"Quite a party, no?". Her companion cackled loudly before chasing after her. The rest of Yong Soo floated behind him. "And unashamedly too." Shows that the people that can hold their liquor, are the people you least expect. Then he felt a warm breath blow in his ear as Yong Soo repeated, "Mattie?". Click on the image for info it had a good description. yelped Matthew, turning to him with wide lilac eyes. "Matthew... Don't go.". "I...", Arthur rolled his eyes, "Flirting is your answer to everything, Francis. Now outside, Yong Soo couldn't look less like the shaken youth he had seen. So when Matthew tried to make a quick lunge for Yong Soo's clothes- which were closer to the water- he instead felt his footing slip, and with a cry, he accidentally tackled Yong Soo to the ground. A party at America's place, turned crazy drinking contest. His answer was another contagious smile. I thank you for attending this wonderful party." It had been a strange night thus far and it seemed only fitting to do strange things now. "Hello!" "Cool enough to hang out with me and be my friend," Yong Soo continued with some superiority. APH Prussia Canada Cuba Sketch. YOU ARE READING. I did my best on portraying Canada and Korea, but for Korea, I only had a couple of Hetalia scripts and what I've seen in fanart. Yet he blushed all the same. The youth that had been full of such boundless energy suddenly stilled to the point where it didn't look like he was breathing. He looked up to see Yong Soo's head bobbing up and down as he paddled lazily through the water, the one strand of hair now like a flag over a ship. "Remembering how we met, perhaps? Language: English Words: 1,002 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 77 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 696 Amber eyes seemed so dull. Anyone who was anyone was there, to show off their importance by being around their fellow VIPs. "That vulgar display was the problem! It was a teenage boy, maybe a year or two younger than Matthew's own nineteen, with shaggy black hair that had a long curl attached to it and which seemed to bob atop his head as if with a spirit of its own. That is until a wave of water was splashed his way causing him to sputter and flounder. "Stare?" Please consider turning it on! Don't go on these websites, everyday people can change the text (like me) She has mahogany skin with dark brown eyes and medium-length dark brown hair, usually hanging loosely in braids. However, as the party continued on into the night, Yong Soo stayed devotedly by Matthew's side, which was admittedly rather flattering. That's how special you are.". His interest was so sincere and enthusiasm so pure that he was utterly endearing. You and that pillar and my hand moving right-", "Maybe you should ask someone to dance, Matthew," Alfred piped in helpfully as they both tried to ignore their amorous/quarrelsome parents. he yelled, running upstairs to his messy room. Set in Spain in the mid-1920s. An idea suddenly occurred to Matthew. Men dressed in the best suits and the ladies glittered in the latest styled dresses. But in earlier artwork, America was depicted as wearing black boots with large white cuffs and had his pants tucked into them. Then he pumped a fist in the air. Lithuania: Iron Wolf Oh no! Before he could think too much about it though- and start putting together pieces that had been calling his attention all this time- a loud gasp was heard to the side. And then when there was a gentle nuzzling at his back, something in his stomach started doing cartwheels. Status: This is going to be a big one as it's going to involve a long span of history, stretching from at the very least 1812 to the Mexican War. "You saved me. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Ok, he couldn't have heard that right. To that giant of a man Ivan." Sex, bullfighting, Hemingway’s foul mouth, though not in that order. Then he leaned forward and met those lips that had been lifting up toward him. "I'm Yong Soo! How can we swim? "Then perhaps we should go back inside-? Alfred's tall. "Let's get out of here," the brunette said softly. "Yes, I believe you. Just taking in the atmosphere, you know?" The other's gaze was very direct and and seemed to take in everything. ", Just as it vaguely occurred to Matthew that this man was the infamous Yao Wang he had heard so much about, a hand reached out and took firm hold of one of his. Hetalia America. Before he could reply, however, he could hear his companion's name being called. Omega England (Hetalia) Alpha America (Hetalia) Top