A Faint Light 2. As the cult members move in on the rebels, Unuratu orders Uchu to take Etzli to safety. Use the raft to climb up the side of the ship. The Hidden City is the eleventh Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. var emailarray8809= new Array(115,116,101,108,108,97,108,117,110,101,64,116,111,109,98,114,97,105,100,101,114,115,46,110,101,116) There are plenty of walls and ledges so you can maneuver around the area and take cover. Chapter 6: The Mountain Temple. If you'd prefer a stealthier approach, I have described a sequence that worked fairly consistently for me in this section with screenshots. (screenshots), ROOM WITH SACRIFICIAL TABLE: At the top, enter the building through the low, rectangular opening. Grab another small pile of gold on the ledge on the south side of the campfire. If you haven't unlocked these skills yet, there are alternative tactics as well, including crafting smoke bombs using empty ceramic jars. Jump to the craggy wall and wall run to the left. Then axe-climb down another section of craggy wall. Climb down the stairs and scramble up the wall. The following is a walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. COLLECTIBLES Base Camps: 1 CHALLENGES None MISSIONS None. Collect PRIMITIVE DOLL (RELIC 3/5) to your left and SURVIVAL CACHE 5/8 to the right. The Mountain Temple – Combat in the Temple Courtyard (part 2) If you killed 2 men in that first encounter , there will only be one enemy here in the northeast corner … Swim through the water to get back up. Keep to the left side until Lara gets swept away by a current. Look around for a broken mast above the water. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? Aim with the mouse or right stick, then press Left Mouse/Right Trigger to throw the smoke bomb. Then rush to the second man and try to stealth kill him as well. Dive into the middle of the boat and take the right path. This is Shadow of the Tomb Raider The Dragon And The Prince Mission Walkthrough. The Hidden City (Quests and Upper City), Belly of the Serpent and Head of the Serpent, © 2021 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. City of the Serpent Grab some trapped air and collect SURVIVAL CACHE 4/8 at the intersection. Move forward to the wall and collect SURVIVAL CACHE 8/8 on your left. Defeat the ambush and rotate the lower head so that it gives water for the water wheel. THE EYE OF THE SERPENT: As you move out the rear of the temple, Lara and Jonah touch base over the walkies. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. Rotate counterclockwise and climb up the wall. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole The Hidden City mission. (screenshots) Drop into the anteroom below and gather a few resources. On the other side, head to the back-right corner of the room and pry the barrier. Go back to the second mechanism and rotate it clockwise. Downpour 17. Take advantage of the chaos to rush out and melee attack the nearer enemy. Jump to the craggy wall and climb up. Follow Dr. Whitman up the Mountain. Wir begrüßen euch zu unserer Komplettlösung des neuesten Abenteuers von Lara Croft, Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Hide behind the first wall and wait for the first guard to walk past you. Challenge Tombs Shadow of the Tomb Raider ... (if referred to this guide from the main walkthrough, warp to the Temple District base camp). Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net. Wait for him to turn away and then sneak up behind him and kill him with a melee attack. Go for it! Move through the linear section until you reach The Mountain Temple Base Camp. Camp: The Mountain Temple Scramble up the stone wall onto the ledge above. Tomb Raider Site with highly detailed walkthroughs with graphics as well as short solutions for all Tomb Raiders, including The Angel of Darkness, Tomb Raider Legend, Anniversary, Underworld, A Survivor is Born, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris. Jump down, scramble up a wall, climb the craggy wall, jump to the right craggy wall, and then jump to the overhang craggy wall above you. (screenshot) This is meant to alert you that you now have use of all of your weapons again. