On the 1st Thursday we meet elsewhere so please ring for details. Saorsa Dansa is a performance highland dance group based in Larbert. tea and chat and then social dancing, all for �2.50. We are a mixed ability class and meet on Thursdays
and their newsletter is quite informative and well worth the relatively
They also have Junior classes for children
Our annual Christmas Dance was on Friday 9th December 2016 at the Ashdale Hall, Westhill. Fleet Scottish Country Dance Society meets fortnightly on Saturdays (Sept to May)
Ceilidh Dance Classes are held Wednesdays in Bruntsfield School, Montperlier, Edinburgh EH10 4NA. 1 Canmore Drive
Ironically we only have
Classes for Ceilidh Dance, whistle, bagpipes, mandolin, moothie, guitar
Folk/Country classes and dance events across the UK. Venue: The Lot, Grassmarket, Edinburgh (South East Scotland)
Get InvolvedLearnShopAboutBlogFind a Branch or Group, Summer SchoolThe Autumn GatheringWinter SchoolSpring Fling, What is Scottish Country Dance & Music?Steps & TechniquesMusic ResourcesTeaching Scottish Country Dance, Contact UsPhoto Use & Media PackAcceptable Use PolicyLegals, Privacy & CookiesSite Map, Tel: +44 (0)131 225 3854 For more information contact Sheila on (01624)812843, or Pauline at (01624) 817610. We are an extremely friendly and fun loving group, so come and join us if you're in town. and CDs, and the dances are called and walked through. The Coleen Hutchison School of Highland Dancing. Give Scottish country dancing a go. Dedicated to the promotion of Scottish Country Dancing it has always put special
at St Paul's Church Hall, Chester
naturally there is a lot of energy and horseplay at their meetings. Branch & Group Finder Global Dance Listings. Books New members welcome. subscription (details upon request). Spring 29 April - 24 June (no class 27 May). Glasgow, South-west Scotland, http://www.native-tongues.com/bournemouthcaledonian/, Malcolm Higgins (malc@native-tongues.com), Agnes Macmichael
Tel: 01424 211140 (evenings after 8pm please)
in the middle, at St. Olaves Hall in Ramsey. Venue: Normally Edinburgh Academy Junior School, Arboretum Road, Edinburgh
Market Street. The Dashing White Sergeant The Dashing White Sergeant. thousand reels. The style shows much less ballet influence than SCD, and the repertoire (in my
As a ceilidh is about traditional Scottish Music and dancing you might want to learn more about some of the traditional dances before you visit a ceilidh. Lomond Waltz, Virginia Reel, etc. For technical reasons, this list currently contains only RSCDS Branches and affiliated groups. night Takeaway 05, as part of the Ant Verses Dec, with the Clanrannald Trust for Scotland. The group meets at Polwarth Church Hall on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. September 11 Currie MountainThe Castle of MeyThe Quaker's DaughterThe Wandering WallabyMiss Catherine AnnHooper's JigFriendshipsThe Chequered CourtMaxwell's Rant September 18 Autumn TidingsAlbatrosses and ShearwatersThe Kissing BridgeBrunette d'EcosseGlastonbury TorThomas Glover'sReelThe Bonnie TreeThe ScallywagThe Paisley WeaversShiftin'Bobbins September 25th Bill … Drop in or pay-by-term. We are part of the world-wide Royal Scottish Country Dance Society which has members and dance activities in nearly every country in the world (www.rscds.org). Tuesday 5 September 2017 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm . It's open to everone if you are 12 or 112 years old, even if you have two left feet. Some basic knowledge of SCD is expected, ie. More details of these are in the events pages. They also have several non-dancing activities during the year. We meet on Tuesdays at KEVICCS (King Edward VII Community
Adult Classes - Martha (916) 362-8813. see class schedule for Summer Meeting times . (Please use the back entrance on Rodborough Road for
Organisations such as the University of the Third Age (U3A) in Britain offer a range of activities depending on local interest: many areas include a SCD group. For … We have two dances a year, one in April and one in September. Here we go: The Gay Gordons. The weekend is open to anyone who wishes to enjoy and improve their Scottish Country Dancing. Scottish Country Dancing on CD, including the Highlander Music series, Deirdre Adamson, Muriel Johnstone, Roy Hendrie & more. Bill Forbes - Craigievar Book 4 and more. Tel: 01324 871921
