28-11-2020 Judiciary clarifies a misquoted media report; 13-11-2020 Commencement Notice for Part 2 of Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2020 concerning amendments to High Court Ordinance (Cap. in a 88-3 vote; David Novak (E.D. Seven of these nominees were held over, including Halil Ozerden (5th Cir.) As of October 22, there are 60 Article III vacancies, 58 of which are current. Chairman Lindsey Graham confirmed this week that home-state senator blue slips will be respected for nominees to the district courts. Once the remaining nominees are officially nominated, there will be 36 pending nominees: 16 waiting for floor votes, 4 waiting to be reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and 20 waiting for hearings before the Committee. As Chief Justice, he had, as well as his judicial duties, statutory responsibility for the administration of the Court. The Committee also reported out 42 nominees to lifetime judgeships. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing this week on two nominees lacking blue slips from both home-state Senators: Joseph Bianco (2d Cir., N.Y.) and Michael Park (2d Cir., N.Y.). The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on September 27, to hear testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh regarding sexual assault allegations. There are 70 nominees pending:  30 waiting for Senate floor votes, 24 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 16 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. The Senate Judiciary Committee continued to break norms, holding a second hearing during recess despite objection from all Democratic members of the Committee, for three judicial nominees. Fla.) in a 56-21 vote. Tenn.) in a 55-41 vote. For the first time since 1918, the Supreme Court postponed oral arguments that were scheduled for this month. Register for a PACER account. As of January 18, there are 153 Article III vacancies, 134 of which are current. On Thursday, the Committee held an executive business meeting for four Article III nominees: Thomas Kirsch II (7th Cir. This week the Committee held a hearing for five judicial nominees, including four district court nominees. Nominees on the agenda were Allison Rushing (4th Cir., N.C.), Thomas Barber (M.D. The Senate Judiciary Committee has noticed a hearing for November 13, though no nominees have been listed. La. There are currently 24 pending nominees: 4 waiting for floor votes, 1 waiting to be reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and 19 waiting for hearings before the Committee. Pa.), William Jung (M.D. Fla.), Raul Arias-Marxuach (D.P.R. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on three nominees:  Jeffrey Brown (S.D. ), Daniel Collins (9th Cir., Cal. Circuit, which the president has already expressed his intent to elevate Judge Justin Walker (W.D. Mich.), Jason Pulliam (W.D. who also lacks support from Senators Feinstein (D-Cal.) nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States and will feature panels of witnesses. whom a substantial majority of the ABA’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary rated as “not qualified.”. This week the Senate confirmed one appellate nominee: Peter Phipps (3d Cir.) Article III of the U.S. Constitution establishes the U.S. Supreme Court and provides that Congress may create additional lower courts. Wis.); Shireen Matthews (S.D. Visit our new Diversity of the Federal Bench page – ACS is now tracking the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of the federal judiciary. ); and Mark Scarsi (C.D. whom the ABA unanimously rated as “not qualified.”. Wis.); Shireen Matthews (S.D. With his nomination to the Fifth Circuit almost certainly over, Judge Ozerden will remain on the bench in Mississippi. Once the remaining nominees are officially nominated, there will be 38 pending nominees: 10 waiting for floor votes, 9 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 19 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. The Senate is set to return from recess on Monday, May 4 and the Senate Judiciary Committee is wasting no time in turning its attention back to advancing judicial nominees. As of right now, the Senate Judiciary Committee has not noticed any judicial nominations specific hearings for next week. Of the 234 new judges, 178 (76%) are men and 197 (84%) are white. Mo.) The American Constitution Society (ACS) is a network of progressive students who believe that the law should be a force to improve the lives of all people. Among the things to be decided is how committee membership will work. Ga.), Susan Baxter (W.D. Ky.), a nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Tex.) ACS's Weekly Roundup of Judicial Nominations Activity. The Committee is also expected to hold an Executive Business Meeting. More in this topic. Pa.). Confirmations 115th-116th Congress: 234 (3 Supreme Court, 54 circuit, 174 district, & 3 Court of International Trade) ); and R. Austin Huffaker Jr. (M.D. The Committee also noticed a hearing for Wednesday, July 29. Ala.). Ill.) in a 55-41 vote; David Dugan (S.D. §§ 620–629). Pa.). La. A nominee for a 9th Cir. Already this week, Judge Victoria Roberts (E.D. Of the 200 confirmations, 152 (76%) were men, 171 (85.5%) were white, and 131 (65.5%) were white men. This benchmark will be reached without the Senate confirming a single Black or Latinx nominee to the circuit courts. While the circuit still has a majority of judges appointed by Democratic presidents, the circuit is close to flipping. passed away this week at age 87. There are 72 nominees pending:  32 waiting for Senate floor votes, 24 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 16 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Kacsmaryk (N.D. Cal. Of the 229 confirmations, 150 have been white men. Justice Barrett became the third Supreme Court justice and 220th Article III judge confirmed during this administration. in a 20-1 vote, Stephen Clark (E.D. Mich.), Stephanie Davis (E.D. When the Senate returns in June, it won’t be long before it confirms the 200th Article III judge of this administration. The other two nominees on the hearing agenda were Bridge Bade (9th Cir., Ariz.) and Karin Immergut (D. This week the Senate confirmed Steven Menashi (2d Cir.) The Corporate Capture of the Federal Courts Thank you, Nancy, for that very kind introduction. The ACS has already provided Biden’s team with extensive lists of potential nominees, in the hope of ensuring a smooth nomination process once a seat on the federal judiciary opens up. Also, this week the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on three district court nominees: Justin Walker (W.D. Calling the continued presidency of Donald Trump “a grave risk to our democracy” more than 750 legal and constitutional scholars from around the country have signed on to the letter. The US Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct announced Thursday that it has withdrawn proposed ethical guidance aimed at limiting the ability of judges to join groups in the US legal … The lack of diversity goes beyond just the new circuit court judges. This patchwork has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to capture the federal judiciary, much from conservative and dark money sources. La. Tex. ), John Cronan (S.D.N.Y. On September 6, the Senate voted to confirm eight nominees to the U.S. District Courts. There are 70 nominees pending:  30 waiting for Senate floor votes, 24 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 16 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Rao has faced scrutiny from both Democrats and Republicans. The Vice President broke the first-ever judicial confirmation tie by any Vice President on Kobes, the 30th nominee confirmed to the U.S. Courts of Appeals this Congress. On August 16, the Senate confirmed A. Marvin Quattlebaum (4th Cir., S.C.) in a 62-28 vote and Julius Richardson (4th Cir., S.C.) in a 81-8 vote. ), R. Stan Baker (S.D. This means it will be nearly another month before the Senate can continue moving judicial nominations forward. Without missing a beat, the Senate immediately turned its attention back to judicial nominations. ); Charles Atchley Jr. (E.D. ), and Joshua Wolson (E.D. in a 21-0 vote, Lewis Liman (S.D.N.Y.) This week the Senate Judiciary Committee was supposed to hold an executive business meeting for six judicial nominations potentially moving them to the Senate floor for a vote. For more on this milestone see ACS’ statement here. Va.), Pamela Barker (N.D. Ohio), and Sarah Morrison (S.D. Cal. Votes are expected on all three nominees next week. In an unprecedented move, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on October 17, for six nominees, despite the Senate being in recess and despite objection from all Democratic members of the Committee. Wiegand also had bipartisan support and was favorably voted out of committee in a 17-5 vote. The Senate continued to negotiate over a coronavirus bill this week before its scheduled recess, which would keep the Senate out of session until after Labor Day. The Senate Judiciary Committee had no official judicial nominations activity this week. Ky.) to fill that vacancy. The US Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct announced Thursday that it has withdrawn proposed ethical guidance aimed at limiting the ability of judges to join groups in the US legal community deemed to be ideologically-oriented.. Cal.) This confirmation brings the total number of Article III judges confirmed during this administration to 219. The Senate Judiciary Committee also voted out seven nominees, including Lawrence VanDyke (9th Cir.) There are 86 nominees pending:  43 waiting for Senate floor votes and 18 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 25 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. This week the Senate voted to confirm four judicial nominees: Danielle Hunsaker (9th Cir.) Ky.); Lee Rudofksy (E.D. in a 52-46 vote; Allen Winsor (N.D. Fla.) in a 54-44 vote; James Cain Jr. (W.D. Following is a comprehensive list of all Article III and Article IV United States federal judges appointed by President Barack Obama during his presidency, as well as a partial list of Article I federal judicial appointments, excluding appointments to the District of Columbia judiciary. The federal judiciary should look like the people it represents, but during this administration, the race and gender gaps on the courts are only growing. Miss.). Ky.) issued a temporary restraining order that blocked Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer “from forbidding drive-in church serves on Easter to slow the spread of coronavirus.” The TRO was notable for the language used by Judge Walker, which some argued that it lacked “modesty and proper judicial temperament.” The president announced his intent to elevate Judge Walker to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. As of late Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee has not scheduled any hearings or executive business meetings for the rest of the month, although this could change if the Senate decides to work through the month of August. Matey was confirmed despite opposition from both home-state Senators. Ill.); Hala Jarbou (W.D. Cronan is the 203rd Article III judge confirmed during this administration. The Committee also held an Executive Business Meeting on November 15, but held over 14 lifetime judicial nominees. As of February 22, there are 160 Article III vacancies, 140 of which are current. This week the Senate confirmed two district court nominees: J. Philip Calabrese (N.D. Ohio) in a 58-35 vote and Taylor McNeel (S.D. The remaining four nominees were advanced to the floor, including Sarah Pitlyk (E.D. [Learn about broken norms, like ignoring ABA ratings, in its rush to confirm President Trump’s nominees.] Cal. The Senate confirmed three Article III judges and the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing and an executive business meeting. The Presidential Investigation Education Project, On the Bench: Tracking President Trump's Judicial Nominations, Amid the coronavirus outbreak, the White House announced President Trump’s intent to nominate two people to the federal bench, including Cory Wilson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. ), Drew Tipton (S.D. in a 51-41 vote; and Jennifer Wilson (M.D. As of June 5, there are 77 Article III vacancies, 72 of which are current. As of March 5, there are 81 Article III vacancies, 72 of which are current. The hearings on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s (D.C. The questions to the nominee often centered around the real-world stakes of her potential confirmation. Fla.), Corey Maze (N.D. Ala.), Rodney Smith (S.D. ), and J. Nicholas Ranjan (W.D. Once the impeachment trial is over, it is likely that the Senate will quickly shift back to confirming more judges. Judge Walker would be the 199th Article III judge confirmed during this administration. Md.) It was the seventh hearing this Congress with multiple nominees to the U.S. was previously nominated by President Obama. Once the remaining nominees are officially nominated, there will be 45 pending nominees: 11 waiting for floor votes, 7 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 27 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Click here to learn more about judicial nominations. As of March 1, there are 159 Article III vacancies, 139 of which are current. The expectation is that the Senate and the Senate Judiciary Committee will quickly turn its attend back to judicial nominations, but a hearing and/or markup hasn’t been officially noticed yet. Some of the most controversial nominees may not be re-nominated, but it is widely expected that most of the returned individuals will be re-nominated. 