Now more than ever Australians need to work together to protect our climate. What is Climate Active Climate Active certification is awarded to Australian businesses that have met rigorous requirements to achieve net zero carbon emissions. You’ll also be better prepared for future changes in energy and water costs and waste management regulations, all while improving your building’s resilience to climate change. Climate Active certifies businesses and organisations that have proven that they are measuring, reducing and offsetting their emissions, with a net result of zero emissions. You can make a difference too, by choosing brands with the Climate Active trade mark, Learn how your business can join the growing network of climate leaders positioning themselves for success in a low carbon economy. A list of offset units that are eligible for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to establish carbon neutral is available at Appendix A of the above Standards. Climate Active certification is available for : 1. Climate also includes statistics other than the average, such as the magnitudes of day-to-day or year-to-year variations. Organisations(Certification that the operations of an organisation have resulted in net zero emissions) 2. Climate Standard Fairtrade Standard. Ob in den Bereichen Bauen und Sanieren, Energiesparen, Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien oder in der Mobilität - wir zeigen Ihnen, welche Maßnahmen sinnvoll und mit hoher Qualität umgesetzt werden können. Building a network of like-minded climate leaders. Climate Bond Standard exclusively relates to the climate attributes of the bond and does not address any other aspect such as compliance with national or international laws, broader Environment-Social-Governance attributes, or credit worthiness. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. The Climate Active stamp helps the community take action by making it easier to identify and choose brands that are making a real difference. Climate Active is the Australian government's carbon neutral program (previously known as NCOS, the National Carbon Offset Standard). Mobilising private climate finance for sustainable energy access and climate change mitigation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Carbon neutral certification for buildings can be sought through the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) and the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). Hier sind die News aus der Geschäftsstelle eingestellt. Climate Active certification is proof towards a claim that your brand has achieved net zero emissions. Easy to process, reduces energy and demonstrably ensures a long-lasting attractive appearance. This is the only Australian Government endorsed carbon neutral certification. Climate Active certification is awarded to businesses that have credibly reached net zero emissions. Climate active certification demonstrates to your clients, customers and shareholders that your organisation is serious about taking positive action on climate change. Empowering the community to support organisations taking positive action on climate change. Register of consultants for Climate Active certification, The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard, National Australian Built Environment Rating System. ClimateActivePaint protects real estate and dehumidifies (monolithic) building parts. First Climate wünscht allen, die persönlich oder im beruflichen Umfeld von dem Virus und seinen Folgen betroffen sind, viel Kraft und Energie. Climate Active has a register of consultants that can provide technical assistance with your certification. The Climate Active standards set the guidelines for becoming carbon neutral. The Climate Active initiative and Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard supports and guides businesses as they account for and reduce carbon emissions. Reducing carbon footprint made easier with new International Standard. Section 63 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 requires assessment of the energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions of non-domestic buildings. Welche Folgen sind lokal spürbar oder zu erwarten? We track progress towards the globally agreed aim of holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. The standard averaging period is 30 years, but other periods may be used depending on the purpose. Blogbeiträge unserer Mitglieder finden Sie hier. Sign up to receive updates on new brands to support and what Climate Active organisations are doing to address climate change. You can find out more about Climate Active with the following resources: Formerly known as the National Carbon Offset Standard, this document sets out the minimum requirements for calculating, reducing, offsetting, auditing and reporting on emissions based on international standards and tailored to Australia. Der Besuch lohnt sich! The Climate Active logo is a simple way of knowing whether the businesses you support are committed to addressing climate change. New businesses and organisations are becoming Climate Active all the time! The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Precincts (Precincts Standard) is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. Looking for data on decarbonisation? Climate Active certification is awarded to Australian businesses that have met rigorous requirements to achieve net zero carbon emissions. Wie kann die Geoinformatik, wie können wir auf lokaler Ebene den Wandel greifbar machen und zur Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Anpassungsstrategien beitragen? Climate-Specific Passive Building Standards . Latest News. Axel Michaelowa, Stephan Hoch, Anne-Kathrin Weber, Ruth Kassaye & Tesfaye Hailu. Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard. to climate change. This manual will help you with your carbon neutral application and reporting. Standards are available for business operations, products and services, events, precincts and buildings. The Climate Active initiative is a partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses to encourage voluntary climate action. Welche Daten sind verfügbar? July 2015. This requires a business to credibly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and then offset any remaining emissions through the purchase of carbon offsets that benefit the environment. Unser Team ist auch weiterhin wie gewohnt für Sie da, um Sie bei der Erreichung Ihrer Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu unterstützen. Find out more . Climate Active is enabling businesses and the community to take action. Australians all have a role to play in protecting our unique and fragile environment. Climate Action Network - International (CAN) is an global network of over 1,300 environmental non-governmental organisations in over 130 countries working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations (Organisations Standard) is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. * Fields marked with an asterix are mandatory, Register of consultants for Climate Active certification. You can find additional building standards gui… By supporting these organisations you are casting your vote for a better environment. You may certify your entire organisation, your building or your precinct. ClimateActivePaint lowers costs for heating and/or cooling und is kind to the environment. Get Active myclimate offers you solutions for your business and your everyday life. Lasting