In fact, they rarely come into contact with angelfish, since angelfish are middle dwellers. This fish has got so popular in the fresh-water aquarium hobby, because it is the only fish, which will consume black beard algae. This section of our guide discusses what you should consider when choosing an ideal tank mate for your Angelfish. Read more. With their unique shapes and territorial behavior, angelfish are arguably one of the coolest fish in the hobby. These fish can also be kept with angelfish. Plecos get along fine with other fish, although they can be belligerent towards others of their own kind and do best as a single specimen in the community. Bolivian Rams are a peaceful species of small cichlid that comes from the Amazon River Basin in Bolivia and Brazil, sharing similar conditions to that of the Angelfish. When you’re stocking your tank, follow the general rule of one inch of fish per one gallon of water, or one inch of fish per two gallons if you keep any large, especially messy fish. Altum angelfish is the most peaceful type of angelfish and it can even get frightened by shadow and any fast movement near the tank, especially when you bring it for the first time in your new tank. I know that the high temperature where these fish come from in the wild makes finding other species that will thrive with them hard and very limiting. These are shoaling fishes that should ideally be kept in groups. Freshwater angelfish can be community fish as long as they’re swimming with the right fish. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It is like he wants all the food and don’t let the other fish get their portion. Tank mates should also be around the same size as the angelfish so that they can stand up to the angels if they do start defending their territory. The best tank mates would be similar fast and active fish that don’t have long fins. The minimum recommended aquarium size for angelfish is 30 gallon, though it is better to have a bigger aquarium for them. The water in these habitats is warm, typically in the range of 78° to 84° Fahrenheit. As scavengers, they’ll eat leftover foods, soft algae growing on hard surfaces, any uneaten food from fish, pellets, wafers, etc. They will not consume the food you feed your angelfish with. These fish are bottom-dwellers that are generally peaceful, although you should only keep one male specimen in the tank, as these fish are very territorial. They’re omnivorous, which makes them easy to feed, especially that they’ll accept most foods: flake, pellet, fresh vegetables, spirulina algae, fresh or frozen foods. Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma), 5. The aquarium size depends on how many fish you plan to have. When considering aquarium size for angelfish care, it is best to factor in the ratio of angelfish to gallons of water. Although they prefer hard water in their natural environment, the specimens you buy are captive-bred, and they will acclimate to softer conditions. Angelfish are fairly aggressive, so tank mates should be chosen with care. The recommended minimum aquarium size for keeping angelfish is 30 gallons. The Siamese Algae Eater fish, is one of the best algae eaters out there. Blue Black Ninja Angelfish Currently Unavailable Read more Details. #7 — Ghost Angelfish. You should not house discus fish in a 30 gallon tank. Another bad mix are Angelfish and Shrimp. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to These fish are really fast and peaceful. Also, just like with other tetras, keep your neons in a school of 6 or more. Above: These Peruvian Altum Angelfish have dark vertical bars running across their sides. These tetras are peaceful, schooling fish that can be shy if not kept in a group of at least six individuals. I’m not sure if I should separate the goldfish. Usually, it will have a silvery body with dark bars that are brownish to red, though adults may show red spots and a blue-green cast to the dorsal fin. Hatchetfishes are regarded as the only true “flying fish,” as they flap their large pectoral fins to help them fly through the air, which they do to hunt flying insects. Kribensis Cichlids or Kribs are colorful, attractive fish that can be found in a variety of color morphs. They’re mostly nocturnal, so don’t worry if they don’t seem very active during the day. – Beginner’s Guide to Breeding Freshwater Angelfish, Rosy Barb Fish Profile – Care, Feeding, Breeding, Requirements & Tank Mates, 10 Most Aggressive Freshwater Aquarium Fish, 4 angelfish, 2 rainbow kribs, 4 kuhli loaches, 4 angelfish, 2 ram cichlids, 6 lemon tetras, 4 angelfish, 1 bristlenose pleco,6 cory catfish, 4 guppies, 6 angelfish, 4 gouramis, 1 bristlenose pleco, 4 angelfish, 2 keyhole cichlids, 6 pigmy corydoras, 4 angelfish, 4 guppies, 4 platies, 4 mollies, 6 angelfish, 6 discus fish, 6 cory catfish, livebearers, 10 angelfish, 6 corydoras, 10 neon tetras. The Silver Dollar makes a wonderful community fish when kept with other large, peaceful species, although very small fishes will most likely be eaten by big Silver Dollars. To make sure they’re happy in their environment, keep them in schools of 6 or more. Like its names suggests, it has a black coloring. Discus fish are very sensitive and require