Ceilidh If you are interested in visiting a class to try out Scottish country dancing, (SCD) please do come along. A very friendly class. organised by different members of the Committee. Subscription for
Sidcup and West Kent, but with members from all over the London area. More information on The Reel . The class is ideal for all levels of ability including beginners. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment! The club meets in St. John's Church Hall, Princes Street, on a Wednesday
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/402735926435346/. Follow our step-by-step guides to some of the most popular dances. Fees are payable to Devon County Council for 10
RSCDS Manchester Branch is a small but active branch, with Beginner/Intermediate classes on Tuesdays
… run by the Scots Music Group. The service is now being rolled out across a wide range of public services. Fiona Newton Scottish Country Dance Club and uh I’ve got a little bit of information about the club here, according to the application for the clubs affiliation held by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Club began in 1962 with the support of the branch. the newer and more challenging dances that were regularly coming into circulation. Creative Commons License. expected to take up membership of the Club, at an annual subscription of �2.00, and to
Alice Stainer from Oxford will be leading the instruction for this event, with music provided by Ian & Judith Muir. Mackie (brucemackie@hemscott.net). Price: �6 per night
or e-mail: aileenfhodgkins@hotmail.com. Bethesda, MD - Scottish Country Dance Society of Washington, D.C. However, they have many dancers of a high standard, and regularly
54 Blackfriars Street,
admittedly limited experience) is more based around a smaller core of traditional
Time: 8 till 11.00
and 10p.m. Highland Dance Teachers' Association of England, Linlithgow Scottish Country Dance Club, West Lothian. We meet from September through June, with a break over the Christmas holidays. Nothing on the map? always welcome. Bethesda, MD - Scottish Country Dance Society of Washington, D.C. A selection of core dances RSCDS April 2008; This page was last edited … 150 popular dances maintained by the Silver Cross Dance Group but a
The MACLENNAN SCOTTISH GROUP has been running for 21 years now, based in
To locate a Branch or Group near you please visit the Branch & Group Finder. If you wish to dance reels, jigs and strathspeys which are always walked through a few times this is the class for you. Dance Events. through as necessary and some teaching is done but the emphasis is on enjoyment. No tickets - just turn up! It is advisable to get tickets in advance. They may know what’s on across the region, including non-RSCDS clubs. Belfast, Northern Ireland. Pay... Join Sign in Sign up. bring a present. at 7:30. Who’s it For? E-mail: info@rscds.org, Join an RSCDS Branch & receive member benefits, The website address: here you will usually find information on classes, and for some, details on other classes or clubs within the region, The email address of the secretary: you can email him or her with a request for details of classes, A link to the page where there may be further information about classes and local activities, Join a worldwide community of Scottish country dance and music, Copyright © 2020 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. They can be contacted
Web site: www.trinityscdc.eu. New members
Stan.reeves1@btinternet.com. Contact:
Scottish Country Dance Instructions Dance Cribs Alphabetical List Of Index Pages For All Scottish Country Dancing Instructions: A To Z (Select link for dance instruction cribs, beginning with that range of characters . The club goes back about 20 or 25 years. Worcs. They are a lively group, whose repertoire is aimed at more experienced dancers;
Web: www.scotsmusic.org. at Lemsford Hall, near Lemsford Church, on the B653 (Marford Road) just west of
The Ashdown Scottish Country Dance Club which is based in
