(DEPRESSION The difficulty in curing depression can vary. It's true! They have updated VF2 so they DON'T WORK! The point is, to keep the family and pets in one room, lock the door with a couch! Wondering what to do with your rooms? So, you're visiting your family, and you notice one of the kids is much taller than last time you saw them. Thank you everyone for your support and input I want to see if I can get 2 likes this time. Also children might like if you have a sibling for them if your family is busy making money :)Also keep in mind people! Hopefully, you'll have a new pair of legs running around soon!Extra money Time!! Our Virtual Families Walkthrough is a complete guide to everything you need to know in this fun and addicting sim game. When they get underfoot (during meals) I discovered that you can place them in the wading pool and they can't get out, and also, on the left side of the screen, there is a bunch of pink/orange flowers....put them behind them and they are stuck thereIf you buy bananas from the flea market, then you place them on the fridge (if you updated your fridge) then you get 5000 food.When your peoples action says "Trying to make a baby" press the green glove and give it to the man and woman once or twice. I had a couple where one said no way and the other said maybe but they still had 4 kids. I asked a few people why with all the candy, groceries and toys I could find why wouldn't he be happy? If a thing comes up that says stop nagging, don't praise but still drag them to the toy room. This page contains Virtual Families cheats list for PC version. No tweens or teenagers keep in mind to not wait around another moment to find Virtual Families then. 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