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Wiki Guide. Emerge, scramble up the wall in front of you, do so again, and jump to your left. Move deeper into the mountain Drop down and collect the Document - Q'orianka's Orders on the ground to the right and then head to the other side of the area to find the Mural - Legend of the Shield . Naturally there's no convenient bridge, so you'll need to climb. I am working on PC save files for download. Emerge and reach the ground to your left. Go back up and move counterclockwise. Move forward and kill the archer. Enter the doorway to your right and go through the hole at the end. ). Stay near the ground and rotate clockwise around some rocks in the middle of the path to find SURVIVAL CACHE 7/8. The video provides a walkthrough for the whole Chapter, mirroring the routes in the walkthrough. Climb down and around to the left. The Hidden City 12. Mountain Temple Documents GPS Caches Relics 2 2 2 Camps Treasure Maps Tombs 1 1 0 Challenges Pyromaniac - Shoot five For details, visit tombraiders.net/stella/support.html. There is an EXPLORER SACTHEL near the effigy. Kill the enemies, jump into the nearby water, and swim through the hole in the wheel. Last Edited: 21 Sep 2018 12:35 am. Then follow the hall to the northeast end. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Pictures, Savegames, Comics, Movie Reviews, Cheats, Hints, Cosplay and much more. (screenshot). Feel free to contact me with special requests. Rescue the captured Etzli and get our […] Move to the end and slide down the zip line to the building below. Via Veritas 18. When you run out of rock, rappel down to the little island below. Cross the chasm along the narrow wooden beam. Emerge on the other side and start climbing. At the bottom, directly below you is SUNKEN TREASURE 1/5, SURVIVAL CACHE 1/8, and CRUCIFIED FIGURE (RELIC 1/5). If this didn't alert any other guards, there is a another pair of guards in the center that you can chain kill for CHAIN KILL 2/3. If you need help right away, I recommend the Lara Croft Online forums (laracroftonline.net), the Square Enix Tomb Raider Forum or any of the other message boards listed at tombraiders.net/stella/community.html. All rights reserved. Rotate to the craggy wall and rappel swing back to the ship. (screenshots). Another action sequence. Even though it says you've reach The Hidden City, the map still shows Cenote so we're staying on this page. Paititi is the largest city in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, with tons of collectibles and side missions that you can complete. Wait until the 2 men are fairly close together. Tether the wheel to the crank and rotate it 90 degrees. *Document 3 is mislabeled as Document 4 at 18:54*Document 4 is mislabeled as Document 3 at 21:48. community members have thanked the author. Euer Abenteuer beginnt mit einer typischen Einleitung, in der euch nach und nach alle Steuerungsmechanismen erklärt werden. Emerge, head to land, and disarm the tripwire in the cave. Swim across to the other side and rope-pull EFFIGY 4/5. Move to the left and jump to the ground here. Nearby is a place where you can emerge. Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: Alle Missionen und Rätsel gelöst, alle Sammelobjekte und vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in diesem ausführlichen und bebildertem Guide. Then you get a good look at the Eye of the Serpent, a man-made island in the middle of the rapids. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. Dive below to the water on your left. Rough Landing 6. Dive in and pry the rubble off the base of the lower head. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole Eye of the Serpent mission. Jump to the mast of the ship, interact with the wheel nearby, scramble up the plank, and climb up the ladder. Region: Paititi Quest Giver: automatic Requirement: having finished The Hidden City Enter the Mountain Temple Time for two objectives which need to be crossed off our list. Walk across the ledge and jump to the craggy wall. Move the lower head to the giant water wheel. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Komplettlösung: Prolog. After the cutscene you'll have to escape the guards undetected. Last Emperor 16. After you dive and break through some rubble, there will be piranhas, so keep in the seaweed. Grab the mechanism in front of you and move the hanging cannon 90 degrees counterclockwise. * Tool URL: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/emailriddler/ OBJECTIVE: Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel. Proceed a bit to get a cutscene. Use the map to locate its entrance. - For Windows PC, PlayStation 4, & Xbox One, Official Shadow of the Tomb Raider Support Forum. The Mountain Temple – Combat in the Temple Courtyard (part 1) Here's one possible stealth sequence that worked fairly consistently for me: Wait behind the low wall near the entrance for a moment or two until the first 2 enemies head off in opposite directions. You'll also find healing herbs and other supplies, as well as several large red jars of gunpowder that you can shoot to take out nearby enemies or create a distraction. Go through the tunnel, dive down, turn right, and open SUNKEN TREASURE 4/5. Eye of the Serpent 13. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. (screenshot) Move deeper inside, jump over to the climbable wall, and rappel down past a couple of cult guards whose backs are turned. Light Cenote Temple Ruins Base Camp nearby. Copyright © var curDate=new Date(); document.write(curDate.getFullYear()) Stellalune ( document.write(''+postemail8809+'') Head Above Water 5. Drop down the hole you just made and collect CAPTAIN'S NOTE (DOCUMENT 3/6). If you enjoyed the previous instalments, you will most likely enjoy this one as it's more of the same with a few refinements to improve on the flaws from before. Brave Adventurer 7. Jump over the gap and start climbing up. 1 Overview 2 Missions 2.1 Mountain Rendezvous 3 See Also The Mountain Temple contains the following: 1 Camps 2 Documents 2 GPS Caches 2 Relics 1 Treasure Maps 0 Tombs 1 Challenge 5 Pyromaniac Travel up the mountain to regroup with Roth. Scramble up the wall to your left and run down the ramp. Rebellion Lives 15. Box of Ix Chel Walkthrough . Once you move forward, Lara will notice a temple and you'll arrive in Cenote. Dive back in the water and pry the rubble off the wheel. When you've finished dealing with the rest of the guards, climb the wooden wall to the right of the giant door. Light Collapsed Temple Base Camp to your right. Eye of the Serpent is the twelfth Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Pass the trapped air and take a right. Quickly kill one and chain kill the other for CHAIN KILL 1/3. Take a right and refill your air at the trapped air. postemail8809+=String.fromCharCode(emailarray8809[i]) Go back down and rotate the top post so the water runs to the middle head. Interact with the wheel on top of it to drop the cannon and zip line down. COMBAT IN THE TEMPLE COURTYARD: There are 8 enemies in the large, open area between here and the gate. Go forward until you reach a small, roped wheel. There's another mechanism here, but it can't be moved yet. If you only rely on one save slot, you may run into trouble if you get stuck, encounter a bug, or if your autosave becomes corrupted. Once the cutscene ends, jump the barrier and continue down the path - crossing the beam - towards the campsite. Enter the temple to your right. Annotated Level Map: N/A (no major collectibles). Via Crutis 19. We lcome to Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the third entry in Lara's reinvigorated franchise. Can be used for extra clarification of certain steps if required. Move forward, push the cart out of the way, and then push the cannon down. Where the Twins Confer 8. Then pull up onto the wooden ledge. If you encounter a serious bug, I encourage you to visit the Official Shadow of the Tomb Raider Support Forum and or put in a support request with Square Enix. SAVING, CHECKPOINTS & TECH SUPPORT: This game incorporates autosave checkpoints. Rappel down to the wall-running area below. It includes tips on using the Scavenger Skill Serpent's Fury for a Chained Takedown, a maneuver you'll need to master for the Chain Gang trophy/achievement, and also the Warrior Skill Howler's Troop, which lets you fire arrows at two enemies simultaneously. Shadow of the Tomb Raider The Mountain Temple and Cenote. Jump up to the high post and pry the rubble here. The Mountain Temple entrance is located to the north of Unuratu's house, at the top of the irrigated quarry area. CHASM WITH SMALL BUILDINGS AND LEDGES: Scramble up into the opening in the far left corner of the room. Look through the triangular tunnel and you should see another one on the other side of the lake. Climb around the corner to the right. This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements.com. (screenshots), Lara draws her weapon as a cultist approaches from the stairway ahead on the right. The Mountain Temple – From the Entrance to the Inner Stronghold. Take the path to your right and Lara will collect OVERHANG CLIMBING GEAR. Once you've taken out all 8 cultists, loot the bodies—each man carries at least 100 gold pieces—and scour the area for other resources. In den relativ offenen Spielabschnitten könnt … Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. Top Contributors: Claytonpetras, SirFatCat, Miranda Sanchez + more. Introduction. Disarm the tripwire, move forward, climb the craggy wall and jump to the ledge to your left. Take the right path and refill your air at the trapped air. If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. To