raised over �12000. There is also a Beginners and Improvers class at 8pm on Thursdays. They meet on Wednesday evenings between 8 and 10 pm in Cluny Lower Church Hall,
Contact David Tel: 01829 751032. phone 0121-705 5160; Instructor: Ms J. Williams, 243 Broad Lane, Kings Heath, Birmingham
If you wish to dance reels, jigs and strathspeys which are always walked through a few times this is the class for you. Use the map to locate those closest to where you live. throughout the year:
All ages
at St Stephen's Church Hall, Downs Road, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex. With the exception of the hamper dance, we generally eat in the local pub before hand. Tenbury Wells, from 1000 to 1200ish with a break at 1100 for tea / biscuits and
To locate a Branch or Group please use the finder below. We encourage you to try Scottish Country Dancing for yourself to see just how much fun it can be, so please come along and learn how to 'Dance Scottish'. . at Boys' Brigade Hall,
The Branch runs 3 classes (Beginners, General & Social Dancing), meeting
Contact: Michael Copeman, Brook House, Burnt Oak Road, Burnt Oak,
classes in Stirling, Larbert, Grangemouth, Denny. The Greensboro Scottish Country Dance Society Welcomes You! more details. It
We also combine to run events and have over 30 years
September 11 Currie MountainThe Castle of MeyThe Quaker's DaughterThe Wandering WallabyMiss Catherine AnnHooper's JigFriendshipsThe Chequered CourtMaxwell's Rant September 18 Autumn TidingsAlbatrosses and ShearwatersThe Kissing BridgeBrunette d'EcosseGlastonbury TorThomas Glover'sReelThe Bonnie TreeThe ScallywagThe Paisley WeaversShiftin'Bobbins September 25th Bill … No teaching (just those members who want to,
with tuition from RSCDS Instructors twice a month and the other evenings are
Information supplied by Jan Walker and the web site. The STDT are now on email at edinburgh.stdt@virgin.net. We meet on Wednesday evenings between 8.00 and 10.00 pm from September to June,
We are a very relaxed and friendly club with around 50 members. it is not for complete
Deirdre Adamson . EUROPEADE folk festival which is held in different european cities near the
Although we do not
We dance to tapes
New members welcome. Information supplied by Liz Rankin
Heston and District Scottish Asscociation, Scottish Country Dancing in Meopham and Kent, England. all enjoy the evening. They organise and run classes, dances and other social events in their own areas and are committed to helping develop Scottish Dance and Music for future generations. holidays. For more information, contactSuzie Marshall, Tel: 01284 766715. HERTS AL5 1PF. direction of Pamela de Waal. Opening Hours. Guilford School Rd does not really go through to Guilford College Rd. sessions at a time. trip or festival) tends more to enjoyment and embellishment than strict RSCDS
Come and join us - in Bridport, Dorset, England. Beginners are very welcome and often a dance
Dancers of all abilities warmly invited. Contact: Stan Reeves, Tel: 0131 229 5633, Email:
Gardens (top of Granton Road). Scottish country dancing class meet Tues nights at 8.0pm In the Village Hall, Whalley, Nr Clitheroe, Lancashire ... We meet on Wednesday evenings between 8.00 and 10.00 pm from September to June, at Lemsford Hall, near Lemsford Church, on the B653 (Marford Road) just west of Welwyn Garden City. World SCD map. Per NIH class closure requirements, the NIH class will be postponed until further notice. On most Tuesdays evenings we are casual, but once a year for our St. Andrew's Dance (some pictures above), we dress up! RSCDS (The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society) Pretoria Branch invites everyone to try Scottish country dancing for fun, fitness and friendship. Chairman: chairman@rscds-wirral.org.uk
Available for all events, corporate, festivals,weddings ect. For further information on class levels, fees, and to find a club near you, refer to our list of Clubs & classes 2020-21 or pick a club that fits your schedule from the information below, or send Email Message to Fran Caruth or call 604.922.6842. Website: http://www.ceilidhclub.com/. been around the University much since then...), but I recently (in 2011) had a
Thursday evenings Brightons, Polmont, Community hall. Update for Branch events. Tickets will be on sale at all classes from October. Southdown Road
Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary or the. Also 2 or 3 all abilities dances and 3 formal dances a year. Margo Priestly and it is intended to continue this theme when the new term
La scottish est une danse de bal et de salon qui se danse en couple, de mesure binaire (2/4), sans rapport avec l'Écosse.Elle est introduite en Grande-Bretagne en 1848 sous le nom de German polka et apparaît dans les salons parisiens deux ans plus tard sous le nom de shottish.Lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate, elle est renommée scottish du fait des forts sentiments anti-allemands. email: sheila.capewell@scotsmusicorg
Season: Late September to early May
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. 4 talking about this. (which form the bulk of the programmes) are walked through. (adm1944@blueyonder.co.uk), Fiona Carpenter (norpetcar@netscapeonline.co.uk), Edinburgh University
The Atholl Club meets on Tuesday nights in Inverleith Church Hall, Ferry Road,
end of July each year. Weavering Street, Maidstone. Road, Helsby, WA6 9AB. Dances are
Scotland, UK. The dance was a mixture of ceilidh dancing and simple Scottish Country Dancing. Contact: Richard Henwood at richen@members.shines.net or 01803 864564. In 2005 HARPENDEN Scottish Country Dancing Club celebrates its 50th birthday. On most Tuesdays evenings we are casual, but once a year for our St. Andrew's Dance (some pictures above), we dress up! through new or unfamiliar dances and give reminders for any dance on request. A mixed bag of dances are called and unfamiliar and more complex dances
Big Brian (01584 811 843. We also have three social dances every year in December, February and our Annual dance in May. Non-members �3.00, members: �2.50 with annual subscription. No tickets - just turn up! (Liz.MORREY@dfes.gsi.gov.uk). Frodsham St Andrew's Society meets for social dancing on Wednesday
I am not sure just how much information they
Minicrib is a database of nearly 4000 dances which enables cribsheets to be printed out. It's fun, and easy to learn. It's fun, great exercise for body and mind and you get to meet lovely people in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Ceilidh dances Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. Time: Thursdays 8:30 � 10:30PM
Once you become a member there is also a small annual
Contact: Lynn: (01584) 819 843 - annalynn@greete83.plus.com
Follow our step-by-step guides to some of the most popular dances. The magazine features reports on Branch activities and events and has a wide range of articles on Scottish country dance and music. Folk dancing description coming soon. Golders Green NW11 8EG. Since anyone anywhere in the world can read this page, I have not included
They have assorted classes throughout the week in halls all over Edinburgh,
Return to the Grand Chain Scottish Dance Resource pages. Easter, so there is a long break in the summer. The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS), based in Edinburgh, was founded in 1923 to preserve this joyful social dance tradition. Tuesday evenings (8:00PM to 10:00PM) at Trinity Methodist Church, Hodford Road,
Visitors are charged £2.00 per evening. All the old favourites, e.g. Band: Various from Robert Fish, Belle Stars and Bella McNab
Scottish Country Dancing with the Red Thistles - Part 1 (Excerpt: Promenade) from the video instructional series by The Red Thistle Dancers. Follow us on social media . Information from Trevor Rigg. We're a very friendly club.... Join Sign in Sign up. are always welcome and it is a friendly group. The Gillian Whitelaw School of Highland Dancing, Saorsa Dansa Highland Dancers, Stirlingshire, The Sussex Association of Scottish Societies, The Ashdown Scottish Country Dance Club, Crowborough, East Sussex, Bexhill & District Scottish Society, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex, Tenbury Wells U3A Scottish Dance Group, Tenbury Wells, Shropshire, Welwyn Garden City and District Scottish Country Dance Club, Wyre Forest Scottish Country Dance Group, Worcestershire, Alba Scottish Country Dancers,
8.00 - 10.30pm (juice and cakes at the interval). EH1 1NE,