America (Hetalia) Bottom England (Hetalia) Possessive America (Hetalia) Dom/sub; Summary. "What about you two? Arthur's small. ", His husband just grinned some more. The brunette gave a little hop and a salute to no one. He wears a tan jacket and pants, with a white dress shirt and olive green tie worn underneath. Prussia Hetalia Spamano Dark Lord Kirito Love Drawings Vocaloid Manhwa Cuba Matthew Williams. Matthew still couldn't bring himself to just jump in, but he did stride in rather quickly until the water came up to his neck. The one on the chair cleared his throat. hetalia mexico female. Don't be so put out. ~~~~~ That day... That day I felt something wrong, I thought it was paranoia. America has many secrets, Let's explore a few. (Which was probably why Papa was so eager to grab them.) Yong Soo didn't seem to take any notice of the blonde's discomfort. He was nearly bouncing off his toes when he took hold of Matthew's hand to pull him further onto the lush green grounds. Revenge was promptly taken. "I just don't want you to be bored," Alfred said after a moment, after judging his brother to be sincere. For the millionth time that night, Matthew was astonished. Saved by Taryn Mickey. America kept the secret as long as he could. Yong Soo breezed past his not-really-a-question and instead threw out another of his own, "Have you been by this wall for the whole party?". They kept moving until the sound of cheers from the ballroom was softer than the continuous humming of cicadas. "You're too much," Matthew groaned, his head in both hands. Oct 16, 2013 - Explore Fandoms Everywhere's board "England and America ((hetalia))", followed by 813 people on Pinterest. Somehow conversation grew from there. He really shouldn't... His suit would get dirty down on the ground-, "Mattie!" I'm sure they try really hard too.". Down the dune, lying on his face, was an old man. Either way, I just wanted to put up this one fanfic that my friend and I write. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Hetalia - Axis Powers universe. of the same name.] This is going to be so cool!" Yong Soo stopped in a pose, wide grin plastered on. A hand immediately came up to cover his mouth but he could not smother his continuous sounds of humor. yuri, oneshots, gerita. Her lobby was still strong, she still had great influence in how America … Traits He has crimson eyes and brown hair. That's right; America's secret passion was dancing. It was just his imagination- it must have been- that those fingertips were hesitant to lose contact and brushed against his wrist softly. "Not only because it gives me the ability to see you all again, but because... well, it gives me the chance to share with everyone some wonderful news! Bio Since Apr 2019 (1 Year 277 Days) Your review has been posted. Enjoy~! Only then did Matthew let the warm hand in his fall away. I can hardly believe it. ", "You're insuffereable!" We don't have any swimming clothes- What are you doing? ", Yong Soo looked at him bemusedly as if there was something wrong with the one not removing his clothes. And by quickly I mean, it took all day. Any and all feedback is more than welcome, but like usual, I do NOT hold stories ransom for reviews. Sorry if i'm like doing this without permission. a slightly familiar voice asked. "Yours?" Hi everyone! he asked with a frown. (Because it's not like he went around undressing around other people!) NOTE: This is based off a random idea I had and so quickly put this together. "You look older with your mouth shut," he retorted bluntly with none of his usual softness. America. he blinked before grinning widely. (Dammit. ", "It's a decent party," Dad grumbled. Every once in awhile he would hear Papa's guffaw followed shortly by Dad's carefree (and slightly drunk) laugh. The feeling was apparently mutual on Yao's part. Are you alright? Yong Soo called back, laughing. He frowned, feeling irritated without knowing why. Main article: Uniform Guide: America He has short blond hair with a cowlick, representing Nantucket, sticking up and blue eyes. Saved from google.com. There was a good time to be had by all. maybe?" "I can tell. He had just come with his family but had lost them in the crowd. he asserted, flexing a muscle. IN MY LIFE. chirped an unknown voice, suddenly right next to him. 4/11/2015 c6 TheOnlyMeYouWillEverKnow Ok, wait I just thought of a really good ending: At the end of the week the three countries were exhausted, they had barely gathered the states in the living room just to watch a movie, yet the were already in a full-fledged war when the countries heard the door open, the states too occupied in their battles to notice. However, it seemed rude of hm to say so Matthew hummed, "Hm," noncommittally. "He's not worthy, I tell you! Panic was on his face, and worry darkened his sky blue eyes. America's eyes widened with excitement. As you grew up, your persona changed, you began to get stronger, and wanted out of England. When Alfred left, Arthur was broken. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. "Hm," Matthew quirked an eyebrow. He hoped that bravado didn't sound as false to the others as it did to him. America; Summary. Still, this was supposed to be a one-shot but now it looks like it's going to have parts. "Lots of interesting people. "Did Alfred send you over here?" "No one can take down Yong Soo!" A cry of alarm escaped him but became strangled as he felt a chin resting on the crescent of his neck and shoulder. Matthew was really starting to worry about how haywire his imagination seemed to be going this night. The look in his eyes told her he wanted to believe her, but somehow he didn't. Papa saluted the twins with his glass. hetalia fanfiction america native language. I spent an ungodly amount of money on these but I regret noTHING. Yong Soo was splayed on his back beneath him and for the first time, Matthew got a real good look at him from the chest up. he shouted. Hardly thinking, America leaped off the dirt bike, threw aside the helmet, and ran over sand dunes in a mad scramble. However, Matthew found himself chuckling. Matthew echoed lamely, blinking at the guy before him. Yong Soo spoke very softly, huskily. He turned to give a sharp look at his sons before grumbling a phrase both had been hearing since they were little infants laying side by side in their crib- "Don't be like your father." Lilac eyes narrowed as he glared at the guilty party that was chortling away in glee. The arms around him loosened their hold and fell away. The two continued whatever conversation they were having until the boy pointed in another direction. "Even without touching Mattie's boobs. America's military attire is designed based on a US Air Force airman's uniform. He gave a wink and a suspicious chuckle. Before he could answer however, their parents approached them. In return, Matthew shared memories of his family, of his close bond with his twin, and how annoying yet dependable his parents were. "Like a sort of.. Hmm... Yong Soo Sense! He stopped their impromptu dance and released Matthew's hands. Feeling that perhaps he had overstepped himself, Matthew withdrew his hand. "That's what he was announcing back then," Yong Soo's words snapped the blonde back to attention. What was with all that groping?". Music hummed in the air, strong enough for many couples to dance but expertly soft enough so as not to prevent the chitter-chatter of dozens of conversations. "Mattie!" he shouted. "Uh, I," Matthew stuttered unintelligibly. "He's my dad. His mind was so full of worry as to what could make Yong Soo act this way that he couldn't even process the words Yao had continued to say. Yong Soo told him about his brothers and sisters and each of them was cool in their own way while still depending on Yong Soo to remain the shining paragon of coolness. These are the ones I wrote. Drawing the short end of the stick has always been a problem for Alfred F. Jones, especially in the corrupt society he calls home. Indeed, he had bounced right back to his usual self so that Matthew's question of "Are you alright?" Chortling, he seized his husband's glass and frolicked off back toward the bar. "Like... Like," Matthew tried to explain, his eyes casting about for some sort of inspiration. America (Hetalia: Axis Powers) England (Hetalia: Axis Powers) Germania (Hetalia: Axis Powers) China (Hetalia: Axis Powers) North Italy (Hetalia: Axis Powers) Spain (Hetalia: Axis Powers) Alternate Universe - Human; Blind! ", "Eh?" "Um," Matthew murmured, trying to see around them. ", This left Matthew at a bit of a loss. ", Yong Soo was suddenly stricken. He made Yong Soo turn around and was subsequently laughed at, but it would have been too weird to undress before the other. Nice to meet you! Very chipper and upbeat, very rarely showing his With the United Nations in a frenzy and the Axis power looking too to bottom for him, no one knows where he could have gone. And also could he have possibly heard- "C-cool?" America would put his hand on Germany’s arm and even show him developed photographs from people back on home. "What does that even mean?" "To be your friend?" Kiku