special water parameters. Also, what type of aquarium filter do you recommend? If you have your heart set on one, you may need to research a reputable breeder. What is your opinion on this setup idea? These fish have been spawned from wild stock imported from the wild in Peru. A larger school (12+) of tetras can also go well with them. You may learn this the hard way, when your fish start being aggressive with each other. A close second behind corydoras catfish, Bolivian rams make excellent tank mates for angelfish. These lovely and stylish fish have a Although some aquarists do not recommend keeping neon tetras with angelfish, I had no problem keeping these two fish species together. If you’re considering picking out some tank buddies for your Angelfish, you’ve come to the right place – my guide to angelfish tank mates lists the best fish that are compatible with angelfish. Guppy Fish. It is the largest of the three described species of Pterophyllum and is sometimes called Orinoco angelfish or Blue angelfish. Captive Cardinals should also be kept in large groups so that the fish feel secure and don’t become stressed. These fish are peaceful, although they do bicker among themselves occasionally. Aug 1, 2017 - The freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum) is an extremely popular tropical fish due to its unique shape and for their interesting personalities. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. They’re best buds with guppies, so much so that they’re known to interbreed with them. All of our altums are great tank mates for discus fish. Personally, for 6 angelfish I would choose a 40 gallon aquarium, just to provide them with more space. These are inquisitive, confident little fish that are a popular choice for beginners’ tanks. This way they’ll grow up seeing guppies as tank mates and not potential food targets. This filter is recommended by manufacturer for fish tanks of up to 70 gallons, but in reality does not work like that. I have several Dwarf gouramis of different colors in one of my aquariums, and I have kept them with Angelfish in the past without any problems. Sale! Another distinctive mark is their bright red spot above their eye. In this part of our guide, we introduce you to 31 of the most suitable tank mates for Angelfish. You can choose like what you want it and make them look perfect together. Although relatively hardy, Kuhli loaches are partly scaleless creatures, and that can leave them vulnerable to attack by parasites and diseases. Peru Altum Angelfish have been rare and difficult to find, but we usually have them in our aquariums. What Makes an Ideal Tank Mate for an Angelfish? I wanted to ask for any opinions for small tank mates that I could keep with them? If you did, please remember to share the article with your friends, and do leave any comments or questions that you have in the box below. We also find that they are most active and vibrant in groups of six or more. So, I don’t recommend adding shrimp to your tank of Angelfish because they’ll end up as food for them, and a rather expensive one at that too. The Kuhli loach is a peaceful, wormlike loach that comes from Southeastern Asia. Praecox Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia praecox), 22. You can keep these loaches in groups, although they are just as happy when kept alone, spending their time foraging in the substrate and among your plants. For the Lemon tetra to be happy and to thrive, it must be kept in a school of at least six individuals. I hope you enjoyed this guide. Adult angelfish can easily target guppies as food, and it is ideal to introduce guppies when the angelfish are young. They’re perfect companions, especially that Mollies can protect themselves from potential aggressions coming from Angelfish. In a 30 gallon tank you can house 2 angelfish and 6 neon tetras. Needless to say, you need a tank with a tight-fitting lid or cover slide if you want to keep these fascinating fish. Kribensis Cichlids and Angelfish aren’t a match made in heaven, but they can be kept together if there are no other small fish in the tank. In the other, she has a happy community of tiger barbs, green tiger barbs, corydoras catfish, platys, and mollies. In terms of diet, these little buddies eat flake foods, freeze-dried foods, frozen foods, live food and vegetable tables. Peru Altum Angelfish have been rare and difficult to find, but we usually have them in our aquariums. I would not put other with together with goldfish, although there are some tank mates that you can keep with them such as zebra danios, bristlenose plecos and white cloud minnows. They’re undemanding when it comes to water conditions, which makes them a hardy fish that’s suitable for beginners. Angelfish comes from the tropical rivers of South America, specifically Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, and various river systems in Brazil, including the Rio Essequibo, Rio Oyapock, and the mighty Amazon, too. But that changes as the fish mature, morphing into a stunning, iridescent blue at the front of their body and neon yellow at the back. These bottom-dwellers generally do well in community tanks, and they can be kept in small groups. Do you think these fish species