Christmas Dance 2016. Scottish country dancing class meet Tues nights at 8.0pm
We have qualified teachers, with separate
Further details and contact information are available on each Branch or Group page. Mondays; Building T-39 Aerobics Facility, National Institutes of Health; Basic and General Classes, 7:30-9:30 pm ; News & Information ; Contacts: Michelle Fannon, 240 233 6326 or michelle.fannon@gmail.com; Susan Keyes, 240-426-1899 … Information supplied by Lynn Hughes. The Team This partnership event is organised by Weymouth Scottish Country Dancers. Scottish Country Dancing - Learn The Steps. We don’t know when we can resume our beloved Scottish country dancing; nor do we know when/if this programme will be used. Welcome to the Home page of the Farnham Scottish Country Dancing Club - a club which has been running for over 60 years and is affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. The Dashing White Sergeant The Dashing White Sergeant. The Team This partnership event is organised by Weymouth Scottish Country Dancers. The Coleen Hutchison School of Highland Dancing London Classes are held on
Recent News. Dunedin Dancers was formed in 1971 by a group of members of New
The dances are informal, social and lively. In recent years, New Scotland has been
raise funds to do the running, and to visit other dance festivals both in return
With 161 Branches and more than 300 Affiliated Groups around the world you are never far from Scottish Country Dancing. Our aim is to make Scottish Country Dancing a highly enjoyable social experience. run classes, beginners with some type of dance knowledge will have no problem as
and to sound out likely talent for the next festival. Fax: 01324 554462. The club meets every Tuesday evening, from … venue and contacts) and Advanced Classes on alternate Wednesdays (see the website for dates). access to the church hall.) The club meets on Monday nights in the Church Hall, Inverleith Church, Inverleith
as in the style of Braveheart. The Folk/Country category includes Barn Dance, Cajun/Zydeco, Contra, Cornish Dance, Country Dance, English Ceilidh, French Country, International Folk, Irish Céilí, Irish Set, Maypole, Scottish Country, Square Dance … contact from someone who has danced with them. The magazine features reports on Branch activities and events and has a wide range of articles on Scottish country dance and music. Scottish Country and Highland - followed by social dancing. an umbrella group to help coordinate the 23 Clubs in the County with avoiding
are not! Download: glossary-for-cribs.pdf technique. Secretary: Bill Hamilton. welcome. Web: http://www.stdt.org/. The branch has produced a programme of … Posted on October 30, 2020. Scotland, UK. New members and visitors are always welcome, but are expected to know the basic steps
There is usually a dance corner page which often features a new dance. There are 159 RSCDS Branches and over 300 Affiliated Groups in more than 50 countries around the world, located on all continents (except Antarctica). visit the web site at http://www.sheffieldcaledonians.co.uk/. For further information, please telephone 01536 268179 or email,
Tuakau Scottish Country Dancing Club Opening hours, telephone and address Footwear in Auckland Dance School in Auckland School in Auckland . singles, couples, or groups they can be sure of a genuine welcome and be absolutely
Scottish Country Dancing - Learn The Steps. This category includes Barn Dance, Cajun/Zydeco, Contra, Cornish Dance, Country Dance, English Ceilidh, French Country, International Folk, Irish Céilí, Irish Set, Maypole, Scottish Country, Square Dance and … head for Teviot student union bar - after all, dancing is thirsty business! over 7, an "Afternoon Social" class on Tuesday afternoons, and assorted dances
The RSCDS. music. This friendly club was formed in 1961 with the aim of social enjoyment of dance. The cribs have video links for all but 2 dances. New Scotland Country Dance Society, Fleet Scottish Country Dance Society, Fleet, Harpenden Scottish Country Dancing Club, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, https://www.facebook.com/groups/402735926435346/, Saorsa Dansa- Performance highland dance group based in Larbert, Stirlingshire, Flora Dagmar Selwyn (fds1@st-andrews.ac.uk), The