avoid problems, I highly recommend changing your save slot in the pause menu at least once per level. Eye of the Serpent - Dive into the Centoe. Gather some supplies in this hallway lined with flaming braziers. This next section contain eels, so use the underwater grass to stealth through. TEMPLE ENTRANCE: You enter the MOUNTAIN TEMPLE at the north end of Paititi. Climb to the left, then downward as far as you can. Swing, jump, and latch onto the next section of climbable wall. Move to the jutting edge of this ledge and jump across the chasm to grab a handhold on the wall below the next building. Path of the Dead 10. †UPDATE HISTORY: 10/15/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online. 12. Page Tools. SUNKEN TREASURE 3/5 will be at the base of the mast. Turn around and rope-pull EFFIGY 2/5. While the first two games were developed exclusively by Crystal Dynamics, Deus Ex studio Eidos Montreal took charge on the latest chapter, arguably giving Lara Croft her definitive adventure. If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Move through the door and head right. Look around this small area for resources, and Lara will automatically equip her weapons. Tether this to the middle post and rotate it so the head faces right. The handhold collapses, but Lara manages to grab the narrow ledge below. Fight the creatures. (screenshots). Now you can rotate the lower head, but you'll get ambushed. When you can't go any farther, jump to the left to grab the narrow ledge on the next rock formation. The rest of the cave is pretty linear and just showing off overhang ledges. Instead, look around for a pole and use it to grapple to a craggy wall. Empty-handed 14. WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? Shadow of the Tomb Raider is now available on consoles and PC, and it marks the third and final installment in Square Enix's rebooted Tomb Raider trilogy. Look around for a small shore with SURVIVAL CACHE 2/8 and EFFIGY 1/5. The Mountain Temple – Entering the Eye of the Serpent When you emerge from the temple, Lara gets a first look at the Eye of the Serpent, a man-made island in the middle of the rapids . IGN's complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough and strategy guide will lead you through every step of Shadow of the Tomb Raider from the title Eye of the Serpent - Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel. Move to the pointed end of the island and grapple-swing across the gap toward the Eye. This will spit you out in a small cave. Grab onto the craggy wall and go left. TrueAchievements.com and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. Home > Games > Tomb Raider Mountain Temple There's not much you can do right now. * **********************************************/ (screenshot) Move deeper inside, jump over to the climbable wall, and rappel down past a couple of cult guards whose backs are turned. #1 – Peruvian Jungle (Underworld Gate) – 0:11 #2 – Peruvian Jungle (Judge’s Gaze) – 7:17 #3 – Kuwaq Yaku (Howling Caves) – 13:12 #4 – The Hidden City (Path of Battle) – 19:59 #5 – The Hidden City (Temple of the Sun) – 27:21 #6 – The Hidden City (Ancient Aqueduct) – 36:28 #7 – Cenote (San Cordoba) – 45:08 #8 – Mission of San Juan (Tree of Life) – 53:29 #9 – Mission of San Juan (Thirsty Gods) – 1:03:56 var postemail8809='' Use your new weapon and break down the shotgun barrier. Wall run to the craggy wall on your left and climb up until you reach a man hanging from a rope. Dive off the other side of the ship and collect RUSTY SWORD (RELIC 4/5) underwater. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Use it to reach the suspended box and climb that mast. Look around for a crack in the wall and use it. /*********************************************** There are two guards here. Swim through the hole at the bottom and through another rotating wheel. The UnderworldGet out of the Cenotes alive1 guide. Lara will find a ship. Go back on the path until you emerge once more. Move down the hill toward The Mountain Temple Base Camp. Swim to it, rope-pull the baricade, and collect an ARCHIVIST MAP behind it. You'll need to clear them out in order to reach the gate mechanism. Then head down the steps and around to the right. Path to the Hidden City 11. Move forward until you are ambushed. BRIGITTINE ROSARY (RELIC 5/5) will be behind it. Keep climbing up until you climb the overhang exit and unlock: Complete a climb after finding the Overhang Climbing Gear. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Just keep following Whitman up the stairs until the cutscene starts. Jump to the ledge on your left and shimmy right. This will trigger a cutscene. When you're inside, jump onto the wall directly in front of you and rappel down to the ground. If you like fast-paced combat, you can enter with guns blazing. Lara then makes her way to the inner gate and uses the serpent key to open it. (screenshots) Drop into the anteroom below and gather a few resources. JOURNAL OF T. SERRANO 2 (DOCUMENT 1/6) is in the small building nearby. TEMPLE ENTRANCE: You enter the MOUNTAIN TEMPLE at the north end of Paititi. Do a few jumps to a zip line and stealth kill the cult member near the water. Move forward and take the right path. EFFIGY 5/5 will be in front of you. Tomb Raider Walkthrough Mountain Temple. You can fight them now that you have weapons, but if you'd prefer stealth, grab the ceramic jar sitting on the ledge and hold Alt Fire (Middle Mouse/R1/RB) to craft a smoke bomb using fat from your inventory. She allows herself to be surrounded and captured in order to draw attention away from her son and from Lara, who sneaks through the inner gate. Collect JOURNAL OF T. SERRANO 6 (DOCUMENT 6/6) on your left. Grapple swing to the rock across from you and dive down into the cave. He says that Unuratu will be ready when Lara opens the gate from inside. Auf dieser Seite findet ihr alles, was ihr braucht, um das Abenteuer mit 100% Nebenmissionen, Sammelstücken, Trophäen und all den Rätsellösungen abzuschließen. Climb around to the right as 2 cultists cross the walkway in the distance. The ledge settles a bit but doesn't collapse. Enter the structure and either dive right into the pit or jump off the jutting ledge to latch onto the climbable pillar extending from the ceiling. Then hold Aim and you'll see a white arc. Rotate the middle head so the water runs to the lower head. Turn left and swim until you reach SUNKEN TREASURE 5/5. Then rappel down and drop into the CENOTE. This Chapter marks the end of the journey as she becomes the all popular Tomb Raider. When you pry through the barrier, collect JOURNAL OF T. SERRANO 5 (DOCUMENT 4/6) at your feet. SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDERhttps://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/tid=CUSA10872_00 While he is distracted, kill the nearby guard and then deal with the farther one. 1. Take the path to your right and jump on the head. Climb back up the side of the ship. Jump to … Hunter's Moon 4. Cross the chasm along the narrow wooden beam. If you move over to the right side of the room, behind the low block, he won't notice you. After speaking with Unuratu, head to the Mountain Temple. Thank you! As you move through this room, a brief cutscene shows Lara taking a pistol out of her rucksack. Climb then jump to the right. Exit the temple. Look around the mast for a box. Jump to the ledge on your right and climb up. You'll eventually reach a raft that you can kick into the water with . Mountain Temple is the third level of Tomb Raider (2013). Climb up the stairs, into a hole. Eye of the Serpent - Open the second gate. Lara turns the huge wheel to open the gate so Unuratu and her companions can enter. Path of the Living 9. Whoever he was talking to is gone now, so you can head up the stairs on the right, where he came from. Then move forward and hoist yourself up onto the platform. Dive down and collect SURVIVAL CACHE 3/8 to the bottom left of the fork. Collecting all of these will unlock: SUNKEN TREASURE 2/5 is closer to the surface. Swim until you're back in The Hidden City. Now climb down to the craggy wall and rappel swing to the ground in front of you. There is another place where you can emerge and collect A WARNING (DOCUMENT 2/6). HIDDEN CITY Southwest challenge tomb Temple of the Sun; Head up the right-hand slope in front, jump and swing from the frame and attach to the craggy wall opposite. Then climb the wooden slats to the right of the golden gate to reach the mechanism above. (screenshots). Veni Vidi Perdidi 20. Inside, advance and take cover behind the low wall so the 2 cultists don't detect you. Cut him down and collect his shotgun. Region: Paititi Quest Giver: automatic Requirement: having finished Path to the Hidden City Join Unuratu in the Market District When you first set in foot in Paititi, it is up to whether to explore the surroundings […] Shadow of the Tomb Raider würde nicht so heißen, wenn es keine optionalen Gräber zu erkunden gäbe. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. KNIGHT'S MORION (RELIC 2/5) is near this place. Climb down, wall run to your right, swing to the craggy wall, climb to your left, and rappel down. for (i=0;i
shadow of the tomb raider mountain temple walkthrough 2021