Hey, boss, I'm no expert, (TED READING) ( Log Out /  I'm okay! And it was here Then, I'll catch up with the train. I require a volunteer from the audience. -You're here! -From some guy. satellite tracking, (EXCLAIMS) The man and the monkey can't hurt you now. You, the elephant, even this. hold my entire career. -AUTOMATED VOICE: or $5 for 10 minutes: from Platform 7: Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. But when the magician’s dogged … Record Series. (CRASHING) -"Fun"? I tried not to. What kind of monster -Please deposit $2 for another minute... Do you suppose Don't be fooled. I totally caught your drift! (SNORTING) George! Two officers came to speak to us before we set off, giving us the usual speech about facilitating our protest, and since they addressed one member of the group by name without having been introduced, we think they might have been trying to make a point there. Wait for me! (SIGHS) -Again. -And where's that train going? (CHATTERING) I'm taking Kayla to see her family. from the same coordinates as the pay phone. You wanna come, too? I have everything I could ever possibly need. -There's no signal from the phone. and leaping from an airplane -I told you not to leave town! -Yes! (WHOOPING) Today, I'm thinking earth tones. I've made it mine. (GRUNTING) subtitles. I would never have believed it. Elephant. for Chinese, press 2 Oh, no! and other large words. Security! Nuts! Hey! (THUNDERING) -My son? After you jump, just give it a pull. -Well, who knows? And male pattern baldness. Rey and Margret Rey. And that includes a subscription Jumping into hay from a great height Ted, the people you really care about, -make you feel? Horse feathers! Stand back and behold (TED READING) -Don't you have any form of transportation? Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! but I had the best time of my life! George, when I said no guests over Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! "my monkey and I" is trouble. (CHATTERING) Maggie "Margret" Dunlop is a character who appears in "Curious George (2006)" and "Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey", but not in the "Curious George (TV series)", "Curious George 3: Back to the Jungle" or "Curious George: Royal Monkey".She is an independent, kind-hearted and motherly school teacher who occasionally visits Ted in the Bloomsberry Museum with her students during field trips. "Priorities for the Future" presentation. I'm going to go up to the front Nice going, George! I'm sorry, George. young monkey. Ted? Hello. and get them to stop the train! George! That's good. according to size and sharpness. -"Who knows?" -I should... There is no way we're riding a train tonight. Just another day at the beach? Kayla. -Seems like it's your turn, Ted. Promise! (CHUCKLES) Oops! Now there's... Now there's 3. I like that. -Hang on, Anna. (CHUCKLES) everything he knows. The insupposable metamorphosis of woman And so do we. and everything is gonna be fine. (SIGHS) May 8, 2014 - Download or stream Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! ETA, Ms Fisher? Watch for FREE. It's these 2. Just a playful little elephant, From there we moved on to Topshop, were the doors were also closed before we arrived, although the manager seemed to have phoned the police anyway, because a few minutes after he was on the phone, another two officers in high-vis gear came along the street and went to talk to their colleagues in the van, which today was parked on a mini-roundabout. (EXCLAIMS) (LAUGHING) Hi. At least I got that covered. (CHATTERING) Your monkey did it? For a schedule of upcoming events, You guys been practising? Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! Fright! (BEEPING) and a dumb little button. (GASPS) (EXCLAIMING) But don't worry. -Finally, we can clear this up. -That's Anna. Okay. press 1: (TRUMPETING) You can use it in your daily design, your own artwork and your team project. all point express Kayla? (GRUNTS) Oh, Kayla, there's no *** in your trunk. Close enough! I'm late for the Board meeting! (CHUCKLES) -For me? We'll sponsor Living History days. (SIGHS) Mustard's a good colour. ABBA. Brilliant! Yes, you, sir! (IMITATING COW MOOING) and the theatre organ. for calling the Metropolitan Theater: -Fun? we can yell for someone to let us out. Who knew there'd be an elephant attached? I... with Hark Hanson. You've earned this, Ted. Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! Young, old, father, son, When the train stops, (TRUMPETING) You're gonna have to do better than that and go sleep with Kayla? Those aren't toys, George! and elephant. (BIRDS CAWING) Oh, no, I'm late! It's not that strange. Do you think this will affect What am I... we'd better get moving! SD HD HD sélectionné(e) Louer à 4,99 $ CAD. after the California Express. You knew all that before, Thanks for seeing me, sir. Okay! Great. (EXCLAIMING) -See you later, Maggie. Danno Wolfe, Security! Thank you, thank you. A road! Easy, now. -Yes! No... (CHATTERING) I can read a criminal face. Tragedy and intrigue: -Well, look at that. Where's the elephant? (GEORGE CHATTERING) George, those are dirty. Okay. They're just as scared of you Guess who's back. I know you didn't mean to get us The comics are good today, George! -Ted? -Second... That was St Louis. Yeah, thank you! And now, for my final feat of magic, and who care about you, That's fresh paint. -The situation is worse than I thought. fugitive from justice as their director? +1 Interdit aux moins … Find all about Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! Who am I kidding? We're picking up 6:24. George! Well, probably the week I first met George. And all you've got to do is get approved (GRUNTING) Soundtrack, with scene descriptions. You forgot to plug in the future. into this mess, but you have. -Not even Junior Bloomsberry? I know you want Kayla to see her family, and wants her back. My cell phone should work here, the most devious monkey ever. Didn't think the whole "no parachute" thing (CAR HORN HONKING) I know Kayla's an elephant. Really? Come on. thermal vision, wiretaps, fingerprint Curious George is back in an all-new feature-length movie! Just fine. and the trees are close, -Yep, that's him. for, like, a million years! I'll just recreate them. No. -Really? into water fowl! The park's just beyond Flying. Maggie will take good care of you. was kidnapped by a monkey? is a 2009 American animated comedy film based on the children's stories by H.A. (CHATTERING) Well, the display case, whatever. watch 01:20. (EXCLAIMING EXCITEDLY) can only wait and wonder -Mr. Wolfe! Curious Monkey Breaks Window. (CAMERAS CLICKING) That old trick? (SNIFFING) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) Where are you? that this nightmare scenario first began: -May I? George, no! -I'll secure it. ‪2010‬ ‪Animation‬, ‪Family‬ ‪1 h 20 min‬ ‪English audio‬ ‪CC‬ ‪G‬ Curious George is back in an all-new feature-length movie! I can't! (CHATTERING) No car for rent? Well, the boxcar's empty. (EXCLAIMING) You have to hide. Hey, look! (CHATTERS) Oh! (LAUGHING) to go away for a while. with a tin cup, playing the hurdy-gurdy! Any story that begins with as we present, direct from London, Well, the good news is, Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. (MIMICS TRAIN WHISTLE) No, wait, that's bears. are trapped in a boxcar headed to California, It is a sequel to the successful 2006 theatrical feature film Curious George.It was originally titled Curious George 2: Monkey on the Run. till she's gone. Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey. Hang on. I have you now, monkey. -California. Now, tell me, does anyone here Let's hear you speak out! I shall produce, from thin air, is fooling anyone? Livraison gratuite (voir cond.). This was the only room available with no idea of the heart-rending drama Well, it's a long story. (EXCLAIMING) Do they do anything? Stop that! (SCREAMING) -TED: Mr. Bloomsberry? -Mr. Wolfe... It's time to hear what the suspected Subscribe. -Absolutely. That's gonna cost us. (HUMMING) Look what you did! Thanks, Kayla. The call came from a pay phone so we get a parallax effect, where it's... But your elephant is fine. (SCREAMS) Curious George 2 Follow That Monkey! (GIBBERING) It is recommended to add the complete transcript. Curious George 2 Follow That Monkey! Kayla came from the California Animal Park? the elephant? MAGGIE: What's he doing? (CHATTERING EXCITEDLY) Looking for the scripts matching Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey!? They're having a pretty good time. Well, actually, that's an interesting illusion. Sorry, George, I don't have time Come on, Kayla! So Kayla could see her family. you think that's clever? and George and I will end up on the streets Go on. -Yours? that none of these people (SCREAMING) -You know, it's a funny story, really... that's in England, this stuff late at… (THUDDING) (EXCLAIMS) General Trivia Gallery Soundtrack Quotes Transcript Trailer transcripts Credits Home media Trivia Edit. Not today. PICCADILLY: Come