protection; Lower energy consumption; Optical stability; Monument protection; Natural wood; Industrial applications. klimaaktiv. Der Klimawandel ist in aller Munde. New ISO standard for climate action framework under development. Was ist zu … The Precincts Standard can be used to better understand and manage carbon emissions, to credibly claim carbon neutrality and to seek carbon neutral certification. Welche Daten braucht es? Graham S. Wright and Katrin Klingenberg . The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Buildings (Building Standard) is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. For most certification types, you will be required to use a registered consultant. Climate disaster could be curtailed within a couple of decades if net zero emissions are reached, new study shows. The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard Formerly known as the National Carbon Offset Standard, this document sets out the minimum requirements for calculating, reducing, offsetting, auditing and reporting on emissions based on international standards and tailored to Australia. This requires a business to credibly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and then offset any remaining emissions through the purchase of carbon offsets that benefit the environment. It covers the step by step processes for each certification category, calculating your emission boundary, purchasing and reporting on offsets, and compliance procedures. Greenhouse gases (GHG) are identified as the principal cause of climate change and managing them is crucial to help us adapt to its consequences. Your approach to certification is up to you. Any business or organisation, regardless of size or sector, seeking to take positive climate action can be Climate Active certified (link to certified orgs). Climate Active is enabling individuals, businesses and government to work together to protect our climate now and for the future. Mulane works with an energy-efficient stove – one of 40,000 units distributed during a pilot project for Fairtrade Carbon Credits in Ethiopia. Read how we administer Climate Active. Assessment and assistance for building owners will be provided by a Section 63 advisor. Climate Active is a partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses to encourage voluntary climate action. The Organisations Standard can be used to better understand and manage carbon emissions, to credibly claim carbon neutrality and to seek carbon neutral certification. The Climate Bonds Standard and Certification Scheme is a labelling scheme for bonds and loans. It provides best- practice guidance on how to measure, reduce, offset, validate and report emissions that … Many of our clients take a staged approach, certifying product… Current global funding for adaptation is a fraction of this figure and access to these funds for developing countries is often lengthy and complex. Werden Sie klimaaktiv und setzen Sie aktiv ein Zeichen für den Klimaschutz! Find out more about the Australian organisations, events, products and services that have achieved Climate Active certification and how you can support them. International Standards help to mainstream climate change actions in transitioning to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future, according to leading sustainability experts who will speak at an ISO side event … 22 August 2018. Passive House Institute US. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) is an independent scientific analysis produced by two research organisations tracking climate action since 2009. © 2019 - Climate Active, all rights reserved. Leading organisations are choosing to reduce their climate impact to zero by becoming carbon neutral. 1.5°C pathway See Pathways.. 1.5°C warmer worlds Projected worlds in which global warming has reached and, unless otherwise indicated, been limited to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Explore our Data Portal Find out more. Rigorous scientific criteria ensure that bonds and loans with Certification, are consistent with the 2 degrees Celsius warming limit in the Paris Agreement. The related Assessment of Energy Performance of Non-domestic Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2016 requires owners to improve the energy performance of, and reduce the emissions from, these buildings. Make a concrete commitment to greater climate protection and sustainability with our education projects or company offers and help shape the future. Products(Certification that a product being created, used and disposed has resulted in net zero emissio… Pages: 47-62. Encouraging industry to go beyond standard practice and set themselves apart as climate champions. Climate-KIC is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Published online: 31 Jul 2020. Imagine if these decisions could help tackle climate change: your choices would benefit the environment and give you the power to make a difference. Auf unseren Seiten finden Sie ständig Neuigkeiten. Clean Energy Finance Corporation. Organisations who become carbon neutral receive certification and can display the Climate Active trade mark. © 2019 - Climate Active, all rights reserved. Kommen Sie gut und sicher durch die aktuelle Krise. The Scheme is used globally by bond issuers, governments, investors and the financial markets to prioritise investments which genuinely contribute … Climate Active is a new iteration of the Australian Government's official carbon neutral certification, previously the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS). Regulating the room climate; Ideal surface treatment; Equal heat distribution; Mold-prevention; Suitable for allergic people; Outside. It’s about making good decisions today, for a more sustainable tomorrow. Standard. Climate (from Ancient Greek klima, meaning inclination) is commonly defined as the weather averaged over a long period. Before a product/service, building, precinct, event or organisation can buy offsets to achieve carbon neutrality they need to measure their carbon footprint (greenhouse gas emissions). 5 This corresponds to 0.2–0.8 per cent of global investment flows, or just 0.06–0.21 per cent of projected global GDP, in 2030. NOTICE . The new brand is designed to better reflect the collaborative role that government, business and community must play in addressing climate change, with an emphasis on the importance of partnerships. Award Abstract #0836144 Collaborative Research: Controls on climate-active gases by Amundsen Sea ice biota Abstract | Full Text | References | PDF (1704 KB) | EPUB | Permissions 206 Views; 0 CrossRef citations; Altmetric; Article. page contents Aktuelles. Fairtrade International developed the Fairtrade Climate Standard, as a way to support smallholders and rural communities to produce Fairtrade Carbon Credits and gain access to the carbon market. We have helped numerous Australian organisations attain carbon neutral certification under the Climate Active program (formerly the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS)). In interior spaces, the climate is improved considerably. Through Climate Active, you’ll be supporting initiatives around the globe committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Welche Implikationen ergeben sich hieraus für unsere Region? By Sandrine Tranchard on 4 May 2017 Share on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin. EURACTIV's media partner, The Guardian, reports.
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