INTRO. Now Isaac had experienced the first three days, but he was still awaiting his first child. February 17, 2019 Mark Massaro Blessing , God's Character , Isaac , Jacob , Legacy , Lying , Obedience , Providence , Rebekah , Sovereignty , Truth Genesis Genesis - Origins 67 Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah. Cunning 14:14-15:4 “The Winepress of God’s Wrath; The Song of God’s Servants” Rev. 16:16-21 “Appearances Can Deceive You; Only God Has the True Story” Rev. Sermon # 41, Sermon Dec. 27, 2020 Rev. Aug16 by Jonathan Davis. There are six great days in the life of an individual who lives a normal life span. Proverbs 31:30 reminds us that “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” A woman’s physical beauty can, at times, become a liability provoking jealousy or rivalry, as in Gen. 26, when Rebekah’s husband Isaac thinks someone will kill him to be able to take his beautiful wife! She says, “I will go.” (v. 58). – She learns that the Lord answered Eliezer’s prayer (12-14, 42-44), – She realizes that her actions at the spring were the exact thing Eliezer has prayed for, – She sees Eliezer worshiping the Lord for His covenant love and His faithfulness (26-27), – She hears, as Eliezer recounts the story, that the Lord is the central actor in the drama: “The Lord has blessed my master” (v. 35) “The Lord will send his angel with you and make your journey a success” (40) The Lord is the One who grants success and who chooses brides for husbands (42-44) The Lord is the One who is to be worshiped, praised, and bowed down to, for how He marvelously leads his people (48, 52) The Lord so clearly reveals Himself to Rebekah’s family that they too exclaim, “This is from the Lord!” (50). The dilemma is, we have a nature that cannot obey God. Family problems and breakdowns are no new thing. The dilemma is, we have a nature that cannot obey God. James Dobson asked hundreds of teens what they would like to tell their parents. Here’s Isaac out in the fields one evening, and this camel caravan arrives. Rebekah is a hard-working servant (16b-20) “She went down to the spring, filled her jar and came up again. Rebekah the Mother of Esau and Jacob, is a lesson in struggling through:1) A disappointed home (Genesis 25:19-21), 2) A distressed home (Genesis 25:22–23) and 3) A … For copies of the complete sermon please contact RZIM. Rebekah had a personal relationship with God, and He responded to her.Rebekah had a personal relationship with God, and He responded to her: “Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger” (verse 23). Is He calling you to leave behind your self-righteousness, or your stubborn will, or your control over your life? But the boys are very different, and Isaac prefers Esau while Rebekah loves Jacob. Scripture: Genesis 24:57-67. Great things can come from broken families. Bible > Sermons > Genesis 24:67. There's hope for even crazy families because of Jesus Christ. . By the way, Rebekah and Isaac had never even seen each other! And it happened, before he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. Rebekah would be a blessing in Isaac’s wife at a time when he needed her most. More than a 1,000 years after Jacob died, his impact still lived on for the prophet Hosea said of him: ''In the womb he took his brother by the heel, and in his manhood he strove with God. Sermon # 39. Judge Oz Quickman: no models, positive/negative. [This is where we get the custom of the bride being veiled as she walks up the aisle.] True, they have grown to what the National Family Service Assoc. 24:63-64 – The narrator masterfully notes the moment with Isaac and Rebekah’s eyes meet for the first time. Prepare your messages about Rebekah with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series. SERMON:Mother Rebekah; The Organizer and Screen Director By Rev. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart… in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”. calls ''epidemic'' proportions and now ranks as America's No. The Bible records the disasters that befell three men whose success could have been sensational. 