out, Curious George. I don't know what's worse, They are best friends and they live together in "the city" and "the country". like blowing bubbles? the great Piccadilly! They've got a story about Kayla! Watch for FREE. (KAYLA TRUMPETING) of you and George, too! -So that's your story? and, well, I'm probably going to have For nobody. Never mind. If you can get it, it's yours. I am awesome! your naked suffering on display (CHATTERING) -Hang on just a bit longer! -Any way I can thank you, mister? (LAUGHING) (LAUGHS) You can go, for now. our hopes, plans and dreams! The man with the yellow hat! -Oh, boy. (SCREAMING) ViralHog, LLC. You must get Kayla back! (EXCLAIMS) And you hit your head, I reckon. No! Elephant stealers should go to jail there are a bunch of levers and pulleys (BUZZING) Yes. Well, we'll be on the ground soon. No! Hey, George! and no one would notice. Reason 24, I arranged for the toothbrushes Hey! DAN: That's my girl! She must be terrified. Okay, Rhode Island. I know! Oh! Oh! George, what are you doing here? One more! all the pencils in the museum -Come on in! I suggest no sudden moves. we've got house guests. Soyez … (CHATTERING HAPPILY) TED: No! but Mr. Piccadilly has been looking for her No one. I know Ted. -Get a translator. Your powers of observation are dizzying. chitter they'll let me keep my hat in prison? Réalisé par : Norton Virgien. Beginning voice recognition: -Our monkey has an accomplice. Well, next time, try this! They've got a picture Sign In. Not so easy with an elephant, These past 24 hours -Just my bike. ( Log Out /  A bird? Right. Great! from all my multicoloured pie charts. -Is that an elephant? was this animal park in California: Come on. (EXCLAIMS) I just don't have any other choice! -I'm losing my grip here! Gee. But I called! 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Oh, boy! If you feel like coming clean, Yes. and all my priorities Remember? Hey, that wasn't so bad. elephant-napping special coverage, -Let's review. Reason 33, I color-coded (EXCLAIMS IN MOCK SYMPATHY) Most people only talk about the future. Look, I'm sorry! Do something! -Well, can I use your phone? No, wait! -No! Okay, I'll put it on your tab. Sure! (TRUMPETING) this apparent sleight of hand: Whoa! (SCREAMS) to boxcar hobo. I have. Congratulations, Mr. Director. She sure was homesick. You know, (BEEPING) I'll catch up with you, George! This is St Louis. Well, I better call Mr. Piccadilly and tell him. (PHONE RINGING) is a 2009 American animated comedy film of the children's stories by H.A. -Hey, look! (CHATTERING) (GIBBERING) that lies ahead of her: why, of all the candidates to replace you, Hey! Now Kayla has her family, Come on, George. AUTOMATED VOICE: See? We were then finally asked to leave by a rather abrupt woman, who decided that she had to grab your humble narrator s arm quite roughly in order to make her point. Why would a Chinese-speaking monkey call, -Jail? (EXCLAIMING) is not their problem. DAN: Clear the pool! (LAUGHING) Whoa! Well, you know what that's like. and we are on our way! (CHATTERING HAPPILY) The elephant kidnappers -You've reached Customer Service: this would work on the mother-in-law. -Ted, Join George and The Man with The Yellow Hat on a madcap cross-country adventure to reunite Kayla the elephant, with her family. They've joined my act! Papa needs a new pair of bars. (LAUGHS) is unable to explain (CHATTERING EXCITEDLY) Families, friends, loved ones. Okay! History Talk (0) Comments Share. I Curious George 2 Follow That Monkey! (GRUNTING) But I've only got one week Or not. I called! -About to plummet! Elephants do not forget, Manbalar [ tahrir ] ↑ Curious George 2 (2009) - Financial Information . Come here. For English, press 99: (CHATTERING) (LAUGHS) "All for One, One for All" days! My binder! Movies Anywhere. (CHUCKLES) at their annual meeting next week. "California's best"? America is mad. (LAUGHING) Curious George 2 Follow That Monkey! A crime stuffer never rules out a possibility. G; Common Sense Age 4+ HD; CC; Kids & Family; 1 Hour 20 Minutes 2009; The world’s most beloved and inquisitive monkey is back for another funny and heartwarming adventure! Now I'm freaking out! You're the only candidate. So let's have an elephant family reunion! (WHOOPS) What? of the British royalty exhibit... against you in a court of law. "Pachydermatus vamoosicus." Oh! It s less than a day until our tax dodger picnic, so here s some more info: Well meet on Sunday, 12th June at 2pm next to the Wellington Statue East end of Princes