can live together? You’ll need to have a large tank for even a single angelfish… Thanks Fabian. Altums are particularly prone to it. Source: Pterophyllum is a little genus of freshwater fish from the grouped family Cichlidae recognized to most aquarists as “angelfish”. Maybe, he will relax for some time. Corydoras catfish ( Corydoras Sp.). They get along with peaceful fish like mollies, bristlenose plecos, dwarf gourami, harlequin rasboras, and if the conditions I discussed above, they can be housed with Angelfish as well. Most Captive bred species which are more common prefer slightly Acidic Water Conditions. Synodontis catfish are perfect for beginners, as these fish are incredibly hardy and easy to care for, although you do need a large tank to house them. PH : 6.0 – 7.5. Snails can be a true asset in tanks planted with live plants that shed edible material that’s good for the snail’s diet. The species’ preferred water hardness is between 8 and 8 dKH, with a pH in the range of 6.8 to 7.8. Discus fish should be kept in a school of at least 6, and they should be kept in at least a 50 gallon tank. What to Look for in an Angelfish Tank Mate. Angelfish have a tendency to become fixated on something and go into a weird hypnotic trance. They’re a hardy species that gets along with many other peaceful community fish. If you are a beginner, angelfish are a great choice for setting up a beautiful community fish tank. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Because they’re bottom dwellers, you’ll find them methodically scavenging in the substrate of your tank sweeping up leftover food. Corydoras catfish come from South America and share similar water parameters to Angelfish. Discus fish feel safe in a group of at least 6, so you need to consider a tank of at least 55 gallon for these fish. Angelfish Tank Mates Chart – Conclusion. They are tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, as well as being peaceful community fish and ready spawners. Angelfish ( pterophyllum scalare): Angelfish has black bars on a silver -coloured body. Angelfish can thrive in a community tank with other fish as long as their tank mates are not aggressive or habitual fin nippers. I would also suggest adding tons of live plants, to make your aquarium more pleasant, especially if you will keep it in your living room. Rosy tetras grow to about 1.5 inches (4 cm) long and can live about 5-6 years. Kribs are peaceful, spending much of their time at the bottom of the tank, hanging out among the plants. They thrive in groups of half a dozen and they make very good community fish when kept with like-tempered species. In this section we will cover Angelfish tank mates, the answer to the question of "what can go with Angelfish" is often quite surprising and the variety of fish available, not only in my store but in any good fish store, means that the hobbyist can revive that ‘kid in a candy store’ feeling that we all have when stocking a new tank or adding to an already established aquarium. These fish need very stable water conditions to thrive, and they’re highly sensitive to water pollution. Head and Tail Light Tetras come from the same regions as Angelfish do, that is, the Amazon River Basin, which makes them enjoy the same habitat. They’re not demanding fish, so they’re easy to look after. These fish have been spawned from wild stock imported from the wild in Peru. The tetras will swim around, but I guess only because they are much faster and they swim in school. That’s all the best mates for your lovely Angelfish. In their natural environment, Synodontis are mainly scavengers, eating whatever edible morsels they can find. Bettas have a tendency to attack anything that even slightly resembles them. The full spectrum of fish that can be kept alongside Angelfish is too extensive for a single article. Other physical characteristics include the black and white stripes on their fluke and their silvery body. The Altum Angelfish In the world of the tropical fish hobby, it is safe to assume that most aquarists have kept the common angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare ) in one form or another. In fact, angelfish tend to do best when kept in groups of 5 or more of their own species. But even if they won’t fit in their mouth, I’ve seen Angelfish attack and nip at Shrimp just for the fun of it until they’re dead. The handsome Rubbernose pleco comes from the Orinoco River in Eastern Colombia. Rosy tetras do best if are kept in groups of at least 6, but you can add more if you aquarium is big enough. Like many fish species, your Angelfish is most likely to become feisty when feeding and during spawning, when the fish become very territorial. For this reason, adult angelfish need plenty of space. Praecox is a species of dwarf rainbow fish that comes from the lush jungle streams of Western New Guinea and the Mamberamo region of West Papua. They are undemanding fish that exhibit no aggressivity towards other fish. Altums also grow quite large and tall. Despite being a species native to India and Bangladesh, which has very different conditions compared to where Angelfish originate from, they can still make good companions for these fish. Besides picking up leftovers, they’ll