4) gazetted; 22-10-2020 Judiciary’s Response to Complaints (TMCC700003/2020) 16-10-2020 Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2021 ), Fernando Aenlle-Rocha (C.D. BOSTON – The U.S. Attorney’s Office has reached a $3.5 million settlement with specialty pharmacy Advanced Care Scripts, Inc. (ACS), to resolve allegations that ACS conspired with pharmaceutical manufacturer Teva Neuroscience, Inc. (Teva), to enable Teva to pay kickbacks to Medicare patients taking Copaxone, a Teva drug approved for treatment of multiple sclerosis. ), Jennifer Rearden (S.D.N.Y. Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley has ignored calls for a non-partisan investigation of sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. A vote scheduled for November 29, on whether to confirm controversial nominee Thomas Farr to the E.D.N.C. These confirmations continue the trend of the lack of diversity in the president’s judicial nominations. With less than 50 days to Inauguration Day, the Senate continued to advance and confirm judicial nominees during the lame duck session. Ala.) to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. seat in Washington state, Eric Miller, lacked blue slips from both Senators. A majority of the 196 Article III judges confirmed so far are white men. Okla.), John Badalamenti (M.D. The full 30 hours of debate are rarely utilized, but they have allowed Senators off the Judiciary Committee to fully review nominees. Of President Trump’s 161 judicial nominees, 85 were confirmed this Congress, compared to 62 nominees confirmed during President Obama’s first two years in office. The Senate has confirmed 84 nominees to lifetime judicial seats, twice the number confirmed at this point in President Obama’s Administration. With the confirmation of these nominees the Trump Administration has now had 146 nominees confirmed to an Article III court. Fix the Court has also created a handy Google Doc for tracking the latest information from the circuit courts. As of today, the judicial nominees who will appear at this hearing are not public. Pa.) in a 94-0 vote; Ada Brown (N.D. He was confirmed to a lifetime seat on the Seventh Circuit in just under a month. Please continue to speak out in your community about the importance of the courts and let ACS know if you need any resources. In a further breakdown of norms, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Kenneth Lee (9th Cir., Cal.) This week the Senate confirmed eight district court nominees: Franklin Valderrama (N.D. Ill.) in a 68-26 vote; Iain Johnston (N.D. Ill.) in a 77-14 vote; Stephen McGlynn (S.D. Judiciary Act of 1789, in full 1789 Judiciary Act, act establishing the organization of the U.S. federal court system, which had been sketched only in general terms in the U.S. Constitution.The act established a three-part judiciary—made up of district courts, circuit courts, and the Supreme Court—and outlined the structure and jurisdiction of each branch. For more on the current state of judicial nominations visit www.judicialnominations.org. On Thursday, the Committee held a lengthy and somewhat testy executive business meeting primarily focused on subpoenas related to the Russia investigation. As of April 30, there are 82 Article III vacancies, 76 of which are current. in an 11-10 vote, Kenneth Bell (W.D.N.C.) As of December 5, there are 99 Article III vacancies, 82 of which are current. With the confirmation of Berger and Buescher that means 131 out of 870 Article III judges were appointed by President Trump or in other words 15% of all Article III judges. Despite Justice Ginsburg passing away only a week ago, the President and Senate Republicans have made their intentions clear about trying to fill the seat before the upcoming presidential election. These nominees included Justin Walker (W.D. The expectation is that the new organizing resolution will be similar to the one from 2001. On June 11, 2019, President Trump announced his intent to nominate Roumel to serve as a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims. On November 19, 2019, her nomination was sent to the United States Senate. The six nominees are now eligible for a committee vote. As of September 24, there are 60 Article III vacancies, 59 of which are current. For more on the current state of judicial nominations visit www.judicialnominations.org. The federal court concluded the case and ordered the not-for-profit organisation to pay ACS fellow Roger Clarke AU$127,000. In response to this week’s conviction of President Trump’s former campaign manager and the guilty plea of his former lawyer that directly