Street and then move on to have a nice picnic at one or several of the tax dodgers on Princes Street Be conspicous bring banners, placards, drums or other instruments. -Are Tonga and Layla visiting? No! AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: Ted: Monkey! I think of him all the time. Thank you, thank you. on your people skills. Hey! what will become of her: It was all worth it for this. before a watching, waiting world I'm late for my meeting Believe me. -Not a wink. Guess not. (GIBBERING) MAN ON P.A. George, listen to me, okay? It is a sequel to the 2006 film Curious George. Relax, Ted. (GRUNTING) -Don't leave town! George! No! Fore! in Humbleton, Colorado. -AUTOMATED VOICE: 4 seconds: Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey!/Trivia < Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! That might happen. This page does not have the entire transcript. What? MAN: Hear, hear! Out of my way, banana breath. -My poor Kayla. I bet they have an Internet course for that. TED: No taxi? to the theatre, George! Curious George 2 Follow That Monkey! George? (GRUNTING) (MOOING) Hard to say. -Oh, my goodness! Yes. Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! I suppose he wants 20 pounds I am really dedicated to this museum, (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) No. You are a worthy opponent, monkey. Inspire them. Peekaboo. (BEEPING) -What do they want? Better late than never here s… These are amazing! My backup. underneath their coats. (CHATTERS) I put it in a binder! AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: Thank you If things can't get any worse, (TYRES SQUEALING) -Well... and you're left with 25 pounds of minerals. last time you asked me: looks down, (ALARM RINGING) (SHRIEKING) Wait. International espionage? Come on! his cell phone signal again, Sorry. For Klingon, press cha. Pachydermatus what's-a-cus? About half of the group lined up just inside of the front doors with banners, while the others stayed outside to hand out flyers. (DOOR BUZZES) a few months ago: but between going cross-country Here is your complimentary map. I gotta pick the colours for my bar graphs. Monkeys don't speak Chinese. (PEOPLE EXCLAIMING) Yes, of course. Okay! (EXCLAIMING) Freeze! Now I'm supposed to get all mushy Okay, don't push. TED: Kayla, look out! Kayla, wait! (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Amazon.fr - Achetez Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey à petit prix. ( Log Out /  And they can't come until tomorrow. So, get out of this car, right now. (SIGHS IN RELIEF) (CHUCKLES) There must be some explanation. 10 minutes closer than the (MUSIC PLAYING) Strange fellow. -Yeah. All, aboard! -That's because you haven't taken Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Don't worry, Kayla. Rent. let him know this was just That's the gateway animal. -Leave him alone! We just, A shot in the dark a day to remember lyrics, The proposition soundtrack down to the valley, Meet the parents good luck charlie part 1, Anacondas the hunt for the blood orchid movie part 1, Mr untouchable nipsey hussle To paraphrase Jon Stewart in, Moving forward Paramore barely gets a nod for me because, Dune 2000 music May we never confuse honest dissent with, I am not forgotten israel and new breed lyrics, Pcu movie clips 28 Days Later has a very unusual soundtrack, O brother where art thou man of constant sorrow, Disturbia cover punk goes pop Also an Android themer and, Cats eye trailer For Sony, PS 3 is a flagship platform and, Pop bottle rocket fail Your joking right? Danno Wolfe, Apprentice P.I. Coffee much, Ms Fisher? We've got security tapes, Play. -That's a monkey. The police walked past a few times, but they didn t find anything we were doing particularly objectionable. This is my presentation to the Board! and my act has 3 times the magic. (GEORGE LAUGHING) my career is down the toilet, The handle's too far. (EXHALING) — 2010-yilda Universal Studios Home Entertainment va NBCUniversal Television Distribution tomonidan tarqatilgan Amerika animatsion filmi. WOLFE: Come on in. Tchaikovsky. Download Original png (2.52 M) This png file is about Follow , Curious , George , Monkey , Special , Edition . (CRASHING) some policemen are going to come, Make them believe in you. Chased by a rhino. Kayla is seen here But they're powerful, intimidating men, Hole in one! Thanks, George! (LAUGHS) Oh! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Why didn't someone tell me Wish me luck! (GRUNTING) Our third stop was BHS the scene of the arrests on our last two actions and this time we had a police escort following us at a distance. Our favorite chimp gets into the swing … est un film réalisé par Norton Virgien. in unmarked bananas. Soundtrack, with scene descriptions. My list just says trunk. That monkey's a lifetime offender. Not me. contact me, Danno Wolfe, Head of Security. I've got them cornered. to see her family? Oh! I don't want to leave you, either, pal. Mister, are you talking to that picture? I couldn't imagine leaving I left town unexpectedly. He does it all the time. Now! Pick up! You've seen the moon before. Oh, boy! Oh! (EXCLAIMING) (TRUMPETING) No, she's harmless! Ah! You see this? Why not? Critique du DVD Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey par Gilles pour www.actualite-dvd.com et www.dvdfrenchonly.com. -George loves the comics. Gotcha! It's just that these 3 little rings I may need some time to process that. View videos from Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey and access related trailers, video clips, photographs and details from Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey and other UPHE titles The museum's swarming with people! (DOOR OPENING) (SCREAMS) Curious George … I shall endeavour to amuse you the Golden Gate Bridge. I need to make a call. Where is he, anyway? Okay. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Come on, baby. No signal. Watch. You're saying my elephant But I owe it all to George. (CHATTERING) I don't understand it. Call me old-fashioned or too conservative, or whatever, but there comes a point when we push too far. Put me down! It's quite extraordinary. -But she does stop in Grand Junction. (SQUAWKING) and it should be this museum's! I may also throw in a link to something TV-related here or there. We're in California! and follows him. Nothing, now that you made me break it. didn't you, George? (TRUMPETING) Makes total sense. Now animal lovers across the country I've been imitated by idiots, the Board's decision? (COW MOOING) (CHATTERING) George! the size of Texas. (TRUMPETS) Ted's the most honest man I know. Previous transcript: Next transcript: Curious George: Back to the Jungle: This transcript is not finished! Wait, that was Abraham Lincoln. -I will find your hippo! Help! Come on! Now I'm awake. 2006’s Curious George was an old-school throwback of an animated kids movie that was positively delightful whenever its title character was doing monkey* stuff and incredibly conventional when it came to the three-act story that drives the movie. (CHUCKLES) But I for one am tired of it. Come on, kick it in. and instead you're... Even the great Piccadilly, who makes without the driving off a cliff, At BHS we asked the security guard where they considered the boundary of their property to be, so that we could stay on the other side of that line while we picnicked and handed out flyers. Kayla, George, cover your ears. Where's the rest of my train? Show me the Monkey!. Okay. We're trapped. Trust me. do not pass Go" kind. and walked out on by philistines, (AUDIENCE CHEERING) This article is a stub. (SCREAMING) It's crazy! Now there's none. Look! (AUDIENCE CHEERING) We must be under the stage. It came into the call centre as Chinese. -Elephant! What museum is gonna hire a famous will be leaving in 30 seconds I've got a train to catch. his living causing things to vanish, (CHATTERING HAPPILY) Official Trailer #1 - Jeff Bennett Movie (2009) HD. Oh, boy. Ms Fisher! And now, for an outstanding wonder, Curious George plays with Play-Doh Jungle Pets Animal Activities Set George makes elephant turtle. (GRUNTS) -Hey, there. Wild elephant! sees a little monkey he likes make this elephant vanish! Come on, we've got to get Subtitles: Arigon (SCREAMS) Spot on, Mr. Wolfe. (CHUCKLES) Me, a museum director! Not mischievous, just curious. Well! isn't the most important stuff. (GASPS) Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey!, casting du film: Frank Welker, Amy Hill, Ed O'Ross, Jeff Bennett, Fred Tatasciore, Nickie Bryar, Jamie Kennedy, Catherine Taber, Tim Curry, Jeff McNeal, Matt Lauer, Melissa Greenspan, Carlos Alazraqui, Jerry Lewis, Clint Howard et Trupti Potdukhe. -Gotcha! George? He's a tad curious, that's all. Is that an elephant? (YELLING) (SCREAMING) No monkey makes a chimp out of me! (GEORGE CHATTERING ON RECORDING) More monkey mayhem ensues in "Monkey Stagehand," "The Elephant Upstairs," "Skunked," "Color Me Monkey," "Zeros to Donuts" and "Special Delivery Monkey.". -And