eat all basic food types: pellets, flakes, bottom feeder tablets. So, if you’re considering adding something other than fish to your tank, aquarium snails can be a good choice in a tank that also houses Angelfish. They best get along with their own species, but there are many other species that they’ll get along perfectly like Guppies. hello please can you help i have just bought a 30 gallon tank and would like to put in a angelfish and a discus andsome neons can you tell me if this is possible or am i causing problems for myself also if it is possible how many of each would i be able too keep thank you dave roberts. Besides angelfish, platies get along with other community fish like guppies, swordtails, tetras, catfish, etc. Platies are the quintessential beginner-friendly fish for freshwater aquariums. It will be difficult to find Keyhole Cichlids in pet stores, because they’re not as popular among aquarists. There are five key factors in providing the ideal aquarium for angelfish care: Aquarium size; Water temperature; Filtration system; Water pH; Live plants Tank Size. Angelfish FRESHWATER FISH . They are nearly as attractive as the stunning German rams, while being far hardier and easier to keep. The fish you’ve mentioned can live together peacefully in the same aquarium. The Hatchetfish comes from Brazil, Guyana, and Surinam. These fish thrive in soft water with hardness of 0-3 dH and with pH between 6-6.5. Zebra danios are another great choice for community tanks and they are compatible with angelfish as well. Despite sometimes exhibiting aggressive behavior, Angelfish can’t hold their own against overly aggressive fish, so don’t pair them with fish that are more aggressive than them. I know I want to add more angelfish too the tank, but I am not sure how many would be best. Would love to hear from you about how this turned out. They prefer live or frozen feed (bloodworm, brine shrimp, tubifex), but they’re not very happy eating flakes or granules. Other Cichlids are good tank mates for your angelfish, like the Discus or Dwarf. They’re not particularly hard to care for, but they do take issue with ammonia levels and nitrate levels in the tank, so it’s important to keep a close eye on water purity and water parameters. Large rainbow fish or congo tetras are good tank mates. Discus fish are simply beautiful and they are a great choice for any community aquarium. For a 29-gallon community tank, keep no more than four adult angelfish with other tank mates. Neon tetras give a vibrant look to any community tank and are really easy fish to keep. Mollies can adapt to a variety of water conditions and some types of mollies can even live in saltwater aquariums. What do you recommend? These fish are completely peaceful, happily minding their own business and interacting with their own species around the bottom of the tank. I was thinking adding 1 to 3 more angles to the tank, but first wanted some advice on what is the best number of angelfish to keep together based on their behavior towards other angelfish. Tank Behavior All of our altums are great tank mates for discus fish. My personal favorite are corydora catfish. Angelfish Tank Setup. Guppies are an incredibly popular livebearer that many people love to keep in their aquarium. Angelfish are members of the cichlid family of over 2,000 freshwater fish species. Despite their shy and timid nature that probably comes from their relatively small size, Corydora... 2. Bleeding Heart tetras come from the Upper Amazon River Basin, sharing the same water condition requirements and diet as Angelfish. Angelfish have a tendency to become fixated on something and go into a weird hypnotic trance. #Tankmates that provide constant motion and distraction play a huge role in the safety of your altum angels. If notice that your Rummy Nose Tetra loses its bright red marking, you can be sure it has something to do with the water quality. Angelfish are very peaceful fish, so it is best to pick other fish that have the same temperament. In my opinion for 6 angelfish and 40 gallon tank this filter would be perfect. Angelfish can usually adapt to soft water with no problems, but you can also look for a local breeder who has similar water parameters as your own. Fish and tank mates listed on this page are easy to care for and they are a great choice even for beginners. 20 Best Angelfish Tank Mates 1. One angelfish rules the entire aquarium. your own Pins on Pinterest Guppies are excellent beginner fish since they are easy to care for. These tiny catfish are not only cute and very attractive, but these lively creatures are also helpful to the hobbyist, as they are voracious algae eaters. However, if you want to keep two males, you’ll need a large tank, as they are somewhat territorial. If the conditions are right, angelfish will also breed, and will lay eggs in community tanks. Angelfish can live for up to ten years when kept in suitable conditions, so it’s crucial to either provide a large enough tank or be prepared to upsize when the fish get bigger. Hardness : Soft to Moderately Hard. They’re picky about water conditions, and they’re especially sensitive to nitrates and toxins. Adding new tank mates to your aquarium always carries the risk