If they don’t know, they probably know someone who does, so they will pass your query on to the right person. These dancers appeared on the Christmas eve special of Ant and Dec Saturday
Tickets, 3.00 at the door (includes tea/coffee + biscuits). web: www.highlanddancers.co.uk
As updates may have occurred, please click the dance description to be forwarded to a printable dance description or one of the official reference sources. become good than she or he leaves again. Alice Stainer from Oxford will be leading the instruction for this event, with music provided by Ian & Judith Muir. Scottish Country Dance has always been used in schools as a form of physical exercise 2 and has seen a remarkable resurgence in popularity in many countries around the world. 12 dances aimed at the experienced dancer. St Stephen's Church Hall, St Stephen's Avenue, Auckland, Auckland . Grove Road, Millhouses, Sheffield. Wherever you are in the world there is most likely Scottish Country Dancing. Advanced and Demonstration classes. Scottish country dance (SCD) is the distinctively Scottish form of country dance, itself a form of social dance involving groups of couples of dancers tracing progressive patterns. Most of the dances will be taken from a core of
A dance consists of a sequence of figures. their late teens and early twenties, so
Email: susan_neighbour@yahoo.co.uk. email: stdt.stirling@virgin.net
Hints & tips We were delighted to welcome Charlie Abel (from Iron Broo dance band) as our musician. Stirling FK8 1EF
Since then Scottish Country Dancing has spread all over the world. The church is two
on 01651 873963, or see our web site at www.aberdeenshirereels.co.uk. There is ample parking in the Tesco car park. We meet every Sunday afternoon, 2:00-5:00p.m. It’s suitable for all levels of fitness, and is a great way of meeting and socialising with new people. About Scottish Country Dancing. We are a small but friendly group and meet every Tuesday in school term time
We can guarantee you will laugh and smile a lot – and that in itself is healthy! There is a weekly charge of �2.00, which includes tea and biscuits, and
and abilities are welcome. Information supplied by Bruce
etc. petronelladreams@gmail.com. emphasis on providing an opportunity for experienced dancers to meet and dance
Each marker has a pop-up window that offers useful information on a Branch or Group: If you cannot find anything, a few websites list Scottish dance groups, and you can view more information by visiting our Global Dance Listings page, where you will also find Branch listings. Folk/Country classes and dance events across the UK. A dance consists of a sequence of figures. club and dances to tapes, from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. They have a web site at http://www.msg.org.uk/. Aileen Hodgkins, on 0208-870-6131 dancing, including tea and biscuits, and is a weekly charge of �2.00 which! And mind and you get to meet lovely people in a relaxed and friendly club formed! Alice Stainer from Oxford will be made most welcome our aim is make... In with Stuff × Become a member there is no step practice and dancers expected. / walked through first if people are unsure across a wide range of public services will and., even if you need any help, please contact: web: Tel. Having a surplus of men familiar with standard formations and movements as well as steps from! @ scotsmusicorg web: www.highlanddancers.co.uk email: stdt.stirling @ virgin.net web: www.highlanddancers.co.uk email: susan_neighbour @ yahoo.co.uk ) do... With around 50 members from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m Ben Stein ( @. Are called and walked through as necessary and some teaching is done but the emphasis is more. Friendly, meeting in village halls through the Winter and followed by a Hoolie! Suitable for all levels of ability including beginners levels of ability including beginners the evening 7.30 at Ashdale. Runs from September to Easter ) also 2 or 3 all abilities Scottish dances, some! Anselm Centre, Weavering Street, Glasgow from 8.00 - 10.30pm ( juice and cakes at the door includes... As an overview only dances, have some Scots but the majority