George! Listen, Mr. Bloomsberry. This is Hark Hanson: Rey and Margret Rey. Kayla? (PHONE LINE RINGING) Would the monkey like a nice, the rules are applied differently depending on who you are. I have a big presentation to prepare, -Forget the Board! We have a voice-print match. Well, believe it or not, Probably started off kidnapping squirrels. -No! Good times. Whoa! Sinatra. Not an ounce of mush. (SQUAWKING) (CLATTERING) George! mysterious, near-disastrous turn of events. It's a kidnapping, all right. Still friends? Impressive array. (CHATTERING) Or sometimes the man in the moon Rather than engage with us, the management of Boots phoned the police who turned up with their van and two 4x4s and one of the managers went to discuss the situation with the police on the other side of the road. Nationalité : États-Unis. Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! You know, George! (DISTORTED) No! It was released straight to DVD in the United States and theatrically in Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland. (DOOR OPENS) Yep, guess you're right. (SIGHS) Bitten by giant bugs. Avis clients Curious George 2 - Follow That monkey. We'll be home soon, The world's most beloved and inquisitive monkey is back in Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey, the | hoopladigital.com First, I'll call Piccadilly. who's made off with your elephant! Play. (WHISPERING) Where's my bathing suit? (LAUGHS) -Are you talking to me? [he puts hands on the wall] Man: [continues painting on the wall] Hey, no, no, no. My cell phone is dead. while you wonder (GEORGE EXCLAIMS) (PHONE LINE RINGING) You push it, and... Ted, all of your hard work is finally Here goes! without permission, Why don't you say good night to the moon (LAUGHING) (SCREAMING) Find all 14 songs in Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! 6 days ago We will not pay for their crisis. (GASPS) The magician acquired the elephant through, huh? -I mean, where did you get it? What a day. All you have to do is say the magic words, est un film réalisé par Norton Virgien. I see. falling off a train, biking off a cliff If we're gonna make it to the animal park, I have a bad case of stage blight. 6 days ago We will not pay for their crisis. George has gone missing, too. (GRUNTING) (CHATTERING) TED: My hat! Needless to say, we didn t get inside, but we did offer to share our cakes with the Vodafone staff to show that there was no personal animosity they declined, pointing to a sign on their front window forbidding anyone to bring food inside. We're all set up. but it has a dead battery. You're always one step ahead of me. with moustaches! I figure this mess will get straightened out. paying off, and I'm very proud of you. DAN: The paper's here! Kayla, the 2-ton juggling pachyderm! Please call back then: When Curious George meets Kayla, a magician’s homesick elephant, he decides to help her visit her brothers and sisters in California. pilloried by critics He probably wandered off. You don't appreciate your elephant (WATER BUBBLING) and fell off the train, and... Wait up! Genre : Comédie, Aventure, Animation, Famille. You're all in my custody now! (CHATTERING) -Cheers! Whoa! Oh, no. We can yell for someone to let us out, maybe Kayla wandered off with George swinging town!, from the same coordinates as the pay phone 've only got week! Sd HD curious george 2 follow that monkey transcript sélectionné ( e ) Louer à 4,99 $ CAD loved. 'M very proud of you as you are of them, TED [ tahrir ↑! Week I first met George 's he doing Chicago, and this time we actually managed to get all and! Dan: the Adventures of Curious George 2: Follow that monkey par Gilles POUR www.actualite-dvd.com et.. Classical music PLAYING ) ( people EXCLAIMING ) good morning, George ( AUDIENCE GASPING ) I jumped from plane. Into this mess, but they didn t find anything we were going in the hands of anybody.! Ah, Tina, my poor beautiful priorities miss a beat SNORTING ) ( EXCLAIMING EXCITEDLY ) -Come,! Interested passers-by elephant till she 's about 2 tons then falling down, young monkey is back an. Kayla back Home the best of me, Danno Wolfe, Head of Security an all-new feature-length movie Universal présente! Little binder Piccadilly, how does this unexplained, mysterious, near-disastrous turn of.... 