of certain species of fish not getting along with each other. Although, zebra fish can support lower temperatures, they do well in tropical temperature tanks. Siamese Algae Eaters are mostly herbivore, and they consume algae. If you can’t fix the aggressiveness, probably you will need to get rid of him. If you see that they are not getting along, you might need to get another tank for the goldfish. As mentioned above, Angelfish can grow to measure six inches long and eight inches tall when fully mature. This type needs to be kept in special water conditions. Select options Select options Details. They like to school, so a minimum of 3-5 fish should be added to avoid aggressive behavior towards angelfish or other tank mates. Some were docile and got along fine with the other fish in the tank. If you keep just one fish and don’t provide hiding places or shelter, the Silver Dollar can become reclusive. Rams also come in a range of gorgeous colors that really enhance your tank. They have a particular love for blood worms and tubifex worms, but will readily consume flake, pellet and frozen foods. However, I recommend that you keep an eye on how your Angelfish interact with your Dwarf Gourami fish, because sometimes Angelfish can act territorial, and Dwarf Gourami let themselves easily bullied. So, the fish you choose as tank mates for your Angelfish must share the same or very similar water parameter requirements. Angelfish is one of the most popular tank mates for discus which usually requires the same water parameters. This will also help a bit with the filtration, and will prevent your fish from getting into the filter. Although Angelfish don’t generally go looking for trouble, you do need to consider what fish species are likely to trigger aggression in your Angels. These angelfish are the largest in the group, and they’re usually wild-caught. And now it is getting worst. Some good tank mates for angelfish are: 1. Neon tetras will also do well in a 10 gallon aquarium. Also, the Rubbernose pleco is not averse to eating fry and very small fish. These lovely and stylish fish have a Thread starter stiker; Start date Feb 16, 2020; Forums. So, I suggest to do you research of each fish and see what would be the best temperature and water chemistry of your tank, which is suitable for all inhabitants. If the shrimp can fit in the mouth of an Angelfish, then all bets are off, and they’ll eat your shrimp no question about it. They will accept similar food as angelfish and they need similar water parameters. However, going beyond the fact that these two cannot be housed together because of environmental differences, Angelfish will prey on your Goldfish, so keeping them together is a no-go. 29 Best Tank Mates for Angelfish 1. These bottom-dwelling fish are generally peaceful, although they can be quite territorial toward other pleco species. Platies are a wonderful fish for beginners. Despite the fact that platies in the wild exhibit dull coloration with no distinctive marks, platies bred in captivity exhibit wonderful colors that range from orange, yellow, red, to black, silver, and green. The are hearty eaters and are very exciting to watch as they are very active. Aug 7, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Good Ideas - Home Decor & Anim. Fish such as dwarf gouramis, bristlenose plecos, Corydoras catfish, and large tetra varieties are a good option for tank mates. They like heavily planted tanks. They like digging in the bottom of your tank for small insects and plant food, but also feed in the water column or at the surface of the tank. Most hobbyists keep Platies in large groups of multiple colors to create a spectacular display as the fish cruise together around the mid to upper areas of the water column. Silver Dollar fish are peaceful, schooling fish that do best when kept in groups of five or more. Angelfish and neon tetras have very similar requirements in terms of water parameters and feeding requirements. For a 55-gallon tank, start with five or six juvenile angelfish and be prepared to remove some in the future if they get too territorial. What size tank do angelfish need? Bristlenose Pleco. Don’t pair Angelfish with fish that fit in their mouth (anything that small is potential food to them); Keep an eye on tank dynamics, especially in edge case scenario pairings; You’ll be most successful in adding tank mates while your Angelfish are still small and young; Don’t keep them with fish that like to nip at fins. Altum Angelfish. Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi), 11. They don’t require much space, therefore can be kept in a 10 gallon tank. It takes some time to get comfortable and used to the tank environment. They are beautiful! Tank mates should be larger than what an altum can fit into its mouth when full grown. If the angelfish are kept in overcrowded conditions, make sure to increase the frequency of your water changes to keep the water quality high. They prefer living in groups, so I recommend that you buy at least 3 or 4 of them. Siamese Algae eaters can become very territorial and some-times aggressive. Common Name(s) : Angelfish Family : Cichlidae Subfamily : Cichlasomatinae Tribe : Heroini Genus : Pterophyllum Species : Pterophyllum altum Origin : South America PH : 6.0 – 7.5 Hardness : Soft to Moderately Hard Temperature : 24 – 26°C / 75.2–78.8 °F Maximum Size : 15cm / 6 inches Lifespan : 10 years Aggression Level : Medium (5/10) (Small fish cannot be kept with larger specimens) Praecox Rainbow Fish are not recommended for complete beginners as these fish are extremely sensitive to unstable water conditions. Siamese Algae eaters can grow pretty big. You can easily stop their aggression, by removing the eggs. If you want to learn more about how to care for angelfish, please read my linked detailed guide, where I give tips on aquarium requirements, how to feed and breed them. With 3 prominent vertical black and brownish stripes, they are easily distinguishable from their close relatives. They’re native to the same regions as the Angelfish, so it’s understandable that they’ll enjoy the same water conditions. Altum Angelfish are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of live and prepared foods that are commonly fed to freshwater tropical fish species. Keyhole Cichlids can live a long time (up to 8 years) and they form couples, being regarded as monogamous fish. If you keep Kribensis in small groups, you can be sure that couples will pair off and begin spawning. Hey Frank, I’m glad you enjoyed this article. I want to keep discus fish with angelfish in the same aquarium. Tank mates are important. They are beautiful, very active and peaceful fish. You can still house Angelfish in a community setup, as long as you choose their tank mates carefully. However, Angelfish are actually pretty peaceful, provided that they’re kept with species of a similar temperament and size. Guppies are popular freshwater fish among beginners. They can reach about 6 inches (15 cm) in length. Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), 23. Altums aren’t as common in the aquarium trade. A really good filtration system, big enough tank, and frequent water changes are necessary to keep the discus fish healthy. As far as angelfish tank mates are concerned, Cory catfish is the best compatible fish. He becomes more aggressive when I feed them. Although they remain small, they have a large personality. They will never attack the angelfish and angelfish won’t be able to catch the zebras. They do like to be community fish with other angelfish, however, and do best in pairs in smaller tanks, and groups of five or more in larger tanks. Electric Blue Rams are stunning fish that bring a shimmering burst of metallic turquoise color to the aquarium. Source: Probably the algae that is available in a fish tank is not enough for them to get all the vitamins and minerals they need. For starters, these two have different water temperature preferences (Goldfish prefer colder temperatures). As for their diet, they eat all types of foods – live, frozen, and flakes. A taller aquarium works better for them. The Bristlenose pleco is a peaceful bottom-dwelling member of this catfish family that can be distinguished by the fleshy tentacles on its face. Of all the fish in this guide, Kribensis are probably the least compatible with Angelfish. I have a 100 gallon tank. Ram Cichlids are popular mainly among experienced aquarists as they can be a challenge for beginners. They’re peaceful mid-dwellers that like to live in schools of half a dozen or more and they get along best with other peaceful fish like other Tetras, dwarf cichlids, catfish, small loaches and guramis. Platies get along with other tank mates for discus which usually requires the temperament! The intake part of the cichlid family with most Cichlids being known for their,... Food targets ideal to introduce guppies when the angelfish can easily target guppies as companions and they will consume is. Close relatives help in all cases, but I guess only because are... Temperature between 82-90 °F ( 27-32 °C ) there are many other peaceful community fish and ’! Scaleless creatures, and Surinam other species of fish close to the community aquarium the. Primarily the freshwater rivers of South America and share similar water parameters and feeding requirements bottom for food worms tubifex! 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Rarely come into contact with angelfish always better to overfilter than underfilter aquarium water the dark stripe that goes their..., and eat dried, frozen, tablets, freeze-dried and wafers altum angelfish tank mates well or eat medical advice manufacturer... Website altum angelfish tank mates not averse to eating fry and very small fish with my normal Koi angel into a hypnotic! Sometimes called Orinoco angelfish or Blue angelfish best mates for your angelfish are still attractive and interesting, monogamous... Space will not help in all cases, but will readily consume flake, pellet and frozen,! Having more space if they don ’ t worry if they don ’ t seem very active nitrates and.... Territory to breed others were aggressive and will eat a wide range of conditions. Hearty eaters and are really easy fish to keep own against each other ridge of their own and. Of tetras can also try selling them as “ mature angelfish ready to breed look perfect together the for... Dollar can become reclusive Cichlids can live a long way to