always stays by the wall too." "Mattie..." That hyper-active voice was getting softer and the shudders kept going down Matthew's spine. ), PAIRINGS: CanadaxKorea (with bits of FrancexEngland, AmericaxJapan, and RussiaxChina). "Perfect health!" Getting Matthew to laugh seemed to have somehow increased his energy. "But I'm fine, really. The food was delicious and flirted with every tastebud; the drinks were never-ending and added to the growing merriment. Mattie was twitchy all over and his mind was blank except for one thing, "Get off!". ", "Okay..." Matthew said slowly, not completely convinced. PAIRINGS: CanadaxKorea (with bits of FrancexEngland, AmericaxJapan, and RussiaxChina). Let it go. However, the novelty began to wear off, and Matthew found himself thinking instead of the best way to get to the buffet table without getting lost. I just... don't feel like stripping down naked and jumping into a late night swim-", "Prude!" He wasn't sure what it was either. It's also going to introduce Native America and Mexico so I'm no going to even start until I … Matthew also sighed. "What are you doing here by the wall?" Matthew's mouth twisted. Matthew didn't even notice his hunger as he was once more suitably preoccupied. Matthew retorted, a bit louder than normal for him. "Things like what?" Alfred came running up, face flushed with excitement. "Things like this don't happen this quickly." Lilac eyes blinked a few times, once again blown over by the sheer whirlwind of energy this boy seemed to be. He wouldn't. His mind was in a frenzy though to try and think of something clever to say. Into the clearing stepped Yao Wang, who stopped short at the sight before him, as incredulous as his daughter. AU, FACE family. « Elektromos járművek töltési infrastruktúrája – Fizetési módok. For special occasions, she will straighten her hair, but for business, she simply puts it up in a braided bun. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia, its characters, its plot, etc. You can ask requests, and I will make it for you. Menu. This only served to make him more adorable but before Matthew could say so Yong Soo promptly slapped himself. "It feels great! "I want to keep you all to myself a little longer...". It was always a bit odd for Matthew to watch someone with his face interact and laugh with others, like an out-of-body experience. He finished that one breath with a gasp. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia, its characters, its plot, etc. An Amino community dedicated to the anime, Hetalia! "Mission accomplished!" Like Yong Soo there was an easy merriment in his voice- if more subdued- as if he was used to smiling often. America (Hetalia) Drama; Angst; Dark Past; Murder; Regret; Historical Inaccuracy; Past Relationship(s) Summary. He swirled his drink a little harshly before looking to his sons. Well, not really- he's my brother after all. His way of speaking confounded the older male more and at last Matthew turned around to look once more into amber eyes. Greece was fast asleep buried under a furry pile of cats, and Japan was avidly taking notes on who-knows-what. "Yong Soo..." he started, but that was as far as he could get. Thank goodness he has nice boobs. 19. "Yong Soo declared Mattie to be cool. "Except he's being super stupid right now! Characters: America, Mexico, Canada, Native America. ", "I beg your pardon," Matthew stuttered, his lips doing a great impression of a caught fish, "but I am most certainly not a prude! Try smiling and chat up a pretty lady, hm?" And you're just as cool as I thought you would be!" Home / Yleinen / hetalia italy death fanfiction. He tested the water first, trying to judge the temperature. It was nice to know that his parents were enjoying themselves even if Matthew didn't want to know what they were up to. "Come!" He looked to see Yong Soo looking so solemn it was startling. What? As a splash fight ensued and then ebbed away into tag which faded into just swimming as they pleased, it felt like there was no one else in the world. Hate Triangle (hetalia black trian... by PiñaColada 26.3K 987 27 China, America, and Russia constantly argue during world meetings, they just dont agree with each other. He turned to walk away once more, and this time she had nothing to say that could stop him. Either one or two, I'm not sure. They were well aware, having heard it the entire way here, what Dad's problem was. "We- we-" he tried to form words but they weren't coming. Anyway, enough rambling! "It's fine, it's fine," Yong Soo assured, almost dancing on his toes with all the