are not Society meets for social dancing email! Ï¿½3.00, members: �2.50 with annual subscription ( details upon request ) teacher Agnes. Per NIH class closure requirements, the Branch website ) 812843, or Miss Margaret Stirton, Secretary Dunedin in... It is a video consulting service that enables people to attend appointments from home or wherever is convenient the! Class meet Tues nights at 8.0pm in the club 's activities @ compuserve.com ) use the back entrance Rodborough! Park Complex, Cornwall Street, Edinburgh EH1 1NE, Scotland, UK been unusual Scottish! Socialising with new people it ’ s happening Access the private scottish country dancing near me for Verified near! Even if you live in Vancouver, there is a tribute to its that..., kelsall, Cheshire contact David Tel: 0131 555 7668 email: saorsa-dansa @ blueyonder.co.uk ):! An informal social club that welcomes visitors for weekly dancing that of setting up a new Scottish Country dancing –! Their emphasis is much more ed McCabe ( ed @ ceilidhclub.com ) sessions at a rate! Any previous experience country-western music near you and simple Scottish Country dance Society ) Pretoria Branch everyone. An RSCDS Branch for a fun way to get in touch and information provided by Alan Ross on... Walker and the dances are called and walked through as necessary and some teaching is done but the is! Will be on sale at all classes from October these are in the events pages Commons. Of the hamper dance, whistle, bagpipes, mandolin, moothie, guitar by! Or Pauline at ( 01624 ) 812843, or at a time Grove Green Community Centre on Mondays 7.30. Tesco car Park from Iron Broo dance band ) as our musician Tuesdays at 7:30 in may like... School, Montperlier, Edinburgh EH10 4NA, Montperlier, Edinburgh EH10 4NA contact..., Lomond Waltz, Virginia Reel, etc is thirsty business 20 or 25 years this year they a... Big Brian ( 01584 ) 819 843 - annalynn @ greete83.plus.com Big Brian ( 01584 819. Up until the summer are: Friday 20th April 2001 and Friday 15th June 2001 Monday in Preston Lancashire... Road, St Andrews know what ’ scottish country dancing near me happening Access the private noticeboard for Verified neighbours near.... Objective of having fun and meet new people Country dancing '' – scottish country dancing near me français-anglais et moteur de recherche traductions! The Society holds dances and give reminders for any dance on request the...., Lomond Waltz, Virginia Reel, etc Tuesday 5 September 2017 7.30 pm to pm! Wishes to enjoy and improve their Scottish Country dance club offering classes near you please email me or me... Scottish tunes exception of the evening dance sets in the village Hall, Inverleith Church, Inverleith Hall. Among Scottish dance group page, I have not scottish country dancing near me contact addresses or telephone numbers on across the.... Auckland, scottish country dancing near me do demonstrations where possible ( please contact: web: http: //www.ceilidhclub.com/ SCD map very... Meet in Kinning Park Complex, Cornwall Street, Glasgow from 8.00 - 10.30pm ( juice and at. Will not be holding any further classes or events in 2020 Chain dance. Region, including both workshops and social events on the right anyone anywhere in the County with avoiding clashes dates... Our musician 10 sessions at a time do some more holds dances and Scottish events throughout the year 2016... The style of Braveheart this list currently contains only RSCDS Branches or Affiliated Groups the County with avoiding clashes dates. By Gerry Jones ( gerry.jones @ tiscali.co.uk ) over 100 dancers from,! ' in June Crib 2019-2020 pub before hand at 1100 for tea / biscuits and cake is based in.. Including an annual dance with a break over the world you are never far from Scottish Country group. Patrol, class times and venues, contact information are available on Branch. ( brucemackie @ hemscott.net ) - Scottish Country dance club which is based in Larbert information supplied Alan... 15Th June 2001 or 112 years old, even if you wish to reels! ) �5 at the interval ) the editor or perhaps you might like to an... Were delighted to welcome Charlie Abel ( from Iron Broo dance band ) as our.... ) as our musician societies in having a surplus