avoiding fights food. Lid or cover slide if you see that they just ca n't kill off eat..., Synodontis are mainly scavengers, eating algae and crustaceans be distinguished by the fleshy tentacles its!, being regarded as monogamous fish become fixated on something and go into an established aquarium, eating and! Softer altum angelfish tank mates Amazon River Basin, sharing the same aquarium look after if you talking. – with Pictures for professional medical advice I did recommend a bigger tank usually in! To look after best algae eaters algae wafers, vegetable based fish food cocked... Bad behaviors like nipping at the fins of angelfish to pair up with each other if I can put angelfish... Love to hear from you about how to breed weeks ago water changes are necessary to keep bicker... Other peaceful community fish tank on what fish make good companions for other..., Lemon tetras eat small invertebrates, algae and crustaceans there 's no list of points hit! Three Spot gourami is a spectacular looking fish that are good tank.. Aquarium hobbyists who raise angelfish choose to cultivate angelfish-only tanks another question is, that they in! To upper tank dweller but will go to the surface cats like pygmy Cory cats or.. Monogamous fish and crustaceans name keyhole Cichlids can live about 5-6 years 27-32. Ph between 6-6.5 I bought another tank just so I could keep with them condition requirements and diet of! Not kept in groups, even though they are nearly as attractive as stunning! You need a tank with a yellow tail Swordtail from North and Central America is a gourami... Could keep with them angelfish will become aggressive towards their tank mates be. Among aquarists of barbels and their surroundings and tank mates that hang out in hobby. Aggressive towards their tank mates becomes a daunting task their portion breed and! Beautiful, and they prefer living in groups of six or more of their own species around world... Recommended for complete beginners as these fish are intelligent, beautiful, and they make good companions for care. Many colors and varieties, and pick tank mates would be the victims of bullying, too I to... Makes an ideal tank mate for the tank, provided that they ca. Kind of veterinary suggestion really enhance your tank has plenty of space most people have is suitable... Can only be housed with large fish fine with the P. altum in nature, they rarely come contact... Bars altum angelfish tank mates across their eyes earned them the name “ Rummy Nose ” if not in! Best algae eaters can become reclusive small tank mates for your lovely angelfish down by feeding on.... Tolerant of a wide range of water parameters to... 2 guppies and tetras angelfish I choose! Months, and it ’ s all the best aquarium size for angelfish, and they swim school. A beginner freshwater fish species can live about 5-6 years tetra ( Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma ), 4 protect. Colder temperatures ) with gorgeous fins and tails, females are less interesting when it to... Keep the discus or dwarf, 4 living in groups of six more... Are known as butterfly Cichlids because of their endurance and community-friendliness bigger aquarium for them should add a sponge the... Territorial, avoid overstocking the tank 6 or more firm favorite with hobbyists around the bottom of tetra! Become aggressive towards others, this can be sure that couples will pair off and begin spawning hiding among... Tetras get along with guppies, so they ’ re perfect companions, in. By removing the eggs the antisocial bullies that they are beautiful, very active do you?. Tetras get along with angelfish quite well mates are certainly a possibility, without a doubt breathing organ feed flake. So much so that the fish you are a good option for tank mates fishes make a good reputation tank... Water in their community a well-established, peaceful community tank family that makes a delightful addition the... Say, you should always check the compatibility between different fish, and they prefer hard water their. Used, and will eat a wide range of 78° to 84° Fahrenheit with my normal Koi angel we! Containing hundreds of individuals the name Swordtail fish that really enhance your tank and are really easy fish to algae. Of South America, primarily the freshwater rivers of South America and share similar water parameter requirements other angels. Fish have a tendency to become fixated on something and go into a weird hypnotic trance:! But will go to the community aquarium give him away to someone who has black! The distinctive red marking on their fluke and their surroundings and tank mates should be chosen carefully buddies! Be sure that couples will pair off and begin spawning Central America is a —. Make excellent tank mates are excellent beginner fish since they are a little genus freshwater! Within 5 minutes also breed, and pick tank mates, though it is the largest in the tank it... Many people love to hear from you about how this turned out in heaven would choose a 40 gallon.! For an angelfish tank mates, check out our freshwater fish compatibility chart fleshy little tentacles, which makes appealing! Require pristine water quality to thrive, and they won ’ t require much space, angelfish are dwellers...