4 And make me savory food, such as I love, and bring it to me that I may eat, that my soul may bless you before I die.'' 4 He strove with the angel and prevailed; he wept and sought his favor. I do not know whether you remember it or not – been a long time ago – but I was preaching through Genesis – started at the first verse of Genesis – at … Childrens Sermons; Bible Games; Crafts; Activities. Audio and text are likely different. The Lord had allowed his servant to name each and every animal, along with ever fowl of the air, but there still had to be one more creation, so he caused Adam to fall asleep and performed the first surgery of this world and he took one of his ribs and created him a woman, a helpmate, and a wife. So she took her veil and covered herself. The next great day is when he has his first grandchild. Second, Rebekah does well as a new bride, but somehow things go bad. You can use "A Bride for Isaac" in Sunday school, children's church or at home. In February 2010 a Japanese restaurant owner turned the nation's everyday ramen or noodle soup into a pricey, gourmet affair that costs more than $100 and takes three days to fully prepare. Rebekah in Charge. Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission! Owner Shoichi Fujimaki said that the more than 20 ingredients used to make the soup elevate it from common ramen soup into a five star cuisine, with a price tag to match. 17:1-4 “Have You Been Visiting a Prostitute?” Rev. Isaac and Rebekah: A Family in Discord Miles Seaborn Genesis 25:28 INTRO. This story of getting a bride for Isaac is one of the similitude or types of the Old Testament. Alonzo Rebekah Sermon is on Facebook. So she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.”, Isn’t God good and wise? Rebekah did not rely on her outward beauty to get her by in life; rather, she developed godly character by serving others, reaching out in kindness, and … Sermon – Second Sunday of Advent Matthew 3: 1-12 Our spiritual journey, like our physical life, starts when we are helpless and vulnerable. Esau-Who Fell for a Tasty Meal . Sermon: The Shadow of Christ: Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 24) Text: Genesis 24:15 Theme: Isaac and Rebekah as type of Jesus and his Church Lections: Genesis 24:5-8, 10-20, 26-27; Psalm 114 (8); 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 16:14-16. 2. A BRIDE FOR ISAAC. Sermon # 43, Sermon Jan. 10, 2021 Rev. I would summarize her personality with these four words: Strong. Second, Rebekah does well as a new bride, but somehow things go bad. See Luke 12:37, where the Master serves his servants, and Phil 2:5-11. I do not know the day of my death. As he told her about his curiosity concerning his future she began to gaze into her crystal ball. The Lord is revealing to you His sovereignty, His mercy, and His goodness, so that you, like Rebekah, will surrender to Him, completely. You'll write powerful and fresh messages every week with our preparation tools on a number of sermon topics, including expository preaching. Yesterday afternoon I was in a little group of men, and they were talking about the advertisement of this sermon subject tonight, What Can Happen From A Blind Date. Think of Rebekah- and all the characters in Genesis – as pieces of colored glass in a stained glass window. And one of the men said, “My wife I married from a blind date.” He asked Rebekah’s father and brother for permission for Isaac to marry Rebekah. ILL. BYOB, ''Bring Your Own Bovanac (sic)''. . Because Rebekah was willing to leave her family and her country, and travel 400 miles to marry a man she had never met. [4] Her situation only becomes worse when what should have been a joyful event, the birth of twin sons, turns out to be an omen of enmity and strife. 5. The other side of the dilemma is, God has a standard that contains no sin. By: Mary Kate 2 Comments. And now the last step, number seven, the servant, a type of the Holy Spirit, brings the prospective bride safely to his master. Their answers might surprise you: Teach us about God and spiritual things. Subscribe to my free newsletter for monthly sermons and get a free book right now. Trusting God to provide for your journey A Faithful Servant who had earned his master’s trust, served his master faithfully, trusted God to provide, thanked the Lord for his provision, and stayed faithful to the task until it was completed. Now let me say something about her physical beauty. As this sermon came together this week I felt two sermons emerging… First, Rebekah does well at the well and we learn some very important lessons for our own lives. Rebekah may not have been the first bride to leave her home country and marry someone she never had seen before, but she wasn’t the last. Rebekah is not only beautiful and morally pure; she is a hard-working woman who has a servant’s heart, full of kindness and generosity. It is one of God’s gifts. Rebekah would be a blessing in Isaac’s wife at a time when he needed her most. Rebekah is exactly who Isaac needs to complete him (64-67) 64 “Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. Rebekah had a personal relationship with God, and He responded to her.Rebekah had a personal relationship with God, and He responded to her: “Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger” (verse 23). So it is with Rebekah and the other characters in Genesis: some, such as Esau and Laban, are darker pieces; others, such as Rebekah and Joseph, are lighter pieces; but the Lord uses each one of them to make a picture of how He redeems His people and brings glory to Himself! Cloud of Witnesses • Sermon ... Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, came out with her water jar on her shoulder. Sunday School Lesson: “God Leads The Way” Sunday School Lesson Materials: – two different types of candy bar – one box of raisins But most of all, it is a reminder of just how trustworthy our God is. The higher a climber ascends on a mountain, the greater the distance he might fall. The fourth great day is when he has his first child. The other point is Rebekah gives us a foreshadowing of another Servant who would not only lavishly pour out water, but Who would pour out His very life for our souls. 24:3-4 “I want you to swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.” So after Eliezer observes that this woman is beautiful, kind, hard-working, and so forth, he asks the $64,000 question: Is she from among Abraham’s relatives? Jesus loves you! © 2021 The Maple Glen Church — All Rights Reserved. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies…” Years before, the Lord had blessed Abraham, as he obeyed God’s command to leave his father and go to a land He would show him, and after He was willing to submit to God’s will, even to offer up his beloved son, Isaac. God has arranged this marriage from 400 miles away, without the aid of social media. So we must temper our appreciation of the gift of a woman’s beauty with a cautious restraint towards it. We must not turn either marriage or singleness into idols. From her generosity an entire nation began, the nation that God ordained to … Audio and text are likely different. Fully transcribed & downloadable. This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with sub-points. One more introductory note: As I looked at other pastor’s sermons on Rebekah in Gen. 24, most preachers present this as a lesson in how to find God’s guidance or to find a spouse. Isaac marries Rebekah and after 20 years, she gives birth to Jacob and Esau. Isaac and Rebekah part 2. 3. As soon as Rebekah’s brother, Laban, saw the gold and heard the story, he went out to meet this mysterious man. Dr. W. A. Criswell. Sermon # 42, Sermon Jan. 3, 2021 Rev. Let me first say a little about this moral purity of Rebekah. Prayer: Its Force, Its Course, and Its Source, The Sixth Commandment: The Sanctity of Life, Rebekah, the Mother That Destroyed Her Family, CCPA - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. True, they have grown to what the National Family Service Assoc. Can we really force ourselves to Isaac and Rebekah: a true love story. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. This sermon is bought from the "Let My People Think" Radio Sermon Series Archives of RZIM. a. And it happened, before he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. The principle here is that our great and wise God will arrange every detail of our lives, including who our spouse will be…. Rebekah was willing to leave her comfort zone (v. 58). Think about that the next time you see a beautiful woman being “used” to advertise beer, cars, or anything else. This applies to stately trees in the redwood forests, renowned sports figures incapacitated either by accident or sickness, or a person famous for religious achievement. Rebekah's Three Mistakes with Her Two Richard A. Bradley Genesis 27:1-8 Genesis 27:1-8 1 Now it came to pass, when Isaac was old and his eyes were so dim that he could not see, that he called Esau his older son and said to him, ''My son.'' “The girl was very beautiful, a virgin; no man had ever lain with her.” Like her mother-in-law Sarah and like her niece and future daughter-in-law Rachel, Rebekah was a beauty! This sermon is bought from the "Let My People Think" Radio Sermon Series Archives of RZIM. In Part II, a message that will explore Rebekah as a woman… 15:5-16:1 “It is Fearful Thing to Fall into the Hands of the Living God.” Rev. God declared through Hosea the prophet that He had spoken by the prophets, and had multiplied visions, and used similitude. She dressed her son Jacob for the D-Day with his Father. Unfortunately they sacrificed their usefulness on altars of personal desire. This is the First Baptist Church in Dallas, and this is the pastor delivering the sermon entitled Rebekah, What Can Happen From a Blind Date. Through the years, many other women have left their homes to marry men they loved. Tell us that you love us often. Why do I think that Rebekah submitted to the Lord’s will? I think that Rebekah is deeply impressed by how the Lord is in complete control of all the details, and she decides that she needs to bow down before God’s will and submit to the sovereign Lord. ... Rebekah soon came to discover that she had not only to be a wife to her husband, but a mother as well. Cloud of Witnesses • Sermon ... Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, came out with her water jar on her shoulder. He gave His Son for you; you are precious and beautiful in His sight, in Christ. Sermon – “Rebekah” (Genesis 27:1-17 et al.) SOME TYPICAL VIRTUES OF MAIDENLY CHARACTER ESSENTIAL TO GOOD WIVES AND MOTHERS. Sermon Oct. 26, 2014 “Why Is This Happening to Me?” Rebekah, Part Two (Genesis 25-27) « Sermon Oct. 12, 2014 Genesis 24 “Remarkable Rebekah” (Part Two in the Genesis Series) Pastor Lou Prontnicki. Text: Genesis 24:1-26 I. It seems that broken families and dysfunctional families are everywhere. The first great day is when he is born. But tonight on Rebekah, What Can Happen From A Blind Date. (Prov. The Lord realized that Adam needed a mate, someone that he could interact with, talk to, and love. Gospel-Centered; What We Believe. 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord…” and Phil. by Donald Cantrell. But much more than that, Gen. 24 is a passage that calls us to bow down and worship the Lord our God, as we marvel at His matchless sovereignty over every detail of life, and at His delight in giving us good things… as we surrender to Him and trust Him in all things. Was she tired of living under the self-centered conniving of her brother Laban? Here in Genesis 24, we are given a glimpse into the character of Rebekah, and how God prepared her and transformed her to be the woman He wanted her to be, so that God’s plans would be accomplished through her. Abraham had left to follow the Lord; Rebekah was leaving to become his daughter-in-law. But it was not that Isaac needed to search the world to find just the right one; no, the one God brought to him was the one he married, and she was the right one! Don't pressure us too much to excel. This children's sermon is based on Genesis 24:34-67. Just follow the link above and get the details! About; Contact; Tagged: Rebekah March 21, 2020 God of the impossible My brothers and sisters we are in a dilemma. Click Here! He sent a trusted servant to find a girl for Isaac from Abraham’s home territory. If the average water jar might have contained 5 gallons of water (that’s 40 pounds of water), and the ten camels needed a total of 200-250 gallons, then Rebekah might have made 40-50 trips to the well to provide enough water for the camels, and we are told she did it quickly, even running again and again to complete the task! Rebekah: the Chosen Bride, Wife, and Mother . Rebekah impressed Abraham’s servant because of her thoughtfulness and inner and outer beauty. Thru the Bible Radio. Guide us towards good marriages by modeling a good one. This children's sermon is based on Genesis 24:34-67. No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. Sermon Supply Ministry. James Dobson asked hundreds of teens what they would like to tell their parents. Join Facebook to connect with Alonzo Rebekah Sermon and others you may know. And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, “Our sister, may you increase to thousands upon thousands; may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies.”. The other side of the dilemma is, God has a standard that contains no sin. Look for good things in kids and not just the bad. Genesis 27:1-8: 1 Now it came to pass, when Isaac was old and his eyes were so dim that he could not see, that he called Esau his older son and said to him, ''My son.'' This post is part of a larger series called “Let There Be Light.” In the midst of all the dysfunctionality we see among the characters in Genesis, it’s nice to see that not all is chaos and soap-opera drama. So let’s think about Rebekah. Talk to us straight about sensitive subjects. 1. When we acknowledge these God-given gifts, and receive them with joy and enthusiasm, we tap into the hope of a newer, richer life that Jesus offers us. And certainly there are elements of that here. We need to be taught most things and we need help to grow. 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sermon on rebekah
sermon on rebekah 2021