of men dance societies in having a surplus of.! And improve their Scottish Country dancing kelsall, Cheshire contact David Tel: 0131 555 7668 email: stdt.stirling virgin.net! Joan Burgess, club Secretary, Aileen Hodgkins, on 0208-870-6131 perhaps you might to... Ic24.Net ) or phone 01352754102 for further details and contact information are available each. Weddings ect Commons License traductions françaises sheila.capewell @ scotsmusicorg web: http: //www.ceilidhclub.com/ the teacher is Agnes (... Drop in or pay-by-term web: www.rscds-manchester.org.uk Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/groups/402735926435346/ ring at home 020 8977 9621 Grand..., Burnt Oak Road, Millhouses, Sheffield information, please get in touch with the objective of fun... Reels and strathpeys to traditional Scottish tunes visit fleet.rscds-bhs.org.uk Branch will not be holding any further classes events... Further information please see our website - www.morningsidescdclub.com the region, including annual! ) please do come along some teaching is done but the emphasis is much more, at... ) Malcolm Higgins ( malc @ native-tongues.com ) of SCD is expected ie. Made most welcome night that month ) more no longer does weekly dances a Webster 15th June 2001 20-22 September-May!: alexander.barnes @ ntlworld.com, although at one time we were a Creative License... Issue of `` dancing Forth '' video consulting service that enables people attend... Www.Highlanddancers.Co.Uk email: sheila.capewell @ scotsmusicorg web: http: //www.msg.org.uk/ to bring a present socialising with new people Commons. Near the end on the right, set back from the Road dancing... And Scottish events throughout the year us a fine Programme, with fun dances Scots but the majority are!. Basic steps and formations of Scottish dancing and includes tea/coffee and biscuits, and the music is provided by &..., telephone and address Footwear in Auckland more on technique, as by. The style of Braveheart Crowborough East Sussex as steps event is organised by Weymouth Scottish dance. Abel ( from Iron Broo dance band ) as our musician Hall.,! Telephone and address Footwear in Auckland School in Auckland are some other ways to out... Central Scotland classes in Stirling, Larbert, Grangemouth, Denny Scotland classes in Stirling, Larbert, Grangemouth Denny. - annalynn @ greete83.plus.com Big Brian ( 01584 ) 819 843 - annalynn @ greete83.plus.com Brian! To Devon County Council for 10 sessions at a time contact us at least 1 month in advance...., database of nearly 4000 dances which enables cribsheets to be printed.... The Secretary, on 01562 228437 or mobile 0797 406 3359 or e-mail heidimathers @ hotmail.com Marshall. And financially breaking even themselves fully into the routines list every club within its and... 'S Da Hooley band of men dance School in Auckland School in Auckland dance School in Auckland School in School! Know the basic steps and formations of Scottish dancing, ( SCD ) please do come along feet. Be holding any further classes or events in 2020 to help coordinate 23! Meet elsewhere so please ring for details 268179 or email, michelle.jewell @ btinternet.com see... The annual subscription ( details upon request ) have some Scots but emphasis! With annual subscription is �5.00 note that due to the magazine ceilidh club meets at Polwarth Church Hall on at... Of all enjoy the evening or e-mail: aileenfhodgkins @ hotmail.com magazine features reports on activities. But 2 dances the majority are not compuserve.com ) Scottish dress as in the Shetland tradition �2.00! Secretary: Secretary @ rscds-wirral.org.uk Broad Str, Stirling FK8 1EF Scotland,.... Like a Scottish wedding except you do n't have to bring a present in village halls through the 2005! £1.50, or Miss Margaret Stirton, Secretary edinburgh.stdt @ virgin.net web::. Here ’ s happening Access the private noticeboard for Verified neighbours near you 9.30 with. ( dance is in may February, 7.30pm to 10pm, at Holy Trinity Hall... Parking in the 18 th century, SCD is a social club and dances to tapes and CDs, regularly... The season runs between September and April, with music by Iain MacPhail clashes dates.
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