implicated the President in criminal activity many Senators are calling for postponement of the hearing on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States. |  Pa.) in a 88-3 vote. Mich.) in a 83-15 vote; Thomas Cullen (W.D. For more on the president’s new list, be sure to check out Russ Feingold’s statement calling for fair-minded Supreme Court Justices. During the hearing Menashi repeatedly claimed to owe a duty of confidentiality to his clients when asked about his work on the White House Immigration Working Group and at the Department of Education. Cir.) The Senate Judiciary Committee is responsible for the initial stages of the confirmation process of all nominations for the federal judiciary. A monster mark-up in the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected next week for William Barr and the re-nominated individuals. Throughout the week the Senate confirmed three district court nominees: Scott Rash (D. Ariz) in a 74-20 vote; Anna Manasco (N.D. Ala.) in a 71-21 vote; and John Heil (E.D., N.D., W.D. 59, 2015 Reports indicate that the Senate is set to go on recess until April 20. Despite the election being 82 days away, the administration is still pushing to confirm new judges. Menashi has a troubling record of writings on reproductive rights, LGBTQ issues, education, immigration, and diversity in general. Okla.), Holly Brady (N.D. As of April 2, there are 81 Article III vacancies, 75 of which are current. The Committee also favorably voted the following out of committee: David Dugan (S.D. Cir.) Tex.) All of the nominees were confirmed in voice votes, except for Dominic Lanza, who was confirmed in a, outpacing his three previous predecessors, View ACS’s Diversity of the Federal Courts page, View our interactive map on the district and circuit courts, View our interactive map of the circuit and districts courts, four district court nominees were confirmed in two days, 1 in 5 currently serving circuit court judges, overturn coverage of pre-existing conditions, Learn about broken norms, like ignoring ABA ratings, in its rush to confirm President Trump’s nominees, Learn about how the Senate GOP is breaking norms, like ignoring ABA ratings, in its rush to confirm President Trump’s nominees, September 4-7, 2018, despite the lack of a full record. Tex.) Circuit, which comes open September 1, 2020. Weekly roundup of judicial nominations activity. Cal.). Of the 161 nominees named by President Trump, 85 were confirmed by the Senate. The President will decide which nominees to re-nominate. FACILITY EXPOSURE CO MMUN ITY CASE CO MMUN ITY AC TIO N. 5/7/2020. Despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, an economic downturn, and continued protest over racial injustice, the Senate continued to advance judicial nominees. Click here to learn more about judicial nominations. Miss. ); Todd Robinson (S.D. Before the Committee even reported Judge Barrett to the floor, the White House Wednesday evening already announced its intent to nominate Thomas Kirsch II to the future vacancy that Judge Barrett would leave on the U.S. Cal. Once the remaining nominees are officially nominated, there will be 45 pending nominees: 13 waiting for floor votes, 1 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 31 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. As of October 15, there are 61 Article III vacancies, 59 of which are current. in a 53-45 vote. Cal. On Thursday, the Supreme Court released the final opinions of the term, including the two cases involving the president’s tax returns. Tex.). La. in a 55-43 vote. With the Senate on recess, there was no judicial nominations activity this week. Of the pending nominees 74% are male, 59% are white males, and 20% are people of color. in a 77-21 vote; and Greg Guidry (E.D. Tenn.); and Joseph Dawson III (D.S.C.). Justice Barrett was the first Supreme Court justice to be confirmed without bipartisan support since 1869. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing for four judicial nominees:  Brian Buescher (D. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on three district court nominees:  Ada Brown (N.D. ), Stephanie Haines (W.D. ), Brian Buescher (D. As of December 17, there are 51 Article III vacancies, 47 of which are current. Kirsch II’s confirmation also cemented the Seventh Circuit as continuing to be composed of active judges who are all white. The nominees are James Arguelles (E.D. As of February 6, there are 84 Article III vacancies, 75 of which are current. ), Andrew Brasher (M.D. There was no judicial nominations activity this week as the Senate remains on recess until July 20. The Presidential Investigation Education Project, Visit our new Diversity of the Federal Bench page. in a 53-45 vote; Carl Nichols (D.D.C.) Earlier this week the Committee also held a hearing for five nominees: Danielle Hunsaker (9th Cir. As of December 20, there are 84 Article III vacancies, 70 of which are current. For more on the lack of diversity on the federal bench be sure to check out ACS’s Diversity of the Federal Bench page. Once the 17 remaining recess nominees are officially nominated there will be 52 pending nominees: 16 waiting for floor votes, 10 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 26 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. As of October 24, there are 111 Article III vacancies, 95 of which are current. As of February 13, there are 80 Article III vacancies, 73 of which are current. Cal. Ky.) and Lee Rudofsky (E.D. With President Trump’s announcement of his intent to nominate Wilson to the Fifth Circuit, it likely spells the end of Judge Halil Ozerden’s (S.D. Fla.), Wendy Berger (M.D. Like the rest of the country, the federal judiciary is figuring out how to deal with the coronavirus, including what to do about pending cases. in a 86-2 vote; Lee Rudofsky (E.D. The Marshall Project has also created an interactive map that will be tracking the latest updates on coronavirus and state court closings. 5/7/2020 *See Appendix2 for Definition of Vulnerable Individuals. There are 87 nominees pending:  47 waiting for Senate floor votes, 6 waiting to be reported out of Committee, and 34 waiting for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Late last week the president announced his intent to elevate Judge Justin Walker (W.D. ACS’s Vacancy Toolkit has more coverage and analysis on the Kavanaugh nomination. Ohio), and Kea Riggs (D.N.M.). Senators voted for cloture on four nominees prior to the recess: Stephanie Haines (W.D. With these six confirmations the Senate confirmed President Trump’s 150th lifetime judicial appointee. Pa.), Nancy Brasel (D. Minn.), Charles Goodwin (W.D. The Committee held Halil Ozerden (5th Cir.) As of October 10, there are 113 Article III vacancies, 98 of which are current. There are currently 3 pending nominees: 0 waiting for floor votes, 1 waiting to be reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and 2 waiting for hearings before the Committee. As a result, the federal courts have gotten whiter and more male over the past four years. Confirmations 117th-118th Congress: 0 (0 Supreme Court, 0 circuit, 0 district, & 0 Court of International Trade) Circuit and District Court judgeships. ), and Kristi Johnson (S.D. As of October 3, the Senate has confirmed 152 lifetime judges to Article III courts. lacked support from Senators Feinstein (D-Cal.) As of July 11, there are 131 Article III vacancies, 120 of which are current. It is imperative that the moderators ask about the courts in light of all the recent confirmations. Earlier this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing for three lifetime judgeships including two nominees to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Privacy Policy © 2021 All rights reserved. Senator McConnell filed cloture on five lifetime nominees, including on Judge Andrew Brasher (M.D. As of October 17, there are 110 Article III vacancies, 95 of which are current. ); Brett Ludwig (E.D. The Senate confirmed five district court nominees this week: Brett Ludwig (E.D. Click here to learn more about judicial nominations. There are 17 Judicial Advisory Committees, with each province and territory represented. The Senate has been confirming nominees at an accelerated rate by disregarding norms and traditions like sidestepping the blue slip, ignoring ABA ratings of individual nominees, and stacking hearings. Current state of judicial nominations be put on hold during the lame duck session the Obama administration leaving. Ky. ), Martha Pacold ( N.D. Ill. ) ; Franklin Valderrama N.D.... Confirmation battle surrounding the vacancy left by the Department or the U.S. government Jennifer (. Other Judiciary news, ACS judges who are appointed to serve on the court! Map to learn more about circuit and district court nominees were held over, it won ’ be... Cases critical to our rights — from the ABA frequently files amicus Briefs, including the failed for... 17, there are 159 Article III vacancies, 129 of which are current Neb! December 14, there are 168 Article III judges confirmed under this administration 198. 89-3 vote ; Thomas Cullen ( W.D sure to attend ACS ’ Standing... 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