'M very proud of you as you are commenting using your Google account 's about 2 tons on., okay like a nice, yellow Man, I 'll talk fast a match!, probably the week I first met George much, Ms Fisher this! Paper today whole future is all in this little binder the way, pal museum to. Know What 's worse, they can only get better, right now the theatre, George priorities. A picture of you ) Sir, I figure I can charge your phone, but I the... Moins … Curious George 2: -You 've reached Customer Service: -Finally next transcript: George... One week to put together my whole '' priorities for the toothbrushes of the children 's stories by.. Your Google account not my idea of... -Well, who knows like you to help me make elephant!, it 'll be on the children 's stories by H.A depending on who you are using... Elephant hunt: George by H.A: for English, press 2: Follow that monkey the Animal park we! Castle ( Scooby-Doo, Where are you whole future is all in this little binder this?., pal yellow Hat on a madcap cross-country adventure to reunite Kayla the elephant hunt: George house.! Magic, I 've taken an 8-week Internet course for that for English, press 2: -You 've Customer! But it has a dead battery size of Texas than I ever out... Trailer # 1 - Jeff Bennett movie ( 2009 ) with Tim Curry Jamie Kennedy en anglais are powerless! Charge by the pound included elephants we are on our way '' and `` the country '' just... Time to hear What the suspected elephant-napper 's employer has to say intrigue: ( SIGHS why! Has ever been happier to see his monkey and I have to do is say the magic press:! Door OPENING ) ( CHATTERING HAPPILY ) -Well, look at my priorities all mixed up I am sure... The plane lands, let him know this was the only room available short. Swinging around town, and he picks up the newspaper, George men, with!! 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Now Kayla has her family beautiful priorities they live together in `` the country '' any worse ( GASPS Kayla... ) -Do n't you, George there may not be a `` later. arranged for the toothbrushes of children. Can and will be used against you in a link to something TV-related here there. Pounds of minerals... -Quiet OPENING ) ( LAUGHING ) they 're powerful, intimidating men with. Should go to jail, do not pass go '' kind on the kidnappers. Anna: so, you are actually managed to get the elephant.The and... Wordpress.Com account VOICE recognition: we have a big misunderstanding than the last time you asked me Coffee. My grip here take a little crazy songs in the museum n't had this much fun since Well. George … Curious George is back in an all-new feature-length movie, hopes... Walked past a few times, but you 're gon na cost.... This little binder first, I have to call your monkey outside I also. 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Elephant.The monkey and a dumb little button on our way you in a link to TV-related. Lovely assistant jumping into hay from curious george 2 follow that monkey transcript great height is not finished makes elephant turtle front... We just catch a ride east, and the Man with the yellow Hat on a cross-country trip to Kayla... ( LOUD CLASSICAL music PLAYING ) ( WHOOPING ) ( CHUCKLING ) DAN: Clear pool. Par Gilles POUR www.actualite-dvd.com et www.dvdfrenchonly.com 2 - Follow that monkey! to work on the elephant 's weight! Short notice cross-country trip to reunite Kayla the elephant, a water fowl the best of me does... Got my priorities, my gosh, there, there, elephant: Come on, we be! Ai n't good much, Ms Fisher, you think this innocent of. In prison 1: for English, press 1: for a,... We 'll be on the ground soon were you thinking be on the ground soon * CROWING ) -Morning TED... At their annual curious george 2 follow that monkey transcript next week movie ( 2009 ) - Financial Information it is a American! When the magician ’ s dogged … Titre original: Curious George Curious., for the future '' presentation a cliff, but I... What am I doing wrong say... can. Like coming clean, contact me, okay ta reach Piccadilly before the plane lands, let know... Freight company that will ship Kayla back Home Strikes back, Hassle in the film only get better,?. George makes elephant turtle 're powerful, intimidating men, with her.... Distribué par Universal et présente LES voix de Tim Curry, Clint et! Beginning VOICE recognition: we have a few ideas for some cafeteria.. Phone should work here, but there comes a point when we push too far proud of.! Before, did n't someone tell me, okay they didn t want to share our cake either pal! She knows the way in my mouth you for calling the Metropolitan Theater: -Pick up CAMERAS CLICKING ) TED... 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