energy his body somehow contained. He looked to his right- and there was that very same stranger. The shorter male's wide grin morphed into a smug smirk. (And he was secretively pleased that Alfred's name didn't come up again at all.). The boy beamed with pride of his own cleverness. So lets just say that I'm totally addicted to Hetalia Axis Power. Clothes are good." This must be remedied!" "I'm sorry. Looking away he mumbled, "I might punch his obnoxious face. "You know, your brother Alfred is pretty cool," he stated rather bluntly, but giving a grin that shone. He sighed in deep exasperation. by | Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized | Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized Oi!" was the retort that was on the tip of his tongue. A middle aged man with a balding head and tired eyes going to the nearest postal office. "That is ridiculous," he said firmly. "I want to keep Mattie.". "Didn't you know? "But that would make you... Yao Wang's..." He trailed off, not sure how to conclude. It was such an Alfred thing to do but at that moment, Matthew's twin couldn't be further from his mind. America is blind and England has magic. Actually that idea would probably go right over Alfred's head. I not know the meaning of the word 'fear'! "Y-Yong Soo," she stuttered, eyes trying to look anywhere else. Another slight twinge of irritation that caught Matthew by surprise. This reaction surprised Yong Soo, but he bounced back quickly. May 8, 2012 - Hetalia-Extreme-Advertising-hetalia-17301414-491-450.jpg (491×450) More information Find this Pin and more on Anime & Game art by Unique Poison . It's too bad. Amber eyes shimmered teasingly as he continued to strip down completely. "What?" Her “ahoge” is a curly hair at the base of her neck. Yao Wang's son. Alfred chirped, with his usual tact. Nov 14, 2015 - hetalia fanfiction america quiet - Google Search. Work Search: chirped Yong Soo. "It's wonderful here!" For a moment, Matthew froze. Alfred, meanwhile, kept returning into view and was unknowingly watched with interest by his twin. Trademark pending.". It seemed too quiet for his taste. Had... had he really heard the word "boobs" somewhere in there? He reminded himself persuasively of the buffet, still laden with all sort of delicious food, only to have his attention snapped back when he noticed Alfred pointing his way. "Bastard!" NOTE: This is based off a random idea I had and so quickly put this together. He wasn't sure what to make of him. "We should get dressed now," the words came out all at once now, his tongue almost tripping over them. The blonde was so confused. And cool people aren't wallflowers.". "Not a lot of people are, you know. Mattie gulped and felt very much like he had catapulted into the lake after all. "Well," he started, trying to feel his way toward the right course of action, "we can't stay out here. He took a deep drink from his glass. Her hands were covering her mouth- trying to catch the gasp she had let slip- and her face was bright red. "Ah, I know, I know. "You're so cute," Matthew murmured softly and as soon as he said it, he knew it to be true. He grinned teasingly at his twin, who blushed slightly in embarrassment. Papa had gone to grab up two champagne glasses with Dad following, protesting about how alcohol affected them both. Most people here aren't. It would be just like his twin to flout convention and dance with his brother just because he felt like it, just because he thought he would be saving Matthew from feeling left out. "That's my boy!" "Out of the way?" Matthew craned his neck to see at what, but an arguing couple- a young looking silver-haired man with red eyes and a pretty brunette lady with a flower in her hair- chose that moment to move in front of him. Yong Soo challenged, a smirk on his face and a teasing glint in his eyes. Nov 14, 2015 - hetalia fanfiction america quiet - Google Search .. "Well, yes. The bestest ever." I was at a UN meeting and suddenly my head hurt. "Let's swim! I mean, I'm not happy to be here but you don't see me sulking. Promptly slapped himself n't have heard that right onto the lush green grounds America Kaichou Wa Maid Sama Sad dear! His utter contempt refuse to acknowledge him as a step-parent for Yong Soo so... Leap away on a US Air Force airman 's Uniform his arms as he was nearly bouncing off his brushed... Made Yong Soo to bring him to Matthew Williams but you do have! 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hetalia fanfiction america black eyes
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